Scene cheerful vegetable garden. Scenario for the holiday “we invite all the people to our cheerful garden” middle group

The idea of ​​making December 25 the holiday of Christmas appeared in the 4th century. The church sought to get rid of the remnants of paganism: the fact is that around the same time, according to tradition, the birthday of the Roman sun god was celebrated. Therefore, the church fathers decided to establish a new one, Christian holiday in honor of the birthday of Jesus Christ, which would replace the Roman one. In America, Christmas was not celebrated right away: the early Puritan colonists were generally suspicious of the holidays, and in Massachusetts it was even banned.

Christmas wreath.

The Advent wreath is of Lutheran origin. This is an evergreen wreath with four candles. The first candle is lit on Sunday four weeks before Christmas as a symbol of the light that will come into the world with the birth of Christ. Every next Sunday another candle is lit. On the last Sunday before Christmas, all four candles are lit to illuminate the place where the wreath is placed (this could be the church altar or the dining table).


The ringing of bells on Christmastide came to us from the winter pagan holidays. When the Earth was cold, it was believed that the sun died and the evil spirit was very strong. To expel evil spirit, you had to make a lot of noise. The Christmas tradition of ringing bells, singing and shouting at the same time has survived to this day. During Christmas time, church bells ring in churches all over the world. But not to drive out evil spirits. In this way people welcome the coming of Christ. In Scandinavia, the ringing of bells signifies the end of work and the beginning of a holiday; in England, the ringing of bells at the funeral of the devil and the greeting of Christ.

Christmas tree for birds.

A Christmas tree for birds is a Scandinavian tradition. People try to share their joy on Christmas Day with other living beings. Directly on Christmas Day or the day before, seeds or crumbs of bread are brought out to the birds. This is a sign that New Year will be successful. Celebrating outside adds to the fun of celebrating inside.

Performing Christmas carols on wind instruments.

Playing Christmas carols on wind instruments is one of the delightfully boisterous traditions of Christmas. It probably came from paganism, because... To drive out evil spirits it was necessary to make noise. Currently it is followed in Germany and Scandinavia. A musical quartet performs four Christmas carols near a bell tower or church. Christmas carols end with a joyful chime, signaling the beginning of Christmas.

Christmas candles.

Light was an important component of pagan winter holidays. With the help of candles and fires they drove out the forces of darkness and cold. Wax candles were distributed to the Romans on the holiday of Saturnalia. In Christianity, candles are considered an additional symbol of the importance of Jesus as the Light of the world.
In Victorian England, merchants gave candles to their regular customers every year.
In many countries, Christmas candles signify the victory of light over darkness. The candles on the tree of heaven gave birth to our all-loved Christmas tree.


In Scandinavian countries and Germany, on December 24th, Santa Claus knocks on the door, but in England and America his visit is secret. Santa Claus supposedly enters the house through the chimney.

Christmas cards.

In 1843, the Englishman Horsley drew the first Christmas card. 1000 copies of the postcard were sold that year in London. Publisher Louis Prang popularized Christmas cards in 1875. He held a nationwide competition in America for the best Christmas card design. Improvement postal system and cheaper postal items made it possible to send Christmas cards to many friends all over the world.

Christmas carols.

The first Christmas carol is believed to have appeared in the 4th century AD, but it was a bit dark. Lighter, more joyful Christmas carols emerged in Renaissance Italy. They were already beginning to live up to their name (Christmas carols - carols (English) - from the French "caroler" - dance to the bell).

Christmas gifts.

This tradition has many roots. Saint Nicholas is traditionally considered the giver of gifts. In Rome there was a tradition of giving gifts to children on the occasion of Saturnalia. The gift giver can be Jesus himself, Santa Claus, Befana (Italian female Santa Claus), Christmas gnomes, and various saints. According to the old Finnish tradition, gifts are scattered around houses by the invisible man.

Christmas tree.

It is believed that the first undecorated Christmas trees appeared in Germany in the 8th century. The first mention of spruce is associated with the monk Saint Boniface. Boniface read a sermon about Christmas to the Druids. To convince the idolaters that the oak was not a sacred and inviolable tree, he cut down one of the oaks. When the felled oak fell, it knocked down all the trees in its path except the young spruce. Boniface presented the survival of the spruce as a miracle and exclaimed: “Let this tree be the tree of Christ.” Later, Christmas in Germany was celebrated by planting young trees.
A German source dating back to 1561 states that no more than one Christmas tree can be in a house at Christmas. In the 17th century, the Christmas tree was already a common attribute of Christmas in Germany and Scandinavian countries. At that time, the Christmas tree was decorated with figures and flowers cut out of colored paper, apples, waffles, gilded items, and sugar. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree is associated with the tree of paradise, hung with apples.
The success of the Christmas tree Protestant countries was even greater thanks to the legend that Martin Luther himself was the first to light candles on the Christmas tree. One evening he was walking home, writing a sermon. The brilliance of the stars twinkling among the fir trees filled him with awe. To show this magnificent picture to the family, he placed a Christmas tree in the main room, attached candles to its branches and lit them.
The Christmas tree owes its popularity in England to the German Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.
In the 17th century, German immigrants brought the Christmas tree tradition to America.
The first street Christmas trees with electric garlands appeared in Finland in 1906.

Annual Christmas carol festival "EISTEDDFOD" in Wales.

Every year at Christmas time a carol festival is held in Wales. Choirs across the country are vying to be chosen as the official Christmas carol. These church choirs travel around the towns of Wales singing Christmas carols from both past and present. The tradition of choosing a national Christmas carol began in the 10th century.

First guest.

The first guest is the first person to enter the house and “let in” Christmas (in some countries this tradition refers not to Christmas, but to the New Year). Sometimes such a person is even specially hired to ensure that everything is done properly, since there is a superstition associated with the first guest. The first guest should hold a spruce branch in his hand. He enters the front door, walks through the house, and exits through the back door. He is presented with bread and salt or some small gift as a symbol of hospitality. The first guest must be a dark-haired man. If the first guest is a woman, this is a bad omen.


Holly is an evergreen bush with red poisonous berries, dark green foliage and thorns. The brightness of this plant made it a natural symbol of the rebirth of life in the winter whiteness of northern Europe. Holly is believed to drive away the winter cold and evil spirits. In England, holly with thorns is called "he", without thorns - "she". Which holly (with or without thorns) was brought into the house first on Christmas Day determines who will run the household in the coming year.

A branch of kisses.

Before the advent of the Christmas tree in the mid-nineteenth century, England had what was called the “kissing branch.” It was in the shape of a double ring, decorated with garlands, green branches, holly, ivy, apples, pears, lighted candles and mistletoe. If a girl accidentally found herself under this branch, she was allowed to kiss her.


In the past, one of the main dangers during Christmas celebrations was Christmas candles. Therefore, buckets of water were kept in the living rooms in case of fire. The idea is to use electric garlands instead wax candles belongs to the English telephone operator Ralph Morris. By then the threads light bulbs were already used in telephone switchboards, Morris just had the idea to hang them on the tree.


The ancient Druids considered mistletoe a sacred plant, a symbol eternal life. The Romans valued it as a symbol of peace. Kissing under the mistletoe is also a Roman tradition.


The first Christmas trees were decorated with fresh flowers and fruits. Later sweets, nuts and other foods were added. Then - Christmas candles. Such a load was certainly too heavy for the tree. German glassblowers began producing hollow glass Christmas decorations to replace fruit and other heavy decorations.

Plum pudding.

The first plum puddings were made in the 17th century. The pudding was prepared in large copper cauldrons several weeks before Christmas by the whole family. During preparation, each family member made a wish. Four items were placed in the pudding: a coin, a thimble, a button and a ring. Later, when the pudding was eaten, each item found in the pudding had its own meaning. The coin meant wealth in the new year, the button meant single life, the thimble for a girl meant unmarried life, and the ring meant marriage.

Christmas pyramid.

Before the advent of the Christmas tree, the Christmas pyramid was considered in Germany and northern Europe main Christmas decoration. It was a wooden structure in the shape of a pyramid, hung with vegetation and decorations. Gifts or sweets were placed on the shelves of the pyramid. With the growing popularity of the Christmas tree, the functions of the Christmas pyramid were transferred to the Christmas tree.

Christmas log.

The Christmas log must be cut down by the head of the family, and not bought from someone. It should burn in the fireplace along with the remains of last year's Christmas log. The log must burn all twelve days of Christmas. There is a superstition that if a person sees his shadow cast from a fireplace where a log is burning, without his head, he will die the following year. The ashes of the Christmas log heal illnesses and protect the home from lightning strikes.

Twelve Days of Christmas.

In the Middle Ages, religious holidays were virtually the only holidays. Therefore, people sought to extend these holidays as long as possible. Over time, instead of one day, Christmas turned into 12 - from Christmas to Epiphany. In wealthy families, it was customary to give each other gifts on each of the twelve days. This made the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas" very popular. Presumably the appearance of this hymn dates back to the 16th century.

Very often used at various events funny scenes. Miniatures about vegetables are extremely appropriate for the Autumn Ball or Usually they resemble short theatrical fairy tales.

Problems for skits about vegetables

Such interludes, performed at children's events, broaden their horizons, because kids learn something new from the world of plants. about vegetables can also relate to relationships between people. This happens because Potatoes and Cabbage, Carrots and Onions, Beets and Pumpkins seem to come to life and acquire human character traits.

Thus, funny skits about vegetables also bring up a variety of different positive qualities. Although sometimes they may make fun of negative traits character.

Autumn ball is a fun holiday!

Not only kids, but even high school students can act out funny scenes about vegetables. On Autumn ball It is quite possible to organize a sideshow competition on this topic, presented by different classes.

An interesting quiz will be held in which the audience must name the characters who participate in the skits. Let the actors not use costumes to make it difficult to guess. The riddles can be based on the fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari.

Impromptu fairy tale

You can put on a funny performance without any preparation. Impromptu staging looks very fun. Anyone from the audience becomes an artist. They are given roles and words. You should go on stage immediately after the presenter names the character and give your speech.

Pumpkin: “Well, leave me alone... Let me sleep!”

Tomato: “Is it really my fault that I’m so attractive and charming!”

Cucumber: “And at the other end of the village the vegetables will be more beautiful...”

Cabbage: “I would like another fur coat for the holiday. Who would give it, eh?”

Turnip: “Well, my grandfather imprisoned me... If I free myself, I will take revenge!”

"A difficult situation arose in citizen Grandfather’s garden. He wanted to harvest the crop. He approached Pumpkin. Pumpkin: “Well, leave me alone... Let me sleep!” Well, just like how he screams in the morning when his old woman sends him to work in the garden. It turns out that he raises his hand.

Grandfather sighed and went to the Tomato. Tomato: “Is it really my fault that I’m so attractive and charming!” Grandfather is ashamed to raise his hand against him - really, what is his fault? He himself was once a handsome man. Or wasn't it? Or not quite handsome? It doesn't matter now!

