A spell to really bring a toy to life. How to really bring a toy to life: the necessary actions for witchcraft

How to truly bring a toy to life or breathe life into it new life? How to make sure that your child’s favorite toy continues to delight him and bring children’s laughter into your apartment. Let's consider several options that are not related to Dr. Frankenstein's experiments.


Does your child have a favorite soft toy? Or maybe you had one as a child and would like to pass it on as an inheritance? But what to do if it is very worn out, and the fur is bunched up inside, and its appearance, to put it mildly, is not in good condition? How to revive a soft toy and return it to the ability to serve for several more years?

The first solution to the problem is proposed. To do this you will need several meters of fishing line, a couple of wooden blocks, 5 small hooks and 5 buttons.

Thus, we will have a kind of theatrical puppet controlled by a fishing line. Of course, it will take some dexterity and skill to manage it, but for the sake of your child it’s worth learning even more.

Hand doll

How to revive a toy that is truly valuable to a child, but is already reaching its end of life? As is clear from the subtitle, here it is worth showing your imagination and showing off your sewing skills.

If the doll is small, you can simply cut off the bottom half. Of course, so that the child does not see this process. Carefully make small holes from the inside for your fingers so that they can be threaded into the doll's neck and arms.

Or you can rip the doll's back at the seam and sew a zipper on it. This way, you can insert your hand into the toy to “revive” it. To avoid losing the stuffing, try simply replacing it with foam rubber or creating a second layer of “skin” that will separate your hand from the stuffing material of the toy.

Fun swimming

Another way to bring a toy to life. In any children's store you can purchase a washcloth toy. They should not be confused with ordinary children's washcloths, made in the shape of favorite children's characters. Designed in the shape of various characters, these washcloths are worn on the hand. In addition to rather banal options, you can find washcloths with hands. This way, you can spread your palm and, controlling the toy’s limbs, have fun with your baby. Also in game form It will be easier to soap a child who is afraid and does not like to swim.

Fairy tale

There is nothing stronger than a child's wish, especially one made under New Year. If your child really wants to get a “live” toy, don’t be stingy and don’t be too lazy to show your imagination, because the happiness of the whole family will depend on the happiness of your child. If you are unable to use the above methods, go to the store. They know how to bring a toy to life. All kinds of talking toys, controlled from remote controls or mobile phones, flying toys - you will have plenty to choose from. Modern manufacturers provide the opportunity to buy your child an interactive toy that reacts to the environment or to the interface installed in a mobile phone.

These tips should help you create a toy that comes to life for your child. The main thing is that this toy does not replace his real friends and live communication with peers, as it was in the film "The Third Wheel". Children don't need such toys.

Since ancient times, it has been the custom to use children's toys in occult and witchcraft rituals. But they, for the most part, are malicious, leading to nothing but harm. In this article, we will try to highlight only those magical methods that can help revive your (or someone else’s) toy without any serious consequences. Let's go!

Waking up from sleep

This ritual is good because it allows you to influence all the supposed senses of the doll. Magical actions are effective precisely thanks to an integrated approach. Involved:

  • Touch.
  • Smell.
  • Vision.
  • Hearing.
  • Taste.

What is needed for this?

  • A toy (can be any one of your choice - papier-mâché, clay, plastic, etc.).
  • A mug of warm tea with sugar.
  • A small piece of crimplen fabric.
  • Wax candle.
  • Player (CD, DVD).
  • Perfumery, household chemicals(perfume, cream soap, glass cleaner, etc.).

I appeal to you - you are the power of Belbog, given from the light and nurtured by the wisdom of the gods. Put on Morena ( magic name toys) with human passions and feelings (touch the doll through the fabric). Morena (the magical name of the toy), come from the kingdom of Navya and rejoice in the light. I call to you. I call. Wake up from your sleep."

Revival with the help of enchanted water

An effective, but extremely difficult method to implement. To bring it to life, you will need two components - a toy and enchanted water. There are difficulties with the latter, but if you follow the instructions, then no incidents will arise.

