So that everything is fine in your personal life. Prayer for a child to do well in school

Prayer for good luck in work and success in business - what is it? Who should be praised? professional activity went uphill? You will learn this from the article.

Prayer for good luck and success in work

A Christian asks God for help in every matter, so it is right to pray both in finding a job and that the work goes well. How to pray?

Of course, you need to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, asking Him to help you find a job in which you can worthily, without sin, use your gifts for the glory of God and the good of people.

When looking for work, they also pray to the holy martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!

Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need and in his sorrow, begins to call holy name yours, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.


Your martyr, Lord Tryphon, in his suffering received an incorruptible crown from You, our God; Having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with your prayers.


Divine food, most blessed, enjoying in Heaven endlessly, glorifying your memory with songs, cover and preserve from all needs, drive away animals that harm the fields and always cry out to you in love: Rejoice, Tryphon, strengthening of the martyrs.


With Trinitarian firmness, you destroyed polytheism from the end, all-glorious, you were honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors, in Christ the Savior you received the crown of your martyrdom and the gift of Divine healings, as if you are invincible.

One saint, Pachomius the Great, asked God to teach him how to live. And then Pachomius sees the Angel. The angel first prayed, then began to work, then prayed again and again began to work. Pachomius did this all his life. Prayer without work will not feed you, and work without prayer will not help you.

Prayer is not a hindrance to work, but a help. You can pray in the shower while working, and this is much better than thinking about trifles. How more people prays, the better for him to live.

Prayer before starting any work, any business

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Prayer that everything will be fine to the Lord God and Matrona of Moscow

I would like to introduce you to universal prayers aimed at ensuring that everything in your life turns out well.

At first glance, it may seem to you that you will have to pray to God for nothing.

What do you mean everything is fine?

Is that a lot of money or complete absence problems?

This doesn’t happen, you exclaim.

Prayers “about everything” addressed to the Lord God and Matrona of Moscow teach us to be content with what we have, asking for “a little bit of everything.”

When you feel that the matter is not going well, and the profit is not going well, do not sow despondency, but turn to the Lord God with a prayer.

And don't forget to light it church candles, placing holy images nearby.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Give me a little more of everything, take away everything that is sinful. Give me a little piece for my path and save my soul. I don’t need a lot of contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith is my holy reward, and to know that I will not be executed. Even though everything may not be fine, I need your help. And what I really lack, may my soul soon receive. Thy will be done. Amen.

This Orthodox prayer is marked with a special marker in the manuscripts that I inherited.

Indeed, the text is simply magical.

Please say it with faith in your soul.

In the event that you and other household members continue to get sick, and in other areas there are only failures, turn with a prayer to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me reject illness, send down your Good from Heaven. Don’t let my faith leave me because the demon will lead me astray. Let my children grow up healthy, help them get up from their knees. Let misfortune break the shackles, and let not captivity bind sinfulness. Thy will be done. Amen.

And may everything be fine for you!

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Thank you for everything, God.

Thank you for everything, God!

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Prayer that everything will be fine to the Lord God

Do you think there is an Orthodox prayer for everything to be fine?

Yes, such a prayer really exists.

As you know, everything is never good, but every person strives for some kind of stability, which we so lack.

A good mood and good health are always necessary. Especially spiritual health.

When we pray to the Lord God, we not only ask him for what we want, but also thank him for what is good for us, even if not in all respects.

For this reason, do not forget that prayer should be for the sake of strengthening faith, and not weakening the soul.

Prayer for everything to be fine

Zealously crossing yourself and looking at the bright flame, say simple prayer lines to yourself:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let everything be fine both in the soul and in the mortal body. So be it. Amen.

You slowly leave the Temple, having bought three more candles and orthodox icons, listed above, but only if they are out of stock.

Come home and retire to your room. Light the candles.

Look closely at the bright flame and imagine that everything will be fine. Each person who prays has his own understanding of prosperity, but you should not ask the Lord God for a sinful benefit.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let him reject everything bad and everything will be fine from strong faith in his soul. Give me good, bright thoughts and deliver me from sinful acts. In the father's house and the government's house, on a slippery road, night and day, with loved ones, let everything be fine. May all good endeavors end well. So be it. Amen.

Orthodox prayer that everything will be fine can be addressed not only to the Lord God, but also to his holy helpers to preserve faith in the soul.

May the Lord protect you!

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What prayer should I read so that everything will be fine?

A person cannot see God with his own eyes, but a believer has the opportunity to communicate with him spiritually through prayer.

Prayer passed through the soul is a powerful force that connects the Almighty and man. In prayer we thank and glorify God, ask for blessings on good deeds and turn to him with requests for help, oh life guidelines, rescue and support in grief. We pray to him for our health and well-being, and ask him for all the best for our family and friends. A spiritual conversation with God can take place in any form. The Church does not prohibit turning to the Almighty in simple words, coming from the soul. But still, the prayers that were written by the saints carry a special energy that has been prayed over for centuries.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that prayers can be addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the holy apostles, and to the saint whose name we bear, and to other saints, asking them for prayerful intercession before God. Among the many famous prayers there are those who have stood the test of time, and to whom believers turn for help when they need simple human happiness. Prayers asking for everything good, for good luck and for happiness for every day are collected in the Prayer Book for Well-Being.

