I dreamed that I was tearing up grass. Why do you dream about grass according to the dream book - "Dream Book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

A dream about grass can have different interpretations depending on the type of grass itself, the environment, as well as the feelings and emotions experienced by the one who sees the dream. In addition, in this dream there is the fact that the grass is being torn up - this has an additional meaning.

What if you dream about tearing up grass?

In order to understand, for example, why you dream of picking grass in your own garden, you must first determine the meaning of the grass itself.

The most pleasant interpretation is a dream about green, lush, thick grass. Such a dream foreshadows long-term and significant prosperity for the sleeper. It is especially good to admire the view of your own green, well-groomed lawn or lawn with lush grass in your estate. In this case, if the dreamer, while walking, plucks individual blades of grass, this indicates successful management of affairs.

In addition, the interpretation of the dream depends on what type of grass it was, where and when it grew, and why the dreamer tore it. If, for example, everything around is turning green, but in the garden of the person who is dreaming, the grass has turned yellow and withered, this should be taken as a hint to increase attention to financial matters, which may be starting to deteriorate.

If in a dream, the character has to pick grass at the edge of a forest for a specific purpose, for example, for rabbits, then such a dream means the successful development of one’s own affairs with the help of partners. If the dreamer collects medicinal herbs among a lush green meadow, this gives additional clues about the development of a business in the field of health - medicine, pharmaceuticals, etc.

If the one who is dreaming picks up green grass in someone else’s garden, knowing this, then most likely his success in business will be based on borrowing something else.

What does it portend?

A dream will have a negative interpretation if the dreamer tears it for his own nutrition or even immediately begins to eat it. Moreover, the meaning of sleep worsens if the grass is yellow and withered. Such a dream either foreshadows a streak of troubles, or possible health problems, in which the one who sees the dream will have to go on a strict diet.

The most unfavorable option is if the grass is black or turns black in the hands of the sleeper. This may portend extremely sad events, the onset of which may be brought closer by the person himself.

An interesting dream is where the sleeper has to walk along unusual but beautiful grass and tear it up in order to study it. This may promise an unexpected type of business, either business with foreign partners, or assistance from some kind of scientific research in conducting business.

If a dream about grass has a negative interpretation for some reason, its effect can be “neutralized” in a certain way. To do this, after sleep you need to repeat the following phrase three times: “Where the night has gone, go and my sleep there forever.”

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Dream Interpretation

Tear grass with your hands

Dream Interpretation Tear grass with your hands dreamed of why you dream about tearing grass with your hands? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see tearing grass with your hands in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Grass according to the dream book

Tender green grass in a dream puts you in a romantic mood and awakens sweet expectations. How justified they are will be determined by centuries of experience in observing and analyzing dreams. Merchants, artists, and lovers will be pleased to know why they dream about grass - Miller’s dream book claims that it is a symbol of prosperity.

For businessmen involved in purchases and sales, such a dream promises quick enrichment, for actors and writers - fame, and it is quite possible that someone will wake up famous the next morning. Well, a wonderful swim in the ocean of pleasure awaits lovers.

Luck and obstacles

As in reality, in a dream we are given joy by the touch of delicate greenery, the aroma of clover, and the damp chill of dew. Interpretations of dream books often depend on how bright, lush the meadow you saw.

Running in a dream on lush green grass is a symbol of the path to success, and running on dry, barefoot grass is a sign of illness. In most dream books there is a mention of what dry or young grass means in dreams. Common interpretation: dry for losses, green for profits. Touching withered grass stands for illness, but if you have just seen it, illness will befall the one you love selflessly.

If you happened to walk on the grass in a dream, this could be a warning about the betrayal of your best friend. But don't rush to conclusions. Remember all the details of the dream and carefully read this article - perhaps, instead of grief, you will learn that very pleasant events lie ahead - a new romance, financial success or a measured life in abundance.

Dream books interpret differently the dream where we are sitting or lying on emerald grass. They usually say that this portends success in business, and everything done before will become the foundation for new achievements. According to Hasse’s dream book, the beginning of a tender romantic relationship is planned, and if the clearing in the dream was lush and fresh, they will end in marriage. Fedorovskaya’s dream book says that lying in a meadow means going on a long journey.

Whatever the dream of thick grass, all interpretations, as a rule, come down to the promise of a carefree life and well-being. If you dreamed of tall grass that prevents you from moving forward, this means obstacles that you will encounter on the path to success. If you were able to get through the thickets, it means you will overcome difficulties. But if the thickets helped you hide, it means that old love will embrace you with renewed vigor. Looking for a loved one in a tall feather grass in a dream means an imminent wedding.

Seeing young tender grass in spring thawed areas in a dream means the end of a difficult period of deprivation and restrictions. Rest assured, luck will not keep you waiting, radically changing your entire way of life for the better. A dull clearing on a cloudy or rainy day, wet grass in a dream are interpreted by the dream book as a sign of failure of a seemingly simple task. Perform it with all possible responsibility so as not to let your partners down.

If after a rain the grass is half in water? Luck will follow on your heels - long-awaited gifts, unexpected manifestations of love and just luck where you don’t expect it. A meadow completely flooded with water guarantees a great mood and good health.

Walking barefoot on such grass in a dream and getting your feet wet indicates mental confusion and loneliness. The dream book recommends intensifying the search for that one thing (the only one) who will return sparkle to the eyes and peace to the heart.

Love and money

Love and money rule the world. Perhaps this is why dream books so often contain predictions from the field of business and personal relationships. Why do you dream, for example, of mowing grass? But this is not a trip to the village. A lonely young lady will have an intimate friend, a long-time lover will make a long-awaited proposal. Birthdays from May to August will finally receive good dividends.

If in a dream you looked at mowing from the side, you can count on part of the profit that your partner will receive. I dreamed of mowed fragrant grass - the dream book predicts such an influx of work that the vacation will have to be postponed. Seeing rolls of hay being cut means failures in the dreamer’s life, sad events.

Why do we dream about burning grass? To health for many, many years. Perhaps it will finally be possible to realize a long-standing intention to get rich. But if the dreamer himself arranged the burning of dead wood and in the dream the grass burns due to his fault, then this is an accident.

