OKVED 2 garbage and household waste removal. OKVED garbage and household waste removal

Popular destination Among new domestic businessmen - garbage removal. The main requirements from domestic legislation and investments in such a business are obtaining a license from Rostechnadzor, purchasing specialized equipment and finding employees.

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is items that cannot be disposed of at home and do not have the necessary consumer properties. Their removal is one of the most current problems in Russia, since it affects almost all spheres of human life.

Over 60 million tons are generated annually in Russia household waste, which in terms of 1 resident is about 400 kg. Not surprisingly, the issue of disposal municipal waste is one of the important areas of activity in the state, and for potential entrepreneurs - excellent option doing business.

Persons who wish to engage in real activities in this industry need to register a business entity and enter the appropriate codes from the registration application current edition OKVED classifier. Garbage removal should be designated with at least four-digit codes from class 38.

Since January 1 last year, a new edition of the classifier has been in effect, where the field of waste removal and solid waste received new class with updated code (previously it was class 90). When registering a business entity or to supplement the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities with new areas of activity, they must use exclusively the current edition of OKVED-2.

It is worth noting that the current edition of the classifier does not contain the wording “garbage removal” or “solid waste removal.” According to OKVED, the removal of solid waste is designated as “waste disposal”.

In addition to the OKVED-2 classifier in the field of waste disposal, the OKPD-2 classifier is also used to regulate the scope of solid waste removal (also class 38).

Class 38 according to the OKVED branch is located in section E and contains 3 clarifying subclasses:

  • 1 – waste collection;
  • 2 - processing and disposal;
  • 3 - activities for processing secondary raw materials.

When filling out the registration application, you cannot select codes consisting of less than 4 digits. An example of more detailed codes for the direction of waste collection and removal:

Code What activities are possible Not subclassed
38.11 – Collection of non-hazardous waste · removal of non-hazardous solid waste and garbage from the territory of the enterprise, which is collected using special bins and containers;

· services and work in the field of collecting materials that can be recycled and reused;

· services for collection and removal of containers to public places, sand, crushed stone;

· export construction waste, soil, waste from dismantling works (concrete, bricks, screed, broken walls, stones) from private, multi-storey buildings and other construction sites;

· collection of solid waste in the textile industry;

· services in the field of transportation of non-hazardous waste.

Collection of waste of I-IV hazard classes, as well as the ability to carry out work on the disposal of non-hazardous waste at landfills, sorting paper and plastics
38.12 – Collection of hazardous waste · activities aimed at collecting solid or non-solid waste of hazard class I-IV;

· storage of hazardous waste in designated places;

· transportation services in this direction.

Treatment, cleaning of contaminated buildings, mines, groundwater, soil

In addition to the collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste, entrepreneurs can carry out local transportation, as well as the operation of various recovery and treatment facilities.

If an entrepreneur has been working in another field for a long time, and wants to master this area as well, it is enough to simply make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, adding the necessary OKVED codes.

Features of the solid waste removal service

According to the latest changes in legislation (clause 4 of Article 24.6 of Law No. 89-FZ), in order to obtain the status of a regional operator for the collection and disposal of solid waste, the entity must win a competition organized by the territorial executive authority. Only eligible to participate in the competition legal entities.

Main requirements for competitors:

  • be an officially registered business entity;
  • have the appropriate license;
  • is not under liquidation or receivership proceedings;
  • have no tax debts.

To participate in the competition, the following package of documents is provided:

  • a current extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the corresponding OKVED codes;
  • irrevocable bank guarantee;
  • a document confirming the applicant’s eligibility;
  • copies of all constituent documents with the seal and signature of the management.

The winner will be the company that offers the most favorable conditions execution of the stated agreement.

By Order No. 14 of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014, the OKPD 2 classifier was introduced instead of OKUN, OKP and OKPD. The same document approved OKVED 2 to replace OKVED 2001 and 2007.

Solid waste removal services: OKPD 2

Two classifiers OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 have different purposes:

  • OKVED 2 is a classifier of types of work, and OKPD 2 is a classifier of products. They characterize the activities of an organization or entrepreneur from different points of view;
  • OKVED 2 is mandatory entered into the public mandatory register by the registering authority, and OKPD 2 is assigned independently;
  • Using OKVED, data is encoded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and the OKPD 2 code is relevant when placing government orders, for the correct operation of the contracting system.

