Renat Ibragimov - biography, photo, personal life of the singer, songs. Renat Ibragimov takes away the family nest from the heir Tatar singer Rinat Ibragimov biography how many children

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, actor, producer, film director. Artistic director of the Song Theater Renata Ibragimova. People's Artist RSFSR and Tatarstan. He is called the “Russian Pavarotti.”

Renat Ibragimov. Biography

Renat Ibragimov born on November 20, 1947 in the city of Lvov, USSR, in the family of a military man. Renat’s parents saw his musicality and artistic talent back in early childhood. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education, he graduated from music school.

In 1973 Renat Ibragimov received a diploma from the Kazan State Conservatory, then began working on the stage of the Tatarsky academic theater Opera and Ballet named after. M. Jalil, where he sang leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, (“Prince Igor”), Escamillo (“Carmen”), Valentin (“Faust”), Eugene Onegin (“Eugene Onegin”), Yeletsky (“The Queen of Spades”) ").

Renat Ibragimov. Music career

For 16 years Renat Ibragimov was the premier of the Tatar Opera and Ballet Theater. Jallil, performed the best parts of world classics.

Greatest glory Renata Ibragimov brought concert activities.

All fans and critics note his rare stage presence, high professionalism, the penetration and sincerity of his performance, impeccable taste and, most importantly, his extraordinary voice (deep velvet baritone) leave no one indifferent.

The artist's repertoire is multifaceted and varied: arias from operas, operettas and musicals, classical and ancient romances, popular pop songs of both Russian and foreign authors.

In the fall of 1974, Ibragimov became a laureate of the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, sharing first prize with Valery Chemodanov. Huge success came to Renat in 1975, after his participation in the song competition “ Scarlet carnation" in Sochi and receive the main prize. As part of this festival, Ibragimov performed several of the best songs from his repertoire and established himself as an all-Union famous artist. In 1978 Renat Ibragimov received the title of People's Artist of Tatarstan, in 1981 - the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

The accumulated creative experience allowed the vocalist to create at the end of 1999 “ Renata Ibragimova Song Theater", which gives the artist the opportunity to work in different musical genres and, based on world song hits, create musical and stage miniatures that are original in style. Renat's voice is one of the best known on the national stage. In Italy, the press called him the “Russian Pavarotti.” He is a real maestro who knows the deep secrets of vocal mastery and knows how to excite the hearts of listeners.

For many creative years Ibragimov gave his fans large number wonderful compositions, including “ Why is my heart so disturbed?», « Lada», « In the land of magnolias», « spring in love», « Let's bow to those great years», « The sun walks along the boulevards», « I feel good with you", etc. Throughout musical career Tatar artist collaborated with such pop stars as Eduard Khil, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Lyudmila Senchina, pr. He also performed with little-known performers, thus promoting their career growth.

Renat, while continuing to engage in creativity, tries to devote more time to family matters, while also participating in musical projects on television, acting as a jury member of various festivals and vocal competitions.

Renat Ibragimov. Film and television

Beyond the world of music Renat Ibragimov known as an actor, producer and director. So, in 1993, the artist appeared together with Olga Kabo, Sergei Gazarov, Leonid Bronev, Evelina Bledans, Mikhail Filippov and Alexander Zhigalkin in the cinematic musical " Italian contract" His magnificent performance in the film includes Tatar, Russian, and Italian songs. Filming took place in Italy, in Sorrento. Ibragimov sang right in the streets, and the Italians threw coins to him and were amazed why they still don’t know their new Tito Gobi?

At a screening of the film at a film festival in France, the audience applauded after each vocal number performed by the singer.

In 1999, Renat played a minor role in the director's musical film Oleg Rskova « Military field romance"featuring many other show business stars, including Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur,Alena Sviridova, Larisa Dolina, Alena Apina, Alexandra Malinina, etc.

In 2010 Renat Ibragimov became the host of a Muslim talk show " Marry me", which was created to help men and women find each other.

Renat Ibragimov: The program “Marry Me” was started by my friends. The topic also attracted me. There are a lot of divorces these days. The programs that are currently on TV are the same “Let's get married! !” With Larisa Guzeeva, do not explain the main thing, that the most strong marriages are built on spiritual kinship...

