Strong prayer against my husband's drunkenness from a distance. Prayer to stop drinking is powerful

Alcohol addiction not only affects drinking man, this addiction poisons the lives of all people who are close to the alcoholic. If a person does not realize his illness and refuses to be treated, he can only be helped by involving higher powers.

Dependence on addictions has been known since ancient times, many holy saints during their lifetime helped sufferers get rid of cravings for alcohol, but even after their death, Saint Matrona, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Boniface respond to prayers sent to them with sincere requests for deliverance from alcoholism. The words of these prayers are special if they come from the mouth loved one who is worried about the fate of a drunkard, the Almighty and the patron saints will definitely respond and try to help.

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    To whom and for whom can you pray?

    It happens that a person rarely drinks, but if he has taken alcohol, he can no longer stop and drinks for several days in a row. It is very difficult to get out of a state of binge drinking, so the wife can pray for the husband, the children for the parents, and the parents for the children. To make it easier for a loved one to get out of a drinking binge, you should drink it with special water, over which the following prayer is read to the Almighty:

    The prayer should be read over a clean and cold water If the drinker refuses to drink it, you need to gradually add water to alcohol or other drinks. People who have tried this method note that the more water a person drinks, the faster he will come out of his drinking bout. If the drinker himself is not happy that he finds himself in such a state, and drinks the prayed water voluntarily, he should be given it one glass per hour until the condition returns to normal. It usually takes one to three days to break out of binge drinking, but you shouldn’t increase the amount of fluid you drink in hopes of getting better. speedy healing, the dose of water you drink per day should be no more than 3-4 liters.

    When drunkenness has already become a disease, it is much more difficult to get rid of this disease, but you should not lose hope.

    There are very effective prayers for any passion that have an instant effect.

    Experienced people note that appeals to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker often work within the first minutes after reading. This is not expressed in the drinker’s immediate refusal to drink alcohol, but they say that enlightenment appears in the clouded eyes of the drunkard, as if he suddenly understands the harmfulness of his condition.

    They say about the effectiveness of prayers to Saint Boniface that after reading the prayer words, even violent drunkards go to bed, and after waking up, they begin to come out of their drinking bout. The clergy explain this by saying that during his lifetime Saint Boniface was very sinful and, like no one else, he experienced the pangs of drunkenness. Therefore, he knows that the surest way out of a state of intoxication is sleep.

    It may take years of prayer for a mother to heal her son or daughter, but she cannot remain idle. If love for a loved one is alive, you need to try to help him, because unconscious alcoholism can lead a person to the grave, and a strong mother’s prayer can protect him from such an outcome.

    A mother can ask for help from Saint Matrona; this patroness responds very sensitively to parental pleas for healing from alcohol addiction.

    Appeal to Saint Matrona

    There are many prayers directed to this holy saint. The following prayer of a mother for her child is considered the strongest:

    You need to read the prayer for 40 days in a row, and sometimes 40 times for 40 days; appeals to the saint can only be stopped when the healed person himself has realized the sinfulness of his habit. Even if the one for whom the mother prayed has stopped drinking, it is necessary to strengthen him in maintaining a sober state, and Saint Matrona will certainly contribute to complete healing from addiction.

    You can also turn to Saint Matrona with requests for the healing of a husband, father, or drinking parents. The words of address will be as follows:

    Prayers to Saint Boniface

    Any person can turn to this saint, but the prayer of parents is considered the most effective:

    Requests for healing can also be sent by the suffering themselves; the prayer of the repentant, but unable to independently get out of the captivity of addiction, will certainly be heard:

    If a drinker feels very bad, saying prayer words will support him and help him withstand the difficult moments of a hangover.

    A drinking husband can be discouraged from alcohol with the help of a sincere woman’s prayer:

    Requests to Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker became famous for his help in many human affairs; he does not ignore those who ask him for deliverance from drunkenness. Everyone can address him with the following words:

    After this appeal, the miraculous power of the saint will be sent down to the person asking; the prayer must be read 40 times in the morning, afternoon and evening.

