Why do you dream of a women's bag with a lock? Why do you dream about choosing a bag?

You can definitely tell why you dream of choosing a bag. As a rule, this indicates that a person is expecting big changes in life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly prepare for future events. Such a dream is a warning.

What if you dream about choosing a bag?

People in dreams tend to continue to live with the emotions and events of the past day. If a woman sees a bag or many bags in a dream, this indicates that her day is filled with chores around the house, caring for loved ones, and is spent in labor. In a dream, a woman has to choose a bag. The bag can be different: large or small, filled or empty. You may dream of a travel bag or a small handbag. It can be new, shiny, chic. Or maybe shabby, old, shabby. It depends on what choice is made further fate women.

It is important not to pick up someone else’s bag in a dream. This is a very bad sign. Especially if someone else’s bag is shabby, torn and empty. But even if someone else’s bag is fashionable and elegant, it is still not needed, as it means that you will have to take on other people’s burdens. .

If you think about why you dream about choosing a bag, it turns out that we're talking about about receiving help in a dream from the subconscious in resolving the current situation that does not give peace. If a woman chooses a travel bag, then this indicates her desire to go on a trip and that this desire will soon come true. If a school bag is chosen, then the woman who had such a dream suffers from a gray, boring and dull life. If you had to choose a heavy bag, then you won’t be able to escape the problems that life is filled with and you need to gain strength to solve them.

What does it portend?

You can choose a bag for a long time and in the end it turns out that you chose a ridiculous, awkward bag that is absolutely inappropriate for the outfit in which the sleeping woman was wearing throughout her sleep. This suggests that the situation that haunts the woman who saw such a dream will turn in a completely unexpected way. If you choose a bright handbag, then you can hope for an exciting romantic adventure. Choosing an empty bag foreshadows the imminent receipt of an inheritance. If a filled bag is chosen, then the possibility of receiving an inheritance is lost.

The important thing is not that you had to choose a bag in a dream, but what kind of bag it was chosen. Because this can significantly affect further development events in real life. Correct interpretation a sign of a turn of fate sent in a dream can help you take the necessary measures in time.

Many people are interested in dreams and want to understand the deeper meaning of a particular dream. You can turn to a specialist in dream interpretation for help, then you will be able to avoid inaccuracies in the interpretation of dreams, which will help you correctly use the clues of fate.

The time has come to find out why you dream of buying a bag - in dream books this plot is discussed in detail. The most important interpretations relate to health and female attractiveness, and predictions depend on how the new thing was purchased in the dream and what it looked like.

Shopping euphoria

The circumstances of the acquisition give the interpretation of the dream shades of disappointment or success. Where exactly did the dreamer choose the product - in the store famous brand or on a street stall? How much did you have to pay? Dream books give the following interpretations:

  • Buying a bag in a store means you have a chance to improve your life and find an interesting lot.
  • Choosing the best for a long time in a dream means a difficult choice between good and very good.
  • Taking it spontaneously, at the market, from a street vendor is a rash step.
  • Leaving without purchasing means conflict.
  • Paying too much means running out of money.
  • Paying in a dream with a light heart means the disappearance of reasons to worry about your loved one.

Miller's Dream Book: you are irresistible!

Miller's old dream book explains why one dreams of buying a red bag - for a woman, this portends success in the company of men. Seeing a travel trunk means a gastronomic feast at a table richly set for guests, and a large suitcase is a pleasant acquaintance on the road.

Sexual subtext of the new thing

If you dreamed of buying a bag in a dream, then most authors of dream books, including Freud, associate the accessory with feminine nature. New, unsullied, it symbolizes good health dreamers. An item made of red leather speaks of increased sexuality; its acquisition in a dream foreshadows a new passion.

Why do you dream of a new household trunk? It reminds us of gluttony and other carnal pleasures. There is a romantic meeting ahead, which will take place in a feast setting.

If you dreamed of a large travel suitcase, then this means that the lady will meet new people on an upcoming tour or business trip. This interpretation is also true for a travel bag or backpack.

Raise the bar!

It is not surprising that young girls more often see in their dreams fashionable and elegant things, truly feminine. Meanwhile, purchasing a miniature evening clutch is a sign of lack of self-confidence. The smaller the size of a woman's duffle or clutch, the more likely it is to fail at school or in personal relationships.

If you dreamed of a stylish and roomy women's travel bag, this is regarded by dream books as a sign that there will be an opportunity to shine in male society.

Health and perfection

I dreamed of buying a woman's bag - a sign of good health, especially in the gynecological field. If a wallet, a business card holder, and gifts and trinkets are placed inside, this gives reason to hope for additional material benefits and for relief from illness.

However, it is especially beneficial to see a sports backpack or shoulder bag. Why is he dreaming about what lies ahead? Dream books promise that chance will bring you together with a wonderful coach.

Dream Interpretation Bag

The bag is a very interesting and ambiguous symbol. Therefore, only the details of the dream and your own emotional perception of it will help you understand why you dream about the bag. An old, shabby or overly heavy accessory from dreams can mean disasters and a dark streak in life. And new, shiny and beautiful - unexpected income.

In ancient times, a bag could be a symbol of travel or poverty. It was the burden of people who had nothing to lose, because there was nothing holding them anywhere. On the other hand, they could return from travel with more money. In this case, a heavy bag full of gifts or money was carried home.

To get a reliable interpretation of what a bag means in a dream, it is important to remember it in detail. appearance and purpose. It is also important to analyze your feelings: whether it was the joy of packing her for a trip or the understanding of the abundance of life with a completely packed shopping bag.


What kind of bag was it?

The interpretation of the dream is also influenced by the appearance of the dreamed accessory. Almost any dream book will explain the details; a bag from dreams, especially a new one, will mean profit and unexpected receipt of money.

Too heavy or pretty shabby - can mean a heavy burden, an unbearable burden that plagues the dreamer. It is impossible to get rid of it, you can only carry it to its destination - this way one of life’s tasks will be completed.

Basic interpretation: modern dream book bag

If you dreamed about a new one, then you can expect profit. These are discoveries, purchases, impressions. Perhaps you will receive a bonus or promotion. Bright and new can also mean new beginnings in life, or a new work direction that the dreamer will have to develop.

In this case, it can symbolize a certain period of life that is just beginning. If it is brilliantly beautiful and evokes pleasant emotions, it means that this segment will be full of positive emotions.

Unusual - in this case, it speaks of discoveries and new trends in which you have to be a pioneer.

Old – unfulfilled obligations

A very shabby accessory indicates that despite all efforts, the dreamer still finds it difficult to follow the chosen path. life path. Perhaps he made a promise to someone, but did not fulfill it. Even if the memory has long erased memories of this, the subconscious still continues to wait for the fulfillment of its obligations, says Miller’s dream book.

If you dreamed of a big and old one, it is important to remember your emotions. If they are warm, pleasant and carry good memories, then this is one of the dreams that promises a meeting with old friends. Over time, friendships will develop into partnerships. And together with them a common profitable business will be organized.

Women's - a reflection of relationships

If a man dreams of a woman's bag

If a man dreams of a woman’s bag, it means that a serious relationship will begin in his life. They can develop into something more if the lady's accessory from the dream was perfect in all respects.

A beautiful women's bag that a young girl dreams of can mean the revelation of her secrets. This is a warning dream, which says that you should not get to know anyone too closely, and trust your emotional experiences even to very close friends.

A bright black lacquered women's handbag indicates that the dreamer has his own dream and even a path to its realization. Receiving it as a gift means that this dream will come true, even without making any effort.

Sports and road – travel and active activities

To correctly interpret a dream in which a travel bag appeared, you need to remember the recent events of your life. If you dreamed about it on the eve of a trip or business trip, then no dream book is needed here - it is a reflection of thoughts.

But if nothing like this is expected, then this is one of the dreams that warns of possible material losses and all sorts of failures. According to Vanga’s dream book, bags are dreamed of when the dreamer faces complete collapse and failure in all activities.

It is advisable to refuse important decisions, signing business negotiations and buying/selling real estate. Otherwise, the dreamer can go around the world with one bag in his hands

Economic - a symbol of prosperity and frugality

To prosperity

If you dreamed of a huge shopping bag abundantly filled with food, it’s obvious good sign. This is one of the dreams that speaks of the dreamer's thriftiness, thriftiness and thriftiness.

