How to learn English at home. English from scratch: how to start learning successfully

Teaching English for free involves acquiring knowledge in this area on your own. The main source of information is the Internet.

There are many online services with which you can start learning from scratch, by learning the alphabet. To diversify and significantly simplify complex science, you can use educational games that quietly present the necessary information in an easy and accessible form.

English language training is free. How to learn English at home (at home) on your own from scratch?

When learning a foreign language, you should take into account that your knowledge should be divided into four areas:

  1. Reading.

When reading, you are sure to encounter new unfamiliar words and turns of phrase, the knowledge of which necessarily increases vocabulary. Please note that texts must be selected in accordance with your level of language knowledge. When choosing literature, not according to level, large number incomprehensible words, phrases, idioms will dishearten anyone.

  1. Letter.

Written speech is complex from the point of view of orthographic theory. The science of constructing sentences is also difficult to study, in which you also need to choose one of 16 verb forms.

To make learning easier, you should write reminder notes to yourself, keep personal diary with a description of all life events. The best option would be to find a pen pal. It is convenient to use social networks for these purposes.

  1. Oral speech.

Spoken English is formed by retelling the text read. New words and phrases should be added in each lesson.

  1. Listening speech perception.

To understand English speech You should use it by ear to communicate with other people.

During the learning process, special attention should be paid to chatting, using emails and by phone. By learning a language, in addition to knowledge, you can also significantly increase your IQ.

Where to start learning English on your own?

When learning a foreign language on your own, success in learning directly depends on the chosen the right approach to learning.

To do this, you must comply correct sequence obtaining information:

  1. English alphabet.
  2. Transcription.
  3. Reading rules English letters and their combinations. It is convenient to use the website
  4. Replenishment of vocabulary. For efficiency, it is better to learn 10 words per lesson. Moreover, it is important that these words are pronounced correctly. At self-study No one can tell you this, so it’s convenient to contact the Internet service or Here you need to choose a set of words for learning, then launch the program, listen to each word several times and repeat it after the speaker. This exercise is also useful when practicing your own pronunciation. When replenishing your vocabulary words, you should also focus on certain rules.

    It is better to start expanding your vocabulary with simple words, belonging to a general thematic category used most often in the dictionary lexicon. The service can come to the rescue, which recommends spending more time studying verbs, because it is this part of speech in the English language that makes speech understandable and dynamic.

  5. Formation of vocabulary. To do this, you can use the service, where using bright pictures, voiced by native speakers and translated into Russian, the process of memorizing words will be significantly accelerated.
  6. It’s not difficult to learn grammar rules, the main thing is to choose suitable literature, which presents information in an easy and concise form.
  7. View news in English. To do this, you need to find an English-language service in the list of your television channels, which will help you build your vocabulary in an unobtrusive manner. For reading, you can use the news portal, where information is presented to readers, divided into several levels. It is important that each news is accompanied by an audio recording, which will help to capture the nature of the pronunciation of certain words.
  8. When reading simple, uncomplicated texts, visual memory is activated, while in automatic mode new words and phrases are memorized.

When learning English on your own, the process of optimal organization is important to ensure the effectiveness of classes.

  • set the duration of classes to one hour;
  • the frequency of lessons should not be less than 3 times a week;
  • the ideal learning rhythm, taking into account the completion of additional tasks, is 30 minutes a day;
  • when working on speaking skills foreign language you should rewrite short texts, read newspaper articles and news;
  • it is important to find someone to talk to to practice your speaking skills;
  • All acquired knowledge should be immediately applied in practice, and you should try to use all words and grammatical structures in oral and written speech.

It should be noted that ordinary cramming will not give effective result without practical consolidation of knowledge.

Words need to be mastered 10 at a time, according to the scheme:

  • learning words;
  • independent writing short story in such a way that it involves all the newly learned words;
  • reading your own story;
  • retelling;
  • repeating what has been done.

