Mutual investment funds (UIFs). Mutual funds VTB capital asset management VTB 24 capital asset management

JSC VTB Capital Asset Management (VTBC UA), (license of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia dated 03/06/2002 No. 21-000-1-00059 for the management of investment funds, mutual funds and non-state pension funds, without limitation of validity period; License of the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia dated March 20, 2007 No. 045-10038-001000 for the implementation of securities management activities, without limitation of validity period). The contents of and any pages of the site (the “Site”) are for informational purposes only. The site is not and should not be considered an offer by VTBK UA to buy or sell any financial instruments or provide services to any person. The information on the Site cannot be considered as a recommendation to invest funds, as well as guarantees or promises of future investment returns. Nothing in the information or materials presented on the Site constitutes or should be construed as individual investment advice and/or the intention of VTBK UA to provide the services of an investment advisor. VTBK UA cannot guarantee that the financial instruments, products and services described on the Site are suitable for persons who have read such materials in accordance with their investment profile. Financial instruments mentioned in the information materials of the Site may also be intended exclusively for qualified investors. VTBK UA is not responsible for financial or other consequences that may arise as a result of your decisions regarding financial instruments, products and services presented in the information materials. No financial instruments, products or services mentioned on the Site are offered for sale or are sold in any jurisdiction where such activity would be contrary to securities laws or other local laws and regulations or would subject VTBK UA to compliance with requirements registration in such jurisdiction. In particular, we would like to inform you that a number of states have introduced a regime of restrictive measures that prohibit residents of the relevant states from acquiring (assisting in the acquisition) of debt instruments issued by VTB Bank. VTBK UA invites you to ensure that you have the right to invest in the financial instruments, products or services mentioned in the information materials. Thus, VTBC UA cannot be held liable in any form if you violate the prohibitions applicable to you in any jurisdiction. Before using any service or purchasing a financial instrument or investment product, you must independently assess the economic risks and benefits of the service and/or product, tax, legal, accounting consequences of entering into a transaction when using a specific service, or before purchasing a specific financial instrument or investment product, your readiness and ability to accept such risks. When making investment decisions, you should not rely solely on the opinions expressed on the Site, but should conduct your own analysis of the financial position of the issuer and all risks associated with investing in financial instruments. Neither past experience nor the financial success of others guarantees or determines the same results in the future. The value or income from any investments mentioned on the Site may change and/or be affected by changes in market conditions, including interest rates. All figures and calculations on the Site are provided without any obligation and solely as an example of financial parameters. VTBK UA is not responsible for any losses (direct or indirect), including actual damage and lost profits, arising in connection with the use of information on the Site. This Site does not provide and is not intended to provide legal, accounting, investment or tax advice and therefore you should not rely on the contents of the Site in this regard. VTBK UA makes reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources it believes to be reliable. However, VTBK UA does not make any representations that the information or estimates contained in the information material posted on the Site are reliable, accurate or complete. Any information presented in the materials of the Site may be changed at any time without prior notice. Any information and assessments provided on the Site do not constitute conditions of any transaction, including potential ones. VTBK UA does not guarantee the profitability of investments, investment activities or financial instruments. Before making an investment, you must carefully read the conditions and/or documents that govern the procedure for its implementation. Before purchasing financial instruments, you must carefully read the terms and conditions of their circulation. VTBK UA hereby informs you of the possible existence of a conflict of interest when offering financial instruments considered on the Site. A conflict of interest arises in the following cases: (i) VTBK UA is the issuer of one or more financial instruments in question (the recipient of the benefit from the distribution of financial instruments) and a member of the VTBK UA group of persons (hereinafter referred to as the group member) simultaneously provides brokerage services and/or trust management services (ii) a group member represents the interests of several persons simultaneously when providing them with brokerage, consulting or other services and/or (iii) a group member has his own interest in carrying out transactions with a financial instrument and simultaneously provides brokerage, consulting services and/or (iv) the group member of the group, acting in the interests of third parties or the interests of another group member, maintains prices, demand, supply and (or) trading volume in securities and other financial instruments, including acting as a market maker. Moreover, group members may have and will continue to have contractual relationships for the provision of brokerage, custody and other professional services with persons other than investors, and (i) group members may be provided with information of interest to investors and members the groups have no obligation to investors to disclose such information or use it in fulfilling their obligations; (ii) the conditions for the provision of services and the amount of remuneration of group members for the provision of such services to third parties may differ from the conditions and amount of remuneration provided for investors. When resolving conflicts of interest that arise, VTBK UA is guided by the interests of its clients. More detailed information about the measures taken by VTBK UA regarding conflicts of interest can be found in the VTBK UA Conflict of Interest Management Policy posted on the Website. Open-end mutual investment funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset Management: Open-ended investment fund RFI “VTB - Share Fund” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0968-94131582); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Balanced Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0962-94131346); Open Investment Fund RFI “VTB – Eurobond Fund of Emerging Markets” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0958-94130789); Open Investment Fund RFI “VTB – Fund of Small and Medium Capitalization Companies” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0959-94131180); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Fund of Enterprises with State Participation" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia 13. 