Mouth of the Okavango River. Okavango - a river going nowhere

Seasonal rivers drying up in Africa or in deserts on other continents will not surprise anyone, but this is a special case. In all respects, the Okavango is not an oued, but a normal river that does not even think of drying up during the dry season. It quickly rushes along a narrow rapids channel with the savannah-covered banks of the Angolan plateau of Bie down in a south-easterly direction; Before the border with Botswana, it overcomes the waterfalls that form a cascade of Popa waterfalls, blocking its entire width, which in this place is 1.2 km. Only on the plateau does the river acquire a flat character.
As the slope decreases, the Okavango slows down and spreads out, spreading through a labyrinth of branches, lagoons and lakes that form the world's largest inland delta. The Okavango has a solid annual flow at the mouth; about 10 thousand km 3 of water flows into the delta annually, but... The river’s path usually ends at this gigantic delta. The Okavango does not flow into a lake, nor into another river, nor into the sea, nor into the ocean. “Where does all this water go? It’s just some kind of mysticism!” - exclaimed one of its researchers in the 19th century. In fact, where?
During high water, the southern branch of the delta feeds the freshwater Lake Ngami, the northern branch periodically, once every few years, reaches the Kwando River, a tributary - and then the Okavango briefly finds a way out into Indian Ocean. And the Botletle sleeve occasionally feeds salt Lake Tskau on the southern edge of the swamps, formed during the rainy season on the salt marshes of the Makgadikgadi drainage basin. But this is no more than 5% of all water entering the delta.
The Okavango was once part of a large river system of the ancient Lake Makgadikgadi, which supposedly had an area of ​​80 thousand km 2 and a depth of 30 m, but gradually dried up about 10 thousand years ago.
The residual reservoirs of the Okavango Delta are almost all that remains of the huge lake. Now in its basin during the dry season there are huge lifeless salt marshes with a cracked salt crust (very large reserves of potash), and during the rainy season two large salt lakes are formed in the depressions and life is in full swing there: animals come, birds fly in, in some places the shores seem pink from thousands of flamingos. Rarely, once every 10-15 years, these lake-swamps are connected to the Okavango Swamp through one of the branches of the Botletle delta during the rainy season.
Recent studies have shown that from total mass Of the water that annually enters the shallow, flat marshy Okavango delta, about 60% is absorbed by plants (thickets of papyrus and shrubs, algae, water lilies, lilies, etc.) and 36% evaporates from the water surface. Approximately 2% goes into the ground, and another 2% feeds Lake Ngami in high-water years. But this is not enough for the “blue heart” of the northern edge of the Kalahari Desert, and Ngami gradually dries up, gradually decreasing in size and turning from a fresh lake into a soda brine sump, with stripes of shallows and white shores.
And the Okavango Delta, which occupies an area of ​​about 15 thousand km 2, and after the summer rains during the flood, all 22 thousand km 2, is not going to dry out and provides shelter for many birds and animals. In the northeastern part of the delta it is organized large nature reserve wildlife Moremi (Botswana).
In the upper reaches, the Okavango River (Cubango) flows from the Bie plateau onto the plain - fast, narrow and rapids. Then it acquires a flat character and flows calmly, but before the border with Botswana its channel along the entire width of 1.2 km is crossed by waterfalls (in the dry season they protrude above the water), forming Popa Falls. After them, the river’s edge drops by 4 m. In the lower reaches, the river gradually slows down as it approaches the northern edge of the Kalahari Desert.
The shallow, swampy and flat (elevation differences of less than 2 m) river delta, also known as the Okavango Swamp, forms an oasis with richest variety flora and fauna. This is where the path of the water flow usually ends.
On a map of northwestern Botswana, the inner Okavango delta, with its central swampy area and branches, resembles the shape of an open palm extended towards the Kalahari.
The Okavango is the only permanent river of the vast Kalahari plain, located between the Zambezi rivers, and South Africa. On maps it is usually designated as the “Kalahari Desert”. But these places are not like the Sahara or the deserts of Arabia; Compared to them, it is not even quite a desert. In summer, the Kalahari experiences heavy rainfall, ranging from 250 mm in the south to 1000 mm in the north of precipitation per year. In addition to one permanent river, there are also temporary rivers and lakes (most of which, however, dry up in winter). Trees, shrubs and herbs grow in the Kalahari, and in large quantities. Therefore, scientists cannot agree on what is more correct to call it: “desert savanna”, “green semi-desert” or, perhaps, “steppe park landscape”. Sometimes on maps its central sandy region is distinguished as the “Kalahari Desert”, and its outskirts as the “Kalahari Basin”. And the vast green wetlands of the shallow, flat Okavango Delta amid the sands of the northwestern sector of the Kalahari Desert are called the world's largest oasis. In terms of its importance for southwest Africa, the Okavango is no less important than the Nile for the northeast. The life of all inhabitants of the surrounding area directly depends on their waters.
Okavango Swamps all year round teeming with all kinds of living creatures. Here, in this giant green oasis, overgrown with reeds, bushes, water lilies and algae, elephants, giraffes and antelopes, lions, leopards and hyenas and many others come from afar to drink. It is a paradise for waterfowl, hippos and all kinds of insects...
Archaeological finds confirm that people have continuously lived in the lower reaches of the Okavango for 30 thousand years, but there have always been few of them: perhaps precisely because of insects that carry malaria, sleeping sickness and other tropical ailments. Nowadays, the banks of the river are mainly inhabited by Bantu peoples, including those who gave the river its name, the Kavango. Also living here are the indigenous peoples of hunters and gatherers - the Bushmen ( common name), who inhabited South Africa long before the Bantu migration. The Tsodilo Hills, west of the Okavango Delta, are a sacred place for the Bushmen and their ancestors, with many legends associated with this place and the firm belief that the ancient gods still live in caves painted by their ancestors with thousands of Stone Age rock paintings.
The Okavango in its upper, middle and lower reaches is divided between Angola, Namibia and Botswana. Moreover, they are dividing in the literal sense, seriously conflicting over water and river resources that are precious in arid areas (these territories suffer from drought). Although there is practically no economic activity directly along the banks of the river (due to which, by the way, the water in the river is very clean), Angola and Namibia are trying to save the situation of existing farms: the first - through the construction of a dam, the second - through the already built water diversion canal and the planned pipeline construction. Botswana has a delta famous for its rich wildlife, and ecotourism in the Moremi Game Reserve and safari activities contribute greatly to the state treasury, so why lose such important source The local government does not intend to generate income due to the threat of water shortage and, as a result, impoverishment of flora and fauna. Therefore, now controversial issues regarding water consumption between neighboring countries are resolved by a special commission.

general information

A river flowing inland and flowing into the Kalahari Desert.

Location: southwest Africa, flowing from the Bie plateau in Angola to the southeast, ending in a vast marshy delta on the northern edge of the Kalahari Desert.

Feeding method: mainly rain.

Basin: an area of ​​internal drainage that does not empty into any ocean.
Source height: 1780 m above sea level (Bie plateau).

Estuary: Okavango swamps (700-1000 m above sea level), formerly Lake Makgadikgadi (dry).

Other names: Cubango (in Angola).

Largest influx: Quito (left).
Flows through the territory: the upper course in Angola, 400 km to the south serves as a natural border between Angola and Namibia, then flows through the territory of Botswana.


Length: 1600 km - 4th longest in South Africa.
Width: narrow in the upper reaches, up to 20 km closer to the delta.
Pool area: 721,258 km 2 .

Delta area: about 15,000 km2 (up to 22,000 km2 during the rainy season) - the largest inland delta in the world.

Average water consumption: 475 m 3 /s.

Water flow at the mouth by season: 100-200 m 3 /s in the dry season (November), about 1000 m 3 /s in the rainy season (March and April).

Annual flow: about 10,000 km3.

Solid runoff: about 2 million tons per year of solid sediments (sand, etc.) and another 2 million tons per year of dissolved salts settling in the delta during the evaporation of moisture.

Water level: drops by 4 m after Popa Falls (before the border with Botswana).

Climate and weather

The Okavango Delta is a kind of oasis with a special microclimate, very different from the surrounding tropical arid climate.

Hot and wet season rains: December - March (humidity 50-80%, up to 40°C during the day, warm nights).

The most comfortable period: March - early June (about 30°C during the day, cool nights).
Dry and cold season: June - August (warm during the day, night temperatures can drop to 0°C).

Dry and hot season: September - November.

Average annual precipitation: 450 mm.


The banks of the river are sparsely populated; There is virtually no agricultural or industrial activity along the Okavango, so the water is very clean.

Agriculture: subsistence farming, hunting and gathering; livestock farming in dry areas on the outskirts of the delta.

Service sector: tourism (safari and ecotourism).


Natural: gorges and rapids in the upper reaches, Popa waterfalls (to the border of Botswana), Okavango delta (swamp) overgrown with reeds and water lilies; Lake Ngami with acacia, baobabs and palm trees along the banks, the ancient dry lake Makgadikgadi.
National Park Moremi(with an area of ​​3900 km 2, located in the north-eastern part of the Okavango River Delta): the park does not have any fences, animals move freely throughout the reserve and beyond; many come here from afar to drink water during the dry season, such as elephants from the neighboring Chobe Nature Reserve. Among the animals in Moremi Park you can find zebras, elephants, giraffes, buffalos, baboons, hippos, crocodiles, many different antelopes (impala, kudu, bushbuck, springbok, waterbuck, puku and wildebeest); Among the predators there are lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and jackals. More than 400 species of birds (hoopoes, herons, ibises, etc.).
Makgadikgadi National Park(4900 km 2, located in the basin of the same name, an ancient lake that dried up about 10,000 years ago. During the rainy season, low-lying areas are filled with water and turn into a swamp, people come here wild animals and thousands and thousands of birds flock (especially many pink flamingos).
Cultural-historical: The Tsodilo Hills, sacred to the Bushmen, west of the Okavango Delta - thousands of Stone Age rock paintings have been discovered in the caves there.

Curious facts

■ Most of the salt islands in the Okavango Delta were formed on the site of termite mounds.
■ The surface of the delta is almost flat, the elevation changes are only about 2 m, and the flow there is extremely slow: it takes approximately seven months for river water to reach the southern edge of the delta from the top of the delta.
■ To protect the river delta from poaching and industrial livestock farming, the Botswana government decided to develop tourism. But permission to visit these protected places Only 4,000 people a year can receive it, and it is very, very expensive.
■ Botswana is a leader in diamond mining, but this does not save the majority of the population from hunger. After emergency, which developed in the late 1970s as a result of drought and a foot-and-mouth epidemic among livestock, it was decided to expand grazing resources by fencing off the outlying areas of the Okavango Delta in order to be able to graze livestock in dry areas of the swamp.

This amazing river flows into amazing place and ends in a surprising way. Surprising with its number and diversity and animal world its shores.

No less surprising is the unique language of the people living in its basin.

The Okavango is the only permanent river in a vast and unusual area called the Kalahari, located between the Zambezi, Limpopo and Orange rivers in South Africa.

It is customary to write “Kalahari Desert” on maps. But this is not a desert at all.

In summer it rains heavily here, and in terms of annual precipitation (from a thousand millimeters in the north to two hundred and fifty in the south), these places cannot be compared, for example, with the Sahara or the deserts of Arabia.

Scientists have not been able to agree on what the Kalahari is. Some call it “desert savannah”, others use the term “green semi-desert”, others believe that in relation to such places it is more appropriate to talk about steppe park landscapes.

One way or another, there is water in the Kalahari. There are temporary rivers (during the rainy season), and lakes (most of which, however, dry up in winter). There are trees, shrubs, and herbs here, and in large quantities.

Umbrella acacias and tree-like spurges grow in the Kalahari forty to fifty meters from each other, as befits savanna trees.

Bushes and grass (sometimes up to a meter high) also do not cover the ground with a continuous carpet; Islands of sand are always visible between the green patches of vegetation. But this vegetation is quite enough for thousands of herds of antelope, buffalo and zebra for food, especially since the Okavango, this South African Nile, provides them with water all year round.

Beginning in the savannas of southern Angola, this river quickly rushes south through gorges and rapids, along steep slopes with waterfalls. And only in the Kalahari does it calm down, as if forgetting about its violent temper.

In the endless sea of ​​sandy plain, it spreads through labyrinths of branches, lagoons, lakes, forming a completely unusual river delta at the confluence... into nowhere.

It is called "an island of water in a sea of ​​sand."

Sixteen square kilometers of thickets of papyrus, bushes and algae provide shelter to many birds and animals all year round.

And during the flood, in May-June, the half-dried branches of the delta turn into stormy foaming streams, one of which reaches the “blue heart of the Kalahari” - the beautiful and inhabited freshwater Lake Ngami, opened to science by the great Livingstone.

