Scenarios for nature reserves and national parks. Scenario for the day of nature reserves and national parks in the library

Elena Nesteruk
Leisure scenario “International Day of Nature Reserves”


Introduce the concepts reserve"and the role of man in the life of its inhabitants, to form children's idea of flora reserve;

Strengthen children's ideas about "floors" forests;

Establish rules of conduct in reserve;

Introduce nature reserves Moscow and Moscow South region;

Develop in children cognitive interest, ecological thinking, speech;

To instill in children a good attitude towards nature using the example of their native land.

Demo material: map of Russia, photographs reserve, illustrations of flora and fauna reserves, environmental signs

Handouts: colored pencils, sheets of white paper (circle)

Preliminary work : memorizing poems, looking at illustrations, talking about trees, observing trees in the kindergarten area, involving parents in preparation leisure.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: “Nature for us is a pantry of the sun with great treasures...

And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” (M. M. Prishvin).

Nature is important in everyone's life person: after all, besides beauty and good mood, it gives a person something without which it is impossible to live. And what exactly, the riddles will tell.

Well, which one of you will answer?:

It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly,

And not a baker, but a baker.


Educator: Can a person live without sunlight and warmth?

(Children's answers).


Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He is invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.


Educator: Can we live without air?

(Children's answers).


I'm being drunk

I'm being poured

Everyone needs me.

Who is she?


He'll wink at you furtively

A sweet lantern made from grass.


He stood on a strong leg,

Now it's in a basket.



Flies over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower

And share the honey.


Glistening in a clean river

The back is silver. (fish)

Educator: Sun, air, water, berries, mushrooms, bees, fish - all this is nature. Man lives in nature, human life depends on nature. What do you guys think, does the beauty of nature depend on humans?

Children's answers.

Educator: How does a person help nature?

(People plant forests, protect animals, feed birds, clean rivers, etc.)

Educator: Can people destroy nature?

Children's answers. (They pollute rivers, cut down forests, trap animals, etc.)

Educator: People can increase nature, or they can destroy what remains, causing enormous harm to the flora and fauna and entire ecological systems. Many species of animals and plants that we can see in the Red Book began to disappear from the face of the earth. But the remarkable thing is that a person knows how to correct his mistakes.

More than a hundred years ago, a law was passed that allowed the creation in our country nature reserves.

Educator: What is it reserve? (Children's answers).

Educator: The reserve is a place, where nature has the right to live according to its own laws. This is a place where herbs, flowers, berries, mushrooms, trees, shrubs, animals, birds, insects, and fish are protected by the state.

IN reserve people are prohibited from picking flowers, berries, mushrooms, fishing, or hunting birds and animals.

IN reserve they come only on an excursion, where they get acquainted with the beauty and wealth protected areas.

Guys, how wonderful reserve! How amazing there is here! Let's try to depict a piece of what we saw

Physical education break:

We are in reserve friends(we walk)

And we all friendly family (we walk, hug ourselves)

Trees lined up in a row (stop, stand at attention)

And everyone is glad to meet us (nod our head)

This is what pleases the eye with its flexibility, (tilts to the sides)

And this one rises sternly, like a soldier (Hands up)

One thing - spreading spreading branches, (arms to the sides)

Another one flutters and plays in the wind (arms up, swaying like branches)

In our reserved the forest has its own order - according to "floors"

Educator: Children, remember the floors of the forest and stand as they grow in this forest.

Children stand up using a ladder:

1st floor – mosses and lichens;

2nd floor – mushrooms;

3rd floor – lilies of the valley, kupena, peony, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries;

4th floor – juniper and rhododendron;

5th floor – maple and birch;

6th floor – spruce and pine

Well done guys, you built the house right. My friends, plants, let's tell you about ourselves.

Plants of the 1st floor:

We plants press tightly against what we grow on; we can use us to determine the direction of the cardinal points.

Curly curled green moss

Covered dead wood, soil, stumps,

Climbed onto the butt, thick, black

A completely decaying pine tree. (A. Vtorov)

Plants of the 2nd floor:

We - special group living organisms. We are neither plants nor animals. We are a separate kingdom of mushrooms.

They call us morels, we are the first spring mushrooms

Straight from under the snow

Crumpled Panama -

The old man gets out

Nicknamed Morel.

I didn’t stay underground,

You know, there is a lot to do in spring. (Yu. V. Shabai)

Plants of the 3rd floor:

We are herbaceous plants, medicinal.

I, lily of the valley, am listed in the Red Book.

A silver lily of the valley grew at the edge of the forest.

White bell of delicate beauty.

A small gift from Spring - girlfriends,

There are modest flowers on the green carpet.

We are the berries. I am blueberry, I am strawberry. We are very tasty and also medicinal.

Everyone loves blueberries very much

Berries blacker than night.

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land.