Weeding weeds in a dream means that you will be able to safely get rid of an annoying and unpleasant admirer. But to pull out useful, good grass at the same time means that, through your fault, you are close to breaking up with the person you deeply and secretly love. Listen to the dream book and draw the right conclusions.

It is important to know why you dream of tearing up grass all over without looking - this is a sign that you are scared or in dire need. What worries you? What's stopping you from improving your well-being? In addition to a sincere dream book, there are also devoted friends; maybe it’s time to turn to them for support.

Collecting medicinal herbs in a dream in the hope that they will relieve pain indicates that it will be possible to find unconventional ways to solve problems in business.

Do you indulge in illegal drugs? This is exactly what the dream book says if in a dream you saw white grass - a symbol of “white death”. If you collected it yourself - you are very predisposed to drug addiction, if you saw other collectors - you will find yourself in a dangerous and unpleasant environment of drug addicts.

Perhaps this also indicates your ambition and arrogance. The dream book, explaining why one dreams of smoking weed (and in slang, this is what marijuana is called), draws the dreamer’s attention to the desire to rise above everyone.

“Dream Interpretation of tearing Grass, dreamed of why you dream of tearing Grass in a dream”

Dream interpretation of tearing grass

Why do you dream of picking Grass in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dreamed that you were tearing up grass, your partners will provide assistance, and your business will develop successfully. Tearing grass with your hands - you are a scandalous person, constantly sorting things out.

Pulling out vegetation on a grave means you will be able to establish relationships with older family members with whom there has been a long-standing quarrel or conflict.

How are other dream books interpreted?

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream of picking Grass, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about picking Grass in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I walked on the lush grass. then I wanted to rip it off. She started to tear at her, but she didn’t pull herself out completely. then I turned around and walked up to the cherry tree. There were juicy ripe berries on it, but they were also rotten. I only picked ripe ones. There were more ripe than rotten berries. And I had the feeling that my dad was watching me (he died 5 years ago).

My husband and I and one married couple were in the garden. They all lay on the ground and did nothing. And I was tearing up the grass. Then I put my hand on the shoulder of another man (not my husband), as if trying to lean on him. And then she removed her hand. And she said, looking at her husband: you see how much work there is now, showing the grass that hasn’t been pulled out, you should have done this before

I collected paper money along with the grass and brought it into the house and the deceased Grandma took it from me because I needed to leave quickly

I was at the dacha, picking up green grass and seeing the beds, then a friend came and took the soil into a bag for her home, and then we picked radishes and red currants and strawberries and ate them, and then pigs appeared at the neighboring dacha and I drove them out of there.

I was sent to pick grass (I don’t remember who), I went, it was very dark (night), the place where I picked turned out to be a swamp, I want to pick as much grass as possible, but every time I put a bunch of grass aside, I can’t find it later, the third time I picked some stem and went back to the light of the lanterns, came out, dry, warm and light

In a dream, a strong man came up to me, said that he was in love with me and handed me a bouquet of freshly picked, green, juicy grass. At the same time, he said that he is married and he does not plan a relationship with me. I accepted the bouquet, but when he left I threw it away.

I tear up the lush grass with my hands and collect a bunch of it; before that, someone mowed it, but I didn’t see who

I tore up green grass with my friends and my mother, we tore up the grass while climbing the mountain, Then I found coins in the wall, under each coin there was someone’s old portrait, then they hit me with whips, but then they left and took the grass in a car to some people I also played and looked after small children, sat at a set table and celebrated someone’s birthday with strangers, but at the very beginning of the dream I dreamed that I had cut off some of my hair.

I greedily picked dandelions (not flowers, but their green grass) near the house of a friend with whom we see every day, now we don’t communicate, but we used to be very good friends. It was at a time of day when the sun had already set, but it was dark It hadn’t quite arrived yet. At the same time, I didn’t want him to see me. I dreamed about him very often several months ago for 2 weeks, almost every other day. At that time we no longer communicated, and in all my dreams he treated me very well .Several times in a dream I saw myself naked in a crowded place, but I didn’t feel much shame, I behaved as if I were wearing clothes. In most cases, this person was also in these dreams. In many of them there was water, a lot of water.

I dreamed that I was tearing up grass for the rabbits, but since they couldn’t choose the juicy ones, I chose the one without dew and already with ears of corn. Some bushes were uprooted. Then I showed this herb, if I’m not mistaken, to my mother. And she asked if this herb would be suitable.

I dreamed of flowers in the garden that I liked and I started weeding them from the grass.

Hello Tanya, I’m Sali, yesterday I had a dream that I, my mother, my sister, and someone else I don’t remember, were tearing up green grass, in the rain it was somehow nice, what does this mean, thanks in advance

In a dream I was talking with a dead friend, I don’t remember what she said, I asked questions about my dead, she talked and hid so that they wouldn’t see that we were talking, we pretended that we were just picking grass in the sand. She explained that she couldn’t tell me. It was somewhere near the water, sand, trees around and people walking in the distance.

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  • Tsvetkova


  • Dream interpretation of tearing green grass with your hands

    Dream Interpretation Tear grass

    Green meadows, even in a dream, inspire calm and tranquility. Since ancient times, herbs have been called silk and lush. And the attitude towards them was appropriate. But what if you had to vigorously tear up the grass in a dream? To answer the question of why you dream about picking grass, you need to analyze what you saw and look at the night dream from different angles.

    Lush green growth in the meadows speaks of good health. If it is flooded with clean water in a dream, it means that you will be able to preserve it until a very old age. But an overgrown path to the house means that you will be able to achieve a respectable position in society.

    In a dream, tearing green grass to feed an animal means that you have entrepreneurial talent. To see how cattle that have eaten grow right before your eyes means you will be able to make a substantial fortune out of practically nothing.

    What does the dream mean?

    In order to understand where such visions come from, it is important to remember two fundamentally important points:

    If you tore up the grass

    • what condition was it in when you tore it (fresh, juicy or dry, blackened):
    • for what purposes was it needed (to feed an animal, to eat yourself or to prepare a healing decoction).

    What kind of shoots had to be plucked?

    If in a dream the lush growth was familiar to you by name or variety, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to put into practice the previously acquired knowledge. Going through, putting aside only what you need, will take a long time to find an assistant.

    Seeing unknown, but beautiful and succulent plants in a dream means fruitful cooperation with foreign investments (both financial and human).

