Why do you dream about a big old snake? Seeing a Snake in a dream

Why do you dream big snake? Most people compare this reptile to a tempter, so even from a virtual meeting with it they do not expect anything good. However, in order to correctly interpret a dream, you should carefully consider all the details of what you saw, and perhaps after that the dream will not seem so terrible. So, what do big snakes mean in dreams, according to the most popular dream books?

Women's dream book

According to this interpreter, any reptiles dream of trouble. Writhing huge black snakes mean that the dreamer will have to fight to prove his worth. Probably in real life the sleeper often changes his place of residence or work, and he will have to “fight for his place in the sun.” Why do you dream of big fat snakes that try to attack a person? As a rule, such a vision suggests that society will accuse the sleeping person of some bad deeds, non-involvement of which will be very difficult to prove. If the dreamer can calm the reptiles in a dream, then in reality he will be able to justify himself, otherwise everything could end in tears. Why do you dream of a big snake wrapped around a person’s neck? Such a dream is interpreted as the presence of a serious illness, and it will not be the sleeper or his loved ones who will be sick, but the one whose neck the reptile has wrapped around.

Esoteric dream book

This publication answers the question of why big snakes are seen in dreams in a completely different way. According to the authors of this dream book, if a reptile does not take any action, but is simply seen as a mirage, then a plane or car accident is expected soon, which will be witnessed by the sleeper. The interpreter also knows the answer to the question of why you dream of a big black snake. As a rule, such a vision indicates that a great danger hangs over the dreamer, so he should be very careful not only in his actions, but also in his words, since any wrong step can provoke an ill-wisher. A huge crawling snake means danger, betrayal. If she crawled straight to the sleeping person, then this is a signal of the presence of a serious illness, so the dreamer should undergo examination and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

Family dream book

Why do you dream about a snake? A large and fat reptile lying calmly on the lawn means that the sleeper will face responsible and hard work, which will make him sweat, but will not bring him pleasure. If she crawls across the road right in front of the dreamer, it means that one of the sleeper’s ill-wishers is trying to interfere with him, and is not acting directly, but on the sly. In addition, the authors of the publication believe that the question of why a big snake is dreamed of should be answered taking into account the day of the week on which the vision occurred. So, for example, if the dream was from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that one of the sleeper’s friends will decide to help him financially; one should not refuse help, since the person does it with all his heart. If the dream was from Friday to Saturday, then this is a bad sign, meaning that the sleeper’s personal life is not developing at all as he would like, and what he hoped for is unlikely to come true.

Dream book of the 21st century

The authors of this interpreter also know why a big snake dreams. If a man dreams of a reptile entwining his wife’s body, it means that soon his wife will give him a son, who will become his hope and support. If the snake, despite its size, peeks out from behind the sleeper’s bosom, then this indicates that his reputation will significantly improve and his authority will increase. Why do you dream of large black snakes crawling out of the body of a sick person? As a rule, this dream has a good omen and indicates that he will recover soon. A dream in which the sleeper sees snakes stinging other people warns that he will have to regret some unseemly actions he committed in a fit of rage. If the reptile wraps itself around the sleeping person, it means he will be powerless before his enemies, and they know about his weaknesses. A huge python in a dream warns that in order to achieve his goal the sleeper will have to overcome a physical obstacle.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorkovskaya

A huge anaconda is most often dreamed of by those people who put pressure on others. It is believed that a reptile in a dream portends trouble. There is probably a person next to the dreamer who will try to limit his actions. However, if a young woman saw such a vision, then this portends her imminent marriage. A dream in which the dreamer crushed the head of a huge black snake indicates that he will be able to teach a lesson to some immoral person who unceremoniously invaded his life.

Muslim dream book

A snake in a dream foreshadows an enemy, and its strength will correspond to the size of the reptile, that is, the larger it is, the more powerful the enemy will be. If the dreamed individual is tame and obedient, it means the dreamer’s well-being will improve, but when the snake attacks the sleeping person, it means that an influential person will offend him. A huge ball of snakes that does not harm the sleeper indicates that he will soon be offered a promotion.

Vanga's Dream Book

A snake crawling across the field indicates that the sleeper will have a fight with an enemy who at first tried to act secretly, but later decided on open war. It should be borne in mind that if the snake seen is poisonous, then the dreamer is unlikely to win this fight, since the enemy will be very strong and dangerous. In the same case, when the dreamed reptile turns out to be non-poisonous, the dream can be considered successful. Because it means that the dreamer will be able to turn the enemy’s machinations against himself and win the fight. A dream in which the sleeper sees and feels being bitten by a snake foreshadows betrayal from the outside loved one. For a long time the dreamer will not understand the reason for his bad luck, but time will put everything in its place. A dream about a ball of snakes is a bad omen, meaning that the sleeper has to move around in a circle of evil and envious people who wish him the collapse of his career and unhappiness in his personal life, and sometimes death. A huge reptile squeezing the neck of a familiar person is also considered a negative sign. Similar dream says that close friend the dreamer is near death and, most likely, even a miracle will not help him recover. Giant size a thick black snake means a large-scale disaster. This dream warns that the time will soon come when Satan in the form of a man will rule the world. It was during this period that people will have to experience all the hardships of life: poverty, hunger, violence, etc. A dream in which the sleeper will kill this reptile can be considered a good omen, because this indicates that the world will be freed from the coming tyrant, and on Earth peace and grace will come again.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

The author of this publication assures his readers that a large snake symbolizes improved health and recovery. If a reptile crawls along a tree that has no leaves, it means the dreamer will finally find the meaning of life and gain wisdom. A dream in which a reptile crawls in the mountains portends new life The sleeping person will probably have a baby. If the dreamed snake is so large sizes that the dreamer cannot fully see it, it means that he will be between life and death, and this will be due to secrets that he should not have known.

Why do you dream about a snake? What does this symbol mean? Interpretation of sleep.

The snake is one of the most powerful and significant images in various cultures. Suffice it to recall the biblical Serpent-tempter, the ancient Greek Medusa the Gorgon or the Scandinavian dragons who lived in caves.

In all of the above cases, the image of the snake has a negative connotation, but not everything is so simple. In dream books, a snake attack often means a struggle with oneself and does not portend any trouble.

Confirmation of this can be found in Vedic culture, where the snake symbolizes the laws of nature, fertility and the strength of the earth. For the epic heroes, depending on the situation, snakes became not only enemies, but also helpers. Therefore, if you had a dream with snakes, do not be afraid.

What does it mean to kill snakes in a dream: dream book dead snakes

Victory over a snake means victory over nature and one’s own instincts. Such a dream may foretell the end of a long illness, the improvement of family relationships, or career advancement if the cause of previous failures was insufficient self-control. For people who want to get rid of any addiction, a dream in which they kill a snake symbolizes victory and success. For married men and married women, such a dream prophesies that they will be able to resist temptation and remain faithful.

When do dreams in which you kill a snake predict trouble?

However, a dream in which you kill a snake is not always good sign. According to Freud's dream book, a snake symbolizes sexuality and such a dream could be a signal that you are repressing own desires. Sometimes killing a snake in a dream means that you have squeezed yourself into too tight a framework and are completely oblivious to your own needs. A positive or negative interpretation of the dream depends on what emotions you experience after killing the snake: it could be relief and joy of victory, or, on the contrary, bitterness and emptiness.

A dream in which someone else kills a snake: interpretation

If you dreamed that a snake was attacking you, but a defender suddenly appeared and killed it, then you have this defender in real life. The image of a creature defeating a snake symbolizes its moral qualities, for example, a dog denotes friendship and devotion, a horse – strength and hard work, and a warrior – heroism and nobility.

Dream Interpretation - a snake eats a snake: interpretation

Such a dream illustrates or foreshadows some conflict to which you are related. Moreover, the size of the snakes symbolizes the scale of the troubles: small snakes - minor troubles, huge ones - global upheavals. According to dream books, a snake eating a snake means disagreements that will disappear without your participation. This dream warns you to try to remain neutral and not get involved in conflicts, as otherwise you may get hurt.

Why do you dream of running away from snakes?

This dream shows a dilemma that is tormenting you. On the one hand, you want to please others, on the other hand, this goes against your own needs and desires, which are suppressed. If one of the snakes overtakes and stings, it means that someone around you will deeply hurt your feelings.

Why see the skin of a snake in a dream?

