How to help a person stop drinking? How to force your husband to stop drinking if he doesn't want to.

Living with a drinking man is not every girl’s dream. Therefore, many close and relatives of an alcoholic try with all their might to return him to a full and healthy life. healthy life no alcohol. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds, since most drunkards do not want to voluntarily quit this bad habit, so relatives have to take all the initiative into their own hands and try to solve the problem on their own. And they can help with this modern methods treatment of alcoholism, which is often carried out without the knowledge of the drunkard. How to make a person stop drinking? If you are interested in the answer to this question, you need to carefully study the “requirements” of an alcoholic and accept the right decision on his treatment.


The first and most correct decision is to calmly talk to the drinking person and ask him to stop drinking alcohol, because every liter of beer or any other drink drunk significantly spoils a person’s health. If drinking alcohol is associated with problems in the family, with friends or hard work, the drinker will be able to quit drinking alcohol quite quickly, especially if he feels the support of loved ones.

Many drunkards understand that every alcohol-containing drink taken, even as treatment, greatly impairs the functioning of the liver and other organs. However, they are unable to do anything, since the body constantly requires alcohol. If you can’t convince a person, you need to explain to him about the dangers of alcohol, about the difficult future life and possible problems health problems as a result of constant drinking. Usually quality future life greatly worries alcoholics, as they fear everything that will interfere with their existence in the future.

It is also worth persuading a drunkard if, after a “stormy feast”, the next day he experiences severe intoxication of the body. In this case, the alcoholic will probably remember everyone unpleasant sensations in the morning, especially if they last for a very long time.

Important: drinking people They don’t always immediately perceive all the information that relatives convey to them, so after preparing for the conversation you should take into account several rules:

  • You should not talk to a drunk until he completely sobers up and returns to normal - in this case, he will not be able to understand the whole truth of your instruction;
  • you should not force a person to quit a bad habit while he is experiencing a hangover;
  • there is no need to try to arouse pity and ask a drunkard to stop drinking alcohol, and also to create scandals, even if the person is sober - in this way it will not be possible to force him to quit a bad habit: conversations should be calm and “soft”;
  • you can try to threaten, saying that if you drink constantly, the drinker will lose family and friends, but in this case you need to be ready to carry out such a threat;
  • to persuade an alcoholic to stop drinking, you can try to contact a narcologist - if he succeeds, the patient can immediately go to the hospital for treatment.

If you can’t force yourself to stop drinking, you can try to make a list of motivations that will describe all positive qualities this idea, from restoring his health to improving the quality of life of his family. Such a list might look something like this:

  • Do something interesting and exciting instead of drinking, which will help you develop and improve.
  • Say no to alcoholic beverages and earn the respect of your children.
  • You can stop drinking and save up for a vacation or any unusual thing.

The reasons for drinking alcohol are different: some drink to forget, while others drink for fun or a hobby. Therefore, if it was not possible to force a person to stop drinking, you need to understand the reasons why he drinks and only then try to cure him.

Taking medication or treatment in a clinic

If words fail to convince a person to stop drinking, you can try to advise drinker reception special drops or tablets that will help create an aversion to alcohol-containing drinks. Modern medications can quickly create feelings of dislike for alcohol, namely:

  • drugs cause aversion to smell;
  • mind;
  • taste of alcohol.

Only a doctor should prescribe pills, taking into account the state of the body and determining the stage of intoxication of a person.

If a drunkard does not want to take medications, you can mix them into his food and drink (including alcohol) - within 5 minutes he will feel unwell and stop drinking.

Important: anti-alcohol drugs contain an active component (cyanamide), which prevents the rapid and normal processing of alcohol in the body. This leads to general intoxication, as a result of which alcohol products cannot be eliminated from the body. At this moment the person will feel so bad that he is unlikely to decide to drink again.

Such medications that can lead to aversion to alcohol are:

  • Colma.
  • Alcoclean.
  • Esperal.

If the patient himself decides to take pills, he will not want to start drinking alcohol again, since, in addition to a powerful psychological factor, the medicine will prevent him from doing so. If an alcoholic himself wants to stop drinking, he can undergo treatment in a clinic, where doctors will do everything necessary to get well soon. The advantages of this treatment are obvious:

  • constant monitoring of the patient;
  • helping to restore organs that have been damaged as a result of excessive alcohol intake;
  • psychological support important for a drunkard.

How to convince a person to stop drinking with the help of medications has become clear. But if the drinker does not want to take them or is prohibited from using them for treatment for health reasons, you can seek help from folk recipes that will help force an alcoholic to say goodbye to this bad habit.

