“United Russia” will support the Liberal Party of Russia in the by-elections. When everyone is equal LDPR candidates in single-mandate constituencies

United Russia did not nominate candidates in 18 single-mandate constituencies. In addition to representatives of the LDPR, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia, the heads of non-parliamentary parties - Rodina and Civic Platform - may be among the contenders for the “negotiable” districts. In the absence of competition from United Russia, these candidates have the best chance of winning and returning to parliament. United Russia is cutting costs and preparing an inter-party coalition before the presidential elections, the expert believes.

Yesterday at the congress, United Russia did not approve candidates for all single-mandate constituencies. 18 out of 225 were left without applicants. According to Kommersant's information, the party lost these districts to several members of the LDPR (Sergei Furgal, Ivan Abramov, Alexey Didenko, Sergei Zhigarev), members of A Just Russia (Mikhail Emelyanov, Galina Khovanskaya, Anatoly Greshnevikov, Elena Drapeko, Fedot Tumusov, Anatoly Aksakov , Leonid Levin), as well as communists (Oleg Smolin, Nikolai Kharitonov, Vladimir Bortko, Natalya Eremeytseva). In addition, United Russia members did not advance in constituencies where the heads of the Rodina and Civic Platform parties, Alexey Zhuravlev and Rifat Shaikhutdinov, could go. The lack of competition from United Russia gives these candidates a chance to be re-elected to the Duma.

Let us recall that earlier Kommersant’s sources in the AP said that negotiations are underway between the parties on mutual concessions of single-mandate constituencies in cases where it is necessary to retain experienced, professional deputies. Secretary of the General Council Sergei Neverov stressed yesterday that United Russia did not ask any parties to refuse to nominate candidates in favor of United Russia.

For example, United Russia did not nominate a candidate in the Amur region, losing the district to the LDPR. Let us remind you that LDPR representative Ivan Abramov (30%) was a serious competitor in the 2015 gubernatorial elections and... O. governor, United Russia candidate Alexander Kozlov (50.6%) and almost made it to the second round. The LDPR promised to challenge the election results due to the fact that the regional election commission suddenly, in the middle of the vote counting process, stopped entering data from polling stations where, according to observers and members of election commissions from the LDPR, their candidate won. Then Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that “Kozlov could have been given one and a half percent extra because he is losing in the second round.” The general director of Amurstroy, Alexander Sinkov, who won the primaries in district No. 71, was included in the list of group No. 1 (Kamchatsky and Khabarovsk Territory, Amur, Magadan regions, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug) to third position, which gives him a chance to be elected to the State Duma.

However, today at the party congress, the head of the LDPR Duma faction, Igor Lebedev, said that the party had not concluded any agreements with United Russia and was nominating its candidates in all 225 constituencies.

United Russia made a concession to two heads of the Duma committees: on economics and on information policy - Anatoly Aksakov and Leonid Levin, respectively. The first is in the Kanash single-mandate constituency No. 37 in Chuvashia. Nikolai Malov, secretary of the Chuvash regional branch of the party, deputy of the State Council of the Republic, won the United Russia primaries there, but in the end he received only the tenth, unpassable place in regional group No. 16 (Mari-El, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod region). However, Mr. Malov told regional media that he was subject to party discipline. Mr. Levin is running for Lermontov district No. 147 in Penza region. The leader of United Russia who won in this district in the primaries social NPO Anna Kuznetsova will be able to advance to the State Duma from fifth place in group No. 15 (Volgograd, Penza, Saratov, Tambov regions).

Two districts - 214th and 216th - were left vacant in St. Petersburg for actress Elena Drapeko (A Just Russia) and director Vladimir Bortko (Communist Party of the Russian Federation), and in Moscow Leningrad district No. 198 - for Galina Khovanskaya (A Just Russia "). The Leningrad and Cheryomushkinsky districts of the capital are traditionally considered the base liberal opposition(However, in the Cheryomushkinsky district, United Russia nominated the head of the department of pediatric surgery of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Dmitry Morozov).

“In general, it doesn’t matter to us. Burkov is coming, Hartung is coming, and no one is playing giveaway with us,” Alexander Burkov, head of the election headquarters of the SR, told Kommersant. “The candidates about whom we're talking about, and they would have won. It makes things easier for them.”