What can get in the way of learning English at home?

The main mistake that beginners make when learning a language is:

  • dispersion in the information provided;
  • an attempt to absorb a lot of information, to study a large amount of multidirectional material.

Errors may result in complete absence progress in knowledge and lack of desire to learn due to the confusion that has arisen in the abundance of information received and unprocessed by the brain.

At home, it can interfere with learning a foreign language:

  1. Absence proper motivation for language learning.

You shouldn’t study a language because it’s fashionable, or because they won’t hire you without knowing a foreign language. The basis for studying should be cognitive foundations that develop thinking, which contributes to career growth.

  1. Inability to manage time.

This is especially true for preparation homework, which, as usual, is performed immediately before classes. It is necessary to break the task into several stages for better assimilation. Don't try to cover huge amounts of information in one sitting.

When completing homework step by step, you should first pay attention to simple exercises, which are easy to perform. Tasks that require working with a dictionary should be put in second place.

  1. Fear of difficulties training.

Wrong choice of methodology, which should be based on individual characteristics ability to perceive information. Some are easier to remember by hearing, and some must be in front of your eyes. clear example. It is important to draw up the right program training, taking into account the form of information presentation.

Tools for self-learning English at home

To learn English it is convenient to use the following tools:

  • Polyglot, an English course consisting of 16 episodes, each of which covers a separate topic with grammatical and phonetic rules;
  • Puzzle English tool, in which, with the help of video exercises, you can quickly learn to understand English speech;
  • Interactive Wordcount activities will help in game form master a difficult science.

Services for learning English for free

There are many services for learning English on your own, each of which has a specific thematic focus:

  • To learn new words, it’s convenient to use the Lingualeo mini-tutorial, thanks to which you can learn the technique of spaced repetition;
  • The Duolingo app will allow you to master grammar in addition to new words, thanks to which it is easy to learn how to build a sentence.

Polyglots are fluent in several foreign languages.

So how did they manage to learn them in such quantity, when learning English alone causes so many difficulties:

  1. Difficulties arise only when learning the first foreign language; all other languages ​​are easy.
  2. In order to speak a language perfectly, you should enjoy the learning process. Anything you like does well. You have to be in love with the language to understand it.
  3. To increase your vocabulary, you should not only regularly learn words and phrases, but also be able to and constantly use them in colloquial speech.
  4. It is easier for adults to learn a foreign language due to the awareness of its actions.
  5. For learning to be effective, you should pay attention to the lesson every day for at least one hour.
  6. The development of oral speech and its understanding comes only as a result of communication with native speakers.
  7. Reading content texts in accordance with your level of knowledge contributes to better memorization of words and individual phrases.

Many people believe that the ability to learn foreign languages ​​is an innate feature that is given to some, and to others, no matter how hard you try, you can’t learn anything beyond a couple of everyday phrases, and even curse words. All this is complete nonsense and excuses from someone who simply does not want to strain his head, and mother laziness overcomes him with incredible force. They also say that it is much easier for kids to learn English on their own from scratch than for adults, and this statement is only partly true. It is clear that a child’s brain is more flexible and can cope with assigned tasks more easily, but much depends on the desire, need, and environment in which the person is located. However, all this is poetry, and we need dry facts, advice and recommendations that will help us cope with such a rather complex super task as self-study foreign language.

Learn English at home– this is real

A person creates a great many harmful stereotypes around himself, and he himself is drawn into them, like a terrible swamp, a quagmire absorbing into its monstrous depths everything that falls into its insatiable throat. Many people think that learning foreign languages ​​in general, and English in particular, needs to start from the very beginning. early childhood, and at the age of forty there is no point in shining among the student fraternity. They say that children remember better and their mental flexibility is very enviable, however, both opinions cannot be called the ultimate truth.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with starting to study not at six or seven, but at twenty, thirty and even sixty. Moreover, a real and unconditional thirst for knowledge can instill in others a sense of respect, and not ridicule, which we subconsciously expect from various kinds of “well-wishers.” Children, of course, learn faster and grasp things on the fly, but an adult, experienced person is also capable of learning no less quickly and efficiently, especially with a strong desire. In such conditions, the question of whether it is possible to learn English on your own from scratch turns out to be completely meaningless - of course you can, the main thing is to start. Most simple method To study any foreign language, you can consider classes with a teacher (tutor), or living in a country where the English-speaking environment predominates.

