Labor organization of enterprise personnel. Effective organization of personnel labor at the enterprise

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of personnel labor organization……..….5
1.1. Concept, elements and directions of personnel labor organization…..…5
1.2. Modern approaches to assessing the effectiveness of labor organization...12
Chapter 2. The essence and specifics of the organization of labor of civil servants…………………………………………………………………………………16
2.1. Contents and principles of labor organization for civil servants…………………………………………………………………………………16
2.2. Distinctive features of the organization of work of civil servants…………………………………………………………………………………21


The relevance of the topic is justified by the fact that in the modern world for most enterprises the most important task is efficient use human resources potential. The management team is faced with questions about the formation of production units, providing them with highly qualified personnel who clearly see their goals in achieving production efficiency and the competitiveness of products and services in the market. Plays a major role in this proper organization labor and management at the enterprise. A careful approach to the organization of labor and management makes it possible to obtain a high-quality workforce, which, in turn, guarantees the efficiency of the enterprise. In turn, with regard to the organization of work of civil servants, the problem under study also acquires additional relevance. This fact due to the need to find an optimal system for organizing personnel labor, taking into account the specifics of state and municipal government. For these reasons, the relevance of comprehensive research content of labor organization, taking into account the specifics of labor organization of civil servants.
The degree of development of the problem. In domestic and foreign literature, important theoretical and practical questions labor economics, the terminological and conceptual apparatus of the theory of organization and labor management is clarified, and appropriate methodological approaches are developed. However, the immediate problem of developing labor organization, taking into account the specifics of the public service, as a theoretical direction has not been specified. Certain aspects of the problem under study were disclosed in monographs and publications of the following authors: A.V. Nikolsky, M.A. Dzhabrailova, L. Vlasova, M.N. Burtseva, V.P. Bardovsky, N.V. Zakharkina, A.O. Makarova, A.Sh. Galimova, A.V. Guseva, S.M. Zhukova, E.A. Smurygina, I.I. Kakadiy, E.N. Smolentseva and others.
The relevance and level of development of the problem of organizing personnel labor determined the choice of topic and the setting of the goals and objectives of the study.
The purpose of the work is to study theoretical foundations and the specifics of labor organization in the public service.
The implementation of this goal required solving the following tasks:
— explore the concept, elements and directions of personnel labor organization;
— identify modern approaches to assessing the effectiveness of labor organization;
— characterize the content and principles of labor organization for civil servants;
— study the distinctive features of the organization of work of civil servants.
The object of the study is the organization of personnel work.
The subject of the study is the organization of personnel labor in the system of state and municipal government.
The methodological basis of the work was the methods of comparative, systemic analysis, and general scientific research methods.
Course work on the topic: “Organization of personnel labor” consists of an introduction, two chapters, four paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications.


1. Anisimov, V.M. Personnel service and personnel management: practical work. personnel manual / V.M. Anisimov - M.: Economics, 2014. - P. 405.
2. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel management / T.Yu. Bazarov - M.: Academy, 2012. - 224 p.
3. Burtseva, M.N. Rational organization of labor and management as a factor in increasing the efficiency of an enterprise / M.N. Burtseva, V.P. Bardovsky, N.V. Zakharkina // Basic Research. - 2016. - No. 8-2. — P. 310-314.
4. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management / M.I. Bukhalkov - M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 458 p.
5. Vesnin, V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work / V.R. Vesnin - M.: Yurist, 2014. - 496 p.
6. Vlasova, L. Labor organization / L. Vlasova // Internet magazine “Managing the Enterprise” - No. 10 - 2013.
7. Genkin, B.M. Economics and sociology of labor / B.M. Genkin - M.: Norma, 2014. - 448 p.
8. Gusev, A.V. State civil service in the system of public labor organization / A.V. Gusev // Russian legal journal. - 2012. - No. 5. - P. 183-190.
9. Dzhabrailov, M.A. Modern approaches to the organization of labor of personnel of telecommunication companies / M.A. Dzhabrailov // Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin" - No. 10 - 2015. - P. 38-43.
10. Dobrolyubova, E.I. Strategic management human resources in the public service as a tool for optimizing their numbers / E.I. Dobrolyubova // Issues of state and municipal management. – 2015. – No. 1. P. 124-140.
11. Zhukova, S.M. State civil service in the Russian Federation: monograph / S.M. Zhukova. - Orenburg: LLC IPK "University", 2014. - 116 p.
12. Zhulina, E. Economics and sociology of labor / E. Zhulina, N. Ivanova – M.: Infra-M, 2014. – 214 p.
13. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2013. - 136 p.
14. Makarova, A.O. Current problems of management and labor organization in Russia / A.O. Makarova, A.Sh. Galimova // Young scientist. - 2013. - No. 1. — pp. 159-161.
15. Marenkov, N.L. Labor resources management / N.L. Marenkov – Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2016. – 368 p.
16. Maslov, V.I. Strategic personnel management in the 21st century / V.I. Maslov - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 216 p.
17. Maslova, V.M. Personnel management: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor / V.M. Maslova - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015. - 492 p.
18. Morgunov, E.M. Models and methods of personnel management / E.M. Morgunov - M.: CJSC Business Cola "Intel-Sintez", 2013. - 452 p.
19. Nikolsky, A.V. Labor organization is the foundation of labor standardization / A.V. Nikolsky // Internet journal “Science Studies” - Volume 7 - No. 4 - 2015.
20. Odegov, Yu.G. Assessing the effectiveness of work with personnel: a methodological approach / Yu.G. Odegov, K.Kh. Abdurakhmanov, L.R. Kotova - M.: Alfa-Press Publishing House, 2015. - P. 60.
21. Svergun, O. HR practice. Personnel management: how it really is / O. Svergun - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. - 234 p.
22. Smolentseva, E.N. Peculiarities of labor of civil servants / E.N. Smolentseva // Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. — 2014. — No. 2 (331). - Vol. 9. - pp. 100-102.
23. Smurygina, E.A. Basic principles of labor organization in the system of state and municipal management / E.A. Smurygina, I.I. Kakadiy // Scientific journal “Discourse”. — 2017. — No. 2 (4). — P. 127-132.
24. Organizational personnel management / Ed. A.Ya. Kibanova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2015. - 465 p.
25. Shkatulla, V.I. Handbook for HR Manager / V.I. Shkatulla - M.: NORMA, 2015. - 312 p.

Total volume: 32

Year: 2018


"Siberian Federal University"

Group SM-06

course work

organization of personnel work

Head of work

Developed by a student

Achinsk, 2007





"Siberian Federal University"

Institute of Siberian Federal University

Department of Organizational Management

Specialty Social manager

Group SM-06


on course work

Topic: Personnel labor organization

Initial data: Literary sources, electronic resources, enterprise data

Head of work Zaplatina S.I.

Developed by student Znudenko D.Yu


1.3 Personnel management methods


List of sources used

Personnel management and the organization of its work is recognized as one of the most important areas of enterprise life, capable of greatly increasing its efficiency, and the very concept of “personnel management” is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic-statistical to philosophical-psychological.

The personnel management system ensures continuous improvement of the process of working with personnel, in which an important role is played by the provision of personnel to the organization, i.e. recruitment and selection of personnel.

Relevance The problem is becoming more acute due to the development of the market system in Russia, in which the labor market is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the company's personnel selection and recruitment policy is a priority for the company, since it plays an important role in achieving the mission and goals of the organization.

The purpose of this course work is to consider the personnel management system, methods of personnel management and its planning.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. determine the main aspects of the personnel management system in the organization;

2. determine methods of personnel management;

3. identify factors influencing the work of personnel in the organization;

4. analyze personnel planning at a specific enterprise.

The object of management in this course work is OJSC “Avtosalon Novy”. The subject of the study is the activities of this enterprise.

1. Main aspects of the personnel management system in the organization

1.1 Personnel management system: essence, approaches, principles

An enterprise (organization, firm), being an integral production and economic system, nevertheless, can be represented as a set of its constituent elements (subsystems), naturally interconnected (interacting) with each other. The number of such subsystems may vary.

Thus, some authors distinguish technical, administrative (managerial) and human, or personal-cultural, as subsystems. Others distinguish two parts in production (enterprise) management: activity management and people management. Activity management consists of planning activities, setting production tasks, creating a system for measuring work performed, and monitoring the completion of tasks. People management includes ensuring cooperation between all members of the workforce, personnel policies, training, information, motivation of employees and other important components of the manager’s work.

You can find in the literature other options for structuring the production and economic system. However, attention is drawn to the fact that the personnel component is almost always highlighted as component control systems, which is not accidental. The most important area of ​​activity of any enterprise (organization, firm) has been and remains the provision of labor resources: attracting labor, its necessary training, creating conditions for rational use.