Prayer to the Lord for all good things

This prayer is read when they need general well-being, happiness, health, success in daily affairs and endeavors. She teaches to appreciate what is given by the Almighty, to rely on the will of God and to believe in his power. They turn to the Lord God before going to bed. They read a prayer in front of holy images and lit church candles.

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need much satisfaction, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I truly lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

Orthodox prayer for well-being

Prayer is intended to help in difficult periods of life, when failures accumulate and trouble after trouble comes. They read it in the morning, in the evening, and in difficult moments for the soul.

“Lord, have mercy on me, Son of God: my soul is angry with evil. Lord, help me. Give to me, that I may be satisfied, like a dog, from the grains that fall from the table of Your servants. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who does not walk on earth, but who dwells at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey

Travelers going to long journey, asking for a safe journey from St. Nicholas. In order not to get lost and not get lost on the trip, to meet on the way good people and get help in case of problems, read the prayer before the road:

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!"

If there is a dangerous road ahead, a risk to health and life, read the troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock, even the truth of things; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls will be saved.”

A short prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayers to Archangel Michael are considered protective. Prayer “amulets” are used to facilitate daily life, prevent trouble and illness, protect yourself from robberies and attacks. You can turn to the saint before performing any important task.

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael - conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses, from deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

A strong prayer of repentance to the saints for help in all matters

Prayer requires simple preparation and spiritual cleansing. The words of the prayer must be learned by heart, and before the prayer itself, it is necessary to exclude dairy and dairy products from your diet for three days. meat products. They read a prayer on the fourth day before going to church. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way to the temple. Before entering the church, they cross themselves and read the prayer a second time. In the church, seven candles are placed next to the icons of saints and a prayer is read. Last time the holy words of prayer are said at home:

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinner, servant of God (name), pray to our God Jesus Christ. Beg for forgiveness of sins for me and beg for a blessed life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love and deliver me from sorrows, illnesses and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully dealing with earthly affairs and becoming worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast is also maintained on the fourth day, otherwise the prayer will not have sufficient power.

Life will be better if you pray correctly

Prayer “for good things” to the Lord

If life brings you little joy, if your household is ill, and there is no success in business, read this prayer to our Lord before going to bed:

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

If your household continues to get sick, and there are only failures in other areas, turn to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.

Prayer to Matrona

Prayer for the children to do well

Say a good prayer for the fate of your children yourself before the face of Christ, the Saints or the Mother of God. She will help to continue good endeavors and cope with the awkwardness of everyday life:

“My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Prayer to Joseph Volotsky for good trade

Saint Nicholas Orthodox prayer for everything to go well in trading. Joseph of Volotsky is the patron saint of trading people; you should contact him if you want good and calm trading. And he will help your business to prosper. There is no special prayer for him, marked on Christmastide. Just light a candle and express your sorrows in your words. Yes, say everything you want, ask from the saint. If your soul is pure, and you yourself think about good goals, you will receive the fulfillment of what you want.

So that everything goes well - prayer to Nicholas of Myra

They dedicate a prayer to this saint if there are quarrels and scandals in the family, if things are not going well, and everything is going wrong. You can ask him for good things with the children and in the family. The main thing is the sincerity of your fervent prayer. The words you say are not important, the main thing is that you ask for what your soul desires most.

Miracle prayer to Joseph for good things to do at work

“Oh, our glorious and blessed father Joseph! Your boldness is great and leads to your strong intercession with Our God. We pray to you in our hearts of contrition for intercession. With the light given to you, illuminate us (your names and those closest to you) with grace, and with prayers to you, help the lives of this stormy sea to cross serenely and reach refuge for salvation. Having despised temptations yourself, help us too, ask for an abundance of earthly fruits from our Lord. Amen!"

A strong prayer to the saints for help

Saint Joseph Before you read this strong prayer to the saints for help in everyone’s affairs, preparation is required. You must fast for three days, milk, yes meat food not to eat, but to memorize the prayer itself; you cannot read it from a book. When the fourth day comes, go to church, and before you leave the house, read it once.

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. About me, a sinful servant of God ( your name) pray, from our God, Jesus Christ, beg for forgiveness of sins for me, and beg for a grace-filled life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love, deliver me from sorrows, illnesses, and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully cope with earthly affairs and be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast, which I had observed for three days before, must be continued on this day, only tomorrow you can eat meat and milk, otherwise the prayer will not work with the necessary power.

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Prayer that changes life for the better

Prayer that all will be well is a popular text that is often used for a variety of purposes.

Moreover, they take place as common prayers about the successful outcome of this or that matter, and prayers that everything will be fine in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer - great strength, changing the most unfavorable expected outcome, often in the opposite direction to expectations. Every sincerely praying person can influence a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is communication with the Lord himself and His saints. God sees the heart of every person, He knows the secret aspirations of a person.

He can predict how this or that action of a person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the person praying.

If God knows that success is useful to a person, He gives it to everyone who sincerely prays and wants to change their life for the better (both their own and the lives of other people).

If success only does harm, do not persist and do not go to fortune-tellers; perhaps you are not yet ready to accept the blessings prepared by the Lord. It takes time - this happens sometimes, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

It is absolutely normal and natural to desire that our destiny and that of those close and dear to us be successful. It is necessary not only to make every effort for this in everyday life, but also to strengthen confidence by prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment - ask God for help, as you would ask your father or mother for help: God is our Heavenly Father. Don’t upset him, don’t go to fortune tellers and witches, don’t cast magic to achieve your goal.

