What is a reserve in brief? The reserve is an area of ​​exceptional nature

Commanded means strictly prohibited. Nature reserves are territories or water areas where any economic activity: hunting, fishing, cutting and damaging trees and bushes, haymaking, picking berries and mushrooms, mining, etc. Outsiders may enter the reserves only with permission from the administration. Tourism here is strictly limited. This is precisely why reserves differ from national (natural) parks, which are created both for nature protection and for mass recreation of people. Reserves are created by decision government agencies and with the consent of local Councils of People's Deputies.

Badges dedicated to the nature reserves of our country.

Why are nature reserves needed? The nature of our planet is rapidly changing under the influence of humans. In order to learn how to maintain ecological balance on Earth, it is necessary to leave - for comparison and study - areas of unmodified landscapes, where forests, meadows, deserts, steppes, waters, vegetation and fauna generally preserved in a “purely natural” form.

Important scientific work is carried out in the reserves. Mostly biologists and geographers work here, they organize and comprehensive research specialists from different fields of science. But nature reserves are not only scientific institutions; their main task is to preserve natural complexes with characteristic and often unique communities of animals and plants.

Biosphere reserve, National Park.

The meaning of the word Reserve according to Ushakov’s dictionary:
RESERVE, reserve, m. (official). A protected area, i.e., under special protection, prohibited (in order to preserve rare breeds of plants, animals, etc.).

