The white shark lives. The largest white sharks

Big white shark- one of the most scary predators in nature. Although the white shark is not such a “fierce man-eater” as it was portrayed in the horror film “Jaws,” this creature still terrifies the inhabitants of the underwater depths with its power and speed. We present to your attention 20 photographs of this amazing ruler of the seas.

1. The great white shark is well known for its size - the largest representatives of the species are known to reach or even exceed 6 meters in length and weigh up to 2268 kg. (LITHIUM112 on deviantART)

2. The white shark reaches sexual maturity at the age of 15 years, and average duration The lifespan of sharks is 30 years. (TERRY GOSS)



5. Great white sharks live in almost everything coastal waters, where the temperature ranges from 12 to 24°C. (SHARKDIVER.COM)

6. Large populations are found off the coast of the USA, South Africa, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and in the Mediterranean Sea. (SCOTT RETTIG)

7. One of the largest groups lives around Dyer Island in South Africa. (OCEANFILMFEST)



10. Great white sharks have protective coloring: their belly is light and their dorsal fin is gray (sometimes brown or bluish). (GEORGE PROBST)

11. This coloring allows you to confuse the prey, because from the side it blurs the silhouette of the predator. (VENSON KUCHIPUDI)

12. From above, the darker shade blends with the sea, and from below, the silhouette appears small against the backdrop of the sun penetrating the water. (D. J. SCHUESSLER)

13. White sharks are predators, they feed mainly on fish (tuna, rays, other sharks), cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises, whales), pinnipeds (seals, fur seals, sea ​​lions), turtles, otters and even seabirds. (SPENCER LATTIMER)

14. Little is known about the great white shark in terms of its behavior during mating season. (GEORGE PROBST)

15. Scientists have never seen the process of giving birth to cubs, although pregnant females have been studied more than once. (GEORGE PROBST)

16. White sharks are viviparous animals (i.e. eggs develop and hatch in the uterus and continue to develop until birth). (GREAT WHITE SHARK DIVING)

Well-known representative predatory fish is a great white shark. Individuals related to Carcharodon carcharias, live in the surface layers of the water column of various oceans, although they are also found at depth. Only in Northern Arctic Ocean no sharks. These predator fish are called white death, man-eating fish and carcharodon (terrible-toothed).

Characteristics of the white shark: size, weight, teeth structure

White sharks owe their name to their specific appearance. IN white the peritoneum of predatory fish, their sides and back are colored gray, in some individuals it is gray-blue or gray-brown.

Due to the specific color, it is difficult to notice fish from afar. The gray color of the back and sides makes it impossible to see them from above; they merge with the surface of the water. If you look up from the ocean floor, the white belly does not stand out against the sky. The shark's body is visually divided into 2 parts when viewed from the side from afar.

Female sharks are larger than males. Average length female Carcharodon is 4.7 m, and males grow up to 3.7 m. With this length, their body weight varies between 0.7–1.1 tons. According to experts, man-eating fish located in ideal conditions, can grow up to 6.8 m. The body of the white shark is spindle-shaped and dense. There are 5 pairs of gill slits on the sides. The large conical head contains small eyes and nostrils.

Due to the grooves that approach the nostrils, the volume of water flowing to the olfactory receptors increases

The mouth of a predatory fish is wide and has the shape of an arc. Inside there are 5 rows of triangular sharp teeth, their height reaches 5 cm. The number of teeth is 280–300. In young individuals, the first row of teeth completely changes every 3 months, in adults - every 8 months. A special feature of Carcharodon is the presence of serrations on the surface of the teeth.

Powerful shark jaws can easily bite through cartilage and break the bones of victims they encounter. With the help of a study conducted in 2007, it was possible to find out the bite force of this predator.

Computed tomography of the shark's head helped establish that the bite force of a young specimen weighing 240 kg and 2.5 m long is 3131 N. And a shark 6.4 m long and weighing more than 3 tons can close its jaws with a force of 18216 N. According to some, According to scientists, information about the bite force of large sharks is overestimated. Thanks to special structure teeth, sharks do not need to be able to bite with great force.