In the Shchelkovo single-mandate district No. 127 (Moscow region), the chances of the Moscow Regional Duma deputy, first secretary of the Shchelkovo district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Natalya Eremeytseva, have increased. The deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science, Vladimir Kononov, who won the United Russia primaries from this district, was transferred to fourth place in the regional list of the Moscow region, which may well turn out to be a pass.

“We didn’t ask United Russia about this,” Sergei Obukhov, secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Central Committee, told Kommersant. “I don’t know about the agreement.”

The Rodina party confirmed to Kommersant that its head will be nominated in Anninsky district No. 89 in the Voronezh region. The financial director of Spetsavtomatinstrument-Voronezh LLC, Andrey Khabarov, won the United Russia primaries in the district; he became 12th in group No. 24 (Vladimirskaya, Voronezhskaya, Lipetskaya, Ryazan region). The press service of the Civic Platform told Kommersant that Rifat Shaikhutdinov plans to run in constituency No. 6 (Bashkiria), where United Russia will not have candidates. In Neftekamsk district No. 6 of Bashkiria, State Duma deputy Rafael Mardanshin won the primaries, State Duma deputy Rimma Batalova came second. However, they are both included in the list of group No. 11 “Bashkortostan” in fourth and fifth places, respectively. The first place in the group is taken by the head of the republic, Rustem Khamitov.

“The decision of United Russia was unexpected for me. I know that others parliamentary parties will nominate their candidates. I'm ready for competition. I'm sure there will be a competitive campaign. The return of single-mandate seats is a plus for the entire political system,” Mr. Shaikhutdinov told Kommersant.

“In the next State Duma, a large inter-party coalition can be assembled around the president on the eve of the presidential elections, including through the joining of representatives of non-parliamentary parties - a good tactic for 2018,” says political scientist Leonid Davydov. “And, besides, United Russia’s bench of personnel is not endless, and the candidates themselves are of different quality. There will be an order of magnitude more lost districts, and in some this is already clear. “United Russia has simply cut costs in these 18 districts.”

Irina Nagornykh

United Russia may support the LDPR candidate in the by-elections in Bryansk single-mandate constituency No. 77. Such “interparty agreements” are now being discussed, two interlocutors in United Russia and a source close to the regional leadership told Izvestia. Earlier it became known that the adviser to the head of the Russian Guard, ex-deputy Alexander Khinshtein will not run for United Russia, since he did not have time to pass necessary documents. If United Russia supports the LDPR candidate, Yabloko candidate Alexander Bogomaz, who took third place in the constituency in the elections to the parliament of the seventh convocation, may lose his chance to get into the State Duma. Yabloko itself told Izvestia that it had not yet made a decision on nominating its candidate.

The seat of a single-mandate deputy in the Bryansk district became vacant after the mandate for at will United Russia member Vladimir Zhutenkov passed. United Russia considered the candidacy of ex-deputy Alexander Khinshtein as a replacement, but in the end he will also not be nominated by the party, Izvestia’s interlocutor in United Russia said. Alexander Khinshtein did not have time to submit all the necessary documents; in addition, according to the source, his candidacy did not find support among members of the Bryansk party branch.

Alexander Khinshtein himself later stated that he had not yet decided to nominate his candidacy in the district, and explained that although his participation in the by-elections from United Russia was “discussed,” he did not submit an official application to participate in the primaries.

In this situation, United Russia may completely refuse to participate in by-elections in the region due to “lack of time to conduct a full preliminary vote,” said Izvestia’s interlocutor in the party.

According to the charter, a party candidate must qualify after winning the primaries. The application to participate in the elections must be received before July 9, that is, no later than 30 days from the date of surrender of the deputy mandate, explained Izvestia’s interlocutor.

According to the regulations on holding primaries, participants were required to receive all documents in their hands as quickly as possible. short term, including a certificate of no criminal record, which may take a month to issue.

In this situation, the party simply will not have time to carry out the preliminary voting procedure,” explained Izvestia’s interlocutor.

Support for the LDPR candidate

The refusal of elections and the decision to support the “systemic oppositionist” from the LDPR are the subject of “inter-party agreements,” another Izvestia interlocutor in the party said. Source close to management Bryansk region, in turn, stated that the regional executive power does not object to such a step. He explained that no one is ready to give a seat in the State Duma to Yabloko candidate Alexander Bogomaz, who took third place in the elections.

