Extracurricular event "Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks". Scenario for the day of reserves and national parks in the library Day of reserves and national parks name of the concert



1.Organization of the start of the lesson

Dear guys, “All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and national parks" is a relatively young date in the ecologists' calendar. It began to be celebrated since 1997. It was in that year that the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund took the initiative to annually celebrate the “Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks” in the Russian Federation.

Guys, who can say what the “Reserve” is? (children's answers)

Nature reserves and national parks are specially protected natural areas - today, perhaps, the only way to protect at least a small part of the wild nature and animal world from destruction.

What do you think, are there any nature reserves in the Leningrad region? (children's answers)

In our region there are about 40 different reserves, nature reserves and natural monuments. It would take too long to list them. Today I want to tell you about one of them.

2) Main part

Sablinsky natural monument

The Sablinsky natural monument is located near the village of Ulyanovka, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region, 40 km from St. Petersburg. The protected area is located on an area of ​​220 hectares, and includes two waterfalls, the canyons of the Sablinka and Tosna rivers with outcrops of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks, several caves of artificial origin, as well as a number of historical sites: ancient mounds, the site of Alexander Nevsky before the battle with the Swedes, the village "Pustynka" is the former estate of Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. “Sablinsky Caves” are abandoned underground mines for the extraction of quartz sand used for glass production. After the cessation of mining, the workings switched to a natural mode, and after some time, collapses and flooding began in them, which to date have led to the division of single mining massifs into unrelated fragments, the formation of rubble and secondary gravitational cavities, only vaguely reminiscent of the shape of the original drifts. The resulting labyrinths are quite complex, and their passage requires certain preparation and compliance with safety regulations.

Currently there are 4 in Sablino large caves: Levoberezhnaya, “Pearl”, “Pants”, “Rope”, and several small caves: “Trekhglazka”, “Beach”, “Dream”, “Santa Maria”, “Count’s Grotto”, “Fox Holes” (local names ).

Please look at the screen, I want to show you one of the nature reserves in the Leningrad region.

I told and showed you today about the reserves, and in particular about Sablinsky. Unfortunately, in our time, man acts on nature, and not in the most in the best possible way. I want to play with you a little, and thus find out what you know about nature and whether you know how to protect it. To make the game more interesting, divide into 2 teams.

Task 1: Survey

1.The best feathered singer in Russia? (nightingale)

2. The most musical flower? (bell)

4. What kind of water should I use? indoor plants? (warm, settled, rain)

5. What is the best time to replant plants? (spring)

6. Which animal is always with money? (pig, he always has a snout)

7. The underground part of the plant? (root)

8. Catalog book of protected plants and animals (Red Book)

9. Round, oval or square flower bed (bed)

10. What kind of mushroom is called forest mushroom? beast of prey? (chanterelle)

11. Children’s visual perception of objects and natural phenomena (observation)

12. Spruce, pine, birch, willow - in one word... (trees)

13. Who carries the forest? (deer)

14. How many “a” do you need to take to get a bird? (magpie)

Task 2: Field of Miracles.

Dear guys, each team receives a crossword puzzle, your task is to solve it. The team that finishes it first earns points.









  1. Specially protected natural area (reserve)
  2. I can’t sit, I can’t lie down,

I am a very fast water girl.

I can't stand at all -

And I run down the mountain slopes. (river)

  1. It turns white like a fluffy ball in a clean field, and the breeze blows - is there a stalk left? (Dandelion).
  2. Australia's main bird? (Ostrich)
  3. Which plant heals abrasions and wounds? (Plantain)
  4. I'm often

They ask, they wait,

I'll just show myself

So they will start hiding.

  1. There is a tubercle behind the stump,

And there is a big town in it.

What kind of town is this? (anthill)

Task 3: Riddles about nature

- Stood up like a wall to the skies

Before us is a miracle... (forest)

- The house is transparent, like a window,

There are little fish living in that house. (Aquarium)

— A worm dreams at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch:

A long beak and two wings...

Arrives - things are bad!

Who is the worm afraid of?

Did you guess it? This is... (bird)

— Big sunflower in the sky,

it blooms for many years,

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun)

- Who chirps so loudly?

Does he want to tell us something?...(dragonfly)

- Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous…. (fly agaric)

- Yellow leaves are flying,

They fall, they spin,

And under your feet just like that

How they lay down a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?

It's just...

(leaf fall)

- Knock-knock-knock all day in the morning.

How can he not be too lazy to knock?

Maybe he's a little crazy?

“Knock-knock-knock,” in response to us...


- Long ears, fast legs,

Gray, but not a mouse.

Who is this?..


- And when twilight came,

They told us on the radio

That he will come tomorrow too,

And it will water our garden. (rain)

3) Organization of the end of the lesson.

Well done guys, today we learned a lot of new things.