Definition of the word “Reserve” according to TSB:
Reserve- a section of territory (water area) in which its entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state. Z. areas are usually declared that are typical for a given geographical area(areas) or containing scientifically valuable natural objects(species of plants and animals, types of landscapes, minerals, etc.). Z. Includes museum-reserves, which may include a whole city or any part of it, an estate, a park, which are of special historical, historical-artistic or memorial value.
Z. is one of the forms of nature conservation; They conduct a comprehensive, comprehensive study of nature. Of particular importance Z. and similar protected natural areas purchased due to the fact that their network covers almost everything natural areas(see map).
In Russia before the Great October Revolution socialist revolution Z. were created: Askania-Nova, Lagodekhi Reserve, Moritssala, Vaika Reserve, Barguzin Reserve, Kedrovaya Pad. Wide network Z. was created during the years of Soviet power. V.I. Lenin provided great support to the conservation work. In 1919, with his approval, the Astrakhan Nature Reserve was organized in the Volga delta. In 1920, Lenin signed a decree establishing the Ilmensky Nature Reserve on Southern Urals. On September 16, 1921 a decree was issued
“On the protection of natural monuments, gardens and parks”, and later laws on the protection of nature of the Union republics were adopted. In the USSR, as of 1971, the number of Z. exceeded 90; their total area is over 7 million hectares. In Z. Favorable conditions have been created for conducting stationary long-term observations of natural phenomena, the life of wild animals and plants in their natural habitat. Z.’s scientific activities are carried out in close contact with institutes and branches of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the Union Republics, universities and other scientific institutions and educational institutions. Scientific work carried out in Z. provided extensive material for the development of ecology and the development of methods for the protection and rational use of various natural resources. The results of scientific research are highlighted in
“Proceedings” of Z., monographs and articles of periodicals.
L.K. Shaposhnikov.
Legal regime of Z. In Soviet legislation, the term “Z.” is used to designate: a) absolutely protected areas of land or water space, within which there are natural objects that represent a special scientific or cultural value; b) research institutions to which the specified areas are assigned for scientific purposes. The lands of Z. are completely withdrawn from economic use. Any activity that violates natural complexes Z. Or threatening the preservation of natural objects is prohibited by law both on the territory of Z. and within the limits established around it security zone. On the territory of Z., all hunting, catching and destruction in any way of animals and birds, destruction of nests and burrows, fishing, collecting eggs and fluff, cutting and damaging bushes and trees, mining, grazing livestock and haymaking is prohibited. The construction of industrial and agricultural buildings is also prohibited. and other objects not related to the activities of the territory. Travel and passage through the territory of the territory is permitted only on public roads. Unauthorized persons may be on the territory of the territory with the permission of its administration. Persons who do not have such a permit, if they have guns or fishing gear, are considered poachers. Regulations on each Z. Approved by the Council of Ministers of the union republic on the territory of which it is located, on the basis of the Regulations
“On State Nature Reserves of the USSR” dated October 27, 1951 and the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 10, 1961 “On streamlining the network state reserves and hunting farms" (SP USSR, 1961, No. 10, Art. 82). In accordance with this resolution, new lands are organized by decisions of Biosphere Resources on the Territory of the USSR, M., 1971.
Nature reserves, national parks and other protected areas of the world (number on the map, name, year of establishment, area in hectares are indicated sequentially)*
The map is based on data for 1970
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics**
1. Altaisky, 1934, 863 805
2. Astrakhan named after. V. I. Lenina, 1919, 72 500
Z. Barguzinskny, 1916, 248 200
4. Bashkirsky, 1930, 72 049
5. Bolshekhetsirsky, 1963, 46,000
6. Volzhsko-Kamsky, 1960, 7538
7. Voronezhsky, 1927, 30 800
8. Darwinsky, 1945, 112 600
9. Zhigulevsky, 1937, 19 411
10. Zeysky, 1963, 82 300
11. Ilmensky named after. V. I. Lenina, 1920, 32 100
12. Caucasian, 1924, 262 500
13. Kandalaksha, 1932, 28 893
14. Kedrovaya Pad, 1916, 17,900
15. Kivach, 1931, 10 315
16. Komsomolsky, 1963, 32 200
17. Kronotsky, 1934, 964 000
