The faces of homeless women, their address and telephone number. Center for social adaptation for persons without a fixed place of residence and occupation named after E.P.

“Right now there is not a single institution that could accept homeless mothers with children.”Center Director social adaptation"Lublino" Konstantin KAZANTSEV told how, in his opinion, the problem of homeless people can be solved

REFERENCE. The Lyublino Center for Social Adaptation has been operating in Moscow for 7 years and is the largest institution for helping the homeless in Russia: more than 400 people can live here. The center’s specialists help the homeless in restoring documents, finding employment, and even obtaining housing: during its existence, more than 70 people have received apartments. Currently, about 100 wards of the center are employed in permanent job at several factories in Moscow.

Among other activities, we are developing a project to create so-called social villages. Possible here different options. Any suggestions? Orthodox Church on the creation of settlements for the homeless. Eat interesting idea creating some kind of cooperatives for the homeless, where they could earn their own apartment for several years. We strongly support these steps.

Recently, the Moscow government adopted a resolution on the creation of so-called social residential buildings, in which it is planned to provide apartments to homeless people who have passed full course rehabilitation, including labor rehabilitation. But it turned out to be not so simple, and for now this program has stopped. And it's not even a matter of money. Money would probably have been found and abandoned houses would have been restored. But what next? After all, for complete rehabilitation, ideology is also necessary. These people will create families, children will be born in these families, and in a social housing building a person does not have the right to inherit housing. And then what to do with these children? A new generation of homeless people? Now we have single mothers with children living in our center. And we are forced to force them to give up their children. This is scary, but now there is not a single institution that could accept homeless mothers with children. During the existence of our center, seven children were born within our walls. Now they are all in orphanages. Some are simply abandoned by their parents, some are visited in the orphanage. But, you must agree, what kind of mother is this who appears once a month?

How to solve the problem of housing for the homeless? There are many small and medium-sized cities in Russia that have housing, but production is at a standstill due to a lack of labor. On the other hand, we have labor force that does not have housing, it just needs to be organized and sent to the necessary regions. But the issue of accommodation for such people has not yet been resolved. Even our institution does not hold people for more than one year, not to mention the night shelters and hospitals that simply push weak people back onto the streets. In my opinion, creating houses of industriousness would solve this problem. After all, people not only worked there and received money for it, but also lived permanently.

Vagrancy, that is, the wandering of a citizen throughout the region or certain territory countries, not being able to live in a residential building, a common phenomenon in Russia, a shelter for people without specific place residence and other social assistance from the state help them survive in such conditions.

Social assistance to homeless people

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Vagrants are people who do not have a fixed place of residence and usually wander around their city. No one is immune from this, anyone can find themselves in the place of such a person, many become vagabonds, even after a good and rich life. For example, a man had a large business, suddenly something went wrong in the organization’s finances and the company collapsed. His wife left him and took the apartment by deception. He has no parents or other relatives, he could not live with friends for long and began to drink.

He did not find a job, and as a result the man, a former businessman, ended up on the street. Such cases are not uncommon; people without a fixed place of residence need social protection from the state.

Social assistance is provided to the homeless and others in need on the basis of Federal Law No. 442 “On the Fundamentals social services citizens in Russian Federation» dated December 28, 2013. Assistance is provided on the basis of circumstances existing for a particular citizen that worsen his living conditions. Such circumstances may include:

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1. "Hangar of Rescue" of the help service "Mercy"

This is a low-threshold homeless assistance center. This is a frame tent, it also has a mobile shower, as well as a social worker station. Room temperature The hangar is maintained using heat guns.

The main purpose of the hangar is to facilitate the return of homeless people to society. Social worker in the tent, she provides homeless people with assistance in restoring documents, establishing connections with relatives, finding temporary shelter and work, and sending them home. On the territory of the hangar for the homeless, a free pay phone is available 24 hours a day for calls within Russia: with its help, homeless people can contact relatives or search for work.

Any person who finds himself in a crisis situation without a roof over his head can get into the hangar, regardless of the presence of documents and place of registration.

The Rescue Hangar operates during the day. At night, “Social Patrol” buses daily transport from “Angara” to the Moscow Center for Social Adaptation those wards who wish to receive overnight accommodation there.