The production system, its material and personal components are influenced by many factors. Techniques and technology are changing, which determine the requirements for the workforce, its direction special training, skill level, etc. The composition of the workforce changes under the influence of both objective and subjective factors (for example, the composition of workers changes under the influence of staff turnover, a natural and continuous process of qualification growth, motivational premises in relation to work change, etc.). There is a need for constant management influence on the structure of jobs, on the number and composition of workers.

A specific type of management activity, the object of which is a group of workers - personnel, is called personnel management (personnel).

Other concepts are widely used in scientific literature and practice: human resource management, labor management, personnel management, human resource management, human factor management, personnel policy, personnel work, etc., one way or another related to labor activity of a person, managing his behavior at work.

Translated literature with its different terminology characteristic of different schools of management also introduces great discrepancy. The most common terms are: personnel administration - personnel management (recruitment, control, placement, training, use of human resources of the enterprise), relations between administrative personnel and subordinates; "human relations" in industry; personnel management - personnel management (including selection, training, working conditions, payment, safety issues); labor relations; relationships between administration and individual employees; personnel relations - personnel management, etc.

As often happens, when trying to define and reveal the content of a particular concept, authors focus on the most important, in their opinion, aspect, tasks, forms of manifestation, etc. Thus, when speaking about labor resource management, we mean the part of the population belonging to this category, which is subject to systematic influence and regulation by society at the stage of formation, distribution and use in a territorial context. The term “labor management” most often refers to certain territory or enterprise and covers issues of efficient use of the workforce involved, i.e. measures to increase the efficiency of living labor associated with technical progress, with saving policies (active use of existing reserves for growth of labor productivity, impact on certain factors of rational use of working time, formation and use of labor potential, etc.). The concept of “labor management” is an integral part of the broader concept of “labor economics”.

For us, the concept of “personnel (personnel) management” is of interest, and we use the terms “personnel” and “personnel” as synonyms, although in a number of countries (for example, in France), personnel traditionally includes the engineering, technical or management staff of the enterprise: managers senior and middle management, specialists with higher professional training.

The concept of “personnel (personnel) management” is close in meaning to the concept of “human resource management”. In both cases, the object of managerial influence is the same; the difference is in the specific approach to the employee, to his labor force as a resource.

It is no coincidence that the concept of personnel management several years ago began to logically develop into the concept of human resource management as an integral part of production resources (along with financial, material, and technological ones). This means that, in accordance with the development strategy, an enterprise as a production and economic system can either increase human resources (extensive path) or (if necessary) reduce it, focusing on a more rational use of the remaining part (intensive path).

Focus on human resource management changes management tasks, functions and structure of relevant services in the enterprise. Thus, one of the most important functions of personnel management in connection with the increased role of the human factor in modern production is the development of personnel, and not just bringing its number in line with the availability of jobs.

The task of personnel development and the need to assess the feasibility of an enterprise's investment in its own workforce require, naturally, a different approach to making management decisions. This has become an argument for some scientists when highlighting human resource management as a special area of ​​management, when the focus is on the strategic aspects of solving the problem of the enterprise’s employment, on the social development of personnel, while “personnel management” is considered by them as current operational work with personnel.

In this regard, the concept of “personnel (personnel) management” is approached by the concept of “human factor management”, which means a targeted impact on a person as a bearer of the ability to work in order to obtain greater results from his activities, greater humanization of technical progress measures carried out at the enterprise, as a condition better use of technology, orientation of the organization of production and labor towards human capabilities and interests.

Practice shows that in personnel management as an integral part of management at an enterprise, there are two extreme approaches - technocratic and humanistic.

With a technocratic approach management decisions are subordinated, first of all, to the interests of production (maximizing production output, fulfilling the plan, etc.): the number and composition of workers are determined based on the technology used, the technological and operational division of labor, the given rhythm of production, intra-production labor cooperation, etc. Thus, personnel management is, as it were, absorbed by the process of production management and is reduced to the selection of personnel with the appropriate professional and qualification characteristics and their placement based on the tasks of organizing production and labor.

A humanistic approach to personnel management implies the creation of such working conditions and such content that would reduce the degree of alienation of the employee from his work activity and from other employees. Therefore, according to this concept, the functioning of production, and most importantly its effectiveness (efficiency), largely depends not only on the compliance of the number and professional qualifications of the workforce with the requirements of equipment and technology, but also on the level of motivation of workers, the degree of consideration of their interests and etc., which requires more attention to taking into account the interests of the employee as an individual: increasing the content of work, improving working conditions, realizing a person’s personal aspirations, his ideas about the place of work among life goals, etc.

With this approach, “personnel management” is interpreted more broadly. Management decisions go beyond purely economic provisions and are based on the provisions of sociology, physiology and labor psychology.

The development of the concept of personnel management followed the path of overcoming the technocratic approach to man as a machine, connecting his motivational resources, socio-psychological factors for the growth of labor productivity and production efficiency, and greater consideration of the interests of the employee as an individual.

Human resource management has adopted the fundamental principles of scientific management theory, such as using scientific analysis to determine how to perform tasks, selecting workers best suited for the job, providing appropriate training to workers, systematically and correct use material incentives, etc. A particularly large contribution was made by the school of “human relations”, the formation of which is associated with the theory of motivation by E. Mayo. The principles of people management she developed proclaimed taking into account the desires and expectations of people and interpersonal relationships. Later schools of scientific management also emphasized the combination of the rationality of the organization with employee satisfaction with their activities. These requirements are embodied in the behavioral concept of management, focused on the use of various methods of motivation: management by goals, labor enrichment, employee participation in management.

The increasing orientation of management towards the social side, towards the interests of the employee, changed the tasks and priorities in personnel management of the enterprise, requiring the coordination of decisions made not only with the interests of production, but also with the interests of its social component - the enterprise staff.

The widespread practice of working with personnel, focused on the consumption of labor in conditions of stable employment, as well as rigid organizational structures, is being replaced by new management models that provide for:

Creating conditions for expanding knowledge, improving skills, and continuous self-improvement;

The use of “packages” of motivational programs to expand the powers of employees in making business decisions;

Formation of new moral values ​​shared by all company personnel;

Flexible and adaptive use" human resources", increasing the creative and organizational activity of staff, forming a humanized organizational culture.

Thus, the new ideology of personnel management is largely based on employee motivation. The employee’s attitude towards work is formed under the influence of aspirations, life goals, the possibility of self-expression and self-realization, and the content of work. Hence, the main factors of motivation to work are:

Recognition in work;

Achievements in work;

Responsibility and independence;

Opportunity for professional advancement;

Opportunity for employee personality development.

Job security, working conditions, level of pay, the nature of interpersonal relationships in a team of workers, etc. are of great importance. Therefore, fundamentally new approaches to personnel management are largely related to the concept of quality of working life.

This concept logically follows from labor theories: human relations, human capital, humanization of labor, industrial democracy, etc. The concept has become widespread in the practice of leading capitalist states since the 70s. Let us note its fundamental principles: proper fair remuneration for work; safe and healthy working conditions; a direct opportunity for an employee to use and develop their abilities, satisfy the needs for self-realization and self-expression; opportunity for professional growth and confidence in the future; good relationships in the workforce at the enterprise, legal protection of the employee at the enterprise; a decent place of work in a person’s life; social utility of the work. Considering his work from the perspective of the listed components of the quality of working life, the employee evaluates the opportunities available to him to reveal his potential as the entire totality of his knowledge, experience, intellectual, creative and organizational abilities. With a positive result of such an assessment, a motivational attitude towards highly productive work and stable work at the enterprise is formed.

Thus, new approaches to personnel management are focused not only on solving current issues and operational changes in the placement of personnel, but also on the formation of employee motivation based on long-term production and economic relations, on planning to improve the quality of working life of the employee and the team as a whole. one of the main tasks of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise and as an opportunity for its development.

Goals personnel management systems of an enterprise (organization) are:

Increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

Increasing production and labor efficiency, in particular achieving maximum profits;

Ensuring high social efficiency of the team’s functioning.

Successful achievement of set goals requires solving such problems as:

Ensuring the enterprise's need for labor in the required volumes and required qualifications;

Achieving a reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure of production potential and the structure of labor potential;

Full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

Providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing employee habits of interaction and cooperation;

Consolidating an employee at the enterprise, forming a stable team as a condition for recoupment of funds spent on labor (attraction, personnel development);

Ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees regarding the content of work, working conditions, type of employment, opportunities for professional qualifications and job advancement, etc.;

Coordination of production and social objectives (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of workers, economic and social efficiency);

Increasing the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation of set goals, largely depend on the choice of options for constructing the enterprise personnel management system itself, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, and the choice of the most optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

Distinguish two groups of principles building a personnel management system in an organization: principles characterizing the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system, and principles determining the directions for the development of a personnel management system.