Renat is still not so often seen on television, because, as the artist himself admitted in one of his interviews, this is not exactly his format:

Radio and TV are mainly filled with show business, pop music... I work mainly with material created in the post-war 50-60s. New works of this level - with wonderful music, magnificent poetry - are almost never created now. There has been a rethinking of spiritual values. And not for the better.

In 2014 Renat Ibragimov took part in the project “Exactly”. Together with such artists as Irina Dubtsova, Dmitry Koldun, Nikita Presnyakov, Yuri Galtsev, Sevara, Natalie, Natalya Podolskaya, Gleb Matveychuk, Jasmine, Tatyana Bulanova, Vitas, Renat tried on various images of world show business stars.

In April 2017, Ibragimov became a participant in the Channel One program “Let Them Talk” with Andrey Malakhov, in which he told how he feels in the role of a father with many children and the husband of a young wife.

Renat Ibragimov. Personal life

In his first marriage, the singer had a son, Sultan, who remained to live with his mother after his parents’ divorce. Second wife - Albina Ibragimova, gave Renata three daughters: Hope, I believe And IU.

In 2009, after 25 years of marriage, when Albina refused to have another woman in her house - younger wife Ibragimov, the couple began divorce proceedings, which turned into long litigation.

The reason for the discord in the family was Renat Islamovich’s passionate feelings for the student State University management Svetlana Minnekhanova, who turned out to be 40 years younger than her famous admirer. However, the age difference did not bother Renat at all.

Renat Ibragimov: “I didn’t have this kind of youthful passion - I fell in love and got married two days later - in relation to Sveta. At first there was just sympathy. But I am a person with life experience and I understand that this is not enough to build a relationship... A lot must coincide... And then, I had no right to make a mistake. At that time I had a family, children... And Svetlana was just starting to live, I felt a huge responsibility for her and was afraid to break her fate... Sveta worked in my office as an assistant and at the same time studied at the institute. After a year of our communication, I realized: this girl is the person I was looking for. She is a gift from God."

Ibragimov got married to Svetlana in October 2009. The family had four children: daughters Asylbika(born 2008) and Aisha(2010), son Atilla(born summer 2013), named after the founder of the dynasty of Bulgar khans, and daughter Maryam(born February 20, 2017).

Ibragimov: “Children are a gift from the Almighty. Love all children as if they were your own. By the way, my wife and I were preparing for the arrival of our son, but then it was a girl. The name was not chosen right away. They named her Maryam. It's ancient Arabic name, the name of the mother of Jesus Christ, means “beloved.” A eldest daughter I named it after my mother because they were born on the same day. The middle one is called as the most beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad, and the name of the son - Atilla - is the name of our great ancestor, the first Bulgarian king, the creator of a great empire.

After the birth of his fourth joint child in his marriage to Svetlana, the singer shared with the press that he hopes for the appearance of their fifth heir, since, according to the artist, “a family is seven people: five children and two parents.”

Renat Ibragimov. Discography

1967 - Give me back my music; Waltz melody
1968 - Happiness has no age; Sweeter than berries; Give sail to the ship
1969 - Give women flowers
1970 - Meeting
1971 - The twentieth century will come, Oh, it was the past
1972 - Uzen kilche; Tugan Yagym; Everything will come back
1973 - Rain; Wider circle
1974 - Love has arrived
1977 - That city
1978 - Image of love; Dreams
1980 - Color Song
1982 - In the land of magnolias
1983 - Summer of Love; Carousel
1987 - Old fire
1989 - When love leaves
1992 - Country Nights; That's life
1993 - Black eyes
1997 - Night of our love
1999 - Forest Girl
2002 - Snowdrop; Besame mucho
2005 - I'm calling you
2008 - King of Rock and Roll; City of my love
2011 - And life passes; Life is life
2013 - Goodbye
2014 - Golden hits. 5CD; Make a wish; As long as I remember, I live (songs to music by A. Babajanyan); Why is my heart so troubled? I listen to my father's records; Melodies of love (songs to music by A. Pakhmutova)