The remnants of the Okavango waters wander for another three hundred kilometers and disappear into the huge lake-swamp Makarikari.

The lake is a giant settling tank for soda brine.

In the dry season, from an airplane it resembles a lunar landscape: a solid white blanket with rare dark spots of water stretches all the way to the horizon.

The winding stripes of shallows surrounded by a motionless sultry haze are clearly visible.

The Okavango Delta contains all (or almost all) species of African fauna. Hippos coexist with crocodiles on green islands.

Herds of graceful antelopes rush by. Looking around carefully, a timid water goat gallops by - sensing danger, it plunges into the water up to its nostrils.

Graceful giraffes and gloomy buffalos and wildebeest come to drink.

Slowly, with a sense of self-esteem, elephants and rhinoceroses walk towards the water, and shaggy and serious warthogs dart busily through the thickets.

Not far away, zebras, eland antelopes and ostriches graze in a friendly company - together it is easier for them to detect predators, since the birds' vision complements the sensitive hearing of striped horses and the delicate sense of smell of antelopes.

And, of course, around this abundance of game there are leopards, cheetahs and royal lions with their constant retinue of hyenas and jackals, and gloomy vultures slowly circle in the air, looking out for prey.

The abundance of fauna in the Okavango Delta is amazing. In addition to the animals already mentioned, there are about four hundred species of birds and up to seventy species of fish.

And the flora of the delta numbers more than a thousand trees and shrubs.

And a traveler going to this unique oasis on a local pirogue - mokoro, will be able, during such a unique water safari, to see and capture on film water antelopes and hyena dogs, which have almost disappeared in other parts of Africa, admire herds of elephants, zebras and blue wildebeests, or catch a fishing rod of a hefty bream, or even a tiger fish.

And from the shores and islands, flocks of pelicans and storks, flamingos and marabou will look at the floating pirogue...

When the heat gives way to coolness and an impenetrable tropical night thickens over the Kalahari, the inhabitants of these places - Tswana shepherds and Bushmen hunters - find their way along the stars, so bright in these latitudes.

Their main reference point is the southern tropical constellation Capricorn. They turn to him with requests, and they thank him for a successful hunt.

Bushmen - mysterious people. In appearance they do not resemble the majority of South Africans. Yellow skin and narrowed eyes bring them closer to peoples Mongoloid race. How and why they ended up in the depths of the “Dark Continent”, science does not yet know.

The language of the Bushmen puzzled (and still puzzles!) even linguistic experts. A European cannot not only pronounce half of its sounds, but even write them down. The compilers of dictionaries did not have icons to indicate such sounds, and they simply wrote down: “clicking sound,” “smacking sound,” “kissing sound,” and so on.

The Bushmen are nomadic hunters, and the Kalahari, which in the 19th century was considered one of the richest regions in Africa, gave them the opportunity to feed their families with tasty game, as well as the edible roots and juicy fruits of wild melon.

But the appearance of white people with firearms quickly led to a reduction in the number of wild animals, and moreover, more and more watering places began to be captured by the neighboring tribes of Tswana pastoralists, pushing the Bushmen into the driest areas.

However, this intelligent people of born hunters and trackers managed to adapt to new conditions and now roam further south, closer to the basin of the Orange River and its tributaries that dry up in winter.

The ability to find places in dry riverbeds where there may be water under the sand helps them out, allowing them to survive until the rainy season, and the ability to eat everything that moves on the grass or sand, from larvae to locusts, allows them to survive in the event of an unsuccessful hunt.

This amazing tribe evokes involuntary sympathy with its intelligence, musicality, humor and kindness, which, by the way, was demonstrated by the recently released talented film “The gods must have gone crazy...”.

The Okavango crosses from northwest to southeast almost half of the vast southern African country of Botswana, which lies entirely in the Kalahari.

Until recently, this poor pastoral state did not shine with economic success.

But since the 1960s of the 20th century, when several large diamond deposits were discovered in the depths of Botswana, the situation has changed.

Now the country can afford to drill water wells in the dry park forests of the Kalahari, build civilized villages for the Bushmen and Tswana, and, finally, take up the protection of wildlife.

National parks and reserves now occupy almost a fifth of Botswana. They are found in the north, in the Zambezi basin, and in the southwest - on the tributaries of the Orange River.

