Which animal is the largest? What is the largest animal in the world

When hearing the word “giant,” most people imagine either huge diplodocus or a mammoth from the Ice Age. Another option is not excluded - eucalyptus and baobab trees. However, there are still many creatures whose size may pleasantly (and not so pleasantly) surprise you. Oddly enough, huge living organisms exist not only in fairy tales and the prehistoric past, but also share the planet with us right now! Here's a list of notable animals, from dog-sized rabbits to human-sized crabs. Feel tiny with the largest inhabitants of the world!

Female hippopotamus during evening rest

Looking at these funny creatures (which, by the way, are one of the most aggressive mammals in the world: they suffer more people than from crocodiles and sharks), it is difficult to believe that their closest relatives are sea ​​whales. Even though they came to land, hippos are still completely devoted aquatic environment, as evidenced by the etymology of their Greek name - “river horse”.

Male gorilla at rest

This gorilla species is on the verge of extinction. The humanly intelligent primate lives only in a small area of ​​Africa, where deforestation and poaching have made life a struggle for survival. Eastern gorilla is the largest representative of the great ape species.

The largest breed of rabbit is the Flanders

Domestic Flanders rabbit and collie

The size of an average dog, this breed of game rabbit can impress foodies and furry lovers alike. The largest rabbit was first bred in the Middle Ages near the Belgian city of Ghent.

Octopus in an early 19th century engraving

Only recently has it been possible to prove the existence of giant squids, since they rarely appear on the surface. Many oceanologists are confident that the legendary Kraken is a representative of this subspecies of cephalopods. Until the end of the 20th century, the only evidence of its existence were plate-sized sucker marks on the bodies of sperm whales. However, in 2004, Japanese researchers managed to photograph a living giant squid in his habitat.

"Flying" stingray in shallow water

This majestic stingray, nicknamed " sea ​​devil", can have a "wingspan" of up to eight meters. Moreover, the manta ray can easily jump several meters out of the water. Unfortunately, this beautiful sight can only be observed on the open sea and only during the breeding season.

Old white shark on the hunt

This sea ​​monster is the largest and most aggressive fish alive (good thing megalodons are extinct). Moreover, it has no natural enemies other than killer whales and people.

Capybara is a peaceful rodent animal

Rodent takes sunbaths

This cute creature feels comfortable at home and is increasingly becoming a pet. The capybara is the largest rodent. They live in families or even groups in South America.

Anaconda during the hunt

This snake is the largest in the world and even has its own horror movie franchise. Large individuals can reach eight meters in length. Some types of pythons can surpass the anaconda in size, but do not surpass it in thickness.

The head and structure of the front part of the body of the perch

As the name suggests, this perch lives in the Nile River and is the largest freshwater fish. Its length can reach the height of an adult. Its other name is “water elephant”.

The trace left by the movement of such a carcass is the best signal to turn back

This species of reptile is the largest living one. The saltwater crocodile can be found in the Indian Ocean off the coast. This monster is known for its aggressiveness, so if you see two rows of teeth swimming towards you, you better run away.

Flying fox on vacation

Unfortunately, this large bat is on the verge of extinction due to the fact that its habitats in the Philippines are being deforested and polluted. Acerodon is peaceful and feeds exclusively on fruits.

Komodo dragon digests lunch

These legendary "dragons" are the largest lizards in the world. They are known for their gluttony: in one meal they can eat almost as much as their own weight. However, there is also reverse side their appetite: the metabolism of monitor lizards is so slow that the monitor lizard only needs to eat once a month.

Cassowary comb is considered an aphrodisiac

These are the largest birds outside of Africa. Despite their peaceful disposition, cassowaries can attack people during the current period or if the bird feels a threat to its offspring.

Killer whale chasing a fur seal

In fact, killer whales are not whales. They are the largest representatives of the dolphin family. Possess high intelligence and live in large families.

Female sperm whale with calf

These huge whales are the largest predators on the planet. In addition, sperm whales have the largest brain. However, this does not save them from whalers.

Crab at Tokyo Aquarium

A true champion among arthropods. This type of crab lives off the coast of Japan. It is known for its size (can weigh up to 20 kg), taste (gourmets around the world line up for its phalanges) and longevity (there are individuals that live for a century).

Female elephant scaring off intruders

It’s scary to imagine, but these mammals can weigh up to 5 tons. And given their aggressiveness and size, elephant seals can safely be called the largest carnivores on land (although they hunt sea ​​creatures, fortunately for us).

Pelican before flying for fish

This pelican species is the largest flying bird. Lives on the territory of the Eurasian continent.

Emu during mating season

The comical, but dangerous and aggressive bird is known to be the largest in the world. It can accelerate to 70 km/h, which allows ostriches to win in two categories: the fastest two-legged creature and the fastest flightless bird.

Giraffe in one of the US zoos

Everyone is well aware of these amazing and cute creatures. Despite its good nature, the giraffe can run fast and fight back even lions. This mammal is the tallest of land animals.

Huge fish at the New Mexico Aquarium

This inhabitant of the oceans is the largest representative of bony fish (those that do not have cartilage, but full-fledged bones).

Salamander in Beijing Zoo

The Chinese have put the fate of this species of lizard at risk of extinction, as they value its meat for taste qualities and use internal organs in traditional medicine.

A bear looks for food in the polar winter

Despite their apparent “plushness,” polar bears are strong and vicious predators that can tear apart a person in a matter of seconds. They say that there is no escape from him except shameful flight.

Male scaring off trespassers

The largest land creature. Representatives of this species have no enemies who could attack it with impunity (except for people who destroy elephants in industrial scale). Its weight can reach 12 tons.

Young whale playing with a school of fish

Perhaps, over time, new species of living beings will acquire monstrous proportions. And among those living today there may be unknown giants, which we will definitely learn about.

Planet Earth is full of amazing animals. It is inhabited by small and large, short and long, tall and short. Each one is unique in its own way.

But the real amazement is caused by animals of unprecedented size. In this article we will look at the largest animals in the world. They all belong to completely different species.

The heaviest animal in the world

Of the animals living on land, the African elephant is the heaviest. It ranks second in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. And it is the largest of those currently existing. Male African elephants grow up to 7.5 meters in length, up to 3.3 meters in height, and weigh about 6 tons. Females are slightly smaller, reaching 7 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height, and weighing less than 3 tons.

The heaviest animal is the African elephant

By the way, the adult African elephant has no natural enemies, and all because of its impressive size. However, cubs, particularly newborns, are very vulnerable to lions, crocodiles, hyenas and leopards.

Tallest animal in the world

Our TOP of the most gigantic animals in the world continues - the giraffe. This is the tallest land animal on the planet. The African artiodactyl mammal grows up to 5-6 meters in height. The average weight of males is 1600 kilograms, females - 830 kilograms. The giraffe has an extraordinary long neck– more than 2 meters in length. Almost half the vertical height of individuals. And this is the result of disproportionate lengthening of the cervical spine.

The largest carnivores in the world

The largest carnivore on the planet that lives to this day is the southern elephant seal, simply a seal. The size of females and males varies greatly, and this difference is greater than that of any other mammal.

Males are 5-6 times heavier than females. The average weight of males is 2200-4000 kilograms, while females are only 400-900 kilograms. Length – up to three meters.

The largest carnivorous land animals

At this point in the ranking of the largest animals in the world is the Kodiak bear (a species brown bear) and white polar bear. The sizes of the individuals are approximately the same and scientists still find it difficult to answer which bear is larger.

The height of the animals starts from 1.6 meters, the total length is about 3 meters. The heaviest individuals that were recorded weighed 1003 kilograms (polar bear) and 1135 kilograms (brown bear).

The largest reptile in the world

This is the saltwater crocodile. That's why he was included in the list of the largest animals in the world. You can see the reptile in suitable habitats ranging from east coast India and Southeast Asia and ending with Northern Australia.

The weight of an adult male reaches 1000 kilograms, and the length ranges from 4 to 5.5 meters. Mature males can grow even larger. By the way, this species of reptile is the only one in existence whose size regularly exceeds 4.8 meters. The saltwater crocodile is a predator that attacks almost any animal in its vicinity (both in water and on land).

The largest amphibian in the world

The Chinese giant salamander is the largest amphibian in the world. Its length is at least 180 centimeters. However, today quite often the salamander does not live to this size. The animal lives in rocky mountain lakes and flows in China.

Their numbers are catastrophically decreasing due to environmental pollution and over-capture (salamander meat is considered a delicacy, and the animal is also used in Chinese traditional medicine).

The largest hare (rabbit)

The Flemish giant occupies a worthy position in the ranking of the largest animals in the world. This is an old breed of domesticated rabbit that was bred in the Flemish region. They began to be propagated in the 16th century near the Belgian city of Ghent.

Giant rabbit eats up its owners' budget

Such a mutant rabbit can weigh up to 13 kilograms and is as big as a large dog.

The largest bats in the world

Giant golden-crowned flying fox. For those who are afraid of mice, this is a real flying horror. Individuals grow up to 55 cm in length, the wingspan can reach 1.8 meters. Weight bat– about 1.5 kilograms.

It is worth noting that the simple large flying fox loses in mass and length, but wins in wingspan.

The largest rodent in the world

Capybara or guinea pig considered the largest rodent in the world. This miracle of nature lives in temperate or tropical parts of the east South America and Andes. Individuals live mainly near water.

Capybara - giant guinea pig

Adult capybaras grow up to 1.5 meters in length, up to a meter in height, and weigh about 105 kilograms. A huge guinea pig, by the way, easily gets along with people.

The largest bony fish in the world

Meeting one while swimming means getting a shock. Ocean sunfish have a bony rather than cartilaginous skeleton. The largest bony fish resembles the head of a fish with a tail, where the main part is slightly smoothed from the side.

The oceanic specimen is 1.8 meters long, and from fin to fin, even more so, up to 2.5 meters. The fisherman's dream weight is 1000 kilograms. By the way, there were even more impressive specimens - up to 3.3 meters in length, weighing up to 2,300 kilograms.

The biggest snake

This is the green anaconda. And therefore it takes pride of place with the TOP of the largest animals on the planet.

The maximum size that has been recorded is 7.5 meters in length and 250 kilograms in weight. However, there are rumors about larger individuals.

The largest bird in the world

The largest bird in the world cannot fly. The ostrich is an inhabitant of the plains of Arabia and Africa. Male individuals grow up to 2.8 meters and weigh from 150 kilograms.

An egg laid by an ostrich is worth a lot. It weighs about 1.5 kilograms and is the largest egg in the world. By the way, ostriches run at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour. And this fact makes him the most fast bird in the world and the fastest two-legged animal on the planet.

The largest living animal in the world

This is definitely a blue whale. He is a marine mammal. The length of the individual reaches 30 meters, the weight of the monster is about 180 tons. And with such parameters, the blue whale can proudly bear the title of “the largest animal in the world” that has ever lived.

The mammal's tongue alone weighs about 2.7 tons. The size can be compared to the size of an average Indian elephant. The heart of a blue whale weighs about 600 kilograms. And it is the largest in the world. For comparison, the heart is comparable to a MiniCooper car in size and weight.

But animals can differ not only in physical dimensions, but also in terms of mental parameters. For example, among domestic animals, the smartest, no matter how surprising it may seem, are pigs.
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People at the peak of their opportunity are trying to learn more information about their home planet. At the moment, humanity knows no more than 5–7% of everything that the earth hides. Underwater depths, high mountains and abandoned places become a new environment for the emergence of new species of living organisms. The world is still a big and difficult mystery, which the best scientists and researchers are trying to solve.

Regardless of the unknown amount of information about the world, it is now possible to identify the largest animals on earth. Thanks to miscalculations modern technologies and other methods can easily find out about those species of animals that are known to mankind, including weight and ways of life.

The largest animal on earth

Most people who haven't spent too much time reading books can say with confidence that the largest animal in the world is the elephant. Large animal feeding grass and leaves, capable of trampling any predator. The history of elephants, as the largest animals in the world, originated in the distant depths of history, when it was not yet possible to create ships capable of sailing thousands of miles.

Around the time before Columbus discovered the New World, the elephant was the largest animal on the planet. This was considered a reliable fact. But after a significant leap in the development of the science of shipbuilding, it began massive ocean exploration, including the Pacific, where most marine animals live. During this period, people were faced with the unimaginable power of a sea animal that could compare with the most big ships in the world. Humanity became acquainted with the blue whale, the heaviest animal in the world.

The title of the heaviest animal in the world passed to the big “fish”, and the elephant now began to be called the largest mammal on earth. Over time, the study of the animal world led to unexpected fact: The blue whale, like the elephant, is also a mammal. Moms feed their cubs milk. Due to its high fat content, it does not dissolve in water. At this time, the elephant was again “moved” a little. To this day, the elephant is called the largest land animal on Earth. Among different types The African elephant stands out. This huge creature, up to 7 and a half meters high, can weigh up to 7–8 tons. It is considered the leader among all elephants in terms of mass and size.

Thanks to own weight and the dimensions of the body make it clear that on land the elephant has no equal in weight and size. Most other animals are several times lighter than this giant. However, it cannot be called the largest animal in the world, taking into account the expanses of water, because such a statement is a lie.

An elephant compared to a blue whale is comparable to a hare against the backdrop of a huge lion. In fact, the blue whale is recognized as the largest creature in the world. His heart alone will weigh more than 750 kilograms. All research detailed fossil analysis and historical finds have repeatedly proven that the blue whale is the largest animal on earth that has ever existed in history. The blue whale's body length is more than 30 meters, the distance of half a football field.

One should not discount other animals that can compete for the title of largest among their species. There are a lot of creatures on the planet that can be more interesting than an elephant.

Largest arthropod in the world

Among arthropods, there are also incredible record holders that can capture the human imagination. Japanese spider crab is still considered the largest creature of the arthropod species. The total weight sometimes reaches 20 kilograms, and the body length, including claws, is up to 4 meters. Yes, not as impressive in size as an elephant. Arthropods are not famous in any way large sizes, most of the subspecies of animals reach sizes up to 30–40 centimeters, no more.

The biggest bird

Bird paradise also has incredible individuals that can grow to incredible sizes. As many have guessed, the largest representative of birds in the world is the ostrich. An incredible mass, sometimes reaching an impressive figure of 170 kilograms, with a height of almost 3 meters, allows the ostrich to b be the largest bird. Because of their weight, ostriches cannot fly. This is compensated by an incredible speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Thanks to their strong and powerful legs, ostriches are capable of killing a person in one sitting. There were cases when more than 80 bones were broken from one blow from an ostrich to a person. The ostrich also holds the title of the fastest two-legged creature on the entire planet.

It is worth mentioning several other species of birds capable of flight, which can also amaze with their size:

Record holder among reptiles

Reptiles are the most “unloved” creatures for humans. Because of their skin structure and behavior, people try to avoid close contact with them. The largest reptile in the world is the saltwater crocodile. This six-meter carcass weighing up to 1 ton, capable of delivering fatal blows with its jaws in an instant. They can rightfully be called the most dangerous predators on earth. They are not afraid of people and boldly attack large animals. There were cases when one similar crocodile was able to kill a large hippopotamus.

The most dangerous and deadly reptiles are:

  • Alligator.
  • Leatherback turtle.
  • Komodo dragon.
  • Venomtooth.
  • Anaconda, or python.

Predators and their achievements

The largest predator on the planet is represented by the Southern Elephant Seal. It’s easy to guess now that the blue whale and elephants are herbivores. The southern elephant seal allows itself to attack big fish, including on world famous sharks, squid. The weight of males of these animals sometimes reaches 4 tons. Despite the comparative worthlessness on land, although this is a myth, elephant seals experienced and dangerous opponents. Apart from a pair of sharp fangs that can instantly tear apart any flesh, you should also beware of fins, the impact force of which is comparable to a car collision. The elephant seal spends most of its hunting in the water.

The terrestrial leaders in the list of largest predators are divided into two species - Polar bear and Kodiak. Did anyone think Grizzly? They are no match for these monsters of the predatory world. The largest and most ferocious kings of the terrestrial predatory world are capable of attacking not only herbivores and fish, as is often shown on television channels. These are excellent killing machines, capable of destroying anyone who dares to enter their territory.

Giants among cute hares

To add a little cuteness to the article, you can remember the hares. Yes, and among them there are large and heavy representatives. This is not the ordinary hare that is sometimes found in the forests of Europe. A real giant can be considered a Belgian Flemish. Ancient view hares, which with modern care can reach a weight of 12–13 kilograms. An adult specimen of one such representative of this species is larger in size than most hunting dogs. Their strong hind legs are capable of breaking large wooden beams with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. They are successfully bred in many countries.

These are not all the records of the animal world that can amaze the human mind. It is worth understanding that more than 90% of living peace of the planet is still hidden from human eyes. It is possible that at a depth of more than 2 kilometers somewhere in Pacific Ocean There live creatures that are many times larger in size and mass than even the blue whale and elephants.

In this article, we invite you to an exciting excursion according to the list of the 25 largest living creatures on Earth, ranging from giants by microworld standards - viruses, bacteria and amoebas to the largest invertebrates, insects, amphibians, birds, reptiles, fish, mammals, plants and fungi.

1. The largest known virus (1.5 microns in length)

One can argue for a long time whether viruses are actually living organisms - some biologists say yes, others are not so sure. However, there is no doubt that Pithovirus a real giant among viruses known to science (about 1.5 microns in length), 50 percent larger than the nearest record holder - Pandoravirus. You might think that a pathogen the size of Pithovirus capable of infecting large animals such as elephants, hippos or even humans. But don’t worry, the virus only infects amoebas, which are not much larger than itself.

2. The world's largest bacterium (more than 0.5 mm in length)

Thiomargarita namibiensis- translated in Latin means “Namibian sulfur pearl”. The bacterium received this name because of the sulfur granules included in the cytoplasm, giving it a shiny appearance. Size thiomargarita namibiensis is more than half a millimeter wide, which makes it possible to see it with the naked eye. Thiomargarita namibiensis absolutely harmless to people and animals, as it is a lithotroph (organisms that use inorganic substances as oxidizable substrates (electron donors)).

3. The largest amoeba on the planet (3 mm in length)

The largest amoeba belongs to the genus "Chaos". Of course, it is much smaller than the monstrous amoebas from comic books and science fiction films. But still, this is a real giant among amoebas, which is easy to see with the naked eye. Another feature of the world's largest amoeba is the ability to digest small multicellular organisms, bacteria and protists.

4. The heaviest beetle (85-110 g)

Despite the fact that the goliath is not the longest beetle in the world, nevertheless, given their mass (some individuals weigh more than 100 g), they certainly live up to their name. The Goliath beetle is comparable in weight and size to an adult gerbil mouse, as you have already seen by looking at the photo above.

5. The largest spider (body weight up to 175 g)

Theraphosa Blonda or Goliath tarantula - largest spider world, originally from tropical forests South America. Taking into account the legs, the body length of the goliath tarantula can reach up to 28 cm, and weight - up to 175 g. The lifespan of female giant spiders in wildlife is up to 25 years, and puberty occurs at 3 years of age. Males are less fortunate, despite the fact that they are not eaten by the female after mating, like other species of spiders, their life expectancy is much shorter - from 3 to 6 years.

6. The largest worm (average length 60-90 cm)

If you have a strong aversion to worms, you may be alarmed by the fact that there are more than half a dozen species of giant worms - the largest of which is the African giant worm, up to 1.5 m long. Despite the size being comparable to average snake, gigantic earthworms are as harmless as their smaller brothers. They like to burrow deep in the dirt, staying away from people (and other animals), quietly eating rotten leaves and other decaying organic matter.

7. The largest amphibian (body weight up to 3 kg)

"Goliath" is a popular name for the largest fauna of its kind (see points No. 4 and No. 5). The Goliath frog lives in west-central Africa. The average weight of a goliath frog is about 2.5 kg, which is much less than the mass Beelzebufo ampinga(about 5 kg) is the largest frog that lived on Earth during the Late Cretaceous period.

8. The largest arthropod animal (3-4 m including legs)

The Japanese spider crab is truly a huge and extremely long-legged animal. The front legs of this representative of arthropods reach a length of up to 2 m, and the body up to 45 cm. The variegated, orange-white color of the exoskeleton serves as an excellent camouflage from large sea predators. Like most others strange creatures Japanese spider crab is a prized delicacy in Japan, but has recently been rarely found on restaurant menus due to pressure from conservationists.

9. Largest flowering plant (diameter up to 1 m)

Luckily for us all, Rafflesia Arnold's habitat is limited to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. You definitely won't find it in your neighbor's garden. :)

10. The largest sponge on the planet (up to 2 m in diameter)

Besides the fact that it's gigantic sea ​​sponge (Xestospongia muta) The largest of its kind, it holds the record for longest life expectancy among invertebrate animals, some individuals live more than 1000 years. Like other types of sponges, xestospongia muta feeds by filtering small organisms from sea ​​water.

11. The largest jellyfish (up to 37 m in length)

With a dome diameter of about 2 m and tentacles more than 30 m, the length of the hairy cyanide is comparable to the blue whale (see point No. 22). Despite such gigantic sizes, the tentacles of these jellyfish do not represent mortal danger for humans (only pain and skin rash). Hairy cyanea also serves an important ecological function, providing various species of fish and crustaceans with shelter under its huge canopy.

An interesting fact is that hairy cyanides are a favorite source of food for another giant on this list - the leatherback turtle (see point No. 17)

12. The largest flying bird (adult males weigh up to 20 kg)

Considering the huge (by bird standards) body weight - up to 20 kg, the African great bustard goes against the laws of aerodynamics. It is not the most graceful bird in the world when it comes to flying. In fact, the African Great Bustard spends much of its life on land in southern Africa, cackling loudly and eating almost anything that moves. She uses flight only in cases of extreme danger.

In this respect, the African great bustard is no different from the even larger pterosaurs - the flying reptiles of the Mesozoic era.

13. The largest representative of protists (more than 45 m in length)

Many people mistakenly believe that there are only four categories of life - bacteria, plants, fungi and animals - but don't forget about primitive eukaryotic organisms such as chromists. You may be surprised by the fact that all algae are protists. The largest representative of protists is Macrocystis pyrifera- a type of brown algae from the kelp family that can grow more than 45 m in length, providing a reliable shelter for many marine organisms.