1974 - Scarlet Carnation
1991 - Dedicated to the USSR...
2001 - Best Songs
2004 - Romances
2007 - Renat Ibragimov. 40 years on stage
2001 - Tatar songs
2014 - Exactly

Renat Ibragimov. Filmography

2014 Beach (vacationer)
2011 Long time no see
2009 The Last Romantic. Evgeny Martynov (documentary)
2008 Oh, homeland (Mitya)
2005 Saga of the ancient Bulgars. The love saga of Genghis Khan's daughter
2004 It all starts with love (vocals)
2001 Give me a gift (Vitaly)
1998 Military field romance
1993 Italian contract (Renat, main role)
1981 Old, old collective farm (Viktor Ivanovich, chairman of the collective farm)
1981 Ship and Harbor (captain Sergei Leonidov)
1979 Renat Ibragimov sings (documentary)
1977 sea ​​wave(Uncle Borya)
1971 Melodies from the Volga (short film)

1993 Italian contract

2011 To the board!
2007 Work, there is work...
1999 One romantic left on earth

2013 Romanovs
1998 The Empire is collapsing, which means...
1987 Oh, you bungler!
1979 Murka

A “Christmas Evening” took place in one of the capital’s restaurants, which took place as part of the Golden Jazz music festival. Many celebrities attended the event, including Larisa Dolina, who appeared in front of the public in a dress with an impressive slit.


People's Artist of the RSFSR Renat Ibragimov did not go unnoticed by the press. The performer was accompanied by his third wife, Svetlana Minnekhanova. A woman who is almost 40 years younger than her chosen one appeared in public in a light, loose-fitting dress, but even that could not hide interesting situation artist's wife. In addition, Svetlana held their daughter Maryam, who will turn one in February. The couple literally beamed with happiness.

Colleagues call Renat Ibragimov a father-hero with many children. Current spouse She has already given him three daughters, whose names are Asylbika, Aisha and Maryam. It is noteworthy that the youngest girl was born in a bathhouse. Renat and Svetlana took special courses, the singer cut the umbilical cord himself.

"I was already present at the birth youngest son. In the maternity ward they even handed me scissors, but I was not psychologically prepared for this. But now it’s a different matter. Sveta knelt down, leaned her elbows on the side, I started giving her a back massage, and about ten minutes later Maryasha appeared. Naturally dived straight into the water. He took his daughter in his arms, handed her to Svetlana, and she put the baby to her chest. But you can’t cut the umbilical cord right away. In maternity hospitals they do this incorrectly. The umbilical cord must pulsate, because from there nutrition continues to flow to the child,” StarHit quotes Renata Ibragimov.

Let us remember that the famous singer met Svetlana Minnekhanova in a restaurant where she worked as a waitress. Ibragimov immediately fell in love with the girl. However, at that time the singer was married and, as a decent person, decided to tell his wife about his new hobby. The lovers got married in 2009 according to Tatar traditions in the circle of family and friends. From previous relationships Renat Ibragimov has five heirs - Nadezhda, Vera, Sultan, Aya and Atilla.

The singer learned what real popularity and people's love are when he was not yet thirty, and last year he crossed the seventy-year mark, and during this time many events happened not only in the creative, but also in the personal life of Renat Ibragimov. He was married several times, he has many children, and now the singer is experiencing a second youth with his last wife. So how many wives did Renat Ibragimov have?

The singer's personal life

Renat Islamovich admits that in his youth he had many affairs, and he often broke up with women who loved him, and there were many of them. Officially, the singer was married three times, and each time the age difference with his next wife was greater.

There is no information about the singer’s first wife, we only know that her name was Tamara, and he lived in marriage with her for fourteen years. In this marriage, the first children of Renat Ibragimova were born - daughters Nadezhda and Vera, who are now adults and have been living an independent life for a long time.

Second wife Albina first saw Ibragimov on TV - then she was only fourteen, and fell head over heels in love with handsome singer with a magical voice. They met thanks to chance - Albina’s family received an apartment in the building where the Ibragimovs lived, and she could not miss the opportunity not to meet him in person.

A reason was quickly found - the girl approached the singer for an autograph, and this was the beginning of their communication, which quickly grew into a whirlwind romance. Renat was married at that time, his daughters were growing up, but this did not stop either Albina or himself.

“I didn’t understand how difficult and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If I knew then how this would come back to haunt me... Renat left his wife, but he always helped her...,” said Albina.

Ibragimov was fifteen years older than his new chosen one, and therefore her parents were categorically against their daughter’s marriage.

However, she married famous singer, with whom I not only signed, but performed a Muslim wedding ceremony, Nikah. Renata Ibragimova’s second wife bore him two children - a daughter and a son, and twenty-five years after the wedding, her husband invited her to become the eldest wife in their family, since he had met another woman and was going to bring her into the house as his second wife.

Albina was shocked by this decision and, of course, refused. But an even bigger shock for her was the news of how old new darling her husband, Svetlana Minnekhanova, was almost forty years younger than Ibragimov.

The divorce from his second wife was scandalous - through the courts they had to divide the property acquired during their life together.

His young wife Renata Ibragimova, whom he also married according to Muslim customs, was his secretary. And for the first time they saw each other in one of the capital’s restaurants, where Svetlana, a student at the University of Public Administration, worked part-time as a waitress.

Ibragimov invited the girl to his production center, then gave her a job, and then things started between the boss and his subordinate office romance, and Svetlana was ready to become the singer’s second wife, but since his first wife was categorically against this, she turned out to be the only one.

Svetlana Minnekhanova gave birth to her wife four children - three daughters and a son, but the couple want their family to have at least five children.

For obvious reasons, the wives and children of Renat Ibragimov do not communicate, but this does not bother him; the singer believes that he lives according to Muslim customs and does not do anything reprehensible.

He tries to help his eldest son Sultan financially, but the relationship between them does not work out, and Renat Islamovich blames his ex-wife Albina.

Name: Renat Ibragimov

Age: 69 years old

Place of birth: Lviv, Ukraine

Height: 176 cm

Weight: 90 kg

Activity: singer, producer, actor

Marital status: married

Renat Ibragimov - biography

The singer, who is already over sixty, still captivates his listeners and fans with his mesmerizing voice.

Childhood, Ibragimov family

A boy of Tatar nationality was born in Lvov into a military family. The parents often changed their place of residence, and their son was taken with his grandmother to Tatarstan. The boy became acquainted with his native language, with village life and Tatar traditions. Since childhood, Renat has been accustomed to getting up early and starting the morning with hot tea. C 5 summer age educators in kindergarten They have already noted the boy’s artistic gift.

Renat's parents soon moved to Kazan and began to educate and raise their son themselves. They sent their baby to the 1st grade of a regular school and a music school. All music competitions were held with the participation of Renat. At a music school, the boy studied classical vocals. Finishing high school, the guy has already decided on his further biography. But it was very difficult to find a use for my talent.


Renat decides to enter the Kazan Conservatory. But Ibragimov was drafted into the army to join the Volga Military Song and Dance Ensemble. In this composition in creative biography The singer began touring. The singer graduated from the Conservatory a little later and entered the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.

The biography of the young performer was going well. He was trusted to perform solo parts in famous operas. He was successful in roles in Eugene Onegin, Faust, and The Queen of Spades. These roles brought not only the appreciation of the public, they allowed the singer to become recognizable and in demand.

Not a single concert in his native Kazan took place without the participation of a vocal star. Fans of his talent appear, but the performer cannot stand still. He begins to take part in many competitions. The first was his participation in the Fifth All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. The jury awarded first prize to Ibragimov and Chemodanov. The singer decides to participate in the Scarlet Carnation competition.

Song competition prestigious, all-Union level. Renat Ibragimov conquered the jury and managed to win the main prize in the Sochi final stage of the competition. The performer does not leave the theater, works in the Philharmonic Society of the capital of Tatarstan, while simultaneously trying himself as a film actor. The lyrical comedy in which Ibragimov starred became the starting point in changing the singer’s place of residence and career.