All principles of building a personnel management system are implemented in interaction. Their combination depends on the specific operating conditions of the organization’s personnel management system.

Science and practice have developed tools (principles) for studying the state of the current personnel management system of an organization, construction, justification and implementation new system(Table 1).

Table 1 – Principles for constructing a personnel management system in an organization

Name of the principle Contents of the principle
1 2
Principles characterizing the requirements for the formation of a personnel management system

Conditionality of personnel management functions by production chains

Personnel management functions are formed and changed not arbitrarily, but in accordance with the needs and goals of production.

Primary functions of personnel management

The composition of the subsystems of the personnel management system, the organizational structure, requirements for employees and their number depend on the content, quantity and labor intensity of personnel management functions.

Optimal relationships between intra- and infra-functions of personnel management

Determines the proportions between the functions aimed at organizing the personnel management system (intrafunctions) and the functions of personnel management (infrafunctions).

Optimal balance of management orientations

It dictates the need to advance the orientation of personnel management functions towards the development of production in comparison with functions aimed at ensuring the functioning of production.

Potential imitations

The temporary departure of individual employees should not interrupt the process of carrying out any management functions. To do this, each employee of the personnel management system must be able to imitate the functions of a superior, subordinate employee and one or two employees of his level.


It assumes the most efficient and economical organization of the personnel management system, reducing the share of costs for the management system in the total costs per unit of output, and increasing production efficiency. If, after taking measures to improve the personnel management system, management costs have increased, they should be offset by the effect in the production system obtained as a result of their implementation.


Compliance of the personnel management system with advanced foreign and domestic analogues.


When forming a personnel management system, the development prospects of the organization should be taken into account.


When forming a personnel management system, it is necessary to take into account all factors affecting the management system (connections with higher authorities, contractual relations, state of the control object, etc.).


Timely decision-making to analyze and improve the personnel management system, preventing or promptly eliminating deviations.


Multivariate development of proposals for the formation of a personnel management system and selection of the most rational option for specific production conditions.


How simpler system personnel management, the better it works. Of course, this eliminates the simplification of the personnel management system to the detriment of production.


The development of measures for the formation of a personnel management system should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management and take into account changes in the laws of development of social production in market conditions.


In any vertical sections of the personnel management system, hierarchical interaction must be ensured between management levels (structural divisions or individual managers), the fundamental characteristic of which is the asymmetrical transfer of information “down” (disaggregation, detailing) and “up” (aggregation) through the management system.


In any horizontal and vertical sections of the personnel management system, rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers must be ensured.


Interactions between hierarchical units vertically, as well as between relatively autonomous units of the personnel management system horizontally, must be generally consistent with the main goals of the organization and synchronized in time.


To ensure the sustainable functioning of the personnel management system, it is necessary to provide for special “local regulators”, which, if they deviate from the given goal of the organization, put a particular employee or department at a disadvantage and encourage them to regulate the personnel management system.


Personnel management, both vertically and horizontally, can be carried out through various channels: administrative and economic, economic, legal, etc.


The personnel management system must have conceptual unity and contain a single accessible terminology; the activities of all departments and managers should be built on common “supporting structures” (stages, phases, functions) for personnel management processes that differ in economic content.


The personnel management system should provide maximum convenience for the creative processes of justifying, developing, making and implementing decisions by a person. For example, selective printing of data, variety of processing, special design of documents highlighting essential information, their harmonious appearance, elimination of unnecessary work when filling out documents, etc.
Principles that determine the directions of development of the personnel management system


It is considered in two directions: (1) concentration of efforts of employees of a separate unit or the entire personnel management system to solve basic problems and (2) concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the personnel management system, which eliminates duplication.


Division of labor in the personnel management system (the labor of managers, specialists and other employees is distinguished). Separate units specializing in performing homogeneous functions are being formed.


It involves the simultaneous implementation of individual management decisions and increases the efficiency of personnel management.

Adaptability (flexibility)

It means the adaptability of the personnel management system to the changing goals of the management object and its operating conditions.


It assumes a general methodological basis for carrying out work to improve the personnel management system at its different levels and by different specialists, and their standard design.


No interruptions in the work of personnel management system employees or departments, reduction in document storage time, downtime of technical controls, etc.


Performing the same amount of work in equal periods of time and regularly repeating personnel management functions.


Orderliness and focus necessary information to develop a specific solution. It can be horizontal and vertical (relationships between functional units and relationships between different levels of management).

1.2 Enterprise personnel as an object of management

The most important internal variable of an organization is its personnel.

Staff- these are personnel or employees of an institution, enterprise, who make up a group based on professional or service characteristics.

Number of personnel– is the number of people employed at the enterprise.

Personnel structure– this is the qualitative composition of the enterprise’s employees. Personnel can be characterized by their level of education, degree of qualification, and professionalism.

People are the central factor in any management system.

Management is understood as an element of the functioning of organizational systems of various natures, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, and the implementation of their programs and goals.

The management of the number and structure of personnel in an organization is mainly carried out by the human resource management department or the personnel department.

The most important individual characteristics of personnel are:




Nature of perception;

Social attitudes.

For the effective functioning of any organization, quality personnel management is necessary. People management includes ensuring cooperation between all members of the workforce, personnel policies, training, information, motivation of employees and other important components of the manager’s work.

The object of management is an individual worker, as well as a certain combination of them, acting as a labor collective. The totality of employees can include both the entire personnel of the enterprise (organization, firm), which is subject to general management decisions, and the personnel of a structural unit (department, workshop) or production cell (team). Distinctive feature a group of workers as an object of management consists in a certain interconnection of the activities of workers due to common goals, which characterizes them as a team.

The subjects of personnel management are a group of specialists performing relevant functions as personnel service employees, as well as managers at all levels performing the management function in relation to their subordinates.

One of the most important functions of personnel management in connection with the increased role of the human factor in modern production is the development of personnel, and not just bringing its number in line with the availability of jobs.

Personnel management is a systemic, systematically organized influence with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for the use of the labor qualities of the employee (labor) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and comprehensive development of its employees.

Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing the control object to achieve set goals, i.e. ways of influencing the team and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process.

Methods are divided into three groups (Appendix A):

Administrative - there are three possible forms of manifestation of this method:

1) mandatory order (orders, prohibition);

2) conciliatory (consultation, resolution of compromise);

Organizational influence on the management structure is carried out through organizational regulation, standardization, and instruction.

Administrative influence on a team or individual presupposes subordination, which is of three types:

Forced or externally imposed (accompanied by a feeling of dependence and accepted as pressure from above);

Passive (satisfaction caused by freedom from making independent decisions);

Conscious, internally justified submission.

Direct influences can increase staff passivity and or lead to hidden disobedience. Therefore, the most effective are indirect methods of influence, which are carried out through setting goals and creating stimulating conditions.

Economic methods act in the following forms: planning, analysis, granting economic independence. This makes workers financially interested in the results of their labor.

Socially - psychological methods - a set of specific ways of influencing personal relationships and connections that arise in work collectives. For the greatest effectiveness of influence, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the performers, the socio-psychological characteristics of the groups; use techniques that are personal in nature (personal example, authority, persuasion, competition, rituals, culture, etc.). Techniques and methods of social and psychological influence are determined by the competence and ability of the leader. All methods are interconnected.

1.4 Personnel planning in the organization

Personnel planning is a system of comprehensive solutions that allows:

a) provide the organization with the necessary personnel;

b) select people who could solve the assigned tasks;

c) ensure the required level of qualifications of employees;

d) provide the maximum possible active participation employees in the activities of the organization.

There are two types of personnel planning:

A) strategic planning personnel, determining the overall need for personnel based on the strategic development prospects of the organization;

b) operational planning- planning for specific vacancies and for a fairly short period of time.

To develop a forecast for staff outflow, different coefficients are used, and in particular the staff turnover rate: it is usually calculated using formula 1:

K (coefficient) = Y (number of layoffs per year) / C (average number of employees per year) (1)

1) determining the ratio of internal and external recruitment;

2) establishing a system of incentives:

a) determining the content of work;

b) determination of working conditions at each workplace;

c) drawing up a scheme for personnel development and career growth;

d) establishing the amount of remuneration;

3) development of alternative options for attracting personnel;

4) choice of labor market;

5) determining the channel for attracting personnel;

6) personnel selection;

7) employee adaptation in the workplace.