At the same time, all these codes are used in preparing regulatory documents designed to regulate various areas economics, as well as the calculation of statistics in international affairs.

The service for transporting solid household waste according to OKPD 2 is included in group 38; according to OKVED, removal of solid waste is also in group 38.

According to current documentation, the term “garbage removal” or “solid waste removal” has been abolished, and the wording “waste disposal” is used. Also, the coding does not use the term “solid waste collection”, but rather “waste collection”.

If you want to correctly calculate waste and learn about the density of solid waste, read the article:
A license is required for the removal of solid waste. Find out about the register of licenses for all types of activities
In addition, you may find this material useful:

Solid waste removal. OKPD code 2

Rules No. 354, paragraph 148 regulate the procedure for providing services for working with solid household waste. According to the rules, all work is performed only after a contract for paid services has been concluded.

This agreement has some features:

  1. The contract is signed by the regional operator and citizens living in apartment buildings or home owners in the private sector. On behalf of residents, management companies and homeowners' associations can sign contracts for waste removal.
  2. The owners also pay for the collection, removal, neutralization, recycling, and burial of solid waste. non-residential premises. These can be the owners of various enterprises located on the ground floors of residential buildings - hairdressers, shoemakers, studios, shops, cafes, office organizations.
  3. As a rule, the contract is concluded in writing, but it is possible to perform work as a result of implied actions.
  4. The contract is concluded for the period for which the organization received the status of a regional “garbage” operator. The usual term is 10 years, but may be less. If the waste collection company loses this status, the contract is automatically extended and re-signed with the legal successor of the former operator.
  5. According to the new rules, a contract can be agreed upon and signed not only with a regional operator, but also with an individual entrepreneur or another company licensed for these types of work.

Watch the video: State Environmental Expertise (validity period)

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You can draw up the form of a standard agreement yourself, taking into account the mandatory requirements of the following points:

  • subject of the contract being concluded;
  • weight, volume, composition of scrap that is planned to be exported;
  • methods for accounting for the amount of solid waste;
  • time, place and intervals between removal works;
  • the procedure for settlements and payments and the timing of payments;
  • rights and obligations of the parties signing the document.

Contract for removal of solid waste: Sample (Download for free):

Carefully read all the details of the contract. Knowing the nuances of the document will make your work easier.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them. After reading the standard contract, save it to your computer or phone.

To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the picture, click on it

Every person should understand what solid waste is, since we all now pay for the “solid waste removal” service.

Solid household waste is considered to be items that have already been used by humans and have become unusable, or have lost their relevance or consumer qualities.

Solid waste is divided into organic waste (cooking waste) and household waste (plastic, paper, cardboard, rubber). Of the total amount of all waste, solid waste constitutes 25%.

Every year their number grows and gradually turns into a problem of enormous proportions.

IMPORTANT! Already 4,000,000 hectares of our country are occupied by landfills and landfills, where about 35,000,000,000 tons of garbage are stored!

This is one of the most important problems, as it affects literally every person. In terms of 1 person, about 400 kg of solid household waste are generated from its activities per year.

OKPD 2: Collection and removal of solid waste

For proper regulation in the field of solid waste removal, the OKPD 2 classifier is used.

According to the OKVED branch, class 38 is located in section “E” and has 3 subclasses:

  • accumulation and collection of solid household waste;
  • disposal and treatment;
  • recycling activities.

When filling out the registration application, select codes consisting of at least 4 digits. For example, code 38.11 implies:

  • transportation of non-hazardous waste from the territory of the organization, collected in containers or special bins;
  • activities to collect materials that can be recycled and reused;
  • services for the removal and collection of containers from public places, as well as crushed stone and sand;
  • textile waste collection;
  • removal of waste generated during the construction of buildings and structures (stones, bricks, concrete, etc.). These may be private or apartment buildings, as well as other construction projects;
  • services for removal and transportation of non-hazardous solid waste.