The main advantages of classes with a teacher-tutor:

  • In fact, a tutor, or teacher, as you prefer, is first and foremost an interlocutor to whom you can ask any question and receive an intelligible answer.
  • It is much easier to practice pronunciation with a tutor.
  • Only a teacher can explain grammar rules in simple and straightforward words.
  • By telling you something in English, the tutor will teach you how to perceive spoken language by ear and much more.

How to learn English on your own from scratch: we organize the educational process in the right way

It is clear that it will not be easy at all and no matter how much advice and recommendations you give, nothing will help. You need to set yourself a goal and go towards it, despite all the misunderstandings and obstacles. Moreover, one should not think that someone was born with natural knowledge languages, because the baby gradually masters even his native speech, over the course of several years listening to parents, loved ones, and just people around him. Therefore, you shouldn’t rush, and asking questions like “How long will it take to learn English from scratch?” is at least stupid. Some people can already communicate fluently with native speakers after a month of self-study, while others are not helped at all. school curriculum at the age of ten, neither four or five years of university, nor two-year courses where a person decided to enroll just like that.

However, a few simple tips on organizing your own educational process can be identified, they definitely won’t bother anyone, but they will help you properly distribute your time, and also set the right vector of work.

  • One lesson a week, even if it lasts 2-3 hours, is too little to gain at least some knowledge. If it's worth real goal learn English at least basic level, it’s worth spending 2-3 lessons a week, about an hour and a half, this schedule will be truly optimal.
  • In addition, you need to set aside a free 15-20 minutes every day to review the material you have covered, go over the necessary exercises, and so on. You can do this before bed; they say that this way the information is absorbed better.
  • Speaking is very important, because those who are trying to learn English on their own, without teachers and tutors, should definitely acquire a variety of podcasts, lessons, and other audio material, and ideally, find an interlocutor, it is better if he is a native speaker.
  • Write more clearly and your memory will thank you, and the material will be absorbed much faster and more efficiently. All the rules and other things you have learned need to be supported by examples, so get a notebook and write texts and exercises, this will help you better remember what you have learned.
  • Repetition, as one said great man, mother of learning. It is very important to periodically return to things you have already covered and remember everything on the topic. Our consciousness is designed in such a way as to throw everything that we don’t “use” regularly aside and make room for something different, new. Don’t let him clear his memory of English knowledge, repeat everything you’ve learned constantly and then everything will be as it should be.

Adviсe, how to easily learn English on your own, for all occasions

Each of us necessarily studied at a school where one of the subjects was a foreign language. Some people pored over German, others were not very lucky and learned difficult-to-pronounce French or emotional Italian, but in most cases, it was English that was most widely spoken throughout the world. However, for the majority of our compatriots, the school curriculum, despite almost a dozen years of study, did not give anything other than the ability to say their name, age, and also talk about the fact that London is the capital of Great Britain.

However, anyone who really wants to know how to learn English language at home, he can find many innovative techniques on the Internet and check how it works from his own experience. Simple, as well as completely doable, recommendations and advice that will help organize the process of learning at home in the most convenient way will not hurt everyone. in the best possible way.

Set a goal and go towards it, no matter what

First of all, you should think about why you want to learn English, because there can be many reasons. For example, it happens that you want to go to work or study in another country, then you cannot do without a language. Some go on a trip, others go to look for treasures, others just get married. However, even if you decide to improve your English just like that, just from scratch, just come up with a goal and then it will become much easier and more interesting.