09.2007, No. 0966-94131263); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Electric Power Fund" (Rules of the Fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0965-94131501); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Future Technologies Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0967-94131429); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Metallurgy Fund" (Rules of the Fund were registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0961-94131104); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Eurobond Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0963-94130861); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Oil and Gas Sector Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0960-94131027); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - World Premium Brands Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 13, 2007, No. 0964-94130944); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - BRIC" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on August 11, 1997, No. 0012-46539678); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Global Dividend Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on February 26, 2003, No. 0090-59893176); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Treasury Fund" (Fund rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on February 26, 2003 No. 0089-59893097); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Moscow Exchange Index" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia on January 21, 2004 No. 0177-71671092), Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Money Market Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 25, 2007, No. 0997-94132239); Open Investment Fund RFI “VTB – Fund for Shares of Infrastructure Companies” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on September 25, 2007, No. 0998-94132311); Open Investment Fund RFI “VTB – Mixed Investment Fund” (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Securities Commission of Russia on 03/05/2003, No. 0092-59891904); Open Investment Fund RFI "VTB - Precious Metals Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Federal Financial Markets Service of Russia on March 31, 2009, No. 1407-94156211). Exchange-traded mutual investment funds managed by JSC VTB Capital Asset management: BPIF RFI "VTB - Russian Corporate Bonds Smart Beta" (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia on January 31, 2019, No. 3647), BPIF RFI "VTB - American Companies Equity Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia on May 28, 2019, No. 3735), BPIF RFI "VTB - American Corporate Debt Fund" (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia on 06.27.2019, No. 3754), BPIF RFI "VTB - Equity Fund for Emerging Countries" (Fund Rules registered Central Bank of Russia 06/27/2019, No. 3755), BPIF RFI “VTB – Corporate Russian Eurobonds Smart Beta” (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia 11/19/2019, No. 3906), BPIF RFI “VTB – Liquidity” (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia 11/28/2019). 2019, No. 3915), BPIF RFI “VTB – Moscow Exchange Index” (Fund rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia 10. 02.2020, No. 3965). “Moscow Exchange Index” and “Moscow Exchange Corporate Bond Index” are stock indices calculated by PJSC Moscow Exchange. The copyright holder of the Trademarks “Moscow Exchange Index” and “MOEX” is PJSC Moscow Exchange. Moscow Exchange PJSC does not give any guarantees or assurances to third parties about the advisability of investing in VTBK UA financial products based on indices calculated by Moscow Exchange PJSC. The basis for the establishment of relations between Moscow Exchange PJSC and VTBK UA is the provision of a non-exclusive license to use the Moscow Exchange Index and MOEX Trademarks. The Moscow Exchange Index and the Moscow Exchange Corporate Bond Index, calculated by PJSC Moscow Exchange and which is directly associated with the Moscow Exchange Index Trademark, were created, calculated, and maintained without reference to VTBK UA and its business activities. Closed real estate mutual investment funds managed by VTB Capital JSC Asset management: Real estate closed mutual fund "VTB Capital - Residential Real Estate 1" (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia on June 3, 2016, No. 3163), Real Estate Closed Mutual Fund "VTB Capital - Residential Real Estate 2" (Fund Rules registered by the Central Bank of Russia on February 8, 2018, No. 3462). The value of investment shares may increase and decrease, past investment results do not determine future income, and the state does not guarantee the return on investments in mutual funds. The rules of trust management of open mutual funds managed by VTBK UA provide for premiums (discounts) to (c) the estimated value of investment shares upon their issuance (redemption). Charging premiums (discounts) will reduce the profitability of investments in investment shares of open mutual fund. Before purchasing an investment share, you should carefully read the rules of trust management of the fund. You can obtain information about the Funds and familiarize yourself with the Rules of Trust Management of the Funds, with other documents provided for by the Federal Law “On Investment Funds” and regulations in the field of financial markets at the address: 123112, Russia, Moscow, emb. Presnenskaya, 10, floor 15, room III, by phone 8-800-700-44-04 (for free long-distance and mobile communications), at agent addresses or on the Internet at VTBK UA does not warrant that the operation of the Site or any content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the servers from which this information is provided will be protected from viruses, Trojan horses, worms, software bombs or similar items or processes or other harmful components. Any expressions of opinions, estimates and forecasts on the site are the opinions of the authors as of the date of writing. they do not necessarily reflect the views of VTBC UA and are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Under no circumstances will VTBK UA be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data, business or profits) arising out of or in connection with these terms, for inability to use The Site or any products, services or content purchased, obtained or stored on the Site, whether based on contract, tort, liability or otherwise, even if VTBK UA has been advised of the possibility of such damage, and notwithstanding any remedy at law does not achieve its main goal. Without limiting the foregoing, these limitations also apply to any claims of third parties against users. Notwithstanding any other statement, nothing in these terms is intended to exclude or limit any duties or obligations that VTBC UA has to its customers under applicable law, or which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

