Unexplained phenomena facts. Unexplained phenomena

- one of the amazing phenomena of our planet, which can usually be seen in northern latitudes. But sometimes it can be seen even in London or Florida. Moreover, the northern lights are visible even in the very south of the Earth - in Antarctica. This phenomenon also occurs on other planets. solar system: Mars, Jupiter, Venus.

Lenticular clouds are a rare natural phenomenon that can be observed between two layers of air or on the crest of an air wave. Outwardly, they resemble saucers, pancakes, and flying saucers.

Even thunderclouds can look beautiful, but there is one type of cloud that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. This phenomenon is called asperatus(Undulatus asperatus), which is also known as the scariest clouds. From Latin, their name means wavy-burgy or rough. And indeed, their shape is very similar to foaming sea ​​waves, only located high in the sky.

There are many unusual and even frightening natural phenomena on the planet. One of them was “ bloody rain “, which was witnessed by residents of the Indian state of Kerala. Here it rained for a whole month, the color very much reminiscent of blood. This phenomenon was first recorded here from July 25 to September 21, 2001. Moreover, they claimed that people also saw rain of other colors (yellow, green and black). Bloody rain has fallen over different regions several times before, so the recent blood rain in Kerala- this is not an isolated phenomenon.

They are rightfully considered one of the most unusual natural phenomena. They were discovered relatively recently - about 30 years ago. They appear mainly before a hurricane, so they can not be seen in all countries.

Moon Rainbow- this is not only Soviet science fiction film, but also an unusual natural phenomenon. Its peculiarity is that it is formed at night and is generated by the Moon. It differs from a solar rainbow only in lower brightness.

What our ancestors once called “devilishness” is considered by modern scientists to be in the realm of the unidentified. However, they still cannot explain the reason for this most unidentified thing.

"Taos Noise"

Have you heard the engine or drilling rig running? It is this kind of unpleasant noise that disturbs the peace of residents of the American city of Taos. An incomprehensible humming sound coming from the direction of the desert first appeared almost 18 years ago, and since then it has reappeared regularly. When city residents turned to the authorities with a request to conduct an investigation, it turned out that the noise seemed to come from the bowels of the earth, it could not be registered by location devices, and only 2% of the city population heard it. A similar phenomenon is observed in other regions of the planet. It occurs especially often in Europe. As in the case of the Taoist hum, the reasons for its occurrence and the source have not yet been discovered.

Ghostly doppelgängers

Cases when people meet their doubles are not uncommon. Stories about dopplegangers (this is to avoid writing “doubles” twice in a row) are present both in medical practice, which is not at all surprising, and in historical documents And literary works. Guy de Maupassant told his friends about meeting his double. The mathematician Descartes, the French writer George Sand, the English poets and writers Shelley, Byron, and Walter Scott also encountered their copies. We won’t even mention Dostoevsky’s story “The Double.”

However, doppelgängers also visit people of prosaic professions. Here are the stories collected by Dr. Edward Podolsky. One woman saw her double while putting on makeup in front of the mirror. A man working in the garden noticed his exact copy, repeating all his movements.

Scientists suggest that the secret of doppelgängers may be hidden in our brains. By processing information, our nervous system creates a so-called spatial diagram of the body, which, due to reasons unknown to science, is divided into real and astral images. Alas, this is just a hypothesis.

Life after death

Light at the end of a dark tunnel, unusual glowing creature, a calling voice, the ghosts of already deceased loved ones - this is what awaits a person in the next world, according to the words of the “resurrected”. In other words, they suffered clinical death.

One of the proofs of reality the afterlife was the research of William James, which he conducted with the participation of the medium Leonora Piper. For about ten years, the doctor organized spiritualistic seances, during which Leonora spoke on behalf of the Indian girl Chlorin, then Commander Vanderbilt, then Longfellow, then Johann Sebastian Bach, then the actress Siddons. The doctor invited spectators to his sessions: journalists, scientists, and other mediums so that they could confirm that communication with the world of the dead actually occurs.

Unfortunately, no scientific facts there is no such thing yet. However, maybe this is for the better?