    Inexhaustible Chalice

    Legends are formed about the icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” among believers. It is impossible to confuse this icon with another: the image depicts the face of the Mother of God and God's baby, located in a bowl standing in front of the mother, both have their hands raised up.

    Believers all over the world offer prayers looking at this icon, because it is considered the most effective for treating alcoholism.

    • It is believed that the bowl depicted on the icon represents:
    • tempting cup;
    • a cup of destructive influence on the family and human destiny;

    a cup that destroys a person’s personality and consciousness. There is a special prayer against drunkenness, calling higher power

    to the salvation of man. Like the icon itself, it is called “The Inexhaustible Chalice”: The words of this appeal to the Mother of God truly have miraculous power

    , millions of sufferers were not only cured of a malicious illness with the help of this prayer, many eyewitnesses confirm that the healing sent down is also accompanied by a change in the worldview of drunkards. After getting rid of the shackles of alcohol, many former alcoholics change their lifestyle, take the right path and themselves begin to help others give up their addictions.

    Prayer for Muslims Drunkenness is considered a very serious sin in Islam. Muslim prayer from alcoholism is aimed at ridding a person of melancholy and returning happiness to his life: it is understood that happy man

    does not need to drink alcohol and is able to get rid of the bad habit on his own. The following words of prayer must be read three times to a drinking person during the period of drunkenness and daily after it: You shouldn’t despair if trouble happens in life to a loved one who started drinking uncontrollably; it is useless to scold such people until they themselves realize their addiction, but it is absolutely necessary to help with prayer. By this, a person not only directs the forces of his desire to the drinker, but also cleanses himself of negative impact

other people's drunkenness. Every year more and more husbands are faced with alcohol addiction. more women . And if some people can persuade their spouse to do a comprehensive drug treatment in different ways fight against alcoholism in order to return my husband to a full life. It is not always possible to cure a husband from drunkenness easily and quickly - for this, women should try a lot of methods to find the most suitable, effective and durable method. To overcome alcoholism in a man, it is recommended to additionally turn to church and prayers, which help any person get out of binge drinking.

Prayer for a husband’s drunkenness helps a man overcome alcohol addiction, as well as return to a full life again.

Why is treatment of alcoholism with rituals popular nowadays?

Orthodox prayer for a husband’s alcoholism is widespread in our time, as it helps any person to correctly set himself on the path to healing the body. Narcologists call this way out of binge drinking the “last straw” for women who are tired of struggling with addiction. The Church has always helped people who sincerely want to save their loved ones or relatives, because for saints it is important that a person sincerely asks them for help.

Why is praying for a husband not to drink so common? There are a number of factors due to which this method the fight against addiction is considered the most famous:

  • the prices for treatment for alcoholism are considerable, which cannot be said about reading special texts - such a ritual is carried out free of charge;
  • the effectiveness and reliability of the method - if the saints help an alcoholic stop drinking alcohol, the person will not take it at all, considering it an unnecessary “procedure” for himself;
  • in order to cure a spouse at a distance, a woman needs to “have with her” only sincerity and the best intentions;
  • Today they pray not only in church in front of the icon of one of the saints, but also at home - for this you need to observe church rites and have an icon of the saint from whom you want to ask for help;
  • longevity - a conspiracy so that the husband does not drink alcohol; if read correctly, it helps to overcome addiction forever, since the person will be “re-tuned” by the saint to an alcohol-free life;
  • The prayer against drunkenness is not difficult to read, which is why this method of combating alcoholism is considered the most famous.

A prayer for a husband to stop drinking forever will only help if a person reads it correctly. To do this, it is important not only to know the laws of the church, but also to try to fulfill them. Such laws include:

  • you need to buy candles to install in the church against your spouse’s alcoholism only on Thursday;
  • to enhance the effect of prayer, you should attend church every day for 40 days;
  • strong prayers, such as the Inexhaustible Chalice and the appeal to Matronushka, are read both in church and at home;
  • for strong prayer against drunkenness to help, a man must drink blessed water, which becomes healing after reading the plot;
  • if a wife decides to secretly cure her husband, she should not tell anyone about such treatment and the drinker;
  • if a person does not know that he will be treated, there is no need to tell him about it - it is better for him to see the result himself, in which the alcoholic will no longer want to use strong alcoholic drinks as healing or sedation;
  • but if the treatment helps, it is important to inform your husband about it, since he will have to thank the saint for his help, and also promise him that he will no longer drink alcohol.