On the board you see three circles, red, yellow and green. If the information was new, interesting and useful for you, then touch the green circle, if you are bored, you can go to the yellow one, and if you had a really bad time in class and didn’t like anything, touch the red one.

Finally, I would like to ask you to complete homework, please draw a prohibitory sign at home “Prohibited in nature reserves.” And in the next lesson we will look at your drawings.

Appendix 1



1) Specially protected natural area

2) I can’t sit, I can’t lie down,

I am a very fast water girl.

I can't stand at all -

And I run down the mountain slopes.

3) It turns white like a fluffy ball in a clean field, and the breeze blows - is there a stalk left?

4) The main bird of Australia?

5) Which plant treats abrasions and wounds?

6) Me often

They ask, they wait,

I'll just show myself

So they will start hiding.

7) There is a tubercle behind the stump,

And there is a big town in it.

What kind of town is this?

Tatyana Sharaeva
Lesson notes on environmental education"Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks"

Subject: Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks.

Integration of educational regions:

"Cognition", "Communication", "Reading Fiction"

Target: Expand children’s understanding of the nature of their native land


1. Explain the uniqueness of northern nature, introduce children to the Red Book, the plants and animals listed in it.

2. Introduce the basics of science ecology, nature conservation rules.

develop a caring attitude towards our native nature.

3. Bring up respectful attitude towards the nature of the native land.


photographs of animals, plants, birds listed in the Red Book of Yamal;

sets of cut-out pictures depicting animals listed in the Red Book of Yamal.


Red Book, reserve, ecology.

Planned results:

Have an idea about the Red Book; know and name animals listed in the Red Book;

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Today guys, we will take a fascinating journey into the world of plants and animals! We ask you take your seats! The train is leaving! (slide 1) Where? Guess what. Guess the riddle and find out where the funny train will take us today.

Riddle about the tundra.

Here the birch trees are knee-deep.

Herds of reindeer nibble moss.

They are herded by a family of mushers,

Their tent is made from smoky skins. (Tundra)

Educator: - That's right, guys, we are going with you on a trip to the tundra. Yes, we're approaching. (Slide 2) Look at the tundra? What plants grow in the tundra? Many different voices are heard in the tundra. (Slide 3) Do you hear? (Bird voices living in the tundra)

At the end of June, beginning of July, chicks appear in bird nests. Caring parents they feed them, warm them and, of course, protect them.

A little extraneous sound or noise - mothers begin to leave their nest. Lead enemies away from the bird's house. People should remember this! Therefore, they should not make noise, play loud music, so as not to scare the mother away from the nest, and not to leave the babies without parents. Of course, other rules of behavior in the tundra must be observed. How many of you know?

Don't destroy birds' nests!

Do not take chicks from the nest!

Do not break branches, do not pick flowers!

Don't light a fire! (Slides 4, 5, 6)

Educator: - Which of the animals, inhabitants of the tundra, do you know?

Do you think all living creatures live well in the tundra? (The tundra is clean, it breathes well, the tundra is a home for animals, animals find food in the tundra.)

How should one behave in the tundra so as not to cause harm to the tundra and its inhabitants?

The people of the network have such sayings about their native side.

Sayings about the native side:

The one who destroys its nature does not love his land.

Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

He who has not planted a tree should not lie in the shade.

Not everything that grows is strigi.

If there were a forest, the nightingales would fly.

Educator: - Sun, air, water, mushrooms, fish, and all this is nature. Man lives in nature, human life depends on nature. (Slide 7)

What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans? (people plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Does man always help nature? Can man destroy nature? (pollutes rivers, cuts down forests, traps animals, etc.)

People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains. There are many examples when a person did not respect the laws of nature and caused great harm to the flora and fauna and the whole ecological systems. Many species of living beings began to disappear from the face of the Earth. But the remarkable thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes. More than a hundred years ago, a law was passed that allowed the creation in our country nature reserves. What is it reserve?

The reserve is a place, where nature lives according to its own laws. This is a place where herbs, flowers, and berries are protected by the state. Mushrooms, trees, shrubs, animals, birds, insects, fish. (Slide 8)

January 11th is celebrated throughout the country day of reserves and national parks. (Slide 9)

IN reserve people are prohibited from picking flowers, berries, mushrooms, fishing, or hunting birds and animals. IN reserve They only come for a tour. Where one discovers beauty and wealth protected areas.

Educator: - Guys, do you know that in our native land– in Yamal – there is also nature reserves? Reserves– these are islands of saving nature from humans. Reserves- this is our wealth, the golden fund of our country, which each of us can be proud of.

Educator: - Guys, what do you think, is it only in nature reserves must be protected? (children's answers).

Educator: - That's right, protect native nature needed anywhere.