Seeing the skin of a snake in a dream according to Isop’s dream book means finding a miracle cure that will help get rid of a problem or disease. According to Loff's dream book, the same symbol means rebirth and complete renewal.

Dream Interpretation - snake attack: interpretation of sleep

Anxious dreams in which you are attacked by snakes most often indicate that you have to deal with many problems in real life.

  • If snakes fall from the sky on you, then you have to cope with a lot of troubles
  • If you meet poisonous snake, which sways from side to side and tries to sting you, then in reality you will encounter a cunning and dangerous enemy
  • If the snake from the dream is non-poisonous, then you can easily get out of the situation that worries you
  • In the dream book compiled by Vanga huge snakes prophesy global troubles for the entire people or humanity as a whole
  • According to the noble dream book, huge snakes that block the horizon indicate that you are on the threshold of a great secret, which if you open it, you will no longer be able to live in peace
  • A snake that slithers away symbolizes a person with a weak will.
  • A ball of snakes is a bad sign, a symbol of great danger. Can refer to a whole group of people who are hostile to you, who are friendly at first glance, but are actually in cahoots

However, according to the dream book, a snake bite in the leg or arm is not always a bad sign. Such a dream also means familiarization with some secret or wisdom hitherto unknown to you.

Dream Interpretation - keeping a snake with you in a dream: interpretation

IN noble dream book snakes crawling around and getting under clothes symbolize something new, exciting and previously unknown. A snakebite in this context denotes sudden insight.

According to this dream book, holding a snake in a dream is a sign of good reputation and good fame. A snake that lies on a box, casket, book or other valuable item means access to some secret knowledge. This image echoes the rite of passage, according to the laws of which, in order to grow and move to the next level, one must undergo a ritual of death and resurrection. The snake from a dream symbolizes that very mortal danger.

Such a dream suggests that in order to get what you want, you must overcome yourself and cope with fear. A huge snake on a tree is an ambiguous symbol; it can mean both wisdom and temptation.

A cave, hall or room with snakes is an image human soul, in which there are corners that you yourself are afraid to look into. But if you see a snake in your own home, then be careful; perhaps a person with malicious intent will try to enter it during your absence.

The snake is a very complex composite image that combines good with evil. It simultaneously terrifies, amazes with greatness and is associated with ancient universal wisdom. Therefore, dreams in which a snake appears are very often significant and deserve attention.

How to interpret a dream about a snake: reviews of famous people

Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga

I considered the image of a snake negative. In her opinion, the snake clearly symbolizes evil and denotes demonic forces that go against Christian morality. Thus, the appearance of snakes in a dream is a bad sign, but their destruction is, on the contrary, a revival of spirituality and renunciation of sins.

Sigmund Freud

He believed that the snake, like other reptiles, is a symbol masculinity. And he put erotic overtones into the interpretation of all dreams with the participation of this creature.

David Icke and other conspiracy theorists

They also have their own own opinion about reptiles. In their opinion, the world is ruled by a group of people with a special worldview and genes that make them related to these creatures. Thus, snake-like entities are given the utmost importance.

Sees deep and ambiguous meaning in dreams with snakes. In her opinion, these creatures represent the forces of nature and the potential inherent in humans; they are a symbol of witchcraft and secret knowledge. At the same time, the biblical concept endows this image with trickery and deceit, so seeing a snake in a dream is an alarming sign.

Video: Alena Kurilova about prophetic dreams

  • The snake is one of the most complex symbols that appears in a dream. The thing is that, on the one hand, the snake is the personification of evil, deceit, envy and even death. But, on the other hand, the same snake symbolizes wisdom, healing and new life. Moreover, the first meaning is the most famous and widespread, this is evidenced by such popular expressions as “Warm the snake on the chest”, “Snake tongue”, and the second meaning is not entirely known, although many people know ancient belief that the snake periodically sheds its skin in order to regain its youth, which also means that it is the only one in the whole world that has a secret eternal life, that is, it is also a symbol of longevity. This belief also says that if someone manages to find snake skin and prepare a wonderful decoction from it, he will rid himself and his loved ones of all diseases.
  • There are also folk signs, which could contribute to the appearance of the image of a snake in your dream: “If on the eve of the outer Yegorye you do not step barefoot on the floor, then in the summer there will not be a single snake,” “Having killed a snake, you need to hang it on an aspen tree.”
  • So, the image of a snake evoked by your subconscious in a dream is evidence that in real life you are faced with great evil, deceit, envy, death or wisdom, healing, hopes for a new life.
  • Seeing a snake basking in the sun in a dream is a sign that you are supporting an evil, envious person who is trying to harm you by plotting against you and spreading evil gossip.
  • Watch in a dream how water snake eats frogs - a sign that very soon he will want to influence you strong man. You may even change your beliefs under his influence, which you will later regret very much.
  • Seeing a viper crawling to a watering hole means that one of your close friends is planning evil against you; he will try in every conceivable and inconceivable way to destroy your life. financial well-being and bring discord into family life.
  • If you dreamed of a viper floating along the river on a thin branch, then such a dream warns that there is a bad person in your environment who wants to do you harm.
  • Watching a viper fight with a water snake in a dream means you will be able to prevent the evil that your enemies are trying to inflict on you and dispel rumors and gossip about you.
  • If loudly screaming frogs are watching this fight, then such a dream indicates that you will soon have a difficult task, in which you will be able to succeed only if you work hard. This dream reminds you of one simple truth: solve your problems with deeds, not words.
  • Watching a snake shed its skin in a dream means that in real life you will meet wise man, which will not only improve your health, but also make you think about eternal truths.
  • Preparing a decoction of snake skin in a dream is a sign that in order to improve your health or the health of your loved ones, you need to seek help from traditional healers.
  • If in a dream you are attacked by several snakes, then in reality you will need to defend your dignity from the malicious attacks of envious people.
  • If you dreamed that you were bitten by a snake, then you will soon suffer seriously from evil rumors and gossip.
  • Seeing baby snakes in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream warns of evil betrayal of people you trust.

Why do women dream about snakes? In fact, there are a huge number of interpretations. And in order to find the most correct, you should consider how possible more values. Fortunately, there are many dream books, and they all make it clear why a woman, a man, or someone else dreams of snakes.

About the meaning of the symbol

So, first of all, I would like to talk about the interpretation of this sign. The snake is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, if a person dreamed about it, one should expect important information. Miller's dream book, for example, explains in great detail why a woman dreams of snakes. This is a harbinger of the fact that she will soon have to face the anger of the people around her. Gossip, betrayal - everything can be expected. Moreover, it is possible that all this will come from fairly close people. These could be friends or colleagues. But another dream, in which a girl sees herself being bitten by this creature, suggests that it is worth preparing for troubles at work. There will probably be a serious conversation with the boss or a pay cut. In general, if possible, you should try to correct any mistakes made earlier.

Interpretation of Vanga

We should also talk about why a woman dreams of snakes according to Vanga’s dream book. I must say, this is a negative dream. After such a vision, a girl should prepare to sort things out with those people who never wished her well. By the way, most likely everything will start with discontent - and openly. It is possible that later this will all develop into a real war. Such unpleasant news promises such a dream. A large snake slowly crawling to the side is, by the way, a good sign. This means that hostility, if it begins, will be stopped quite quickly and with virtually no effort. In general, this will not be a big problem. But it’s worth taking a closer look at those around you - it won’t hurt.

Freudian meaning

What does such a dream mean according to this book of interpretations? The head of a snake, for example, is considered a good omen. If a girl had such a vision, it means that soon some pleasant event will happen to her. It will probably be unexpected. You can even say that some fabulous changes will occur in ordinary life. The most important thing is to pay attention to what people, especially strangers, say in everyday life. Otherwise, you might miss something important. Sometimes a little thing can change your life.

By the way, the more snake heads there are in a dream, the better the news will be and the more things will happen good changes.

Muslim dream book

According to this book of interpretations, the snake is a symbol of power and protection. It is believed that this creature conveys to man the protection of the Almighty. This positive value carries this dream. A snake in your hands is a harbinger of an improved situation at work. Probably, the girl who dreamed about this will receive a bonus or her salary will be increased. And if the snake was obedient and completely tame, then this is a promotion. So you should listen to the meaning of this vision and express yourself at work. It is likely that material wealth will soon await her, and quite a lot at that. But being stung by this creature is a bad sign. You should prepare for the fact that life will disappoint the girl. We need to be vigilant and be more careful with our frankness. You shouldn't trust your secrets to someone you don't know. Otherwise, they can take advantage of this gullibility and use the information received for their own, not particularly good, purposes.

What do different types of reptiles mean?

To understand the interpretation of a particular vision in which snakes appear, it is necessary to take into account what they were like. It is very important to recognize the specific species of snake. A lot depends on that. Poisonous yellow snakes in a dream are a signal that it’s time to pay more attention family relations. Perhaps the husband or boyfriend of the girl who dreamed this is hiding something from her. If there are any suspicions, then you need to try to find out through conversations what is really happening. The most important thing is not to provoke a scandal and not to shout. You should also be wary if you dreamed of a poisonous cobra.

Fat and large snake- Same interesting symbol. We must try to remember our feelings during this dream. If the dreamer felt despair, then this is a sign of heartfelt feelings, joy, new acquaintances, and a comfortable existence. In general, the sign is extremely positive. But a reptile that seeks to suffocate promises health troubles. Therefore, it is worth listening to this vision and, just in case, being examined by a doctor. It won't be redundant.

Green snakes

A dream in which a girl saw bright green reptiles promises something good. Such a symbol is a harbinger of getting rid of all troubles and bad habits. All the problems that previously bothered the dreamer will also disappear. A dream in which a small snake was green is a symbol of new life. Perhaps the girl will experience some internal changes: her worldview will change, vital energy will appear, and her performance will increase. In general, the green snake is a sign of rebirth. But if it wraps around a girl’s neck, you need to be wary. Probably, some factor prevents her from continuing to develop, improve, and switch to new level. But a ball of green reptiles means an imminent visit from relatives. Most likely, the girl has a bad relationship with them. But now there will be a chance to achieve reconciliation.

White snake in a dream - what does it mean?

Such a reptile is a pretty good warning. A white snake is a harbinger of good changes in life. Most likely, the girl will suddenly become rich, or at least wealthy. It could be big win or a jackpot hit in an event that seemed initially dubious. In addition, this sign can promise great success. If there are any abandoned tasks that seem “dead,” you should try to complete them. It is quite possible that everything will work out unexpectedly.

But Freud’s dream book, which was already mentioned above, states that the reptile white warns the girl about gaining useful but dangerous knowledge. Seeing a snake shed its skin is good. This means that soon all problems will be resolved. But in order to speed up the process, you need to change your approach to business. Seeing nimble white snakes means danger. The girl is probably expecting a meeting with something unpleasant, bad person or a serious illness. But white snake, which is visible in a ball, is good luck. The further she is from the dreamer, the greater the luck will be.

Interpretation of circumstances

In order to accurately determine the meaning of the vision, it is necessary to recall the circumstances. Snake in the water - why do you dream about this sign? Very interesting. To understand what is worth preparing for, the girl needs to pay attention to the behavior of the reptile. If a snake behaves very aggressively and tries to attack a girl, then this means that evil opponents will soon appear in her life, who will immediately begin to plot something against her. Seeing how it curls up into a ring while in the water means that some kind of confusing situation will arise. It won’t be easy to get out of it, you’ll have to try. The girl's reputation will probably suffer greatly. But in this case you need to be patient and strengthen yourself. Soon everything will pass. And the best thing is to completely “disappear” for a while, hide and observe the behavior of ill-wishers and enemies.

Modern dream book

A killed snake in a dream is an unpleasant symbol. However, despite this, it is significant. If a girl killed a snake, this is a harbinger, which means that she will soon have to face a difficult situation. And you can get out of it only by showing your firmness and confidence. Without determination - nowhere. It is she who will force the people around her to finally take the girl’s opinion into account.

By the way, for men this vision means something different. If he killed a creeping creature, then this means that temptation will soon arise on his way. There will probably be a desire to have a sexual relationship on the side. The temptation will be high, but the man will resist and remain faithful to his soulmate. But to follow a snake means to commit the sin of adultery. And if a person is sick, by the way, this is an excellent sign. This means he will soon be healed. As you can see, the interpretations are different, and in order to determine the most accurate one, you need to listen not only to dream books, but also to your own feelings. So, for example, a killed snake in a dream for a lonely girl means family happiness. She will probably meet her love soon.