But the three largest reserves cover the Central Kalahari, Okavango Delta and Lake Makarikari.

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Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Okavango (Cubango)
Water consumption
- Location
- Height

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- Coordinates
- Location
- Height

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- Coordinates

 /   / -18.683788; 22.173698 (Okavango, mouth)Coordinates:

River slope

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Water system

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Angola 22x20px Angola, Namibia 22x20px Namibia, Botswana 22x20px Botswana


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Water Register of Russia

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Okavango(in Angola Cubango listen)) is a river in southwestern Africa. Fourth longest river system in South Africa. Flows to the southeast. Length - 1600 km. Average water flow is 475 m³/s. Originates in Angola, where it is called Cubango. To the south, part of the border between Angola and Namibia passes along it, after which the river flows through the territory of Botswana.

Even before Botswana, the river's edge drops by 4 meters due to rapids known as Popa Waterfalls.

The Okavango does not flow into either the sea or the lake. Instead, winding through numerous labyrinths of channels, it loses 95% of its moisture through evaporation and disappears into the swamps in the northwest of the Kalahari Desert. This place is commonly called the Okavango Delta (Okavango Swamps), which is one of the largest river deltas in the world, covering an area of ​​15,000 km².

During rare very rainy periods, part of the river water fills the lake

Excerpt characterizing the Okavango (river)

That same winter, I experienced another unusual “novelty” that could probably be called self-anesthesia. To my great regret, it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Just like so many of my “strange” manifestations, which suddenly opened up very clearly and immediately disappeared, leaving only good or bad memories in my huge personal “brain archive”. But even for that a short time that this “novelty” remained “functional”, two very interesting events occurred that I would like to talk about here...
Winter has already arrived, and many of my classmates began to go to the skating rink more and more often. I wasn't a very big fan figure skating(or rather, I preferred to watch), but our skating rink was so beautiful that I liked just being there. It was held every winter at the stadium, which was built right in the forest (like most of our town) and surrounded by a high brick wall, which from a distance made it look like a miniature city.
Already since October, a huge Christmas tree, and the entire wall around the stadium was decorated with hundreds of multi-colored light bulbs, the reflections of which intertwined on the ice into a very beautiful sparkling carpet. In the evenings, pleasant music played there, and all this together created a cozy festive atmosphere that you didn’t want to leave. All the kids from our street went skating, and, of course, I went to the skating rink with them. On one of these pleasant quiet evenings and something not quite an ordinary incident happened that I would like to tell you about.
Usually we rode in a chain of three or four people, since in evening time It wasn't entirely safe to ride alone. The reason was that in the evenings a lot of “catching” boys came, whom no one liked, and who usually spoiled the fun for everyone around. They grappled with several people and, skating very quickly, tried to catch the girls, who, naturally, unable to resist the oncoming blow, usually fell onto the ice. This was accompanied by laughter and whooping, which the majority found stupid, but, unfortunately, for some reason, no one from the same “majority” stopped.

Africa is rich in natural resources. One of the largest bodies of water on the continent is the Okavango River. It does not dry out all year round. The waters of this river give life to many animals and plants, and people settle along its coast.

The reservoir is known for its diversity of flora and fauna. There are nature reserves in its basin. What the Okavango is and what features it has will be discussed further.

General information

In Africa, the Okavango River gives life to many species of animals and plants. She is known for her willfulness. Okavango begins 300 km from Atlantic Ocean. However, its waters are not directed towards him. They rush towards the Indian Ocean. But they don’t reach him either.

The Okavango flows in the southwest of the continent. The Kalahari Desert prevents the river from reaching the Indian Ocean. The hot sands dry it out. In the lands of this vast, cruel desert, all the water of the Okavango disappears without a trace.

Before getting lost in these burning sands, the river floods widely. There are gardens around it, which many compare to Eden. Here you can see the second largest delta in the world. It is second only to the Niger River. Her delta is the widest in the world. Among inland ones there are no equals. Among such bodies of water, the Okavango Delta ranks first in the world.

General geographical information

When exploring the waters of Africa, you should consider the Okavango. This is a unique body of water. The river flows inside the mainland, emptying into the desert. It originates on the Bie plateau (Angola). The river ends in a marshy delta, which is one of the most extensive in the world.

The river is fed by to a greater extent rainwater. It does not flow into an ocean, lake, sea or other body of water. The source of the river is located above sea level at an altitude of 1780 m. The mouth (swamp) of the Okavango is located at a level of 700-900 m. This river once flowed into Lake Makgadikgadi. Now it has dried up.

The largest tributary is Quito. It is located on the left side of the reservoir. The river flows in Angola (upper course). Descending to the south, at a distance of 400 km, it is natural and political border between this State and Namibia. After this, the river flows in Botswana. In Angola this body of water is called Cubango.


In Southern Africa, the Okavango ranks fourth in length. Its basin has an area of ​​721 thousand km². The length of the Okavango River is 1.6 thousand km. It is quite narrow near the source. If you move further downstream, you can notice the expansion of the stream. Closer to the delta it is about 20 km.

The average water flow along the river is 475 m³/s. During the rainy season, this figure can reach 1 thousand m³/s. When drought occurs, water consumption decreases. During this period it can be only 100 m³/s.

The delta area is about 15 thousand km². During the rainy season it overflows. During this period, the delta occupies about 22 thousand km². Over the course of a year, the water flow is 10 thousand km³. If we convert this figure into tons, we get the amount of solid waste. It is 2 million tons. To this figure is also added 2 million tons of salts that are dissolved in the river. They settle in the delta region when the water begins to evaporate significantly.

The water level is not the same throughout the river. It drops sharply after the waterfalls on the border with Botswana.

Climatic conditions

Having considered where the Okavango River is located, you should study the features of its basin. The Okavango Delta is a natural oasis. A special microclimate has been established here. It differs significantly from the arid type of the surrounding tropics.

The most comfortable period for a person in this area lasts from March to June. At this time, the temperature during the day is about +30 ºС. The nights bring coolness. At this time you can see quite a lot of tourists here. The hot and humid period lasts from December to March. The nights at this time are warm, and the temperature during the day reaches +40 ºС. Humidity levels range from 50 to 80%.

It gets colder in June-August. Humidity also decreases during this period. At this time, at night the temperature can drop to 0 ºС. It's quite warm during the day. In September-November the river basin is dry and hot. During the year, an average of 450 mm of precipitation falls in this area.

Current path

The fairly large length of the Okavango River makes the reservoir diverse and different in different sections. From the narrow source it rushes down the rapids. Here the reservoir surrounds the Bie plateau. The river moves along it in a southeast direction.

Before the border with Botswana the stream passes through a series of Popa Falls. They block the river bed across. The width of the stream here reaches 1.2 km. The current becomes calmer on the Kalahari Plain. Here the terrain slope decreases. At the same time, the flow slows down. Its waters spread widely. Numerous branches, lakes and lagoons appear. This is how the largest inland river delta on the planet is formed.

The river's path ends here. However, it does not feed other bodies of water. This is where the kingdom of the Kalahari Desert begins. This is its northern border. The delta forms an oasis in the desert. It is rich in diversity of flora and fauna. This is a special exotic world that tourists come to see.

Branches of the river

The source of the Okavango River is quite narrow and stormy. A mass of water rushes along the riverbed, spilling after obstacles from waterfalls along numerous branches. The southern one feeds Lake Ngami during high water. This is a fresh body of water.

The northern branch reaches a tributary of the Zambezi, called the Kwando, every few years. It is at such a time that the Okavango finds its way to the Indian Ocean. This period does not last long. The northern branch then dries up on its way to Kwando.

Sometimes a branch called Botletle feeds the salt water lake Tskau. It is located on the edge of the swamps of the Makgadikgadi drainage basin. No more than 5% of the water of the entire delta flows here.

The Okavango Delta used to feed Lake Makgadikgadi. Today it is dry. In the basin in dry seasons You can see salt marshes, which fill with water in the lowlands during the rainy season. At this time, 2 lakes are formed. At this time, life is in full swing here. When drought comes, the basin again becomes a harsh, salty expanse.

Water absorption

The Okavango Delta extends for thousands of kilometers within the continent. This is where the main water absorption occurs. About 60% of the river feeds the plants that abundantly inhabit this marshy area. Papyrus, lilies, water lilies, algae, shrubs and other representatives of the flora grow here. In the northeastern part there is the Moremi Nature Reserve.