18. Laplandsky, 1930, 158400
19. Mari, 1968, 14 452
20. Mordovsky named after. P. G. Smidovich, 1935, 32 100
21. Oksky, 1935. 22 900
22. Pechoro-Ilychsky, 1930, 721 322
23. Prioksko-terrasny, 1945, 4800
24. North Ossetian, 1967, 26 133
25. Sikhote-Alinsky, 1935, 310100
26. Stolby, 1925, 47,200
27. Lazovsky (until 1970 - Sudzukhinsky) 1936, 116,500
28. Suputinsky. 1932, 16,500
29. Teberdinsky, 1936, 83 400
30. Khingansky, 1963, 58 300
31. Khopersky, 1935, 16 200
32. Hungarian, 1966, 2000
33. Central Forest, 1931, 21 400
34. Central Chernozemny named after. V.V. Alekhina, 1935, 4200
Ukrainian SSR
35. Askania-Nova, 1921, 10,500
36. Kanevsky, 1968, 1035
37. Karpatsky, 1968, 12 672
38. Lugansky, 1968, 988
39. Polessky, 1968, 19 932
40. Ukrainian steppe (4 branches), 1925-37, 2115
41. Chernomorsky, 1927, 45 500
42. Azov-Sivash reserve hunting area, 1927, 12,000
43. Crimean game reserve, 1923. 26,600
Byelorussian SSR
44. Berezinsky, 1925, 76 500
45. Belovezhskaya Pushcha, game reserve, 1939, 74,200
Uzbek SSR
46. ​​Aral-Paigambarsky, 1964, 4000
47. Zaaminsky mountain-forest, 1960, 10,500
48. Chatkal mountain-forest, 1947, 34,800
Kazakh SSR
49. Aksu-Dzhabaglinsky, 1926, 75,000
50. Alma-Ata, 1935, 71 700
51. Barsakelmessky, 1939, 18 500
52. Naurzumsky, 1930, 100,000
Georgian SSR
53. Adzhametsky, 1946, 4848
54. Algetsky, 1965, 6400
55. Babaneursky, 1960, 762
56. Batsarsky, 1957, 3052
57. Borjomsky, 1935, 18 082
58. Vashlovansky, 1946, 5952
59. Gumistinsky, 1941, 13 055
60. Kintrishsky, 1959, 6943
61. Colchis, 1946, 500
62. Lagodekhi, 1912, 13 283
63. Mariamdzhvarsky, 1959, 1098
64. Myussersky, 1946, 3579
65. Pitsundsky, 1947, 150
66. Pontic, 1957, 1400
67. Ritsinsky, 1947, 16 123
68. Saguramsky, 1946, 5083
69. Satapliysky, 1957, 300
70. Tsiskarsky, 1959, 3928
Azerbaijan SSR
71. Gek-Gelsky (Goygolsky), 1925, 7500
72. Girkansky, 1936, 3100
73. Zakatalsky, 1930, 25300
74. Kyzylagachsky named after. S. M. Kirova, 1929, 88 000
75. Turpanchaysky, 1958, 12 700
Lithuanian SSR
76. Zhuvintas, 1946, 5421
Latvian SSR
77. Greenie, 1957, 700
78. Moritssala, 1911, 835
79. Slitere, 1957, 7860
80. Engure, 1957, 1340
Kirghiz SSR
81. Issyk-Kul, 1958, 781 600
82. Sary-Cheleksky, 1959, 20 700
Tajik SSR
83. Ramit, 1959, 16 100
84. Tigrovaya Balka, 1938, 41 100
Armenian SSR
85. Dilizhansky, 1958, 28 900
86. Khosrowsky, 1958, 21 100
Turkmen SSR
87. Badkhyzsky, 1941, 85 700
88. Krasnovodsky, 1932, 270 000
89. Repeteksky, 1928, 34 600
Estonian SSR
90. Vaikasky, 1910, 35
91. Viidumäesky, 1957, 593
92. Matsalusky, 1957, 11 000
93. Nigulasky, 1957, 2730
94. Ammering-Grosenberg-Stubalpe, z., 1942, 20 900
95. Gams-Vildalpen, z., 1941, 52,000
96. Zeckauer-Alpe-Bösenstein, z., 1941, 65 500
97. Karwendel, z., 1943, 72,000
98. Lunch-Schökl, z., 1941, 29,000
99. Neusiedler See, z., 1940, 35,000
100. Reinishkögel, z., 1941, 20 600
101. Turakher-Alpe, z., 1941, 27 000
102. Hinterstoder-Priel, W., 60,000 ha
103. Hochschwab-Aflenzer Staritzen Kaiserschild, z., 1942, 55,000
104. Schladminger Tauern, z., 1941, 67 500
105. Enstaler-Alpen-Lausa, z., 1941, 57,000
106. Daiti, n. p., 1956, 3000
107. Divyaka, n. p., 1956, 2000
108. Lura, n. p., 1956, 3000
109. Tomori, n. p., 1956, 3000
110. Bruyères-de-Calmthout, n. p., 1941, 1730
111. Les-et-Lomme, n. p., 1958, 819
112. From-Fan, n. p., 1957, 3400
113. Tintange, z., 1965, 2400
114. Vitosha, Nar. p., 1934, 22 800
115. Whirlwinds, nar. p., 1962, 6736
116. Golden Sands, Nar. p., 1943, 2031
117. Ropotamo, Nar. p., 1940, 847
118. Steneto, adv. p., 1963, 1666
United Kingdom
119. Ben-Eig, b., 1951, 4180
120. Dartmoor, n. p., 1951, 94 535
121. Yorkshire Dales, n. p., 1954, 176 120
122. Cairngorms, r., 1954, 25966
123. Kors-Tregaron, b., 1955, 737
124. Caerlaverock, b., 1957, 2490
125. Lake District, n. p., 1951, 224294
126. Moore House, r., 1952, 4000
127. North York Moors, n. p., 1952, 143227
128. Pembrokeshire Coast, n. p., 1952, 58 275
129. Peak District, n. p., 1951, 140 378
130. Ram, b., 1957, 10 560
131. Snowdonia, n. p., 1951, 218 855
132. Exmoor, n. p., 1954, 68 635
133. Agtelek and Bekebarlang, z., 1958, 1420
134. Kishbalaton, z., 1951, 2000
135. Salaikaveld, z., 1955, 558
136. Szeged-Feherto, z., 1939, 1450
137. Tihany, n. p., 1952, 1100
138. Bock and Hoedune Pramorta, z., 1957, 1932
139. Wesertal, z., 1939, 1384
140. Galenbecker See and Friedländer-Grose-Wiese, z., 1939, 1015
141. Hinrichshagen, z., 1962, 1124
142. Groser-Stekhlin-, Nemitz- and Groser-Krukov-Ze, z., 1938, 1774
143. Dare, z., 1957, 1130
144. Müritz, z., 1931, 6280
145. Obergartz, z., 1937, 1980
146. Peenemünder-Haken and Struck, z., 1925, 1870
147. Untere Mulde, z., 1961, 1276
148. Shvartsatal, z., 1961, 1756
149. Steckby-Lödderitzer-Forst, z., 1961, 2080
150. Jasmund, z., 1935, 1500
151. Olympus, n. p., 1938, 5000
152. Parnassus, n. p., 1938, 5000
153. Samaria, n. p., 1962, 4800
154. Ranbyol-Hede, w., 1400 ha
155. Skallingen, z., 1939, 3000