    It’s worse if it was yellow or dried out in a dream. In this case, you should devote more time to your own health. There is no need to think that the cause of the malaise is a banal lack of sleep. It is better to consult a doctor, the modern dream book advises.

    Silk herbs

    Tearing fresh green grass in a dream means making a profit.

    If she was in places familiar to you, and you enjoyed touching her, get ready for the fact that you will have to do what you like most.

    Perhaps you will be able to turn your favorite hobby into a decent source of income. Or you can discover a long-dormant talent within yourself.

    If you dreamed of high mountains behind green plains, you can expect some obstacles in promoting your own business. And dried out or trampled in places - means the evil machinations of competitors.

    Withered greens

    If in a dream you tore up green shoots, but found hay in your hands, no efforts of yours will be able to save the work you have started. At first you will suffer minor losses, but every day they will grow like a snowball. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to pay off creditors.

    You dream that you step on green grass, but it immediately turns black - a bad sign. Serious health problems await you. Yellowed grass under your feet means illness in relatives or children.

    Seeing how the mop you plucked is eaten by locusts means serious losses, a debt trap or loss of housing, warns the esoteric dream book.

    For what purpose

    To interpret such a dream, it is very important to remember for what purpose the herbs were collected in the dream.

    • Feeding a cow with plucked grass is a difficult but profitable project.

    if you vomited to feed animals

    Own impressions

    As a rule, dreams in which you see green, lush grass evoke pleasant impressions. But even if it is yellow or dried out, it almost never frightens and does not cause strong negative emotions. Unfortunately, this is precisely the reason that such a night dream is not taken seriously and they are in no hurry to take care of their own health.

    It is very important to pay attention to visions in which the grass turns yellow right in your hands - this indicates the asymptomatic development of a serious disease. If such a picture is etched in your memory, you need to urgently visit a doctor, the esoteric dream book recommends.

    Tall silky fragrant herbs mean good health and financial well-being, the family dream book promises. Walking through a meadow and picking off some blades of grass you like is a sign of a high leadership position.

    If you are happy that lush grass has grown in your own meadow, you will be able to organize work well in your own enterprise.

    Why do you dream about grass, dream book: grass - complete interpretation of dreams

    We often dream of natural landscapes, elements of the environment, pleasant weather, freshness, even if in reality it is not at all like that outside the window. In this case, grass is a symbol of nature, life, spring, a harbinger of awakening. To accurately determine the meaning of a dream about grass, you need to clarify the details of the dream: color, weather, place, what emotions you experienced in the dream. Different dream books contain a large number of meanings that need to be selected based on the most appropriate details of your dream.

    Dream Interpretation Maya

    Dream Interpretation: “field with grass” - this dream has two meanings: good and bad. The good meaning is this: all your efforts and labors will be crowned with success, you will see great fruits of your work. Even if it seems to you now that your work is unfruitful, then in the future you will realize that you were mistaken. Bad meaning: you may have a strong quarrel with close friends, after this quarrel your relationship will be very strained, it will be difficult for you to start communicating again as before. But this is only a test of your friendship, which is able to withstand such conflicts.

    Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about grass? A dream in which grass appears means that you are able to work hard and, if necessary, complete work of any complexity.

    Dream Interpretation: green grass, trees. This dream means that you have a close connection with your family and you associate it with warmth and comfort, you are always happy to see your loved ones and are sure that they will be able to help and support you at any moment.

    Dream Interpretation: mowing green grass means that you should not rush things and make global decisions or resolve important issues. If you rush, the result of your decision will not be what you expected.

    • Miller's dream book “grass”: for people closely associated with business, such a dream foreshadows good deals, profits, and a significant improvement in financial condition. For creative individuals - inspiration, fame, new projects.
    • Miller's dream book “green grass” foretells positive dynamics in your life. New perspectives and opportunities will open up for you. Lonely people will find happiness in the form of a loved one. Everyone will find what they have been looking for for a long time.
    • The dream book “beautiful herbs” symbolizes a beautiful life. You will begin to live differently, to see only good, positive sides in everything. This is a good sign that luck has turned to you.
    • Dream Interpretation: walking barefoot on the grass promises a deterioration in your financial condition; big expenses await you, which will undermine your plans.

    Dream Interpretation: “dry grass is burning” - such a dream means that an accident may happen that will closely affect you. You may not even participate in it, but it will greatly affect you.

    • Dream Interpretation: seeing green grass portends an improvement in your financial situation, good profits and benefits. You will have to work hard, but it will be worth it because you will be able to afford things you only dreamed of before.
    • Dream Interpretation: “The grass is green to go” means that you are a very open person who is confident in everything he does. You should not hide this quality in yourself, but you need to be very careful, because such people are often easy to take advantage of.
    • Dream Interpretation: “a field of green grass” is a very good sign, because it promises good prosperity and wealth. You will be lucky enough to receive an interesting offer that will give you the opportunity to earn decent money for a long time.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    Dream interpretation online "grass". This dream symbolizes your sex life.

    Dream Interpretation: “plucking green grass” warns you that you are prone to conflicts and quarrels, your temper is not good for you and is very often inappropriate. You need to control yourself and remember that there are people who will not tolerate your character.