This plan, apparently, is optimal for the process of forming the company’s personnel, because The process of employee selection is immediately preceded by careful preparation (choosing a uniform, place of recruitment, establishing a system of incentives), and a new employee who joins the team gradually adapts to the workplace. In general, it is extremely important, regardless of the type of organization and available vacancies, to carefully plan the selection process and prepare for it. The selection process should provide the organization with the best candidates to fill available vacancies. If we are talking about competitive selection, when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available vacancies, then the selection process is structured in such a way that each of its stages performs the function of a sieve, sequentially eliminating candidates who, according to one or another criteria, are inferior to other participants in the competition. It is important that before candidates approach the most complex and time-consuming selection procedures, only those candidates remain among the applicants who, in all formal characteristics, completely satisfy the employer.

Specialists taking part in the selection must plan their work in such a way as to allocate sufficient time for each candidate. There should be enough time to carefully read all the information provided about the candidate (resume, recommendation documents, standard form, etc.). To carry out the selection, a special room must be allocated that meets the necessary requirements: good ventilation and lighting, the availability of the required number of tables, chairs, office equipment, etc.

2. Features of personnel as an enterprise resource

2.1 Factors influencing the work of personnel in an organization

There are several factors that influence the work of personnel:

1. Salary.

The term " wages” refers to the monetary reward paid by an organization to an employee for work performed. It “aims to reward employees for work performed (services provided) and to motivate them to achieve the desired level of performance.” An organization cannot recruit and retain a workforce unless it pays competitive rates and has pay scales that incentivize people to work in a given location.

In addition to wages, the organization provides its employees with various additional benefits, which were previously called “minor privileges.”

Today there is a problem of effective material incentives in the form of salary increases and various monetary rewards and compensation.

There are three options for increasing wages:

1) promotion up the career ladder or obtaining a higher status.

2) annual increase for length of service.

3) a general increase in wages, changing the salary scale.

2. Corporate culture.

Creation of a corporate culture system in an organization as an effective element of organizational culture.

Corporate culture is a set of elements that provide motivation to employees, creating a favorable climate for work.

TO basic elements of corporate culture include: company mission (general philosophy and policy); basic goals (strategy and directions of the enterprise); code of ethics of the enterprise (norms and rules of behavior of employees encouraged by the enterprise); corporate style (color, logo, flag, uniform); corporate holidays.

Enterprise mission– creation of an effective leadership institution in order to improve product sales and increase the organization’s profits.

Creating a code of ethics and style will create in employees a sense of belonging to the enterprise and a sense of pride in it. From disparate people, employees will turn into a single collective (team), with their own laws, rights and responsibilities.

During annual planning, the enterprise must draw up: a list of corporate holidays, the participation of managers in them, the procedure for holding them, a plan and budget for holidays for the coming year; all internal events, regardless of their scale: meetings of young employees, veterans, birthdays, awards for company employees.

3. Working hours and working conditions.

It is important to establish in any enterprise optimal mode employees' work and working conditions. All this is important from the point of view of the influence of socio-psychological factors on the characteristics of the organization’s personnel. Labor standardization is also important. This is the process of determining the time for technological process operations, determining the capacity and qualifications of the performer.

Labor regulation ensures:

Minimizing waste in the performer’s time;

Minimizing labor costs;

Ensuring labor productivity management.

If possible, any work should be formalized and standardized. It is necessary to develop supply plans for the future production process, because The volume of production depends on the demand for the product.

4. Leadership style.

Based on the nature of the goals of leadership, a distinction is made between business and bureaucratic leadership styles.

Business style manuals manifests itself when the most important thing for a leader is the interests of the business, the ultimate goals of the team.

The formation of a business leadership style is based on the maximum use of the manager’s business qualities.

Bureaucratic system management is characterized by the dominance of form (the bureaucratic structure itself) over content (tasks of production management). The bureaucratic style of leadership means that the manager’s efforts are spent on unimportant matters, although outwardly everything looks within the framework of formally correct actions. As a result, the substance of the matter is sacrificed to the form.

In actual leadership practice, there are several other basic leadership styles. The main ones are defined as authoritarian (or autocratic), democratic and liberal.

Authoritarian (directive, dictatorial) management style: it is characterized by strict individual decision-making by the manager, strict constant control over the implementation of decisions with the threat of punishment, and a lack of interest in the employee as an individual.

Democratic(collective) management style: management decisions are made on the basis of discussion of the problem, taking into account the opinions and initiatives of employees, the implementation of decisions made is controlled by both the manager and the employees themselves, the manager shows interest and friendly attention to the personality of employees, to taking into account their interests, needs, characteristics. The democratic style is the most effective.

Liberal-anarchist(permissive, neutral) leadership style is characterized by, on the one hand, everyone can express their positions, but they do not strive to achieve real accounting and agreement on positions, and on the other hand, even the decisions made are not implemented, there is no control over their implementation, everything is left to “ gravity,” as a result of which work results are usually low, people are not satisfied with their work.

5. Personnel assessment and certification.

– one of the functions of personnel management. Advantages of such a system:

Helps improve labor discipline and productivity;

Stimulates the professional growth of employees, makes them take greater responsibility for improving their qualifications;

Allows you to plan professional development and career, identify strong and weak professional qualities;

Allows you to make more informed decisions on remuneration, promotion, and dismissal of employees.

Such a system will be effective if the following principles are observed:

Versatility of assessment unified system or systems for categories of personnel);

Streamlining assessment standards and norms based on job analysis and highlighting the most important functions);

Selection of assessment methods (quantitative, qualitative, comprehensive).

Since job evaluation is rightly considered the most important and responsible tool for personnel management, the information must be sufficiently complete and objective.

There are the following methods for obtaining reliable information: :

Analysis of documentation about the employee and his labor affairs;

Analysis of employee behavior;

Photo of the working day;




Exercises on analyzing specific situations and solving production problems;

Analysis of employee behavior during management business games;

Job test, assignment.

Certification of the organization's personnel– the main level of management – ​​the procedure for determining the qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills, business and personal qualities of employees, the quality of work and its results and establishing their compliance (non-compliance) with the position held. The purpose of certification is the rational placement of personnel and their effective use. Personnel certification serves as the legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards, salary determination, as well as demotion and dismissal.

It is aimed at improving the quality of personnel, determining the degree of workload of workers and their use in their specialty, improving the style and methods of personnel management.

The following types of certification are distinguished:: final, intermediate and special. Assessment and certification is an integral and most important element in the labor management structure of managerial personnel.

6. Career.

Career– progressive advancement up the career ladder, changes in skills, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; or the actual sequence of occupied levels, jobs, positions in the team.

There are several types of careers: intra-organizational– consistent change of levels and positions within one organization; interorganizational; professional– stages of a specialist’s movement up the career ladder within his specialty, but possibly in different organizations; specialized; non-specialized; vertical career; horizontal; stepped; Hidden career – a type of career that is least obvious to others.

Business career management- this is a set of activities carried out by the personnel service of an organization for planning, organizing, motivating and monitoring the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, capabilities and socio-economic conditions of the organization .

2.2 Assessing the effectiveness of the organization’s personnel management system.

There is no need to prove that in market conditions the efficiency of business activity depends to a great extent on the quality of the work of the personnel management service and the effectiveness of the decisions they make. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a timely, objective, comprehensive analysis of the activities of the personnel management service. Such an analysis can provide the necessary information for fundamental changes in the nature and efficiency of any enterprise.

The effectiveness of the organization as a whole depends on the level of internal efficiency, i.e. depends on how “the right things are created correctly.” An internally effective organization rationally uses all types of resources, including labor resources. At the same time, products or services are produced with minimal costs and high quality. Consequently, effective management of an organization is possible only if there is an effective management system. In order to assess the level of effectiveness, a thorough analysis of the system is necessary.

Labor performance assessment– one of the functions of personnel management, aimed at determining the level of efficiency of work performed by a personnel officer or department. It characterizes their ability to directly influence the activities of any production or management level.

As already noted, all work and activities are carried out by specific people.

The indicators of final labor results are influenced by a number of factors:

Natural-biological (gender, age, mental and physical abilities of a person);

Socio-economic (state of the economy, standard of living, social security);

Technical and organizational (the nature of the tasks being solved, the conditions and complexity of work);

Social and psychological (attitude to work, psychological climate in the team);

Market (competition, inflation, corporatization of enterprises).

Taking into account all these facts is necessary in a comprehensive assessment of performance, because this increases the degree of validity, objectivity and reliability of the assessment conclusions.

In general, the result of work is characterized by achieving the set goal at the lowest cost. When assessing performance, it is necessary to determine quantitative and qualitative criteria that reflect the ultimate goals of the organization or division. These include the quality of the work performed, its quantity, and the value assessment of the results.

When choosing criteria you should consider:

1) the purpose of the assessment. They may be administrative (for example, for promotion or demotion); informational (informing employees about the level of their work); motivational (for developing incentive systems).