Plants of the 4th floor:

We are medicinal shrubs. I am juniper and I am rhododendron

In open places, on sand and where there is a spruce forest

Wild healthy JUNIPER grows.

Plants of the 5th floor:

We are trees, but not the tallest ones

I am a maple tree, I bloom before the leaves bloom, I am pollinated by bees.

The old maple stands alone

All covered in moss.

On the edge of the ruins,

And it creaks tiredly.

I am a light-loving birch tree, I sow a lot of seeds. Shade-tolerant trees settle under me, which can then lead to my death

They call it white because of the bark

It is called curly because of its crown.

Fabulous view at dawn

Forest in a golden crown.

Plants of the 6th floor:

Spruce and pine: conifers, we are the tallest inhabitants reserve.

No matter how bitterly cold it is

And no matter how the blizzards hum, -

They stand and look proudly at the sky

They ate green, like in summer.

A stately row of mighty pines,

The ranks are orderly.

The tops of their heads look to the skies -

Nature's wondrous beauty.

Educator: Guys, do you know that we also have nature reserves?

Now the guys will tell you about some of them.

Children talk, showing illustrations of flora and fauna reserves.

1. National Park "Elk Island"

The largest forest park in Europe within the city. Elk Island has always been famous for its rich wildlife. Sika deer, moose, wild boars, mink, squirrels, muskrats, and beavers live here. The huge, spacious territory of the national park allows you to completely forget about the proximity of a noisy metropolis. About 80 percent of the park is occupied forests: birch forests, conifers, broad-leaved trees. Breathtakingly fresh air, wild Russian nature and the chance to photograph a deer or elk in its natural environment.

2. Prioksko-Terrasny biosphere reserve

On the left bank of the Oka, not far from Serpukhov, an island of untouched nature has been preserved - Prioksko-terrasny reserve. About 1000 species of rare and unique plants surrounded by pine trees. IN reserved the area is home to a variety of animals: elk, wild boar, wolf, otter, lynx, deer and many other mammals. Over reserve In spring and summer, finches, flycatchers, tits and hawks circle.

3. Zavidovsky reserve

The national park, located on the territory of the Moscow and Tver regions, is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet! There are deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, magnificent meadows and a variety of aquatic plants. Currants and raspberries, bird cherry, cranberries and lingonberries grow in local forests. Some places look like pictures from fairy tales or favorite cartoons about fairy-tale forests, where under every leaf there is a berry. Fauna of Zavidovsky reserve no less varied: Scientists have counted up to 41 species of mammals here. Carp, pike, bream, burbot, perch and pike perch swim in the reservoirs.

4. Crane Homeland

State reserve located on the territory of the Dubna swamp massif - the largest in the Moscow region. The best time to travel to the Crane Homeland is from the 20th of August until the end of September. At this time, birds gather in flocks of several thousand cranes and every now and then soar into the skies. But at other times of the year, the traveler will have something to see. There are so many cranes here that they often come out onto forest paths and even onto roads.

5. National Park "Pleshcheyevo Lake"

The largest freshwater body of water in the European territory of the country. Lake Pleshcheyevo is a unique lake of glacial origin.

The national park is distinguished by a wealth of flora and fauna: here you can find 710 species of plants (35 of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia), 60 species of wild animals and 210 species of birds. An amazingly beautiful island of truly Russian nature!

6. Landscape reserve "Tyoply Stan"(rest area "Troparevo")

One of the most picturesque places in the southwest of the capital. The reserve is located on the Teplostanskaya Upland, the highest point of Moscow is located here. The Ochakovka River flows through the territory of the reserve. Its source, valley and tributary, as well as the Kholodny spring near Konkovo, which gave people water 800 years ago, are declared natural monuments. Created on the river big pond, around which there is a recreation area. Moles and squirrels, hares and weasels live here, woodpeckers, nuthatches, jays, song thrushes and nightingales nest.

7. Cherustinsky forest

A large forest area in the extreme east of the Moscow region, the largest in the Shatura region. This area is part of the famous Meshchera, a region of swamps, forests and lakes. The forest area consists of alternating areas of oak forests, linden forests, tall and swampy pine forests, black alder forests and other types of forest. Scattered throughout the area are small swamps: highland with cranberries, transitional with squat birch, lowland, as well as hay meadows. This place is an excellent place for observing gray cranes, and an outing is unlikely to be complete without meeting them.

Educator: Guys, what do you think, is it only in reserves we must protect nature (Children's answers).

Educator: That’s right, we need to protect our native nature in any place.

For this you need remember a few rules:

1. Outdoors remember what you see.

2. Walk along the paths.

3. Do not break tree branches.

4. Do not trample flowers and herbs.

5. Do not shout or play loud music.

6. Don't destroy birds' nests.

7. Don't catch insects.

8. Do not destroy mycelium.

9. Do not catch fry or frogs.

10. Do not break cobwebs.

11. Do not light fires.

12. Do not destroy anthills.

In every the reserve has signs. I suggest you come up with and draw signs that will show people how to behave correctly in reserve.