    • Dream Interpretation: collecting herbs means that you are in search of a solution to a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time. You need to relax and unwind, only after a good release look for a solution again and think about further actions.
    • Dream Interpretation: lying on the grass means that the beginning of a new romantic adventure awaits you, you will start a new relationship with a completely atypical person for you. You need to remember that you must be very attentive and careful, because due to the fact that you plunge too much into your crush, you may lose what you already have.
    • Dream Interpretation: grass in water means sad memories, sadness that will overtake you due to a poor emotional state and nervous tension. (see dream Water)
    • Tearing grass in a dream means that you need something or someone very much. To meet your needs, you must address this issue and not rely on chance. Do everything possible and in your power to get what you want.
    • Dream interpretation “grass” is a favorable sign. Such a dream portends happiness. Harmony and mutual understanding in the family, even failures and problems cannot discord you.
    • The dream “grass is burning” is bad. You need to be careful even in small things because you risk harming your health and having an accident.
    • Walking on grass in a dream has two meanings at the same time, good and bad. The good meaning is that you are in a state of euphoria and enjoy every little thing, appreciate every moment and enjoy life; a bad meaning is interpreted as meaning that minor problems and obstacles await you on the way to your goal; they will be artificially created by third parties to hinder you. To avoid this, do not tell anyone about your plans and goals, because you will not immediately guess who set you up.
    • Dream Interpretation “mow the grass with a scythe” - such a dream means that you are getting rid of people you don’t need in your life. Sometimes such “cleansing” is necessary, because there is a risk that you will be used and not appreciated, but taken for granted. It is important to remember that you cannot burn yourself while warming others. (see dream of Kos)
    • The dream “big grass” symbolizes your self-esteem. This is your ego, your second “I”, which you are trying to develop in every possible way. But don’t be arrogant, sometimes increasing self-esteem has a negative impact on relationships with others.
    • Dream Interpretation: tall grass - after several failures and disappointments, a white streak in life awaits you, which will bring you back to your senses. This will be a good period in which you can start new projects, plans, and think about possible radical changes in life.
    • Dream Interpretation: walking on the grass indicates that you are uneasy in your soul due to the absence of a loved one. You have nowhere to give all your energy, romantic feelings, love that has been only with you for so long. To return to college, you should try to forget about it and start looking for your soulmate.
    • The dream of “collecting grass” symbolizes improved health; for a person who is sick, it means recovery.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Interpretation of dreams “green grass”: such a dream suggests that you have hope for a bright future, for an improved quality of life. If you work hard and do not feel sorry for yourself, then you will achieve heights and your desires.

    • The meaning of the dream “grass” suggests that you still hope for the past, you want to bring back people from the past, some events and yourself. You need to understand that the present time is passing you by while you are thinking about what is no longer there, what has long passed. Every day you try to become who you were before.
    • The dream of “walking barefoot on the grass” makes you pay attention to your friends, because one of them may turn out to be a traitor, because of him you risk getting many difficult problems.
    • Seeing “mowing grass” in a dream promises you good profit and prosperity.
    • The dream of “thickets of grass” foretells you a meeting with an old friend, which will change your outlook on life and on many things that you previously considered unimportant.
    • The dream of “lying on the grass” means that you have a strong foundation that keeps your finances always normal. You don’t have to be afraid of being fired, because you are a very valuable employee who is respected not only by your colleagues, but also by your superiors. Everything you did before has helped you a lot now, the foundation that you laid earlier is now bearing fruit.
    • If you dreamed of walking on green grass, then your business will go up, you will be lucky and successful, this is an excellent period for new beginnings.
    • The dream of “burning grass” warns that you may be in serious danger that threatens your health.
    • Running through the grass in a dream means that you are rapidly moving towards your dream and want to quickly realize it. You're going in the right direction, but don't focus too much on it.

    Dry grass in a dream is a bad harbinger of illness or failure. You may also get problems at work, including being fired.

    • Dream Interpretation: grass is a good sign that symbolizes a rich, happy, interesting life. You do not stand still and are always busy with something; in your life there is a place for work and adventure, travel, and entertainment.
    • Dream Interpretation: green meadow, grass means that harmony and happiness, good well-being will come to your family. You will not need to worry about where to get money, because there will always be a stable income. There will also be mutual understanding in the relationship.
    • The dream of “walking on the grass” means that you will be immersed in warm feelings of love, bliss and happiness, because now you are in a period when you are in love and want to feel it to the fullest. Every little thing makes you happy and brings great pleasure.
    • Mowing grass in a dream warns you that you need to reconsider your social circle and weed out people you don’t need, energy vampires, people with whom you don’t like to communicate. Start your life with a new leaf, stop tolerating someone in your life and enjoy communicating with every person.

    Dream book for a bitch

    Seeing green grass in a dream promises you wealth, fame, and good luck in business. You can rest assured in your plans and actions; all your actions are correct.

    Why do you dream of dry grass? You will be overtaken by a bad mood and melancholy. To cope with this, you need to learn to take failures and problems easier.

    The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

    Dream Interpretation: walking barefoot on the grass promises you a deterioration in your health; be careful, as there is a risk of getting sick.

    Dream Interpretation: grass under water means that you expect mutual warm feelings towards yourself from your chosen one. You miss his attention and you think you deserve more. But you shouldn’t be offended by him (or her), since the person does not know how to express his feelings the way you want.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    • Dream Interpretation: Green grass means good, good health. You do not neglect proper nutrition and always keep yourself in shape. A dream can also portend an improvement in the patient’s health and recovery.
    • The dream of “mowing green grass” foretells that you will finish what you have started. You have been gathering your strength and thoughts for a long time, and now the time has come to act.
    • Seeing tall grass in a dream promises that your self-esteem is too high and you should “come down to earth”, because in fact your loved ones do not share your opinion and sometimes you do not notice how you are going too far.
    • Dream Interpretation: picking grass in the garden means that new interesting and promising acquaintances await you, which will open up opportunities for you to work with foreign partners or even open your own personal business.
    • Why do you dream of green grass? Your work will be rewarded with decent pay. Despite the hard work, you will not worsen your health and provide yourself with a stable income.
    • The dream of “planting grass” suggests that you are striving for stability for yourself and complete independence. You want to find a job for yourself that will allow you to not depend on anyone and allow you to provide not only for yourself, but also for your family if necessary.
    • The dream of “walking on green grass” means that you are a very open person, you always try to help people and never refuse, your communication is sincere and does not have any selfish motives.

    Dream book of the medium Miss Hasse

    Why do you dream of mowing grass? Your family will find harmony and prosperity in all areas of life: financial, spiritual.

    Why do you dream of tearing up grass? This dream means that you are trying to grab any opportunity to earn money despite the prestige of your chosen craft.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    • Seeing green grass in a dream means that you will be completely satisfied with your life, you will understand that you are grateful for everything you have. Good health will help you realize everything you want.
    • Seeing dry grass in a dream suggests that you are constantly complaining about something, and because of this there is very little positivity and bright colors in your life. Instead of being dissatisfied with something, change something around you for the better, and first of all yourself.
    • Why do you dream of tall grass? You should pay attention to the state of affairs, because you are too relaxed, frivolous about everything that happens around you.

    Magic dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: mowing grass in a dream is a sign that you want to realize your desires and goals, you want to assert yourself in your specialty and feel confident.
    • Tearing green grass in a dream means that you will constantly want something more, need something, and even when you achieve your goals, you will still set new ones and achieve even greater heights.
    • The dream of “setting the grass on fire” carries the following interpretation: you need to be very attentive and careful, because now is a dangerous time for you to harm yourself.
    • Why do you dream of walking on the grass? This dream is interpreted as the presence of problems in your life related to love relationships. You are trying to find the right person who meets your criteria. But often the people you start communicating with are not right for you. Because of this, you feel sad and try to delve into yourself, thereby causing great harm to your nerves.

    If you dreamed of a field with grass, then big profits will soon come to you. It is better for you not to spend everything at once, but to save it for more important things.

    If you dream “the grass is burning,” then you want to “burn” all your problems and experiences, they prevent you from living.

    Modern combined dream book

    What does green grass mean in a dream? Such a dream means that success awaits you in work matters and in business. The financial side of your life will delight you, because you will be able to earn a stable income without much effort.

    If you had to pick grass with your hands in a dream, then your character greatly spoils your relationships with people. You are easily provoked into conflicts, you can easily offend a person and do not always admit your guilt.

    Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about grass? This dream is symbolized as a clear sign that you have to take a break from routine, change your place of permanent residence, and get new vivid impressions.

    • Why do you dream about grass? Such a dream promises you to meet and communicate with a variety of people. It can also portend problems in work and family.
    • Dream Interpretation: mowing the grass is an unfavorable sign, promising losses and death. But besides this, a dream can promise unpleasant chores and minor troubles.
    • Dream Interpretation: burning grass symbolizes combustion, blazing emotions. The most important thing in this dream is that you will need to resolve the conflict yourself and make concessions.
    • Why do you dream of tall green grass? You began to value yourself and adequately assess your importance in society and authority.
    • Why do you dream of walking on green grass? This dream promises you difficulties, minor problems that will unsettle you. In order to get back in shape you need to rest and get out of your comfort zone and try something new. The dream also has a second meaning - it is a sign that you should take a closer look at your friends, because there is a risk that your friend will betray you due to personal selfish motives.

    Ukrainian dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: mowing grass in a dream foreshadows big problems and troubles that will require urgent solutions. They will be connected to different areas of your life, so pay attention to everything and don’t miss the little things.
    • Why do you dream about thick green grass? This is a good sign - you will receive recognition from society and yourself. You will learn to value yourself as a person, understand and be aware of your authority, because all your thoughts are aimed at self-development.
    • The dream “black grass” foreshadows a bad mood and gloomy days that will not bring any changes. This routine will leave you feeling tired and depressed.

    The dream “tall green grass” promises problems and difficulties in business. You will need to put in a lot of effort and stress, because your work and well-being depend on it. But if you do everything right, you will easily solve all your problems.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    The dream of “mowing the grass with a scythe” means that you will save up savings for a big and global thing, your dream. It can also be a sign of accumulation of knowledge and experience for further use.

    Dream Interpretation: “barefoot on the grass” - such a dream means that you will receive great satisfaction and pleasure from some event or news.

    Why do you dream of a green field of grass? This dream is a warning sign that you need to think about what foundation of knowledge you have laid earlier, perhaps it’s time to take advantage of it.

    • Dream Interpretation: Mown green grass promises you a business meeting, an acquaintance that will be very productive and will bring you many opportunities. If you are enterprising and immediately grab luck by the tail, such cooperation will bring you a lot of money.
    • Why do you dream of walking on the grass? You consider yourself the only person who can change your life, you feel fully responsible for all your actions and decisions. Take everything seriously and try not to be led by laziness.
    • Why do you dream of lying on the grass? This dream foretells you a journey, an interesting trip. After it, you will rethink many things in your life.

    General dream book

    • Why do you dream about cut grass? Such a dream promises failure in business, a failure that will accompany all endeavors. Now it is better to refrain from making important decisions and implementing new projects.
    • Why dream of mowing grass with a scythe? You are trying to get rid of negative emotions, replacing them with a change in activity and rejecting gloomy thoughts with all your might.
    • Why do you dream of picking green grass? Such a dream is a sign that you will defeat all your ill-wishers and envious people; they will not get what they expect.
    • Dream Interpretation: dry grass means that at the moment you are doing work that does not bring you any pleasure, special worthy income and joy. You need to reconsider your attitude towards her and change something, because in the future, if you stay in this place, you will not realize yourself as a specialist and it will not bring you any prospects.
    • Why dream of a scythe, cutting grass? You may be overtaken by an illness that will interrupt your plans.
    • Why do you dream about thick grass? Such a dream means that you are on the way to improving your financial condition, gaining personal space and independence.
    • Dream Interpretation: walking on the grass means that you just can’t find the person you need, you are disappointed when your next acquaintance does not develop into something more. Until you find such a person, you will not find peace of mind and harmony with yourself. But this does not mean that you need to get hung up on these searches, just let go of the situation and love will come by itself.
    • Dream interpretation: freshly cut grass promises you an abundance of work and a heavy load. You will have to cancel your business and vacation, since right now you have an excellent opportunity to make good money.
    • Weeding grass in a dream foretells that you will get rid of a person who was too intrusive and ruined your life. It could even be a person you like.
    • The dream “thick grass” means that a carefree future awaits you; a person will appear in your life who will inspire you with trust and support. This will be a good and positive period in your life as you will enjoy every day.

    Dreams in which you saw grass often have one meaning associated with worries about the financial side of your life and relationships with loved ones. You are at a critical point at the moment, rethinking many things and yourself, trying to find the root of the problem in yourself and in others. Such mental tossing does not allow you to relax and completely immerse yourself in a normal, happy life. The purpose of such dreams is to warn that it is time to change something, to think about something, since the worsening of the problem may be very close. Thanks to sleep, you can avoid many mistakes and change the course of your actions.

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  • Grass in a dream very often acts only as a background for the main action. But if she aroused close attention with her unusual appearance, then this image must be interpreted. Why do you dream of green, yellow or even dry grass?

    Interpretation from dream books - what grass promises in a dream

    To get the most accurate decoding, you will have to carefully remember what the dream was about. First, take a look at popular dream books, and they say the following:

    1. Miller's dream book considers a vision in which green grass was present to be extremely favorable. In general, it promises prosperity and success. People engaged in trade can expect profits and quick enrichment, artists and writers can expect fame and glory, lovers can expect happy relationships. But if the grass was withered and yellow, then the interpretation is completely opposite.
    2. Aesop's dream book believes that grass in a dream is connected with the past. Green vegetation symbolizes hope, and yellowed vegetation symbolizes grief and regret. Why do you dream about grass breaking through asphalt or concrete? This is a symbol of illusory expectations that will certainly come true.
    3. The new family dream book also promises a prosperous and happy existence for everyone, without exception. But withered vegetation warns of difficulties and illness.

    Now is the time to move on to more specific subjects.

    Why do you dream about tall, waist-deep, dry grass?

    Tall and juicy summer grass in a dream conveys calmness, contentment and excellent health. But if it turned out to be too high or grew where it should not be, then excessive serenity and frivolity will negatively affect business. You can see dry grass before a loss of strength, a wasting disease, weight loss and general weakness.

    I dreamed that the grass was green, yellow, thick, sparse

    Why do you dream about grass in general? Often it is a symbol of vital energy and reflects the state of health. If the vegetation had a lush green color, then in the current period expect inspiration, success, excellent health and general well-being.

    Did you dream about yellow grass? You have to do hard work for meager remuneration, and besides, a loved one may get sick. You can see dense green herbs before entering into a successful marriage, while rare and trampled ones appear before difficult times and trials.

    What do medicinal herbs and weeds symbolize in a dream?

    Any medicinal herb hints in the night that in case of illness it should be treated with it. In addition, each plant has its own meaning, which should be taken into account when interpreting.

    Why do we dream about weeds? They reflect negative thoughts, negative feelings, inappropriate behavior, and also warn of all sorts of obstacles. Seeing them in a swampy area means that quarrels and separation await you.

    Why do you dream of grass in the house, on the threshold, in the yard?

    You should definitely remember where exactly the grass grew. If it’s right on the floor in the house, then your well-being is in great danger. Have you found grass growing in your rooms? Soon the house will be empty.

    Seeing lush vegetation in a yard or field is good. This is an omen of material gain. It's even better to mow such grass. A business that you started a long time ago will bring big income. If the grass grew right on the threshold or at the gate, then you should be a big boss.

    I dreamed of grass in the garden, in the cemetery

    Why do you dream of a vegetable garden that is heavily overgrown with grass? Immediately review your lifestyle and diet. If you don’t change anything right now, you will become seriously ill or reach a dead end.

    Did you dream about forbs in a cemetery? This is a very interesting sign, promising a resurrection of the past, a radical change in worldview, or a meeting with someone who has not been seen for a long time. Did you see a grave covered in grass? Parents or other elderly family members will have some problems.

    What does it mean if the grass burns in a dream?

    Burning grass at night is associated with loss of vital energy, aggressive behavior, aimless or unnecessary expenditure of resources. If you manage to set it on fire yourself, you may become the victim of an accident.

    At the same time, a bright flame consuming dry vegetation promises a surge of strength and inspiration in real life. Did you dream that a large pile of dry straw was burning brightly? A prosperous period has begun in all respects. Now you can do what you previously only dreamed of.

    Grass in a dream - other meanings

    It is very good if in a dream you were able to identify the type of grass. However, some transcripts can be quite contradictory, so the final interpretation depends on current circumstances.

    • ragweed – respiratory disease, allergy
    • amaranth – wisdom, luck, prosperity
    • oregano – illness or, on the contrary, recovery
    • St. John's wort – a disease of internal organs, a surge of strength
    • clover - happiness, prosperity
    • cannabis – secret desires, quarrel with a friend, success in business
    • quinoa - poverty, boring life
    • coltsfoot - implementation of plans, profit
    • mint - pleasant chores, temptation, flu
    • sow – injury from a piercing object
    • wormwood - separation, sorrow and even death
    • yarrow – bleeding, calming
    • grass with flowers - prosperity, joyful event
    • beveled to the patient - deterioration of the condition
    • healthy - failure
    • walking on the grass - overcoming difficulties
    • lying down - the beginning of a long and successful relationship
    • wallow in the thick - security, carefree
    • hide - old love will flare up
    • crawling on your knees - hard work, an attempt to improve the situation
    • looking for something - excessive curiosity
    • loved one - wedding
    • trample - an immoral act, refusal of one’s words, promises
    • chewing - collapse of expectations, disappointment
    • mow - wealth, profit, husband, lover will appear
    • feeding animals - declaration of love, frank conversation

    If in a dream you happened to collect medicinal plants and store them for future use, you will soon experience very unusual, but strictly positive sensations. Brewing and drinking tea with them means that you will experience a stormy love affair with a happy ending.

    Dream Interpretation Tear grass

    Green meadows, even in a dream, inspire calm and tranquility. Since ancient times, herbs have been called silk and lush. And the attitude towards them was appropriate. But what if you had to vigorously tear up the grass in a dream? To answer the question of why you dream about picking grass, you need to analyze what you saw and look at the night dream from different angles.

    Lush green growth in the meadows speaks of good health. If it is flooded with clean water in a dream, it means that you will be able to preserve it until a very old age. But an overgrown path to the house means that you will be able to achieve a respectable position in society.

    In a dream, tearing green grass to feed an animal means that you have entrepreneurial talent. To see how cattle that have eaten grow right before your eyes means you will be able to make a substantial fortune out of practically nothing.

    What does the dream mean?

    In order to understand where such visions come from, it is important to remember two fundamentally important points:

    If you tore up the grass

    • what condition was it in when you tore it (fresh, juicy or dry, blackened):
    • for what purposes was it needed (to feed an animal, to eat yourself or to prepare a healing decoction).

    What kind of shoots had to be plucked?

    If in a dream the lush growth was familiar to you by name or variety, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to put into practice the previously acquired knowledge. Going through, putting aside only what you need, will take a long time to find an assistant.

    Seeing unknown, but beautiful and succulent plants in a dream means fruitful cooperation with foreign investments (both financial and human).

    It’s worse if it was yellow or dried out in a dream. In this case, you should devote more time to your own health. There is no need to think that the cause of the malaise is a banal lack of sleep. It is better to consult a doctor, the modern dream book advises.

    Silk herbs

    Tearing fresh green grass in a dream means making a profit.