The LDPR told Izvestia that if they win the by-elections, the Liberal Democrats will once again prove their political weight in the region.

The LDPR always participates in elections, at any level. If United Russia members refuse their mandate, then the question of their motivation must be addressed to them, said Igor Lebedev, vice-speaker of the LDPR. “We intend to take every opportunity to increase the party’s representation in the legislative bodies.

Igor Lebedev did not comment on the information about the existence of agreements with the party in power.

Secretary of the United Russia General Council Sergei Neverov noted that regional office may support a candidate from another party.

We'll see who runs in this district. However, the party will not make a separate statement to support this or that candidate,” Sergei Neverov told Izvestia.

He emphasized that in any case, the main criterion is the support of the district's voters.

Deputy Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Seliverstov told Izvestia that the party really does not have time to hold primaries, and without this preliminary procedure United Russia has no right to nominate its candidate.

It turns out that we are really abandoning elections. However, I don’t know anything about any agreements with the Liberal Democratic Party,” he said.

Yabloko told Izvestia that they had not yet made a decision on the party’s participation in the elections.

We have two weeks for this. However, it is possible that we can either accept or refuse to participate in the elections,” Nikolai Rybakov, deputy chairman of Yabloko, told Izvestia.

Regarding possible agreements between United Russia and the Liberal Democratic Party, if implemented, Yabloko candidate Alexander Bogomaz will actually lose the chance to enter the Duma, Nikolai Rybakov said that this practice “does not surprise” him.

Nevertheless, Yabloko does not see any grounds for filing a complaint with the CEC, since “the inter-party agreements, although reminiscent of political cynicism,” do not violate the law.

Expert opinion

Think, the real reason- this is a desire to thank the LDPR for something. I don’t believe that the authorities were unable to find a candidate. And even if they really don’t have it, they could easily ask Zhutenkov to postpone the delivery of the mandate for a month, and then the by-elections would have to be postponed for a whole year - to September 2018. This is more than enough to find candidates, says political scientist Abbas Gallyamov.

The head of the St. Petersburg Politics Foundation, Mikhail Vinogradov, believes that United Russia’s possible desire not to allow a Yabloko member into the State Duma is “unfounded.”

- “Yabloko” will not differ much in its actions from the liberal democrat. Therefore, it is not entirely clear what motivated the inter-party agreement. On the other hand, the benefit of the participants in the transaction has not yet been demonstrated - maybe there really is some kind of hidden special meaning, - Mikhail Vinogradov told Izvestia.

The LDPR became the first party whose federal list of candidates for participation in the elections of State Duma deputies was registered today at a meeting of the Central Election Commission.

The Central Election Commission must make a decision on registering a party list or refusing registration within 10 days after receiving documents for registration. A similar deadline is established for district election commissions registering single-mandate candidates. The latter are registered in the relevant district commissions of single-mandate constituencies. The registration phase will last until August 3.

The Central Election Commission did not have any questions regarding this procedure for the Liberal Democrats. The commission decided to register a federal list of candidates from the Liberal Democratic Party, which included 313 people. It is headed by the permanent leader of the party, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The entire list is divided into 135 regional groups; at the same time, the LDPR nominated candidates in all 225 single-mandate electoral districts.

“I propose to complete the registration stage at this point,” according to tradition, Zhirinovsky began his speech with a joke, but then continued quite seriously: “I believe that 30% of the beginning of an election campaign is registration, another 30% is campaigning, and the last 40% is implemented on the night of September 19. Therefore, we passed a third of the way safely.” The LDPR leader expressed the hope that on September 19, the majority of citizens will be satisfied with the voting results and will breathe a sigh of relief that the elections were held “well and calmly.”

“With all due respect to the political parties, I would like first of all to wish success to our voters so that they get a working Duma,” department chairwoman Ella Pamfilova responded to Zhirinovsky’s speech.

Federal list of LDPR candidates registered

Next, the Central Election Commission certified the federal list of candidates of the Rodina party (287 people) and the list of its candidates in 177 single-mandate constituencies. Party leader Alexey Zhuravlev, using the right to speak, thanked the members of the Central Election Commission for their constructive work, saying that during previous campaigns at various levels, Rodina often faced numerous difficulties. “Today the situation has changed dramatically, and the expression of the will of citizens who are ready to vote for one or another party does not encounter legal obstacles from the Central Election Commission,” he noted.