This section does not include work with waste of hazard classes I-IV, and also does not provide the opportunity to sort plastic and paper, or dispose of non-hazardous waste at landfills.

In OKPD 2, each type of waste has its own codes. For example, glass is designated 11/38/51.

Watch the video: How to develop PNOLR and PDV, as well as other environmental reporting yourself

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OKPD 2: Solid waste disposal

Transportation of waste and its disposal have become a popular idea for business. To open your own business in this area, you need to obtain a license and purchase the appropriate equipment and cars.

Such a company will never be left without work, since garbage is constantly generated in huge quantities. Every year this figure is about 60,000,000 tons in our country alone.

This state of affairs has turned the problem of waste collection, removal and disposal into one of the main areas of government activity.

Enterprising businessmen can turn this issue into an excellent source of income, while improving their health environmental situation on the planet.

In order to get started, you must register as a individual entrepreneur or open a company by submitting an appropriate application to local authorities.

The application must indicate the correct activity codes from the current OKVED list.

The service code for waste treatment and disposal is 38.2, non-hazardous waste is 38.21, non-hazardous waste for final disposal is 38.21.10.

Large cities in Russia produce huge amounts of waste from industrial and consumer activities. Garbage business is a current area of ​​entrepreneurship and is capable of the right approach bring profit.

To open his own business, an entrepreneur needs to accurately determine the vector of his activity - waste transportation, storage, processing, or all actions together.

You will need to report information about your activities to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). Business areas are designated by a special code according to the All-Russian Type Classifier economic activity(OKVED). This information is necessary for the state to maintain statistics and tax calculations. Some activities require licensing.

Code 38 according to OKVED indicates the removal of garbage and household waste, their processing and storage. Federal Law No. 89-FZ, as amended on July 29, 2018, “On Production and Consumption Waste” divides waste into 5 classes according to the degree of hazard:

  1. Extremely dangerous. Not recyclable naturally. Chemicals, transformers, mineral and synthetic oils, devices containing mercury.
  2. Highly dangerous. It will take at least 30 years for class 2 waste to decompose. Items containing lead, batteries, acids and alkalis.
  3. Moderately dangerous. Machine oils, varnishes, paints, solvents, diesel fuel, poultry droppings. It takes them 10 years to self-destruct.
  4. Low risk. Household and construction waste, car tires, waste paper.
  5. Practically not dangerous. Wood shavings, food waste, fragments of bricks and ceramics, etc.

The difference between hazard class 4 and 5 does not seem very obvious. The difficulty is that to work with waste of hazard classes 1-4 you will need a license from a body such as Rosprirodnadzor. Activities related to class 5 waste do not need to be licensed.

The choice of OKVED code depends on which class the entrepreneur plans to work with. Removal of solid waste of hazard class 1-4, waste storage or removal of construction waste belong to different groups of the classifier. You should focus on OKVED-2, current for 2018. When registering, you can select multiple codes.

Code 38 belongs to section “E” and includes the categories:

  • 1 – waste collection;
  • 2 – waste disposal;
  • 3 – processing of secondary raw materials.

To register, an entrepreneur must provide a code containing at least 4 digits:

  • 38.11 – collection of non-hazardous waste (class 5). Collection of solid waste using bins and containers near residential buildings and enterprises is allowed. You can collect construction waste, broken bricks, sand, crushed stone, textiles, etc. Working with waste of hazard class 1-4 is not permitted.
  • 38.12 – collection of waste of hazard class 1-4. Permitted to work with explosives, oxidizers, batteries, fuel, radioactive and biologically hazardous waste. This also includes the collection and transportation of highly toxic liquid waste.
  • 38.21 – destruction of hazard class 5 waste, also cleaning before disposal. Non-hazardous waste can be placed in compost bins, burned or disposed of in other ways. This also includes the activities of landfills for waste disposal. This group does not include sorting of paper, plastics, and metals. This does not include activities for disinfection, purification of water and land from pollutants.
  • 38.22 – processing of solids and liquid substances, which belong to hazard classes 1-4, listed in group 38.12. This also includes the disposal of office equipment, household appliances containing harmful substances(refrigerators), destruction of infected live or dead animals, disposal computer equipment. This group includes processing activities radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel.
  • 38.31 – dismantling of equipment that cannot be restored. This group includes activities related to dismantling equipment in disrepair (cars, ships, televisions, computers and household appliances). After dismantling, the remains of structures and materials must be destroyed. This does not include dismantling mechanisms for spare parts for long-distance resale.
  • 38.32 – processing of sorted materials. This group includes working with recyclable materials, mechanical or chemical processing of scrap metal, waste paper, rubber, plastic, and textiles. It's about about the preparation of raw materials for further production, but not about the production of new finished products. This does not include the production of cellulose from waste paper, yarn from textile waste, or metal from scrap metal (information is available in section “C” of OKVED-2). Energy recovery from solid waste and composting are classified in group 38.21. Melting of scrap metal belongs to metallurgical production and is classified by codes 24.10. To sell the received recyclable materials, you must receive additional code 46.77 ( Wholesale waste and scrap).