The priority task of the Rescue Hangar is to help a person return to society. At Angara, homeless people are helped to restore documents, establish connections with relatives and pay for their way home (more than 60% of Moscow’s homeless are visitors from other regions).

Every day, up to 80 people who find themselves homeless turn to the Rescue Hangar for help. In total, according to various sources, from 13 to 50 thousand homeless people live in Moscow.

The “Rescue Hangar” of the “Mercy” help service is located at: st. Nikoloyamskaya, in the courtyard no. 55 (metro stations Taganskaya, Kurskaya, Rimskaya).

Operating mode of the Rescue Hangar:
Monday-Friday: from 10.00 to 18.00
Saturday-Sunday: from 10.00 to 15.00 (the exact closing time depends on the hour of arrival of the Social Patrol).
Items and other donations can be brought around the clock by calling the person on duty in advance at: 89261580758.

In Moscow, for people who have lost their home or visitors who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, there is a service: social hotels, where they will receive first aid medical care, they will shelter you from the cold and even help you to rehabilitate yourself in life

Metropolitan Department social protection the population claims that Moscow shelters are ready to accept everyone who wants to stay warm in winter)) There will always be an extra bed or at least a mattress. Moreover, some establishments employ volunteers who help people restore documents or find work. Moscow night shelters today can accommodate, on average, up to 1,600 guests. One thing, of course, is not very pleasant for the casual visitor: in winter, tipsy citizens are required to be admitted into shelter houses, while in the summer they were categorically not allowed in. What can you do, it's cold.

Some addresses of social hotels:

Social hotel in Moscow:
CSA LUBLIN south-eastern adm okr 109651 st. Ilovayskaya, 2 from metro tekstilshchiki to Pererva station Sergey Velgelmovich director Ragilkhanova Valentina Borisovna deputy director 3573611 Deputy for ACh Kuzmina Tatyana Viktorovna 3564111

Social hotel in Moscow:
Filimonki on the basis of psycho-neurological dispensary No. 5 Director Lopatkina Natalya Vladimirovna 4366469 Deputy director Elena Leonidovna 4366201 Leninsky district p/o Valuevo village. Filimonki M south-west highway 611 to the Moskovsky state farm. Then take highway 420 to the village. Filimonki

Social hotel in Moscow:
Western Admin District 30 people St. Matrosova, 4 Director-Anufriev Boris Trofimovich 4391696 Deputy. According to ACh-Kondratyev Vyacheslav Sergeevich 4391684 Dezh administrator 4397869 Directions: metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya", then bus No. 66 to the stop. Platform "Vostryakovo" or bus No. 720 to the stop "DSK-3". From Kievsky station by e-train to the Vostryakovo platform.

Social hotel in Moscow:
DNP North West Adm Okr social protection department 30 people Director Maksimov Genad Genad. 8499 1917590 3rd Silikatny proezd, 4, building 1. Director-Maksimov Gennady Gennadievich, deputy. Directors Yuri Vasilievich. Directions from M. Polezhaevskaya station, bus no. 48,271,800 to the MZhK Atom stop, Silikatny proezd no. 4, building 1

Social hotel in Moscow:
Social shelter for the homeless in the southwest of the South-Western Administrative District st. Golubinskaya, 32, k.2 Director-Grachev Nikolay Nikolaevich 4234055 head. vr Tamara Ivanovna 427 9570 Directions from M. Yasenevo, bus no. 781.769 to the stop Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, building 1, building 3 117463

Social hotel in Moscow:
DNP "Kosino-Ukhtomsky" Eastern Administrative District st. Mikhelsona, 6 Director-Osyutin Dmitry Nikolaevich 7005235 Directions from the station. M. Vykhino, go to the Vykhino platform and then take bus 722 or 747 to the stop kindergarten St. Mikhelson 6

Social hotel in Moscow:
Yuzhnoye - Stanislav Aleksandrovich 89026859555 Elena Ivanovna Dorozhkina 9585451 Kanatchikovsky Proezd, building 7 Metro Leninsky Prospekt last car exit to Vavilova Street

Social hotel in Moscow:
TERESA'S HOUSE OF MERCY Parkovaya 3rd st. 44a, metro station Izmailovskaya