156. Tipperne and Clegbanken, z., 1936, 900
157. Burn-Vincent, pr. p., 1932, 4220
158. Kappa, z., 1870, 2000
159. Phoenix, pr. p., 1925, .700
160. Thingvellir, n. i., 1928, 4000
161. Thorsmörk, z., 1925, 1500
162. Tjoursardalur, z., 1938, 12 500
163. Hallormstadur, z., 1905, 600
164. Aiges-Tortes, n. p., 1955, 10 500
165. Gredos, z., 1932, 75,000
166. Kavadonga, n. p., 1918, 17 000
167. Coto Doñana, z., 1966, 25000
168. Ordesa, n. p., 1918, 2050
169. Saha-i-Agregados, z., 1949, 60,000
170. Teide, n. p., 1954, 11 000
171. El Palmeral de Elche, W., 1933
172. Abruzzo, n. p., 1923, 29 160
173. Gran Paradiso, n. p., 1922, 56,000
174. Stelvio, n. p., 1935, 95631
175. Circeo, n. p., 1934, 7445
176. Veluvez, n. p., 1955, 4488
177. Werribben, W., 1350 ha
178. "Kennemer Dunes", n. p., 1950, 1250
179. Kralur-Heide and Dwingelose-Heide, z., 1930, 1192
180. Hoge Veluwe, n. p., 1935, 5700
181. Eierlandse Gat, W., 20,000 ha
182. Børgefjell, n. p., 1963, 110,000
183. Nordmarka, z., 2800 ha
184. Ronnan, n. p., 1962, 57 500
185. Foxtumyura, z., 1923, 900
186. Junkerdalsura, z., 44,100 ha
187. Babyagursky, Nar. p., 1954, 1709
188. Belovezhsky, Nar. p., 1947, 5069
189. Wielkopolsky, Nar. p., 1957, 5385
190. Wolinski, Nar. p., 1960, 4628
191. Kampinosky, Nar. p., 1959, 22 353
192. Karkonosze, Nar. p., 1959, 5562
193. Oytsuvsky, Nar. p., 1956, 1675
194. Pieniński, Nar. p., 1954, 2708
195. Świętokrzyski, Nar. p., 1950, 6044
196. Słowiński, Nar. p., 1966, 18 069
197. Tatransky, Nar. p., 1954, 22 075
198. Gerish, n. p., 1954
199. Buchedgi, z., 1958, 4775
200. Domogled, z., 1932, 810
201. Danubesky, z., 1962, 40000
202. Pietros, z., 1964, 2700
203. Retezat, n. p., 1935, 10,000
204. Chahlau, z., 1962, 1836
205. Snagov, z., 1952, 1767
206. Bergstrasse-Odenwald, pr. p., 1960, 170 700
207. Harz, pr. p., 1960, 95000
208. Südeifel, pr. p., 1958, 39 500
209. Meissner-Kaufunger-Wald, pr. p., 1962, 41400
210. Nassau, pr. p., 1962, 53,000
211. Nordeifel, pr. p., 1960, 133500
212. Palatinate Forest, pr. p., 1958, 179 000
213. Rothargebirge, pr. p. 1963, 113000
214. Hochtaunus, pr. p., 1962, 120 000
215. Hohe-Mark, pr. p., 1963, 95000
216. Spessart, pr. p., 1960, 126 000
217. Lemmenjoki, n. p., 1956, 38 500
218. Linnansari, n. p., 1956, 800
219. Malla, pr. p., 1919, 3000
220. Oulanka, n. p., 1956, 10 700
221. Pallas-Ounastunturi, n. p., 1938, 50,000
222. Pisavara, pr. p., 1938, 5000
223. Pyhätunturi, n. p., 1938, 3000
224. Pyhähäkki, n. p., 1956, 1010
225. Vanoise, n. p., 1963, 60000
226. Camargue, W; 1928, 13,500
227. Lozane, z., 1934, 3000
228. Neuvielles, z., 1935, 2200
229. Pelvu, n. p., 1913, 13 000
230. Drastvitsa, z., 1953, 10,000
231. Krkonoše, Nar. p., 1963, 35 384
232. Lenins, people. p., 1932, 2115
233. Polyana, z., 1953, 12 500
234. Tatransky, Nar. p., 1948, 50,000
235. Engadin, n. p., 1914, 16887
236. Abisko, n. p., 1909, 7500
237. Vadveciokko, n. p., 1920, 2450
238. Gotska-Sandö, n. p., 1910, 3535
239. Muddus, n, p., 1942, 49200
240. Peljekaise, n. p., 1909, 14 600
241. Sarek-Sjöfallet, n. p., 1909, 535000
242. Sonfjellet n. p., 1909, 2700
243. Töfsingdalep, n. p., 1926, 1365
244. Durmitor, Nar. p., 1952, 32,000
245. Mavrovo, Nar. p., 1949, 76,000
246. Ohrid, Nar. p., 1958, 23 000
247. Perister, nar. p., 1949, 12000
248. Plitvichi lakes, Nar. p., 1949, 19 172
249. Tara, z., 1950, 11 772
250. Frushka Gora, Nar. p., 1960, 22850
251. Kahilu, b., 1928, 16 120
252. Kyatthin, b., 1941, 26600
253. Kelata, r., 2470 ha
254. Memjo, r., 1918, 12 500
255. Mulayit, b., 1936, 13910
256. Moskos Islands, river, 5000 ha
257. Pidaun, r., 1913,72400
258. Taungji, r., 1612 hectares
259. Shuedown, r., 1918, 32,760
260. Shuzzetto, b., 1940, 55 100
261. Meiron, n. p., 1955, 10 500
262. Bandipur, z., 1941, 5700
263. Girsky Forest, z., 1965, 316000
264. Kaziranga, z., 1908, 52,000
265. Kanha, n. p., 1955, 31600
266. Corbett, n. p., 1935, 47 400
267. Periyar, z., 1940, 77 700
268. Sariska, z.. 1955, 20,700
269. Taroba, n. p., 1935, 11 700
270. Tirap, n. p., 1947, 205000
271. Hazaribagh, n. p., 1955, 38 400
272. Shivpuri, n. p., 1955, 15900
273. Bali-Barat, pr. p., 1941, 20000
274. Balyuran, pr. p., 1937, 25000
275. Bangowangi-Selatan, pr. p., 1939, 62 000
276. Berbak, pr. p., 1935, 190 000
277. Gunung-Löser, pr. p., 1934, 416 500
278. Junkulon, or Ujung-Kulon, pr. p., 1921, 41150
279. Kluet, pr. p., 20,000 ha
280. Komodo, pr. p., 1965, 30,000
281. Kotavaringin and Sampit, pr. p., 1936, 305 000
282. Kutai, pr. p., 1936, 306 600
283. Langkat, pr. p., 1938, 213 285
284. Lorenz, pr. p., 1937, 40000
285. Palung, pr. p., 1937, 30,000
286. Indrapur Peak, pr. p., 1929, 12500
287. Pulau Panaitan Ave., 17,500 ha
288. Rinjani, pr. p., 1941, 40 000
289. Sumatra-Selatan, pr. p., 1935, 356800
290. Way-Kambas, pr. p., 1937, 130 000
291. Dzhakashemsky, z., 1967, 3700
292. Sosinpan, z.
293. U-In, z.
294. Bako, n. p., 1956, 2 600
295. Taman Negara, n. p., 1938, 436 000
296. Bogdo-Ula, or Choibalsan-Ula, z., 1953, 125,000