Folk methods of combating alcoholism

It is important to note that traditional medicine is more effective in this issue, since such methods act equally on every organism and do not have side effects. To stop drinking, you can take large number decoctions and teas from medicinal herbs, drink infusions of fruits, berries, and so on. The most famous recipes are:

  • You can try adding green bugs to alcohol, which will quickly cause bad smell and taste, which will lead to quick disgust.
  • Pepper will help protect a person from drinking - to do this, you need to make a tincture of red pepper and alcohol in a proportion of 20 grams per 500 ml. Add this mixture drop by drop to alcohol and the person will immediately refuse it.
  • If these methods do not help, you can give the person to breathe birch smoke, which can cause a strong aversion to alcohol-containing products.

In most cases, these methods help to quickly overcome cravings for alcohol, but to be more confident in the quality of treatment, the patient himself must want to stop drinking.

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When a man begins to become an alcoholic, the woman’s main task is to help him give up alcohol. The first step is to determine the cause of alcoholism, which a psychologist and narcologist will help with. Once the cause is established, treatment must begin. Traditional treatment for alcoholism is carried out only with the consent of the patient. If a man refuses to admit his problem, you can help him discreetly with the help of means traditional medicine.

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A few rules

In a house where there is an alcoholic, everyone must live according to certain rules that will help a man quit a bad habit. Such rules are developed for each family individually. It is important not to stop adhering to them throughout the entire course of treatment for alcohol dependence, even if it takes place without the knowledge of the patient. The basic rules include:

  1. 1. All family members must understand that the man is in strong addiction from alcoholic drinks, treat this with understanding and do not indulge the patient.
  2. 2. No one should forgive a patient for another drunkenness. There is no need to make scandals about this; it is enough to calmly shame the alcoholic.
  3. 3. All other family members must abstain from alcohol in any quantity. You should not even use alcohol-based medications.
  4. 4. If treatment is carried out in secret from the patient, then all family members must maintain confidentiality.
  5. 5. All conversations and showdowns with an alcoholic should be conducted in a calm tone. You should not raise your voice, shout, or create excessive noise.

Such simple rules will help achieve quick results during treatment. Therapy with folk remedies or spells has great strength only under certain conditions, so all family members need to be more tolerant and together help the man cope with the disease.

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Folk remedies

When using traditional medicine to treat alcoholism at home, you must be extremely careful. It is better to first consult a narcologist. Folk remedies are good not only because of their proven effectiveness, but also because they can be given to an alcoholic without his knowledge.

When using various teas and decoctions, you should remember that each medicinal herb has contraindications and can lead to deterioration of health.

The main folk remedy against alcohol addiction is wormwood. It can be added to teas and used as a seasoning for salads. During treatment, dried herbs and plant roots are used. The medicinal plant should be added in small doses, as in case of overdose the following may occur:

  • intoxication;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • renal failure.

Quickly and for a long time causes disgust for strong drinks coprinus mushroom. Its use is safe for health. After collecting the plant material, it is dried in a frying pan and ground into powder. 1 teaspoon of powder is poured hot water and add 2-3 drops three times a day to food or drinks. You can use a medicinal plant even if the guy drinks beer every day. Beer alcoholism is much more severe than regular alcoholism. With regular use of this drink, it is almost impossible to convince a man of addiction, so treatment with coprinus mushroom will come to the rescue.


The monastery collection has a proven effect in the fight against alcoholism. It contains all the necessary plant components that help not only reduce cravings for alcohol, but also restore the body and remove ethanol breakdown products from it. You can drink this drink instead of regular tea. You can also brew the mixture for the whole family so that the husband doesn’t guess.

Any secret treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The wife or children will have to attend the appointment, and they will take responsibility for the secret therapy. It is important to ask the patient about his well-being, to monitor emotional state and record all changes in a special diary. You are required to keep a diary during treatment. blood pressure, since if you give up alcohol, hypertension can develop.


Women who have lost all hope of making their husband stop drinking resort to magic and witchcraft. You can use magical methods together with pills or traditional medicines. Alcoholics are usually talked into secretly. You can do this yourself if you have confidence in your abilities, or with the help of knowledgeable people.

Conspiracies are made on objects, for example, from photographs or on household items that a man uses. When carried out correctly magical ritual the effect of complex treatment will become noticeable quickly enough, and the whole family will live a normal life.

You can perform the following ritual at home so that your spouse stops drinking forever:

  • take a glass of water;
  • place a church candle in front of it;
  • read the words of the conspiracy;
  • Give your husband some water to drink.
  • “Water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as water can never make peace with fire, so my husband can never make friends with alcohol. The water will get inside the husband, the fire inside will flood, and the addiction will disappear. The candle will go out and the disease will disappear with smoke. Amen.”