(independent activity of children to the music of Yu. Antonov “Don’t pick the flowers”)

Appendix 1.

« Nature trails»

Participants: schoolchildren 10-13 years old

Number of participants: 20 people.

Materials and equipment:

- a small ball,

- felt-tip pens,

- A5 sheets with the letters “K”, “I”, “B”, “A”, “H” (4 pieces of each),

- pieces of tape for attaching sheets under chairs,

- riddles,

- 9 sheets with answers and the letters “P”, “A” (3 pcs.), “N”, “I”, “P”, “B”, “I”;

- five cards with different information about reindeer

- five sheets with images of animals (including one reindeer), on the reverse side of the image reindeer it says “Kostomuksha Nature Reserve”, and on the rest there is a smiley face with its tongue sticking out

- 24 large parts puzzle with letters (puzzles of the same color contain the letters “K” (2 pieces), “A” (2 pieces), “L” (2 pieces), “E”, “B”, “b”, “ C", "I", "Y"; and on puzzles of a different color: "B", "O" (2 pieces), "D", "L", "Z", "E", "R", “S”, “K”, “I”, “Y”.

- media presentation

Preliminary work: letters of the word “KIVACH” are glued under the chairs (4 pieces of each letter). The chairs are in a circle.

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Screen saver (1 presentation slide).

Leading: Today we are going on a short virtual trip dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and national parks.

You and I are all one big team of an unusual virtual ship. I am the captain of the ship, and you are all members of the crew.

So, our team is assembled.

You remember that our trip is dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks is celebrated annually on January 11 (new style, old style - December 29, 1916) on the day of the formation of the first Barguzin Nature Reserve in Russia. Slide 2. Look at Slide 3. How old is the Reserve this year? Guess what kind of animal is depicted on the reserve’s emblem?

Children's versions. The stamps depict the anniversary year - 1966, which means that according to the new style, if you count, it will be 100 years. Explain to children what the old and new style are.

The first Barguzin Nature Reserve in Russia has turned a hundred years old, guys. The animal on its emblem is the sable, the reserve was created to preserve this rare beast. And since 1997, the day of the formation of the Barguzinsky Nature Reserve has been celebrated in Russian Federation as the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks.

Nature reserves and national parks are classified as specially protected natural areas. Why are specially protected natural areas designated?

Children's versions

Specially protected natural areas are allocated to preserve and restore the numbers of any species of animals or plants; or to preserve entire landscapes and areas in pristine condition, to reduce human impacts on valuable natural objects etc. (Slide No. 4)

Today we will go on a virtual journey through some protected natural areas of Karelia; we can travel with you by water, air and land. And along the way we can meet different animals. And I would like to check if my traveling team is ready for these meetings?

I will throw you a ball and name one of three words: “air”, “earth”, “water”. The task of the one who caught the ball is to name the animal associated with this element. With the word “earth” we mean those who run or crawl on the ground or under the ground; with the word “air” we call the one who flies; and with the word “water” - the one who swims. Is the task clear?


Well done, you are well prepared for the journey. Currently in Russia there are 103 nature reserves and 47 national parks, together with other protected areas, and they occupy 11% of the total area of ​​Russia. In the Republic of Karelia there are 142 specially protected natural areas, of which two are nature reserves and part of the reserve belongs to Murmansk region, three national parks, 1 natural park and 34 reserves, 102 natural monuments. (State report on the state of the environment of the Republic of Karelia in 2015) Slide number 5.

This, of course, can be a very long journey, and therefore we need to thoroughly check the readiness of our engines for flight.

We nod our heads,
Let's shake our noses,
And let's knock our teeth
And let's be silent for a while.
(Press index fingers to the lips).

We'll roll our shoulders
And let's not forget about the hands.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's rest a little.
(Bent down, swing with relaxed arms).

We'll kick our feet
And we kick the chair a little,
Let's like a leg with a leg
And let's start all over again.
(Then the pace accelerates.)

Repeat two more times.

So our engines are warmed up. Are you ready to travel? Then we begin our flight!

Today we will take a virtual trip through only five protected natural areas of Karelia: two nature reserves and three national parks.

And to find out which reserve awaits us first, we will have to work a little. Listen to me carefully, I will count loudly, and you will complete a difficult task: On the count of “one!” everyone leans under the chair on the count of “two!” - look under the seat of the chair for a hint sheet, on the count of “three” - take out this sheet and raise it high above your head. Do you understand everything?

The guys raise sheets of letters above their heads.

So many letters! Something is difficult for us to figure out here. Let's try to make things easier for ourselves. Now you need to look around, find those who have the same letter as you. Found it? You are not interested in these people... You are only interested in those with different letters.

Let’s start with the first letter of the alphabet – the letter “a”. Who has the letter "a"? Your task is to take the hand of one person with any other letter, then the two of you take a third person into your campaign, the three of you take a fourth, etc. Thus, we should get four chains of five people with in different letters. Is the task clear? Let's start.

The guys gather in chains.

Amazing! Well done. Now look at your groups in the chain and try to make up the name of our Karelian nature reserve.

Compose the word “Kivach”.

The result is the Kivach Nature Reserve! Amazing. We are placing the Kivach nature reserve on the map of Karelia. (Slide No. 6)

This is the first reserve that we flew to during our trip. The Kivach Nature Reserve is the most popular and frequently visited nature reserve in Karelia. Kivach is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia, created on June 11, 1931 under the USSR Academy of Sciences to protect the nature of the Russian north.

But most people know this reserve for just one reason. What is this reserve known for?

The expected answer is a waterfall. Slide No. 7

Indeed, the Kivach waterfall is located on the territory of the reserve. Kivach waterfall long time was considered the largest lowland waterfall in Russia and the second largest lowland waterfall in Europe after the Rhine (Rhine River, Switzerland). Currently, the former power of the waterfall has been lost. Due to the Girvas dam built upstream, Kivach has now lost significantly in size and power, but has not lost its beauty.

The name Kivach comes from the word “kivi”, meaning “stone”. And this is not the only waterfall with similar name here in Karelia. We also have a waterfall called “Kivakka”. Do you hear a similar sound? “Kivach”, “Kiwi”, “Kivakka”? But in order to see this waterfall, you and I will have to fly to another specially protected territory of Karelia - far to the north of our republic in national park. You will find out what it is called by completing one task.

We give each group two sheets of paper (a letter is written on one side, and the answer word for the riddle on the other side), and the leader has one of the same sheets. Let's solve the riddles in order.

You and I need to solve the riddles written on these sheets and put the answers in their place.

For example, the presenter reads one riddle, the answer to which is in his hands. And attaches the letter to the desired riddle.

After this, the leader reads the first riddle, the groups confer, find the answer, attach the letter in place, and so on for all the letters.

What kind of word did we get? Paanajärvi. Indeed, this is the name of the national park in the Louhi region of the Republic of Karelia.

Place the image on the map (Slide No. 8)

Paanajärvi is the most picturesque park in Karelia, founded on May 20, 1992. There are several mountains in the park, which are the most high mountains Kareli. Waterfalls, rocks, lakes, and in particular the main lake of the park - Lake Paanajärvi. (Slide No. 9)

The main goal the creation of the Paanajärvi National Park was the preservation of unique natural complexes Lake Paanajärvi and the Olanga River.

But I’m wondering if Kivach is a nature reserve, and Paanajärvi is a national park. What's the difference between them?

Children's versions

In a national park, natural phenomena are primarily open to observation by visitors. Most of the national park is open to the public, for which special recreation areas and tourist sites are provided.

The reserve is a scientific institution where flora, fauna and other natural phenomena are seriously studied. Visits to the reserve are strictly limited to excursions around ecological trails or completely prohibited for tourists.

But you and I, on our virtual journey, can easily get to any territory, and therefore I propose to take advantage of this and visit another reserve. But to find out what it is called, we will first have to know the animal that is the symbol of this reserve.

Each group receives a card with information (the information varies), their task is to discuss and understand what animal we are talking about.

Separately located are five images of different animals, including reindeer. On the back of the image of the reindeer it says “Kostomuksha Nature Reserve”, and on the rest there is a smiley face with its tongue sticking out.

If your group guessed which animal we're talking about, then please place your piece of paper with the task next to the selected image of the animal.

We check and find the name of the reserve.

This reserve is called “Kostomuksha”.

Mark on the map (Slide No. 10)

The Kostomuksha Nature Reserve was founded on December 14, 1983. The reserve's logo is an image of a reindeer reflected in a lake in the background pine cone. (Slide No. 11) The Kostomuksha Nature Reserve has created comfortable living conditions for reindeer, and pine is the most common tree species in the territory of this reserve.

Our republic has long been famous for its forest resources. But often these are no longer indigenous, i.e. ancient natural forests, and forests that are already highly susceptible to human impact. But in Karelia there are still indigenous virgin forests, i.e. forests that have not yet been affected by human industrial activity. And two national parks of Karelia are proud of such forests.

We have to find out their names.

We give the children one puzzle piece each, with one letter on each piece. The last two letters of each word are already stacked on the tables. The puzzles have a different color for each word so they don’t get confused. Children try to put together puzzles. Two names are obtained - “Vodlozersky” and “Kalevalsky”.

January 11 is the day of national parks and reserves of Russia

(sl. 1)

Good afternoon, dear friends! Today we will talk about national parks and reserves of Russia.

(sl. 2)Fadeeva A.