There were no problems with certification for two other large political parties, exempted from the need to collect voter signatures: the Growth Party and Yabloko. The first CEC certified the federal list of candidates for deputies State Duma numbering 339 people, as well as a list of candidates for 160 single-mandate constituencies. The second had a certified list of 306 candidates, along with a list of 171 candidates for single-mandate constituencies. Speaking from the podium, Yabloko leader Emilia Slabunova wished that the two months before voting day would pass in a civilized manner, in an open and honest political discussion.

Ella Pamfilova, meanwhile, warned that the Central Election Commission will consider all deputy requests and complaints on an equal basis with appeals from other candidates, when the list of a particular party will be registered to participate in elections. “Since we receive a lot of requests from current State Duma deputies, I would like to remind you that as soon as we register a party, all requests on the form of a State Duma deputy are leveled out. Thus, they will go along with the requests from all other candidates. That is, we will help you equal rights," Pamfilova said. According to her, this measure is due to the desire to avoid any abuse of official position on the part of participants in the election campaign.

Single-mandate candidates from Moscow and the Moscow region entered the State Duma (full list):

Anatoly VYBORNY, PZhiV. Former military prosecutor.
Dmitry MOROZOV, PZhiV. Pediatric surgeon. Putin personally voted for him.
Nikolay GONCHAR, PZhiv. Deputy of all existing Dumas, former secretary of the Baumansky district committee of the CPSU.
Irina BELYKH, PZhiV. Also a professional State Duma deputy.
Gennady ONISCHENKO, PZhiV. Needs no introduction.
Anton ZHARKOV, PZhiV. Millionaire.
Sergey ZHELEZNYAK, PZhiv, professional deputy, graduate of Nakhimovsky naval school, who stepped from the position of political officer into the advertising business.
Lyubov DUKHANINA, PZhiV. ONF functionary.
Dmitry SABLIN, PZhiV. Graduate of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, founder of the Anti-Maidan movement.
Elena PANINA, PZhiV. Professional State Duma deputy, former secretary of the Lublin district committee of the CPSU.
Peter TOLSTOY, PZhiv. Former presenter of the final program “Time” on Channel One.
Ivan TETERIN, PZhiv. Afghan veteran, veteran of the Chechen wars, confidant of V.V. Putin.
Vyacheslav LYSAKOV, PZhiV. Former massage therapist for the Dynamo and USSR national teams.
Denis PARFENOV, Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Political strategist.
Galina KHOVANSKAYA, “A Just Russia”. Professional State Duma deputy.
Yuri OLEINIKOV, PZhiV, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.
Maxim SURAEV, PZhiV. Pilot-cosmonaut.
Irina RODNINA, PZhiV. Figure skater, professional State Duma deputy.
Elena SEROVA, PZhiV. Pilot-cosmonaut.
Martin SHAKKUM, PZhiv. Graduate of Kaliningrad Higher military engineering school. Former spoiler candidate in the 1996 presidential election.
Lydia ANTONOVA, PZhiv. Former First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.
Sergei ZHIGAREV, LDPR. Chairman of the “Special Purpose Volunteer Movement (SVO) in support of the army, navy and military-industrial complex.”
Oksana PUSHKINA, PZhiV. TV presenter, ombudsman for children's rights in the Moscow region.
Sergey PAKHOMOV, PZhiV, head of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region.
Vyacheslav FETISOV, PZhiv. Hockey player, former Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation, former senator.
Valentina KABANOVA, PZhiv. Professional State Duma deputy.

Among the single-mandate deputies of the State Duma of the new convocation, it should be noted the owner of the golden pistol, Adam Delimkhanov; the organizer of an armed riot in the East of Ukraine, Konstantin Zatulin; removed from the post of governor due to scandal Volgograd region Sergei Bozhenov (elected in his homeland, in Astrakhan region); billionaire Andrey Skoch; Vladimir Burmatov, better known as BINH ("Burmatov, go fuck yourself"); Vitaly Milonov, a fighter with his own sexual orientation; the creator of the most anti-communist film in Russian cinema, Vladimir Bortko (passed from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation).