Fig.2. Data transfer


“1C: Enterprise 8”, “1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budget Institution, p unit 1"

In connection with the release of a new software product

"1C: State Institution Salary",

We inform you about the timing of support for 1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution 8, and about recommendations for the transition to version 3.0 of the software product “1C: Salaries of a State Institution”

In the configuration "1C: Salary and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution" until the end of 2016 it is planned to support changes in legislation and correction of identified errors. The development of functionality and measures to improve the convenience of work are planned to be implemented only in the “Salary and Personnel of a State Institution” configuration (rev. 3.0).

For users of the "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" configuration It is recommended to switch to using the “Salaries and personnel of a government agency” configuration version 3.1 and higher. For users who have entered into an agreement 1C:ITS, configuration is provided at no additional charge, and documentation in paper form can be purchased in accordance with the regulations for the sale of documentation.

Receiving consultations is carried out using the registration number of the product, which includes the configuration “Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution”, if the user has a valid 1C:ITS agreement. For users of edition 1.0 of the “Salaries and Personnel of Budgetary Institution 8” configuration, changed during implementation (customized, configured), to switch to edition 3.0, we recommend contacting the specialists of our company, as a service organization for 1C: Enterprise.

Since 01.08.2016, a new line of software products “1C: Salaries of a State Institution” has been in effect, replacing the discontinued “1C: Salaries and Personnel of a Budgetary Institution”:

New in the software product “1C: State Institution Salary 8”:

The configuration "Salaries and personnel of a state institution" is intended to automate personnel records and payroll calculations in state institutions of various sizes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is possible to maintain records in institutions that have a complex legal structure, for example, in centralized accounting departments.

In addition to the functionality typical for all types of institutions, the program implements specific functionality typical of:

  • for institutions where the payroll of military personnel, as well as employees of internal affairs bodies or other executive authorities, is calculated;
  • institutions where the salary of state and municipal employees is calculated;
  • medical institutions;
  • educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.

Work via the Internet in the cloud service
The cloud service "1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet" (see runs the application "1C: State Institution Salary" created in edition 3.0.

Users can move from local use of the Government Payroll 3.0 configuration to working in the cloud service and return to local mode with the migration of credentials.

One of the important advantages of using a cloud service is that users do not have to spend resources, for example, on installing updates caused by changes in legislation. This ensures confidentiality and secure storage of data on this site.

Cloudless service 1C:Link - access to your 1C database via the Internet (

If the user has already deployed management or accounting solutions "1C:Enterprise 8", business processes have been configured and debugged, and there is a need to organize secure remote work with the system via the Internet for employees, we recommend connecting to the 1C:Link service. This service does not require transferring the organization’s database to the provider “in the cloud” - the existing server of the user’s organization is used.

Access becomes possible from any modern browser or using a 1C:Enterprise thin client using encrypted protocols, while 1C and other intermediaries do not decrypt traffic, which, together with other measures, ensures the confidentiality of data use.

The 1C:Link service is available to organizations that use 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 without additional payment under the 1C:ITS agreement.

The configuration "Salaries and personnel of a state institution", edition 3.0 is intended for automation of personnel records and payroll calculations in state institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Personnel accounting

The storage of personal data of individuals necessary for performing regulated calculations and generating various reports is ensured:

  • Full name, date of birth, gender;
  • place of birth, citizenship, insurance status;
  • information about disability;
  • registration numbers (TIN and SNILS);
  • information about an identity document and an unlimited number of other documents (driver’s license, etc.);
  • contact information of various types (residence addresses, registration, telephone numbers, etc.);
  • marital status and family composition;
  • information about education, professions, scientific achievements;
  • information about various types of work experience (including northern ones), previous places of work, awards;
  • military registration information.

When changing the values ​​of periodically changed information (full name, citizenship, etc.), the previous values ​​are also saved and taken into account when the program runs.

For all documents and reference books, it is possible to maintain a history of changes while preserving previous versions (versioning). Versioning makes it possible to understand who, when and what changes were made.

In addition to predefined personal information, the program can store any additional information (height, weight, clothing size, etc.), photographs, scanned copies of documents, such as a resume.

The application solution complies with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. In particular, the ability to register events related to access to personal data has been implemented, as well as the preparation of a printed consent form for the processing of personal data.

The configuration allows you to register (register) various events based on the movement of frames:

  • hiring an employee (concluding an employment contract), including part-time work, and printing the corresponding order on the unified T-1 form, as well as printing a standard form of an employment contract;
  • personnel transfer of an employee (changes in working conditions), for example, moving to another department, and printing the corresponding order on the unified T-5 form;
  • dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract) and printing of the corresponding order on the unified form T-8.

Using the data entered into the program, you can generate a personal employee card on the unified T-2 form, partially filled out automatically, as well as a researcher’s registration card on the unified T-4 form. A list of employees of an institution with a different set of information about them can be generated using the report of the same name.

The configuration allows you to register an order to perform additional work in connection with combining positions (replacing an absent employee, expanding job responsibilities), generating an appropriate printed form, as well as a printed form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

All layouts of standard printed forms can be edited at the user level, for example, change the font or insert a picture (logo), and subsequently they will be formed taking into account the changes made.

Maintaining the staffing table and the history of its changes is supported. At the same time, for departments and positions, you can specify the dates of formation (inclusion in the staffing table) and disbandment (exclusion from the staffing table). Using the data entered into the configuration, you can generate a unified printed form of the T-3 staffing table, as well as build various reports on the staffing schedule (for example, to analyze its compliance).

According to the staffing table, the planned wage fund (payroll) is calculated for reflection in the reports. There are reports for comparing planned and actual payroll.

For a staffing position, it is possible to set the reflection in accounting.

"1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution", ed. 3.0 supports the maintenance of military registration in accordance with Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 “On approval of the regulations on military registration.” The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.

Time tracking

The configuration provides opportunities for creating and flexible configuration of employee work schedules. You can specify the method of filling out the schedule and its properties: five-day, six-day, shift, summarized accounting, part-time, etc. It is possible to edit the work schedule of an individual employee individually, as well as clarify the number of hours actually worked by the employee.

All employee absences are registered in the configuration using special documents. In particular, with their help, you can prepare printed forms of an order for granting leave, both main and additional (unified form T-6). A record of vacation balances is kept, and it is possible to plan a vacation schedule. It is also possible to register business trips, unpaid vacations, blood donation days and other absences. It is possible to register so-called intra-shift absences (measured in hours within a day, rather than in days).

The configuration allows you to register orders for overtime work, work on weekends and holidays, temporary suspension of work (downtime) and generate the appropriate printed forms.

Based on data on hours worked and unworked, wages are calculated (time-dependent accruals). In addition, based on these data, a working time sheet is generated in the form 0504421 or T-13.

Maintaining several production calendars (with different composition of holidays) in one information base is supported. Such records may be necessary if records are kept for several institutions located in different regions.

The configuration provides a wide range of options for automatically calculating charges and deductions. There are supplied accruals with a pre-configured calculation method (payment based on salary, regional coefficient, one-time bonus, etc.) and created and customized by the user. The custom calculation formula can use different types of indicators (constant, one-time, cumulative, etc.), which allows you to cover most accrual calculation scenarios. To enter the values ​​of arbitrary calculation indicators, a special document is provided, which can be customized by the user in accordance with the characteristics of the institution.

Registration of such common accruals as financial assistance, bonuses, income in kind, etc. is carried out in separate specialized documents.

If the salary was calculated incorrectly due to missing information about the employee’s absence (at the time of calculation the absence was not registered in the program), then when such information is entered, the accruals are automatically reversed and recalculated.

The calculation of average earnings for social insurance benefits, vacations, business trips and other similar events (including taking into account the indexation of earnings) and the calculation of such accruals themselves has been implemented. It is possible to set up an arbitrary accrual calculated based on average earnings, as well as assign an additional payment up to average earnings using a document specially designed for this purpose. If, when calculating average earnings, the program does not contain data on an employee’s earnings for the billing period and this data is entered manually, then they can be used in subsequent calculations of average earnings for this employee.

The calculation of deductions based on writs of execution has been implemented, including taking into account the remuneration of the paying agent (post office, bank, payment services, etc.), trade union and additional insurance contributions, and it is also possible to configure other arbitrary deductions.

End-to-end accounting of all accruals and deductions by funding sources is maintained. It is possible to set the shares of distribution of basic earnings by item.

The wages of public sector workers are supported according to NSOT in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583.

For a position and staffing position, you can indicate membership in a professional qualification group (PKG) and the corresponding level (PKU). It is possible to create an unlimited number of scales for various PKG/PKU. In case of personnel changes, the system itself will track changes in both level and group in accordance with the staffing schedule. To change an employee’s category, a special document “Change in the qualification rank (category) of an employee” is provided, where the corresponding fact can be reflected.

Staffing can also be described in terms of the specialties required to fill the position. At the same time, in personnel documents, the system can track the availability of qualification categories of employees in the relevant specialty and offer an incentive bonus (for the qualification category).

When adding the ability to maintain records for PKG/PKU, additional salary calculation indicators become available (for example, job allowance, base group tariff, etc.). Indicators can be used to describe charges.

Records are kept of mutual settlements with employees on accrued and paid amounts. It is possible to arrange an advance payment (a fixed amount, a percentage of the salary, half a month), payments during the interpayment period and at the end of the month. Payments are supported both through the cash register and through the bank (to a card as part of a salary project or to an arbitrary bank account), as well as through a distributor. At the same time, the place of payment is flexibly configured down to a specific employee. We support the registration of deposits of salaries not received by employees, as well as the write-off of deposited amounts due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Exchange with banks within the framework of salary projects has been implemented in a specially developed universal format (not supported by all banks). Information about salaries transferred to employees and applications for opening and closing personal accounts for them can be transmitted to the bank. The bank's responses are downloaded: confirmations of opening personal accounts and crediting salaries.

In addition to conducting mass payroll calculations, “Salaries and Personnel of a State Institution” prepares all the necessary unified forms for wage accounting (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 15, 2010 No. 173n “On approval of forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Guidelines for their application") and other necessary reports that allow you to obtain information for any billing period:

  • payslips,
  • analytical payslips and reports on accruals and deductions,
  • pay slips (unified form T-51),
  • pay slips (f. 0504401),
  • pay slips (form 0504403, unified form T-53),
  • note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings (f. 0504425),
  • reference cards (f. 0504417), etc.

Accounting for state and municipal employees

In the program "1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8", ed. 3.0, the calculation of pay for civil servants of government bodies, as well as wages for municipal employees, has been fully implemented.

For personnel records, it is provided for the establishment of parameters for the Civil Servant Contract and the Municipal Servant Contract. It is possible to transfer employees from state (municipal) service to an employment contract.

The standard solution provides the opportunity, in addition to official salaries in accordance with the positions being filled in the civil (municipal) service, to accrue to civil (municipal) employees a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned class rank, as well as the entire range of typical monthly and other additional payments.

It is also possible to accrue additional types of leave provided for by law for state (municipal) employees, and to maintain seniority in the state (municipal) service.

The program provides a specific classification of positions of state (municipal) employees by groups and categories, which is used in reporting in forms 1-GS, 2-GS, 1-MS, 2-MS.

Mechanisms have been implemented to automate the entire employee certification process: formation of a certification commission and certification schedule, establishment of a protocol. The entire history is saved in the employee’s card; it is possible to track the dates of upcoming certifications and generate statistics in the corresponding analytical reports.

Accounting in medical institutions

"1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8", ed. 3.0 allows you to fully automate personnel records and payroll calculations for healthcare workers.

Federal Register of Health Workers

Interaction with the register is provided through special documents in which data for uploading is prepared, in the following volume:

  • description of additional characteristics of configuration objects, classifying them in accordance with the dictionaries of medical registers;
  • uploading information on the organization’s staffing table and personal information of employees in register format.


A tariffication report has been developed that allows the preparation of tariff lists in accordance with the reporting forms of the Order of the FMBA of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 No. 749 “On approval of the Temporary procedure for the tariffication of employees of federal budgetary institutions of health care and social protection of the FMBA of Russia”). The report contains several prepared forms, but can be configured manually by the user.

The data sources for the report are:

  • information about staffing,
  • information about the employee,
  • information about the employee’s planned accruals.

To correctly display information about planned employee accruals in tariff reporting, a description of accrual indicators is provided from the point of view of their reflection in tariff mechanisms.

Working with drugs

The process of obtaining permission to work with special equipment involves interaction with various external bodies (Drug Control Authority, psychoneurological and drug addiction clinic, etc.). The process of obtaining admission is described in detail in the regulatory order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated December 29, 2011 No. 580. As part of reflecting this process, the system implements:

  • accounting of certificates from individuals (including from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries);
  • preparation of a set of documents for generating a request to drug control authorities;
  • formation of an order for the organization to allow personnel to work with narcotic drugs. The order is formed on the basis of information about certificates of individuals and responses received from drug control authorities (results of inspections);
  • analytical reporting for analysis of personnel authorized to work with special equipment.

The functionality for medical institutions is constantly expanded and refined to meet a wider range of user needs.

Calculation and accounting of personal income tax and insurance premiums

The program implements the calculation of personal income tax (NDFL) and insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds (in the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) in accordance with current legislation. It is possible to register the income of individuals who are not employees of the enterprise, as well as the income of employees not related to wages (prizes, gifts, etc.), the ability to calculate personal income tax and insurance premiums on such income.

When calculating personal income tax, the employee’s right to personal, property and social deductions, which the tax agent has the right to provide, is taken into account, as well as deductions for specific types of income. Tax calculations have been implemented at rates of 13, 30, 35, 9 and 15 percent. When calculating, the taxpayer’s special statuses are taken into account (non-resident, highly qualified foreign specialist, participant in the program for the resettlement of compatriots, or crew member of a ship registered in the Russian International Register of Ships), as well as special types of income (dividends, prizes, etc.). Records are kept of both calculated and withheld taxes and those transferred to the budget. Supports the formation of a tax accounting register for personal income tax with details up to the date of payment of specific income and certificates in form 2-NDFL for submission to the Federal Tax Service and the employee. For divisions registered with the tax authorities as separate, separate accounting of income and tax amounts is maintained.

It is possible to calculate insurance premiums both at the basic rate and at all reduced rates, including rates for ship crew members and pharmacists. The calculation of additional contributions to the Pension Fund for flight crew members, miners and employees engaged in hazardous and difficult work is supported. The citizenship (insurance status) of the person is taken into account (foreigners, permanent and temporary residents, temporary residents, as well as highly qualified foreign specialists). Based on the calculation results, it is possible to construct an accounting card for insurance premiums.

Automated completion of all reporting regulated by relevant laws:

  • quarterly reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, including personalized accounting information: forms RSV-1, RV-3;
  • forms ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3; SZV-K; DSV-1 and DSV-3; SPV-2 for the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • quarterly reporting to the Social Insurance Fund: form 4-FSS;
  • information provided to the Social Insurance Fund as part of the pilot project (transfer of the obligation to pay benefits directly to the Social Insurance Fund);
  • forms of statistical reporting: P-4, P-4 (NZ), MP (micro), PM, 3-F, ZP-Zdrav, ZP-Culture, ZP-Science, ZP-Education, ZP-Social.

Reporting can be generated both in paper and electronic form, and it is possible to send reports to authorities via secure communication channels directly from the program using the 1C-Reporting service.

Service capabilities

The program provides service capabilities:

  • full-text data search – search for arbitrary text across all configuration objects (documents, directories, etc.);
  • loading of address classifier, bank classifier;
  • preparing a letter to the technical support department, as well as other possibilities.

Advantages of the configuration "Salaries and personnel of a government institution", ed. 3.0 compared to the configuration "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution", ed. 1.0

Configuration "Salaries and personnel of public institutions", ed. 3.0 is a development of the “Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” configuration. It is developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform and uses its new capabilities:

  • support for remote online work in thin client and web client modes,
  • new options for managing the program interface and individual forms,
  • transfer of the main computing load to the server and economical use of client resources,
  • work via the Internet in a service model.

The new version of the program is distinguished by its clarity, quick access to objects, and the ability to customize the interface to suit the user's preferences. This helps the user quickly navigate the program's capabilities.

Innovations such as “Favorites”, a history of recently edited documents, a brief description of all reports, as well as detailed program prompts for incorrect actions will make the work easy and interesting.

Control over the correctness of data at the stage of data entry (into an employee’s card, organization, etc.) has been improved, which simplifies the generation and submission of various reports in the future.

The possibilities for setting up arbitrary accruals and deductions and the order of their application have been expanded, and new categories of calculation indicators have been implemented. For example, to automatically fill out and calculate an accrual, it is no longer necessary to designate it as planned; it is enough to enter the values ​​of the calculation indicators used in it. Or the accrual can be scheduled only for certain months.

The table provides a brief description of the main differences between the new configuration and the configuration "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution", ed. 1.0:

Salaries and personnel of a government agency, edition 3.0

Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution, edition 1.0

Initial program setup

Full customization of the program to the specifics of the enterprise, right down to adding the accruals usedAbility to specify a minimum set of information
Ability to download basic employee data from reporting files previously submitted to regulatory authorities (PFR, Federal Tax Service)Not provided

Expanding capabilities for calculations using NSOT

Professional qualification groups/levels (hereinafter PKG/PKU)

Maintaining classifiers of qualification groups, levels and qualification allowances is not provided
Description of positions and staffing positions for PKG/PKU
Several scales for different groups of personnel (teaching staff, junior service personnel, etc.)
Automatic control of changes in groups and corresponding levels during personnel changes
Setting up allowances as a percentage of the group's base rate

Qualification allowances

Description of the position and staffing in accordance with the requirements for the qualification category
Specialized document for changing qualification category
Possibility of recording employee qualifications by specialty
Automatic completion of qualification categories in personnel documents, taking into account job requirements and the level of proficiency in the specialty of employees

Staffing table

You can add several positions to the department’s staffing table with the same positions, differing in working conditions (for example, work schedule)Not provided
For a staffing position, you can set the method of reflection in accountingNot provided
Approval, change and indexing of the staffing table with special documents make it possible to save history and return to the previous version of the staffing tableDocuments for changes are not provided; all changes are made directly to the staffing table
Outdated departments and positions are not displayed in the listsNot provided
Ability to set an accrual schedule in the staffing tableNot provided
Planned payroll according to staffing schedule, analysis of compliance of planned and actual payroll
Not provided

Personnel accounting

Changing the type of employment (main position, part-time) is available upon personnel transferChanging the type of employment is available only when an employee leaves and starts a new one
Registration of two personnel events on one day is available (for example, personnel transfer and earnings indexation)Not provided
The employee certification process has been automated:
  • approval of the composition of the commission,
  • creating a certification schedule,
  • printing of orders, certification sheets, minutes of commission meetings
Not provided

Registration expanding the employee's job responsibilities possible in the following ways:

  • additional payment for combining positions,
  • performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee,
  • registration of short-term extension of duties ("part-time work")
Setting up additional payments for expanding job responsibilities is done “manually”

Time tracking

If necessary, you can create several production calendarsNot provided
For time and attendance documents, you can enter a correction documentChanges are made to an existing document, history is not saved

Payroll preparation

Duplication of personnel and payroll documents has been eliminated. For example, one document “Vacation” has been implemented, with which employees of both the personnel and payroll departments are supposed to workVarious documents for registering personnel events and calculating accruals
Calculation of insurance premiums in the document Payroll Insurance premiums are calculated in a separate document Calculation of insurance premiums
The concept of a paying agent has been introduced for writs of executionPayment of alimony is possible only through the mail or bank
Possibility of calculating payments to former employeesNot provided
Confirmation of work performed under the GPC agreement is carried out by entering Certificate of completed work Accruals for GPC are recorded only by document GPC agreements
Additional payment up to average earnings when transferring to a low-paid job or during illnessNot provided