Only 36% of the water evaporates from the river’s water surface. This indicator depends on the time of year. About 2% of water goes into the soil. The same amount of river resources goes into feeding Lake Ngami. This can be observed in the years when the Okavango becomes the most flooded. This is not enough for the lake to maintain its position on northern border Kalahari Desert. Therefore, it gradually dries out.

Insufficient nutrition of Ngami is reflected in the composition of the water. The area of ​​the lake is shrinking. It turns into a soda-salt type sump. Stripes of shallows appear, the shores are covered with a white coating.


The Okavango Estuary is the largest ecosystem on the planet. This section of the reservoir is called a huge oasis, which has no equal on Earth. A shallow, extensive delta forms extensive wetlands here. There is a variety of life here all year round.

The swamps of the river delta are overgrown with reeds and algae. Here you can observe delicate water lilies on the surface of the water, and dense bushes stretch along the banks. Various animals come here to drink. Giraffes, elephants, lions and antelopes, hyenas and leopards walk kilometers to get to the source of life-giving moisture. Many species of waterfowl can be found here. Hippos live in the swampy waters of the river delta. There are also a lot of insects here.

People have lived in the Okavango Delta for more than 30 thousand years. However, the population of the basin is small. The abundance of insects that spread malaria and other infections greatly affects this. The peoples of the Bantu group and Bushmen live here.

Flora and fauna

The Okavango River is home to many species of animals, birds, fish and plants. It is in the lower reaches of this reservoir that most of the diversity of flora and fauna of the basin is represented. Here, the life-giving swamps contrast with the arid expanses of the Kalahari.

Reeds and papyrus grew in the upper Okavango Delta. In places where the swamps do not dry out all year round, you can observe a large number of water lilies. Pygmy geese have also chosen this place as their home. Hippos, crocodiles, and certain species of antelope (sitatunga, lychee, puku) thrive in the Okavango swamps.

Among the birds there are rare species. Here you can find kites, emerald kingfishers, African fish owls, white herons, etc. Zebras, elephants, buffaloes, and antelopes are found in the lower part. Predators here are represented by lions, hyenas and leopards.

Economic indicators

In Africa, the Okavango River is no less important than the Nile. Its waters flow through the territory of 3 Botswana and Namibia are in conflict over the ownership of the river’s precious water. There are practically no people walking along the shores of the Okavango economic activity. That's why the water here is clean.

Angola is trying to strengthen the position of its national economy through the construction of a dam. Namibia uses the resources supplied by the previously built canal. It is also planned to build a water supply pipeline here.

The delta wetland is located in Botswana. Every year the treasury receives funds from ecotourism. It has gained popularity in recent decades. Tourists come to the Moremi Nature Reserve. A safari is organized for them. Therefore the importance water resources for this state, contributing to the maintenance of life in the Okavango Delta cannot be overestimated. To resolve the conflict that arose due to the water consumption of Okavango resources between these three countries, a special commission was organized.

What makes the Okavango Delta unique? Despite hot climate, a large number of insects, it attracts many tourists. There are several interesting facts about the presented reservoir. Scientists claim that most of the salt-type islands were formed in termite mounds.

The surface of the river delta is almost flat. Therefore, it takes water about 7 months to cover the distance from the source to its southern edge. The huge size of the reservoir, the diversity of flora and fauna attract a lot of tourists here. However, only 4 thousand tourists per year are allowed to visit the reserve. The cost of such tours is high.

Okavango problems

The Okavango River is precious natural resource for the countries through which it flows. Management here is not highly technological. Local tribes are engaged in animal husbandry, fishing, and hunting. Diamonds are mined on a large scale in Botswana. However, this does not save the local population from hunger, epidemics, and drought.

Previously, cattle were not grazed in the swampy areas of the Okavango Delta. People carried out this activity at some distance from these places. There were many insects here, including the tsetse fly. The spread of diseases and infections led to the fact that cattle breeding since ancient times was carried out closer to the beginning of the delta, away from it.

With development modern technologies Here they began to use chemicals against insects. The danger of infection has been eliminated. Shepherds began driving their cattle into the virgin swamps of the river delta. This led to the displacement of antelopes and some other species of animals from their original pastures. Their population began to decline. It is for this reason that reserves began to be organized. They contribute to the spread of indigenous animal and plant species in the Okavango Basin. Without this, the area faces a natural disaster.

Having considered the features, Interesting Facts about the Okavango River, you can get an idea of ​​this body of water and appreciate its importance for the largest oasis on the planet.