2) for which category and position of the employee the criteria are established, because employees of different categories contribute to the management process. For example, the criteria for assessing the labor productivity of the head of the personnel management service include: labor productivity and its dynamics, staff turnover rate, the number of vacancies and the number of applicants for them, indicators for training and advanced training, personnel costs, etc., i.e. indicators reflect the results of management activities. Whereas the result of the work of specialists is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality, and timeliness of fulfilling their assigned job responsibilities.

There are direct (quantitative) and indirect indicators. The first include: efficiency of work, intensity and intensity of work, its quality. Indirect assessments characterize the employee’s activities according to criteria that correspond to “ideal” ideas about how job duties and functions should be performed, and what qualities should be demonstrated in this regard.

A point system is most often used for evaluation. The performance assessment procedure will be more effective if: - standards for results and criteria for their evaluation are established; - a procedure for conducting an assessment has been developed (where, when, by whom it is carried out, its methods); - providing complete and reliable information to the appraiser; - discussion of assessment results with employees.

Currently, the problem of comprehensive personnel assessment is being solved, i.e. his professional, personal and business qualities. This is necessary to assess the employee’s performance. It should be borne in mind that efficiency refers to the effectiveness of labor, i.e. the ratio of the achieved result to the previously planned one. The closer this ratio is to 1, the higher the employee’s labor efficiency. Efficiency also refers to the ratio of working time spent per unit of production or a certain type of work. The effectiveness of a manager’s activities is assessed based on the results of the work of the team he leads, their fulfillment of planned tasks or contractual obligations, as well as the state of the socio-psychological climate.

3. Personnel planning at OJSC “Avtosalon Novy”

The “Novy” car dealership (autotechnical center) specializes in the sale, repair, and painting of cars. Personnel planning in this company is carried out as follows.

There are two types of personnel planning and both of them are used by the personnel department of OJSC Autosalon "Novy".

a) strategic personnel planning, which determines the overall need for personnel based on the strategic development prospects of the organization;

b) operational planning - planning for specific vacancies and for a fairly short period of time.

The latest innovation used by the personnel department of Novy OJSC is results-based planning.

Results-based planning is based on the following actions:

Determination of results;

Operational management of activities to achieve results;

Control at all stages of functioning and development.

At the same time, a clear direct connection is established between the tasks of structural units (office, workshops, warehouses) and the tasks of individual employees, as well as the responsibility of each employee for the result of his activities, as well as for the overall result.

For example, the personnel department of Novy OJSC, when planning labor resources, analyzes the following results of the company’s activities:

· results of commercial activities;

· qualification level of sales personnel;

· level of professional experience;

· level of employee health - physical and mental;

· employee motivation level.

In general, it turns out that personnel planning is inextricably linked with common system planning of the organization and often directly depends on it.

The outflow of personnel is also taken into account and is based on known reasons: retirement, disability, voluntary dismissal, transfer to training, conscription into the army, going on maternity leave, etc. All these points are taken into account by the staff when planning personnel, recruitment and selection.

Evaluation of existing personnel.

In fact, this is an internal certification of employees at the enterprise itself. In terms of assessing their work, those working at Novy OJSC can be divided into four groups:

1) employees who solve all the tasks assigned to them achieve the planned results;

2) employees who perform most of their duties conscientiously, but cannot fulfill the rest for various reasons;

3) workers who cannot perform most of their tasks efficiently, but perform only a smaller part of the tasks;

4) employees who are not currently needed by the organization, whose wages constitute a direct loss for the organization.

The personnel service of OJSC Novy is obliged to get rid of employees of the third and fourth groups by terminating the contract with them, leaving them in reserve if they are of interest to the organization. When the organization or production expands, they can be invited to work again. As a rule, the probationary period (and at JSC Novy it is 3 months) is a sufficient period to identify unsuitable employees.

Such an assessment at the New car dealership includes:

1) monitoring the employee in order to find out how he works, what tasks he solves in the workplace;

2) an interview with the employee on the same topic;

3) the employee fills out a questionnaire on the same topic (the questions are formulated in such a way that the answers to them make it possible to judge the nature of the work). The immediate supervisor also fills out the same questionnaire. This practice arose not so long ago, but has already given some results for the personnel department employees to think about.

Having collected the relevant information, the personnel department is able to solve the following tasks:

a) separate useless work from useful work for staff reduction;

b) eliminate unnecessary duplication of work;

c) maximize the work functions and tasks solved by the employee, avoiding narrow specialization.

As a result of the work done, the personnel department draws up for itself a description of all work - working, technical, administrative, etc.

This information is necessary for making decisions about labor movements, reorganizations, labor hiring, salary setting, personnel performance evaluation, promotions and demotions. This is a fairly new approach, which is still little used in other organizations in Achinsk.

Definition of need in personnel is the initial stage of the recruitment and selection process, i.e. the process of personnel formation and is the first stage in the process of a new person entering the organization. It is based on data on existing and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical activities, a staffing table and a plan for filling vacant positions. Let us analyze the need at JSC Novy specifically for repair personnel (repair workers), as part of the entire workforce of the organization. When determining the need for such personnel at Novy OJSC, the head of the relevant department (repair shop) and general manager, which together determine both current and strategic personnel needs.

The strategic determination of personnel needs is based on a comparison of the organization's needs for human resources, taking into account the fact that Novy OJSC is expanding, with their actual availability. When justifying the qualitative and quantitative composition of repair personnel, existing restrictions on financial resources must be observed, and external and internal factors must be taken into account, such as: the unemployment rate in the country and region, existing labor legislation, the level of labor organization at the enterprise, etc. The following trend is observed at the New car dealership. The personnel department refuses to plan the number of personnel on the principle of limits, that is, a pre-agreed and approved for a certain period of maximum number of employees and wage fund, since this approach does not allow the company’s management and the personnel department to respond flexibly to the impacts of a changing environment. Instead, the company directly links its needs for labor resources based on the amount of work, assessment of prospects and other factors.

The key to a successful production system is the selection of effective personnel.

When hiring, the personnel department of Novy OJSC identifies the following qualities that are inherent in the majority of truly good employees: developed sense of responsibility, professionalism, accuracy.

When determining the specific work profile of working personnel, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the duties assigned to them: the amount of work, the possibility of nervous work, the possibility of physical work.

The head of the personnel department at Novy OJSC, who is responsible for recruiting personnel, must answer three questions:

Where can I find suitable candidates for available vacancies?

What is the best way to contact them?

How to interest them in working for the organization?

To answer these questions, you need knowledge of the labor market, labor sources and methods of finding candidates for available vacancies.

The choice of search methods and means, as well as ways to attract candidates, depends on the direction of the organization, on the financial resources allocated for personnel selection, on available vacancies and on how urgently the given vacant position must be filled.

Recruitment consists of creating the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the personnel department then selects the most suitable employees. This work is carried out at the Novy car dealership in literally all specialties - technical, administrative, and retail outlet workers. For example, the required amount of work to recruit repair workers is largely determined by the difference between availability and future demand for it. This takes into account factors such as turnover, layoffs due to the expiration of the employment contract, and expansion of the organization’s scope of activity. Recruitment of working personnel by the personnel department is usually carried out from external sources. This is due to the fact that the working personnel, in other words, repairmen, are the lowest level in the entire company’s personnel and there is no point in conducting internal recruitment for this position. On the contrary, vacancies for administrative positions, as a rule, are filled by people who have worked for the company for a long time.

Possible external The sources of labor resources for JSC Novy, as well as for all others, are:

1. Advertisement in media mass media - on television, radio, in the press. The goal is to get effective result at the lowest possible cost. It contains information about the key elements of the job; required qualifications; location; expected salary, etc. Mainly published in the newspaper "Prichulymskiy Vestnik" ("Today's"), as the main source of information on vacancies in the city. The main advantage of this method of selecting candidates is wide coverage of the population at relatively low initial costs. The choice of media should be based on the existing preferences of potential candidates. In order to decide the question through which media should an announcement be made about the search for candidates for vacant positions in top management, in the economic service, in the marketing service, etc., you should answer the question of what newspapers are read, what radio stations are listened to by potential candidates for available vacancies?

2. Self-proven candidates.

The HR department constantly receives resumes, phone calls and other requests from people looking for work.

3. Fairs graduates, arranged by the management of educational institutions for the purpose of employing students, to which employers are invited.

4. Government Agencies employment.

OJSC "Novy" works with the employment center, i.e., the labor exchange.

In the process of recruiting candidates, first of all, the personnel department of Novy OJSC invites applicants for vacant positions to submit their resume, which indicates personal information and basic information about education, professional experience, existing skills and achievements. The second important source of information for the database is the standard “Candidate Information” form, which contains basic information about specialists who were not hired for some vacancies, but who, according to all data, have a good chance of being hired as other vacancies appear. The standard form "Information about the candidate" contains the following sections:

Full name, age, marital status, home address


Work experience

Previous jobs and reasons for leaving

Additional information (skills in working with office equipment, hobbies in free time, etc.)