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Today, VTB 24 Bank is one of the largest, most progressive and reliable banks in the Russian Federation. In addition to other products, VTB24 offers its clients to invest money in mutual funds (UIFs) and thereby receive additional income, along with major participants in the investment market.

VTB24 Bank is an agent of four large companies involved in the purchase, sale and management of mutual funds: CJSC VTB Capital Asset Management, OJSC TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Management Company Solid Management, Management Company BFA.

You can purchase, exchange or redeem investment shares at any time, for which you just need to fill out an appropriate application indicating the details of the bank account to which the funds will be transferred.

If you are new to the investment shares market, on the official page of VTB24 “Investment Portal” you can get an online consultation, during which you can ask any question and receive an answer as soon as possible to the email address you provided.

Management companies VTB24

Let's take a closer look at VTB24 management companies.

Since 1996, VTB24 Bank opened a company "VTB Capital Asset Management" which manages shares of the largest companies in various sectors of the economy. VTB Capital Asset Management offers investors more than 150 mutual funds, of which about 30 are open, where even novice investors can safely join. For those purchasing shares for the first time, the cost will be 5,000 rubles, and for existing shareholders – 1,000 rubles.

Let's look at the most popular investment options today.

During the period 2013-2014, the highest increase in the value of the share was demonstrated by Open investment fund "VTB - Telecommunications Fund"- 56.03%. At the beginning of 2013, the cost of the share was 8.98 rubles, and at the beginning of 2014 – 13.08 rubles. From the beginning of 2014 to June, the dynamics of share growth decreased by 4.77% (0.63 rubles), but over the last month these indicators have changed to positive ones - an increase of 5%.

Mutual Fund " Consumer Sector Fund" shows an increase in value over the past two years of 37.9%. At the beginning of 2013, its cost was 8.72 rubles, and at the beginning of 2014, 10.32 rubles. In the first six months of the year, the increase in the value of the share was 0.78% (0.08 rubles), and in June alone – 1.67%.

"Okhotny Ryad - fund of consumer sector enterprises"also demonstrates positive dynamics in the share price and NAV over the past two years. The growth amounted to 37.33%; in August, the increase in the value of the share and NAV amounted to 1.30%.

The main goal of the fund is " Treasury Fund"is the preservation of capital and obtaining stable profitability. Most of the assets are represented by federal shares. At the beginning of 2013, the cost of the share was 33.59 rubles, at the beginning of 2014 36 rubles, the cost of the share as of June 25, 2014 was 36.67 rubles.

The VTB Capital Asset Management company operates a large number of promising, highly profitable mutual funds that provide stable positive results, but there are also some where you should not invest your free funds. Shares of electric power and metallurgical companies are constantly falling in price, which is already low.

Mutual Funds TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners

The fund has been operating since 2002 and occupies a leading position in the market of management companies. For those purchasing shares for the first time, the cost is 10,000 rubles, for existing shareholders – 1,000 rubles. The surcharge for purchasing shares through a bank is 1.20%. Discounts when selling shares through a bank are 1%; you can also exchange shares of interval funds.

Shows very good performance TKB BNP "Paribas - Prospective Investments". At the beginning of 2013, the yield was 2.41 rubles, at the beginning of 2014 – 2.47 rubles. From the beginning of 2014 to June, the share growth dynamics increased by 2.15%.

TKB BNP Premium. Equity fund" At the beginning of 2013, the cost of the share was 0.9 rubles, at the beginning of 2014 – 1.07 rubles. Over the year, the share growth amounted to 37.62%. From the beginning of 2014 to June, the share growth dynamics increased by 9.58%.

"Money Market Fund". Since the foundation of the fund, the growth of the share amounted to 79.58%. The growth dynamics are stable and positive. At the beginning of 2013, the cost of the share was 1.64% rubles, at the beginning of 2014 – 1.76 rubles. Over the year the increase was 6.23%. From the beginning of 2014 to June, the share growth dynamics increased by 6.08%.

Management company "Solid Management"»

This company represents an open mutual fund "Solid-Globus" which, since its founding, has demonstrated extremely positive dynamics in the growth of shares. Over the past year, in the period from 05/31/2013 to 05/30/2014, the increase was 18.38%, over the last six months - 4.60%.

Open-end mutual fund of bonds "FDI Solid" also shows positive growth dynamics . For the period from May 31, 2013 to May 30, 2014, the increase was 18.61%, and over the last six months - 1.68%.

Share price Open mutual investment fund "Solid-Metallurgy and construction materials" has decreased significantly since the beginning of 2013. But recently the situation has changed; the growth for the period from 05/31/2013 to 05/30/2014 was 1.18%, over the last six months - 0.79% and only over the last three months - 5.07%.

Mutual funds managed by Management Company "BFA"

This company manages open-end, closed-end and interval funds. Of the open mutual funds, the fund “ Financier". Over the past three years, the increase was 13.90%, in the period from June 26, 2013 to June 26, 2014 – 5.4%.

OPIFA "Oplot" after a sharp decline in value in December 2008, it is growing steadily. Over the past three years, the increase was 11.41%, in the period from June 26, 2013 to June 26, 2014 – 8.56%.

By investing in mutual funds, you can receive returns significantly higher than on bank deposits, but there are always risks. Therefore, before making a decision, it is necessary to carefully study the terms of each fund, as well as the analysis of the last few years. As the analytical review shows, shares of telecommunications and information technology companies bring great profitability today. But the electric power and metallurgical industries are going through hard times, as well as the precious metals market.

One of the attractive ways to make a profit is by investing your savings in investment shares. They are under the patronage of VTB Capital Asset Management. Mutual funds are available for purchase not only at the branches of the bank and its partners, but also on the website.