Renat Ibragimov - songs

The performer's long career has given fans and connoisseurs of vocal art a huge number of wonderful musical compositions. The songs performed by Renat Islamovich were sounded not only in Russian, he performed his works in many languages, finding new fans among foreign-language audiences. Ibragimov demonstrated his genre diversity at every concert.

There were arias from operas and folk songs, and there were a huge number of pop songs. Renat Ibragimov managed to work on stage with celebrities of song creativity Soviet period: Lyudmila Senchina, Eduard Khil, Tamara Gverdtsiteli. It was a great success for young aspiring singers to be included in the list of performers for Renat Ibragimov’s concert, because after appearing on stage with the star, people began to talk about little-known talents and began to recognize them. Thus, their career began.

Twist of fate

Gazprom invites Renat Islamovich Ibragimov to Moscow. In the capital, the singer fulfilled his dream: he created the Song Theater, to which he gave his name. The performer has toured all over the world with concerts. Soviet Union, recorded more than forty song albums. Now Ibragimov successfully combines several outstanding personalities: He is a singer, film actor, television presenter, composer and producer. He has the title of People's Artist Russian Federation, has the State Prize of the Tatar Republic. The singer's popularity is growing in home country and abroad, in Italy, he is called nothing less than “Russian Pavarotti.”

Renat Ibragimov - biography of personal life

Renat Ibragimov got married more than once. In his first marriage, he lived with his wife and two daughters, Vera and Nadezhda, for fourteen years. Now his daughters live in Moscow in apartments that their father bought for them.

When Renat met Albina, he got married without hesitation. The couple lived together for 25 years, raising two children, Aya and Sultan. According to Muslim laws, a husband can have several wives, but Albina did not want to share her beloved husband with anyone and filed for divorce. Within 2 years, the Ibragimovs were getting divorced.

The third wife, Svetlana, is 39 years younger than her husband. She has already given it to her husband of three daughters and son. The singer is a believer, so he doesn’t touch alcohol. They perform namaz together with their spouse. Today, Renat Islamovich is happily married, which is registered according to ordinary laws in the Moscow registry office. In addition, he was married to his wife Svetlana according to the customs of the Muslim religion.

Currently, the idol of many generations rarely appears on stage and spends more time with his family. Not all of the singer’s children live with him. The Sultan lives in Cyprus; three daughters from his first marriage continue to live in the Russian capital.

Renat Ibragimov - discography, songs

– Melody of love
- Goodbye
- And life passes
– King of Rock and Roll
- I'm calling you
– Besame mucho
– Snowdrop
– Forest girl
– The night of our love
– Black eyes
– Old fire
– Carousel
– Dreams
– Love has arrived
– Waltz melody

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov(November 20, 1947, Lvov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, laureate of the Republican Prize of Tatarstan. Producer.


Born in the city of Lvov, in the family of a military man. Tatar. The child’s musicality and artistic talent were noticed even in kindergarten. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education at school No. 6 in Kazan, Renat graduated from music school. In 1967-68. Renat served in the song and dance ensemble of the Volga Military District. In 1973, Ibragimov graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory and began his career on the stage of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. M. Jalil, where he performed leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, Escamillo (Carmen), Valentin (Faust), Eugene Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Yeletsky (The Queen of Spades).

All-Union success and fame came to Ibragimov after his participation in the “Scarlet Carnation” song competition in Sochi in 1975, where Renat Ibragimov received the main prize. Creative path Ibragimov's work spans several decades. Along with musical performances, Ibragimov also starred in a number of films, the most famous of which is “The Italian Contract” (1993). In Italy, the press called him the “Russian Pavarotti”. He masters the deep secrets of vocal mastery and knows how to excite the hearts of listeners.

Former member of the United Russia party.

Personal life

Married. From his previous two marriages, the singer has a 17-year-old son, Sultan, and three adult daughters, Nadezhda, Vera and Aya.

In October 2009, R. Ibragimov married for the third time - to Svetlana Minnekhanova, a native of Tatarstan, with whom he had two daughters.