There is no need to expect quick results from treating alcoholism with the help of prayers, as the person will gradually stop drinking. The main thing is not to give up and hope only for a positive outcome of the treatment.

Which saint is better to turn to?

What prayer should I read for my husband to stop drinking, and who is best to turn to? In this case, the wife should give preference to the saint, because you should not thoughtlessly choose a healer. First you need to understand what you want from your spouse, and then take action. Who should I pray to so that my husband doesn’t drink? Today, desperate women are often advised to ask for help from the following icons and prayers:

  • Inexhaustible Chalice. This is an icon of the Mother of God, which helps many people stop drinking. But for this it is important to read the prayer correctly and promise the icon that the person cured by it will no longer drink alcohol. This prayer should only be used in church to enhance the effect of the treatment. The text of the Inexhaustible Chalice prayer can be obtained from Father, who will help you carry out the ritual correctly. For the spell to be fulfilled, it must be pronounced in complete darkness over a candle flame.

  • Prayer to the Moscow matron against her husband’s drunkenness. Matronushka also helps to overcome alcoholism in a man if he is unable to quit on his own.

Father will warn those praying for an alcoholic that this ritual is especially powerful, so it is important to be completely confident in the treatment.

If a drunkard does not want to stop drinking, the icon will help him overcome bad habit only if all the rituals of the church are observed, one of which is that the wife must say a prayer for 40 days in a row.

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Another one effective prayer against drunkenness and alcoholism, which, like others, needs to be read correctly. This saint, if treated correctly, can save a person forever from his bad habit. The plot is read several times in a calm and confident voice. The peculiarity of such a prayer is that it should be supplemented by the drunkard taking holy water. In addition, it is important that the person drinks it immediately after the ritual - this way the saint will see that the person, although not of his own free will, wants to stop drinking.

  • Prayer to Boniface. This saint will definitely help overcome alcoholism, as he is considered one of the most famous, capable of quickly curing an alcoholic. The legend says that Bonifatius asked God for forgiveness for all those who liked to drink alcohol, for which he forgave him. Since that time, the saint himself has been able to treat alcoholics, but one also needs to be able to approach him correctly.

If your husband drinks, what prayer should you read? This choice depends on the woman’s preferences, since all prayers for alcoholism, such as the Inexhaustible Chalice or the sacred ritual to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, can cure a husband of his addiction.

How to read prayers correctly

In the old days, wives who prayed for their husbands had to observe certain church rituals. Today prayer for drinking husband, which is used constantly, must also be read according to strict rules:

  • the prayer to the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice, as well as to the saints, is read in a quiet, calm voice, without raising it or developing anger towards the person being spoken of in the ritual;
  • Father warns all those praying that the desire to cure a spouse must be sincere and come from the heart - if the wife agrees, she must say: “I accept all the laws of the church and agree to carry out treatment with or without my husband” (the phrase is not always said out loud - Father is enough just to hear that a woman really wants to heal her husband);
  • It is recommended to read the plot 2 times;
  • if the ritual is carried out at home, it is important to light a candle before it begins, place it near the icon of the saint, and place a vessel with water next to it - alcoholics drink it to combat alcoholism;
  • When reading the text of the prayer, it is important not to forget to ask God for forgiveness for the drunkard.

Powerful Prayer against her husband's drunkenness will help any woman overcome her husband's bad habit. And a powerful healing “flow” from the healer himself can put any alcoholic back on his feet. If prayer did not help the first time, do not despair - it is better to turn to the saint for help again.

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All about religion and faith - “a prayer against drunkenness that must be read for 40 days” with detailed description and photographs.

Unfortunately, in the CIS countries, drunkenness is a national problem, affecting all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age. The fight against drunkenness is a complex process that requires maximum dedication from a person suffering from alcoholism and his loved ones. The most harmless and at the same time quite in an effective way victory over the “Green Serpent” is a prayer for alcoholism.