Noisy Spirit

Poltergeists are an inexplicable phenomenon and at the same time a constant hero of yellow press materials. “Barabashka stole the family’s salary from Kapotnya and wrote a swear word on the wall,” “Poltergeist became the father of three children,” these and similar headlines still regularly attract an audience.

Poltergeists were first mentioned almost two thousand years ago by the historian Titus Livius, who described how someone invisible threw stones at Roman soldiers. After this, cases of poltergeist appearances were described many more times. Mentions of this phenomenon are even present in the chronicles of a French monastery. According to the chronicler, on September 16, 1612, something incredible happened in the house of the Huguenot priest François Perrault. It all started when, at midnight, the curtains began to close on their own, and someone pulled them off the beds. bed sheets. Loud noises were heard from various parts of the house, and someone was throwing dishes in the kitchen. The poltergeist not only methodically destroyed the house, but also cursed desperately. The Church decided that the devil had taken up residence in the house of a Huguenot sinner, and Martin Luther later proposed calling the “obscene spirit” a poltergeist. After 375 years in the USSR they will call him the drummer.

Heavenly signs

According to history, clouds are not only white-maned horses. Since time immemorial, eyewitness accounts have been preserved, telling about entire pictures, meaningful signs and numbers that unexpectedly appeared in the sky. According to legend, one of these heavenly visions predicted victory for Julius Caesar, and another - a blood-red flag with a white cross - gave strength to the retreating Danish troops and helped them defeat the pagan Estonians.

Scientists are skeptical about such pictures in the sky and name several reasons for their appearance. Today, various figures in the sky can form aircraft exhaust. After aircraft fuel burns out, water vapor enters the atmosphere and immediately turns into ice crystals. Caught up air vortices, they behave very unpredictably and can create different shapes. Aerosols sprayed during weather experiments are based on carbon dioxide and barium salts can also cause similar phenomena. In addition, the air, due to its specific properties sometimes acquires the ability to reflect what is happening on Earth.

The phenomenon of wandering graves

In 1928, all Scottish newspapers were full of news about a grave that had disappeared from the cemetery of the small town of Glenysville. Relatives who came to visit the deceased found an empty space instead of a stone tombstone. It was never possible to find the grave.

In 1989, on a Kansas farm, a grave mound with a lopsided and cracked headstone appeared overnight right in the middle of a barnyard. Due to the poor condition of the slab, it was impossible to read the name on it. But when the grave was excavated, a coffin with human remains was found in it.

All this devilry is considered commonplace in some African and Polynesian tribes. There is a tradition there of dousing a fresh grave with tree sap and covering it with shells. This is done, according to the priests, so that the grave “does not leave.”


Cases where people engulfed in flames of unknown origin turned into a handful of ashes in just a few minutes have been known for a very long time. Although this phenomenon occurs infrequently: over the entire last century, only 19 cases of pyrokinesis were recorded in the world. Scientists cannot explain why this happens, and most importantly, why the flame often does not spread to surrounding objects.

In 1969, he was found in his car dead man. His face and hands were burned, but for some reason the fire did not touch his hair and eyebrows. A completely fantastic incident occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta. The two sisters burst into flames at the same moment, being in different parts cities, at a distance of a kilometer from each other.

Versions of the origin of pyrokinesis are increasingly fantastic. Some doctors are trying to link spontaneous combustion of people with their internal state, since it is known that most victims were for a long time depressed. Others believe that it is mainly alcoholics who are affected by pyrokinesis. Their body is so saturated with alcohol that it can burst into flames at the slightest spark, especially if the deceased smoked. There is a version that the flame arises under the influence of either ball lightning that happens to be nearby, or energy beams unknown to science. And recently a completely incredible theory was put forward. Allegedly, the source of energy in a living cell is a thermonuclear reaction, that is, under the influence of an unknown force, inexplicable energy processes begin to occur in the cell, similar to those that occur during the explosion of an atomic bomb.

Ghost stories are scary because they involve something unknown to us. The story is interesting because it tells about real events that actually took place. A fascinating middle ground between these two extremes is natural phenomena, which we still cannot understand.