Basic rules of reading and pronunciation

To begin with, it is best to set a starting point for yourself, from which anyone can “dance”, and such a point can be the reading rules. It is these basic knowledge They will help you figure out what sounds and how they are pronounced and read, they will give you knowledge about the basics of the language, its character and mood. Try to always pronounce words and sounds absolutely correctly, even if in the first days it may seem funny and ridiculous to you. You should include studies of transcription and pronunciation in your plan and put these sections in first place, since you will have to devote quite a lot of time to this section.

Correct pronunciation of words and learning them by heart

It is clear that in order to gain knowledge, you will need to stock up on a considerable amount of words and concepts, without which you will not be able to learn a language, because it is all made up of words. Any textbook that gives words to memorize in special blocks will help you figure out how to learn English words quickly and easily, and they are not at all arbitrary, but selected according to a special system.

Also, don't forget that you need to pronounce the words correctly, otherwise everything will lose meaning when a real native speaker won't understand anything you tweeted. Mean English words do not want to be read the same way as they are written, so their pronunciation must be memorized especially carefully, because words with a similar outline and different meanings there is simply plenty in English. Moreover, the question of how to quickly learn words in English will simply cease to be difficult and incomprehensible for you if you delve into their nature, become close to them, and mumble rather than pronounce them.

Where to start building your vocabulary? Always start from the very beginning!

If you studied English at school, then at the university, and even completed the courses, but did not receive thorough knowledge, then you should completely throw everything that was drummed into you during this time out of your head and start all over again, only thoroughly and persistently . You need to build your own vocabulary by gradually introducing new concepts, but you definitely need to start with the basics: names of objects, terms, actions, and special attention should be paid to verbs, which are extremely important in the English language.

Great power - grammar: hell for foreigners or English is much simpler

To an ignorant person it may seem that the English language is very difficult, especially in terms of grammar and spelling, and doubts may even creep in that anything will work out. However, one should not “drive the wave” in vain, since the whole world believes that one of the most complex languages in terms of grammar is our beloved and dear, Russian, which in terms of complexity and incomprehensibility immediately follows Chinese, with its forty thousand hieroglyphs. So there is no need to be upset at all if you mastered this in childhood. big problem, then you can master English in no time. Accept that you just need to memorize the grammar, not understand it, it’s unnecessary, but just remember it.

Music, cinema and special podcasts are a powerful tool that it would be a sin not to use.

When thinking about how to learn English on your own at home, you should pay attention to the huge amount of varied material that we often simply do not know how to use. For example, you should listen to English-language music, trying to understand what is being said in this or that song. It helps well with learning, replenishing vocabulary, and also with pronunciation, watching films in the original language, that is, in English. Among other things, you can also watch the news in English, and it is advisable that there are no subtitles or other explanations, this will be much more effective and intelligible.

Online classes: how to quickly learn English on your own and don't put in much effort

All of the above should be applied in real life, every day, and every hour of your life, if the desire to learn the noble English language is really great. Of course, studying in a group, or, for example, with an individual teacher, will be much easier, but independent study is quite possible, especially since there are now many convenient resources on the Internet that allow you to learn English online.

Moreover, finding such resources is not at all difficult; for example, you can simply go to and select the lesson that is most needed in given time and so on. Moreover, you can also choose according to your own level of knowledge by clicking on a specific button on the panel on the right.

The convenient and easy-to-use website will give everyone the opportunity to familiarize themselves with or refresh their memory of the rules of grammar, so everything here is quite accessible and simple.

In addition, this is where you also have the opportunity to take special lessons that you can choose to suit your level.

It is believed that teaching English at home on your own, it’s not at all difficult, just arm yourself with a couple of interesting films and videos, download special applications and devote at least half an hour to training every day. However, it's not that simple. Let's look at everything possible ways, how to effectively learn English on your own at home and we will analyze each of them separately.