Here are some criteria for recruiting personnel at the Novy car dealership.

What qualities should a person have to be successful? workers? Who is most often selected for this position at Novy OJSC?


Preference is given to young people. They are more mobile, active, and tolerate failures more easily.


One of the few professions where education can be anything. Preference is given to secondary specialization. Often, specialized education does not provide advantages, except in cases where it is necessary to understand technology. The main thing in a worker’s job is to have a good understanding of technology, devices and materials.


It’s great if you have work experience, especially if the person worked in a similar production, knows it and imagines the job opportunities.

Personal qualities.

In every profession, in order to achieve success, you must have a certain set of qualities, and not so much their quantity as their combination. For every profession and position, there is a balance between work experience, education and personal qualities. The profession of a repairman is a type where a person’s personal qualities are not in last place, and they determine how successful he will be in his work. The following are required: the ability to quickly establish contact with people, conscientiousness, responsibility and decency.

Personnel selection– the main stage in the process of forming a company by personnel. At this stage of personnel formation, management selects the most suitable candidates from the pool created during recruitment.

The personnel department of Novy OJSC, within the framework of this approach to personnel recruitment, must solve the following tasks:

Be clear about what the position to be filled is;

Identify personal and business qualities necessary for the effective performance of this work;

Find possible sources and methods for selecting suitable candidates;

Determine which methods will best assess candidates' suitability for the required job;

Ensure the introduction of a new employee to the position and to the organization.

At the Novy car dealership, when selecting personnel, methods such as questionnaires, interviews, interviews, tests, etc. are used.

Conflict tests, as a rule, are given special attention, since complex relationships in a team can take up to 100% of working time. At JSC Novy, such tests are mandatory for candidates.

Also mandatory at Novy OJSC is passing a communication test (see Table 2).

Table 2 – Test for communication skills at OJSC “Novy”

Do you have a passion for learning about people and making connections with different people?
How long have you been bothered by the feeling of insult caused to you by one of your comrades?
Do you always find it difficult to navigate a critical situation?
Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?
How often do you manage to persuade the majority of your comrades to accept your opinion?
Is it true that it is more pleasant and easier for you to spend time with books, TV or some other activity than with people?
If there were obstacles in the implementation of your intentions, is it easy for you to give up your intentions?
Do you easily establish contacts with people who are much older in age?
Do you like to invent and organize various games and entertainment?
Is it difficult for you to join companies (teams) that are new to you?
Do you often put off until other days things that should be done today?
Is it easy for you to make contacts and communicate with strangers?
Do you strive to ensure that your comrades act in accordance with your opinion?

Is it difficult for you to get used to a new team?

Let us give as an example an approximate list of questions asked during interviews with candidates wishing to get a job at Novy OJSC:

Full name candidate

Home address and telephone number

Is the candidate currently employed?

Why does the candidate want to fill this vacant position?

Work experience and basic professional skills he possesses

Salary at last job

The candidate is asked to describe his last immediate supervisor and indicate his strengths and weaknesses. How was his relationship with management?

Main achievements in work achieved while working in other organizations

To what extent have previous jobs allowed the candidate to use his initiative and desire to take responsibility?

Were there any difficulties in the job that the candidate had to overcome during the work process? What were they and how did you manage to deal with them?

Another stage of personnel selection is the probationary period.

Currently, Novy OJSC has expanded its experience of hiring with a probationary period of 3 months, which makes it possible to evaluate a candidate directly at the workplace without assuming obligations for his permanent employment (an employment contract is concluded with the employee). During the probationary period, the candidate performs official duties in full, receives remuneration, however, he can be dismissed at the end of it without any consequences for the organization.

During the probationary period, the head of the relevant department pays special attention to the candidate and evaluates him from the point of view of his potential to work in this position. To increase the effectiveness of the trial period, the head of the department and the candidate are recommended to jointly determine the job goals of the newcomer and evaluate their implementation at the end of the term. This method provides an objective basis for the decision that the manager makes at the end of the probationary period - to accept or not to accept a candidate for permanent employment.

The final step is the hiring decision.

The decision to hire a candidate is the most important moment, the culmination of the selection process. It should be as objective as possible, and everything must be done to come to the right decision. Job analysis and a well-thought-out system for assessing the candidate’s business and personal qualities help make such a decision.

If during the probationary period the employee has established himself as a specialist with good knowledge and abilities, he is transferred to the category of permanent employees.

The personnel selection process consists of 5 stages, each of which is important for the final result - hiring the best employee from the available candidates. Neglecting one of the stages may lead to a different result. The selection process is probably even more important in importance than the recruitment process and this is explained by the responsibility for the decision made. However, in general, we can conclude that for the effectiveness of the personnel formation process, each of the above stages is necessary and its careful implementation will only help the company select the truly best.


A qualitatively new level of economic development and, in particular, a specific organization cannot be achieved without the effective use of personnel. This has long been understood in most firms in industrialized countries. The importance of choosing the right personnel is extremely important for any company. High-quality personnel improve the efficiency of the organization, maximizing profits and minimizing the likelihood of failure.

Staff- one of the most important factors survival of the organization in market conditions. Sometimes minimal investments in providing a company with personnel and maximum use of “human resources” allow the company to win in the competition.

In the first section of this course work, the personnel management system, its essence, approaches, principles and goals were defined. Goals personnel management systems of an enterprise (organization) are: increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions; increasing production and labor efficiency, in particular achieving maximum profits and many others.

Also in the first section, methods of personnel management were outlined, of which:

Organizational and administrative, based on direct directives;

Economic, driven by economic incentives;

Socio-psychological, used to improve social activity workers.

In the second section of this course work, factors influencing the work of personnel were identified, these include: wages, career, leadership style, corporate culture, assessment and certification, etc.

In the third section of the work, an analysis of personnel planning at OJSC “Avtosalon Novy” was carried out. At Novy OJSC, people are hired according to certain criteria developed by experience. Personnel department employees involved in recruiting personnel for their enterprise not only know recruitment and selection methods, but also successfully apply them in practice. This allows the company to earn additional profits.

The results of the successful activities of Novy OJSC show that the formation of working personnel and ensuring the high quality of their work are decisive factors for the efficiency and competitiveness of the company in the market, therefore these problems must be constantly given the greatest attention. This, as well as extensive experience and modern techniques used by the personnel department of Novy OJSC, made it possible to create a fairly effective system for recruiting and selecting working personnel for its workshops.

1. Vikhansky O. S. Strategic management: Textbook. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Gardarika, 1999. – 356 p.

2. Vikhansky O.S. Management: Textbook. - Moscow.: Gardarika, 1996. - 278 p.

3. Gerchikova I. N. Management. - M.: Unity, 1994. – 456 p.

4. Druzhinin E. Selection of organization personnel through the prism of socionics // Personnel management. - 1999.- No. 10. – 12-21 s.

5. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management. – N. Novgorod: NIMB, 1999. – 311 p.

6. Meskon M. Kh., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management.-M.: “Delo”, 2000 – 546 p.

7. Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel management. - M., 2001 – 407 p.;

8. Rumyantseva Z.P. Organization management. Textbook – M, 2000. – 405 p.

9. Silin A. N. Personnel management. Textbook on personnel management.-Tyumen: TSU, 2000 – 574 p.

10. Sedegov R.S. Personnel management: employees as a factor in the success of an enterprise - Minsk, 2001 – 463 p.

11. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management. 2001 – 437 p.

12. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. Prof. O. I. Volkova. – M., 2000 – 359 p.

13. Maslov E.V. Enterprise personnel management. Moscow – Novosibirsk, 2001.

14. Rudenko V. I. Management. Lecture notes. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003.

15. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. - M.: Intel-Sintez, 2000.

Important tasks face managers in the field of scientific organization of labor (SLO). As is known, the scientific organization of labor is based on scientific analysis labor processes, the conditions for their implementation and uses practical methods that are based on the achievements of various sciences, including psychology.

The tasks of HR managers in the field of scientific labor organization include:

Studying the psychological characteristics of the labor activity of enterprise employees in order to create favorable working conditions and increase its efficiency;

Carrying out individual examinations of workers and employees together with a physiologist various professions and specialties related to testing psychophysiological working conditions, experiments to determine the influence of working conditions on the human psyche, analysis of labor processes and the psychological state of a person during work;

Development of detailed psychological characteristics of workers in various professions and positions, determined by the influence production sector on the mental stress of the worker;

Development (based on an analysis of the psychophysiological characteristics of work activity) of recommendations and proposals that contribute to the improvement of labor processes, the establishment of rational work and rest regimes, the improvement of working conditions and the increase of human performance.