    If she was in places familiar to you, and you enjoyed touching her, get ready for the fact that you will have to do what you like most.

    Perhaps you will be able to turn your favorite hobby into a decent source of income. Or you can discover a long-dormant talent within yourself.

    If you dreamed of high mountains behind green plains, you can expect some obstacles in promoting your own business. And dried out or trampled in places means the evil machinations of competitors.

    Withered greens

    If in a dream you tore up green shoots, but found hay in your hands, no efforts of yours will be able to save the work you have started. At first you will suffer minor losses, but every day they will grow like a snowball. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to pay off creditors.

    You dream that you step on green grass, but it immediately turns black - a bad sign. Serious health problems await you. Yellowed grass under your feet means illness in relatives or children.

    Seeing how the mop you plucked is eaten by locusts means serious losses, a debt trap or loss of housing, warns the esoteric dream book.

    For what purpose

    To interpret such a dream, it is very important to remember for what purpose the herbs were collected in the dream.

    Own impressions

    As a rule, dreams in which you see green, lush grass evoke pleasant impressions. But even if it is yellow or dried out, it almost never frightens and does not cause strong negative emotions. Unfortunately, this is precisely the reason that such a night dream is not taken seriously and they are in no hurry to take care of their own health.

    It is very important to pay attention to visions in which the grass turns yellow right in your hands - this indicates the asymptomatic development of a serious disease. If such a picture is etched in your memory, you need to urgently visit a doctor, the esoteric dream book recommends.

    Tall silky fragrant herbs mean good health and financial well-being, the family dream book promises. Walking through a meadow and picking off some blades of grass you like is a sign of a high leadership position.

    If you are happy that lush grass has grown in your own meadow, you will be able to organize work well in your own enterprise.

    Thin, almost transparent stalks of green grass make you remember good things and awaken romantic expectations. But dream books can tell you whether they will be acquitted. According to Gustav Miller, people with substantial income see this in their dreams. And if you consider yourself one of those people, feel free to open the dream book. It's time to find out what grass means in dreams.

    For a person immersed in trade, grass in a dream promises to quickly get rich. If an actor or writer sees green stems, fame awaits them. Well, if you are in love, feelings will only bring pleasure and pleasure.

    Successes and defeats

    Not only in reality, touching the green carpet gives us joy. In a dream, these sensations are no weaker. Try to remember what exactly you felt - the meaning of the dream will largely depend on this.

    Did you have a dream in which you were running through bright, green grass? This is the road to success, the dream book explains. But if the grass was withered, and you had to run on it barefoot, then in reality a disease awaits you. In general, such a dream is most often interpreted as follows. Dreaming of fresh grass means profit, while dry grass means financial losses. Have you touched the dried grass with your palm? Vision also predicts illness. Look at her without touching her? The disease will strike the one you love with all your heart.

    Why might you dream of just walking on the grass? This could mean betrayal of a person you have always considered a friend. But do not rush to throw accusations, first carefully read the article to the end. It is quite possible that you will see other meanings for yourself - new relationships, success in business or a calm life, not overshadowed by need.

    Dream books do not have a clear opinion about the dream in which we see ourselves sitting or lying on a grass carpet. Most often, the dream is explained by quick success in current affairs, and they will bring much more than you originally expected.

    According to Hasse's dream book, you have a new novel ahead. Was the grass in the clearing lush and fresh? There is a high probability that this relationship will end in marriage. And according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book, you have to go on a long journey if in a dream you were lying on an emerald meadow.

    Why do you dream of thick and juicy grass? Here all interpreters are united - in life the sleeper will not know worries. In a dream, did you find yourself in real grass, so thick that it was hard to even move? On the way to your plans, you will encounter many obstacles that you have to overcome, the dream books explain. If in a dream you successfully dealt with the thickets, it means that in reality you will succeed. But if during sleep the tall grass became a shelter for you, in reality old feelings will make themselves felt again. Were you looking for your soulmate in this grass? Get ready for a magnificent wedding.

    Do you see in a dream young and fragile grass that timidly peeks out from under the melted snow? The end of a difficult period in your life has come. Have no doubt - troubles will soon be left behind, and success will appear on the horizon. Have you seen a clearing faded from a cloudy and rainy day? You will not cope with the task received because you did not attach importance to it. Reconsider your attitude, otherwise you will let down not only yourself, but also your comrades.

    Why do you dream of greenery half standing in water? Such a dream promises good luck - it will follow you in your wake. Pleasant attentions, unexpected gifts and incredible luck in cases that seemed completely hopeless. All this is promised by the dream.

    And if you saw a meadow completely hidden under water, in reality you will feel great and be in a good mood.

    Did you get your feet wet while wandering through a damp meadow? In reality you are confused and very lonely. According to the advice of the dream book, look around - what if the only one who can bring back the colors of life to you is very close?

    Feelings and wealth

    Love rules the world, many say, and some add money. This is probably why interpretations regarding these two quantities appear so often in dream books.

    What does it mean to dream about mowing grass in a meadow? Not a trip to nature at all, says the dream book. A girl who dreamed about this will soon acquire a gentleman, or a long-time admirer will offer her his hand and heart. And those born from May to August in reality will receive a substantial amount of money.

    In the dream you didn’t mow down, but only watched from the side? Also expect money, but not that much. Only part of the income that your partner or colleague will receive will be in your hands. Do you see a mountain of fragrant, freshly cut hay? Reality will be so overwhelming with work that the long-awaited vacation will have to be postponed for some time. Do you see haystacks here and there? Be prepared for problems and sad events.

    Why do you dream if the grass is on fire? To good health and excellent well-being. It is quite possible that you will be able to implement plans that will help you get rich. But if in a dream you started a fire yourself, expect major troubles in reality.

    Did you see yourself weeding while you were sleeping? In reality, get rid of the annoying attention of a person who is unpleasant to you. But if you happen to pull out the “needed” grass in the garden bed, it means that the relationship that you value very much is about to be interrupted through your fault. Think about what you are doing wrong and try to fix it. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing your loved one.

    Why would you dream of pulling grass out of the ground indiscriminately? In reality, you are afraid of something or are in extreme need. Think about what exactly bothers you and what stands in the way of material wealth. In addition to dream books, there are people in your life who are ready to help. You just need to remember to ask.

    In a dream, look for medicinal plants, hoping that they will pacify the pain? You will brilliantly solve business problems using very unconventional methods.

    Are you addicted to drugs? The dream book hints at this: if you happen to see white grass, it symbolizes “white death.” Did you dream that they were collecting it? You are predisposed to using illegal substances. And if you just watched the process, in reality you may find yourself in bad company. Come to your senses and avoid such communication, otherwise you will go down a slippery slope.

    But such a dream can also indicate that you are a person of great ambition, and perhaps even arrogant. And when interpreting why you dream of smoking “weed,” the dream book speaks of your desire to be above everyone else.

    Sleep from Thursday to Friday 04/19/2019

    The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

    Waking up in the morning, many people wonder why green grass is dreamed of. It is worth noting that in general this vision is favorable. However, there are many details that need to be paid attention to for a more accurate interpretation.

    Interpretation according to the Women's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about grass? Women have their own answer to everything. All the subtleties of the structure of the body and psychology were reflected in the meaning of night visions. Thus, the women's dream book interprets this phenomenon as follows:

    • Fresh bright green grass is a symbol of a prosperous and happy life.
    • If a woman decides to open her own business or change jobs, such a dream means that all her endeavors will be crowned with success and bring material well-being.
    • Sometimes a dream in which green grass is present can mean that it is time to unleash your creative potential. If you take action immediately, fame and recognition await you.
    • If you have some kind of journey ahead, a green meadow will symbolize that it will be easy and pleasant.
    • Why do you dream of green grass with mountains rising above it? This is a danger signal. Despite the fact that everything is fine in your life now, you should be prepared for difficulties.
    • If the green grass is dried out or burnt out, you should expect health problems. Financial difficulties are also possible.

    Interpretation according to the Eastern Dream Book

    Eastern wisdom provides answers to many burning questions. In particular, you can glean useful information about the interpretation of dreams. If you dreamed of grass, it could mean the following:

    • Significant material profit and good health.
    • If you dream of grass growing under your doorstep, you can count on rapid career growth and respect.
    • If, while walking on the grass, your feet get wet with dew, your expectations will be deceived.
    • If in a dream you try to inhale the aroma of grass, but do not feel it, it means that your vacation plans will be ruined.
    • If in a dream you weed, then soon you will get rid of all envious people and enemies.
    • A dream in which you chew grass foreshadows disappointment in friends.
    • If you watch someone mow the grass, it means that one of your loved ones will make a significant profit. Some part of it will go to you.

    Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

    The legendary ancient Greek poet Aesop had his own opinion about what green grass means in dreams. He perceived it as echoes of the past that you would like to return. In addition, there are a number of interpretations:

    Interpretation according to the Family Dream Book

    If you have already started a family, you will ask completely different questions when opening the dream book. Why do you dream of green grass? For family people, this may mean the following:

    • Green grass is a symbol of peace and financial well-being in the family.
    • If you walk on green grass, then you have created a solid foundation that will provide confidence in the future for you and your family.
    • If in a dream you see yellowed grass, most likely there is a crisis in your family. You need to take timely measures to save the relationship.
    • A dream in which you trample or pull out grass is a negative signal. Reconsider your behavior. Perhaps you are being selfish.

    Interpretation according to the French dream book

    The same dreams can be deciphered in completely different ways by representatives of different cultures. Thus, for the French, the question of why green grass in the yard dreams is depressing. Such a vision can symbolize:

    • Grass is a symbol of betrayal. You may be unpleasantly surprised by your friend, loved one or relative.
    • If green grass grows in pots on a windowsill or in beds in the garden, there is a risk that you will encounter difficulties in working.
    • If you had to eat grass or any other greens in a dream, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps you have some hidden health problems.
    • Dry grass is a harbinger that you will face large material costs.

    Interpretation according to the Modern Dream Book

    Modern life has made some adjustments to the interpretation of dreams. If you dreamed of green grass, it could mean the following:

    • Happiness in your personal life and success at work.
    • Why do you dream of mown green grass? To pleasant chores and joyful events.
    • If the grass in your dream has become dry and lifeless, you are doing the wrong thing. Perhaps by deciding to change jobs, you will achieve success and improve your financial situation.
    • If you dreamed of admiring the lush green grass, it means that new acquaintances and pleasant impressions await you.
    • If you lie down on the grass to relax, in reality you have to go to a resort or have a nice time with loved ones.
    • If you have health problems, they will soon subside.

    Interpretation according to the Gypsy dream book

    There are legends about the wisdom and insight of the Roma people. Regarding the dream in which grass appeared, we can say the following:

    • Why do you dream of green grass? Tall and juicy - these are loyal, reliable friends you can always rely on.
    • Grass means that you are a very down-to-earth and practical person. You shouldn't have your head in the clouds when the simplest things can bring you happiness.
    • If you brew some kind of potion from grass, you will be disappointed, which will make you look at others differently.
    • If you dreamed of collecting medicinal herbs or seeing dry bunches of it, you will soon get rid of your problems and illnesses.

    Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

    • Lush greenery covered with dew indicates good health, peace of mind and material well-being.
    • If the grass is too tall, it indicates that you are careless. Don't let your current prosperity blind you. You must always be ready to fight your enemies.
    • If you dreamed that grass began to sprout in the floor of your home, there is a real threat to your well-being.
    • If you dreamed of dry grass, it means that you think too pessimistically and do not believe in yourself.
    • Why do you dream of green grass in winter? You may be able to get rid of problems that have been bothering you for a long period of time.

    Interpretation according to the Esoteric Dream Book

    Sleep is a real mystery that hides many mysteries. According to the esoteric interpreter, green grass means the following:

    • The dream may be a harbinger of deception. Moreover, the person you trusted will disappoint you.
    • If you mow green grass, it means that you will soon have the opportunity to be fulfilled in your work. Take this chance to give yourself confidence in the future.
    • If you see a thicket of tall green grass ahead, your streak of bad luck will soon end. You can count on success in work and personal life.
    • If you see a green field with islands of dry grass, be prepared to overcome obstacles on the way to your goal.


    Many people do not take dreams seriously, considering them nothing more than games of consciousness and a reflection of human thoughts. Nevertheless, as practice shows, night visions carry valuable information. Dream interpretation is not just an attempt to predict the future. This is a search for clues and warnings.