To transform ordinary (well, running) water into charmed water you will need:

  1. Freeze plain water in the freezer for one hour, no more.
  2. After it has defrosted (to do this, you need to remove it from freezer), you need to pour it from one cup to another 100 times (cups - 200 ml).
  3. The charmed water is ready.

After this, you will need to make the sign of the cross over the toy and sprinkle it with the enchanted water (once). The clock must be exactly 21:00. Say your prayers, and then immediately go to bed with the toy.

For the next seven evenings, each time a little after 21:00, spend time in prayers, after which you immediately go to sleep with your doll in your arms. On the eighth day these ritual actions will have an effect.

Revitalization through natural forces

The above methods for reviving a toy are effective, but extremely difficult to implement. They are suitable, at best, for an adult who decides to help a child, but not for the child himself. In this regard, the following method is extremely simple to implement; it will appeal to children who decide to do magic at home.

In order for the creative power of magic to be embodied in real life, required:

  1. Dilute in warm water soap base.
  2. Figure out where the toy will get its energy from. Accordingly, if it is earth, then it is mixed into the water, if it is fire, then match heads, chthonic forces - ashes, animals - wool, etc.
  3. Wash the toy thoroughly in the resulting mixture.

The next day the doll will come to life.

Amusing ritual

If all of the listed methods for reviving toys have been tested by time and practice, then this method refers rather to clownish, funny spells with amusing ritualization.

To fulfill your plan, you will need to find a building or room in which the brownie lives (it is better if there is no kikimora nearby, otherwise there will be trouble). This may seem crazy, but the demonic essence of your ancestor (yes, him) will in no way affect the ritual. On the contrary, it will contribute to the accomplishment of the plan. The main thing is pure thoughts without a shadow of malicious intent.

To bring the toy to life, it will be necessary:

  1. Stick it in your bosom, smearing yourself with honey paste from head to toe.
  2. Jump to the building on your left leg, backwards, looking over your right shoulder.
  3. Contrive to enter the room chosen for the ritual without falling before midnight.
  4. Light three wax candles (three pieces) previously brought into the room.
  5. Concentrating on her, in the uneven light wax candles babble the magic formula:

To you, my ancestor, I bow to the ground (bow by touching the top of your head to the floor). I will forgive only one thing - you give life to my friend (name of the toy). This is all I ask. This is what I ask. And let it only lead to good, not to bad.

The same magic formula, with minor changes, was in circulation in the 19th century. It was a spell to truly fly, like a bird in the sky. But... We got a little distracted.

Rest assured - the next day the toy will come to life. That's just it - the leprosy of the brownie, demonic tricks. Therefore, think three times before resorting to this method. It may not work. But if it has an effect, then you will never get rid of the devilry!

Ritual at the mirror

Resort to this ritual only in extreme cases! The consequences can be unpredictable! After all, you never know who on the other side of the mirror is eager to break out of the darkness.

Very dangerous way to revive the toy. Since everything here depends on chance, luck in the air, etc. In order not to be unfounded, we will tell you what needs to be done for this ritual.

  1. At 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning you will need to take the doll and place it in front of the mirror (facing it, respectively).
  2. Let your hair down (as long as the length allows), ruffle it and whisper:

I ask you (the name of the doll) to come out of the darkness. Come alive. I conjure you with the powers of the pale Moon, the radiant Sun and clear month. As you are reflected in the mirror, let your soul fill you to the brim, like a vessel. Come to me. From Through the Looking Glass, where there is eternal cold and decay, into a warm and blooming world.

Wait until the next day. The doll must be alive.

But there are warnings for a reason. Various creatures can respond to the call, namely those that inhabit your home. For example, most often it is a kikimora. A sickly old maid with clawed paws and a sharp hooked nose will eagerly begin to play with your toy. And this risks the fact that she will completely drive you and your family out of the house. Therefore, be extremely careful when resorting to this method.

Fairytale technique

Not everything that is recorded in fairy tales is untrue. After all, as they say, there is a grain of joke in every joke. To the same extent as a share of common sense.

That is why it would be useful to pay attention to the works of such masters of the fairy-tale workshop as:

  1. Brothers Grimm.
  2. Hans Christian Andersen.
  3. Giambattista Basile.
  4. Charles Perrault.
  5. Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann.

Well, this brethren knew a lot about magical perturbations. These respected people were knowledgeable in various witchcraft secrets. There is no doubt about that. They knew firsthand about magic in real life. Check out their works, and who knows - maybe your little toy friend will be spinning in a foxtrot in the next moment!

The power of children's imagination

Childhood - amazing time. Thanks to the power of imagination, you can move mountains. And bringing a toy pet to life is a trifle by the standards of a child’s boundless faith in miracles.

Therefore, this method can also be applied. To do this you will need:

  1. Doll.
  2. A child who believes in miracles.

You can, for greater effect, provide your restless child with a “magic wand”, or do without it. It all depends on what fairy tales about magic the child was raised on.

Next to the doll, making magical passes with his hands, the child should stand and quietly, to himself, whisper something sincere, coming from the heart. He can put something together ahead of time. In any case, there is no single formula here. But we can give, for example, the following option:

Come to this world - full of light and warmth. I will love you as a friend. Take care of you and support you. There will be no secrets or secrets between us. Just bring (name of the toy) to life, I conjure you!

There are no restrictions in this ritual. You can be unrestrained, give free rein to your feelings and emotions. The only important thing is that when finished, put the toy under the pillow (regardless of its shape and material). This is required for the doll to spiritually merge with the child. And in the morning the doll will be alive. And freely devoted to the grave of life.

Consequences of the ritual of reviving a toy

Regardless of the chosen method, the consequences for the initiator of the ritual can be both negative and positive. The positive aspects include:

  1. Birth true friend who will never leave you in trouble.
  2. Introduction to the world of the supernatural through a successful magical transformation.
  3. The subsequent favor of the spirits, since the positive result of the ritual is a guaranteed sign of quality.
  4. Help from home spirits (brownie and a number of others).

Among the whole heap of “cool” positive aspects, the negative ones are often missed. And they, by the way, are as follows:

  1. When turning to the other world, there is a great risk of acquiring a demon who will poison life persistently and selflessly.
  2. An animated toy is not always a happy creature (as it might seem from modern cartoons). Life is associated with pain, and it may happen that the toy will experience physical pain from being in the physical (perishable) world.
  3. Not a single valid witchcraft book contains a way to get rid of an animated toy. The chapters of the shabby collection about supernatural beings simply do not contain such information.
  4. Rummaging through a search engine and typing in the spell “how to really bring a toy to life,” you can really “get there.” Lose your health, strength, etc. Be extremely careful. Don't think this is all as "cool" as it seems. An unsuccessfully cast spell will backfire, no doubt about it.

In connection with the above-mentioned disadvantages and advantages of the revival ritual, think again about whether you need all this witchcraft. After all, even good knowledge in mischievous hands can turn into destructive. Therefore, do not rush to act, and may good luck accompany you!

Attention, TODAY only!

Dolls have long become occult objects due to their resemblance to people. Even in ancient times, people made voodoo dolls and performed rituals with them. Any object has its own energy, which can be “pulled out” and directed in the right direction. Magical practices prove this.

Let's figure out how to bring a doll to life.

Ritual of revival

For the ritual you will need:

  • doll (any doll will do: rag, barbie, baby doll);
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • flashlight;
  • any musical item (flute, MP3 player, music box or even a bell);
  • any item with a strong odor (perfume, coffee, soap).