It should be noted that the above enumeration of tasks gives an incomplete idea of ​​the content of a manager’s work within the framework of NOT, since it limits his activities to addressing issues related to increasing labor efficiency due to psychophysiological factors and material conditions (production, sanitary and hygienic, etc.) of labor. However, labor efficiency also depends on a number of other factors: the nature of the social environment, methods of stimulating labor, individual characteristics of labor motivation, etc. In view of this, managers strive to increase a person’s performance also through various psychological factors, having a beneficial effect on the individual and his mental state. For example, increasing the content of work, a rational combination of various labor incentives, and creating a cohesive team can significantly increase a person’s performance.

The most important element of psychological support for work organization is the creation of positive motivation for work activity. This or that form of labor stimulation is designed to increase employee activity. The task of the personnel management manager is therefore to study the mechanisms of the process of stimulating labor, the factors and conditions influencing it. This involves a differentiated study of various categories of workers, typological and individual characteristics of people, and the influence of work organization on the formation and development of personality.

The results and conclusions of such a study can make a significant contribution to the development of a scientifically based labor incentive system, which is a subsystem of the labor organization system at the enterprise. The creation of such a system is impossible without the combination and rational use of all types of material and moral stimulation of labor activity. At the same time, great importance should be attached to the content of work as a source of satisfying the highest socio-psychological needs of a person. The participation of managers in creating a system of labor incentives will help to implement a differentiated approach to the choice of forms and methods of incentives in relation to various groups and categories of workers differing in age, gender, length of service and other characteristics.

Thus, the activities of a personnel management manager in the field of labor organization are very diverse and are carried out in several directions, among which the following main ones can be identified:

1 Adaptation of means, conditions, content and methods of work to the psychological characteristics of a person. This direction includes the study of ergonomic problems of organizing workplaces, creating optimal conditions labor, solving problems of designing complexes of operations, increasing the content of work activity, reducing the monotony of work, developing measures to ensure the optimal pace of work activity, rationalizing the work and rest regime, and preventing fatigue.

2 Adaptation of a person to a given type of work. This direction involves solving the already discussed issues of working with personnel (career guidance, selection, training and professional adaptation of personnel), as well as issues of motivation and stimulation of work activity.

3 Adaptation of a person to a team. This direction covers tasks social adaptation personnel, formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

An important area of ​​activity for managers is emerging in the field of organizational management. The object of organizational management is an enterprise as an integral organizational system designed to perform socially significant production tasks in the presence of certain economic and social resources. The subject of organizational management is the diverse activities of the team aimed at realizing the goals of the organization.

The following tasks of managers in this area can be distinguished:

The introduction of organizational and management innovations (NOT activities, automated control system subsystems, new organizational management structures, network planning systems, etc.) shows that the vast majority of the so-called “psychological barriers” that interfere with this process have a pronounced motivational nature, i.e. e. arises due to the low interest of implementation subjects. That is why constant motivational influence is effective, for example, in the form of a special training program for enterprise personnel with the aim of changing the psychological climate in the team, social attitudes, etc.

Interpretation of contradictions (conflict situations) and development of recommendations to eliminate them. A conflict situation arises as a result of sharp differences in the expectations and motives of behavior of members of the production team, which violate the commonality of binding

their goals, organization and consistency of their actions. The HR manager’s assistance in conflict resolution should be carried out at different stages of resolving a controversial issue: when determining the essence of the conflict, establishing its causes, putting forward solution options, in the process of convincing conflict participants of the need to come to an agreement, as well as when evaluating the implemented solution. If the solution does not actually bring satisfaction to both parties, then you should return to the procedure of identifying and selecting a solution to the original problem. The professional skill of a manager in conflict resolution is to help the conflicting parties to rationally assess the contradictory situation and overcome it by changing the previous point of view, forming new motives of behavior, and eliminating “psychological barriers” between the conflicting parties.

Participation in the selection and training of reserve managers. One of the main tasks of organizational management is the selection and training of new personnel of competent and capable managers who can replace old personnel. To determine the professional suitability of candidates for leadership positions and select a reserve, it is necessary to evaluate, along with other qualities, the professionally significant personal qualities of the candidates. The participation of a qualified manager is useful in preparing and conducting such an assessment procedure. As a scientifically based tool, the method of a rating scale is used, with the help of which people who know the person being assessed well (superior managers, colleagues, subordinates) characterize certain qualities of the candidate. Processing of this data is carried out using the method of expert assessments. Human resource managers also participate in the preparation of the reserve in order to identify those professional qualities of future managers that can be significantly developed during the learning process and as they master professional skills. The manager’s task is also to convey to the candidate for the position of manager the psychological knowledge he needs and to do everything possible to ensure that this knowledge becomes an effective work tool. For this purpose, active forms of learning are used to stimulate a creative approach to solving management problems.

Development of certification procedures and methods. Periodic certification of management employees, assessment of their moral qualities, professional growth, development of work abilities is an important link in the system for improving their qualifications. The manager's task is to introduce psychological aspects into the evaluation criteria and methods used in certification.

Practice shows that HR managers are increasingly involved in solving various problems of planning the social development of the team. As is known, social planning in enterprises is widely used at present. Various methodological approaches are being sought and developed, and the most appropriate ones are selected among them for specific conditions. The drawing up of a social development plan is preceded not only by the development of its indicators and structure, but also by an analysis of social processes, identification of social problems of the enterprise and determination of ways to solve them.

As a concrete example, we can cite the task of improving the conditions and content of work activity, which is to some extent reflected in social development plans. However, these plans, as a rule, include indicators of changes in the content and working conditions through mechanization and automation of production, reducing the share of manual and heavy physical labor. The specificity of the psychological approach to this problem lies in the need to take into account psychophysiological factors and the structure of motives for work activity, in the practical implementation of the principles of humanization of work.

The HR manager solves this problem at the following levels:

Ergonomic and engineering-psychological requirements for the organization of the labor process (creation of optimal psychophysiological working conditions, achieving so-called functional comfort, optimal information support for work activity, etc.);

Motivational - personal sphere (enrichment of the content of work with motivating elements and comprehensive development of the individual).

One of the problems social analysis is to achieve employee satisfaction with their work. Assessments of job satisfaction are used in social planning as parameters of the social situation. Due to the fact that job satisfaction is considered as part of the system of subjective relations of an individual, all methods developed for the analysis of subjective relations are fundamentally applicable to its study - questionnaires, interviews, the method of rating scales, etc.

Thus, the manager must necessarily participate in the work of drawing up plans for the social development of teams that have a qualitatively new content and make it possible to combine the psychological factors of human activity with the general tasks of the production plan.

The implementation of the main activities of HR managers at enterprises raises the problem of its scientific and methodological support. Main role at the same time, it belongs to applied research in branches of science - labor psychology, engineering psychology, management psychology, etc., developing principles, methods and ways of practical solutions to specific problems. An important place in ensuring professional activities Managers also belong to such branches of science as industrial sociology, ergonomics, management theory, etc.

Recently, for obvious reasons, the organization of personnel work has acquired increased importance. The success of the professional activities of an economic entity largely depends on competent management of the team - from the microclimate in the enterprise to ensuring its level of profitability.

Due to the relevance of issues related to the field of personnel management, company management and senior specialists attend specialized courses on the topic “analysis of personnel labor organization.” And, of course, they are doing the right thing. High level knowledge in this segment allows you to correctly build an employee management system and ensure proper quality enterprise development.

Key tasks of personnel management

So, what can such a field of knowledge as the organization of labor of workers teach? First of all, it is aimed at improving the activities of any enterprise. And any shape. How? Labor quality management allows you to achieve the following goals:

  1. As part of this work, clear algorithms are built according to which employees must act. That is, for each link, the tasks that they must perform are outlined, and quality criteria are determined, by which their work will subsequently be assessed. Thanks to this approach, each employee finds himself “in his place” - he receives clear instructions on what needs to be done and knows by what parameters his activities will be analyzed;
  2. Labor quality management helps not only to delineate the responsibilities of each team member, but also of its professional subgroups. This is necessary when a particular function is implemented by several specialists forming a professional conglomerate. Thanks to this, it is possible to give the following installation: this particular group performs a narrowly defined range of tasks. Such a division is necessary so that the forces of the collective are not wasted in vain, but are used within strictly established limits;
  3. The content of personnel management includes the implementation modern methods labor. It is clear that this is a very important function: advanced technologies and techniques improve the quality of activity, its mobility and efficiency. Ultimately, innovations affect the increase in the competitiveness of the enterprise, strengthening its position among the leaders in the context of a certain segment of activity.