A mandatory condition for a business related to the collection, sorting, transportation or disposal of hazardous waste (up to class 4 inclusive) is licensing from Rosprirodnadzor. This requirement is based on Federal law No. 99-FZ dated May 4, 2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities.” The work permit is issued for an indefinite period. Illegal activities are fraught with an administrative fine, confiscation of raw materials and equipment, and a ban on doing business.

Rosprirodnadzor puts forward the following requirements:

  • the presence of a business entity with a territory for storing and processing waste;
  • availability of special transport with identification marks;
  • personnel undergoing training and issuing a certificate;
  • sanitary and epidemiological examination;
  • Availability of passports for waste classified as hazardous.

If the company received a license before 2016, it is required to pass this procedure again. This document is required to participate in the tender of executive authorities for the position of a regional operator for the collection and disposal of solid waste.

A popular area among new domestic businessmen is waste removal. The main requirements from domestic legislation and investments in such a business are obtaining a license from Rostechnadzor, purchasing specialized equipment and finding employees.

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is items that cannot be disposed of at home and do not have the necessary consumer properties. Their export is one of the most pressing problems in Russia, since it affects almost all spheres of human life.

Every year over 60 million tons of household waste are generated in Russia, which is about 400 kg per inhabitant. It is not surprising that the issue of municipal waste disposal is one of the important areas of activity in the state, and for potential entrepreneurs it is an excellent option for doing business.

Persons who wish to engage in real activities in this industry need to register a business entity and enter into the registration application the appropriate codes from the current edition of the OKVED classifier. Garbage removal should be designated with at least four-digit codes from class 38.

Since January 1 last year, a new edition of the classifier has been in effect, where the field of garbage and solid waste removal received a new class with an updated code (previously it was class 90). When registering a business entity or to supplement the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities with new areas of activity, they must use exclusively the current edition of OKVED-2.

It is worth noting that the current edition of the classifier does not contain the wording “garbage removal” or “solid waste removal.” According to OKVED, the removal of solid waste is designated as “waste disposal”.

In addition to the OKVED-2 classifier in the field of waste disposal, the OKPD-2 classifier is also used to regulate the scope of solid waste removal (also class 38).

Class 38 according to the OKVED branch is located in section E and contains 3 clarifying subclasses:

  • 1 – waste collection;
  • 2 - processing and disposal;
  • 3 - activities for processing secondary raw materials.

When filling out the registration application, you cannot select codes consisting of less than 4 digits. An example of more detailed codes for the direction of waste collection and removal:

Code What activities are possible Not subclassed
38.11 – Collection of non-hazardous waste · removal of non-hazardous solid waste and garbage from the territory of the enterprise, which is collected using special bins and containers;

· services and work in the field of collecting materials that can be recycled and reused;

· services for the collection and removal of containers in public places, sand, crushed stone;

· removal of construction waste, soil, dismantling waste (concrete, bricks, screed, broken walls, stones) from private, multi-storey buildings and other construction sites;

· collection of solid waste in the textile industry;

· services in the field of transportation of non-hazardous waste.