A separate, special case of prayer that everything will be fine is a prayer for success in running a business - a very complex and responsible matter. Considering negative factors and the defects of the system that have to be overcome, it is difficult to maintain a sound mind and confidence - if you do not reinforce your spiritual strength with prayer.

Ask the Lord to get rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better.

Pray every day for the outcome of this or that event, and simply for the prosperity and success of the business. Do not forget to thank God by giving rich alms, sharing a large income with a large number people in need - and success will be guaranteed to you.

Recently Russian entrepreneurs received their special patron - St. Joseph of Volotsk. You can and should pray to him every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of its size and other factors.

If you are haunted by failures caused by people, ask for help and intercession of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Wonderworker of Myra. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles performed by the Lord through his holy prayers, and especially for his protection and patronage of the deprived.

All who have suffered undeserved offense from people have Saint Nicholas as their defender and representative before the Throne of God - he never leaves the faithful children of Christ in need and offense.

How to pray correctly?

To change your life for the better, you need to change yourself. Become a little better every hour, every day, do not allow despondency and anger to roll us back, try not to get irritated, angry or jealous.

You definitely need to pray not only for your success, but also ask God and His holy saints for the well-being of your family, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) your enemies, you need to forgive and pray for them! This is what the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest strength, must try to comply.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

This offends the Lord and entails the most unkind consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in it.

Prayers for everything to be fine: comments

Comments - 9,

You really need to pray as much as possible. Just, as the article says, you need to be patient. God knows best when and to what extent we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, it often happens that we want something very badly, but it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it seems that fate itself is against this. But we still persistently strive and, in the end, when our desire comes true, we see that it did not bring anything good.

I feel bad at heart, I'm smart about debt


Thank you for writing prayers, these are prayers that everyone needs.


Matronushka, help me in difficult times and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins Thank you

The Savior said “Ask, and it will be given to you.” These words of Christ often encourage us to think that God is a kind of sorcerer and wizard who will fulfill all our desires: now we will just read the holy prayer for the fulfillment of a desire in the near future. However, a situation often happens to us when we set a goal for ourselves, try to do everything to achieve it, pray for a wish to come true in the near future, but there is no result. Why does this happen? There may be several reasons. The first and most obvious is that we ourselves do not know what we are asking. How often does a person ask for wealth, and only the Lord knows that big money will harm him. Asks for a soul mate, but he himself is not yet ready for serious relationship, repels all potential grooms/brides with his behavior, and blames others for this. He asks for children, but not because he is ripe for the great mission of fatherhood/motherhood, but to be “like everyone else.” And there are many such examples. That is why you should not grumble; you can read a strong prayer to God asking for the fulfillment of a desire in one day, but do not forget to always add “Thy will be done” at the end.

When reading a prayer for the fulfillment of a cherished desire, specify it

The second reason is that you yourself don’t know exactly what to ask for in prayer for the fulfillment of your desire. For example, the prayer “Lord, let everything be fine” is incorrect. What is “everything” and how is it “good”? You should ask for a specific need. For example, about health, about the successful resolution of childbirth, about profit in business, about the successful sale of a house, etc.

It should be noted that there is no Orthodox prayer that guarantees the fulfillment of your desire. Prayer differs from a conspiracy in that in it we ask without knowing in advance whether what we ask will be given to us, and a conspiracy, as it were, sets us up for a positive result in advance.

But is it possible to force God to fulfill a desire with a strong prayer? This kind of practice has nothing to do with Orthodoxy; these are occult actions, which ultimately cause great harm to the soul. It is very simple to distinguish conspiracies from prayers - there is no request in them, but an installation, almost an order, and besides, conspiracies often need to be combined with different actions(buy ten candles and light them on the full moon, read a prayer forty times and send them to forty people, etc.).

How to correctly pray for the fulfillment of a desire?

The Orthodox Church teaches us that in prayer to the saints the most important thing is repentance and humility. If your request pleases God and does not harm you or others, then God will certainly fulfill it, although perhaps not as quickly as you would like. In addition, do not forget to contribute to the speedy fulfillment of your desire, do not expect obvious miracles from a strong prayer to God (remember the Gospel parable about buried talents): for example, when asking for a well-paid job, strive to improve your qualifications, learn languages, be active in sending out resumes.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of St. Martha's wishes

Read the text of a very strong prayer to Saint Martha for the quick fulfillment of your desire

“Oh Saint Martha, You are Miraculous! I turn to you for help! And completely in my needs, and you will be my helper in my trials! I promise you with gratitude that I will spread this prayer everywhere! I humbly and tearfully ask you to console me in my worries and hardships! Humbly, for the sake of the great joy that filled your heart, tearfully, take care of me and my family, so that we preserve our God in our hearts and thereby deserve the Saved Supreme Mediation, first of all, with the concern that now burdens me, (hereinafter precisely speak your wish). I tearfully ask you, Helper in every need, to overcome hardships just as You defeated the snake until it lay at Your feet!”

Text of a prayer to the Lord God for wishes to come true soon

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Fulfill my cherished desires and do not deny their sinless achievement. Bring good luck to wise actions and ward off success in sinful ambitions. May all good desires certainly be fulfilled, and bad deeds banished. So be it. Amen.