297. Chitauen, r., 1959, 76,000
298. Water-Ketchment, z., 1951, 1602
299. Doi-Intanon, n. p., 1959, 13 047
300. Khao Salob, n. p., 1961, 400,000
301. Khao Yai, n. p., 1962, 216900
302. Pukradeung, n. p., 1947, 34800
303. Tung Slang Luang, n. p., 1963, 128,000
304. Karatepe-Arslantas, n. p., 1958, 4 119
305. Kyzyljakhaman, n. p., 1959, 1050
306. Uludag, n. p., 1961, 8000
307. Apo, n. p., 1936, 76900
308. Banajao San Cristobal, n. p., 1941, 11 133
309. Isarog, n. p., 1938, 10 112
310. Kanlaon, n. p., 1934, 24 578
311. Knowhan Lake, n. p., 1956, 21 700
312. Tirad-Pass, n. p., 1938, 6300
313. Gal-Oya, n. p., 1954, 25,000
314. Ruhuna, n. p., 1938, 23 000
315. Wasgomuva, z., 1937, 28 000
316. Wilpattu, n. p., 1938, 65,000
317. Yada, z., 1900, 27 500
318. Akan, n. p., 1934, 87 498
319. Aso, n. p., 1934, 73 087
320. Bandai-Asahi, n. p., 1950, 189 661
321. Daisetsuzan, n. p., 1934, 231 929
322. Ise-Shima, n. p., 1946, 52 036
323. Yoshinyetsu-Kogen, n. p., 1949, 188 915
324. Yoshino-Kumano, n. p., 1936, 55 378
325. Kirishima, n. p., 1934, 55 231
326. Nikko, n. p., 1934, 140 698
327. Seto-Nikai, n. p., 1934, 65909
328. Shikotsu-Toya, n. p., 1949, 98 660
329. Chichibu-Tama, n. p., 1950, 121 600
330. Towada, n. p., 1936, 83 351
331. Tubu-Sangaku, n. p., 1934, 169 768
332. Fuji-Hakone-Izu, n. p., 1936, 122 309
333. Akfadu, n. p., 1925, 2115
334. Babor, n. p., 1931, 1701
335. Djurjura, n. p., 1925, 16550
336. Sedr-Teniet al-Had, n. p., 1923, 1500
337. Ouarsenis, n. p., 1924, 1030
338. Shrea, n. p., 1925, 1350
Angola (Portuguese)
339. Cameo, n. p., 1938, 1,000,000
340. Luanda, z., 1938, 828 000
341. Porto Alexandri, n. p., 1957, 2,000,000
Ivory Coast
342. Buna, z., 1942, 900 000
343. Tai-Sassandra, w., 425,000 ha
Upper Volta
344. "B", n. p., 1954, total area- 1,205,400 (of which 330,000 are in Upper Volta, 502,050 are in Dahomey, the rest are in Niger)
345. Xingu, z., 1955, 192 800 (located on the border with Dahomey and Togo)
346. Skanda, n. p., 1946, 190,000
347. Ofoue, z., 1946, 150,000
348. Mole, z., 1962, 388 000
349. Nimba, z., 1944, 19 500 (partly in the territory of the Ivory Coast)
350. Boucle de la Penjarie, n. p., 1954, 275,000
351. Kafue, n. p., 1950, 2,250,000
352. Luangwa Valley, W., 1942, 1275000
353. Bafia, z., 1949, 42,000
354. Benue, n. p., 1942, 180,000
355. Bubanjida, n. p., 1947, 220000
356. Vase, n. p., 1934, 170000
357. Dzha, z., 1950, 526000
358. Douala-Edea, z., 1932, 160000
359. Campo, z., 1932, 330 000
360. Faro, z., 1947, 330 000
361. Amboseli, z., 1948, 326000
362. Mara, z., 1950. 151 300
363. Mount Kenya, n. p., 1949, 59000
364. Ngong, z., 1950, 117 845
365. Tsavo, n. p., 1948, 2,080,000
People's Republic of Congo
366. Odzala, n. p., 1940, 110 000
Republic of Zaire
367. Garamba, n. p., 1938, 492,000
368. Kivu, n. p., 1925, 800,000
369. Upemba, n. p., 1939, 950000
370. Malawi, n. p., 1966, 84170
371. Boucle-du-Baule, n. p., 1954, 350,000
Malagasy Republic
372. Andokhakhelo, z., 1939, 71 200
373. Andringitra, z., 1927, 35 400
374. Ankarafantsika, z., 1927, 67,000
375. Zahamena, z., 1927, 66 410
376. Montagne d'Ambre, n. p., 1958, 120000
377. Tsaratanana, z., 1927, 59 280
378. Tsingy du Bemaraha, z., 1927, 149470
379. Tazzeka, n. p., 1950, 580
380. Toubkal, n. p., 1942, 36,000
Mozambique (Portuguese)
381. Gorongosa, n. p., 1935, 580 000
382. Maputo, z., 1960, 75,000
383. Yankarp, b., 1956, 182 200
384. Wadi Rishrash, w., 51,800 ha
385. Kagera, n. p., 1934, 251 000
386. Niokolo-Koba, n. p., 1954, 410 000
Somali Democratic Republic
387. Bubashi, b., 1960, 625000
388. Dinder, n. p., 1939, 640,000
389. Nimule, n. p., 1954, 25 900
390. Southern, n. p., 1939, 1 684 200
391. Erkovit, z., 115,000 ha
392. Lake Manyara, n. p., 1960, 8550
393. Ngurdoto-Kreiger, n. p., 1960, 6280
394. Serengeti, n. p., 1940, 1450 000
395. Katavi, r., 1951, 167 500
396. Kilimanjaro, b., 1951, 186 400
397. Mkomazi, b., 1951, 350,000
398. Rungwa, b., 1951, 905 000
399. Jebel Bu Hedma, state. p., 1936, 12 000
400. Queen Elizabeth, n. p., 1952, 220,000
401. Murchison Falls, n. p., 1952, 384,000
Central African Republic
402. Andre-Felix, n. p., 1960, 170 500
403. Bamingi-Bangoran, n. p., 1916, 1,000,000
404. Saint-Floris, n. p., 1916, 100 700
405. Zakuma, z., 1963, 297 200
406. Menagasha, n. l., 1958, 3,000
407. Etosha Pan, z., 1958, 7,000,000
Southern Rhodesia
408. Vankiye, n. p., 1927, 435 290
409. Victoria Falls, n. p., 1939, 59 307
410. Matopos, n. p., 1953, 43 320
411. Mushandik, n. p., 1954, 12 900
412. Rhodes-Inyanga, n. p., 1950, 34 550
413. Shimanimani, n. p., 1950, 8 166
South Africa
414. Addo, n. p., 1931, 6 756
415. Bontbok, n. p., 1959, 2 533
416. Kalahari-Gemsbok, n. p., 1931, 900,000
417. Kruger, n. p., 1898, 1,820,000
418. Mountain Zebra, n. p., 1937, 5 020
419. Natal, n. p., 1916, 8 000
420. Vaaldam, z., 1954, 25 312
421. Giants Castle, W., 1903, 23 842
422. Loskop-Dam, z., 1940, 12,757
423. Mkuzi, z., 1912, 24 800