English is a world of possibilities

While world economy develops, there is a general integration of people: they change their country of residence, go to work, enter prestigious foreign universities, communicate with friends and loved ones living on another continent, or simply travel. That is why it is so important to know the generally accepted world language - English.

Those people who know English have many options for using it:

  • You can watch original versions of various films and newly released TV series;
  • Various computer programs and literature in a foreign language;
  • Knowing the language, you will be able to grasp the meaning of the lyrics of your favorite songs;
  • Free colloquial speech will contribute to your integration into the global cultural community (lots of new friends, music festivals and travel).

Of course, you can attend expensive courses or hire a tutor, but there is a more profitable solution: learn English yourself without leaving home, for free and as a bonus. It is absolutely not difficult and very effective. Therefore, after our advice, the question of how to learn English on your own at home from scratch will not bother you.

Setting a language learning goal

There are no incapable people; there are either bad teachers or poor stimulation. Some avid “students” attend courses, hire tutors, and things are still going strong.

Seeing their reluctance to learn, they begin to blame, saying that they do not have the inclination to learn a language by nature. Nonsense and nonsense, we tell them. They are simply lazy people of the “highest” category.

That's why important point Before you start learning a language, you need to set a goal. Your final result will depend on it, and the strength of the desire to achieve your plans can soon bear fruit. Let's give laziness a fight and set goals.

Goal setting must be realistic. Answer yourself the question: “why am I learning English?” - if there is no answer, quit this activity, or come up with a reason. As a rule, among the goals for beginners who want to learn English are:

  • new job abroad or obtaining a position in international company;
  • conducting own business and international trade;
  • tourist trips;
  • easy flirting and starting a family with a foreigner;
  • correspondence with friends from other countries and social work;
  • studying in a country where the main language is English.

Is it possible to learn English quickly?

Nowadays, there are many new and relevant technologies that will help you learn a language without leaving your home. And you have a completely logical question: how long can it take to learn English on your own from scratch?

Let’s answer this: the timing varies from person to person, but it’s at least several years. Nowadays, there are many educational videos and courses that promise to teach you the language in a couple of weeks or a few months. Don't believe this - the time frame is too short. After all, imagine small child, living in the States and constantly growing up in a society where everyone speaks English, more or less knows the language by the age of 7-10. But what distinguishes you from him is that you are an adult and conscious person who is able to approach the task in an organized manner.

To have a good knowledge of English you will have to spend 2-3 years. At the same time, you need to study regularly, forcing you to allocate your precious time for training almost every day.

Scientists have proven that English words are remembered better in the first half of the day, and psychological attitude, when you are enjoying your next lesson, will make your classes easy and relaxed.

Ideal age to learn a language: It has been found that children perceive language in the womb. Therefore, the sooner you start teaching your child English, the better he will learn a foreign language.

In this section we will try to give detailed instructions how to learn English on your own from scratch. Why did we focus on homeschooling? Time and technology dictate their conditions, so if 10 years ago the most serious way to learn English from scratch was face-to-face courses, now you really don’t need to leave home. A huge number of training courses have appeared mobile applications, the ability to communicate via Skype and search for native speaker interlocutors via the Internet and social networks. That's why learning English at home has become much easier.

1. Learn the alphabet and pronunciation of letters

This is exactly where you should start your training. For example, ignorance of the alphabet will prevent you from writing your name in a foreign language, conveying a company abbreviation, or using a dictionary correctly. So take a few lessons to learn the alphabet and take a good look at the sounds and transcriptions of English sounds.

2. Remember words that consist of learned letters

Here it is best to set yourself a goal, let’s say that in two months you will learn 600 words. This means that you at least need to master and remember 10 words per day. Where should you get your words from?

  • dictionary (the simplest, but most banal way);
  • articles on the Internet (can only be read by those who already have a minimum vocabulary);
  • books;
  • audio repeat;
  • videos.