Listen to the video of the Orthodox prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Orthodox prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the quick fulfillment of desires

Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Don’t be angry at the impudent request, but don’t leave me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, do it. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen.

A strong prayer for the fulfillment of a wish to Saint Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Help me fulfill all my bright desires - innermost and cherished. Save me from vain desires that destroy the soul and wound the body. Ask the Lord God to protect me from nasty rottenness. Thy will be done. Amen.

All about religion and faith - " good prayer so that everything will be fine in the family" detailed description and photographs.

Only when everything goes well for a person in all areas of life can he feel happy. To do this, the church recommends offering prayers. They will help you move in in the right direction. With their help you can fill your life with peace, joy and happiness.

It is important to know how to pray correctly so that requests for help and support are heard by higher powers. The first thing to remember is to be sincere while offering prayer. It is important to sincerely want what you are praying for. Another important condition for the effectiveness of prayer is positive attitude. It is necessary to remove all anger and any other negativity from the soul.

There are a lot of prayers aimed at ensuring that everything is fine. Choose prayer appeal in a specific life situation will not be difficult. But at the same time, prayer always allows a person to preserve peace of mind and respond correctly to life situations. A sincere conversation with God will fill the soul with warmth and inspire hope that everything in life will turn out well. Prayerful appeal teaches one to perceive life as it is, to be content with what a person has and to appreciate it. Prayerful appeal to the Higher Powers is very effective remedy against despondency and sadness.

Prayers for everything to go well at work

It is quite natural for any person to desire successful advancement in the work sphere. Success at work is an essential condition for a prosperous life. In order for everything to go well at work, you need to offer prayers to the Higher Powers about it. Moreover, this should be done not only when a bad streak comes in life. Prayer requests are very effective support in everyday work. Thanks to them, it is possible to realistically assess the life situation and accept right decisions that will contribute to successful career advancement.

Prayer to Tryphon to find a good job

If circumstances develop in such a way that it is impossible to find good job, then you need to turn with a prayer request to Saint Tryphon. Even in his youth, during his earthly life, the young man acquired miraculous abilities. He perceived them as gifts of God and always strived to help suffering people in everything.

Prayer to Saint Tryphon is very effective when looking for a job, but only if the person himself takes any action.

In Russian, the prayer sounds like this:

Prayer for a good job and salary

A prayer for good work and income is offered to the Lord God. You need to ask for well-being sincerely. It is very important not to focus on big earnings. It is much more important to ask for suitable job, which of course implies a good salary.

The prayer text might sound like this:

Prayer for good trade (sale) for every day

IN modern world trading is the main activity for many people. But at the same time, in order for it to achieve success, one should treat such work as art. It is important to attract support for luck Higher Powers.

There are a lot of prayers for good trading, they will help:

  • Protect yourself from the machinations of competitors.
  • Get a good profit.
  • Make successful deals.
  • Provide protection from the evil eye.
  • Sell ​​stale goods.
  • Attract buyers.

Daily prayer for trading is a very effective tool that allows you to attract luck.

But for it to be effective, you need to remember the following:

  • Believe that prayer will help in trading.
  • Is in a positive mood.
  • Give alms to the poor.
  • Include phrases in your prayers that the buyer will enjoy the product.

As daily prayer You can use an appeal to your own Guardian Angel.

Before going to work, you need to say the following words every day:

Prayers for good studies

Prayers for good studies are very useful. They set things up correctly and make it easy to absorb all the necessary knowledge. You can use prayer texts both for yourself and to pray for someone close to you.

Prayer for a child to do well in school

Parents’ prayers aimed at ensuring their child’s good performance at school are considered very effective. When a mother offers a prayer, it is considered optimal to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos.

It might sound like this:

Prayer before an exam for a good grade

To receive the support of the Higher Powers before the exam, you need to offer a special prayer. It will allow you to calm down and feel confident in your abilities.

The prayer might sound like this:

What prayer to read so that everything is fine in life

Prayer aimed at ensuring that everything goes well allows you to harmonize life. You can read it at any time, even when everything seems to be going fine. Its peculiarity is that it calms the soul and teaches you to enjoy life. After prayer, an understanding comes that we need to gratefully accept everything sent by the Lord God into life. Such a prayer appeal is very in an effective way cope with boredom and despondency. You need to pray in solitude in front of the image of the Savior and a lit church candle.

A powerful prayer goes like this:

Prayers that change your life for the better

Prayers that change life for the better, strengthen faith and do not allow you to lose heart. true path. In order for prayers to be heard, you need to lead a righteous lifestyle and follow the commandments of God. It is necessary to offer a prayer appeal in full concentration, discarding all unnecessary thoughts.

Prayer for a child to sleep well at night

Very often disrupts family harmony bad dream child. If this is not associated with any diseases, then you need to calm the baby down by reading special prayers. For peace of mind small child a prayer directed to the Blessed Virgin Mary is ideal. The prayer appeal should be read three times over the child when he falls asleep.

Prayer that everything will be fine in the family

When conflicts and quarrels begin in the family, you must definitely pray that everything will work out in the family. Prayers can be directed to different Saints, because in Orthodox faith Among them there are many defenders of the family hearth. Prayer will not only get rid of scandals, but will also strengthen the relationship between spouses.

The following prayer appeal to the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered strong:

Prayer for a good husband

Every woman dreams of happy family. But the well-being of the family largely depends on which man is nearby. That is why prayers for good husband are very popular among unmarried women.