When applying for a vacation, the following actions are possible:

  • calculation of several types of additional vacations along with the main one;
  • calculation of compensation for main and additional vacations;
  • salary calculation for the period preceding the vacation;
  • accrual of financial assistance for vacation
    (See picture)
Cash compensation for vacation, salary calculation and financial assistance when applying for vacation are not provided. Payroll for the period preceding the vacation must be carried out in a separate document
Document Dismissal: final payment is possible
(See picture)
The final calculation is carried out by entering several documents: dismissal, calculation upon dismissal, payroll

Payment of wages

The place of payment of wages can be configured both for the institution as a whole, and for individual departments or specific employees
Not provided
Salary payment occurs in one document Cash register (bank) Payment of wages is carried out in two stages: preparation of documents Salary payable, registration Statements to the cash desk (bank)
Possibility of paying several interpayment accruals (vacations, sick leave, etc.) in one statementNot provided
Generating payroll statements for all sources of financing at onceThe statement is compiled for each source of funding separately
The advance may be paid as a percentage of the salaryNot provided

Taxes and reporting

The rights to a tax deduction and its termination are registered with special documentsNo special documents are provided
Report on accrued and paid amounts of insurance premiums transferred to the Pension Fund for any periodNot provided
All sections of RSV-1 are formed with “one button”; automatic adjustment of RSV-1 is provided in typical cases
Section 6 of RSV-1 is formed in Preparation of data for the Pension Fund of Russia, no automatic correction of information
Statistical reporting forms with automatic completion: P4, P-4(NZ), Z-FNot provided
Storage of information about changes in registration with the tax authority (for example, during reorganization), simplified generation of personal income tax reporting when late entry of registration data into the Federal Tax ServiceNot provided

Reflection in accounting

Insurance premiums are distributed among financing items in the same way as the accruals from which they are calculated
Insurance premiums are not distributed among financing items (only for CPS)
Possibility to specify shares for distribution of basic earnings according to financing itemsNot provided

State and municipal employees

Possibility of personnel transfer of a civil servant to an employment contract (for example, upon reaching the age limit)Not supported. To transfer to an employment contract, it is necessary to dismiss the employee and rehire him.
Automatic control of entering information for calculating salary: class rank, civil service experienceNot provided
For civil servants and employees under employment contracts, the same payment documents are used ( Vacation, Business trip, Dismissal) Various documents for civil servants and ordinary employees: Vacation accrual And Accrual of leave for a civil servant, Payment according to average earnings And Saved cash content, Calculation of severance And Calculation upon dismissal of a civil servant
When applying for a vacation, it is possible to immediately accrue financial assistance for the vacationAdditional payments are registered in separate documents
Additional holidays Long service leave in public service,Vacation for irregular working hours provided by the programNot provided
Certification of civil servants: formation of a certification commission, certification schedule, protocols of the certification commissionNot provided
Maintaining a register of civil servants
Not provided

Accounting in medical institutions

User's current tasks

Transfer of data to the Federal Register of Medical WorkersNot provided
The certification process for employees of medical institutions has been automated
Formation of tariff lists (Order of the FMBA of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 No. 749)
Obtaining permits to work with narcotic drugs

The program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a state institution” (“1C: ZIK” or “1C: ZKGU”) is designed to automate personnel records and payroll calculations in government institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since 2017, support for the configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” ed. 1.0 is limited. Program updates are now released for 2017 reporting only. There are no plans to support the legislative framework and update the regulated reporting forms for 2018.

In our article you will find detailed instructions on how to switch to ZIK 3.1, which will help you do it quickly, easily and painlessly.

You will learn:

  • Why is it necessary to switch to ZGKU rev. 3.1?
  • What are the advantages of the new edition 3.1?
  • What is needed to switch to ZIK 3.1?
  • Options for transferring data from the old edition to the new one.
  • lHow to check that the transfer was completed correctly?

Why is it necessary to switch to ZGKU rev. 3.1?

Despite the transition, the database with the old version 1.0 will remain with you. This will allow you to view the necessary archived information at any time.

What are the advantages of the new edition 3.1?

  • It is now possible to work in the program in web client mode.
  • New functionality added:
    • expanded possibilities for calculations according to NSOT (new wage system);
    • changes have been made in the following sections: staffing, personnel records, working time recording, payroll calculation, payment of wages, taxes and reporting, reflection in accounting, state and municipal employees;
    • added the ability to keep records in medical institutions.
  • There are useful improvements: “Favorites”, a history of the latest editions, a brief description of reports, detailed tips for incorrect user actions, and much more.
  • Version 3.1 is distinguished by clarity and the ability to customize the interface (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Updated interface of edition 3.1

The functionality of the program is being expanded and improved, making its use more and more convenient for users. Detailed description of the expanded functionality of "1C:ZIK" ed. 3.1 will be discussed in a separate article, which will appear in our blog in the near future.

What is needed to switch to ZIK 3.1?

Everything is very simple! To switch to ZIK 3.1 you need:

  • Registered software product (licensed program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” rev. 1.0);
  • Valid ITS agreement.

In this case, the configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution” edition 3.1 is provided FREE OF CHARGE!

You can get it in one of the following ways:

  • contact our specialists;
  • gain access independently in your personal account by registering on the website

After receiving the new edition, you must take the following steps:

  • Update the installed configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” edition 1.0 to the latest release;
  • Test the database for errors and delete marked objects;
  • Install the latest release of the configuration “1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution” ed. 3.1.

After completing these steps, you are ready to transfer your information!

How to transfer data from the old configuration to the new one?

There are two options for data transfer: standard and full.

1. Standard transfer (Fig. 2)

Fig.2. Data transfer

The standard transition to ZIK 3.1 is carried out by transferring regulatory and reference information and accounting data from the information base of edition 1.0.

By default, the minimum amount of information required to start accounting is transferred to the new edition. Some of the data will need to be filled in manually in the new program using the initial filling assistant. In most cases, such data entry requires less time than reconciling information after a complete transfer.

Currently, the new edition provides for the transfer of the following data by default:

  • directories: organizations, divisions, positions, employees and related reference information;
  • accruals and deductions with a regulated method of calculation (salary, bonus, writs of execution, etc.);
  • the list of staffing positions is not transferred, but, if necessary, can be formed according to the staffing arrangement;
  • staffing for the month of commencement of operation;
  • personnel history of employees to fill out their personal cards;
  • data for calculating average earnings: for Social Insurance Fund benefits - for the previous three years, for vacations and other cases - for the previous 15 months;
  • accounting data for personal income tax and insurance premiums in the year of transfer (if operation does not begin from the beginning of the year);
  • balances of mutual settlements for the month of start of operation.

2. Full transfer

Allows you to transfer into the new program all the data that you may need to work with: personnel data and information about all accrued and paid wages, personal income tax, insurance contributions, etc.

In this case, the program settings are installed automatically based on the results of checking and analyzing the transferred data. After transferring data, you can finish working with the assistant and check the transferred data and installed settings.

Disadvantages of a full transfer:

  • the methodology for calculating wages and personnel records is inherited from the previous program, despite the improvements of the new one;
  • Unused or rarely used information is transferred, which unnecessarily increases both the transfer time and the likelihood of transfer with errors.

This feature may be in demand, for example, for organizations with a simple remuneration system, a small number of employees and a small amount of accumulated data.

How can I check that all data has been transferred correctly?

Once the data migration phase is completed, the data reconciliation phase begins.

There are two types of reconciliation:

  • Mandatory reconciliation. Involves checking transferred personnel information, average earnings for vacation pay, sick leave and business trips, as well as planned accruals.
    You can do this verification yourself. It won't take much time.
  • Additional reconciliation. In some cases, standard transfer tools do not provide the required level of reliability of the transferred data. If personnel records are not maintained correctly, additional reconciliation may be required after the transfer.
    This is especially true when the source database used modified types of calculations or types of calculations with complex formulas. To correctly calculate wages in the new edition, it is necessary to reconcile and adjust the data for calculating sick leave and vacations. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the average earnings data.
    We recommend entrusting such reconciliation to specialists, since it is necessary not only to understand accounting, but also to take into account the features of the program.

Once installation, configuration and verification are complete, the new 3.1 configuration is ready to go!


To summarize, we note once again why the transition to ZIK 3.1. required:

  • only the new edition will support current legislation;
  • from 2018 it will not be possible to submit reports in the program “1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution” ed. 1.0.

In addition, version 3.1 features expanded functionality and a user-friendly interface, which significantly improves user comfort for a long time.

Despite the transition, the database with the old version 1.0 will remain. You will be able to view the necessary archived information at any time.

If you have any questions or problems, you can always contact our company. Specialists will help you make the transition to WKSU 3.1, transfer and verify data, launch the new edition, and also train users.

You can order a calculation of the cost of transition to ZIK 3.1 from

Improved usability

Switching between accounting sections using tabs with section names and visual icons simplifies navigation. Each section has a navigation panel that opens document logs and directories. On the navigation panel, you can customize the composition of objects according to your preferences.

Working with the program begins with the “Desktop” section, where it is convenient to display magazines and reference books used in everyday work.

The appearance of the form of almost any document or reference book can be easily changed in accordance with the specifics of the institution’s activities. For example, you can change the order of fields or hide unused bookmarks. Changes made can be transferred to other users.

When checking the correctness of filling out a document, the program highlights the details in which an error was made and tells what exactly the error is.

A list of recently created or edited documents can be viewed by clicking the "History" button.

For any information base object - a document, directory, magazine, etc. - you can get an internal link in the form of a string, using which another user who has access to the same information base will quickly and accurately find the desired object.

Frequently used documents, reports and other objects can be placed in the “Favorites” section of the program, which will also reduce the time spent searching for them.

You can set a mode that is convenient for you to create new documents - they will open in separate windows or on separate tabs in a common window.

Development of payroll accounting functionality

Getting started with the program

The ability to select the program functionality used depending on the characteristics of the institution has been implemented. Based on the selected functions, the interface is rebuilt, the composition of available documents, fields, and commands is changed, and some objects (accruals, etc.) are automatically created. This program setup can be done both when starting work (with the help of a special assistant) and while working with the program.

Expansion of functionality for calculations using NSOT

The new version of the program provides additional functionality for remuneration of public sector workers according to the NSOT. Classic payment schemes for the system have been implemented:

  • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU);
  • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU) + qualification bonus for the position held (according to the staffing table);
  • official salary (salary according to PKG/PKU) + qualification bonus for professionalism (individual for the person).

Qualification allowances can also be recorded by specialty, which is very important, for example, for medical workers.

Time tracking

The possibility of using several different production calendars has been implemented, which may be a necessary condition for maintaining records for departments of an institution located in regions with different composition of approved holidays.

The ability to enter corrections for working time recording documents has been implemented.

Staffing table

The mechanisms for working with the staffing table and descriptions of its positions have been improved. The ability to approve new versions of the staffing table with a special document and store unused versions of the staffing table has been implemented.

For departments, it is possible to indicate the dates of formation and disbandment, for positions - the dates of inclusion in the staffing table and exclusion from it, which allows you to hide outdated positions in directories.

Setting up reflection in accounting can be done not only in the department and position, but also in a specific position in the staffing table.

According to the staffing table, the planned wage fund (payroll) is calculated for reflection in reports, for example, comparing the planned and actual payroll.

Personnel accounting

The convenience of working with an employee card has been improved: it allows you to quickly receive all information related to an employee and reflect its changes.

Control over the correctness of data at the stage of data entry (into an employee’s card, organization, etc.) has been improved, which simplifies the generation and submission of various reports in the future.

The problem of registering two personnel events on one day has been resolved; when registering, you only need to indicate their priority.

The type of employment of an employee (main place of work, part-time job) is now specified not in the employee directory, but in personnel documents. Therefore, his change is now formalized in the program not by creating a new employee and entering admission and dismissal documents, but by entering a personnel transfer document (of the current employee), which indicates the new type of employment.

Payroll preparation

Duplication of “personnel” and “settlement” documents has been eliminated. For example, one document “Vacation” has been implemented, with which an employee of both the personnel and payroll departments is supposed to work. Similarly, the fact of dismissal of an employee is registered in one document “Dismissal”, in which a full payment is made upon dismissal.

The possibilities for setting up arbitrary accruals and deductions and the order of their application have been expanded, and new categories of calculation indicators have been implemented. For example, to automatically fill out and calculate an accrual, it is no longer necessary to designate it as planned; it is enough to enter the values ​​of the calculation indicators used in it. Or accrual can be scheduled for predetermined individual months.

The restriction on the number of indicators used in an arbitrary calculation formula has been removed, and the list of predefined (supplied) calculation indicators has been expanded (for example, such as the minimum wage).

A simple and user-friendly way to configure displacement and leading accruals has been implemented. When setting up a calculation base, it is possible to specify a base period of arbitrary duration.

You can customize your own document template for entering indicator values ​​depending on their application value.

The mechanisms of the "Payroll" document have been improved. For example, the ability to correct calculation results with automatic recalculation of dependent results and the ability to cancel corrections has been implemented.

New documents have been developed to take into account short-term increases in an employee’s job responsibilities. Such cases include:

  • expansion of service area,
  • substitution,
  • performance of duties,
  • increase in the volume of work, etc.

The "Combination of Positions" document will allow you to register these events and automatically assign the necessary accruals for the replaced employee or position.

The document “Assignment of a part-time job” allows you to assign an additional payment to an employee in such a way that a new employee does not appear, the rate does not change, but a new workplace is created with its own work schedule, position and accruals characteristic of such a position in the staffing table. In the time sheet, as well as in the employee’s pay slip, accruals for part-time work are displayed as a separate line, which allows timekeepers to record the actual time of part-time work, and the accountant and employee can see the exact purpose of the accruals.

The input, receipt and storage of information used in calculating average earnings have been improved, the forms intended for this have been improved, and the settings have become clearer.

It is possible to register the income of individuals who are not employees of the institution (employees under GPC agreements, shareholders, former employees), and calculate taxes and contributions on such income.

Payment of wages

The list of supported places for salary payment has been expanded - in addition to payment through the cash register and transfer to the card, payment through a distributor and transfer to the account specified by the employee has been implemented. Payment through different cash desks is supported. The mechanisms for working with employees’ personal bank accounts have been improved. The payment location can be configured both for a specific employee and for a department or institution as a whole.

The possibility of paying an advance as a percentage of the employee’s salary has been implemented.

For several interpayment documents (for example, several sick leaves), it is possible to generate one payment statement.

Taxes and reporting

The workplace for preparing personalized accounting data in the Pension Fund has been improved. All sections of the RSV-1 form are now created with one button. Automated filling out correction forms in some common situations.

Standard tax deductions for personal income tax are assigned, amended and terminated by specialized documents.

Accounting for state and municipal employees

In version 3.0, there was a significant expansion of functionality in terms of accounting for state and municipal employees.

Personnel accounting

The possibility of transferring from state (municipal) service to an employment contract without dismissing an employee has been implemented. The “Personnel Transfer” document allows you not only to change the employee’s status and accruals, but also to clarify the right to leave.

Automatic control of entering information for calculating salary: class rank and length of service in the state (municipal) service will need to be entered when applying for a job.

Saved cash content

The “duplication” of documents for civil servants and employees under employment contracts has been eliminated. For example, in version 3.0 there is only one document, “Leave taking into account the employee’s status.” The same logic applies to calculations based on average earnings and dismissal.

Additional types of leave have appeared: leave for long service in the state (municipal) service, leave for irregular working hours. The number of vacation days can be indicated both in the “Positions” directory and directly in the “Hiring” document.


Accounting in medical institutions

A completely new functionality has been developed for payroll calculations in medical institutions. "Salaries and personnel of state institutions", ed. 3.0 now allows you to fully automate personnel records and payroll for healthcare workers.

Interaction with the register is provided through special documents in which data is prepared for uploading.


A tariffication report has been developed that allows the preparation of tariff lists in accordance with the reporting forms of the Order of the FMBA of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 No. 749 “On approval of the Temporary procedure for the tariffication of employees of federal budgetary institutions of health care and social protection of the FMBA of Russia”). It is also possible to customize the report to suit the user's needs. Using this functionality, it is possible to obtain operational information for the work of economic planning services, calculate and control the wage fund and monitor other financial indicators.

Software tools have been implemented to register and control the entire process of obtaining access to special equipment and whether employees have the appropriate access.


Registered users of software products 4601546097965 "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" and 4601546056658 "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8 (USB)", as well as the product 4601546086785 "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8", who have entered into an agreement information and technological support for 1C:ITS, can switch to edition 3.0 of the “Salaries and personnel of a government institution” configuration without additional payment.

Support for users of these products in the 1C company will be provided according to a registration card and a license agreement for the product "1C: Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution 8" or "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" subject to the conclusion of an agreement for information and technological support for 1C :ITS.

To migrate to version 3.0 of the “Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution” configuration, you must install version 3.0.19 of the configuration developed on version 8.3.5 of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Version 3.0.19 of the “Salaries and Personnel of a State Institution” configuration is planned to be published in the December issue of information technology support (1C:ITS) for 2014, it is also published on the user support website

The listed distributions can also be obtained through partners of the 1C company.

To effectively master and use the new edition, documentation books have been released:

Purchasing these books is not mandatory when upgrading to a new configuration edition.

Registered users of the configurations "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" and "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" can purchase the specified books in the required quantity in accordance with the regulations described in information letter No. 8538 dated June 20, 2008, and also gain access to electronic versions of books on the website, subject to the conclusion of a 1C:ITS agreement.

To purchase paper documentation, you must contact a partner of the 1C company or directly to the 1C company. The list of franchisee partners is published on the 1C company website at

Transfer of accumulated credentials from the previous edition

The transition to edition 3.0 is carried out by transferring data from the configuration information base "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution", edition 1.0 or "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" to the configuration information base "Salaries and personnel of a government institution", edition 3.0. The transfer of regulatory and reference information and accounting data necessary to continue maintaining personnel records in version 3.0, calculating salaries, preparing reports, etc. As a result of transferring accounting data, primary documents for personnel records, calculation and payment of salaries, calculation of taxes and contributions are created .

It is recommended to migrate data from edition 1.0 from the latest officially released version of edition 1.0. Users who have an earlier version of the configuration installed must first update the configuration to the latest officially released version.

Transferring accumulated credentials from the trial version

The transition to the final version is carried out by simply updating the configuration version. In this case, all data accumulated in the trial version is saved.


In the configurations "Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" and "1C: Medicine. Salaries and personnel of a budgetary institution" until the end of 2015, it is planned to support changes in current legislation and correct errors. The development of functionality is expected only in the “Salaries and personnel of a government institution” configuration.

Application. Functionality of the configuration "Salaries and personnel of a government institution", edition 3.0

The configuration "Salaries and personnel of a state institution", edition 3.0 is designed to automate personnel records and payroll calculations in state institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and has the following main capabilities.


The storage of personal data of individuals necessary for performing regulated calculations and generating various reports is ensured:

  • Full name, date of birth, gender;
  • place of birth, citizenship, insurance status;
  • information about disability;
  • registration numbers (TIN and SNILS);
  • information about an identity document and an unlimited number of other documents (driver’s license, etc.);
  • contact information of various types (residence addresses, registration, telephone numbers, etc.);
  • marital status and family composition;
  • information about education, professions, scientific achievements;
  • information about various types of work experience (including northern ones), previous places of work, awards;
  • military registration information.

When changing the values ​​of periodically changed information (full name, citizenship, etc.), the previous values ​​are also saved and taken into account when the program runs.

For all documents and reference books, it is possible to maintain a history of changes while preserving previous versions (versioning). Versioning makes it possible to understand who, when and what changes were made.

In addition to predefined personal information, the program can store any additional information (height, weight, clothing size, etc.), photographs, scanned copies of documents, such as a resume.

The application solution complies with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”. In particular, the ability to register events related to access to personal data has been implemented, as well as the preparation of a printed consent form for the processing of personal data.

The configuration allows you to register (register) various events based on the movement of frames:

  • hiring an employee (concluding an employment contract), including part-time work, and printing the corresponding order on the unified T-1 form, as well as printing a standard form of an employment contract;
  • personnel transfer of an employee (changes in working conditions), for example, moving to another department, and printing the corresponding order on the unified T-5 form;
  • dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract) and printing of the corresponding order on the unified form T-8.

Using the data entered into the program, you can generate a personal employee card on the unified T-2 form, partially filled out automatically, as well as a researcher’s registration card on the unified T-4 form. A list of employees of an institution with a different set of information about them can be generated using the report of the same name.

The configuration allows you to register an order to perform additional work in connection with combining positions (replacing an absent employee, expanding job responsibilities), generating an appropriate printed form, as well as a printed form of an additional agreement to the employment contract.

All layouts of standard printed forms can be edited at the user level, for example, change the font or insert a picture (logo), and subsequently they will be formed taking into account the changes made.

Maintaining the staffing table and the history of its changes is supported. At the same time, for departments and positions, you can specify the dates of formation (inclusion in the staffing table) and disbandment (exclusion from the staffing table). Using the data entered into the configuration, you can generate a unified printed form of the T-3 staffing table, as well as build various reports on the staffing schedule (for example, to analyze its compliance).

According to the staffing table, the planned wage fund (payroll) is calculated for reflection in the reports. There are reports for comparing planned and actual payroll.

For a staffing position, it is possible to set the reflection in accounting.

"1C: Salaries and personnel of a government institution", ed. 3.0 supports the maintenance of military registration in accordance with Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1998 No. 1541 “On approval of the regulations on military registration.” The program generates all the necessary information for submission to the military registration and enlistment offices.


The configuration provides opportunities for creating and flexible configuration of employee work schedules. You can specify the method of filling out the schedule and its properties: five-day, six-day, shift, summarized accounting, part-time, etc. It is possible to edit the work schedule of an individual employee individually, as well as clarify the number of hours actually worked by the employee.

All employee absences are registered in the configuration using special documents. In particular, with their help, you can prepare printed forms of an order for granting leave, both main and additional (unified form T-6). A record of vacation balances is kept, and it is possible to plan a vacation schedule. It is also possible to register business trips, unpaid vacations, blood donation days and other absences. It is possible to register so-called intra-shift absences (measured in hours within a day, rather than in days).

The configuration allows you to register orders for overtime work, work on weekends and holidays, temporary suspension of work (downtime) and generate the appropriate printed forms.

Based on data on hours worked and unworked, wages are calculated (time-dependent accruals). In addition, based on these data, a working time sheet is generated in the form 0504421 or T-13.

Maintaining several production calendars (with different composition of holidays) in one information base is supported. Such records may be necessary if records are kept for several institutions located in different regions.


The configuration provides a wide range of options for automatically calculating charges and deductions. There are supplied accruals with a pre-configured calculation method (payment based on salary, regional coefficient, one-time bonus, etc.) and created and customized by the user. The custom calculation formula can use different types of indicators (constant, one-time, cumulative, etc.), which allows you to cover most accrual calculation scenarios. To enter the values ​​of arbitrary calculation indicators, a special document is provided, which can be customized by the user in accordance with the characteristics of the institution.

Registration of such common accruals as financial assistance, bonuses, income in kind, etc. is carried out in separate specialized documents.

If the salary was calculated incorrectly due to missing information about the employee’s absence (at the time of calculation the absence was not registered in the program), then when such information is entered, the accruals are automatically reversed and recalculated.

The calculation of average earnings for social insurance benefits, vacations, business trips and other similar events (including taking into account the indexation of earnings) and the calculation of such accruals themselves has been implemented. It is possible to set up an arbitrary accrual calculated based on average earnings, as well as assign an additional payment up to average earnings using a document specially designed for this purpose. If, when calculating average earnings, the program does not contain data on an employee’s earnings for the billing period and this data is entered manually, then they can be used in subsequent calculations of average earnings for this employee.

The calculation of deductions based on writs of execution has been implemented, including taking into account the remuneration of the paying agent (post office, bank, payment services, etc.), trade union and additional insurance contributions, and it is also possible to configure other arbitrary deductions.

End-to-end accounting of all accruals and deductions by funding sources is maintained. It is possible to set the shares of distribution of basic earnings by item.

The wages of public sector employees are supported according to NSOT in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.08.2008 No. 583.

For a position and staffing position, you can indicate membership in a professional qualification group (PKG) and the corresponding level (PKU). It is possible to create an unlimited number of scales for various PKG/PKU. In case of personnel changes, the system itself will track changes in both level and group in accordance with the staffing schedule. To change an employee’s category, a special document “Changing the qualification rank (category) of an employee” is provided, where the corresponding fact can be reflected.

Staffing can also be described in terms of the specialties required to fill the position. At the same time, in personnel documents, the system can track the availability of qualification categories of employees in the relevant specialty and offer an incentive bonus (for the qualification category).

When adding the ability to maintain records for PKG/PKU, additional salary calculation indicators become available (for example, job allowance, base group tariff, etc.). Indicators can be used to describe charges.

Records are kept of mutual settlements with employees on accrued and paid amounts. It is possible to arrange an advance payment (a fixed amount, a percentage of the salary, half a month), payments during the interpayment period and at the end of the month. Payments are supported both through the cash register and through the bank (to a card as part of a salary project or to an arbitrary bank account), as well as through a distributor. At the same time, the place of payment is flexibly configured down to a specific employee. We support the registration of deposits of salaries not received by employees, as well as the write-off of deposited amounts due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Exchange with banks within the framework of salary projects has been implemented in a specially developed universal format (not supported by all banks). Information about salaries transferred to employees and applications for opening and closing personal accounts for them can be transmitted to the bank. The bank's responses are downloaded: confirmations of opening personal accounts and crediting salaries.

In addition to conducting mass payroll calculations, “Salaries and Personnel of a State Institution” prepares all the necessary unified forms for wage accounting (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 15, 2010 No. 173n “On approval of forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions and Guidelines for their application") and other necessary reports that allow you to obtain information for any billing period:

  • payslips,
  • analytical payslips and reports on accruals and deductions,
  • pay slips (unified form T-51),
  • pay slips (f. 0504401),
  • pay slips (form 0504403, unified form T-53),
  • note-calculation on the calculation of average earnings (f. 0504425),
  • reference cards (f. 0504417), etc.


In the program "1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8", ed. 3.0, the calculation of pay for civil servants of government bodies, as well as wages for municipal employees, has been fully implemented.

For personnel records, it is provided for the establishment of parameters for the Civil Servant Contract and the Municipal Servant Contract. It is possible to transfer employees from state (municipal) service to an employment contract.

The standard solution provides the opportunity, in addition to official salaries in accordance with the positions being filled in the civil (municipal) service, to accrue to civil (municipal) employees a monthly salary in accordance with the assigned class rank, as well as the entire range of typical monthly and other additional payments.

It is also possible to accrue additional types of leave provided for by law for state (municipal) employees, and to maintain seniority in the state (municipal) service.

The program provides a specific classification of positions of state (municipal) employees by groups and categories, which is used in reporting in forms 1-GS, 2-GS, 1-MS, 2-MS.

Mechanisms have been implemented to automate the entire employee certification process: formation of a certification commission and certification schedule, establishment of a protocol. The entire history is saved in the employee’s card; it is possible to track the dates of upcoming certifications and generate statistics in the corresponding analytical reports.


"1C: Salaries and personnel of government institutions 8", ed. 3.0 allows you to fully automate personnel records and payroll calculations for healthcare workers.

Federal Register of Health Workers

Interaction with the register is provided through special documents in which data for uploading is prepared, in the following volume:

  • description of additional characteristics of configuration objects, classifying them in accordance with the dictionaries of medical registers;
  • uploading information on the organization’s staffing table and personal information of employees in register format.


A tariffication report has been developed that allows the preparation of tariff lists in accordance with the reporting forms of the Order of the FMBA of the Russian Federation dated November 11, 2009 No. 749 “On approval of the Temporary procedure for the tariffication of employees of federal budgetary institutions of health care and social protection of the FMBA of Russia”). The report contains several prepared forms, but can be configured manually by the user.

The data sources for the report are:

  • information about staffing,
  • information about the employee,
  • information about the employee’s planned accruals.

To correctly display information about planned employee accruals in tariff reporting, a description of accrual indicators is provided from the point of view of their reflection in tariff mechanisms.

Working with drugs

The process of obtaining permission to work with special equipment involves interaction with various external bodies (Drug Control Authority, psychoneurological and drug addiction clinic, etc.). The process of obtaining admission is described in detail in the regulatory order of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated December 29, 2011 No. 580. As part of reflecting this process, the system implements:

  • accounting of certificates from individuals (including from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries);
  • preparation of a set of documents for generating a request to drug control authorities;
  • formation of an order for the organization to allow personnel to work with narcotic drugs. The order is formed on the basis of information about certificates of individuals and responses received from drug control authorities (results of inspections);
  • analytical reporting for analysis of personnel authorized to work with special equipment.

The functionality for medical institutions is constantly expanded and refined to meet a wider range of user needs.


The program implements the calculation of personal income tax (NDFL) and insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds (in the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) in accordance with current legislation. It is possible to register the income of individuals who are not employees of the enterprise, as well as the income of employees not related to wages (prizes, gifts, etc.), the ability to calculate personal income tax and insurance premiums on such income.

When calculating personal income tax, the employee’s right to personal, property and social deductions, which the tax agent has the right to provide, is taken into account, as well as deductions for specific types of income. Tax calculations have been implemented at rates of 13, 30, 35, 9 and 15 percent. When calculating, the taxpayer’s special statuses are taken into account (non-resident, highly qualified foreign specialist, participant in the program for the resettlement of compatriots, or crew member of a ship registered in the Russian International Register of Ships), as well as special types of income (dividends, prizes, etc.). Records are kept of both calculated and withheld taxes and those transferred to the budget. Supports the formation of a tax accounting register for personal income tax with details up to the date of payment of specific income and certificates in form 2-NDFL for submission to the Federal Tax Service and the employee. For divisions registered with the tax authorities as separate, separate accounting of income and tax amounts is maintained.

It is possible to calculate insurance premiums both at the basic rate and at all reduced rates, including rates for ship crew members and pharmacists. The calculation of additional contributions to the Pension Fund for flight crew members, miners and employees engaged in hazardous and difficult work is supported. The citizenship (insurance status) of the person is taken into account (foreigners, permanent and temporary residents, temporary residents, as well as highly qualified foreign specialists). Based on the calculation results, it is possible to construct an accounting card for insurance premiums.

Automated completion of all reporting regulated by relevant laws:

  • quarterly reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, including personalized accounting information: forms RSV-1, RV-3;
  • forms ADV-1, ADV-2 and ADV-3; SZV-K; DSV-1 and DSV-3; SPV-2 for the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • quarterly reporting to the Social Insurance Fund: form 4-FSS;
  • information provided to the Social Insurance Fund as part of the pilot project (transfer of the obligation to pay benefits directly to the Social Insurance Fund);
  • forms of statistical reporting: P-4, P-4 (NZ), MP (micro), PM, 3-F, ZP-Zdrav, ZP-Culture, ZP-Science, ZP-Education, ZP-Social.

Reporting can be generated both in paper and electronic form, and it is possible to send reports to authorities via secure communication channels directly from the program using the 1C-Reporting service.


The program provides the ability to submit reports via the Internet using a special communications operator authorized by 1C. The principle of submitting reports through electronic communication channels is to prepare the necessary forms of regulated reporting in the “Salaries and Personnel of a Government Institution” configuration, sign them with the subscriber’s electronic signature (ES), encrypt them (using a cryptoprovider program additionally installed on the user’s computer) and then send them to regulatory authorities.

Supports the preparation, uploading in electronic form and sending to regulatory authorities using 1C-Reporting documents for information exchange with regulatory authorities (notifications, messages, statements).


The program provides service capabilities:

  • full-text data search – search for arbitrary text across all configuration objects (documents, directories, etc.);
  • loading of address classifier, bank classifier;
  • preparing a letter to the technical support department, as well as other possibilities.


In the current version of the configuration, the possibilities for automating personnel records and calculating pay for military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies are limited. This functionality is planned to be implemented in the first quarter of 2015.