Magic recipe

So, here's what you need to do:

  1. Give the doll a name. It is important to understand here that even if your doll already has a name, you should use another, magical one. Take the doll in your hands, concentrate, close your eyes and imagine what it could call itself. The name will come to your mind.
  2. To bring a doll to life, you need to influence all its senses. To do this:
  3. Mix sugar in a cup of water, bring the sweet water to her mouth, and let her drink. The water should touch your mouth. This will create a taste.
  4. Take the doll in your hands and rub your palms together. This will trigger the sense of touch.
  5. Bring a sharp-smelling prepared object to her nose, such as a bottle of perfume or coffee beans. This will trigger the sense of smell.
  6. Bring a musical object to the doll’s ears (if it’s a player, turn on the song; you can take two spoons and knock them several times). The longer the music plays, the better, but remember that it should last no more than 3 minutes. This will cause hearing.
  7. Finally, take a flashlight and shine it into the doll's eyes, counting to 10. At this point, do not look at the doll. This will trigger vision.
  8. The last thing left to do is to cover the doll with a cloth and, holding your hands over it, read the spell: “The power of magic - black or white, I call upon you. Give Brunnhilde (the name of your doll) the feelings that people have. (Touch the doll). Brunnhilde (the name of your doll), be reborn from the world of the inanimate. I urge you. I urge you. I urge you. Wake up."
  9. Now leave the doll alone without lifting the fabric. The next day she will come to life and will hear, see and feel.

DIY doll

Attention, TODAY only!


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Toys have always carried a certain mystical connotation. Over the centuries, children's dolls have been improved and accompanied a person throughout all his vital periods. They were made from various materials, ranging from grass, wood, fur to metal and polymer structures. The first toy with realistic facial features is believed to be around 40,000 years old! Because of their resemblance to humans, dolls often became idols and occult objects. They tried to give strength to the likeness of a living creature, to breathe life into it. But is it really possible to do this? And how to bring a doll to life in the modern world?

Living doll “Celebrity dolls” - not a story, but a reality

Before we learn how to bring a doll to life, let's clarify some points. Let's start with the fact that the very concept of a “living doll” can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a toy that a manufacturing company has created based on real person. Celebrities often resort to such PR moves. They are created without the direct participation of celebrities by artists, sculptors and designers who draw their inspiration from the intense life of stars. Therefore, today you can find in open and closed access (exclusively among collectors) dolls of world presidents, actors, directors, pop performers, politicians etc.

Such toys are often called “Celebrity dolls”. These dolls usually have not only their appearance similar to real features famous personalities, but their clothing style is identical to the original. For example, among the most famous “living dolls” we can distinguish the following toys with the appearance:

  • Christenings of Aguilera and Madonna;
  • Brooke Shields and Holy Berry;
  • Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz.

Children's dolls made based on Hollywood films and TV series are popular. For example, children all over the world love to play with toys based on Disney cartoons: The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, etc. When purchasing such a toy, no one thinks about how to bring the doll to life. On the contrary, owning your favorite heroine in miniature allows you to get as close to your idol as possible. The cost of such products usually directly depends on the character itself and the manufacturing company. For example, the price of a doll heroine of the vampire saga “Twilight” is only $25, and buying a doll Elizabeth Taylor can cost fans of her work $150.

Living dolls "Monster High"

The creators of articulated toys know firsthand how to bring a doll to life. It is thanks to these mechanisms that products have movable body parts. Hinges allow you to control your arms and legs, making them “alive.” For example, such characters include dolls from the American corporation Mattel - “Monster High”. Despite the fact that they are all monsters (werewolves, zombies, vampires), each of them has a special charm and can only evoke positive associations. And most importantly, dolls of this type have their own style of clothing, hair color, makeup and even pets in the form of spiders, bats etc.

What are the features of Monster High dolls?

Monster High dolls are made of soft and durable plastic. Such toys move and bend as if they were “alive.” They will be able to easily bring their hand to their mouth and, for example, eat a piece of cake while playing on someone's birthday.

More recently, the creators of “Monster High” decided to answer the main question of their little fans. It sounded specific: how to really bring a doll to life? To do this, they improved the models and maximized the effect of naturalness, creating a collection from the “Monsters Come to Life!” series.

It includes dolls with unique light and sound effects. For example, the character Frankie Stein, if you press him properly, responds to the child with a peculiar crackling sound. At the same moment, the hero’s neck, chest and face begin to illuminate with a violet-green light, reminiscent of an electric discharge. Claudine Wolf, from the same collection, is equipped with an additional lever on the back. It’s worth pulling on it during the game, and it’s like real character from horror films, howls at the moon and throws his arms up, as if scratching them through the air. But how to bring a doll to life at home?

How to bring Monster High to life on paper?

You can breathe life into any toy, including Monster High, by transferring the character onto paper or a TV screen. In other words, you can make a video and even an entire animated series with the participation of dolls. How to bring a “Monster High” doll to life on paper? For this purpose, you need to stock up on a large and thick notebook (at least 100 pages).

Then on each piece of paper you need to draw a cartoon character you like. Moreover, your model from “Monsters” will only barely noticeably raise her leg on one sheet of paper, take a step on another, etc. All other pictures must show a consistent chain of movements. For example, if suddenly the “Monster High” doll, according to the script, has to run, then you need to draw 10-11 drawings of a “revived character”. After the pictures are ready, just fold the bottom edge of the notebook (so that the drawing is visible) and quickly flip through it. The result will be the effect of a doll running. This is one way to bring a Monster High doll to life using paper.

How to make a doll alive using paper?

Paper is an original material on which you can not only draw. You can make amazing figures from it. If you have at least once cut out snowflakes from paper, then the problem of how to truly bring a doll to life will be solved. To do this you need to take several sheets of paper. Draw your favorite doll on them in various poses. Cut. String it on threads and hang it on a chandelier (preferably closer to the window or doors). With the next blow of wind, the figures will move, creating the effect of a “living doll”.

Alternatively, you can select ready-made prints, cut them out, glue them (creating a three-dimensional image) and hang them on the chandelier in the same way.

How to bring a toy to life using paper and glue?

Using wallpaper glue (or homemade starch) and paper, you can make an original papier-mâché doll. You can make glue in the following way:

  • take starch;
  • fill it with hot water;
  • stir until creamy;
  • let cool.

Next, take, for example, the head of a plastic doll. Tear the newspaper into very small pieces. And start covering your head with paper, circle by circle. About 5-10 layers will be enough. Then the resulting product is cut in half with a stationery knife. Plastic is removed from it. It is sealed. It is masked with the last layer of paper and covered with fabric. Then you can turn on your imagination and create clothes, hair, etc. When everything is ready, put the toy on your hand. And now you are ready to demonstrate the capabilities of a “living” doll.

How can you bring a doll to life using video?

You can also “revive” the “Monster High” doll using a camera, mobile phone or video camera. To do this, you must first complete the following steps:

  • come up with a cartoon plot involving dolls;
  • create decorations (for example, from paper);
  • select the type of shooting (camera, mobile phone or camera);
  • attach the camera to a tripod and prepare all participating characters for filming.

Next, all you have to do is perform time-lapse photography, slowly moving the character, raising his arms and legs, and his head. The result should be 12-25 frames per second. After filming, all photographs are transferred to a computer and processed. To edit an animated film, you can use additional programs, for example, Adobe Premier. With their help, all the captured footage is gradually combined into one film, and a sound track is also superimposed. And of course, in the finished cartoon, all the Monster High characters come to life.

How can you bring Barbie dolls to life?

Don't know how to bring a Barbie doll to life? Yes, it's not difficult. As practice shows, the easiest way to do this is to put on makeup and dress exactly like her. For example, the famous master of transformation Hayden Wood developed the “Living Dolls” collection. According to his scenario, real guys and girls, at the hands of experienced make-up artists and stylists, were successfully transformed into plastic Barbies and Kens.

Some ladies, who have a natural resemblance to dolls, for the ideal effect (in addition to makeup) do plastic surgery. However, according to many experts, love for dolls should not go beyond the bounds of reason. All you have to do is dress up, put on makeup and do your hair like your favorite toy. For example, this is what fans do Japanese anime during Hong Kong's annual Ani-Com festival.

How to make a doll move?

You can make an ordinary doll wave its hand at you, walk and turn its head using a unique interactive bracelet with an installed system. It's called Pinoky. Thanks to the control panel and internal electric motors (located inside the bracelet), the part of the toy’s body on which the device is placed will move. Incredible, isn't it?

Is it possible to bring a doll to life using Voodoo?

In addition to the above methods of reviving toys, sometimes there are very unusual options. For example, looking at dolls, many people have associations associated with the magical teachings of Voodoo. And how to revive - you ask? And is it worth doing?

To bring a doll to life, you must first select the toy that you plan to make alive and prepare everything necessary items for the ritual. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use the spell: “How to revive a doll?” To revive inanimate object you will need a doll and pre-charmed water. First we speak to the water. To do this, you should get up at 4-6 am on Saturday or Tuesday, draw water and read aloud three times any famous prayer. After the water has been charmed, it is placed in the refrigerator for 45 minutes and frozen.

Then they take her out. Let it thaw. They take a bowl and a cup, and then pour it back and forth exactly 100 times. After this, for a week before going to bed, we spray it on the doll, pray (in prayer we ask you to give the doll a voice) and go to bed with it. If everything is done correctly, they say that you can begin to hear the voice of the toy.

In conclusion, I would like to note that you can always revive a doll using natural and scientific methods. It is better not to use options using magic to avoid troubles. You shouldn't joke with otherworldly forces!

How often in childhood did you imagine that a drawn hero came to life and performed great feats, went on travels, and made new acquaintances? And how wonderful it would be to see it, to touch it. How many funny and amazing creatures do your children draw? Bright, funny, unusual, animals from fairy-tale worlds, the appearance of which would be the envy of the most famous designers in the world.

We keep these drawings, look at them, hang them on the wall, but how wonderful it would be to embody these heroes in real life... How happy will a child be when he sees his hero live, what a miracle will it be in his life? He will understand that everything is real, that magic exists and will believe in the goodness of this world.

Many craftsmen around the world were inspired by children's drawings and began to create toys to order. Parents bring them their child’s creation and after some time receive magical gift. IKEA was inspired by the same idea; they asked children around the world to draw the toys of their dreams, of which 10 were selected to turn them into real toys. By purchasing these toys, IKEA visitors will donate one euro to Save the Children and UNICEF.

The result was the cutest toys: a six-armed animal with an overbite, a blue miloun, a noseless skunk, a plump unicorn, a two-dimensional tiger, a pink giraffe duck. Since the campaign began in 2003, IKEA has raised more than $90 million for children around the world.

But how nice it will be to make such a toy yourself so that you can see the glowing eyes of your child? After all, there is nothing complicated about this: colored rags, strings, thread, needle and your good mood- that's all you need for this creation.

Just take a picture of your favorite weirdo, if the picture is initially large, then just copy the outline, if the picture is small, then try to roughly redraw it on a large format. The presence of a head (or many heads), as well as legs and a tail, suggests that it is better to sew them separately and sew them to the body of our miracle. Quantity small parts depends on the age of the child, if he is small, then it is better not to sew on buttons and threads, but to paint them with acrylic paints to avoid accidental swallowing of parts.

If you don’t have as many fabric colors as shown in the child’s drawing, then you can do something clever: just buy a set acrylic paints and paint the toy according to the picture.

How often do you do something together with your child? He will be incredibly delighted if he takes part in the making of a fairy-tale toy, let him pick up rags, and also paint on the face with paints. We stuff the toy with padding polyester, you can also put large beads there to make it more interesting to crush it and play.

And as a result, you will get: a great time, stress relief, happiness in the eyes of your child and a new faithful friend.