A sincere prayer like this to the Lord can help you meet a reliable and kind person in your life who will later become a husband:

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Prayer for scandals and quarrels in the family, with husband, with children

“Save, Lord!” Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. “God bless you!”

In Orthodoxy, family, raising children and relationships between married couples are of high importance. The family is called a “small temple”, thanks to which the family hearth is under the intercession of all the holy calendar and even the Almighty.

As you know, nothing is perfect in this world. Also in the family, where various disagreements and misunderstandings occur, but the main thing to remember is that you are not just a couple, you are a whole union consisting of two people and who is responsible not only for themselves, but also for their children before all the Saints and the Lord .

Prayer for family quarrels

In order to avoid any difficulties that beset the couple and to calm all misunderstandings, you can turn to prayer for help, which can be read in different ways.

A prayer against scandals in the family is said before:

  • Holy Mother of God;
  • Protector of the pious family - Archangel Barachiel;
  • Ksenia of Petersburg;
  • Apostle John the Theologian;
  • The miraculous image of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”;
  • Saint Archangel Raphael.

In the Orthodox religion, there are a huge number of defenders of the family hearth from scandals in the home. In addition to the above-mentioned Wonderworkers, patrons can also include such Saints as Fevronia and Peter, who were able to live happily in love and harmony long life, and they died in one hour and on one day.

There are also Saints Anne and Joachim (parents of the Queen of Heaven), who were truly the indicator of an ideal married couple. In prayer, you can turn to these images in case of a quarrel with your husband and other family adversities, when things are already heading towards divorce, and this is done so that peace can reign in the family again, and the faded love is reborn.

But to avoid quarrels with children, to protect the family hearth and the marriage itself, a prayer service said to St. Paraskeva will help. Such conversion in Christianity is considered the most revered because it relieves one from mental torment.

A prayerful appeal to the Saints and the Lord will help you:

  • Overcome difficulties and strengthen family ties;
  • Restore harmony in the home;
  • Establish contact with children and achieve understanding;
  • After a quarrel, a prayer service will help you realize that you were wrong, get rid of pride and allow you to realize your mistakes;
  • In some cases married couples with the help of prayer to the miraculous image they can even avoid divorce.

It should be noted that in order to get a greater effect from the prayer request, you need to visit the temple together with your significant other to read the prayer service in hope and faith for a bright and happy future.

Prayer from scandals

Appeal to Archangel Barachiel:

"Oh great archangel God's archangel Varachiile! Standing before the Throne of God and bringing the blessings of God into the homes of the faithful servants of God, ask the Lord God for mercy and blessings on our homes, may the Lord God bless us and increase the abundance of the fruits of the earth, and give us health and salvation, good haste in everything, and victory and defeat of enemies, and will preserve us for many years, always. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Appeal to the Mother of God:

“Most Blessed Lady, take my family under Your protection. Instill in the hearts of my husband and our children peace, love and non-questioning of all that is good; Do not allow anyone from my family to experience separation and difficult parting, to premature and sudden death without repentance.

And save our house and all of us living in it from fiery ignition, thieves’ attacks, every evil of the situation, various types of insurance and devilish obsession. Yes, and we, collectively and separately, openly and secretly, will glorify Your Holy Name always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Most Holy Theotokos, save us! Amen".

Appeal to Ksenia of Petersburg:

“Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, heir to the abodes of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! Just as we had previously fallen into sickness and sorrow at your tombstone and were filled with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, come running to you and ask with hope: pray, O good heavenly woman, that our steps may be straightened according to the word of the Lord to do His commandments, and yes The godless atheism that has captivated your city and your country, plunging us many sinners into mortal hatred of our brothers, proud self-indignation and blasphemous despair, will be abolished.

Oh, most blessed one of Christ, who has put to shame the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and caring for our neighbors and sincere ones, renewal of our entire life in the purifying bath of repentance, as we praise your memory with all praise, let us glorify the miracle worker in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

Watch also the video of prayer for family well-being:

Prayer that changes life for the better

Prayer that all will be well is a popular text that is often used for a variety of purposes.

Moreover, there are both general prayers for a successful outcome of this or that matter, and prayers that everything will be fine in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer is a great force that changes the most unfavorable expected outcome, often in the opposite direction to expectations. Every sincerely praying person can influence a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is communication with the Lord himself and His saints. God sees the heart of every person, He knows the secret aspirations of a person.

He can predict how this or that action of a person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the person praying.

If God knows that success is useful to a person, He gives it to everyone who sincerely prays and wants to change their life for the better (both their own and the lives of other people).

If success only does harm, do not persist and do not go to fortune-tellers; perhaps you are not yet ready to accept the blessings prepared by the Lord. It takes time - this happens sometimes, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

It is absolutely normal and natural to desire that our destiny and that of those close and dear to us be successful. It is necessary not only to make every effort for this in everyday life, but also to strengthen confidence by prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment - ask God for help, as you would ask your father or mother for help: God is our Heavenly Father. Don’t upset him, don’t go to fortune tellers and witches, don’t cast magic to achieve your goal.

A separate, special case of prayer that everything will be fine is a prayer for success in running a business - a very complex and responsible matter. Given the negative factors and defects of the system that have to be overcome, it is difficult to maintain a sound mind and confidence - unless you strengthen your spiritual strength with prayer.

Ask the Lord to get rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better.

Pray every day for the outcome of this or that event, and simply for the prosperity and success of the business. Do not forget to thank God by giving rich alms, sharing a large income with a large number of needy people - and success will be guaranteed to you.

Recently, Russian entrepreneurs received their own special patron - St. Joseph of Volotsky. You can and should pray to him every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of its size and other factors.

If you are haunted by failures caused by people, ask for help and intercession of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Wonderworker of Myra. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles performed by the Lord through his holy prayers, and especially for his protection and patronage of the deprived.

All who have suffered undeserved offense from people have Saint Nicholas as their defender and representative before the Throne of God - he never leaves the faithful children of Christ in need and offense.

How to pray correctly?

To change your life for the better, you need to change yourself. Become a little better every hour, every day, do not allow despondency and anger to roll us back, try not to get irritated, angry or jealous.

You definitely need to pray not only for your success, but also ask God and His holy saints for the well-being of your family, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) your enemies, you need to forgive and pray for them! This is what the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest strength, must try to comply.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

This offends the Lord and entails the most unkind consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in it.

Prayers for everything to be fine: comments

Comments - 9,

You really need to pray as much as possible. Just, as the article says, you need to be patient. God knows best when and to what extent we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, it often happens that we want something very badly, but it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it seems that fate itself is against this. But we still persistently strive and, in the end, when our desire comes true, we see that it did not bring anything good.

I feel bad at heart, I'm smart about debt


Thank you for writing prayers, these are prayers that everyone needs.


Matronushka, help me in difficult times and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins Thank you

Touched help our family. Help us have our own home

Matryonushka, help all my loved ones to be fine. And everything was good in my life. Amen. Thank you

Matryonushka, help me so that everything will be fine for me and my loved ones. Please, thank you

What prayer should I read so that everything will be fine?

A person cannot see God with his own eyes, but a believer has the opportunity to communicate with him spiritually through prayer. Prayer passed through the soul is a powerful force that connects the Almighty and man. In prayer, we thank and glorify God, ask for blessings on good deeds and turn to him with requests for help, life guidelines, salvation and support in grief. We pray to him for our health and well-being, and ask him for all the best for our family and friends. A spiritual conversation with God can take place in any form. The Church does not forbid turning to the Almighty in simple words coming from the soul. But still, the prayers that were written by the saints carry a special energy that has been prayed over for centuries.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that prayers can be addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the holy apostles, and to the saint whose name we bear, and to other saints, asking them for prayerful intercession before God. Among the many well-known prayers, there are those that have stood the test of time, and to which believers turn for help when they need simple human happiness. Prayers asking for everything good, for good luck and for happiness for every day are collected in the Prayer Book for Well-Being.

Prayer to the Lord for all good things

This prayer is read when they need general well-being, happiness, health, success in daily affairs and endeavors. She teaches to appreciate what is given by the Almighty, to rely on the will of God and to believe in his power. They turn to the Lord God before going to bed. They read a prayer in front of holy images and lit church candles.

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need much satisfaction, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I truly lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

Orthodox prayer for well-being

Prayer is intended to help in difficult periods of life, when failures accumulate and trouble after trouble comes. They read it in the morning, in the evening, and in difficult moments for the soul.

“Lord, have mercy on me, Son of God: my soul is angry with evil. Lord, help me. Give to me, that I may be satisfied, like a dog, from the grains that fall from the table of Your servants. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who does not walk on earth, but who dwells at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey

Travelers setting out on a long journey ask St. Nicholas for a safe journey. In order not to get lost and not get lost on a trip, to meet good people along the way and get help in case of problems, before the road they read a prayer:

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!"

If there is a dangerous road ahead, a risk to health and life, read the troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock, even the truth of things; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls will be saved.”

A short prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayers to Archangel Michael are considered protective. Prayer “amulets” are used to make everyday life easier, prevent misfortune and illness, and protect against robberies and attacks. You can turn to the saint before performing any important task.

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael - conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses, from deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

A strong prayer of repentance to the saints for help in all matters

Prayer requires simple preparation and spiritual cleansing. The words of the prayer must be learned by heart, and before the prayer itself, you must exclude dairy and meat products from your diet for three days. They read a prayer on the fourth day before going to church. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way to the temple. Before entering the church, they cross themselves and read the prayer a second time. In the church, seven candles are placed next to the icons of saints and a prayer is read. The last time the holy words of prayer are said at home:

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinner, servant of God (name), pray to our God Jesus Christ. Beg for forgiveness of sins for me and beg for a blessed life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love and deliver me from sorrows, illnesses and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully dealing with earthly affairs and becoming worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast is also maintained on the fourth day, otherwise the prayer will not have sufficient power.

Complete collection and description: Christian prayer that everything will be good for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer “for good things” to the Lord

If life brings you little joy, if your household is ill, and there is no success in business, read this prayer to our Lord before going to bed:

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need too much contentment, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I really lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

If your household continues to get sick, and there are only failures in other areas, turn to the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow with a prayer.

Prayer to Matrona

Prayer for the children to do well

Say a good prayer for the fate of your children yourself before the face of Christ, the Saints or the Mother of God. She will help to continue good endeavors and cope with the awkwardness of everyday life:

“My Lord, protect my children!