Svetlana Shvedchikova
Conversation with children of the preparatory group “What is a reserve?”

Subject: "What such a reserve

Target: introduce children to reserves of our region; develop a responsible and caring attitude towards our native nature; to instill in children a sense of pride that in our native land people protect and protect protected areas of nature.

Educator: “Nature for us is a pantry of the sun with great treasures...

And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” (M. M. Prishvin).

Nature is important in everyone's life person: after all, in addition to beauty and a wonderful mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, the riddles will tell.

Well, which one of you will answer?:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker.


Educator: Can a person live without sunlight and heat?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He is invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.


Educator: Can we live without air?

(Children's answers).


I'm being drunk

I'm being poured

Everyone needs me.

Who is she?


He'll wink at you furtively

A sweet lantern made from grass.


He stood on a strong leg,

Now it's in a basket.



Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower

And share the honey.


Glistening in a clean river

The back is silver. (fish)

Educator: Sun, air, water, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish - all this is nature. Man lives in nature, human life depends on nature.

What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans?

Children's answers.

Educator: How does a person help nature?

(People plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Educator: Can people destroy nature?

Children's answers. (They pollute rivers, cut down forests, trap animals, etc.)

Educator: People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains, causing enormous harm to the flora and fauna and entire ecological systems. Many species of animals and plants that we can see in the Red Book.

But the remarkable thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes.

More than a hundred years ago, a law was passed that made it possible to create in our country nature reserves.

Educator: Well such a reserve? (Children's answers).

Educator: The reserve is a place, where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, shrubs, animals, birds, insects, and fish are protected by the state.

IN reserve people are prohibited from picking flowers, berries, mushrooms, fishing, or hunting birds and animals.

IN reserve they come only on an excursion, where they get acquainted with the beauty and wealth protected areas.

Guys, do you know that there are four specially protected natural areas in our area.

Reserve"Malaya Sosva"

Reserve "Verkhne-Kondinsky"

Natural monument "Lake Range-Tur"

Natural park "Kondinskie Lakes"

Various species of animals, birds, fish, and plants are protected in these territories.

(showing illustrations)

The water lily is pure white,

Peony evasive,

Maryin root,

Mak Ugorsky,

St. John's wort,

Common heather,

Siberian aster,

Goose onion, grainy,

Lily saranka,

Wild garlic onion,

West Siberian river beaver,

white goose,

Small swan,

Gray goose...

Reserve- these are islands of saving nature from humans. Reserve- this is our wealth, the golden fund of our country, which each of us can be proud of.

Rapidly delving into the experience of the ancients

And comprehending the essence of its roots,

I learned perseverance from trees,

And the dexterity and strength of animals.

I learned from the birds to feel freedom,

In Pisces - remain silent in concentration.

Therefore I owe nature

It is worthy to defend against all enemies.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, is it only in nature reserves must be protected? (Children's answers).

Educator: That’s right, native nature must be protected in any place.

For this you need remember a few rules:

1. Outdoors remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample flowers and herbs.

5. Do not shout or play loud music.

6. Don't destroy birds' nests.

7. Don't catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry or frogs.

10. Do not break cobwebs.

11. Do not light fires.

12. Do not destroy anthills.

Specially protected natural areas

Reserve"Malaya Sosva"

One of the main tasks reserve is environmental education of the population, promotion of biological, environmental knowledge and reserve affairs. IN reserve There are 38 species of mammals, 209 species of birds, 15 species of fish.

Reserve "Verkhne-Kondinsky"

The reserve was created with the aim of preserving and reproducing wild animals in need of protection along with their habitat. 390 species of plants, 42 species of mammals, 183 species of birds, 14 species of fish have been identified on the territory of the reserve.

Natural monument “Lake Rani – Tour”

The natural monument was created with the aim of preserving particularly valuable natural landscapes, maintaining the natural hydrological regime of Lake Rani-Tur, preserving and reproducing wild animals in need of protection along with their habitat, as well as maintaining the overall ecological balance of the Kondo-Sosva region. Lake Rani-Tur is one of the few large lakes in the Soviet region.