The main thing is not to sit relaxed and fold your arms. The problem is serious and needs to be solved quickly, approaching the issue with the maximum degree of seriousness. If you are going to think about healing a loved one in this way, it is recommended not to tell him about the rituals. Under the influence of conspiracies, his body itself will begin to fight alcohol, thanks to spiritual and energetic restructuring.

The effectiveness of the methods is that the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism is carried out at the highest energy level.

If you want to make progress in healing alcoholism, the main thing is to believe with all your might in the effectiveness of the prayers and conspiracies used, and also believe in yourself, and then the effect will be simply stunning. Remember that prayers and conspiracies can only be used if nothing else helps in the fight against drunkenness. And you shouldn’t limit yourself to just them.

The most popular prayers, conspiracies for alcoholism

Prayers for healing from alcoholism, conspiracies against drunkenness are effective tool, which will solve a serious problem in a short time. If you want to cure your loved one from this scourge, try resorting to a ritual with a photograph. In order to perform the ritual you will also need three church candles

, church water and, naturally, photography. During the waning moon at sunset, light candles and place them in a row on the table. Place a photo in front of you, lightly sprinkle holy water on it and repeat the words.

After the photo, they remove it to a secluded place.

A magic spell against alcoholism can be cast using ordinary water, over which prayers will be read. Spring or well water is ideal for the procedure. If you don’t have such water, you can insist plain water

from the tap for seven days in a dark place. In any case, you need to read the following prayer over the prepared water.

A conspiracy or prayer will help you in the treatment of alcoholism, for this you should perform the following ritual. Go to the bathhouse, take a good steam there and put on clean underwear. Prepare spring or well water and read the words of the spell over it, then drink in one gulp.

Some rules for reading prayers

Rituals that treat alcoholism are recommended to be performed on certain days. For example, if we're talking about about male drunkenness, recommended days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman is sick, preference is given to Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

One of the most important elements of prayers and conspiracies for treating drunkenness is faith in their effectiveness. The better you can imagine the effect of the ritual, the greater your faith, the closer the sick person will become to recovery.

The most tangible effect in the fight against drunkenness can be achieved only when a prayer or conspiracy is read during the full moon or waning month.

Create ideal conditions To achieve success in treating drunkenness, strong prayers can be used, and their power will be greater if no one except you knows about their reading. You can light a candle near the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon; it has proven itself in the fight against alcoholism in people of any age.

At the same time, to successfully fight against “green snake” drunkenness, joint, coordinated actions of loved ones are needed. How more people will help the patient in solving the problem, the higher his chances of successful recovery from this terrible addiction.

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers for alcoholism: comments

One comment

After drug treatment turned out to be useless, I had to turn to God. True, at that moment I didn’t know anything except Our Father. It turned out that they exist, and it is the reading of prayer over water that gives an undeniable effect. Full moon I didn’t wait, but every day in the morning I turned to God with a request to deliver me from addiction. I still have the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. And you need to convince yourself that this will help. More important point this is the understanding of your loved ones of what you will do and the same faith in God!

Prayers against alcoholism

Alcoholism is a huge grief that affects almost all families of our vast country. Unfortunately, many simply do not know how to deal with this terrible disease. It should be noted that the effectiveness of prayers against drunkenness is no less than against medical supplies. Therefore, along with medical therapy, you should regularly attend church and turn to God.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen"

This strong prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Words must be spoken repeatedly and with an open heart. After each appeal to the face, you should cross yourself three times.

At the same time as reading prayers for alcoholism, do not forget to attend church and submit notes about the health of the sick person.

It should be noted that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is the most powerful in the fight against addiction to alcoholic beverages.

What to do if alcoholism overcomes your husband?

These words are read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If the petition is carried out at home, then silence is an integral part of the prayer process. Among other things, in the temple you should purchase the icon “The Untrustworthy Chalice”, the face of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow. Light 3 church candles and place them opposite the icons. Place a decanter of holy water nearby. It is this powerful liquid that is the main attribute of the church ceremony.

To carry out a prayer aimed at combating your husband’s alcoholism, you should carefully look at the carafe of water.

At the same time, do not forget to attend church, pray in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and submit health notes once every 10 days.

The charmed water should be added to the husband's food and drinks secretly.

How to stop your son from drinking?

Prayer to Saint Boniface the Merciful:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen"

Another prayer against alcohol addiction directed to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For the evil indulgences and for all the humiliation - forgive me. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen"

You should ask for your son with lit candles. In addition to the icon of the Martyr Boniface the Merciful and Jesus Christ, acquire the face Holy Mother of God“The Inexhaustible Chalice”, Nikolai Ugodnik and Matrona of Moscow. Proceed according to the same scheme - secretly add the charmed water to your son.. Do not despair if changes do not yet occur, because healing a drinking soul is a long process. Stock up on love, patience and kindness.

Believe me, these prayers for alcoholism are unique in their kind. They are able to overcome even the most advanced cases.

What if the disease of drunkenness seized the father, mother?

This prayer is read in front of the icon of St. Laurus and Florus. The faces of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona of Moscow and the “Inexhaustible Chalice” must be standing nearby. Petitions are made for father and mother with lit candles. To completely cleanse the soul and thoughts of the drinker, it is necessary to let the candles burn out to the end.

Another prayer against the alcoholism of the mother and father before the face of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary. Hear this prayer and save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. Do not leave her in trouble and suffering and release all your punishments. Have mercy and send salvation from reckless drunkenness. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. Thy will be done. Amen"

These words are powerful. Read them daily and with faith.

How to cure yourself from drunkenness?

Prayer to St. Moses Murin against alcoholism

"ABOUT, great power repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but, horrified by your sins, you grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your former iniquities and in difficult feats of fasting and prayer, you spent your days until your death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles. Oh, reverence, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servants of God who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction from the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, Holy Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, will not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, perishing from the passion of excessive wine drinking, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, for we all, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours. Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions, deliver them from the harm of excessive wine drinking, so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the Savior The All-Good God is always His creation, and to Him belongs glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen"

This prayer is read in front of the icon of Saint Moses Murin. If you ask at home, then the face of Jesus Christ, Motrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, as well as the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” should be placed around. Don't forget about candles - they should become the main attribute when asking for a cure. You should ask for yourself to get rid of alcohol addiction every day and several times. You need to pronounce words in complete silence, with pure ambassadors and an open heart.

If you have expressed a desire to cure yourself of alcoholism, you should serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, and Saint Boniface with the blessing of water. Holy water must be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. The healing liquid should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

At night, prayers against drunkenness should be performed several times in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It is this powerful face that can help a patient fight against alcoholism.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness

In addition to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, the face of the Holy Matrona of Moscow is also capable of fighting alcoholism. By turning to it daily, you can get rid of even the most severe addiction.

When making petitions to God's Martyrs, try to concentrate on every word. Under no circumstances should you pronounce phrases in a hurry while thinking about something extraneous. This will not help your grief! Trust in God's help must be sincere. All words must be pronounced clearly and out loud. And faith that the Lord will help must be complete.

Don't forget the Lord's Prayer. It should be read several times a day. As you know, these truly powerful words can fight all difficulties and failures.

Happiness to you and your family!

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December 21, 2017 4th lunar day – New moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Strong prayer for my son's drunkenness

Alcoholism is a common problem modern society from which people suffer different ages. A person with such an addiction does not control his actions, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences. It is especially scary for parents when their children suffer from alcoholism. Since ancient times, mothers have used prayers against their son’s drunkenness, saving their child from fatal addiction. Today there are several texts that help in such a situation. You must read them with pure thoughts and unshakable faith in the result.

It is important that the drinker attends the prayer service of All Saints three times. An alcoholic must receive a blessing from the priest and undergo a fast lasting 40 days, which cleanses the body and soul. Every day during Lent you should pray near the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and drink sacred water, which can be collected in the church, and should be stored in a glass container with a lid. If you want to drink alcohol, you need to drink sacred water and pray.

Strong prayer for my son's drunkenness

It is deep-seated faith that is the very lifeline that will allow you to cope with the problem and find a way out of the trap called “alcoholism.” It is worth noting that if a person with addiction does not want to pray on his own, close relatives can do this for him. A sincere request will certainly be heard by the Lord. The prayer sounds like this:

“Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Thy servants (name) with the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Thy servants (name). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Boniface from drunkenness

Saint Boniface is the main helper of people who suffer from alcohol addiction. Before reading the prayer, it is recommended to go to church and ask the priest for a blessing for your son. To get the desired result, you need to read the prayers for at least 40 days, but in some cases you will need to turn to the saint for 40 weeks, and it sounds like this:

“Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, possessed by an addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be placed in a winepress and to invite the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, Saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to quickly endure this temptation, return them to health and sober life, direct them to the path of work, instill in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-harmful addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were awarded a shameless peaceful death and eternal light the endless Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

“Do not despise wine, but despise drunkenness.”

St. John of Kronstadt

“The devil loves no one more than drunkards, because no one fulfills his evil will like a drunkard.”

St. John Chrysostom

Alcoholism is one of the types of manifestation of the passion of gluttony, and in the Holy Scriptures, alcoholism is on a par with sodomy and bestiality.

Alcoholism is terrible disease and illness is not only physical, but also, above all, spiritual illness. And if modern medicine successfully treats the body from binge drinking, then Orthodoxy with no less success treats not only the body, but also the soul

Prayer against drunkenness to our Lord Jesus Christ

First of all, I suggest turning to the main healer of the human race - Jesus Christ.

Prayer 1

Sweetest Jesus!

Drunkenness got the better of me! My soul was exhausted, it was all exhausted from my unfortunate weakness! I can’t cope with myself - that’s my inconsolable sorrow and misfortune

Fear and fear attack me - I wouldn’t die from drunkenness without repentance! I am afraid that the enemy - the devil - will completely destroy me and bring me to hell. I know that I cannot cope with myself on my own. “I am poor and needy, but the Lord cares for me. You are my help and my deliverer, my God! Do not delay” (Ps. 39:18). Lord Jesus Christ!

You Yourself said: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5), but “ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7).

Prayer 2

You, Lord Jesus Christ, healed the paralytic, cleansed the lepers, had mercy on the harlot, and said to the thief: “Today you will be with Me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43).

Touch, O Merciful One, my weakened and prodigal heart with Your omnipotent grace, pour into it strength and courage of spirit to fight the passion of drunkenness, drive away the tempter devil and send me Your Guardian Angel, and “with their own destinies” save me, a sinner. and sad, Lord! You Yourself said: “I do not want the death of the sinner, but that the sinner should turn from his way and live” (Ezek. 33:11) and therefore “came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15).

You Yourself, with Your Divine lips, said: “Him that comes to Me I will never cast out” (John 6:37). And so I came to You, my hope and refuge! I cry at Your Most Pure feet, Who was crucified for me.

“Do not hide Your face from me, do not reject me and do not forsake me, O God, my Savior!” (Ps. 26:9), grant me strength and strength of will, so that I may drive out the passion that nests in me and may I live in sobriety, piety and firm faith in You, the One True God of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer against drunkenness before the icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”

In the fight against the harmful habit of drunkenness, she gained enormous fame miraculous icon Mother of God"The Inexhaustible Chalice". The icon was miraculously revealed in 1872 and since that time many people have been healed of this terrible habit in front of the holy image of the Mother of God.


Oh, most merciful Lady!

We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives.

Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence.

Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity.

Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer of St. John of Kronstadt from drunkenness

During his lifetime, John of Kronstadt helped everyone who wanted to get rid of drunkenness, and John is helping people recover even now.


Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit that flow from it. Amen.

St. Boniface the Martyr from drunkenness

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface!

We now resort to your intercession. Do not reject our prayers, but graciously hear us.

Heal our brothers and sisters (names), who are overcome by the serious illness of drunkenness, and for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, who are falling away from eternal salvation. Oh, holy martyr of Christ, touch their hearts with the grace given by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and bring them to saving abstinence.

Pray to the Lord God, for whose sake you suffered, that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn away His mercy from His people, but may He strengthen us in sobriety and chastity, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end, and in the days and in watch about Him at night and give a good answer about Him at the Last Judgment.

Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives who weep for husbands; children of the orphaned and wretched, abandoned by drunkards; all of us who fall to your icon, may this cry come through your prayers to the Throne of the Most High.

Cover and keep us from crafty deception and all the snares of the enemy. In the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, and may God’s mercy cover us forever and ever. Amen.

St. Boniface the Merciful from alcoholism

O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen.

Prayer by Rev. Moses Murin from drunkenness

It is customary to pray to Moses Murin for healing from binge drinking

O reverend one, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins, help the servants of God (names) who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction because they indulge in the immeasurable consumption of wine, which is harmful to the soul and body.

Bow your merciful gaze upon them, do not reject them or despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, Saint Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, will not reject them, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, but may the Lord have mercy on these powerless and unfortunate ones, who have been possessed by the destructive passion of drunkenness, for we are all God’s creations and redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son .

Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer, drive away the devil from them, grant them the power to overcome passion, help them, stretch out your hand, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions and deliver them from drinking wine, so that they, renewed, with sobriety and a bright mind, they loved abstinence and piety, and eternally glorified the All-Good God, who always saves His creatures. Amen.

Prayer for alcoholism to martyrs FLORA and LAUR

St. Florus and Laurus are revered in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches. In Rus', saints were considered the patrons of horses, but they are also prayed to against this harmful habit.

“Most praiseworthy martyrs, honorable brothers Flora and Lavre, hear all those who flock to your intercession, and just as during your life you healed horses, so now deliver them from all ailments. Listen to the prayer of those who come running to you, so that the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit will be glorified by everyone, now and always, and forever and ever. Amen."

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Spouse's drunkenness ordeal for family. Alas, you can read about its consequences in crime chronicles, or simply hear from friends. Often it not only changes loved ones forever, but also spoils families, maims and takes the lives of children and mothers. Therefore, the church does not condemn women who do not want to rehabilitate their drinking spouse and who choose divorce. After all, drunkenness is considered one of the most serious illnesses that can ruin the life of the entire family, setting a bad example for children, not to mention the fact that living with an aggressive alcoholic is unsafe. But if there is still a chance to return to normal life loved one, then it would be a sin not to use it. It is for this reason that it is worth going to the temple. You can pray for a drinking person to save his soul and, possibly, his own family. A strong prayer for a husband’s drunkenness can work miracles, if only a person approaches it wisely.

How and to whom to pray

John of Kronstadt. This saint had the gift of clairvoyance and could see many things. Therefore, you should definitely read a prayer and light a candle in front of his icon. In addition, a saint can not only heal your husband from drunkenness, but also allow you to understand why this happened in your family. The truth is revealed not only in the form of clues in life, but also with the help prophetic dreams. A prayer to the saint can be read in front of his icon at night or during services in the temple. Here is its text:

However, the most powerful prayer for a husband’s drunkenness is usually addressed to the “Inexhaustible Chalice.” This is an icon of the Mother of God, which allows you to treat such an ailment. Usually they pray to her 40 evenings in a row so that a person stops drinking. In some situations it really works wonders.

Why doesn't the icon help?

Even the strongest prayer for your husband’s drunkenness may not help you if he does not want to give up the bad habit. Or if he likes to drink, and he does not consider it necessary to correct anything. It may not help if the wife herself drinks or has committed a serious sin that can negatively affect the family. For example, men often become drunkards with women who, contrary to fate, have married their husband and cast a love spell on him. Drunkenness also happens if the wife has chosen the wrong person. Therefore, sometimes it is better to separate from your spouse than to try to improve the relationship.

Remember that praying for a strong husband’s drunkenness does not immediately help, and may not help at all if the person himself is not going to stop drinking. So in some cases, it’s worth letting go of the situation or your spouse on all four sides in order to save yourself and not ruin the lives of your children.