Sergei Bezrukov married Anna Matison wedding. Sergei Bezrukov married Anna Matison without a lavish ceremony

Famous Russian actor married director Anna Matison.

Actor Sergei Bezrukov and director Anna Matison officially became husband and wife.

This happened back on March 11th. The wedding ceremony took place in one of the Moscow registry offices and was quiet and modest so as not to attract public attention.

About the changes that have happened in life star couple TV journalist Vadim Vernik said.

“Suddenly I receive a text message from Sergei Bezrukov: “Vadik, dear! We signed! But we don't make loud statements. Quiet, no fuss. We don’t want them to ask: when, where, and so on. We protect our happiness,” he told the media.

Let us remember that, now ended in marriage, began on the set of the film " Milky Way", which took place in remote places on Lake Baikal.

As Sergei Bezrukov said, meeting Anna made a vivid impression on him.

“In addition to the fact that Anya is a delicate person in life, she turned out to be a sensitive director. I know and feel this profession from the inside, because I stage plays myself. But there are different directors. Sometimes it happens, you come to the set, and they tell you: “Old man, do what want!" I liked that Anya knew exactly what her script was about, how her characters lived. It’s interesting to work with such a director as a co-author," he said.

As the portal site reminds, creative collaboration quickly grew into serious relationship and the actor decided to divorce his wife Irina.

After this, Bezrukov and Matison regularly began to appear together in public, gave joint interviews, did photo shoots for glossy magazines.

In fact, everything was heading towards marriage. That's what happened.

Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison

“My old friend, producer Alexey Kublitsky, with whom we worked together on the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” he suggested reading Anna Matison’s script “The Milky Way,” says Sergei Bezrukov. - I liked it, very sincere, unlike standard New Year's films. There was something from the auteur cinema that I always wanted to act in. But for some reason I had never been offered this before. Maybe they're afraid of me. They probably think that since Sergei Bezrukov, he only stars in blockbusters. “Okay,” I said to Alexei. - Let's meet with the director, get acquainted, discuss. Anna’s first full-length film “Satisfaction” with Evgeniy Grishkovets made a very strong impression on me at the time.”

Photo: Maxim Li

“I didn’t know whether Sergei had seen “Satisfaction” or not,” she said Anna Mathison. “So there was some uncertainty.” Whatever they say, at the first meeting there is almost always some bias towards the female director. Therefore, I always prefer that they first look at my work, and then get acquainted with it in person. I remember well - on the day when Sergei made an appointment for us at the Moscow Provincial Theater, the same producer Alexei Kublitsky and I were first at other negotiations. And between these meetings, I asked Alexey to take me home to change clothes. He asked: “Why? You look good." And I just wanted to avoid attracting attention as much as possible.”

Then, despite his busy schedule at the theater, Sergei agreed to the role. Filming of “Milky Way” took place on Lake Baikal, not far from Anna’s homeland. She was born and raised in Irkutsk. Then they talked a lot and realized that they had a lot in common.

Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison Photo: Maxim Li

“What I really like about Anya is that she is a very subtle director,” says Sergei. - She thinks through everything to the smallest detail regarding the characters in films. For her, everything is important on the set - from the warm, friendly atmosphere that she knows how to create to specific creative tasks. As an artist, she contributes a lot to how the interior looks and the life of the characters, right down to the smallest details. Each actor has a so-called “hero card” - not only the backstory of each character is thought out, but also such nuances as favorite things in the desk drawer, what music your hero likes to listen to, and so on and so forth. All this creates a feeling real life on the set."

News that excited the public: Sergei Bezrukov, whose affair with screenwriter and director Anna Matison is much gossiped about lately, formalized their relationship. Apparently, a modest registration at the registry office - without noise and an escort of expensive cars and star witnesses. Who the witnesses are is unknown: the popular actor carefully guards his personal life, which is understandable, and this inspires respect, but... gives rise to rumors, each more ridiculous than the other.

The fact of registering a new marriage was confirmed to us at the Provincial Theater, although without comment. But editor-in-chief magazine "OK!" and the host of the TV program “Who’s There...” on “Culture” (the only one of all existing TV programs that pays attention to beginners, little-known people in art who later become stars) Vadim Vernik received an SMS notification from the newlyweds that Sergei registered his marriage with Anna - such is the level of trust in this journalist. We contacted Vadim and this is what he told MK.

Yes, I received an SMS message from Seryozha,” confirms Vadim.

- They didn’t invite you to the wedding?

As far as I know, there was no wedding, only registration at the registry office. I must say that we communicate quite closely, I observe Sergei’s relationship with Anya... I see how he really flies. He had a very new, very warm energy.

- You said that you have been communicating a lot lately, does this mean you have some kind of joint work?

There is no joint work, but I have known Anya for a very long time, when she first arrived from Irkutsk to Moscow: the operator of my program also knew her well from Irkutsk.

Anya is a very extraordinary person, bright personality: Listen, if at the age of 20 she was the general producer of the largest television company in Irkutsk! I recently filmed her in my program “Who’s There...” and she said that she could not sleep for several nights in a row while working on a film or script. She has wonderful documentaries, she staged the opera The Golden Cockerel at the Mariinsky Theater. I've only seen the TV version - it's very interesting. In general, Anya is a deep, not superficial person.

- Have you already seen her latest film “After You”, where Sergei starred as a ballet dancer?

They just showed me a draft the other day. It is clear that this is a talented film and an absolutely original statement. Sergei has a different acting energy there. It's new and very unexpected...