Natural park of district importance "Kondinskie Lakes"

The park was created with the aim of preserving the water system of lakes Arantur, Pont-Tur, Rani-Tur and adjacent territories with the natural landscapes, historical and archaeological cultural monuments located on them. The park is home to 328 wild species of vascular plants, of which 80 species have medicinal properties. The basis of the fauna make up: sable, elk, ermine, mountain hare, chipmunk, weasel. 37 species of mammals and 178 species of birds have been recorded in the park.

There are few places on the planet where untouched nature has been preserved. National parks, game reserves, and sanctuaries are designed to preserve the pristine environment.


A reserve is a territory of the Earth or a water area that is protected by law. It is prohibited to engage in industrial and economic activities in the reserves. Any fishing is strictly punished here. A unique landscape, especially valuable plants, rare animals are the factors that determine the emergence of nature reserves in a particular geographical area. The desire to preserve the exceptional nature of nature reserves leads to the use of all possible means of nature conservation. Natural scientific, legal, technical and economic activities carried out on the territory of nature reserves ensure the rational use of the environment for the benefit of the entire animal world of the planet.

History of the reserves

Humanity has been thinking about the need to create protected areas for a long time. The first law establishing a protected natural area is considered to be a Sri Lankan law of the third century BC. A large number of national parks and reserves began to be created during the era of industrial revolutions, when there was a massive change in the pristine appearance of the planet. Industrialization affected the existence of individual taxa and the destruction of vast territories with a unique landscape.

Reserve (the meaning of the word goes back to the word reserved, that is, “forbidden, inviolable”), like the National Park, is intended to preserve nature. The very concept of the word “reserve” is exclusively Russian. In other countries, nature reserves do not exist as such. The establishment of nature reserves in Russia for the conservation and restoration of nature began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Askania-Nova, located in the Kherson region, is considered to be the first nature reserve in Russia (1874). The oldest reserve in Russia is the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve, which is still of great importance today.
One of the first reserves established during the establishment of Soviet power were the Astrakhan and Ilmen reserves.

Types of reserves

A reserve is an area completely under state protection. This distinguishes nature reserves from nature reserves. In nature reserves, individual taxa are protected. Nature reserves also differ from National Parks, which are created primarily to demonstrate unique nature to visitors.
Entrance to the parks is loosely restricted. In nature reserves, visits are either limited to ecological excursions around a certain part of the complex, or are completely prohibited. The purpose of creating reserves is scientific. Here experts from various fields conduct their research and observations. A reserve is a place where the natural course of processes and phenomena in nature, the genetic diversity of fauna and flora are studied. Reserves are distinguished according to the specifics of the protected area: state biosphere, state natural, architectural, natural-historical, museum-reserves. Large nature reserves with unique, inimitable nature are included in the list of protection of international law and are protected by UNESCO.

Day of Nature Reserves

Preserving nature in its original form, ensuring the natural development of animal populations, protecting rare plants - these are the tasks that the reserve solves. These are postulates taken into account when creating protected areas. In Russia, every year on January 11, the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is celebrated. This holiday has been celebrated by environmentalists since 1997. The date, January 11, was not chosen by chance: it was on January 11, 1916 that the first state reserve, Barguzinsky, was opened. The officially recognized date of the celebration indicates the priority role of environmental protection in the country.

The anthropogenic load on nature is so great that many animals and plants simply cannot withstand it, disappearing from the surface of the earth. An attempt to preserve biological diversity leads to the need to limit human economic activity, at least in individual areas. This is how specially protected areas arise: nature reserves, national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries.

Saving the best

In Russia, which has large spaces with varied climatic conditions, there are more 100 protected places, including about 30 million hectares of land. Among them are mineralogical, arctic, hydrological, biosphere, marine and so on. The regions leading in the number of protected areas are:

  • Volga region,
  • Far East,
  • Baikal and Southern Siberia.

Natural reserves of Russia located in all parts of the country and are designed to protect the most valuable wealth - nature. Their diversity and uniqueness make it possible to truly appreciate the capabilities of the planet and the scale of evolutionary changes in living organisms. The list of Russian nature reserves includes:

  • Dzherginsky,
  • Kuznetsky Alatau,
  • Alkhanai National Park,
  • Daursky,
  • Sokhondinsky,
  • Tunkinsky National Park,
  • Shorsky National Park,
  • Kurilsky,
  • Baikal-Lensky,
  • Komsomol,
  • Vitimsky,
  • Sikhote-Alinsky,
  • Bolshekhehtsirsky,
  • Far Eastern Sea,
  • Dzhugdzhursky,
  • Kedrovaya Pad,
  • Lazovsky,
  • Zeysky,
  • Bologna,
  • Norsky and others.

Many of them known all over the world, some of it is familiar only to specialists. Almost all of them fall into the category biosphere reserves of Russia, that is, natural objects in them are not only protected, but also constantly studied. Natural reserves of Russia are included in ratings of the most interesting in the world and the most difficult to reach, since many of them are located in areas remote from cities, where there are often no good roads. Perhaps this is one of the factors that helps preserve Russian biosphere reserves from a large number of visitors and their negative impacts.

Important! By 2020, the number of protected natural areas should increase, according to the adopted state Concept. It is planned to organize 10 more new ones.

Barguzinsky Reserve

The very best

Natural reserves of Russia They are famous not only for their beauty, but also for their uniqueness. Among them there are many included in the UNESCO heritage list, as having no analogues in the world. Unusuality provides both natural originality and interesting facts about the reserves, their origin and activities. A brief description of the most original ones will be considered in the list of the most natural reserves in Russia.