Sphere of labor protection

Today, every socially responsible organization strives to work effectively in improving working conditions. Firstly, in this way it fulfills the requirements of legislation to protect the labor rights of workers. Secondly, it consolidates the image of a company developing the social sector.

Occupational safety and health is another important concept in the field of personnel management. The basics of life safety, introduced as part of improving labor policy, are built on this. It is very rare that workers are simply aware that they must comply with labor protection requirements.

It is important to carry out systematic audits to determine the level of knowledge in this area. Moreover, create a special group or unit responsible for organizing and analyzing activities in this sector.

A group or division is created if we are talking about a medium or large enterprise. If you have a small firm or company, you can appoint a person responsible for occupational safety and health. And having clearly outlined his responsibilities, entrust him with leadership in this direction. Moreover, with regular quality checks of the functions performed.

At large enterprises, it is also necessary to introduce individual and collective protective equipment as part of the labor protection strategy. This will be a good preventive mechanism that will protect you from negative consequences in the event of emergency situations, incidents or industrial accidents. And it will simply help create more comfortable working conditions for workers.

Another element of ensuring life safety is training personnel in safe working methods and providing first aid to victims at work (if we are talking about large enterprises). This tool will help minimize possible risks associated with industrial injuries. Here it should also be said about the need for training on labor protection. And about mandatory testing of knowledge in this vein.

Increasing the qualification level of employees

Designing a labor organization system cannot be effective without implementing policies related to improving the skills of employees.

Any self-respecting enterprise integrates into its investment activities tasks related to the training of its specialists. And allocates appropriate financial resources for their implementation.

The costs of developing this area are always justified. They “work” for the future, allowing the company to provide highly qualified personnel.

It’s good when work in the sector of advanced training of specialists is carried out regularly. This way, employees have the opportunity to receive updated knowledge that corresponds to changes in legislation in a particular area. And master progressive skills consistent with the innovative development of the area in which they work.

It is also important, when dealing with issues of employee development, to choose a reliable business partner who can help resolve these issues. That is, an educational organization providing training services. When choosing one, you should pay attention to whether the organization has legal documents giving the right to conduct educational activities.

In addition, you need to study the previous work experience of this counterparty, reviews of client enterprises that have already used the services offered. And, of course, pay attention to the composition of specialists working in the educational organization.

Taking care of employees

We should not forget the moral factors associated with personnel management. It is important that not only a good working atmosphere is created at the enterprise, any work is performed efficiently, but also a favorable moral climate is created.

This can be achieved through corporate events, including the celebration of significant dates for the company and employee birthdays. At the same time, it is important that events are carried out not for reporting (not for show), but really in order to unite the team and promote its integration.

We must not forget about organizing a rest schedule for employees. This issue must be resolved based on the characteristics of the enterprise, the specifics of the activities being implemented, and without infringing on the interests of the team.

Another interesting point

Many managers are accustomed to the fact that the enterprise operating system is a once and for all established process. And we are confident that introducing elements of modernization into it can only undermine the established structure of work. Because of this incorrect view, the introduction of new work methods remains beyond the scope of management's attention. For example, such as labor incentives. This means stimulating employees to improve performance and quality through various techniques. In particular, bonuses or moral encouragement.

Of course, if we talk about introducing additional material rewards for distinguished employees, separate costs should be provided for this. Not every leader is ready to do this. But a comparison of the costs of bonuses and high performance indicators ensured through incentives will ultimately lead to an understanding of the importance of incentive mechanisms.

To carry out the labor process, a number of conditions must be met:

1) the presence of a person with a profession, specialty and qualifications in this field of activity;

2) availability of subject and means of labor;

3) the presence of a workplace where the work itself will be carried out;

4) availability of a certain order and rules for a given enterprise, production standards and time standards, safety rules, instructions, orders and instructions from management;

5) the presence of a person’s desire to work and take a measure of responsibility for the results of his work.

In addition, when organizing the labor process, one should take into account climatic conditions, environmental problems, national traditions and characteristics of workers, their skill, intensity, etc.

In the process of creating the necessary conditions for the labor process, a lot of and painstaking work is carried out by the managers of the enterprise and the entire personnel of the enterprise. Such work is called scientific organization of labor. (For the history of the emergence and development of NOT, see topic 2.) Let’s consider modern requirements for the organization of personnel labor at an enterprise. NOT- this is the activity of higher authorities new management and personnel of the enterprise, aimed at achieving high production efficiency, reducing the costs of living and material labor, increasing productivity and increasing profitability, competitiveness, ensuring standards poor working and rest conditions for people.

Today, science and management practice know several areas of work for managers in the field of information technology.

Firstly, technical, where the efforts of management and performers are aimed at the efficient use of raw materials and energy resources, production reserves, the use of the latest high-performance equipment and technologies, technical discoveries and inventions, rationalistic proposals, new information systems and devices, etc.

Secondly, financial and economic , where efforts are focused on the rational use of the enterprise’s finances, the selection and production of products or services that are in high demand in the market, the identification of mutually beneficial partners, suppliers and consumers and, consequently, on the more efficient use of all potential financial and economic opportunities in the new conditions of a market economy.

Thirdly, sociological Andpsychological areas that include the work of specialists: sociologists, psychologists, medical workers, physical education and sports workers, etc. They are designed to ensure the physical and mental health of people, a normal moral and psychological climate in the enterprise, conduct explanatory and educational work among employees, directing it towards development collectivism, a combination of personal and group responsibility, pride in one’s enterprise. This also includes: the creation of healthy working and rest conditions for people, the appropriate use of the physical and mental abilities of workers and the comprehensive development of the individual.

Not only specialists in this field are involved in the scientific organization of work. It can give proper results only when all the personnel of the enterprise participate in it. Managers draw up specific plans for all areas of work, establish lists of activities for NOT, determine the material and financial resources necessary for this, select and assign responsible persons and deadlines.

Large and some medium-sized enterprises usually include a plan for NOT in other planning and financial documents as an integral part, but this plan can also be a separate, independent document.

NOTE plan must contain several sections. Their number depends on the specifics of the enterprise and the activities of managers in organizing personnel labor. It is compiled both for the current period and for the long-term strategic perspective. The main sections of the NOT plan can be:

I. Improving the organization of workplaces (layout, specialization, equipment, lighting, control, etc.).

II. Improving the maintenance of workplaces (providing raw materials, materials, tools, adjustment, transportation of parts, cleaning, etc.).

III. Improving the division and cooperation of labor (developing the most rational forms and methods of labor, improving the skills of workers in conditions of specialization or cooperation, etc.).

IV. Dissemination of advanced methods and techniques of labor (rationalization of labor movements, recording the progress of work on photographs and films, analysis and selection of the best organization of labor, etc.).

V. Improving the standardization and remuneration of labor (involving the workers themselves in the process of standardization, improving the methods of material and moral incentives).

VI. Strengthening work discipline and dedication to the enterprise (streamlining routine working day, compliance with the requirements of technological processes, the fight against waste, mutual assistance and support in the labor process).

VII. Retraining of workers for new specialties (retraining courses, on-the-job training, business games, etc.).

VIII. Improving working and rest conditions (application of scientifically based work regimes, breaks at work, health care, psychological relief, hygiene, etc.).

IX. Improving organizational culture (increasing the cultural level of employees, cultural programs, excursions, clubs, ethics and aesthetics, language of business communication, etc.).

X. Increasing the degree of usefulness of using working time (establishing a business atmosphere, eliminating the distraction of workers from their work, long and crowded meetings, conferences and meetings, disruption of the rhythm of the work process, compliance with the economy regime, etc.).

Thus, organizing the work of personnel is the daily work of managers.

Brief conclusions on the topic

Managing the human resources potential of an enterprise contains many issues that both scientists and practitioners must address today. In conditions of market relations, the problem of providing enterprises with personnel capable of effectively solving production and organizational problems in extremely complex, unstable and rapidly changing economic processes and a difficult to predict financial situation is particularly acute.

As practice shows, the personnel of enterprises often includes people whose interests are extremely far from the goals and objectives of the enterprise. There is a real danger of criminals infiltrating management structures, etc. That is why managers of all ranks need to take a responsible approach to the issue of selection and placement of personnel and exercise strict control.

The main direction in working with personnel should be considered the use of positive qualities inherent in every person. People are driven to take undesirable actions by their extremely difficult financial situation, so managers must solve these problems in a timely manner. It is important to create conditions for the development of personnel potential through a scientific approach to personnel issues, rational use of material and technical means and the financial capabilities of the enterprise, at the same time it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the development of organizational culture, solving social and psychological issues.

The effective and successful work of a manager with personnel largely depends on himself, his perseverance, consistency of actions, predictability of his actions and the ability to fully unleash the potential of the enterprise's personnel. That is why following the recommendations of the human resource management service in modern conditions is especially important.