Details of the death of a reptile

It is also important to consider how the snake was killed. If the dreamer stabbed her with a knife, then this means clashes with a malicious enemy. Due to disputes and conflicts, by the way, other, absolutely innocent people may suffer. So a girl should prepare for the fact that others will begin to judge her and blame her for their own problems or failures. So, perhaps, you should try to avoid quarrels - no matter what provocations you receive.

If the dreamer shot a snake, this means an easy victory over an opponent or competitor. Choking her is a bad sign. This means that the girl has a strong enemy or rival with whom she should not start a fight. And underestimate her too. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a bad position. But cutting off the head of a reptile means overcoming your own fears and emotions. This means that the girl’s character will be strengthened, and she will be able to resist her base desires and feelings. Psychological maturity is what this vision also promises.

Swimming with snakes - why would that be?

The interpretation is quite unusual. Why does a woman dream of snakes with whom she bathes? If a girl sees herself swimming in a lake, and around her there are many creeping reptiles, then this is a sign of gossip, confusing situations and complex intrigues. By the way, often such a vision is the personification of relationships in a work or educational team. She probably hasn't had much luck with the people she has to work with or study with. It is possible that they are trying to harm her in some way. So it’s better for a woman to pay attention to the existing relationship. Often such a vision means a meeting with an old friend who, unfortunately, has gone over to the bad side - to enemies or competitors. It's an offensive sign, but that's how it often happens - at least modern dream book says so. And, by the way, the more snakes there are in this dream, the more trouble there will be. It's worth being prepared for this. But if a woman saw how a snake bit her painfully, this means trouble. You need to be very careful in the near future so that, God forbid, you don’t allow misfortune to happen.

Snake interaction with humans

If the dreamer (be it a girl or a guy) somehow comes into contact with a reptile (himself!), this is a pretty significant interpretation. Catching a snake - to possible problems with skin. It is likely that acne or allergies will appear on your face. Experts advise consulting a professional doctor - otherwise the number of problem areas on the skin will increase. In particular, it is not recommended to hesitate if a person already has problems. But eating a creeping creature is, on the contrary, a sign of good health. No infections or illnesses should be expected. Everything is fine.

But to fight with a snake - to long trip(if you had a vision in spring or autumn). Seeing this in winter means parting with someone near and dear. To be bitten by a snake is a sign of emotional distress, most likely associated with the departure of your significant other. And swallowing it means joy, hope and faith. In life, everything will soon return to normal and it will be peace of mind and peace.

Mystical dream book

And finally, it’s worth saying a few words about why you dream of a snake according to the mystical dream book. If she was kind, then this is a sign from above. This means that you should quickly start communicating with that person who was once close, but then contact with him was reduced to a minimum.

Seeing a snake and a cat in the same room is a sign of friendship, and a fairly strong and strong one. But a cat with a reptile means gossip and rumors. If they start fighting among themselves, most likely the dreamer will have his honest name discredited. A pregnant snake means sad thoughts that don’t really mean anything.

In general, as you can see, there are actually a lot of interpretations of dreams in which reptiles appear. And in order to understand what to expect from such a vision, you should listen both to what the dream books say and to your feelings.

big snake in a dream

A snake appears in dreams as a harbinger of evil: a person with evil intent is an enemy; a situation/event from which nothing good should be expected. A large snake means a strong enemy or serious consequences.

why do you dream about a big snake

A large snake is a harbinger of a great tragedy. If a large snake wraps itself around your neck, this is a very bad sign; you may find out about a serious illness of a loved one.

big snake in a dream what is it for

The Big Snake is deceit and betrayal with dire consequences. If it crawls towards you, it means a serious illness.

big snake in a dream

The snake is a phallic symbol. A snake basking in the sun symbolizes your or your partner's (male) sexual tone; the larger the snake, the better. Chasing a snake, catching it - you lead an active sex life or are capable of it. Running away from a snake means you have relationship problems that you cannot or do not want to resolve. If you like looking at a snake, then you can easily change your sex life, you love everything new and know how to enjoy it. Kissing a snake is a desire for oral sex. For a man, seeing a snake can mean hidden homosexual desires.

interpretation of sleep big snake

A big snake is a deception; recovery, health promotion.
A very large snake on a tree without leaves is the attainment of higher wisdom.

dreamed of a big snake

A large snake squeezing a person’s neck is a real danger for that person.
The big black snake is a huge evil.