The first large fin on the back looks like a triangle, pectoral fins They are sickle-shaped, long and large. Anal and second dorsal fins small size. The body ends with a large tail, its plates are equal in size.

Large carcharodons have a well-developed circulatory system. This allows predators to warm up their muscles and increase the speed of movement in the water. White sharks do not have a swim bladder. Because of this, carcharodons are forced to constantly move, otherwise they sink to the bottom.

Where does it live?

The habitat of man-eating sharks is huge. They are found both in coastal areas and further inland. Mostly sharks swim in surface waters, but some specimens could be found at a depth of more than 1 km. They prefer warm bodies of water; the optimal temperature for them is 12–24 °C. Desalinated and low-salt waters are not suitable for sharks.

Carcharodons are not found in the Black Sea

The main centers of concentration of predators include coastal zones in California, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand. Sharks are also found:

  • close to the coast of Argentina, the Republic of Cuba, the Bahamas, Brazil, east coast USA;
  • in the east of the Atlantic Ocean (from South Africa to France);
  • V Indian Ocean(found near Seychelles, in the Red Sea and the waters of the Republic of Mauritius);
  • in the Pacific Ocean (along the west coast of America, from New Zealand to the Far Eastern territories).

Sharks can often be seen around archipelagos, shallows, and rocky headlands where pinnipeds live. Separate populations live in the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. But their number in the indicated reservoirs is beyond recent years decreased significantly, they practically disappeared.


by people social structure shark populations and the behavior of individual individuals have not been sufficiently studied. With the help of observations, it was possible to reveal that the attack tactics of predators depend on the type of prey chosen. This is facilitated by high temperature body, thanks to which the functioning of the brain is stimulated.

Their attacks are so swift that in pursuit of prey they can completely emerge from the water. At the same time, animals develop speeds above 40 km/h. A failed attack does not stop the pursuit of the victim. They can raise their heads above the water while searching for prey.

Interspecific competition occurs in places where sharks and cetaceans have a common food supply

Previously it was believed that natural enemies white sharks do not have them. But in 1997, whale watchers witnessed an attack on an adult white shark. She was attacked by a representative of the cetaceans - the killer whale. Similar attacks were recorded later.

Nutrition and digestive system

The diet of Carcharodon varies depending on the age and size of the animals. They feed on small animals:

  • fish (tuna, stingrays, herring and small representatives of the shark family are popular);
  • pinnipeds (most often suffer fur seals, lions, seals);
  • cephalopods;
  • birds;
  • representatives of cetaceans (porpoises, dolphins);
  • sea ​​otters, turtles.

Carcharodons do not neglect carrion. A whale carcass can be a good catch.

Of particular interest to large individuals are seals, other marine animals, and small whales. With the help of fatty foods, they manage to maintain energy balance, so they require high-calorie foods.

But they rarely attack porpoises and dolphins. Although in the Mediterranean Sea the latter are an important component of the diet of sharks. They attack this type of prey mainly from below, from behind and from above, trying to avoid detection by echolocators.

Contrary to popular belief, humans are not of interest to sharks as food due to the insignificant amount of fat. Carcharodons can confuse a human with marine mammals, which is believed to be the main reason for the attack.

White sharks have a slow metabolism, so they can sometimes go for long periods without food.

Predators can go without food for a long time. It is believed that 30 kg of whale oil is enough to satisfy the metabolic processes taking place in the body of a shark weighing more than 900 kg for 45 days.

In terms of the structure of their digestive organs, sharks are practically no different from other fish. But Carcharodon has a pronounced division of the digestive system into various sections and glands. It begins with the oral cavity, which smoothly passes into the pharynx. Behind it comes the esophagus and the V-shaped stomach. The folds inside the stomach are covered with a mucous membrane, from which digestive enzymes and juices necessary for processing ingested food are abundantly secreted.

There is in the stomach special department, into which excess food is sent. Food can be stored in it for up to 2 weeks. If necessary digestive system begins to use the available reserve to support the life of the predator.

What distinguishes sharks from other species of fish and animals is their ability to “turn out” their stomach through their mouth. Thanks to this ability, they can clean it of dirt and accumulated food debris.

From the stomach, food passes into the intestines. The existing spiral valve contributes to more efficient absorption. Thanks to its presence, the contact of food digested in the stomach with the intestinal mucous membranes increases.

During the digestion process active participation also accept:

  • gallbladder;
  • pancreas;
  • liver.

The pancreas is responsible for the production of hormones and pancreatic juice, intended for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Thanks to the work of the liver, toxins are neutralized and destroyed. pathogenic microorganisms, fats supplied with food are processed and absorbed.

Features of behavior

White sharks do not live in one place. They move along the coast, make transatlantic journeys, but return to their usual habitats. Due to migrations, it is possible for different shark populations to intersect, although they were previously thought to live in isolation. The reasons for Carcharodon migrations are still unknown. Researchers speculate that this is due to reproduction or the search for places rich in food.

During observations in the waters of South Africa, it was revealed that the dominant position is assigned to females. When hunting, predators are separated. Conflicts that arise are resolved through demonstrative behavior.

White sharks start a fight in exceptional cases

Their behavior during hunting is interesting. The entire process of catching a victim can be divided into stages:

  1. Identification.
  2. Determination of species.
  3. Approaching an object.
  4. Attack.
  5. Eating.

They attack mainly in cases where the prey is near the surface of the water. They grab large specimens in the middle and pull them under water. There they can swallow prey whole.


The threat to Carcharodon is the small copepod crustaceans. They settle in the gills, feed on the shark’s blood and the oxygen supplied to it. Gradually, the condition of the gill tissues deteriorates and the shark dies from suffocation.

Carnivores have a well-functioning immune system that can protect them from autoimmune, inflammatory and infectious diseases, but they often get cancer. We have now identified more than 20 types of tumors that threaten the lives of sharks.

Reproduction: how white sharks give birth

Young sharks are born adapted to live independently

White sharks are ovoviviparous fish. The eggs inside the mother's body hatch into fry. They come out already grown up. There is no connection with the mother's body. The species reproduces by placental ovoviviparity. There are 2–10 sharks in a litter. Most often, 5–10 newborns are born. Their length at birth is 1.3–1.5 m.

Source nutrients For growing embryos, eggs become produced by the mother's body. Sharks in the womb have a distended abdomen, 1 m long, with a yolk inside. At later stages of development, the stomachs become empty. Observers most often encounter newborn sharks in calm waters. They are well developed.

How long does he live?

The lifespan of Carcharodon is on average 70 years. At the same time puberty in females it occurs at 33 years of age, in males - at 26 years of age. They stop growing from the moment they reach maturity.

Assault on a person

People are not of interest to sharks, although there have been many recorded cases of them attacking. The most common victims are divers and fishermen who get too close to the predator.

In the waters Mediterranean Sea a "shark phenomenon" has been observed, according to which carcharodons swam away after one bite. According to experts, sharks that are hungry can easily feed on humans.

Most often, when meeting sharks, people die from blood loss, drowning or painful shock. When attacking, predators injure their prey and wait for it to weaken.

Play dead - worst option in a collision with a shark

Solo divers can be partially eaten by a shark, but people who dive with partners can be saved. Often those people who actively resist are able to escape. Any blows can cause the predator to swim away. Experts advise, if possible, to hit the shark in the eyes, gills, and face.

It is important to constantly monitor the location of the predator; it may attack again. Sharks readily feed on carrion, so the sight of an unresisting victim will not stop them.

Sharks are a little-studied species of predatory fish. A decrease in their numbers affects the food chain, because they are part of the ecosystem of the world's oceans. Despite the fact that little is known about white sharks, researchers have been able to identify a number of interesting facts related to these animals:

  • Females have thicker skin than males. This is due to the fact that during mating the male roughly holds his partner, biting her fins.
  • Shark teeth are coated with fluoride, which prevents them from deteriorating. Enamel consists of a substance that is resistant to acid produced by bacteria.
  • Sharks have well-developed: vision, smell, hearing, touch, taste and sensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
  • Sensitive olfactory receptors enable the shark to detect the smell of a seal colony located at a distance of 3 km.
  • When hunting in cold waters, carcharodons are able to raise their body temperature.

Due to industrial fishing, the number of white sharks is rapidly declining. According to experts, there are about 3.5 thousand of them left all over the world. If sharks begin to die out, this could lead to the disappearance of many marine plants.

From this article you will learn how long do sharks live. Sharks are one of the most interesting ocean representatives. They populate depths of the sea for more than five hundred (500) million years.

Instant reply: currently there are about one hundred ( 100 ) shark species. Various representatives These creatures differ in life expectancy. Long-lived sharks can live over 80 years(for example, a whale shark).

How long do sharks live - in detail by species

Sharks are ancient representatives of our planet. The fact is that these animals inhabited the Earth more than 450 million years ago. Some varieties have hardly changed over such a huge period of existence.

  • Centenarians- polar sharks. Their age can exceed one hundred years, and according to scientific research - even 200. This is due to an incredibly weak metabolism. Researchers believe that this is one of the longest-living animals on our planet to date.
  • The white shark lives much shorter - up to 30 years.
  • Very rare species - a largemouth shark can survive up to 50 years, and its long-livers are up to one hundred years. But this cannot be confirmed in any way, since since its discovery in 1976, only a couple of dozen representatives of this species have been identified.
  • Life expectancy is enormous hammerhead shark sometimes it can be about 50 years.
  • The Mako shark is one of the most hot-tempered and evil species sharks Its maximum lifespan may be slightly longer 30 years for females and slightly less for males.

How long do sharks live - Polar

Not long ago, ichthyologists noticed amazing feature, according to which sharks that live longer live those that live in colder water.

This applies specifically to polar sharks. They believe that for them the indicator is hundred years is not the limit at all, and such representatives of sharks are able to live longer. Exactly how many is not yet clear due to the difficulty of identifying ages.

Arctic sharks have an incredibly slow metabolism, they seem to live in a dream, which is why they are called sleepy sharks.

Second position occupied by large species of sharks, which is natural, because for all living things one can notice this law: larger types live longer than small ones. They need more time to grow. In the tropics, the average lifespan of sharks is up to 30 years, and in middle latitudes - up to 45 years old.

How long do white sharks live?

Researchers recently concluded that white sharks can live much longer than previously thought. Taking advantage the latest technology By clearly determining the age of shark tissue, researchers were able to identify a male white shark who lived up to 70 years old.

According to scientists, such a discovery is incredibly important for animal protection, since data on the lifespan of the type, the speed of its development and the time of reaching puberty will help create programs for the conservation of the species.

Previously, researchers tried to determine the age of a predator by counting growth rings in tissue (for example, in a vertebra). But the shark skeleton contains cartilage, and the division between the rings is difficult to discern even with a microscope.

Currently, researchers have been fortunate to identify a radioactive marker in certain rings.

This marker is an isotope that fell into the ocean simultaneously with sediment after testing atomic bomb in the 60s. It settled in the tissues of animals that lived at that time.

The researchers used traces of radioactive carbon in the form of some kind of stamp, with which they can calculate and calibrate the tissue layers in order to then more accurately determine the age of the samples obtained.

Past considerations of animal remains from the Indian and Pacific Oceans led researchers to believe that white sharks live for about 30 years.

But the radioactive marker significantly increased this indicator: the largest male lived 73 years old, and the female − 42 . All animals lived in Atlantic Ocean, but scientists do not believe that there is any significant difference in the life expectancy of sharks from other oceans.

If the hypothesis that the average lifespan of a white shark is 70 years, will be confirmed, it will be possible to call this species one of the most long-lived types cartilaginous fish. But at the same time, the white shark is one of the most vulnerable inhabitants of nature, since it is one of the main hunting items.

And if sexual maturity in such sharks occurs very slowly, then it will be quite difficult for them to restore their numbers after any significant damage.

In addition, as scientists have already learned, white sharks are far from the most prolific of the great variety of cartilaginous fish - the female is capable of producing only a couple of cubs in the litter(researchers still have not figured out how many times a female white shark can give birth during her life).

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The great white shark, Carcharodon, is considered the most big shark in the world, since its body length is about eight meters, and this shark weighs almost three tons.

The great white shark lives in the World Ocean in coastal waters with temperatures not lower than 12°C. This ocean predator avoids desalinated and low-salt seas. This shark is especially common off the coast of California.

Representatives of this genus of sharks are capable of moving long distances and diving to depths of up to 1300 meters.

The white shark is called due to its very light belly, which makes the shark invisible to its inhabitants. ocean depths in the depths of the ocean. The color of the upper body of the fish merges with the surface ocean waters and also allows the shark to remain undetected.

Carcharodon is another name for a shark, reflecting its features, which comes from the Greek words: “karcharos” and “odous”, which means “ sharp tooth" A truly great white shark is the owner of a huge mouth, studded with five rows of triangular five-centimeter teeth, equipped with jagged edges. The shark uses its upper teeth to tear its prey apart, and uses its lower teeth to hold it.

The mouth of this shark is so huge that eight adults could easily fit in it. Therefore, the shark does not chew its food thoroughly, but swallows it in large pieces, the weight of which can reach up to 70 kg, which is equal to the average weight of a person. If the prey is small in size, the shark swallows it whole.

The big shark is not particularly picky about food. Along with large marine life Small marine inhabitants can also become its prey. Carcharodon does not refuse carrion and all kinds of waste. Pieces of a horse, a whole dog, a leg of lamb, a pumpkin, a bottle and other refuse were found in the stomachs of individual caught specimens.

In Australia, the great white shark is called " white death" And this name also justifies itself, since this shark is capable of attacking people swimming in the ocean or sea more often than its other relatives.

Maybe, aggressive behavior sharks are associated with their coastal habitat. A shark attacks a man, mistaking him for his usual prey, most likely a seal. In most cases, sharks seriously injure a person and do not try to eat him, but simply spit him out. However, injuries from great white shark attacks are often incompatible with life, which is why this shark is considered a man-eating shark.

All organs of a predator are designed to kill. Thanks to its excellent sense of smell, the great white shark is able to smell at a distance of about 600 meters. Its eyes are designed like a cat's, so the shark can navigate well in the dark. The lateral line is a sensory organ inherent in all fish, allowing the shark to detect the slightest fluctuations in water 115 meters from its location.

The shark begins to engage in killing even in the embryonic state, when it absorbs its weak sisters and brothers long before its birth. Therefore, a female great white shark gives birth to only 1 or 2 cubs, which grow very slowly and become sexually mature at 12–15 years.

Features of the low fertility of the white shark and the duration of puberty have become one of the reasons for the decline in the number of these sharks. sea ​​predators up to 3500 individuals. Therefore, despite its bad temper, the great white shark needs protection.

Video: Great white shark (lat. Carcharodon carcharias)

Carcharodon, or as it is also called "white death", lives in warm sea ​​waters. It belongs to the order “lamniformes”, the family “herring sharks”.

This is one of the types of sharks that are the most aggressive, and they are the ones that attack humans.


An adult reaches from 4.3 m to 6.2 m. At the same time, females are larger; their size is from 4.7-5.4 m, and their weight is from 1,500 to 2,500 kg. The average length of males is from 3.6 to 4.2 m, with a weight of 600-1,200 kg.

But there are also large individuals, their sizes reach up to 7 meters and weight up to 3,100 kg. She has an elongated, strong body with a cone-shaped head. The body has gills and fins. The nose is the most important organ with which, like a dog, it can smell its prey or even small quantity blood dissolved in a huge amount of water, this is approximately a drop of blood per 115 liters of water.

The most interesting thing about the white shark’s appearance is its huge teeth (up to 5 cm), growing in three rows. They are comparable to the teeth of a saw, thereby helping it hold prey or tear it into pieces if it cannot be swallowed whole.

If a tooth wears out or falls out, a new one grows in its place, resulting in several rows. The first row of teeth is mainly used, while the back ones serve as spare ones; in case of replacement, they are pushed out in place of the front ones.

But the teeth are not the worst thing, since her jaw squeezes the victim with a force of several tons per square centimeter, so the victim does not have the slightest chance of escaping from the mouth of this bloodthirsty predator. Its color is similar to a camouflage suit. The belly is white, and the sides and back are gray, tinged with blue or brown, which gives it the advantage of not being noticed.

From below, it merges with the bright sky. From above, it is lost in the depth and thickness of the water, and from the side it visually breaks up into light and dark spot, so the victim most often does not suspect that danger is already very close.

The caudal fin has the same length and width, both above and below. There are also five pairs of long gills on the body. The mouth resembles a wide, curved arc. There is a triangle-shaped fin on the back. On the chest there are long, large fins in the form of a spiral.


Carcharodon is an inhabitant of the seas and oceans. He loves and feels very good in warm water. The water should be from 10 to 25 degrees above zero.

Most often they are closer to the surface of the water, but there are cases when the fish is almost at the bottom, withstanding low temperatures. As a rule, these are large individuals. White sharks mainly live in the south of the Sea of ​​Japan.

They also live off the coast of the American continent. You can also find them on:

  1. Cuba;
  2. Bahamas;
  3. Argentina;
  4. Brazil;
  5. In the Indian Ocean;
  6. Seychelles;

On reefs, shallows and rocky capes, she gets her food and therefore her main patrol is there, as well as those areas that are inhabited by pinnipeds: seals, sea lions.


This fish likes to lead a solitary lifestyle. She must swim, since she does not have a swim bladder, to provide herself with enough oxygen. The speed is 3.7 km/h.

These sharks have what is called dominance. Females are several times larger than males, older ones are larger than younger ones, and large ones are larger than smaller ones. When meeting members of their family, they behave more than friendly, but if the matter does not concern some personal territory, in this case one shark can bite another, thereby making it clear who is in charge in this case.

While searching for food, they rarely fight, resolving their conflicts with their own special behavior or a separate ritual. This shark is also known for sticking its head out of the water so it can better see its prey and catch its scent, which is better captured in the air than in the water.

During an attack, the shark lifts its nose so that its grin comes to the fore and crashes into the victim. After which, using special movements, she tears off part of the victim’s body. A large individual that attacks large prey is capable of tearing off a piece weighing 65-75 kg. These predators are very curious and intelligent. They can communicate with each other if any situation requires it.


The shark reproduces very slowly, since puberty occurs at 11-15 years in females, while in males this threshold is 10-11 years.

This is a viviparous fish that gives birth to one, less often two, young in 1 year. Gestation lasts about 10-11 months. After birth, the baby shark already has teeth, thanks to which it immediately begins to hunt and lead a predatory lifestyle. Due to the large gap between puberty and low fertility, sharks are facing extinction.


IN wildlife this type Sharks can survive for more than 45 years.


Almost everything that floats in the water is a shark's food source. These include mammals, turtles, birds, fish, as well as:

Carrion also becomes an object of consumption, for example dead whales. The hunt takes place in the morning. The predator prefers solitary hunting, but the smell of blood, as a rule, attracts other relatives.

Thanks to her sense of smell, it is not difficult for her to detect even a small drop of blood at a distance of several kilometers.

After a hearty meal, this type of fish can for a long time remain without food. The exact amount of food eaten is not known for certain. There is an opinion among scientists that her appetite and portions of food consumed directly depend on the temperature of the water. As you know, metabolism occurs much faster in it than in cold water.

In general, Carcharodon eats when the opportunity presents itself. He eats, even if he has just had a big meal.

Shark and man

This shark is one of the most aggressive species their relatives. She attacks people more often than others. More often than not, this happens out of curiosity. A shark, biting a person, tries to understand what it is, and it also bites sticks, surfboards and buoys.

She may also confuse her usual diet: a turtle or a pinniped, with a surfer, since they are similar on the surface of the water.

This type of fish is in great demand in the sport fishing industry. Once hooked, it can offer enormous resistance, which only adds excitement to this type of fishing. After she ends up on deck, the fishermen take her life, but they don’t eat the meat because; The urine it secretes passes through the muscles.


This species is on the verge of extinction and extermination. Now the hunt for the white shark is open, as its jaw, teeth and fins are worth a lot of money. Frequent attacks on sharks by killer whales, which turn the shark on its back, after which the shark drowns, have also been recorded.