There is a special day in Russia,

He is dedicated to nature.

Beautiful nature reserves

And national bow to all parks.

About the safety of wild flora

This holiday tells us

To the open spaces of the Motherland

Everyone could appreciate it.

(sl. 3)Kurskov V.


Day of Nature Reserves and Parks

The country today celebrates

And even if it’s not hot on a January day,

But they warm our souls

About the beauty of the nature of thought,

So let's keep it all together,

Forests, fields, lowlands, heights,

The tops of the mountains to the skies!

(sl. 4)

- Reserves – these are specially protected areas or water areas where they try to preserve nature in its original form.

For this purpose, any kind of economic activity and tourism.

(sl. 5)

National parks - almost the same as nature reserves, only tourism is allowed in parks.

(sl. 6)

In total, there are 101 nature reserves and 35 national parks in Russia.

Most of the reserves are in the Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.

(sl. 7)

Day of Nature Reserves began to be celebrated in 1997 on the initiative of the Conservation Center wildlife and the World Wildlife Fund.

(sl. 8)

In 2016 V.V. Putin issued a decree recognizing 2017 as the year of nature reserves and nationalities. parks. (read the slide)

(sl. 9)

The first state reserve was formed in Russia - Barguzinsky. So this year is his 100th anniversary!

(sl. 10)

The first national park, Sochi, was opened in order to preserve unique natural complexes, use them for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes and “Losiny Ostrov” in Moscow.

The largest national parks: “Udege Legend”, “Yudyg Va”, “Tunkinsky”, “Vodlozersky”, Shorsky.

Of course, in the Moscow region there are nature reserves and national parks. parks. The most famous is “Losiny Island” (Voronova A., Azarov E., Polyakova K., Bakhmetyev M. appear)

(sl. 11-12)Voronova A.

Undoubtedly, this is the most famous among Muscovites national park reserve. "Losiny Ostrov" is considered the largest forest park on European continent located within the city limits. His total area reaches a size of almost 117 thousand square kilometers.

Most of this national reserve - about 80% - is occupied by forest plantations: birch forests, coniferous and broadleaf trees. The fauna is also richly represented, where you can see deer and elk in natural conditions, wild boars, muskrats and beavers, as well as squirrels and even minks.

And, despite the fact that the reserve is located within Moscow, you can enjoy the silence of Russian nature, take beautiful photos, and breathe fresh air and have a great rest.

(sl. 13-14)Azarov E.

Next on our list of national reserves in Moscow is the Serebryany Bor natural monument. The forest grows on an artificially created island located in a bend of the Moscow River. This green corner of the capital has become favorite place rest for Muscovites. Declared a natural monument in 1991.

“Serebryany Bor”, where majestic pine trees mainly grow, got its name because of the interesting natural phenomenon When in the morning, on a fine day, the pine trees emit light comparable to the shine of carefully polished silver utensils. Unfortunately, these days this phenomenon is observed quite rarely due to the highly polluted air in its vicinity.

Today in “Serebryany Bor” there are cottages of high government officials and foreign missions, but there are also several beaches, including for nudists, various entertainment venues, as well as restaurants and cafes.

(sl. 15-16)Polyakova K .

The Moscow National Nature Reserve - the Teply Stan landscape reserve - is located in the southwest of the city, on the so-called Teplostanovskaya Upland. Interestingly, today this is where the highest point of the metropolis is located (253.4 meters above sea level).

The Ochakovka River flows through the territory of the national park. Its water basin in this area, along with its source and all its tributaries, as well as the Kholodny spring near Konkovo, which are known from chronicles dating back 8 centuries, are included in the register of natural monuments.

The local fauna is rich in its representatives. Here you can meet moles and squirrels, hares and even weasels. Woodpeckers, nightingales, thrushes, nuthatches and jays nest in the forest park.

Today, this territory is equipped with a recreation area “Troparevo” with excellent infrastructure: attractions, a town for children assembled from wooden structures, a “splash pool” for water treatments.

In the depths of the reserve there are two springs - Troparevsky and Sergievsky of the Kukrinsky stream. At the source of the latter there is a chapel in the name of Sergius of Radonezh.

(sl. 17-18)Bakhmetyev M.

The first on our list of national reserves in the Moscow region is the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve. It is located not far from Serpukhov near Moscow. The local flora includes more than 1000 species of plants, but the basis forest zones made up of pine trees.

Here, in natural conditions, you can meet elk and deer, wolves and foxes, wild boars and even lynx. IN summer period Finches, flycatchers, titmice and hawks nest in trees and thickets. Most of the local landscape - about 92% - is occupied by forest plantations.

(sl. 19)Chetverikov A.

We have to keep nature under lock and key,

And let people in only with tickets,

Plants, factories, communications all around,

And spam on the streets, not only on the Internet.

Day of Nature Reserves and Parks, Remember - YOU!