How to learn English words quickly and easily: unclassified technology

We all easily and for a long time remember only what is truly interesting to us. In this case, not only the text is implied, but also the situation. For example: the sound of the word “sheep” and “ship” is the same. Therefore, you need to learn these words with epithets. For example, “fast ship” - a fast ship or “curly sheep” - a curly sheep and imagine their images. This way you will not only learn the main word, but also remember typical phrases.

Try to combine:

  • noun and adjective;
  • noun and verb.

Studying material in blocks is not the most interesting, because unpredictable quatrains or phrases are best remembered.

Catchphrases that are easy to remember:

  • Nobody's perfect, but me - Nobody is as imperfect as me;
  • Every bullet has its billet - Each bullet has its own purpose;
  • The future belongs to those who believe in beauty of their dreams - The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams;
  • Give me my heart back! - Give me back my heart.

3. Get a dictionary notebook

Write down everything you liked from the words, phrases or sentences you mastered in your notebook. This will allow you not only to read your favorite quotes in the future, but also to remember them better. You should know that when you write down words, you develop motor memory.

Advice on how to use a homemade English dictionary

To begin with, you read the information from the page. Then close the Russian words from the right column and make a translation. Then you do exactly the opposite: try to pronounce or write down a phrase from Russian words into English.

Nowadays, a “good” but less effective replacement for dictionaries are word cards. They consist of two words: English and Russian, and can have a visualized picture. But, as practice shows, these printed materials may get lost.

4. Pay attention to transcription

This absolutely does not mean that it needs to be written down completely for every newly learned word. Write down only those words or phrases whose pronunciation you have little confidence in. And don't forget that American English and British English are slightly different from each other.

5. We pay special attention to grammar

It’s not enough to just know words; you need to be able to combine them correctly and put them into sentences. Understanding grammar will help you with this. Here you need not only to memorize the rules, but also to read and listen as much as possible. Yes, we know, reading a book in English is very difficult. Play this game: tell yourself that without reading 3 pages, you won’t be able to eat something sweet for tea.

6. We think and communicate in English as much as possible

It will help you to thoroughly learn English on your own at home. simplest technique. You remember the phrases you use most often in everyday speech, for example: “I’m very tired” or “Stop working, it’s time to go home.” Now translate them into English: “I am very tired” and “stop working, it’s time to go home.”

A little advice for beginners: To translate a phrase into English, use regular online translators Google or Yandex.

After learning these phrases, try to mentally or even verbally pronounce them when appropriate. Then they will remain in your memory for years.

Ideally, find a conversation partner who also wants to learn English and communicate with him, fortunately in the world of Internet communications and social networks it's not difficult at all. Try to communicate with the person via Skype, sometimes chat on ICQ (this will help your grammar).

7. Watch movies on a computer or DVD player

Before watching, arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper. As soon as a word from the context is not familiar to you, immediately write it down in letters. Now press pause and look up the word in the dictionary.

Programs to help: to quickly and easily understand which word or phrase you are having problems with, use a text-to-voice program. It can be downloaded on the Internet or configured on a modern phone (this function is present in many gadgets). You repeat the phrase, the device reads it from your voice and gives the result.

It is also important to perceive the sounds of English speech by ear. Turn off subtitles, pay attention to the lips of the speaker and translate yourself. For these purposes, it is best to watch news from BBC, NBC, CNN or videos from YouTube.

Which movie is better to start with? Watch the sensational movie House of Cards, in which the speech of the main characters is simple and understandable, and the plot is perceived with a bang.

8. We use an mp3 player

It will help you listen to your favorite foreign songs or audiobook. As practice shows, pop music gradually becomes boring, but books in audio versions are interesting to students. Little secret: Find the text for the audiobook and skim through it. Choose not only interesting books, but also those that have a translation into Russian.