While we constantly continue to study the structure of this world, we often encounter natural “miracles” that go beyond our understanding and force us to enter the realm of fantasy and speculation. From jelly falling from the sky to unexplained explosions that destroy hundreds of kilometers of forest and blood-red apocalyptic skies, here are 10 strange natural phenomena.

10. Star jelly

Rain, snow, sleet, hail. No, these are not the four proverbial elements, but theoretically, these are all that can fall from the heavens at any given time. Oddly enough, even though we can detect and track precipitation quite accurately, there is something else that can fall from the sky that we have no idea about: star jelly.

Star jelly is a translucent gelatinous material often found on grass or trees that is known to quickly disappear once discovered. Many have reported seeing such a substance fall from the sky. This has led to myths that the falling material is nothing more than parts of dead stars, alien excrement, or even from government drones. Mentions of the strange substance date back to the 14th century, when doctors used star jelly to treat abscesses.

Of course, our scientists had to investigate this strange phenomenon and determine its origin, right? In theory, yes. Some believe the strange substance is frog eggs swollen from exposure to water. The problem is that the study did not confirm the presence of animal DNA or plant origin in this substance, which makes it even more mysterious.

9. Morning Glory Clouds

Photo: news.com.au

Pillow-like clouds are not soft or fluffy at all. They are made of water vapor and will not be as soft as pillows if you fall on them. Because clouds contain water, we can understand their shapes and movements, and use this data to predict the weather - at least in most cases.

Morning glory clouds are long, tube-shaped clouds that look quite ominous in the sky. Reaching over 965 km in length, these are most often seen in Australia during the dry-to-dry transition. wet season. Local Aboriginal people say the clouds appear to warn of an increase in the bird population.

Apart from these Aboriginal myths, there is no serious explanation for why morning glory clouds have the shape they do. Some climatologists argue that they form as a result of a combination of sea breezes and changes in humidity, but so far none computer models could not predict this strange natural phenomenon.

8. Cities in the sky

No, this is not some kind of comic book story or something from ancient religion. This is reality. On April 21, 2017, in Jieyang, China, many citizens were amazed by the sight of the city floating in the clouds. Many rushed to post photos on the Internet, which scared others, but there was no reason for this, since something similar had happened before.

The same floating cities were observed in five different places in China over the 6 years leading up to this event. A large number of Similar phenomena have led to various hypotheses: aliens are trying to get through to us from another dimension, the second coming of Christ will soon be, or the appearing images are a holographic test of the Chinese or even American government.

But we need, first of all, facts. There is a possible explanation: it is a rare natural phenomenon known as Fata Morgana, where light passing through thermal waves causes a duplication effect. This explanation could well be accepted if the images in the sky were no different from what is below them, below the horizon.

7. Tabby Star

Photo: National Geographic

Our universe is huge, and there are billions of galaxies in it that our descendants may one day discover. But in order to discover mystical wonders, we do not need to leave our Milky Way.

If you enter: Tabby's Star, you will get this information: KIC 8462852, named "Tabby's Star" in honor of its discoverer Tabet Boyajian, is one of more than 150,000 stars observed by the Kepler Space Telescope. What is absolutely unique about this star is the way it changes its glow.

Typically, stars are observed by the dips in their light that appear when planets pass in front of them. Tabby's Star is surprising because dips in its brightness amount to up to 20% of the total volume at one time, which is significantly more than other stars we observe.

Explanations for such strange light activity vary widely, from large clusters of planets passing in front of the star (which is unlikely) to large accumulations of dust and debris (but not for stars Tabby's age) and alien activity (which is very interesting).
One of the main theories says that aliens are using some kind of huge mechanisms orbiting the star to extract energy. Although this may sound strange, it is much more interesting than cosmic dust.

6. Rain of...spiders

Photo: elitedaily.com

One of the many laws of the universe states that each of us is either a dog person or a cat person. These two personality variants are characteristic of all humanity. Even though many of us love animals, that love is not so strong that we dream of animals falling from the sky. If you love animals that much, perhaps you should seek professional help. But before you do, we have good news.

Although this is not a common natural phenomenon, animals falling from the sky are a reality. Not specifically cats and dogs, but many other animals fell from the sky along with raindrops. Some examples include frogs, tadpoles, fish, eels, snakes and worms (any of these scenarios are unpleasant).

The existing theory explains this phenomenon by saying that the animals were lifted into the sky by a water tornado or waterspout that arose in their natural environment a habitat. Unfortunately, such a fact has never been recorded or confirmed by scientists. Even if this theory is true, it cannot explain the fact that raw meat fell from the clear Kentucky sky in 1876. This does not fit into the official theory at all.

5. Blood Red Sky

Photo: georgianewsday.com

Answer the question quickly: what are the main signs of the approaching apocalypse? You may have guessed it: war, famine and epidemics. You may have mentioned the name of your favorite politician on this list. All of these answers are accepted, but consider one more: the sky turns blood red for a few seconds and then quickly returns to its normal state.

This phenomenon was observed in April 2016 by residents of Chalchuapa, El Salvador. The sky reportedly turned crimson within a minute and then returned to normal color with a slight pinkish tint. Many in the Christian population believe that the red flash is a sign of the upcoming apocalypse described in the Book of Revelations in the Bible.

Some possible explanations for this phenomenon include light coming from meteor showers, which are common in this area in April. However, this is unlikely because the blood red sky is a phenomenon that has never been observed before.
Another theory is that clouds reflected fires that had engulfed several sugarcane farms in the area. Whatever the explanation, we recommend that you pick up a Bible, or go to a bar, depending on what you believe.

4. The Great Attractor

Photo: sci-news.com

The generally accepted model of the origin of the universe is the Theory Big Bang: A powerful explosion that occurred 14 billion years ago caused matter to high speed expand outward, which led to the constant expansion of the universe. Although it is generally accepted, this theory is one of many regarding the origin of our universe. However, it does not explain some anomalies, such as the Great Attractor.

In the 1970s, they first began to study a strange force located 150-200 million light years away, which attracts the Milky Way and other neighboring galaxies. Due to the location of the stars in the Milky Way, we cannot see what this object looks like, so it has been dubbed the "Great Attractor".

In 2016, an international team of scientists was able to finally take a definitive look at the Milky Way using CSIRO's Parkers Telescope and discovered 883 galaxies concentrated in this region. While some believe that this will solve the mystery of the Great Attractor, others believe that galaxies were drawn here in the same way that our galaxy is now attracted, and the real reason this attraction remains unknown.

3. Taos Rumble

Photo: Live Science

Each of us has heard ringing in the ears, and the associated “old wives' tale” that it occurs when someone speaks badly about you. What is most infuriating is that no one hears this except you. Therefore, when we hear ringing in our ears for the first time, we might think that we are going crazy. But what if other people heard the same thing?

The city of Taos in north-central New Mexico is known for its liberal arts community, as well as several celebrities who have lived there. However, it is perhaps more famous for the "Taos Rumble", which is heard by about 2% of the population and which everyone describes differently.

It was first reported in the 1990s, and the hum began to be studied at the University of New Mexico. While most people claimed to have heard the hum, no equipment picked it up. Explanations for this phenomenon come down to factors such as: aliens, government experiments, the norm. Until we find the only true explanation for this hum, our personal explanation will be no worse than anyone else's.

2. Tunguska explosion

Photo: NASA

During Cold War we were all afraid of the destruction that would come with it nuclear weapon. We knew about the power nuclear bomb not only from the tests carried out, but also from real life, since it was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At that time, people expected that fire would fall from the sky and the earth would open up. But in 1908 people could not have expected something like this.

On June 30, 1908, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia, a massive fireball crashed into the ground before exploding 6 km above the ground. Hot shock wave Many animals were killed, and trees over an area of ​​tens of kilometers were felled. Visitors to the Vanavara shopping market, 64 km from the center of the explosion, were knocked off their feet by its force.

Most scientists believe that fire ball was a meteorite or asteroid that exploded due to atmospheric pressure, its composition and a number of other factors before contact with the earth occurred. The biggest mystery is that the crater was never found, making it impossible to analyze the meteorite material. It is possible that the object was entirely made of ice, and therefore left no fragments. However, this cannot be proven.

1. Japanese Atlantis

Photo: atlasobscura.com

It is strange when we discover circumstances that confirm that the mystery has been solved. Atlantis - mythical underwater city, who was controlled by Poseidon, or Aquaman from the comics, depending on who you ask. Since the legend originated in Greece, many believe that real prototype is located somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. Or maybe near the shores of Japan.

Large rock formations are found underwater near Yonaguni Jima Island. Outwardly, they resemble Egyptian or Aztec pyramids and have been under water for about 2000 years. At first it was believed that the formations discovered in 1986 by a local diver formed naturally, although this is strange when there are 90° angles.

Unlike other mysteries on our list, this one has a completely reasonable explanation. We hope this helps you sleep much more peacefully tonight.

"Taos Noise"

Have you heard the engine or drilling rig running? It is this kind of unpleasant noise that disturbs the peace of residents of the American city of Taos. An incomprehensible humming sound coming from the direction of the desert first appeared almost 18 years ago, and since then it has reappeared regularly. When city residents turned to the authorities with a request to conduct an investigation, it turned out that the noise seemed to come from the bowels of the earth, it could not be registered by location devices, and only 2% of the city population heard it. A similar phenomenon is observed in other regions of the planet. It occurs especially often in Europe. As in the case of the Taoist hum, the reasons for its occurrence and the source have not yet been discovered.

Ghostly doppelgängers

Cases when people meet their doubles are not uncommon. Stories about dopplegangers (this is to avoid writing “doubles” twice in a row) are present both in medical practice, which is not at all surprising, and in historical documents and literary works. Guy de Maupassant told his friends about meeting his double. The mathematician Descartes, the French writer George Sand, the English poets and writers Shelley, Byron, and Walter Scott also encountered their copies. We won’t even mention Dostoevsky’s story “The Double.”

However, doppelgängers also visit people of prosaic professions. Here are the stories collected by Dr. Edward Podolsky. One woman saw her double while putting on makeup in front of the mirror. A man working in the garden noticed next to him an exact copy of himself, repeating all his movements.

Scientists suggest that the secret of doppelgängers may be hidden in our brains. By processing information, our nervous system creates a so-called spatial diagram of the body, which, for reasons unknown to science, is divided into real and astral images. Alas, this is just a hypothesis.

Life after death

A light at the end of a dark tunnel, an unusual luminous creature, a calling voice, the ghosts of deceased loved ones - this is what awaits a person in the next world, according to the words of the “resurrected”. In other words, they suffered clinical death.

One of the proofs of the reality of the afterlife was the research of William James, which he conducted with the participation of the medium Leonora Piper. For about ten years, the doctor organized spiritualistic seances, during which Leonora spoke on behalf of the Indian girl Chlorin, then Commander Vanderbilt, then Longfellow, then Johann Sebastian Bach, then the actress Siddons. The doctor invited spectators to his sessions: journalists, scientists, and other mediums so that they could confirm that communication with the world of the dead actually occurs.

Unfortunately, there are no scientific facts on this matter yet. However, maybe this is for the better?

Noisy Spirit

Poltergeists are an inexplicable phenomenon and at the same time a constant hero of yellow press materials. “Barabashka stole the family’s salary from Kapotnya and wrote a swear word on the wall,” “Poltergeist became the father of three children,” these and similar headlines still regularly attract an audience.

Poltergeists were first mentioned almost two thousand years ago by the historian Titus Livius, who described how someone invisible threw stones at Roman soldiers. After this, cases of poltergeist appearances were described many more times. Mentions of this phenomenon are even present in the chronicles of a French monastery. According to the chronicler, on September 16, 1612, something incredible happened in the house of the Huguenot priest François Perrault. It all started when, at midnight, the curtains began to close on their own, and someone was pulling the bed linen off the beds. Loud noises were heard from various parts of the house, and someone was throwing dishes in the kitchen. The poltergeist not only methodically destroyed the house, but also cursed desperately. The Church decided that the devil had taken up residence in the house of a Huguenot sinner, and Martin Luther later proposed calling the “obscene spirit” a poltergeist. After 375 years in the USSR they will call him the drummer.

Heavenly signs

According to history, clouds are not only white-maned horses. Since time immemorial, eyewitness accounts have been preserved, telling about entire pictures, meaningful signs and numbers that unexpectedly appeared in the sky. According to legend, one of these heavenly visions predicted victory for Julius Caesar, and another - a blood-red flag with a white cross - gave strength to the retreating Danish troops and helped them defeat the pagan Estonians.

Scientists are skeptical about such pictures in the sky and name several reasons for their appearance. Today, various figures in the sky can form aircraft exhaust. After aircraft fuel burns out, water vapor enters the atmosphere and immediately turns into ice crystals. Caught up in air vortices, they behave very unpredictably and can create various shapes. Aerosols based on carbon dioxide and barium salts sprayed during weather experiments can also cause such phenomena. In addition, air, due to its specific properties, sometimes acquires the ability to reflect what is happening on Earth.

The phenomenon of wandering graves

In 1928, all Scottish newspapers were full of news about a grave that had disappeared from the cemetery of the small town of Glenysville. Relatives who came to visit the deceased found an empty space instead of a stone tombstone. It was never possible to find the grave.

In 1989, on a Kansas farm, a grave mound with a lopsided and cracked headstone appeared overnight right in the middle of a barnyard. Due to the poor condition of the slab, it was impossible to read the name on it. But when the grave was excavated, a coffin with human remains was found in it.

All this devilry is considered commonplace in some African and Polynesian tribes. There is a tradition there of dousing a fresh grave with tree sap and covering it with shells. This is done, according to the priests, so that the grave “does not leave.”


Cases where people engulfed in flames of unknown origin turned into a handful of ashes in just a few minutes have been known for a very long time. Although this phenomenon occurs infrequently: over the entire last century, only 19 cases of pyrokinesis were recorded in the world. Scientists cannot explain why this happens, and most importantly, why the flame often does not spread to surrounding objects.

In 1969, a man was found dead in his car. His face and hands were burned, but for some reason the fire did not touch his hair and eyebrows. A completely fantastic incident occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta. Two sisters flashed at the same instant, being in different parts of the city, a kilometer away from each other.

Versions of the origin of pyrokinesis are increasingly fantastic. Some doctors are trying to link spontaneous combustion of people with their internal state, since it is known that most victims were depressed for a long time. Others believe that it is mainly alcoholics who are affected by pyrokinesis. Their body is so saturated with alcohol that it can burst into flames at the slightest spark, especially if the deceased smoked. There is a version that the flame arises under the influence of either ball lightning that happens to be nearby, or energy beams unknown to science. And recently a completely incredible theory was put forward. Allegedly, the source of energy in a living cell is a thermonuclear reaction, that is, under the influence of an unknown force, inexplicable energy processes begin to occur in the cell, similar to those that occur during the explosion of an atomic bomb.

You will find more secrets and mysteries in the documentary series “Fact or Fiction: paranormal activity" on Syfy Universal. New episodes every Monday at 21.00.

Sometimes the most incredible things happen on our planet. We are somehow accustomed to fantastic and mystical stories, so we don’t always believe in miracles. mysterious phenomena happen in reality. There is irrefutable evidence of this. Just look at the megalithic structures scattered all over the planet! No matter what theories scientists put forward, they cannot explain their origin. There are other artifacts that also do not fit into existing theories and paradigms. Let's talk about them.

Ice woman

This story can surpass any other mysterious phenomena in its incredible improbability.

It was in Langby, Minnesota. It was a cold frosty day. The temperature dropped so low that it was scary to go outside. It was at such a time that Jean Hiliard, a nineteen-year-old girl, was discovered. She was completely frozen. The limbs did not bend, the skin froze. She was sent to the hospital. The doctors were amazed. The girl was an ice statue. The mystical phenomena demonstrated by the young organism were just beginning. The doctors were sure that the girl would die. And if the situation developed in a positive direction, she was threatened with amputation of limbs and a long, serious illness. However, after a couple of hours, Jean came to her senses and thawed out. She had no consequences from the “freezing”. Even the frostbite disappeared.

Delhi: Iron Column

Mysterious phenomena can occur with the most ordinary, at first glance, materials. Well, who can you surprise with iron these days? What if I tell you that it was made more than one and a half thousand years ago?