I see that Anya and Seryozha are taking care of their relationship: I invited them to do an interview in the magazine, but Sergey, despite all our good relations, refused. He said: “I don’t want to share my happiness with anyone.” And he only sent an SMS when they signed.

In March 2016 year Sergey Bezrukov married Anne Mathieson, and already in July their daughter was born Mashenka. For many fans of talent Sergei Bezrukov What came as a surprise was the fact that an exemplary family man left his heartbroken wife and hastily connected his life with another – younger and more talented. Irina Bezrukova older Sergei on 8 years, but Anna Mathison a full ten years younger than him. Essentially 42 -summer Sergey left 50 -year-old woman 32 -year-old The benefits and the situation are obvious. Fans were perplexed Irina Bezrukova just lost only son, and her husband is not there to support, he leaves, in addition, it turns out that Sergei Bezrukov there are two more children born out of wedlock - a daughter Alexandra and son Ivan. That is, not everything was so smooth in the marriage Irina And Sergei Bezrukov, as they tried to present it. Irina Bezrukova she once left her husband Igor Livanov and went to a more promising and to the young actor. As it were, Anna Mathison much more suited by temperament Sergei Bezrukov. Anna Mathison more intelligent, purposeful, interesting, but still a director, screenwriter, and a respected person in his circle. And today we will admire the photographs Anechki!

As you can see, Anna Mathison taller than her husband, but despite this, the couple look very harmonious together. Perhaps because they glow with happiness?

Look at this photo Anna Mathison slim, always in excellent condition physical fitness. Wife Bezrukova loves to wear dresses, even on film set, where you have to arrive at 5 am, Anna Mathison appears in full dress: makeup, outfits and a great, high spirits.

In this photo you see Sergei Bezrukov, Anastasia Bezrukova(namesake of the People's Artist) and Anna Mathison. By the way, Nastya Bezrukova this is the second time he has been filmed Anna Matison and plays his daughter for the second time Sergei Bezrukov.

Director Anna Mathison And People's Artist Sergey Bezrukov agreed on filming "Milky Way", which was filmed in 2015 year. Between the young talented people Mutual sympathy immediately arose. Sergey Bezrukov, according to people close to him, he was always a lover of the female sex, and marriage with Irina Bezrukova did not stop him from fleeting hobbies. But this time everything turned out to be more serious than before, Sergey Bezrukov decided to start everything from scratch, and Irina was forced to give her go-ahead.

And in this photo you see my wife Sergei Bezrukov pregnant. Significant event, as is known, in July 2016 year she gave birth to her husband a daughter Mashenka.

In this photo Sergey Bezrukov with his third child - daughter Masha. As you know, this actor with many children also has a son and a daughter from a little-known actress Kristina Smirnova. But only with Mashenkoy Sergey Bezrukov I felt like a real father, and that’s understandable: he gets up at night, changes diapers, spoon-feeds his little one, and rejoices at his first teeth.

In this photo there is a wife Sergei Bezrukova Anna Matison with my daughter Mashenka and with my mother-in-law Natalia Bezrukova.

And here are rare, amazing photos of Sergei Bezrukov with his daughter Mashenka.

On March 16, 2016, the popular actor Sergei Bezrukov admitted to his Instagram followers that he got married.

Here's what he wrote:

I still don’t want interference in my personal life, but in order to avoid a huge amount of gossip and rumors, I am informing you about my new status! Yes! Married! Thank you all for your sincere congratulations and understanding!!!

Sergei does not write about who he married, implying that this is already known to everyone.

The fact that Sergei Bezrukov married Anna Matison told close friend Sergei, magazine editor Vadim Vernik. Here's what he said:

Friday, March 11th. Evening. Suddenly I receive a text message from Sergei Bezrukov: “Vadik, dear! We signed! But we don't make loud statements. Quiet, no fuss. Protecting our happiness

Wernick clarified

As far as I know, there was no wedding, only registration at the registry office. I must say that we communicate quite closely, I observe Sergei’s relationship with Anya... I see how he really flies. He has a very new, very warm energy.

Let us remind our readers that Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Matison met in 2015, and in the spring of 2016 rumors appeared that Sergei Bezrukov left his wife Irina. It was just unclear who his new love was.

They talked about the conflict that arose after the funeral of Irina’s son.
Then they remembered that Sergei had two children growing up on his side and everyone decided that they had left his wife for their mother, Kristina Smirnova.

Kristina Smirnova, photo

Idle journalists tried to find out this question from Sergei’s wife, Irina.
However, the woman angrily rejected these questions and tried to assure everyone that they had a friendly family.
Bezrukova published a photo on the Internet in which she tenderly hugs her husband and captioned it something like this: “Seryozha and I had a good rest, now we can work”

Bezrukov family, photo

However, from close circles acting couple There were rumors that the Bezrukov family was going through a crisis. It became known that Sergei was not at the celebration of his wife’s fiftieth birthday, which was celebrated in the theater after the performance.
However married couple again threatened journalists, and the rumors died down for about a month, until they were again stirred up by the famous publication Super. Ru. It published photos showing that Sergei Bezrukov is spending all his time free time with director Anna Matison.

Anna Matison, photo

At first they were connected by official relations, - Sergei plays main role in Anna's new film, called "The Milky Way". However, the relationship continues after work.

Bezrukov and Matison, photo

They say that Sergei and Anna have known each other since 2011. Even then, the film crew of the film “Yolki 2” noticed special relationship between actor and director.

As soon as the director addressed Sergei Bezrukov on a first-name basis and spent more time with him. The couple discussed the working aspects of the film for a long time, retired and it was then that a conversation arose about the romance between Sergei and Anna Matison. They even said that Anna is a muse for Sergei Bezrukov.