14. The largest non-flying bird (up to 270 cm in height and weighing up to 156 kg)

If we take it globally, the ostrich is not only the largest non-flying bird, but also the most big bird of those currently living on Earth. The maximum recorded height of an ostrich is 2.7 m and its weight is 156 kg. It may seem incredible, but relatively recently (about 200-300 years ago) on the island of Madagascar, there lived a species of bird - the Madagascar apiornis, in comparison with which an ostrich would seem like a chicken. These birds could reach 3-5 m in height and up to 500 kg in weight, which is comparable to the size of birds of the genus Dromornis, which lived on the planet during the late Miocene.

15. The largest snake (weight - 97.5 kg)

Compared to other organisms on this list, classifying snakes by size is significantly more difficult. Even professional naturalists tend to overestimate the size of snakes they observe in the wild, since transporting large specimens for detailed study is practically impossible. At the same time, most scientists agree that the anaconda is largest snake planets. The largest anaconda caught was 521 cm long and weighed 97.5 kg.

16. The largest representative of bivalve mollusks (more than 200 kg)

Giant tridacna - the largest species of the class bivalves, found in the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. The maximum weight of the giant clam is more than 200 kg, and the length of the shell can exceed 1 m. Despite its formidable reputation, the giant clam closes its shell only in cases of danger, and its size is not enough to swallow an adult.

17. The largest turtle (weighing more than 500 kg)

The leatherback turtle is a large species of sea turtle that lives in tropical latitudes. These turtles are strikingly different from their relatives. The leatherback turtle's shell is made up of small bony plates and is not attached to the skeleton like other species. In addition to the body structure, distinctive feature Leatherback turtles are characterized by their gigantic size - the weight of an adult can exceed 500 kg.

18. The largest reptile (weight up to 1000 kg)

By dinosaur standards, when the largest reptile weighed 100 tons, the saltwater crocodile was just a small lizard. However, in the world of modern reptiles, these crocodiles are real giants. Adult body length saltwater crocodile varies from 3.5 to 6 m, and weight from 200 to 1000 kg.

19. Largest fish (maximum weight 2235 kg)

The peculiar appearance of the common moonfish makes it one of the most strange inhabitants ocean. But these fish are known not only for their eccentric appearance, but also for their gigantic size. Record-breaking specimen caught common sunfish, had a length of 4.26 m and a weight of 2235 kg.

20. Largest land mammal (average weight 5 tons)

A mammal from the genus of African elephants, as well as the largest land animal. Average weight females are 3 tons, and males are 6 tons. Adult savannah elephant, is capable of eating about 200 kg of vegetation daily and drinking up to 200 liters of water.

21. The largest shark (more than 12 m in length)

Oddly enough, the largest animals in the world's oceans usually feed on microscopic organisms. Like a blue whale (see next point), the whale shark's diet mainly consists of plankton, small squid and fish. As for the size of the whale shark, it is not possible to give exact figures. There are various sources claiming to have caught giant specimens over 20 m in length and weighing up to 40 tons. Considering the tendency of many fishermen to exaggerate, one cannot be 100% sure of these data. Apparently, the more realistic size of a whale shark is 12-14 m in length.

22. The largest sea animal (200 tons)

In fact, the blue whale is not only the largest sea animal, but also, apparently, the largest animal in the history of life on Earth; science has not yet known dinosaurs or other reptiles weighing 200 tons. As well as whale shark(see previous point), the blue whale feeds on microscopic plankton, filtering countless gallons of seawater through dense baleen plates. Natural scientists estimate that an adult blue whale consumes 3-4 tons of krill every day.

23. Largest mushroom (600 tons)

Perhaps, in your understanding, the most big mushroom has a leg as thick as a pillar and a hat the size of the roof of a house, but in reality everything looks different. The record holder mushroom, or rather a colony of mushrooms that has a common mycelium and functions as a single organism, is located in the forests of Oregon, USA and belongs to the genus of honey fungus. The colony covers an area of ​​2000 acres and has total weight about 600 tons. The age of the giant mushroom, according to botanists, is more than 2400 years.

24. Largest single tree (about 1000 tons)

The giant sequoia is a tree, truly. gigantic sizes. Trunk height giant sequoia reaches 100 m, with a diameter of 10-12 m, and the estimated mass of the most large trees is about 1000 tons. They are also among the oldest organisms on the planet, the rings of one tree in the Northwestern United States indicated an age of 3500 years.

25. Largest tree colony (6000 tons)

Like the mushroom colony (see point 23), the largest colony of aspen poplar "Pando", located in Utah, USA, has a common root system and the same genes. Simply put, all the trees in the colony are clones, descended from a common ancestor about 80,000 years ago. Unfortunately, Pando is currently in poor condition, slowly dying from drought, disease and insect infestation. Botanists are desperate to solve the problem, so hopefully this colony can thrive for at least another 80,000 years.

Everyone knows that the largest animal in history, a giant animal, lived on Earth many millions of years ago - a dinosaur. There were many types of them. And today the size of prehistoric animals seems simply stunning.

However, the modern animal world is no less amazing and diverse. The earth is full of creatures that are amazing in size and shape. It’s hard to even imagine what affected their weight and height. However, they are who they are and feel quite comfortable among people.

And yet, which animal is the largest? This is what you have to find out. What kind of creatures are these, and in what conditions do they live? So, below is the rating of the 10 largest animals on our planet. This list is based on the height, length, as well as mass of the creatures. Let's start from the end.

Saltwater crocodile

In tenth place is the saltwater crocodile. It is also called combed or spongy. This crocodile is the largest reptile in the world. An adult male can grow up to seven meters in length, weighing over a ton! Typically, most crocodiles are about five meters long. And they weigh on average eight hundred kilograms.

Saltwater crocodiles are quite widespread. Their habitat begins in Northern Australia and ends Southeast Asia. The crocodile is an active predator. Its daily diet includes insects, mollusks, crustaceans, various small amphibians and fish. But any animal that wanders into its territory becomes a potential victim. Having watched the victim on land, the crocodile drags it under water, to where it is no longer useless to resist.

Interesting fact: saltwater crocodile is highly valued for its skin, which serves as material for handbags, shoes, clothes, etc. Therefore, this type of crocodiles is raised in artificial conditions: on special farms.

Black rhinoceros

Since black rhinoceroses are huge, powerful and absolutely fearless, they have no enemies among animals. But they are easy prey for numerous poachers. Black rhinoceroses prefer to move along the same paths, and also have very poor vision. This makes them an excellent target for trophy hunters.


In eighth place is the walrus. This is perhaps the largest animal that has existed since the time of ice age. Thus, the fossils found in San Francisco Bay are about twenty-eight thousand years old.

Walruses are truly huge: their length reaches three meters, and their weight fluctuates around two tons! These animals have very durable and thick skin. Especially in the neck area, where it reaches ten centimeters. And under the skin there is still a layer of fat fifteen centimeters. Thanks to this, walruses feel great in harsh conditions. arctic conditions. The diet of these animals mainly consists of shellfish, but fish is also occasionally found.

White rhinoceros

Seventh place - white rhinoceroses. They are considered the second largest herbivores on the planet. They grow up to two meters in height and four meters in length. Rhinos are heavyweights. Some large specimens reach eight tons!

Interesting fact: despite the name, these animals are gray in color. Why then is there a “white” rhinoceros and not a “gray” one? Most likely, rhinoceroses received this name due to the fact that there was a distortion of the Boer word “wijde”. It translates as “wide-faced.” And it sounds like the English word “white”.

Hippopotamus (hippopotamus)

In sixth place is the hippopotamus, an indigenous inhabitant of Africa from the artiodactyl order. Hippos grow up to one and a half meters in height and five meters in length. The weight of these mammals fluctuates around three tons, or even more. Throughout its life, the weight of the hippopotamus gradually increases. The same applies to his teeth. Old hippos' teeth can reach half a meter in size!

An interesting fact is that the hippopotamus skin alone weighs half a ton.

Southern elephant seal

Fifth place is occupied by the southern elephant seal - the largest animal on earth from the category of pinnipeds. Large and corpulent, elephant seals grow up to six meters in length. And their body weight is about five tons. The largest of the elephant seals was shot in the winter of 1913 in southern Georgia. It weighed more than five tons and reached seven meters in length.

The main diet of these animals is fish and squid, which live at depths of up to a thousand meters. In search of prey, elephant seals dive repeatedly and spend a lot of time underwater. This is how a record was recorded - the animal was under the ode for about two hours. By the way, these mammals spend most of their lives in open ocean, come to land quite rarely, as a rule, during the breeding season.

Southern elephant seals are the largest dangerous animals. They are the largest predators in the world.

Indian elephant

The Indian elephant also has a second name - “Asian”. It would have earned the title of “the world’s largest land-dwelling animal” if not for its African counterpart. Elephants reach three and a half meters in height and about six meters in length. In addition, these animals have enough long tail(from a meter to two). The weight of an Indian elephant can reach five and a half tons. By the way, females are much smaller than males.

Asian elephants are forest dwellers. Most often they can be found in subtropical and tropical deciduous forests. Elephants love bamboo and bushes. They move through overgrown jungles and swampy areas with ease.

Interesting fact: Indian elephants live in packs, led by the most experienced and mature female.

African elephant

In third place in the ranking is the African elephant - the largest animal among those that live on land. Males weigh about six tons and reach eight meters in length and three in height. Females weigh half as much, and their height is no more than two to three meters.

The largest animal living on land has practically no enemies. Of course, thanks to its size. But little elephants are still attacked by bloodthirsty lions, leopards, hyenas and crocodiles.

Elephants move surprisingly fast. So, their average speed is about forty km/h. Thus, an elephant can easily outrun a human. Of course, such sizes require a lot of food: for example, one elephant can eat about three hundred kilograms of grass per day. These animals are very smart and even capable of compassion. But despite this, they are considered one of the most dangerous on the planet.

Interesting fact: due to its huge size African elephant I have to sleep standing up.

Sperm whale

The second place is occupied by the sperm whale. Today it is the largest animal on earth from the suborder of toothed whales, as well as the only remaining one of the sperm whale family. Huge male sperm whales reach twenty meters in length and weigh fifty tons! But female representatives are much smaller: up to eleven meters in length, weighing fifteen tons. Of course, you can find larger sperm whales, but this is an exception.

In nature, adult male sperm whales have no enemies. And for cubs and females, only killer whales pose a threat.

Interesting fact: thirty-five percent of the sperm whale's entire body is made up of the head alone.

Blue whale

So, the largest animal (photo in the article) is the blue whale. Other names are blue, or vomit. Belongs to marine mammals. There are three species of these giants in the world - southern, northern and dwarf whales. They practically do not differ in external signs and sizes. Sometimes scientists identify a fourth species - the Indian whale. North and South blue whales They live in cold circumpolar waters, and the dwarf one lives in tropical seas. All subspecies lead almost the same lifestyle. They usually swim alone, sometimes in pairs. You can also find small groups, but even in them, each of the whales stays separately.

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world that has ever existed and known to science. Even dinosaurs are not able to compete with him - he is truly huge! So, an adult can grow up to thirty meters in length. The weight can be about one hundred and eighty tons. Yes, only one tongue of this animal weighs as much as indian elephant medium size (about three tons).

The blue whale has the largest heart in the world. It is the size of a car and weighs about the same. Lung volume reaches three thousand liters. This allows whales to remain underwater for about half an hour without oxygen. These giants swim quite quickly (about forty km/h). You can notice them from afar by the ten-meter fountains that appear during the ascent to the surface.

The blue whale's diet consists mainly of plankton and small shrimp-like creatures. They are called "krill". Whales eat about forty million krill every day.

Largest pet

But what about our smaller brothers whom we have tamed? Among them there are also quite large individuals that one cannot help but pay attention to.

The most large breed dogs is an English mastiff. On average, males grow up to ninety centimeters and weigh about one hundred and twenty kilograms. Bitches weigh a little less - up to about a hundred kilograms. These dogs are aristocrats. They are loved not only for their power, but also for their balance, courage, and peacefulness. The English Mastiff will make both an excellent watchdog and a cheerful companion dog.

The largest animal of this breed in the world is an English mastiff named Aikama Zorbo. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to his weight of more than one hundred and fifty kilograms.

The largest breed of domestic cat is the Asherah. It reaches a meter in length and weighs about fifteen kilograms.

This is an exotic hybrid cat that looks like a small leopard. This type was released in 2006. To create the Ashera, the genes of the African serval, Asian leopard and ordinary domestic cats were mixed. The animal got its name thanks to pagan goddess Asher.

This cat is not only the largest, but also the most expensive. So, an Ashera kitten costs more than twenty thousand dollars. However, this does not at all confuse those who want to get such a pet; they queue up in advance. This cat is a rarity, as the company raises only one hundred animals a year.

Asherah is somewhat reminiscent of a small sphinx. She is the perfect pet. Considered hypoallergenic, she loves to play with children, rub against their feet and, of course, sleep. And she’s absolutely not picky about food. Ashera is the only cat you can walk with on a leash.

The world's largest rabbit - Belgian Flanders. This is a very ancient Flemish breed, bred in the sixteenth century (Ghent, Belgium). These rabbits can weigh about thirty pounds (thirteen kilograms) and be the size of a large dog.