A man should be given water to drink before going to bed, and the next morning he will wake up as a healthy person.

Before turning to magical methods, you should go to church and pray for your spouse, ask God to take the trouble away from the family, and help your husband. Sincere prayers will always be heard.

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The problem needs to be solved

Very often we forget that both alcoholics and drug addicts were once normal and healthy people. But for some reasons unknown to us, they stopped working, lost the meaning of life and were completely confused in their existence. It is as a result of such reasons that a person finds nothing else but to start drinking. This starts with a few drinks a day. Relatives and friends begin to ask a painful question: In the article we will suggest ways to solve this problem, and also help you decide on your own behavior towards an alcoholic.

First, remember one condition: “forcing” a person not to drink is almost impossible if he does not have a clear and confident decision in his head “I want to stop drinking!” The absence of this desire will mean that he will drink again and again when even the smallest problem arises. You should not shout at the drinker, because your attitude can only hurt him even more and drive him into hysterics. Remember to be smart and cunning. Only then will you be able to find the answer to the question of how to get a drinker to stop drinking.

In order to imagine in more detail the entire process of weaning loved one from alcohol, you should know the basic ways of this not very pleasant event:

  1. The first and, in principle, the most important rule for those who want to know how to make a drinker stop drinking is to remove all his problems. In most cases, it is when he regains responsibilities to family and friends that he stops drinking. This is a very big incentive for most of us, so it should not be underestimated in the fight against alcohol. Don't decide anything for drinking man. Remember that he is the same as you, which means he can solve his own problems on his own. The main thing is to want it.
  2. Do not try to justify his behavior by the emergence of a difficult situation in life or separation from his beloved. There are no situations for going on a binge! Everything in life can be decided, and this is what an alcoholic needs to constantly talk about. And not just talk, but help him solve this problem. Don’t try to wean him off drinking with scandals and hysterics, this will only make things worse.
  3. Try to talk to friends of the drinker so that they can explain to him how to stop drinking on his own. Perhaps they will do it better, and they will listen to their opinion.
  4. Under no circumstances should you try to stop an alcoholic from drinking on your own or with the help of folk remedies. As a rule, herbs are very strong and can cause harm.
  5. At moments when the person is in a normal state, that is, completely sober, try to talk with him. Do not threaten or force him to go to the doctors for treatment under any circumstances. He must want it himself.


Now you know how to get a drinker to stop drinking. Drunkenness can and should be fought, but do not forget about precautions and do not cross the line so as not to make the person even worse.

Living together with an alcoholic is far from what girls dream about when fantasizing about their wedding day. It is difficult to imagine that someone voluntarily wants to live “happily ever after” with a person addicted to alcohol, endure his aggression or complaints about life, clean up after him, look after him, feel disgust and shame for his behavior in front of neighbors, colleagues, friends and relatives. It is not surprising that an alcoholic's marriage falls apart if nothing can make him overcome the desire to drink. There are, however, brave women who fight to the last for their family, applying a variety of measures to the drunkard, the purpose of which is one - to discourage him from ruining his life (both his own and that of his family) with his addiction to intoxicating drinks.

Constructive dialogue

Constructive dialogue

The first thing you can do is try to persuade him. If the desire to drink is related to problems outside the family - with work, career, friends, and if alcoholism has not yet gone too far, he can stop quite easily, having met the support of his family.

Constructive dialogue should begin only after careful preparation and subject to certain rules:

  • you cannot talk to a person until he returns to an adequate state and becomes able to understand reasonable arguments;
  • you should not try to convince an alcoholic while he is experiencing the “delights” of a hangover;
  • It is undesirable to try to arouse pity or, on the contrary, create scandals for a drinking person (even if he is sober), most often what is needed is attention;
  • You can threaten a drunkard, but it is important to prepare to carry out this threat;
  • Before starting a conversation, it is advisable to seek advice from a narcologist so that the alcoholic, if he has such a desire, can immediately go to the clinic for treatment.

If the wife manages to prove drinking husband the need to seek help, to convince him to at least try to change his life, this person will have a chance. Drawing up a so-called “motivation list” can also help with this. Together, you can come up with a number of reasons why getting rid of alcoholism will be not only easy, but also profitable. For example:

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  • to gain the respect of your children;
  • to save money for a major purchase or a month-long vacation;
  • instead of drinking, study something new or start building a career.

The reasons for each person may be individual. You can motivate him for a hobby, for example, playing sports or tinkering with a car in the garage, the main thing is that he devotes everything to it free time and did not drink and was not in bad company. You may need the help of a psychotherapist.