9. Online training services

Don't neglect modern technologies. They will best allow you to overcome laziness and get ready to learn English in a playful way. Download an educational application to your smartphone, word-lists specially created in the form of a dictionary, and the Lingvo Tutor program, which itself will remind you when you need to learn English.

Be sure to pay attention to our own development - . This is an online tutorial that will allow you to learn English from scratch on your own at home. Unique exercises and texts different levels difficulties will allow you not only to learn to read and write in English, but also to significantly expand your vocabulary, master the use of grammatical rules in practice and learn to perceive English speech by ear.

Below you can watch a video with a presentation of the Lim English online service.

The main difficulties of learning and ways to overcome them

English, like any language, has its difficulties. Let's look at three key difficulties and try to find solutions for each of the points.

1.Times. Probably the reason for this attitude towards the diversity of verb forms lies in the education system - in most schools in the classroom English teacher does not aim to use the acquired knowledge. Therefore, students only learn about types of tenses that are new to them and do not practice them. As a result, they feel afraid while talking. As for solving the problem: we suggest not taking on all the forms at once, but learning a group of simple tenses - past, present, future. After mastering the rules, start making simple sentences with them, also practice putting individual words V various shapes. Find someone to talk to and practice your new knowledge!

2.Irregular verbs. The topic is really difficult. However, it can also become understandable. Key Point- even irregular verbs have a system. Take a couple of dozen of them to study and put them into groups according to the method of change, so “beat-beat-beaten” and “eat-eat-eaten” will be in one, and “begin-began-begun” and “drink-drank- drunk" - to another. Did you see a lot of similarities? And one more good news: for the majority irregular verbs all forms are the same.

3.Differences in pronunciation and spelling. IN this issue Even native speakers will agree with you. In some lexemes, both in writing and in speech, it is easy to make a mistake. There is only one way out of the situation - pronounce words that are difficult for yourself after the announcer, if we're talking about about writing - make sentences with this word, deliberately spell it out several times.

As you can see, any difficulty can be solved, you just need to put in a little patience and effort - this way the difficulties will turn into tasks, and the latter will be completed over time!


People who learn English in addition to their native language live much longer. In addition, they are less susceptible to senile dementia. The explanation is very simple: the brain, for its constant activity, requires regular training, which it receives from classes.

These are, perhaps, the main recommendations for beginners on how to quickly learn English from scratch. Is it possible to do this yourself, and even without leaving home? Of course yes. Only your desire, constant training and communication will help you with this. And try not to stop there. Spanish and French languages are also worth studying. Take heart, aspiring polyglots!

Knowledge of English is an essential quality successful person. But what if you don’t have time to attend courses and classes with a tutor? We bring to your attention an article on how to quickly learn English without having to rack your brains over boring rules.

The main thing when learning a foreign language is mastery. Of course, you can’t do without grammar. But it is unlikely to become a strong assistant in situations of direct communication with native speakers.

Modern techniques offer many ways. They also answer the question of how to quickly learn at home. If you figure it out, it's not all that complicated. As an option - classes via Skype. Often, companies offering this type of service have in their “arsenal” teachers who have completed internships in or are direct citizens of these same countries.

Of course, this is not enough. Remember that mindless memorization of words without understanding their meaning will not bring the desired result. Such words will most likely be forgotten in the very near future or will gradually fade into passive storage. Remember school practice - after all, this is exactly what happened.

One of the main enemies of beginners is constant fear look funny. Stop thinking about how to quickly learn English, it’s time to take action. Having learned a few basic phrases like “my name is...”, use them as often as possible, compose them as much as possible more possible dialogues.

Watch films and TV shows in a foreign language, try to understand what the characters say and how. Reading literature in this language will also help you quickly learn English on your own. A little trick: when reading a new text, write down unfamiliar words on separate cards, and place the translation on back side. Such cards will take up little space. You can carry them with you and read them at the first convenient opportunity - on the bus or in line at the clinic. You can divide such “notes” into thematic groups (“animals”, “household items”, etc.). It is, of course, necessary to write down transcriptions of words, but only in cases where you absolutely cannot do without it. You'll see, soon you won't need it at all.