From evil and unkind people,

Save from all diseases,

Let them grow healthy!

Let them know your love

Yes, experience what it means to be a mother,

Don't deprive your father's feelings.

Reward with spiritual beauty.

Prayer to Joseph Volotsky for good trade

Saint Nicholas Orthodox prayer for everything to go well in trading. Joseph of Volotsky is the patron saint of trading people; you should contact him if you want good and calm trading. And he will help your business to prosper. There is no special prayer for him, marked on Christmastide. Just light a candle and express your sorrows in your words. Yes, say everything you want, ask from the saint. If your soul is pure, and you yourself think about good goals, you will receive the fulfillment of what you want.

So that everything goes well - prayer to Nicholas of Myra

They dedicate a prayer to this saint if there are quarrels and scandals in the family, if things are not going well, and everything is going wrong. You can ask him for good things with the children and in the family. The main thing is the sincerity of your fervent prayer. The words you say are not important, the main thing is that you ask for what your soul desires most.

Miracle prayer to Joseph for good things to do at work

“Oh, our glorious and blessed father Joseph! Your boldness is great and leads to your strong intercession with Our God. We pray to you in our hearts of contrition for intercession. With the light given to you, illuminate us (your names and those closest to you) with grace, and with prayers to you, help the lives of this stormy sea to cross serenely and reach refuge for salvation. Having despised temptations yourself, help us too, ask for an abundance of earthly fruits from our Lord. Amen!"

A strong prayer to the saints for help

Saint Joseph Before you read this powerful prayer to the saints for help in everyone’s affairs, you need to prepare. You must fast for three days, do not eat dairy or meat foods, and memorize the prayer itself; you cannot read it from a book. When the fourth day comes, go to church, and before you leave the house, read it once.

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinful servant of God (your name), pray, ask our God, Jesus Christ, for forgiveness of sins for me, and beg for a grace-filled life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love, deliver me from sorrows, illnesses, and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully cope with earthly affairs and be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast, which I had observed for three days before, must be continued on this day, only tomorrow you can eat meat and milk, otherwise the prayer will not work with the necessary power.

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Prayer that changes life for the better

Prayer that all will be well is a popular text that is often used for a variety of purposes.

Moreover, there are both general prayers for a successful outcome of this or that matter, and prayers that everything will be fine in a specific, narrow sense.

Prayer is a great force that changes the most unfavorable expected outcome, often in the opposite direction to expectations. Every sincerely praying person can influence a particular situation in order to change it.

How does prayer help?

Prayer is communication with the Lord himself and His saints. God sees the heart of every person, He knows the secret aspirations of a person.

He can predict how this or that action of a person will respond to other people and, most importantly, how it will respond in the soul of the person praying.

If God knows that success is useful to a person, He gives it to everyone who sincerely prays and wants to change their life for the better (both their own and the lives of other people).

If success only does harm, do not persist and do not go to fortune-tellers; perhaps you are not yet ready to accept the blessings prepared by the Lord. It takes time - this happens sometimes, not everything can be obtained instantly and easily.

It is absolutely normal and natural to desire that our destiny and that of those close and dear to us be successful. It is necessary not only to make every effort for this in everyday life, but also to strengthen confidence by prayer to the Lord.

Sometimes it is difficult to overcome embarrassment and embarrassment - ask God for help, as you would ask your father or mother for help: God is our Heavenly Father. Don’t upset him, don’t go to fortune tellers and witches, don’t cast magic to achieve your goal.

A separate, special case of prayer that everything will be fine is a prayer for success in running a business - a very complex and responsible matter. Given the negative factors and defects of the system that have to be overcome, it is difficult to maintain a sound mind and confidence - unless you strengthen your spiritual strength with prayer.

Ask the Lord to get rid of all kinds of problems - any situation can be changed for the better.

Pray every day for the outcome of this or that event, and simply for the prosperity and success of the business. Do not forget to thank God by giving rich alms, sharing a large income with a large number of needy people - and success will be guaranteed to you.

Recently, Russian entrepreneurs received their own special patron - St. Joseph of Volotsky. You can and should pray to him every day for the prosperity and success of your business - regardless of its size and other factors.

If you are haunted by failures caused by people, ask for help and intercession of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Wonderworker of Myra. This wonderful saint became famous for many miracles performed by the Lord through his holy prayers, and especially for his protection and patronage of the deprived.

All who have suffered undeserved offense from people have Saint Nicholas as their defender and representative before the Throne of God - he never leaves the faithful children of Christ in need and offense.

How to pray correctly?

To change your life for the better, you need to change yourself. Become a little better every hour, every day, do not allow despondency and anger to roll us back, try not to get irritated, angry or jealous.

You definitely need to pray not only for your success, but also ask God and His holy saints for the well-being of your family, loved ones, friends, not only friends, but even (more than others) your enemies, you need to forgive and pray for them! This is what the Lord commanded us, and we, to the best of our modest strength, must try to comply.

Do not use magic and witchcraft to achieve success and positive changes in life.

This offends the Lord and entails the most unkind consequences for you and your loved ones who are involved in it.

Prayers for everything to be fine: comments

Comments - 9,

You really need to pray as much as possible. Just, as the article says, you need to be patient. God knows best when and to what extent we need it and whether it is necessary in principle. After all, it often happens that we want something very badly, but it doesn’t work out. Sometimes it seems that fate itself is against this. But we still persistently strive and, in the end, when our desire comes true, we see that it did not bring anything good.