I decided to pull out the turnip. Turnip: “Well, my grandfather imprisoned me... If I free myself, I will take revenge!” Grandpa was completely freaked out. Yes, there was such a thing in my youth, together with a classmate we bullied, and the young Grandfather then blamed all the blame on his friend. Jumped aside as if stung!

Rushed to Cabbage. Cabbage: “I would like another fur coat for the holiday. Who would give it, eh?” Immediately, the old man’s neighbor, to whom he was knocking wedges, came to mind - she also kept demanding his fur coat.

Then he decided to indulge in salads. I went to the garden bed where I planted cucumbers. Cucumber: “And at the other end of the village the vegetables will be more beautiful...” That’s all I heard from afar. Apparently, the well done Cucumber galloped off to the other end of the village. Just like Dedok himself in his youth.

So Grandfather remained hungry. And the moral of the story is: treat others the way you want others to treat you."

“Lazy cucumber bush” - a skit about vegetables

A funny interlude reveals the meaning of the presence of tendrils in some plants, with which they cling to support. At the same time, the fairy tale ironizes laziness, one of the most common human shortcomings. Many funny skits about vegetables aim to instill in children hard work and a desire to learn new things.

Artists portraying fairy tale heroes first sit with their hands clasped around their knees and their faces downcast. Then they raise their heads and look around. Hands slowly spread to the sides. Then they rise to their full height. Only one boy remains sitting on the floor.

The gardener comes, rejoices at the seedlings, waters them from a watering can. Then she places a support near them. Gym racks are suitable for this. The owner admires her work and says: “It will be very convenient for my cucumbers to cling to the support with their antennae! They will crawl along it up towards the sun, and the fruits will not lie on the bare ground.”

The largest Cucumber:

Well, well done guys!

Bequeathed by the fathers:

For support, cucumbers,

Well, cling to your mustache!

All Cucumbers grab the supports with their hands. And one - Lazy Cucumber - continues to sit.

The largest Cucumber:

Well, you, funny little guy,

Why don't you obey?

Or are you not a cucumber?

Are you lying on the ground?

Lazy Cucumber:

I'll do what I want!

I don't need your advice!

The largest Cucumber:

Well, okay, I’ll keep quiet...

Then, my friend, don't howl!

The sun was shining, the rain was watering the cucumbers. The bushes grew, fruits appeared on them - beautiful green cucumbers.

Gardener: “Oh, what wonderful cucumbers I have grown!” She pretends to collect fruits from the bushes in a basket. And then he comes across a Lazy Cucumber lying on the ground.

Vegetable gardener:

Oh, what is this?

There are fruits on the ground...

And they are completely rotten

From heat and water...

I'll pull it out soon

So that everyone doesn't get sick!

She “pulls out” the bush and pushes it off the stage. He resists and shouts: “I don’t want to! Leave me alone! I want to lie on the ground some more!”

Presenter: “So because of his laziness, the Lazy Cucumber died, he was unable to produce good tasty fruits, he was unable to make friends with his neighbors. After all, only those who love work live together and have fun!”


Develop singing skills.

Characters: (adults)
Aunt Bad Weather



Scenario of the autumn matinee "Merry Garden". Average groups

Prepared by teacher: Minyaeva E. E.

Maintain emotional uplift and interest in music as a means of self-expression and play.
Develop the ability to understand and interpret means of expression music, hearing and voice coordination.
Develop singing skills.
Foster a culture of listening.
Objectives: Create a festive holiday atmosphere.
Characters: (adults)
Aunt Bad Weather

Progress of the matinee:

Children enter the hall one after another and stand near the chairs.

Presenter : Hello, dear parents and guests, I am glad to welcome you to our holiday!
Today the holiday came into every home,
Because Autumn is wandering outside the window!
The autumn holiday came to the kindergarten,
To please both adults and children!

1 reb . The cold rain pours and pours,
Doesn't let us go for a walk.
The road called the birds -

Autumn has come to us!

3 reb . Yellow leaves are dancing
They fall from the branches and fly.
This golden fairy tale
They call it “leaf fall”!

4 reb . And obediently following the wind
The leaves are flying away
So there's no more summer
Autumn is coming!

5 reb. Scarlet and yellow
The wind tears the leaves.
Spinning, spinning in the air
Motley round dance!

6th child: The autumn garden has turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning and rustling...
Autumn has come to visit us,
Brought rain and wind.

Song "Clouds are circling in the sky"

1.Clouds are spinning in the sky

Every step is a puddle.

2.The autumn day is frowning

Leaf fall on the street.

3. Spreads along the path

Yellow blizzard.

Dance “We are leaves”
Musical screensaver. Hedgehog's exit.
Hedgehog: Hello, kids!
Cheerful girls and nimble boys!
Leading: Hello, hedgehog!
Hedgehog: Tell me, please, what do you have here?
Children: Autumn Festival.
Hedgehog: Ah, holiday! Then I have autumn leaves for you.
They are not simple, but with riddles.
The hedgehog asks riddles. The teacher puts hats on the children.

1. In the summer - in the garden,

Fresh, green,

And in winter - in a barrel,

Strong, salty. (cucumbers)

2 These are so round

In summer they turn green,

And in the fall they turn red. (tomatoes)

3. The girl is sitting in prison,
And the braid is on the street. (carrot)
4. Who undresses him,
He sheds tears. (onion)
5. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Leading : Hedgehog, listen to what interesting song the guys and I know about the vegetable garden.(children singing, hedgehog preparing chairs in the background for a scene)
Song-game “Garden round dance”

We have a vegetable garden there green onions growing.
This is such a width, This is such a height!
You, little onion, hurry here, dance a little,

We have a vegetable garden. It grows its own carrots.
This is the width. Such a height!
You hurry the carrots here, you dance a little,
And then don't yawn. And get into the basket.
We have a vegetable garden. And cabbage grows there.

You cabbage hurry to us, You dance a little,
And then don't yawn. And get into the basket.
We have a truck, it is not small, not big.
This is this width, This is this height.
You driver, hurry here, dance a little,
And then don't yawn. Take away our harvest.
Scene “In the garden”
Leading: Vanya is very busy these days -
He has countless worries -
Protects the garden.
Music sounds, Vanya comes out with a gun, walks around the garden of children running out in headbands.
Vanya: Oh, and hard work!
And for some reason I’m tired... I’ll go take a nap... (sits aside and falls asleep)
Music sounds, a mouse runs out, runs around the garden and returns to its place, moving its paws (with its hands in front of itself)
Mouse Lucky me - Gray Mouse!
What a nice garden!
Go ahead for the cucumber! (takes the cucumber away)
Music sounds and a bull comes out.
Goby: Here I am, Bogdan-Bogdanich... Moo... (looks around..) - there are no owners..
It’s good when you’re in the garden, lunch is ready for you. (takes the salad by the hand and leads you away)
Music sounds and a goat runs out.
Goat: Here I am, Koza Kozlovna,
Me-e-e... (looks around) - there are no owners...
It's good when you're in the garden
Lunch is ready for you. (takes the cabbage by the hand and leads it away)
Music sounds. Vanya comes out, stretches, and looks around.
Vanya: Where's the salad? And where is the cabbage?
Oh, trouble! The garden beds are empty...
Leading : Every watchman should know!
All children: If you undertake to protect, then you don’t have to fall asleep!
The participants in the scene join hands and bow.
Music sounds and a fox comes out.
Fox: Hello children! Oh, who do I see!
And the gray hedgehog is here!
Hedgehog: Am I the gray one?! And you’re actually a Redhead!
Fox: And why am I a redhead?
Hedgehog: Which one?
Fox: Golden!
Hedgehog: Where did you get this from? Golden means shiny!
And you're just a Redhead!
Fox: Look at yourself! Grey!
Hedgehog: You're confusing something, we're a gray wolf!
And I'm prickly, here!
Lisa: You can see it.
Leading: Foxy, Hedgehog, don't quarrel.
Hedgehog: She was the first to say that I was gray.
Presenter: Well, please, we have a holiday!
Better sit down and listen to the song.
Fox and Hedgehog: It's our pleasure.
Song "Autumn has come"

1. Autumn, autumn has come,

The leaves are falling off.

There's no sun and it's dark

It's going to rain.

Pr: Drip, drip on the paths,

Drip, drip on your palms,

Rain water the earth,

Play with us.

2. Spiders, bugs and midges.

Hiding, hiding

And on a long journey,

The birds are gathering.

Hedgehog: I don’t understand why everyone is hiding?
Fox: They hid from the rain.
Hedgehog: Is rain a bad thing? Let's play!
The sun has come out again and invites us all to go for a walk!
Game "Sun and Rain"
Part 1 - children are walking, part 2 - hiding under an umbrella.
Leading: We sang and played,
But they didn’t read poetry.
1 child Autumn is walking, autumn is walking

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree

New rug underfoot -

Yellow-pink maple.

2reb . Autumn brings us to your ball

Today I invited you.

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

3 child Leaves are falling, falling

Leaf fall in our garden

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

4reb . Autumn outside the window

Wanders slowly

Leaves on the paths

They fall rustling.

Fox : How interesting! But you, Hedgehog, don’t even know poetry.
Hedgehog: Do you know?
Fox: I know. Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale in verse?
Hedgehog: well, well. Very interesting.
Lisa: She's funny.
There lived two peacocks -
That's half the story!
There lived 2 geese -
That's the whole fairy tale.
Hedgehog: She's also a storyteller for me!
Leading: Chanterelle, Hedgehog - that's enough. Well, aren't you ashamed?
Listen, it looks like someone is coming towards us.
Musical screensaver sounds of bad weather.Bad weather is coming.
Bad weather: Apchhi! What is this here? Holiday, or what?
This is bad. Apchhi!
Hedgehog: Who are you?
Bad weather: Me? Bad weather. Apchhi!
Hedgehog: How is this non-flying? Is it bad?
Bad weather: Just like that, it’s immediately bad!
It's autumn outside, and in autumn there can be bad weather!
Fox: Ah, so it’s bad weather!
And we have a holiday, and we bad weather no need!
Leading: Guys, do we need bad weather?
Children: No!
Bad weather: Oh, right?! Well, it’s not needed anywhere!
Now I’ll bring in fog and dampness, oh my!
You're going to sneeze all at once here.
Hedgehog: Fox, can you hear?
She wants everyone to get sick.
Fox: This will not happen.
Leading: And we are not afraid of bad weather.

We play hide and seek

With the rain - with the rain.

He is looking for me, and I

Hiding under an umbrella!

Dance with umbrellas.
Bad weather: Oh, oh! what are you doing?
There are so many of you, and I’m all alone!
You dance well, but I’ll leave better! Help! They offend! (leaves)
All: Hurray!
Hedgehog (shaking hands with the fox): Fox, and you turn out to be a real friend.
Lisa: Yes, and you’re great!
Leading: It's so good that you made peace!
How nice it is to look at you!
Fox and Hedgehog: We will never quarrel again.
Leading: That's right. Listen to what poems the children still know about autumn.
Child: There are few leaves on the trees.
On the ground there is no turning around.
A quilt made from scraps
Autumn sews goodbye
Child: Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Leaves are falling and flying.
The yellow leaves are spinning,
And everyone falls to the ground.

Child: Cranes fly south
Outside the window Autumn
Come to our holiday
We really, really ask.
The music theme sounds. Autumn is coming.
Autumn: Who called me? Hello guys.
I am Autumn Golden
My bow to you, friends
I've been dreaming for a long time
I'm talking about meeting you.

Song "Autumn"

1. Autumn, autumn, autumn

Good, good, good.

Autumn moves slowly

He walks slowly.

PR: Dear autumn, rustling,

Leaves around.

In no hurry to see you off,

Cranes to the south.

2. Autumn has an outfit,

Golden, golden, golden

Surprises everyone

Autumn beauty.

Autumn Well done guys, good song!

And I didn’t forget about the gifts.
I prepared a whole basket of apples for you guys. (shows)
I'm treating you guys.
Sweet autumn is generous and beautiful
Let's say autumn together...
Thank you
And I already have things to do
Goodbye, kids.
Music sounds. screensaver. Autumn is leaving.
Hedgehog and Fox: Guys, thank you for happy holiday. It’s time for us to return to the forest to prepare for winter. Goodbye...
Presenter: We had a lot of fun

We became very close friends!

We danced, played,

Everyone around has become friends!

And now it's time to say goodbye

Get ready for the return journey!


Children go to the group.

Extracurricular activity scenario

Topic: Autumn holiday “Vegetable Garden of Miracles”

Target: Generalization and consolidation of children’s knowledge about vegetable crops,


- show uniqueness and significance autumn gifts for humans, introduce children to the history of the origin of the main vegetable crops

- develop thinking, logic, memory, attention, creative and communication skills students,

- cultivate a respectful attitude towards work and glorify human hands who grew a rich harvest,

Implementation time: 45 minutes

Characters (adults):

The leader is the teacher.

Characters (children):

Pupils Vegetables (Cabbage, Pumpkin, Carrots, Tomato, Cucumber, Potatoes, Garlic, Peas, Onions).

Girls – assistants to the presenter (3 people)

Pupils – readers 6 people

Songs: “Vegetable Garden”, song - remake of “Vegetable Garden of Miracles”, Vegetable ditties,

Game: “One Hundred Clothes”

Staged performance: Fedorin's vegetable garden

Necessary equipment and materials for the holiday:computer for the teacher, screen, projector, author's media product, spring water, balloon, a bag of fertilizer for carrots, a support peg, an honorary certificate of the oldest vegetable, a net, a device for chopping garlic, a branch, a glass, souvenirs for the winners of the quiz, a black box, a vegetable grower's suit.

The progress of the holiday

Leading. Good afternoon Today we are meeting to get to know the vegetables growing in our miracle garden, learn a lot about them and maybe even make friends. Watch and listen carefully to our heroes so that at the end of the program you can take part in the competition. And now the inhabitants of the vegetable country welcome you.

1. There are many beds in the garden,
There are turnips and salad.
Here are the beets and peas,
Are potatoes bad?
Our green garden
It will feed us for a whole year.

2. Eggplants in the garden
They spun in a round dance.
Bright red carrots
They dance there non-stop.

3. The zucchini came down from the garden
And he started jumping in a squat.
Cucumbers, lettuce and onions
Stand in a circle with celery!

4. Parsley swirls in the waltz,
And dill sings ditties.
Beetroot and rutabaga sing along,
And the pea pod nods.

5. Fun chorus of vegetables:
Pepper, turnip, tomato!
And an orchestra made of potatoes
He plays the harmonica for them!

6. Both potatoes and cabbage
They grow densely in the beds.
And everyone says in unison:
“We are growing here for the guys.
For diligence and work
The whole harvest will be reaped."

Garden Song (see Appendix 2)

Leading. We invite the first three residents of the Garden of Miracles, and you will find out who will come to us by guessing the riddles. (slide 2)

Coming out Cabbage, Pumpkin, Carrot.

Cabbage. I was born in the Mediterranean countries, and they say about me like this: “A hundred clothes, all without fasteners.” My juice contains no less vitamin C than lemon juice! And this vitamin prevents people from getting scurvy and speeds up the healing of wounds. So if you suddenly cut your finger, put my sheet on it. I am also very useful for digestion, and throughout the winter in sauerkraut are saved necessary for a person vitamins. When raising me, don’t forget that I really like to drink, because my hundred clothes evaporate half a bucket of water per day. Can I say hello?.. I say hello to my close relatives. (Show pictures on slides.) This cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts, kohlrabi, Savoy. They are all my sisters. And here are my aunts: turnips, rutabaga, radishes, rapeseed. Hi all! That's how many relatives I have! (slides 3, 4)

Pumpkin. I'm Pumpkin. My sisters in Asia and Africa have various shapes: elongated, flat, like a plate, and spherical. (slide 5) B Central Asia We are used to make dishes: bottles, buckets, spoons, as well as home decorations and toys. The Indians once made birdhouses from pumpkin fruits.

Leading. And here, with us?

Pumpkin. But here we boil pumpkin, steam it and eat it with pleasure, and also use it as feed for livestock. The juice from my pulp is used for kidney and liver diseases.

Carrot. You all love me, sweet and juicy, because my root contains up to 10 percent starch and sugar, as well as iron and vitamins. But once I was long, with a skinny, tough and tasteless root. In the Middle Ages, there was a belief: if you take a bowl of steamed carrots into the forest in the evening, then in the morning you will find an ingot of gold in it, since the gnomes will eat the carrots at night and pay generously for their favorite food. I improve digestion, help with burns and frostbite, and my juice is given to small children as a vitamin supplement.

The game “One Hundred Clothes” is being played


Question : Where do you start growing vegetables? (sowing) (slide 6)

Girl 1 . Cabbage enjoys spring water, because it loves to drink.

Girl 2. Pumpkin needs air so its roots can breathe.

Girl 3. Carrots-treat-fertilizer!

Cabbage. “Go away the disease!” - say and put in the cabbage.

Pumpkin. You won't get sick: Pumpkin is your kidneys' best friend.

Carrot . Even a small child recognizes me from the cradle.

Cabbage, Pumpkin and Carrots. Eat your vegetables, friends! We are all a friendly family!

Leading. We guess the second three residents of the Garden of Miracles (slide 7)

Coming out Tomato, Cucumber, Potato.

Tomato . Hello, I'm a tomato. I'm originally from South America, so I really like the warmth and light. Tomatoes for a long time were ornamental plants, and our fruits were not eaten because they were considered poisonous.

Leading .Where do you grow up?

Tomato . In Russia, they first started growing us in Odessa, and now we grow everywhere. Even in the Far North. And now I will give a gift to the Presenter. This is a vegetable grower's costume. Gloves - so as not to hurt your hands, an apron - so as not to get dirty, a hat so as not to get sunstroke, and of course, a tool - a hoe.

Cucumber . My name is cucumber. My homeland is India and China. I’m not full and lacking in vitamins, but when I lay it on the plate, cut into slices, it’s fresh. Cool, juicy - just the smell of me increases your appetite! And also I improve activities nervous system and digestion. I am a good source of iodine. Most nutrients It is not contained in the pulp, but in my peel.

Potato. They call me “second bread”. My homeland is the highlands of the Andes, the coast of Chile and Peru. Peter 1 sent me to Russia from Holland. And since they learned to get starch, molasses, glucose from my tubers, fruit sugar, I became needed by doctors, confectioners, textile workers and many other people. I am a friend of every home, every family. About two hundred different dishes can be prepared from me.

Leading. Vegetables offer to solve the word, as in a field of miracles.

Question: Name one of the important properties of soil. Fertility (slide)

Musical giftVegetable ditties(see Appendix 1)

Girl 1: Tomato peg-support for tying up the stem.

Girl 2: The cucumber is an honorary certificate for the oldest vegetable, since it was known three hundred years ago.years BC.

Girl 3 : Potatoes - net. The tubers will look great in the net and last longer.

Tomato: If you drink tomato juice.

You will be strong and tall!

Cucumber: Not enough iodine? Don't be sad.

Crunch a cucumber.

Potato: I am potatoes, second bread.

Nourishing, delicious I am!

Tomato, cucumber and potato: Eat your vegetables, friends!

We are all a friendly family!

Leading. So, we have to guess the third three inhabitants of the Garden of Miracles (slide)

Coming out Garlic, Peas, Onion.

Garlic: I have healing properties, which no plant has. IN Ancient Egypt I was used to treat all diseases: from runny nose and toothache to the plague. None of them known to man bacteria can't resist me. But I'm not just a medicine. They put me in sausages, canned food, marinades. I am the driest and most shelf-stable of vegetables; you can buy me at any time of the year. I brought you a gift. This is an amulet - a clove of garlic sewn into fabric. IN Ancient Rome Every mother hung such amulet for her children, as it was believed that they protected them from illness and misfortune.

Peas: Hello! I am Pea. I have become famous throughout the world for giving strength. No wonder there is a saying: “We need to talk to you after eating peas.” My homeland is Iran, Afghanistan. After me, the earth does not become poorer, but becomes rich in nitrogen. I am richer than all plants in terms of plant protein content.

Onion: No soup or appetizer can be prepared without me. Even in ancient times, philosophers, cutting an onion crosswise, used it to explain to their students the structure of the Universe. In the armies Ancient Greece and Rome was added to the food of the soldiers large number onions, believing that it gives energy and courage. I help with many diseases, “after all, onions cure seven ailments.” Chewing me for three minutes is enough to kill all the bacteria in your mouth.

Leading. Vegetables offer to solve the word, as in a field of miracles.

Question: The most fertile layer of soil. (slide)

Theater gift. Fedorin's vegetable garden

Girl 1: Garlic – a device for chopping.

Girl 2: For peas - a branch, because to protect against birds, pea plantings are covered with branches.

Girl 3: Luka-glass for collecting tears

Garlic: I Garlic and I’m not kidding: I will cure all diseases

Peas : Do you want to accumulate strength? Then you need to be friends with me

Onion: To expel bacteria, you must always chew onions.

Garlic, peas. Onion:Eat your vegetables friends! We are all a friendly family!

Leading: We invite everyone present to take part in the quiz. Now we will find out which of you listened carefully to our participants. A surprise awaits those who answer the questions correctly.

1.Which vegetable root contains up to 10% sugar. (Carrot)

2.Which vegetable is a good source of iodine? (Cucumber)

3.Which vegetable is the richest of all plants in terms of vegetable protein content? (peas)

4.Which vegetable evaporates half a bucket of water per day? (Cabbage)

5.What vegetable are dishes and birdhouses made from? (pumpkin)

6. Which vegetable has been around for a long time? ornamental plant? (Tomato)

7. What vegetable was used in ancient times to explain the structure of the Universe? (Onion)

8. What vegetable did a mother tie around her child’s neck in Ancient Rome? (Garlic)

9. Which vegetable juice is used for kidney and liver diseases? (Pumpkin)

Leading: I invite everyone who received tokens for correct answers to receive souvenirs and draw the main prize. It will go to the winner of the game "What's in the black box?"

Leading: Our meeting at the “Vegetable Garden of Miracles” has come to an end. But the miracles don't end there. We will continue to travel around the vegetable country, learn new things, and take care of our land. And as a farewell, all our heroes will sing a song about love for nature

Vegetables. (to the tune of True Friend)

Appendix 1.

Vegetable ditties

1. In the garden or in the vegetable garden

There we were, guys.
Now we’ll sing ditties for you,

What grows in the garden.

2. Our harvest is good

Born densely:
And carrots and peas

white cabbage.

3. How do we go into the garden -
A mouth full of vitamins:
And parsley and onion,
Celery and garlic!

4. Planted a cucumber
We're in the garden
They say that this vegetable
Very useful!

5. Oh potatoes, oh potatoes,
And it is needed everywhere.
And in salads and okroshka,
And in soups and for borscht.

6. Eat your vegetables, my friend,
You will be healthy!
Eat carrots and garlic
Be ready for life!

7. That’s how pumpkin is, pumpkin is a miracle,
You won't find a dish to go with it.
Even a whole dump truck -
Probably too small for her!

8. Without carrots - no doubt,

Lunch looks pale

After all, carrots have always been

Table decoration.

9. I am a rosy tomato

I am very important, sir.

If the tomato doesn't grow.

It won't be a salad.

10.I am a small potato,

Although small, she was brave.

Without potatoes, everyone is in trouble,

Nowhere without potatoes.

11. I am a green cucumber.

I'm a crispy fellow.

In the summer I'll put it in jars

And I’ll come in handy in winter.

12. Do without cabbage

It's simply impossible.

Cook borscht without cabbage

Very, very difficult.

13. Although I am sometimes bitter,

Always eat me with borscht.

After all, the one who loves onions,

Any illness will be avoided.

14. We need to eat vegetables.
They always contain vitamins.
Who does all this?
Never gets sick.

Appendix 2

1. This song is about that

How to drag a turnip

Grandpa didn't call grandma

And he called his neighbor.

P-v. Pull-4r.

They toil for a long, long time

These are the miracles

They meet on earth.

2. Grandma on him with a bucket

And with a shovel too

And she said: “Your granddaughter

It won’t help either.”

The cat and the dog won't help

They won't call the mouse

You probably won't have enough

Grandfather of Silish.


3. There was a big commotion

They pulled out a turnip

Yes, and I reconciled my grandmother

Grandfather with a neighbor.

P-v: They dance-4r.

Smiling together

These are the miracles

They meet on earth.

1. We have a vegetable garden

There are carrots growing there

Such a height

This height is 2p.

2. You carrots hurry here

And dance a little

And then don’t yawn twice.

And get into the cart

3. We have a vegetable garden

Green onions grow there

This is the width

This is the height of 2p

4. You hurry here

And dance a little

And then don't yawn

And go to the cart 2p

5. We have a vegetable garden

And cabbage grows there

This is the width

This is such a height 2p

6. You cabbage hurry to us

And dance a little

And then don't yawn

And go to the cart 2p

7. We have a truck

He is not small, not big

This is the width

This is such a height 2p

8. You driver, hurry here

You dance a little

And then don’t yawn 2p

Take away our harvest.

(to the tune of True Friend)

You and I were in a vegetable fairy tale,

The “Vegetable Garden of Miracles” revealed its secrets to us.

We rested together, learned a lot,

Each vegetable pleasantly surprised us.

Mother nature teaches us to understand

To know, to care, to protect everything around.

We became good friends with vegetables.

A true, good friend is important in life!

(to the tune of True Friend)

You and I were in a vegetable fairy tale,

The “garden of miracles” revealed its secrets to us.

We rested together, learned a lot,

Each vegetable pleasantly surprised us.

Mother nature teaches us to understand

To know, to care, to protect everything around.

We became good friends with vegetables.

A true, good friend is important in life!


1. Holiday - an expected miracle! The best extracurricular activities: 1-4 grades. M.: VAKO, 2006

2. 1000 riddles: A popular guide for parents and teachers / Comp. N.V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999.

3. magazine How to entertain guests No. 5 - 2010

Scenario of the holiday "Merry Garden" for the middle group of kindergarten

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a holiday scenario for the middle group "Merry vegetable garden". The material may be useful to music directors and kindergarten teachers.
Target: Continue to unleash children's creative abilities through various types artistic and musical activities.
- encourage children to active participation in joint creativity;
- develop arbitrariness of movements, skills of combining movements with words;
- develop the ability to behave at a holiday, enjoy yourself and bring joy to others;
- to cultivate activity, initiative, and independence in children.
Equipment: musical accompaniment, pictures of vegetables, children's drawings and crafts, children's hats of vegetables and a goat costume for a skit, children's musical instruments, suns and flowers for dancing, umbrellas, cars and dummies of vegetables for playing.
Preliminary work:
- conversations about vegetables, about working in the garden, looking at illustrations;
- monitoring the growth of vegetables in the “window garden” and in the garden on the kindergarten site;
- conducting didactic games“Guess by description”, “Identify by touch”, “Find out by taste”;
- making and guessing riddles;
- learning poems, songs, dances, round dances;
- finger games"Vegetables", "Harvest".

The progress of the holiday

Hello, dear guests!
Today we invited you to a holiday called "Merry Garden"!
Children love summer very much
In summer there is a lot of sun and light.
Sun, sun, warm up!
The holiday will be more fun!
Look, wonderful flowers have bloomed in our meadow!
I invite you, children, to a beautiful dance with flowers
"Dance with Flowers"

Summer has a lot to worry about today,
Summer has a lot of troubles today:
Bloom all the flowers,
Stay on the veranda
After the rain, on the run,
Make a rainbow arc.
And Natasha-laughing
Throw hemp on the nose.
Summer has a lot to worry about today,
We need to grow our garden!

Children, how many of you know what a vegetable garden is?
1 child:
What is a vegetable garden?
Round dance of vegetables.
Sweet melons,
The tomatoes are smooth.
2nd child:
WITH strawberry beds,
Rakes and shovels.
Watering can with rain.
Snail under a leaf.
3rd child:
There are many beds in the garden:
There are turnips and salad here,
There are beets and peas here.
Are potatoes bad?
4th child:
In the garden in red
The tomato is full of summer.
A cucumber here, an onion there.
Here's a bunch of lettuce.
5th child:
What's growing in our garden bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and salad,
Our garden bed is just a treasure.
6th child:
Our green garden
It will feed us all year round.

Children wearing vegetable caps come out to the music and dance in a circle
Song "Garden - round dance" music: B.Mozhzhevelova, lyrics: A.Passova

And now, my children, guess the riddles!
1. A hot ball is shining in the sky, anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us through the window, joyfully shining, ... (the sun)!
2. He will cry over the gardens - the garden will be filled with fruits.
Even a dusty plantain is happy to wash itself in the summer... (rain)

Enters to solemn music Sun:
Hello my friends!
I am the red sun, I am the clear sun!
I walk across the sky all day, warming everyone on earth!
I am the most important thing on earth!
Runs to cheerful music Rain:
Hi all! I am warm rain!
Without me, the grass will not grow, all the flowers will dry up.
I am the most important person on earth!
Sun - No, me! I am more important than you! I keep everyone warm! (arguing)
Rain: No, me! I am the most important on earth! Without me everything will dry up!
Leading: Don't quarrel, we need both of you! Both sun and rain!
Let's live together, as our song about friendship says:
Song “It’s impossible to live without friends” Music by A. Lykov
So that you make friends and never quarrel, we will perform for you, Sunshine, a cheerful dance “The sun is shining for everyone”

And with you, Rain, we will play with umbrellas

If it weren’t for you, Sunshine, and you, Rain, such tasty and healthy vegetables would not have grown in our garden!
Guess what vegetable the riddle is talking about?
1. A hundred clothes - and all without fasteners! (children guess) - cabbage comes out and takes place in the garden bed
2. I am long and green, I am tasty when salted,
Delicious and raw. Who am I? (cucumber comes out)
3. Doesn’t upset anyone, but makes everyone cry? (onion comes out)
4. You dig a little under the bush and it will come out into the light... (potatoes come out)
5. I am growing in the ground in a garden bed, red, long, sweet! (carrots come out)
Sketch "Tanya and vegetables"
Tanya comes out, holding a basket in her hands. Tanya looks around.
My mother sends me to the garden,
Both cabbage and carrots grow there.
But I don’t know which vegetables to pick?
For salad, vinaigrette and cabbage soup?
How can I figure it out and find out
What should I pack for lunch?
Who would help me in this difficult matter?
Where are the carrots, where is the cabbage, where is the onion?

I am a red maiden, a green braid!
I am proud of myself and good for anything!
And for juice, and for cabbage soup, for salads and borscht,
In pies, and vinaigrette, and... bunnies for lunch!

I am white and juicy, I am healthy and tasty!
I stand on a thick leg, my clothes creak.

They say I'm bitter, they say I'm unsweetened!
I am growing with a green arrow in the garden bed.
I am the most useful, I give you my word on that!
Eat green onions - you will be healthy!

You will be very pleased by eating lightly salted cucumber.
It crunches on your teeth, crunches, I can treat you!

I'm round and strong, dark red sides,
Young beets, so sweet!
I'm good for lunch, borscht, and vinaigrette!

I am a potato, a sight for sore eyes,
I am a potato, delicious!
Crash-ma-li-sta! Yes, once again!
Without me - no, no - dinner won't work!

A goat comes out and shakes his beard
I won't give you carrots, I won't give you cucumbers,
I am ready to fight for every head of cabbage! Meeeee

Tanya takes a twig and threatens the Goat

You goat-goat, green eyes,
Go away, go away, don’t harm the garden!
Don't knock your feet, don't twist your horns!
Leave. go away, don’t harm the garden! Here I am for you!

The goat runs away

Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!
We couldn't get the goat out without you!

Here's a head of cabbage! (hands it to Tanya)

Here's a bunch of carrots!

Here's a fresh cucumber!

Here's a fresh onion!

Here are the beets!

And here are the potatoes!

We all shared a little with Tanyusha!

And now, kids, we have a fun game in our garden!
Games with vegetables
1. Transport the crops by car

2.Sort vegetables and fruits

Now that you've worked, you can relax, I invite everyone to join the circle for a fun polka!
Polka dance
Blow the pipes, beat the spoons, the Matryoshka dolls are coming to visit us!
The nesting dolls are rosy, beautiful, oh well!
A large Matryoshka and small Matryoshkas enter.
Dance "Matryoshka"

The Matryoshkas came to us and brought us spoons!
Children's Orchestra sounds musical instruments -
Russian folk melody "Kalinka"