Of course it's incredible. However, in Delhi there is a structure that already adorns the city. It is made of pure iron. This is a seven-meter high column. It is not subject to corrosion. Some experts believe that it could not have been made on earth in those days. Nevertheless, such an artifact exists. It must be indicated when describing the photo, unfortunately, does not reflect all the incredible majesty and significance of this structure. By the way, research has proven that the column is 98% iron. The ancient people were unable to obtain material of such purity. This is a complex technological process.

Carroll A. Dearing

Mystical phenomena often occur in the ocean. People have been talking about the “flying Dutchmen” for several centuries. Not all stories are true, of course. But there are also documented facts.

Thus, an interesting and mysterious fate befell the crew of the schooner named "Carroll A. Deering". It was discovered on the very last day of 1921. Since she gave the impression of a ship in distress, rescuers went to her. Their amazement, mixed with horror, is simply impossible to convey. There was not a single person on the schooner. But there were also no signs of distress or catastrophe. It looked as if the people had suddenly disappeared without even realizing what had happened. They just evaporated. They took with them personal belongings and the ship's log, although they left the cooked food at the place. Explanations this fact never found.

Hutchison effect

Man creates some mysterious phenomena with my own hands, having no idea how it turns out.

So, John Hutchison was a great fan of Nikola Tesla. He tried to reproduce his experiments. The results were as unpredictable as they were incredible. He received a fusion of metal with wood, small objects disappeared during the experiment. The most significant of the effects was levitation. The scientist was even more puzzled by the fact that he could not repeat the result, that is, some mystical, nonlinear events took place. NASA specialists tried to repeat the experiments, but to no avail.

Sticky rain

There were even more incredible, mysterious phenomena on Earth. One of these can safely be considered the extraordinary rain that fell on the residents of Oakville (Washington). Instead of drops of water, they found jelly. The mysteries didn't end there. All the residents of the town fell ill. They developed cold symptoms. We decided to investigate the jelly. White bodies, which are part of human blood, were found in it. Scientists have not been able to figure out how this could happen. In addition, two types of bacteria were recognized in the jelly, which did not explain the symptoms of the illness of the local residents. This phenomenon remains unsolved.

Vanishing Lake

Mysterious natural phenomena sometimes resemble the fiction of a science fiction writer. Neither mystics nor scientists can find an explanation for them. A lake in Chile threw up such a mystery in 2007. It was not a puddle with a loud name, but a fairly large body of water. It was five miles long! However, it disappeared without a trace! Two months earlier it was explored by geologists. No deviations were found. But there was no water. There were no earthquakes or other natural disasters, but the lake was gone. Ufologists gave a more or less acceptable explanation for the event. According to their version, the aliens pumped him out and took him to their “unknown distances.”

Animals in stone

Some mysterious ones are millions of years old.

Thus, there are documented cases where frogs were found inside solid cobblestones. But we can still try to explain this. But the fact of the discovery of a turtle immured in concrete, where it lived for at least one year, is difficult to substantiate. This happened in Texas in 1976. The animal was alive and well. There were no cracks or holes in the concrete. However, this structure was poured a year ago. How and why the turtle existed in the air chamber all this time is not clear.

Donnie Decker

The existence of a boy who can generate water has been documented! His name was Donny. He could “make it rain” indoors. The first time this happened was when the boy was visiting. He went into a trance, causing water to pour from the ceiling and the entire room to be filled with fog. Another time this happened a few years later was when Donnie visited a restaurant. The owner was not impressed by the miracle and kicked the teenager out. But these two episodes could be called fiction. However, there was also a third case. It happened in prison, where Donnie ended up because the rain poured straight from the ceiling of his cell. Neighbors in the building began to complain. Donnie was not taken aback and once again demonstrated his abilities to the guards. It is unknown where he went after his release. They say he worked as a cook.

There are still many amazing things happening in the world. There are people who claim to have seen aliens. Others can sense the future. Still others see through walls. Schools dedicated to the development of superpowers have emerged and continue to exist. ordinary people. Probably, in order to “feel” this unknown, you need to believe in it. Then it will become clear that miracles exist! They are real!