Start with yourself and tell all the children,

If flowers grow in a flower bed,

They may not exist tomorrow, in this wide world.

Tepikin D., Zaichenko K., Mironov M., Ivanova V. come out.

(sl. 20-21)Tepikin D.

The national reserve of the Moscow region - the State Nature Reserve "Crane Homeland" - is spread over the territory of two districts of the Moscow region - Sergiev Posad and Taldomsky. On geographical maps In Russia, the place is designated as the Dubninsky swamp massif.

It is recommended to visit the Crane Homeland from the last ten days of August until last numbers September, when a great many cranes can be seen in the local meadows - several thousand a day. It is here that they gather in flocks, which periodically soar upward and go to distant countries for the winter. The spectacle is unforgettable!

It would be wrong to say that it is not interesting at other times of the year. During the same warm months, you can observe the life of beautiful cranes going out to ponds or walking along forest paths, and even appearing along nearby highways. Experienced Travelers take binoculars with them when going to the “Crane Homeland”. It will be more convenient this way.

(sl. 22-23)Zaichenko K.

Zavidov National Park is located on the squares of the Moscow and Tver regions, on the so-called Upper Volga Lowland. International organization UNESCO recognized this reserve as the most environmentally friendly place on Earth.

The state complex "Zavidovo" has rich flora and fauna. Deciduous and coniferous trees, as well as numerous shrubs and berries. The local landscape contains beautiful meadows and ponds with rare aquatic plants. There are places where, when you go out, you feel like you’re entering a fairy-tale world, familiar to many children’s animated films.

The local fauna is also very widely represented, with about 41 species of mammals alone. The lakes are home to carp, pike, bream, as well as burbot, perch and pike-perch.

(sl. 24-25)Mironov M.

This huge forest area is located in the Shatursky district of the Moscow region. The reserve is part of ancient Meshchera. It consists of successive oak forests, linden groves, pine forests, black alder habitats and many other types of forest plantations.

Here and there throughout the territory there are wetlands: highlands with cranberries growing on them, transitional ones with birch trees stretching from the bog, lowland and hay meadows.

As in the “Crane Homeland”, which we described above, here you can find many gray cranes.

(sl. 26-27)Ivanova V.

Yes, this national park is not located directly in the Moscow region, but close to it. This national reserve is a great place for lovers active recreation and tourism, which is why we decided to talk about it.

Lake Pleshcheyevo itself arose in the era ice age, and since its formation, about, just think about it, 30 thousand years have passed - 300 centuries!

The national park has a rich representation of flora and fauna: 710 species of vegetation (35 are in the Russian Red Book), more than 60 species of animals and 200 species of birds. This place is truly the most beautiful corner of our Russian nature!

(sl. 28)Yuvkina S.

How beautiful our green planet is,

When everything around is full of warmth and light.

When trees and flowers grow everywhere -

Bright large, unsurpassed beauty.

It's good that there are places on the planet

Which delight the soul of adults and children.

Where little animals play without any adversity.

Where they are cared for all year round.

So let's support on such a joyful day

Every leaf, flower, tiger cub,

Rabbit, hare, elephant and lion cub,

All inhabitants of protected forests,

Green parks and beautiful gardens.

(sl. 29)Solodikhin D.

Greenpeace (eng. green peace - “ green world") - international non-governmental environmental organization, created in 1971 in Canada. It unites 28 national and regional organizations in 47 countries in Europe, America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific region. (Annual Report 2015).

The organization faces issues such as: global change climate change, reduction of forest area from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, overfishing, commercial whaling, radiation hazards, development of renewable energy sources (RES) and resource conservation, environmental pollution with hazardous chemicals, sustainable agriculture, Arctic conservation.

Greenpeace uses direct action (actions and protests), lobbying and scientific research to achieve your goals.

Principles of organization:

    Independence . Greenpeace exists only on donations from citizens and private charitable foundations, does not accept money from government, commercial structures and political parties. Greenpeace is responsible for efficient use allocated funds and spends them only on environmental projects.

    Nonviolence . Greenpeace does not accept any form of violence as a method of achieving goals. All actions are an expression of peaceful protest, even if these actions seem controversial. Greenpeace never responds to aggression in kind, even when faced with intimidation or threats.

    Protest by action . Greenpeace believes in protest that brings results, and believes that actions can inspire people and organizations and change their attitude towards nature. This is far from the only, but probably the most noticeable way to draw attention to the environmental problem and achieve the necessary changes.

(sl. 30)Chernyshov K.

Red Book - an annotated list of rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi.

The Red Book is the main document that summarizes materials about current state rare and endangered species of plants and animals, on the basis of which the development of scientific and practical measures aimed at their protection, reproduction and rational use is carried out.

The Red Book includes species of plants and animals that grow permanently or temporarily or live in natural conditions on certain territory(mainly the territory of a single country), and are in danger of extinction. Species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book are subject to special protection throughout the entire individual territory covered by a specific edition of the Red Book.

Red books come at different levels - international, national and regional.

Now let's play a little. While the team is solving the crossword puzzle, the fans will solve the puzzles.

(sl. 31) Boar

(sl. 32) Wolf

(sl. 33) Fox

(sn. 34) Mole

(v.35) Tiger

(sl. 36) Birch

(sn. 37) Otter

(v.38) Bison

(v.39) Falcon

(sl. 40) Bullfinch

(sl. 41) Magpie

(sl. 42) Swift

(sl. 43)

Now the teams exchange crossword puzzles and check.

The next task for the teams is to come up with and write a slogan poster about the protection of surrounding nature, and the fans will guess the voices of the birds of the Moscow region.

(v.44) Great spotted woodpecker

(v.45) Raven

(sl. 46) Common turtle dove

(v.47) Black-headed gull

(v.48) Quail

(sl. 49) Gray goose

(sl. 50) Bullfinch

(sl. 51) Jay

(sl.52) Nightingale

(sl. 53)

Now let’s see what our teams accomplished (showing their slogan posters).

Well done! You have been asked to prepare 3 riddles about the birds of the Moscow region, please let’s begin.

And finally the last thing homework- pantomime competition!Kondratyev A.

(sl. 54)

Reserved nature,
Reserved wondrous land,
Rainbow under the sky -
Choose your favorite color!

These clean lakes
Forest and rivers and meadows
Under state protection -
Protected shores.

There are animals and birds here
They roam the fields without fear.
Let's save these grains
Let's save our nature!

(sl. 55)

Thank you for your attention.

Additional tasks

1 task: Survey

1.The best feathered singer in Russia? (nightingale)

2. The most musical flower? (bell)

4. What kind of water should I use? indoor plants? (warm, settled, rain)

5. Name best time for replanting plants? (spring)

6. Which animal is always with money? (pig, he always has a snout)

7. The underground part of the plant? (root)

8. Catalog book of protected plants and animals (Red Book)

9. Round, oval or square flower bed (bed)

10. Which mushroom is called forest mushroom? beast of prey? (chanterelle)

11. Children’s visual perception of objects and natural phenomena (observation)

12. Spruce, pine, birch, willow - in one word... (trees)

13. Who carries the forest? (deer)

14. How many “a” do you need to take to get a bird? (magpie)

2 exercise: Questions

    What tree branches can be found in the bathhouse? (birch, oak)

    What do pine, poplar, and aspen have, but birch do not? (letter o)

    What animal in the forest knows where the honey is? (bear)

    In the old days, which part of the tree were students very afraid of at school? (branches from which rods were made)

    Which bird has the number 3 in its name? (swift)

    Why do ducks swim? (from the shore)

    How many legs does a spider have? (8)

    The first spring birds (rooks)

    What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

    Karkusha is (crow)

    Which snake is the biggest? (anaconda)

    The fastest sea animal (dolphin, killer whale)

    What tree are children most happy with in winter? (spruce)

    What rocks are in the sea? (wet)

    Flying all day, everyone gets bored (fly)

    I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose)

    What animals crawl out of their skin (snake)

    Red cheat (fox)

    He starts the week (Monday)

    First spring flower (snowdrop)

    Which fish resembles a chess piece? (sea horse)

3 exercise:

Quiz questions

1.It is produced by an ordinary cow.

2.B small quantities he is very helpful.

3. When there is too much of it, it becomes a real disaster.

4.When it gets into water bodies, it is destroyed, fish and other aquatic animals begin to suffocate.

5.It must be composted.


1. A lot of toys are made from it.

2.It comes in different colors and is very difficult to make.

3.Items made from it weigh little.

4.If you set it on fire, it produces a lot of black smoke that smells bad.

5. It cannot be thrown away, because it does not decompose in nature.


1.It was invented by the Chinese.

2. We get it from wood.

3.It burns easily.

4. It produces a lot of garbage.

5. People usually draw or write on it.


1.It is made from sand.

2. Most often it is transparent.

3.When it falls, it breaks.

4.If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough.

5. Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


1. This is something that is abundant in the city, but scarce in the countryside.

2. There is especially a lot of this in an industrial city, where there are many plants and factories.

3. This makes people get sick, get nervous a lot, scream loudly, and this gets even worse.

4.It is produced by various devices and machines.

5.It causes air and environmental pollution, if there is too much of it, it causes intoxication and acts like a drug.


1. It's almost invisible.

2. There is a lot of this in an industrial city where factories and factories operate.

3. This causes people to develop asthma, bronchitis, and cancer.

4. Green plants can collect this on their leaves.

5. In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow.

(Waste gas)

1.This happens when something gets old or breaks.

2. It can be seen everywhere - in the city, in the countryside, even along the roads.

3.You can turn it in and get money.

4. Something new can be made from this.

5. It comes in color and you can get money for it.

(Scrap metal)

    Always black.

    There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories.

    This is very harmful.

    It causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty.

    There is a lot of this when burning.


1.It is lighter than water.

2.It can float on water and will not sink.

3. There is a lot of this in the river when cars are washed in it.

4. This prevents the fish from breathing.

5. This must be removed from the surface of the water.

(Machine oil)

Municipal treasury educational institution

« Primary schoolkindergarten No. 2"

resort city of Kislovodsk

Eco trip

Extracurricular activity

for the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks

Prepared by:

Sidorenko S. I.

2014-2015 academic year


    To form an understanding of the essence of environmental problems facing humanity.

    To form an environmental culture of behavior in environment, civil responsibility for its preservation.

    Cultivate love for native nature, her beauty. Carry out patriotic education.

Eco trip

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will go on a journey to the temple of nature.
A student reads a poem.

There is just a temple
There is a temple of science, and there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds,
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate his shrines.

Nature is diverse and unpredictable. She is the way an affectionate mother cherishes and caresses, the way an evil stepmother is strict and unapproachable. The gentle sun is often covered by clouds and streams of rain fall on the ground.

The first stop of our journey is called - "Live Page" .

You need to solve riddles and establish the sequence of events.

A colored yoke hung over the forest (Rainbow)

Not a pedestrian, but walking

People at the gates are getting wet.

The janitor catches him in a tub,

A very difficult riddle. (Rain)

Here's a horse racing across the sky

Fire flies from under my feet.

The horse hits with a mighty hoof

And splits the clouds.

So he runs hard

That the earth below is trembling. (Thunder)

Next stop - "Ecological Dictionary" .

What words will be included in the environmental dictionary?

    ECOLOGY. This word comes from the Greek words “oikos” - house and “logos” - teaching.Ecology is the science of habitat and environment.

    RED BOOK. Many plants and animals that were common have now become rare. They are listed in the Red Book. This book is called so because the color red is a danger signal.
    At the initiative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Red Book was published in 1962. Red color is a danger signal, clear to the whole world. It contains animals and plants that are under threat of destruction or have become rare.

    RESERVES. Nature reserves are created to protect nature and study it. In the reserve you cannot cut down the forest, plow the land, mow the grass, hunt, fish, etc. Any human activity is prohibited.

    RESERVES. Derived from the word order. Not all of nature is protected, but only part of it. For example, rare plants and animals, swamp, lake. Human activity is not completely prohibited, but only limited.

    NATIONAL PARKS. These are large protected areas. They differ in that nature reserves are closed to tourists, while national parks always welcome visitors. You can relax and watch the animals, but you can’t touch anything with your hands. But there are places in the park where visitors are not allowed. They are necessary to maintain natural balance.

The next stop is called - "Environmental problem" .

Listen to the poems of the children who will tell you what can happen to nature if you treat it badly.

- In ancient times, when there were significantly fewer people and machines had not yet been invented, the expression “fight against nature” came into use. In our century, the relationship of forces between man and nature has become different. What is needed is not fighting, but protection. And nature asks us for help. Taking care of the land, forests, rivers, clean air, flora and fauna is the main thing. Our Motherland must become environmentally friendly.

Let's look at some environmental problems:

    water pollution;

    destruction of forests;

    air pollution;

    land degradation.

Nature is our home, a treasury of wealth, a supplier of raw materials and energy on Earth. But its wealth is exhaustible and often irreplaceable, which is why it is so necessary to preserve and protect it.

Using a crossword puzzle, let's find out which animals and plants are listed in the Red Book.

Next stop - "Environmental challenge" .

Do you think people always do the right thing when they want to save nature?Hordes of caterpillars attacked the forest, ate leaves, and ate flowers. People began to heal the forest. They saved us with various poisonous powders and mists. All caterpillars were poisoned. What mistake have people made?

- What commandments of nature conservation do you know?

    Never climb trees - they are alive!

    Don't ruin the nest!

    In winter, do not forget to clear the snow from the feeders and add food, but in such a way as not to scare away the birds.

    Do not harm any animals!

    Don't deprive the earth of its beauty!

Teacher: Guys, do you know? That the paper you throw away will last more than two years, tin cans - more than 30 years, plastic bag– more than 200 years, glass – 1000 years?

Next stop - "Ecological Proverb" .

Communicating with nature, people have long observed it. This is how environmental proverbs and sayings appeared.

Exercise: choose the second part of the saying and explain its meaning.

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

Forest and plants are the salvation of the beast.

Forest and waters are the beauty of nature.

The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forest.

Next stop - "Ecological date" .

- Guys, you know that there are state and religious holidays, but there are also environmental dates on the calendar.

Why did people come up with environmental dates?

What should we do to help nature?
- This is where our journey ends. Let's love and protect nature!