Educator: - Rare animals and plants are protected by law. But people often break this law. People can sometimes be cruel to animals. Very often people destroy them for their own goals: fur coats are made from the skins of tigers and cheetahs, shoes and bags, belts and briefcases are made from the skin of crocodiles; elephants are killed to make expensive jewelry from their tusks; Walruses are killed because they have edible meat, and their tusks are used to make beautiful souvenirs. Gradually, there are fewer and fewer animals left. Thought about it People: how to stop this madness.

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

And so scientists decided to publish the Red Book. (Slide 10) Why Red? Because red is the color of impending danger. Attention! Stop. Look around, think, man! Think about nature! Are we taking too much advantage of her generosity?

Man is inextricably linked with the plant and animal world. The loss of a species of animal or plant leads to a break in a link in the chain of natural processes. One thing disappears, another gets sick, and a third dies.

Listed in the Red Book of Yamal (showing illustrations) polar bear, walrus, seal. (Slide 11)

Birds of Yamal: Siberian Crane (white crane, small or tundra swan, red-breasted goose.

Educator: - Guys, you and I will make our own Red Book, which will be in your group. We will fill it with pictures and illustrations so that everyone remembered plants and animals on the alarming pages of the Red Book.

We learned from this class that there is a Red Book that lists rare animals and plants. If you don't save them, they will disappear. But don’t forget, you need to treat all nature with care. So let's be friends as they say poem:

Come on people

Be friends with each other

Like a bird with the sky

Like grass in a meadow.

Like the wind with the sea.

Fields - with rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

To strive for this

So that they love us

Both the beast and the bird

And they trusted

Everywhere to us

Like your most loyal friends.

Come on people

Save the planet -

Throughout the Universe

There is no similar one.

Throughout the Universe

One for everyone.

What will it do

Is she without us?

I. Maznin

Publications on the topic:

The most beautiful among all flowers. The rose is a representative of the rosehip genus. They were first grown in ancient Rome. First mention of cultivation.

I decided in my group to make dolls in different national costumes, since I live in Chuvashia, I need to start with a doll in Chuvash and.

Our MADOU Kindergarten No. 9 (building 3) in the city of Uchaly took part in the March of Parks dedicated to ecology. He was the founder of the March of Parks.

Currently, there is a growing interest in understanding, strengthening and actively promoting national cultural traditions, embodied in original.

January 11 is the day of national parks and reserves of Russia

(sl. 1)

Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we will talk about national parks and reserves of Russia.

(sl. 2)Fadeeva A.


There is a special day in Russia,

He is dedicated to nature.

Beautiful nature reserves

And national bow to all parks.

About the safety of wild flora

This holiday tells us

To the open spaces of the Motherland

Everyone could appreciate it.

(sl. 3)Kurskov V.


Day of Nature Reserves and Parks

The country today celebrates

And even if it’s not hot on a January day,

But they warm our souls

About the beauty of the nature of thought,

So let's keep it all together,

Forests, fields, lowlands, heights,

The tops of the mountains to the skies!

(sl. 4)

- Reserves – these are specially protected areas or water areas where they try to preserve nature in its original form.

For this purpose, any kind of economic activity and tourism.

(sl. 5)

National parks - almost the same as nature reserves, only tourism is allowed in parks.

(sl. 6)

In total, there are 101 nature reserves and 35 national parks in Russia.

Most of the reserves are in the Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.

(sl. 7)

Day of Nature Reserves began to be celebrated in 1997 on the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund.

(sl. 8)

In 2016 V.V. Putin issued a decree recognizing 2017 as the year of nature reserves and nationalities. parks. (read the slide)

(sl. 9)

the first was formed in Russia state reserve- Barguzinsky. So this year is his 100th anniversary!

(sl. 10)

First national park– Sochi was opened in order to preserve unique natural complexes, use them for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes and “Losiny Island” in Moscow.

The largest national parks: “Udege Legend”, “Yudyg Va”, “Tunkinsky”, “Vodlozersky”, Shorsky.

Of course, in the Moscow region there are nature reserves and national parks. parks. The most famous is “Losiny Island” (Voronova A., Azarov E., Polyakova K., Bakhmetyev M. appear)

(sl. 11-12)Voronova A.

Undoubtedly, this is the most famous among Muscovites national park reserve. “Losiny Ostrov” is considered the largest forest park on the European continent, located within the city limits. Its total area reaches almost 117 thousand square kilometers.

Most of this national reserve - about 80% - is occupied by forest plantations: birch forests, conifers and broadleaf trees. The fauna is also richly represented, where you can see deer and elk in natural conditions, wild boars, muskrats and beavers, as well as squirrels and even minks.

And, despite the fact that the reserve is located within Moscow, you can enjoy the silence of Russian nature, take beautiful photos, breathe fresh air and have a wonderful rest.

(sl. 13-14)Azarov E.

Next on our list of national reserves in Moscow is the natural monument “Serebryany Bor”. The forest grows on an artificially created island located in a bend of the Moscow River. This green corner of the capital has become favorite place rest for Muscovites. Declared a natural monument in 1991.

“Serebryany Bor”, where majestic pine trees mainly grow, received its name because of an interesting natural phenomenon, when in the morning, on a fine day, pine trees emit light comparable to the shine of carefully polished silver utensils. Unfortunately, these days this phenomenon is observed quite rarely due to the highly polluted air in its vicinity.

Today in Serebryany Bor there are cottages of high government officials and foreign missions, but there are also several beaches, including for nudists, various entertainment venues, as well as restaurants and cafes.

(sl. 15-16)Polyakova K .

The Moscow National Nature Reserve - the Teply Stan landscape reserve - is located in the southwest of the city, on the so-called Teplostanovskaya Upland. Interestingly, today this is where the highest point of the metropolis is located (253.4 meters above sea level).

The Ochakovka River flows through the territory of the national park. Its water basin in this area, along with its source and all its tributaries, as well as the Kholodny spring near Konkovo, which are known from chronicles dating back 8 centuries, are included in the register of natural monuments.

The local fauna is rich in its representatives. Here you can meet moles and squirrels, hares and even weasels. Woodpeckers, nightingales, thrushes, nuthatches and jays nest in the forest park.

Today, this territory is equipped with a recreation area “Troparevo” with excellent infrastructure: attractions, a town for children assembled from wooden structures, a “splash pool” for water treatments.

In the depths of the reserve there are two springs - Troparevsky and Sergievsky of the Kukrinsky stream. At the source of the latter there is a chapel in the name of Sergius of Radonezh.

(sl. 17-18)Bakhmetyev M.

The first on our list of national reserves in the Moscow region is Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve. It is located not far from Serpukhov near Moscow. The local flora includes more than 1000 species of plants, but the basis forest zones made up of pine trees.

Here, in natural conditions, you can meet elk and deer, wolves and foxes, wild boars and even lynx. IN summer period Finches, flycatchers, titmice and hawks nest in trees and thickets. Most of the local landscape - about 92% - is occupied by forest plantations.

(sl. 19)Chetverikov A.

We have to keep nature under lock and key,

And let people in only with tickets,

Plants, factories, communications all around,

And spam on the streets, not only on the Internet.

Day of Nature Reserves and Parks, Remember - YOU!

Start with yourself and tell all the children,

If flowers grow in a flower bed,

They may not exist tomorrow, in this wide world.

Tepikin D., Zaichenko K., Mironov M., Ivanova V. come out.

(sl. 20-21)Tepikin D.

The national reserve of the Moscow region - the State Nature Reserve "Crane Homeland" - is spread over the territory of two districts of the Moscow region - Sergiev Posad and Taldomsky. On geographical maps In Russia, the place is designated as the Dubninsky swamp massif.

It is recommended to visit the Crane Homeland from the last ten days of August until last numbers September, when a great many cranes can be seen in the local meadows - several thousand a day. It is here that they gather in flocks, which periodically soar upward and go to distant countries for the winter. The spectacle is unforgettable!

It would be wrong to say that it is not interesting at other times of the year. On the same warm months You can watch the life of beautiful cranes going out to ponds or walking along forest paths, and even appearing along nearby highways. Experienced travelers take binoculars with them when going to the “Crane Homeland”. It will be more convenient this way.

(sl. 22-23)Zaichenko K.

Zavidov National Park is located on the squares of the Moscow and Tver regions, on the so-called Upper Volga Lowland. International organization UNESCO recognized this reserve as the most environmentally friendly place on Earth.

The Zavidovo State Complex has rich flora and fauna. Deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as numerous shrubs and berries. The local landscape contains beautiful meadows and ponds with rare aquatic plants. There are places where, when you go out, you feel like you’re entering a fairy-tale world, familiar to many children’s animated films.

The local fauna is also very widely represented, with about 41 species of mammals alone. The lakes are home to carp, pike, bream, as well as burbot, perch and pike-perch.

(sl. 24-25)Mironov M.

This huge forest area is located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. The reserve is part of ancient Meshchera. It consists of successive oak forests, linden groves, pine forests, black alder habitats and many other types of forest plantations.

Here and there throughout the territory there are wetlands: highlands with cranberries growing on them, transitional ones with birch trees stretching from the bog, lowland and hay meadows.

As in the “Crane Homeland”, which we described above, here you can find many gray cranes.

(sl. 26-27)Ivanova V.

Yes, this national park is not located directly in the Moscow region, but close to it. This national reserve– a great place for lovers active recreation and tourism, which is why we decided to talk about it.

Lake Pleshcheyevo itself arose in the era ice age, and since its formation, about, just think about it, 30 thousand years have passed - 300 centuries!

The national park has a rich representation of flora and fauna: 710 species of vegetation (35 are in the Russian Red Book), more than 60 species of animals and 200 species of birds. This place is truly the most beautiful corner of our Russian nature!

(sl. 28)Yuvkina S.

How beautiful our green planet is,

When everything around is full of warmth and light.

When trees and flowers grow everywhere -

Bright large, unsurpassed beauty.

It's good that there are places on the planet

Which delight the soul of adults and children.

Where little animals play without any adversity.

Where they are cared for all year round.

So let's support on such a joyful day

Every leaf, flower, tiger cub,

Rabbit, hare, elephant and lion cub,

All inhabitants of protected forests,

Green parks and beautiful gardens.

(sl. 29)Solodikhin D.

Greenpeace (eng. green peace - “ green world") is an international non-governmental environmental organization created in 1971 in Canada. It unites 28 national and regional organizations in 47 countries in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific region. (Annual Report 2015).

The organization is focused on issues such as global climate change, reduction of forest area from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, overfishing, commercial whaling, radiation hazards, development of renewable energy sources (RES) and resource conservation, environmental pollution with hazardous chemicals , sustainable agriculture, Arctic conservation.

Greenpeace uses direct action (actions and protests), lobbying and scientific research to achieve your goals.

Principles of organization:

    Independence . Greenpeace exists only on donations from citizens and private charitable foundations, does not accept money from government, commercial structures and political parties. Greenpeace is responsible for efficient use allocated funds and spends them only on environmental projects.

    Nonviolence . Greenpeace does not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals. All actions are an expression of peaceful protest, even if these actions seem controversial. Greenpeace never responds to aggression in kind, even when faced with intimidation or threats.

    Protest by action . Greenpeace believes in protest that brings results, and believes that actions can inspire people and organizations and change their attitude towards nature. This is far from the only, but probably the most noticeable way to draw attention to the environmental problem and achieve the necessary changes.

(sl. 30)Chernyshov K.

Red Book - an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi.

The Red Book is the main document that summarizes materials on the current state of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, on the basis of which scientific and practical measures are developed aimed at their protection, reproduction and rational use.

The Red Book includes species of plants and animals that grow permanently or temporarily or live in natural conditions on certain territory(mainly the territory of a single country), and are in danger of extinction. Species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book are subject to special protection throughout the entire individual territory covered by a specific edition of the Red Book.

Red books come at different levels - international, national and regional.

Now let's play a little. While the team is solving the crossword puzzle, the fans will solve the puzzles.

(sl. 31) Boar

(v.32) Wolf

(sl. 33) Fox

(sn. 34) Mole

(v.35) Tiger

(v.36) Birch

(sn. 37) Otter

(v.38) Bison

(v.39) Falcon

(sl. 40) Bullfinch

(sl. 41) Magpie

(sl. 42) Swift

(sl. 43)

Now the teams exchange crossword puzzles and check.

The next task for the teams is to come up with and write a slogan poster about the protection of surrounding nature, and the fans will guess the voices of the birds of the Moscow region.

(v.44) Great spotted woodpecker

(v.45) Raven

(sl. 46) Common turtledove

(v.47) Black-headed gull

(v.48) Quail

(sl. 49) Gray goose

(sl. 50) Bullfinch

(v.51) Jay

(sl.52) Nightingale

(sl. 53)

Now let’s see what our teams accomplished (showing their slogan posters).

Well done! You have been asked to prepare 3 riddles about the birds of the Moscow region, please let’s begin.

And finally, the last homework - a pantomime competition!Kondratyev A.

(sl. 54)

Reserved nature,
Reserved wondrous land,
Rainbow under the sky -
Choose your favorite color!

These clean lakes
Forest and rivers and meadows
Under state protection -
Protected shores.

There are animals and birds here
They roam the fields without fear.
Let's save these grains
Let's save our nature!

(sl. 55)

Thank you for your attention.

Additional tasks

1 task: Survey

1.The best feathered singer in Russia? (nightingale)

2. The most musical flower? (bell)

4. What kind of water should I water indoor plants with? (warm, settled, rain)

5. What is the best time to replant plants? (spring)

6. Which animal is always with money? (pig, he always has a snout)

7. The underground part of the plant? (root)

8. Catalog book of protected plants and animals (Red Book)

9. Round, oval or square flower bed (bed)

10. What mushroom is named after the forest predatory animal? (chanterelle)

11. Children’s visual perception of objects and natural phenomena (observation)

12. Spruce, pine, birch, willow - in one word... (trees)

13. Who carries the forest? (deer)

14. How many “a” do you need to take to get a bird? (magpie)

2 exercise: Questions

    What tree branches can be found in the bathhouse? (birch, oak)

    What do pine, poplar, and aspen have, but birch do not? (letter o)

    What animal in the forest knows where the honey is? (bear)

    In the old days, which part of the tree were students very afraid of at school? (branches from which rods were made)

    Which bird has the number 3 in its name? (swift)

    Why do ducks swim? (from the shore)

    How many legs does a spider have? (8)

    The first spring birds (rooks)

    What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

    Karkusha is (crow)

    Which snake is the biggest? (anaconda)

    The fastest sea animal (dolphin, killer whale)

    What tree are children most happy with in winter? (spruce)

    What rocks are in the sea? (wet)

    Flying all day, everyone gets bored (fly)

    I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose)

    What animals crawl out of their skin (snake)

    Red cheat (fox)

    He starts the week (Monday)

    First spring flower (snowdrop)

    Which fish resembles a chess piece? (sea horse)

3 exercise:

Quiz questions

1.It is produced by an ordinary cow.

2.B small quantities he is very helpful.

3. When there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster.

4.When it gets into water bodies, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals begin to suffocate.

5.It must be composted.


1. A lot of toys are made from it.

2.It comes in different colors and is very difficult to make.

3.Items made from it weigh little.

4.If you set it on fire, it produces a lot of black smoke that smells bad.

5. It cannot be thrown away, because it does not decompose in nature.


1.It was invented by the Chinese.

2. We get it from wood.

3.It burns easily.

4. It produces a lot of garbage.

5. People usually draw or write on it.


1.It is made from sand.

2. Most often it is transparent.

3.When it falls, it breaks.

4.If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough.

5. Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


1. This is something that is abundant in the city, but scarce in the countryside.

2. There is especially a lot of this in an industrial city, where there are many plants and factories.

3. This makes people get sick, get nervous a lot, scream loudly, and this gets even worse.

4.It is produced by various devices and machines.

5.It causes air and environmental pollution, if there is too much of it, it causes intoxication and acts like a drug.


1. It's almost invisible.

2. There is a lot of this in an industrial city where factories and factories operate.

3. This causes people to develop asthma, bronchitis, and cancer.

4. Green plants can collect this on their leaves.

5. In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow.

(Waste gas)

1.This happens when something gets old or breaks.

2. This can be seen everywhere - in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.

3.You can turn it in and get money.

4. Something new can be made from this.

5. It comes in color and you can get money for it.

(Scrap metal)

    Always black.

    There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories.

    This is very harmful.

    It causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty.

    There is a lot of this when burning.


1.It is lighter than water.

2.It can float on water and will not sink.

3. There is a lot of this in the river when cars are washed in it.

4. This prevents the fish from breathing.

5. This must be removed from the surface of the water.

(Machine oil)

Scenario plan for a thematic conversation dedicated to

dayreserves and national parks

As part of the Year of Ecology in Russia

Event participants: students of MBUDO "DSHI "Beryozka"

Responsible: Sazonova M.P.

Leading: Hello, dear friends! It is no coincidence that we have gathered here today, on the first day of school after the holidays. The new year has arrived, 2017, and in our country it is officially declared the Year of Ecology. We know that it is the responsibility of each of us to take care of environment, take care of the safety of our rich natural resources, do everything to ensure that human life does not harm living nature.

Yesterday was a special date in the Russian holiday calendar. Who knows what January 11th is famous for? This is the Dayreserves and national parks. This holiday is relatively “young” - It was first celebrated in 1997 on the initiative of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund.

Why is it customary to celebrate this holiday on January 11? The fact is that on this day, one hundred and one years ago, in 1916, the first state reserve was formed in Russia - Barguzinsky, whose name comes from the Barguzin River. The main goal Its creation was the protection of the Barguzin sable and other animals on Lake Baikal.Today this reserve is an integral part of the World Natural Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” along with the rest of the reserves and national parks that are part of the so-called “reserve necklace”, which includes, in addition to Barguzinsky, the Baikal, Baikal-Lensky reserves, and the Transbaikal National Park.The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is home to the black-capped mammal - a total of 41 species of mammals. Other species of fish are also found in the waters of the reserve.

Lake Baikal... the greatest water reserve, the “well of the planet”, storing up to 70 percent of the world’s reserves of the purest drinking water. This is the deepest and oldest lake in the world, unique natural phenomenon, it is rightfully considered one of the sacred places on the planet. Among all the lakes on Earth, Baikal has no equal in age; it is approximately 25 million years old. According to scientists, most reservoirs live on average 10-15 thousand years. Among the lakes of the globe, Baikal ranks first in depth, it is approximately 1800 meters! (despite the fact that on Earth only six lakes have a depth of more than 500 meters).

Let's watch a short video about the amazing lake.

Video demonstration 1

Leading: Now let's turn to the name of our holiday. It contains the words "Reserve" and "National Park". What do you think is the difference between a nature reserve and a national park?

Reserve is a piece of land or water protected by the state. But the reserve is not just a protected area, but a scientific institution where serious research on wildlife is conducted. Of course, inside the reserve any activity that violates natural complexes or threatening their safety.

National Park – this is also the territory in which they are protected unique objects nature. But the national park has a significant difference from the reserve: the park allows visitors for recreation. The world's first national park was founded at the end of the 19th century in the USA, and by 1982 more than 1,200 national parks and other protected areas had been created around the world.

I wonder how many nature reserves and national parks there are in our country? How do you think? Today in Russia there are more than 100 nature reserves and more than 35 national parks. Both of them together occupy about 3% of the entire area of ​​Russia. Quite a bit, at first glance, right? And at the same time they retain 80% of the wealth of flora and fauna!

Throughout the entire territory of Russian natural reserves, the use of land, water, subsoil, flora and fauna is prohibited, since they are of particular value as samples of living nature, typical of these places, preserving the genetic fund of flora and fauna. taiga forests, clean rivers, harsh glaciers - all this allows us to maintain an ecological situation in Russia acceptable for human life.

And now I want to bring to your attention a fragment of a wonderful video about wildlife taiga forests of Primorye.

Video demonstration 2

Sometimes under the influence various factors natural areas, extremely important for human life, suffers serious damage. Let's take a forest for example. Sometimes we don’t think about how important the forest is for human life. And, meanwhile, it is no coincidence that in the old daysThey said: “Living next to a forest means you won’t go hungry,” “The forest is richer than the king,” “The forest not only feeds the wolf, but also feeds the peasant to his fill.” The forest is a source of food, energy, building material, and raw materials for production. Also in the air natural forests there are more than 300 different types of chemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on living organisms; forests actively transform atmospheric pollution.

The forest fires in Central Russia in the summer of 2010, caused by abnormal heat and lack of natural precipitation. The natural disaster had devastating consequences: more than 50 people were killed and more than 1,200 houses were destroyed. For last summer A total of about 130 people were affected by the fires. settlements. The destructive force of the fire was resisted by the urgently organized Headquarters for Prevention and Elimination forest fires; Residents of populated areas desperately fought the flames, protecting their homes. Leading activist associations of cities and regions were involved in extinguishing the fires. The Kolomna search squad "Suvorov" led by its leader Olga Struzhanova, who provided us with this footage, took a direct part in the fire extinguishing:

video demonstration 3

It would seem that natural fires depend little on human will. However, the role of the “human factor” should not be underestimated. The fact is that people are the cause of the vast majority of fires in forests and peatlands. Often, a single unextinguished cigarette can cause a tragedy.

Of course, for you and me, the environmental situation in our city is of great importance, because our comfort depends on it.Ecology of Kolomna is recognized as quite acceptable for people’s lives when compared with the general environmental situation observed in the Moscow region. At the same time, every month the ecology of Kolomna undergoes a number of serious negative influences from numerous industrial enterprises, as well as an increase in the number of cars on our roads. Exhaust gases from vehicles They pollute the air several times more actively and powerfully than emissions from factories and industrial complexes. Pollution of the Moscow River and the Oka River also has a detrimental effect on the ecology of Kolomna. But, it should be noted that environmental issues in Kolomna recent years a lot of attention is paid. Additional financial resources are allocated for the construction of new purification systems, and emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are strictly controlled. Butecology of Kolomna depends on each of us. After all, there is nothing easier than using public transport once again, and leaving your car in the garage, without burning leaves on your summer cottage, use less often chemicals that destroy the planet’s ozone layer, and so on.

Everyone can contribute to the environmental situation of their hometown, and the combined efforts of many can seriously affect the condition of the entire planet. Since 2010, the city project “Parks, gardens and squares of the city” came into force. Kolomna”, which was attended by educational institutions of the city - schools, colleges, institutes.

Now listen carefully to my story and guess what famous park city ​​of Kolomna we are talking about:

Back in 1949, when huge country had just begun to recover from the horrific Second World War, construction beganTHIS PARK. The first four thousand trees were planted in the spring, and subsequently the PARK was decorated with more than 30 thousand shrubs and 8 thousand trees from all over our vast country. Larch, chestnut, and pyramidal poplar trees appeared next to linden, birch, and maple trees. Apple, pear, rowan, viburnum, lilac, and jasmine trees bloomed. It’s not for nothing that local residents called the PARK nothing less than “The Green Miracle of the City.” Well, guess what?

Yes, we are talking about the PEACE PARK, a favorite vacation spot for Kolomsk residents. In 1966, large-scale improvement and reconstruction work beganPeace Park in Kolomna . All the townspeople, young and old, took part in the development of the park, and three years later the renewed park of culture and recreation warmly welcomed its guests. It is noteworthy that during the construction of the fountain, the experience of constructing the fountain in the Moscow Sokolniki Park was used. In total, over twenty years from the late forties to the late sixties, 8,200 trees of forty species and more than 30,000 shrubs from all over the country (for example, Siberia, Far East, Ukraine). As a result, children and adults have been coming here for more than 60 years, over 60 years Peace Park in Kolomna gives people peace and joy.

Well, our meeting is coming to an end, but before we say goodbye, I would like to tell you that January 11 in the holiday calendar is not only the Dayreserves and national parks. January 11 is also the most “polite” date of the year. This day is celebrated as World Thank You Day.

Everyone knows from childhood that “thank you” is a “magical” word. The word “thank you” is an established abbreviation of the phrase “God bless” - this phrase was used to express gratitude in Rus'.

We are well aware of the importance of good manners and their necessity in everyday life, but we express most of our thanks as if on the fly, without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, the words “thank you” and “please” have magical properties. Psychologists believe that words of gratitude are signs of attention that can warm you with their warmth.

Thank today everyone who is close to you, everyone you love and appreciate. And remember: “thank you” is a firefly word!

Thank you for your attention! See you again!


Name the local environmental problems in your city. What has been done and what is planned to be done to solve them?

2. Environmental issues Russia and attempts to solve them:

· Danger radiation pollution environment. The Chernobyl accident showed the dangers of using primitive nuclear reactors. Later, the degree of protection of reactors from explosion was increased. Underground atomic explosions for national economic purposes were carried out in the north of the Perm region in the area of ​​Lake Chusovskoye. The builders wanted to dig a canal from Pechera to Kama using explosions, but nothing came of this idea. Ten nuclear explosions, of which seven were underground and three near-surface explosions. As a result, several huge pits appeared, filled radioactive water. In the north of the region, the number of people with cancer has increased.

· . Enormous harm to the environment from the use of mineral fertilizers and plant pest control products, when most of them end up in water bodies along with wastewater. It was forbidden to use the most harmful means against plant pests.

· Pollution of water bodies by sewage industrial waste and sewage. To avoid this today they are building and use fresh water in a closed cycle, they propose pumping harmful wastewater into mine voids.

· Soil salinization as a result of abundant irrigation with river water. Soil salinization as a result of abundant irrigation with river water in ancient times occurred in Upper Mesopotamia. Lake Aral has largely dried up, and the wind is blowing salt from the bottom of the lake around the area. This occurred as a result of a reduction in the flow of rivers flowing into the lake due to the fact that a significant part of the water left the rivers into irrigation canals. In order to reduce the cost of construction, these canals were built in the form of a ditch in the sand, so the land surrounding the canal turned into a swamp in the desert. To reduce water loss, it is necessary to build channels with a reinforced concrete bottom or in the form of a reinforced concrete pipe. Irrigation of undistilled river water in a desert inevitably leads to salinization of that desert. To solve this problem, in Israel and America, drip irrigation is used when watering vegetables, when a plastic tube approaches each plant, from which water oozes “drop by drop.”

· Construction of hydroelectric power plants in low-lying areas, which led to the flooding of the most fertile lands. In Holland, lands are reclaimed from the sea, but in Russia they are flooded. An example is the “energy cascades” on the Volga and Kama. To avoid this, today it is recommended to build hydroelectric power stations only in the mountains.

· Environmental problems in the forestry industry. A lot of abandoned wood remains in forest plots. As a result of moth rafting, when trees float by themselves in the spring to the mouth of a small river, and rafting, a lot of wood sinks and poisons the water with rotting products. Today, molar wood alloy is prohibited in Russia.

· Oil tanker crashes or pipeline breaks . To avoid this, tankers with double hulls are used today.

1. The atmosphere of planet Earth consists of more than half of this gas.
2. The process by which green plants absorb water and carbon dioxide, with the participation of solar energy, they produce oxygen.
3. Source of air pollution (vehicle).
4. Gas necessary for human breathing.
5. Organisms that partially neutralize the harmful effects of polluted atmosphere.
6. A device in the design of a car that absorbs carbon monoxide.
7. Type of organic fuel.
8. Protective device, allowing you to breathe in a polluted atmosphere.
9. More environmentally friendly fuel compared to gasoline.

What are the ways to reduce emissions? carbon monoxide? Some European countries are replacing cars with electric vehicles. Electric cars are more expensive to operate, but residents do so to breathe more clean air.

In Denmark, for example, most city residents ride bicycles to work and to the store - this is good for both health and air cleanliness.

In many countries, the design of cars includes special devices - filters that trap some of the harmful gases.


1. Gas in the atmosphere, whose share is 78%? (nitrogen)
2. weather phenomenon, helping to cleanse the atmosphere? (rain)
3. Are there poisonous gases in the atmosphere? (Yes)
4. What is ozone? (a gas in the atmosphere that absorbs ultraviolet radiation)
5. The upper boundary of the atmosphere passes at an altitude of a) 10 km, b) 130 km, c) 500 km? (500 km)
6. What is the name of the gas, an increase in concentration of which leads to the greenhouse effect? (carbon dioxide)
7. What is the name of thick fog, consisting of a mixture of pollutants, often observed in large industrial cities? (smog)
8. In what state of aggregation is there water in the atmosphere? (solid, liquid, gaseous)
9. Why are the rains called “sour”?