Collection of waste of I-IV hazard classes, as well as the ability to carry out work on the disposal of non-hazardous waste at landfills, sorting paper and plastics
38.12 – Collection of hazardous waste · activities aimed at collecting solid or non-solid waste of hazard class I-IV;

· storage of hazardous waste in designated places;

· transportation services in this direction.

Treatment, cleaning of contaminated buildings, mines, groundwater, soil

In addition to the collection, treatment and disposal of solid waste, entrepreneurs can carry out local transportation, as well as the operation of various recovery and treatment facilities.

If an entrepreneur has been working in another field for a long time, and wants to master this area as well, it is enough to simply make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, adding the necessary OKVED codes.

Features of the solid waste removal service

According to the latest changes in legislation (clause 4 of Article 24.6 of Law No. 89-FZ), in order to obtain the status of a regional operator for the collection and disposal of solid waste, the entity must win a competition organized by the territorial executive authority. Only legal entities are allowed to participate in the competition.

Main requirements for competitors:

  • be an officially registered business entity;
  • have the appropriate license;
  • is not under liquidation or receivership proceedings;
  • have no tax debts.

To participate in the competition, the following package of documents is provided:

  • a current extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the corresponding OKVED codes;
  • irrevocable bank guarantee;
  • a document confirming the applicant’s eligibility;
  • copies of all constituent documents with the seal and signature of the management.

The winner will be the company that offers the most favorable terms for the execution of the stated agreement.

To start a business in the field of removal and disposal of solid waste (solid waste), you need to select the appropriate OKVED codes (garbage removal) when registering a company or individual entrepreneur in tax office. Activities related to waste disposal are subject to mandatory licensing.

What is OKVED

OKVED is specialized system codes that combine various types activities in classes and groups by economic sectors. OKVED codes are statistical indicators. They are necessary for entrepreneurs in order to notify government bodies authorities about the scope of their activities: about what exactly the economic entity will do. When submitting documents for the initial registration of the form of business ownership or registration of changes made, the codes must be indicated in the relevant applications.

Valid in 2018, the Classifier OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2) was approved by Rosstandart Order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014 (as amended on July 10, 2018). It is also called: OKVED2 or OKVED-2014 codes. They were put into effect relatively recently - on January 1, 2017. Before this, the previous code classifiers were in force: OKVED-2001, approved in 2001, and OKVED-2007, adopted in 2007.

The Classifier itself looks like a hierarchical drop-down list, in which sectors of the economy are grouped into sections, designated by letters, and within the sections are classes and groups of activities.

OKVED "garbage removal"

Both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can indicate “solid waste removal” in applications when registering an OKVED business and submit documents for a license. Codes for waste removal and treatment services are located in section “E” of the general classifier “Water supply, sanitation, organization of waste collection and disposal.” Within section “E”, all types of services related to waste removal and disposal are grouped into class 38 “Collection, processing and disposal of waste; processing of secondary raw materials."

OKVED codes for solid waste removal are located within subclasses of code 38:

    38.1 Collection of hazardous waste (hazard class I-IV) and non-hazardous, including:

    • 38.11 Collection of hazardous waste;

      38.12 Collection of non-hazardous waste.

    38.2 Waste treatment and disposal:

    • 38.21 Non-hazardous;

      38.22 Hazardous, including radioactive (38.22.1) and other hazardous waste (38.22.9).

    38.3 Activities for processing recyclable materials include OKVED codes:

    38.31: Dismantling of equipment that cannot be restored;

    38.32: Disposal of sorted materials (includes material type codes 38.32.1 to 38.32.5). Recycling includes sorting, processing and subsequent disposal of paper, rubber, glass, scrap non-ferrous and ferrous metals, plastic, plastic, wood, textiles and other materials.

Thus, when preparing documents for state registration, you should indicate codes of class 38 OKVED: garbage and household waste removal. In the Classifier, the code is designated in a slightly different wording - as waste collection and disposal. You can select all four-digit codes of this class. When filling out the registration application, it is enough to indicate the OKVED code within 4 digits. With this indication, all subgroups and types included in this group automatically become declared types of activity.

If an already registered entrepreneur or company plans to remove garbage and solid waste, you should submit an application to add these OKVED codes to the list of types of activities of the enterprise.