VTB Capital - login to the client’s personal account

To purchase and manage mutual fund assets, a VTB Capital personal account was created, which can be entered using the link:

VTB Capital company structure

The organization has been part of the VTB Group since 2006 and has been providing the population with investment services since 1999.

Main areas of work:

  • financial management of private mutual funds;
  • work with pension savings of individuals;
  • Trusted management of funds for individual entrepreneurs, individuals and companies.
The VTB Capital Asset Management organization includes 19 open mutual funds, including various funds.

List of open-type mutual funds:

  • not industry-specific;
  • bonds and shares;
  • mixed;
  • index;
  • monetary.
In addition, this company also manages closed-type mutual funds, the number of which reaches 120 items. Entrance to them is not available to everyone, only on a special offer. Investment will require at least several million rubles.
The list of partners includes not only large financial organizations (East Express, VTB Group, Intesa, UBRR), but also reputable brokers, analytical agencies and investment funds.

Closed-type mutual funds make long-term and venture investments, invest in real estate, etc.

You can get information about mutual funds, get acquainted with their composition, investment strategy, profitability and size of assets, and also clarify the amount of the contribution to enter - on the website
It is offered to purchase and pay for a share of mutual funds not only in the branch of the management company or in any of the branches of VTB Group banks, but also from various partners (more than 1000 places). In advance, you can familiarize yourself with the terms of operations with shares (purchase, sale, ownership, exchange), as well as the methods of payment. Using the investment calculator, which is also available on the site, you can calculate future profits.

With the help of mutual funds, it is possible to receive income in the range of 20-50% per year. At the same time, negative dynamics were observed only in a single case.

Types and profitability of mutual funds

For more information about the types of mutual funds offered and their profitability, go to.

How to buy shares? Sale and exchange

In order to purchase shares of various mutual funds that are controlled by a management company, several documents are required.

List of documents:

  • passport;
  • statement indicating account details for receiving profit.
You can make the first payment for an investment unit after opening an account in the list of shareholders of the desired fund. You will need to visit the company’s office and fill out a special form and application.
In the future, when performing various operations with shares (purchase, sale, exchange), you will not need to fill out additional documents; you can use the client account on the company’s website.

After drawing up the required documents, the entrance to the client’s account will be opened in order to perform various actions with shares remotely.
The initial payment of shares must be made through any bank to the company's account. Within 5 days, the funds will be transferred to the selected fund. It will be possible to obtain the right to own shares the next day after they are credited to the mutual fund account. A notification about this will be sent by email. mail or phone. In the future, it will be possible to purchase additional shares of various funds online.

Procedure for purchasing shares through your personal account:

  • log in to Telebank;
  • in the main menu find “Payments and transfers”;
  • select VTB Capital “Asset Management”;
  • make payment for mutual funds online or indicate the received account details.
In the account you can not only purchase, but also make an accelerated exchange of shares that are controlled by this organization.

In order to sell shares, you must submit an application to the company indicating the details for crediting funds.

What is the minimum amount you can invest from?

Upper threshold for replenishment:
  • 50 thousand rubles. – for Global Dividend, BRIC, Eurobond funds;
  • 5 thousand rubles. – for other funds.
Lower threshold for replenishment:
  • 5 thousand rubles. – for Global Dividend, BRIC, Eurobond funds;
  • 1 thousand rub. – for other funds.
In order to choose a specific investment fund, you first need to familiarize yourself with information about the profitability of mutual funds and establish the most appropriate investment period. The recommended period for holding funds in a mutual fund is usually more than 1-2 years, and for certain areas - more than 3 years.
Good returns can be obtained on individual funds (index or sector) only if there is a rising market, and if it falls, the shares will have a lower value. These features should be taken into account when creating an investment plan.


Mutual funds provided by VTB Capital Asset Management provide an opportunity to receive significant additional income. Before purchasing shares, it is recommended to pay attention to reviews. Experienced investors give advice on a competent strategy for entering and exiting a fund. When calculating profitability, you must take into account existing taxes and commissions.