It is undesirable to create scandals for a drinking person

When persuasion remains unanswered

Conversations, persuasion, prayers - in the majority of cases this is not enough to awaken conscience. It is very rarely possible to prove to a drinker that his lifestyle is destructive, because even if he believes it, own strength to combat alcohol addiction may not be enough. Instead the best remedy I will use traditional medicinal and folk methods.

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Did you have any relatives in your family who went on long-term “binges”?

Do you get a “hangover” the day after taking a large dose of alcohol?

Does it become “easier” for you if you “hangover” (drink) the morning after a stormy feast?

What is your normal blood pressure?

Do you have an “acute” desire to “drink” after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you feel more confident and relaxed after drinking alcohol?

Industrial pharmacology drugs are intended to create a feeling of aversion to alcohol in the drinker; they can cause an aversion to booze, its appearance, taste and smell. It is enough to mix such a drug with an alcoholic, add it to food or add it to a drink, and if he additionally drank vodka or even beer, he will instantly feel bad. Drugs with this effect contain an active substance (either disulfiram or cyanamide), which interferes with the normal process of processing ethyl alcohol, provokes the accumulation of its metabolic products in the blood and, as a result, persistent symptoms of intoxication and hangover. And a person who felt ill at least once after alcohol poisoning, will experience an aversion to alcohol for a long time. If you add a similar drug (Esperal tablets, Colme drops and their analogues) to a drunkard, you can make him think twice before taking the next dose of alcohol.

Once the drugs begin to work, you can make another attempt to persuade the alcoholic to undergo treatment by describing to him the benefits of treatment in a drug treatment clinic:

  • constant monitoring of health status;
  • psychological support, especially important for relapse prevention;
  • qualified assistance with recovery internal organs damaged by the abuse of ethyl alcohol.

Treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a narcologist is the best anti-alcohol therapy, which practically does not fail.

Alternative medicine aimed against drunkenness is even more inventive in its ways of getting a sick person to stop drinking. Traditional methods suggest preparing decoctions and infusions that act similarly to official medicines; they talk about completely original remedies:

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist

  • green bugs - you can throw 4 bugs into a glass of alcohol to cause an unpleasant smell and taste, and therefore an aversion to the alcohol itself;
  • pepper – you can convince a person to give up drinking with the help of a tincture (3 drops per 1 liter of alcohol), which is created from hot red pepper (chopped, 20 g), filled with alcohol (500 ml), and infused for two weeks;
  • birch smoke - you can ask to breathe over smoking birch logs, and then offer alcohol, after which a strong aversion to alcohol-containing products will develop.

It is important to understand that treatment without the supervision of a specialist, be it traditional or traditional methods must be carried out with extreme caution, otherwise the person may develop not only an aversion to drinking and a desire not to drink anymore, but also serious problems with health.

The final stage of the struggle

When all methods of struggle have been exhausted, only one last resort remains: to threaten the husband with separation if he does not stop drinking. At the same time, it is important for the wife of a drunkard:

  • be ready to carry out your threat without repeated warnings (1-2 times will be enough);
  • leaving your husband seriously, not in order to arouse pity and make him beg for forgiveness;
  • do not believe promises, oaths and tears;
  • get down to business hard and quickly - if the home belongs to a drinking husband, you need to take things out in his absence and leave for a while with the children;
  • do not return to a drunkard until he actually proves that he has begun to undergo treatment.

You should not return to your alcoholic husband if the situation with leaving and returning has not arisen for the first time: sooner or later he will understand that his wife really cannot leave him, no matter how hard he drinks.

Getting rid of alcohol in the house, not allowing booze to take up a significant place in feasts, “discouraging” unreliable friends from the house... All this is much easier to do than subsequently “poisoning” your spouse with drugs that cause an aversion to ethyl alcohol. A positive example is a good reason to set so that no one in the family drinks.

– this is not just a problem, but a disease. Drunkenness is one of the most complex and terrible illnesses for Russia. The matter concerns not only the personality of the drinking person himself, but also the actions that he commits while intoxicated. More and more deaths occur due to drunkenness, more and more crimes are committed in this semi-conscious state. And how many families have been destroyed because one of its members begins to abuse alcohol!

When a person realizes his problem, he can begin to act in more radical ways. By at will a person can go for hypnosis or coding, visit a narcologist and psychologist, or start sensitizing therapy. But it is worth remembering that alcohol rarely lets anyone out of its embrace so easily. Stop drinking alcohol together and don’t keep alcohol at home. You can use traditional medicine recipes as aids, but you should remember that without the knowledge of the alcoholic himself, nothing will happen by force.