Big and small

The first nature reserve in Russia, Barguzinsky, located on the territory of Buryatia, was officially organized in January 1917, literally on the eve of the revolution. Now January 11 is celebrated as the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Russia.

The basis for its organization was a sharp decline in the number of sable in this area, so it was decided to allocate an area whose territory is protected. The idea turned out to be successful, and after a couple of years the population of predators recovered.

Besides valuable fur animals The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is famous for its unique terrain, soil structure, unique flora, fauna and microclimate. Today it is closed to the public, but part of it can be seen on a cruise on the lake. The village of Davsha, where inspectors and researchers live, is not located on its territory. There are no roads in the protected area; you can only get into it by water.

The youngest is Shaitan-Tau, located in the Southern Urals and organized in 2014. Its territory is small - 67 square kilometers, and includes an area with very difficult terrain, due to which there is a harsh climate: cold winters and hot summers. The slopes are covered with oak forests, which are home to animals of the reserve, which have a small number in the Ural region:

  • brown bear,
  • black grouse,
  • capercaillie,
  • moose and others.

Far Eastern Marine Reserve

Rank the largest nature reserve in Russia called the Great Arctic, it is located on the Taimyr Peninsula, additionally including the nearby maritime territory and several islands located in the Arctic Ocean. It was organized at the end of the 20th century to protect birds that fly through this territory:

  • brown-winged plover,
  • peregrine falcon,
  • sandpiper,
  • white-fronted goose
  • dunlin,
  • black goose,
  • white-tailed sandpiper and others.

The number of mammals and fish in this area is small, as well as vegetation, but plants and animals are unique, characteristic of these particular climatic conditions and therefore even more valuable. The reserve welcomes tourists and has several routes available to visitors.

Great Arctic

The smallest reserve in Russia located in the center of the Lipetsk region, called “Galichya Mountain”. Its area is only 200 hectares, on which grows a unique flora characteristic of both highland areas or taiga forests, and forest-steppe regions of the middle zone. The following plant species grow here:

  • feather grass,
  • squat skullcap,
  • dendranthem Zavadsky,
  • Shiverekia Podolskaya,
  • Lapland plantain,
  • Onosma protozoa and other plant species.

Solitary wild bees fly among them: club-whiskered melitturga, rounded megachila, gray rophytoides. More than 20 species of other insects listed in the Red Book. A unique composition of birds, including:

  • white stork,
  • Dubrovnik,
  • dwarf eagle,
  • pink starling,
  • shura,
  • long-tailed tit.

Bizarre exposed forms of Devonian limestone have “fairytale” names: “Mother-in-law’s tongue”, “Bogatyr”.

Attention! Today it is open for organized visits; there is a bird nursery on the territory.

Galichya Mountain

The closest protected area to people is located within Moscow, 8 kilometers from the Kremlin. The trees growing here are 250 and 300 years old and are classified as natural monuments. The fauna here is very diverse and includes:

  • moose,
  • boars,
  • sika deer,
  • hares,
  • hedgehogs,
  • vole,
  • ermines,
  • shrews and many others.

At the same time, many small species of animals adapt to living in a metropolis, developing parks and other green areas.

Unique beauty

The title of the most beautiful reserves is shared by several protected areas:

  • Baikalsky,
  • Pillars,
  • Kuznetsky Alatau,
  • Altaic,
  • Kronotsky.

The most beautiful nature reserves in Russia are united by unusual geological formations on which flora and fauna have formed. Baikalsky is located around a unique natural monument - Lake Baikal. Deciduous and coniferous forests grow within its borders, serving as home to several hundred species of animals, some of which are endemic to the area. It is included within the boundaries of the protected area and part of the lake. There are hiking trails and campsites, and part of it is open to the public.

Kuznetsk Alatau is located in a unique valley in the south of Siberia, bounded on all sides. This location creates a unique ecosystem inside with clear mountain rivers and cedar forests, densely populated by animals and birds.

Kuznetsky Alatau

The Stolby reserve got its name thanks to the granite-syenite blocks that stand densely in some areas. Its location near the city of Krasnoyarsk and the local ski resort makes its territory very popular for visitors, but a significant part of it is closed to tourists to avoid the destruction of the “Pillars” and for security reasons.

The most famous nature reserves in Russia. Kronotsky on the Kamchatka Peninsula is included in this list. Its popularity was brought by the numerous geysers and thermal lakes located throughout the territory. The fantastic landscape with fountains bursting out of the ground and steaming lakes does not leave visitors indifferent. However, due to the fragility of the valley’s ecosystem, they are trying to limit access to it so that tourists do not destroy the unique landscape.

The “Golden Mountains of Altai”, surrounded on three sides by mountains and from the south by Lake Teletskoye, are filled with dense forests, among which there are lakes with clear water. The protected area is home to a large number of animals listed in the Red Book, including the snow leopard, about which there are many legends, since the animal is very secretive. It is accessible to visitors; fishing is even allowed on its territory.

TOP 5 Most Beautiful Nature Reserves in Russia

RTG TV TOP10 - Reserves. Nature of Russia.


You can endlessly look at the natural reserves of Russia; their beauty and unique natural landscapes are the main value of humanity, which the state and society are trying to preserve for posterity. People who have visited Russian nature reserves will forever remember the impressions they received.