I feel bad at heart, I'm smart about debt


Thank you for writing prayers, these are prayers that everyone needs.


Matronushka, help me in difficult times and ask the Lord to forgive me for all my sins Thank you

Touched help our family. Help us have our own home

Matryonushka, help all my loved ones to be fine. And everything was good in my life. Amen. Thank you😘

Matryonushka, help me so that everything will be fine for me and my loved ones. Please, thank you

What prayer should I read so that everything will be fine?

A person cannot see God with his own eyes, but a believer has the opportunity to communicate with him spiritually through prayer. Prayer passed through the soul is a powerful force that connects the Almighty and man. In prayer, we thank and glorify God, ask for blessings on good deeds and turn to him with requests for help, life guidelines, salvation and support in grief. We pray to him for our health and well-being, and ask him for all the best for our family and friends. A spiritual conversation with God can take place in any form. The Church does not forbid turning to the Almighty in simple words coming from the soul. But still, the prayers that were written by the saints carry a special energy that has been prayed over for centuries.

The Orthodox Church teaches us that prayers can be addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, and to the holy apostles, and to the saint whose name we bear, and to other saints, asking them for prayerful intercession before God. Among the many well-known prayers, there are those that have stood the test of time, and to which believers turn for help when they need simple human happiness. Prayers asking for everything good, for good luck and for happiness for every day are collected in the Prayer Book for Well-Being.

Prayer to the Lord for all good things

This prayer is read when they need general well-being, happiness, health, success in daily affairs and endeavors. She teaches to appreciate what is given by the Almighty, to rely on the will of God and to believe in his power. They turn to the Lord God before going to bed. They read a prayer in front of holy images and lit church candles.

“Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ. Take away everything sinful from me, and add a little of everything good. Give a piece of bread along the path, and help save your soul. I don’t need much satisfaction, I wish I could live to see better times. Faith will be my holy reward, and I know that I will not be executed. Let everything not be fine, I really need your help. And may my soul soon receive what I truly lack. And let your will be done. Amen!"

Orthodox prayer for well-being

Prayer is intended to help in difficult periods of life, when failures accumulate and trouble after trouble comes. They read it in the morning, in the evening, and in difficult moments for the soul.

“Lord, have mercy on me, Son of God: my soul is angry with evil. Lord, help me. Give to me, that I may be satisfied, like a dog, from the grains that fall from the table of Your servants. Amen.

Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of God, Son of David according to the flesh, as You had mercy on the Canaanites: my soul is angry with anger, rage, evil lust and other destructive passions. God! Help me, I cry to You, who does not walk on earth, but who dwells at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hey, Lord! Grant me my heart, with faith and love, to follow Your humility, kindness, meekness and long-suffering, so that in Your eternal Kingdom I will be worthy to partake of the table of Your servants, whom You have chosen. Amen!"

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being on the journey

Travelers setting out on a long journey ask St. Nicholas for a safe journey. In order not to get lost and not get lost on a trip, to meet good people along the way and get help in case of problems, before the road they read a prayer:

“Oh Saint Nicholas of Christ! Hear us, sinful servants of God (names), praying to you, and pray for us, unworthy, our Creator and Master, make our God merciful to us in this life and in the future, so that he does not reward us according to our deeds, but according to his own He will reward us with goodness. Deliver us, saints of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and tame the waves, passions and troubles that rise against us, so that for the sake of your holy prayers the attack will not overwhelm us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions. Pray to Saint Nicholas, Christ our God, that he may grant us a peaceful life and remission of sins, and salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!"

If there is a dangerous road ahead, a risk to health and life, read the troparion to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“The rule of faith and the image of meekness, self-control, the teacher, show you to your flock, even the truth of things; For this reason, you have gained high humility, rich in poverty, Father Hierarch Nicholas, pray to Christ God that our souls will be saved.”

A short prayer to Archangel Michael for every day

Prayers to Archangel Michael are considered protective. Prayer “amulets” are used to make everyday life easier, prevent misfortune and illness, and protect against robberies and attacks. You can turn to the saint before performing any important task.

“Holy Archangel of God Michael, drive away from me with your lightning sword the evil spirit that tempts me. O great Archangel of God Michael - conqueror of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and pray to the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and preserve me from sorrows and from all illnesses, from deadly plagues and vain deaths, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

A strong prayer of repentance to the saints for help in all matters

Prayer requires simple preparation and spiritual cleansing. The words of the prayer must be learned by heart, and before the prayer itself, you must exclude dairy and meat products from your diet for three days. They read a prayer on the fourth day before going to church. It is forbidden to talk to anyone on the way to the temple. Before entering the church, they cross themselves and read the prayer a second time. In the church, seven candles are placed next to the icons of saints and a prayer is read. The last time the holy words of prayer are said at home:

“Saints of God, my heavenly patrons! I pray to you for protection and help. For me, a sinner, servant of God (name), pray to our God Jesus Christ. Beg for forgiveness of sins for me and beg for a blessed life and a happy share. And through your prayers, may my aspirations come true. May he teach me humility, may he bestow love and deliver me from sorrows, illnesses and earthly temptations. May I walk the earthly path with dignity, successfully dealing with earthly affairs and becoming worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen!"

The fast is also maintained on the fourth day, otherwise the prayer will not have sufficient power.