Good luck accompanies him in everyday affairs and in all those connected with the house and plot. Perhaps he will engage in cultivation or farming, and will receive significant profit from this.

What actions were taken with the bag?

Interacting with objects from dreams symbolizes our relationship with the world around us. What events happened to the dreamer, how the presence or absence of a bag affected the main action is of great importance.

Therefore, any actions directed either inward or outward can warn of danger from dreams or portend good things.

Loss - disorientation

If you dreamed of losing a bag, it means that the dreamer will be unsettled by some incident. It is likely that a material loss will occur - deprivation of a bonus, an unprofitable deal, the loss of a valuable item.

Miller's dream book warns that the loss of a bag in a dream may be followed by discord in family life. Established relationships will not be able to withstand the challenges associated with loss or decrease in income.

Looking for a previously lost bag in one of your dreams in reality means experiencing bitterness from past failures, a desire to restore previous relationships, hopelessness from not entering the same river twice.

Buy or choose

One of the most favorable dreams is to choose new bag. This is an opportunity to choose from a mass of offers about work, relationships and place of residence. In the dreamer's life it comes turning point, which will play an important role in how his future fate will develop. The choice will be meaningful.

  • Buying a bright handbag means a new relationship, or a marriage proposal from a long-time loved one.
  • Choose from several shopping bags advantageous offers about work.
  • Looking for a suitcase or travel accessory - a change of residence associated with a promotion.
  • A man's bag for documents - a new boss or participation in a serious project.
  • Unusual, incomprehensible cut - you will have to be a pioneer in a rather difficult matter.

Find - someone else's secret

Picking up a bag on the floor in one of your dreams is not a very good sign. He warns that the dreamer will be involved in one case that is connected with someone else's secret.

If you dreamed that all its contents were being shaken out of a found bag or backpack, it means a journey is possible during which the dreamer will have to become someone else’s “vest”. Everything would be fine, but over time, fate will bring you together again with a travel companion in an unfavorable situation.

Finding a new bag full of money is a great dream. It could mean receiving an inheritance or winning a lottery/casino.

In general, a bag from dreams can symbolize the microcosm of the dreamer. And if he is comfortable and pleased with his own or a new burden, then he is following the right path in life. An old, dirty and heavy burden promises serious trials.

As the dream book says, a bag can be a dream for both good and bad. This dream is interpreted differently by each dream book. The bag can be full, empty, heavy, etc. Also, a lot depends on the author. For example, according to Miller’s dream book, a new bag is dreamed of as a gift.

Hasse dream book: bag - why do you dream about it?

Seeing an empty bag in a dream means that a person cherishes hopes of receiving some material benefits from a will. If the bag is full, this means loss of inheritance. A small women's handbag represents some kind of secret. Losing a bag means being at the mercy of your debtors. A student's bag dreams of a gray and joyless life.

Miller's dream book: bag - what does the dream portend?

Small women's handbag. that he lost his purse or it was stolen - he will have to face the truth, and illusions will dissipate. To see is to live in illusions, which, however, can still turn into reality. Receive, buy or take - means that the most incredible dreams will come true. The more original the handbag in the dream, the more daring and interesting dreams will come true.

As the dream book says, a new bag is for various gifts. A full large travel bag means a successful trip with possible purchases in it. Loss - fears of losing are in vain; you don’t have to worry about your property. Dragging heavy - property can attract the attention of thieves, especially when the owner is absent or on the road.

If a young girl dreams that she cannot find some necessary thing in her purse, this means that she is completely confused in her problems. Perhaps you should seek advice from someone more experienced.

Gather travel bag in a dream - in life to stand on the threshold of significant changes. You need to accept them and turn them to your advantage. Scattering the contents of a bag is a warning against wasting money unwisely. To see a person in a bag in a dream or to put him there - in life, the one who dreamed about this is dealing with some kind of secret that weighs heavily on his soul.

Meneghetti dream book: bag - what awaits a person?

Positive gifts, received from nature or purchased.

Modern dream book: bag - options for explaining the dream

If a person dreams that, upon leaving the house, he noticed that he took the wrong bag that he needed, this indicates that on that day he forgot his luck at home, and it is useless to wait for it. If instead of a bag a person holds a chic leather case in his hands, then luck will follow on his heels. Also, this dream can promise a new fateful acquaintance or meeting. A new acquaintance may turn out to be quite an influential person who will suggest ways to solve many problems.

A dream in which a person opens a bag and sees that it is filled with money large bills, means that in life he can hit a good jackpot. If there are coppers there, then the person will waste his strength in the fight against minor troubles and will not be able to achieve success in the main thing.

If a person finds a bag in a dream, then in reality his affairs will not go particularly well, and there is some kind of threat. If you pick up a found bag, then a blow of fate will surely fall, and if you leave it in place, then from difficult situation You will be able to get out without losses.

If a person dreams that he is snatching a bag from someone’s hands, this is a warning: one should not commit rash acts, so as not to lose everything. This should not be forgotten; you need to control your actions both in reality and in a dream. Then losses can be avoided.

Bag: dream book XXI century

String string - useful. Empty - hopes for success in all matters, and full - for big earnings.

If you happened to see a woman’s bag in your hands in a dream, you need to perceive such a plot more carefully. In such a case, many dream books predict all kinds of damage and losses. Do you want to find out why you dream about a woman’s bag? Look at as many dream books as possible.

Buy a bag in a store

If you dreamed of how you became the owner of an excellent, high-quality women's handbag, then in reality your hopes will come true. The universal interpreter gives advice not to be afraid to build dreams; this period of time is suitable for making even the most unrealizable desires come true. Miller gives a detailed interpretation of what it means to dream of buying a woman’s bag at a public market or in a company boutique. As the dream book says, recently acquired is a signal that in the near future existing life you will be faced with a choice. At the same time, think carefully about everything from the beginning so as not to lead to unpleasant consequences.

Purchasing an item in a company boutique in a dream women's wardrobe, means that in real life you are trying to find your happiness. If a man dreamed of a woman’s bag, then he should analyze his own intimate fantasies. Everything can become much more complicated than it initially seems. As explained modern dream book, a new women's bag in a dream, predicts an imminent life revolution. This stage of life will be different from the previous one, and it will be filled with various joyful incidents and positive acquaintances. A similar interpretation of a dream about a woman’s bag is usually given if it has a bright color. As explained women's dream book a woman's handbag is completely new, indicates that in the near future you will discover something unknown. Stop being afraid and open up to something unknown. Many significant events will turn your destiny around better side. You will be much happier for this. Another explanation of the dream book about a woman’s bag that you buy in a dream vision is the acquisition of significant property. Perhaps you will be able to buy an apartment or a good car. Especially if you saw a high-cost women's bag in a dream.

Accessory color

Sleep with women's bag red color promises decent financial benefits. If she is snow-white, be prepared for the nearest marriage. If you dreamed that the surface of the bag was stained with dirt, then married life will be filled with frequent discord and misunderstandings. If the handbag you saw in a dream was large in size and at the same time elegant, you will receive happiness from your upcoming marriage. According to Miller's dream book, a black women's handbag is a sign of vain expectations. If in the dream it was full of food supplies, in reality you will experience anxiety due to some circumstance. Regardless of the significance of what happened, try not to lose your temper and not worry unnecessarily. Additional interpretation, which is given in the dream book by a woman’s handbag with a black color scheme, indicates problems with the condition of the body. There is no need to wait for the progression of a dangerous disease. Take care of your own health ahead of time by visiting a doctor for preventative purposes.

Lose her

The interpreter of the 21st century points out that losing a woman’s reticule in a dream is an unfavorable signal. Probably accumulated over time cash will be used up, and new ones will not be earned for a long period of time. If you dreamed that after buying a bag, you unexpectedly lost it - what you had in mind will not bring a positive outcome. Authoritative comrades will not provide support either. The Wanderer's Dream Book recommends gathering strength into a fist and suffering an unwanted defeat with dignity.

If in a dream you lost a recently purchased handbag, then in reality there will be complex troubles at work. Some co-workers envy your career success and dream of telling their bosses about your mistakes. Be careful at work if you do not want to change it to another.

If the lost bag seen in dreams was black, then the most serious difficulties will be resolved. If you dreamed that you managed to find something that was lost, it means a joyful outcome to the most difficult circumstances in life.