At home you can sign all the furniture and appliances in English words. Colored stickers are usually used for this. By constantly encountering and stumbling upon words, you will easily remember them. At the same time, do not forget about the advice we have already read - make as many sentences and phrases as possible.

Compiling synonymous and antonymic series is another proven method that is the answer to the question of how to quickly learn English.

Don't forget that main secret How to quickly learn English is that it requires constant training and does not tolerate concessions. If you want to reach heights, go for it!

Hello friends! Many of us want to know English by various reasons, some need it for career advancement, some for employment, some dream of moving to live abroad, and some just want to be modern man, but you never know why you can come up with other reasons. But, despite this, less than half decide to take the first step towards their dream, and only a few achieve success, and fear and lack of understanding of the correct approach are to blame. So let's figure out how to properly learn this simple language, which, according to experts, is much simpler than the Russian language, how learn english from scratch and efficiently?

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How to quickly learn English?

The very first and most sacred rule of success is thinking. The trouble is that while learning another language, we continue to think in our native language, and this is fundamentally wrong. It doesn't matter whether you know ten thousand words of English or only 10 words, you must think, form sentences and perceive speech like a true Englishman! As long as you translate word for word, this language will always remain foreign to you.

Learn to perceive text abstractly, not a single Englishman or American perceives speech literally, so learning should begin not from memorizing words, as we were all taught at school and which is absolutely useless, but from constructing simple sentences. Just by catching this thread, you will make dramatic progress in understanding the language, even if your vocabulary is very modest.

How to learn English at home?

Of course, it is better to study a language unknown to you under supervision knowledgeable person on courses or at school. But the trouble for our brother is that even many certified specialists of Slavic origin know the language only from school textbooks, which were written by Russians for Russians, and not a single Englishman would understand a word of their pronunciation. Because you will learn English on your own at home or under the supervision of a mentor there will be no significant difference, because in the end everything depends only on you.

Self-study tips:

  • listen to music, watch news and films with Russian subtitles on American and British resources;
  • communicate daily in English with other people, preferably with native speakers of this language; for this you can use dating sites with foreigners;
  • if you have money and need to learn a language as quickly as possible, you can hire a foreign online teacher.

How long does it take to learn English?

It all depends on abilities, perception and approach. The easiest way to learn a language in your environment is to go abroad. In this case, within a month you will at least be able to navigate foreign speech, and after six months you will already understand it quite well. If you learn a language on your own in home country, then with a diligent attitude it can take from two to three months to one year, in problematic cases up to two years.

How to learn English in 5 minutes?

It is impossible to learn a language in 5 minutes using any method, but you can learn to perceive it, remember, we talked about this at the beginning of the article? For most people, this may take a month or three, but a select few can comprehend it in 5 minutes, even if they have never studied English before, it’s like enlightenment in Buddhist teachings.

How to learn English in a week?

The only sure way is to go to Britain or America with personal translator and spend the whole week closely communicating with others, absorbing all new information like a sponge. In this situation, of course, you won’t know the language, but you will learn to perceive it correctly, and this is the main thing.

How to learn a language in three months?

The technique is the same for three months or a year, it all depends on how diligently you do it. If you communicate with a native speaker every day for 2 hours, watch videos and listen to music in English and rarely use your native speech, then you can learn the language in three months, otherwise the training may take up to a year.

In order to understand the very essence of the language, I advise you to start with the famous polyglot Dmitry Petrov, he will not only sort out the essence of the language in your head, but also give great confidence that you can do it. His free course of 16 video lessons will help you make a very strong start in this direction. Just by watching it, you will already know half the language; then all you need is constant practice and success! The first video lesson by Dmitry Petrov can be found here: