Sharapovo registered, what does it mean. Sharapovo Sorting Center – where is it, what does it do?

We all from time to time place orders on the Internet, send or receive something by mail. At the same time, you always really want to hold the treasured package in your hands as quickly as possible in order to enjoy its contents. Usually, when you receive a package or box at the post office, it is assigned a track number. Thanks to this combination of numbers, you can track the movement of the shipment and find out exactly where it is at one time or another. This is very convenient, because if something happens, you can always contact the seller if the track does not move, or search when a loss has occurred.

Russian Post is always the starting or ending point for the movement of letters or parcels. And often it is within the country that the path slows down, and the expected thing itself moves from point to point. Of course, impatience takes over and it becomes simply amazing how this system can work so slowly. But, if you think about it, everyone at least once in their life, coming to the post office with a notice, noticed what a huge number of all kinds of parcels, boxes, and packages were waiting for their owners. And this is only a small part of what we will see.

The path that a package takes before it reaches its recipient is very long. There are many sorting centers here, where packages are distributed by region, then by city, and then by department. At the same time, each time there is weighing, scanning, and passage through customs control. Of course, the chain never stops and employees must work as carefully and harmoniously as possible so as not to damage the integrity of the packaging and so that nothing gets lost. Naturally, not everything always goes perfectly. And on the Internet there are a lot of angry reviews about the services of our native post office. Parcels are often lost or damaged during transportation or at sorting centers.

Sometimes the track gets stuck at one point for weeks or several days. This is quite a common phenomenon due to the fact that employees are simply not able to process such a quantity of material coming to them in a shorter time. For those who are always fussing and fussing if their package travels across the Russian Federation for a very long time, it’s worth at least out of curiosity to see how this system works from the inside. This way, it may be possible to be more tolerant of the prolonged wait.

Sorting center Sharapovo.

This is one of the stopping points for parcels or letters that we often see during the tracking process. It’s good that this is Russia, which means that in the near future you can expect a stop in your city. It would be interesting to find out what kind of place this is in more detail.

The center of Sharapovo is located near the city of Podolsk. This is a very large-scale point, equipped with conveyors and scanners. This is where all the letters and parcels from all over the country flock. At the same time, this also applies to foreign parcels. From here the entire flow is distributed over six regions. During one shift, 350 people work in this huge center. In total, 1,650 employees work here. Each has its own microtask, and each performs its own operation. People here are like little ants making a big anthill function. Regular and registered letters, as well as fines, taxes, notices from the pension fund and much more.

I am glad that the center has gone through modernization. Competent logistics made it possible to reduce the processing time for correspondence. Thanks to special equipment All envelopes are sorted and receive a stamp showing the date and time they left the sorting center. It is this kind of recording that allows you to trace as clearly as possible every step that the letter or packaging went through, so that in case of loss you know where to look. Yes, you can submit a search report by mail.

Our mail is actively developing, and management is trying to bring it to a high quality new level work and service. We can already see how much the branches have changed, and the attitude of employees towards clients has changed. Work has also been done to reduce unnecessary points in the movement process. For example, if earlier we could write a letter from Volgograd to an addressee from the same city, then first it went to Sharapovo, and then returned to Volgograd again to reach the recipient. The situation has now stabilized and the address is now critical.

Operators working in sorting are mainly engaged in scanning barcodes. They have hand-held scanners, thanks to which computer system the type of correspondence they considered is recorded. This way, the data from the identifier goes to the official website of the post office and not only employees, but also people waiting begin to see the information. It shows the collection point, final delivery address and recipient's name, as well as weight.

What is important in sorting?

Human labor is very important here. Since the conveyor system cannot be fully used due to the non-standard nature of some parcels. For this reason, manual scanning is in use. The system also allows you to very quickly distribute envelopes and packages into the appropriate cells by reading barcodes. Nothing is ever left in disarray here. Only precision and accuracy allows you to act without errors and as clearly as possible. In total, there are several flow lines along which the division takes place into large and oversized parcels, those that go abroad, as well as ordinary packages that belong in urban areas.

Throughout the entire route of the tape there are short stops, during which there is a division into republics, regions and cities.

We are ordering more and more abroad. And this is not only the notorious China, but also Korea and Europe. People often use online stores, so the need for a center like Sharapovo is huge and justified. There will also be big changes in the near future. Under the influence of time, it will become larger and more modern. Russia is a country of great opportunities, and postal services are important at any time.

Now, when we have looked as far as possible inside this organization and have taken a peek at how this big machine works, it will be a little easier to wait for a piece of notice. Streamline employees act solely in our interests. Therefore, the speed at which the track will move further depends on how clearly they work.

Depending on how far you are from the Sharapovo point, it may take from five to fifteen days before you can pick up your treasured package. This time is justified by the fact that further movement will take place through the city post office, where sorting by indexes takes place. It is extremely important to correctly indicate all the necessary information regarding the address, so as not to become a weak link that can destroy the work of such a harmonious system.

I am very happy that we are starting to use the experience of world practice. I would really like pick-point style cells to appear in branches, and there would be no need to stand in lines and wait for the employees on the shelves to find your address and last name. Progress is being made, and fortunately, even in small towns positive changes are already being felt.

Our country is the largest in area on the planet. This is not only a reason for some pride, but also creates certain difficulties in the work of a number of institutions. For example, in small states it is enough to have a minimum of post offices in order to optimally set up logistics. This will not work in the Russian Federation. If you do not optimize the flow of goods and correspondence sent via mail, the cost of each shipment will be very high. One of the ways to solve this problem was the organization of special structures that are responsible for sorting cargo and their further redistribution. People usually remember them in situations when they are tracking their parcels. For example, many already know that there is a sorting center in Sharapovo, through which quite a lot of different postal correspondence and other types of shipments pass.

Very often people complain that this is where their packages get stuck. for a long time or return to it after seemingly continuing the movement. Why this happens and where exactly this postal structure is located can be found out from this material.

What is the function of this organization and where is it located?

The Sharapovo sorting center has one more official name– MR LC “Vnukovo”. This is a very large branch of the Russian post office, which sorts correspondence and parcels passing through the airport of the same name. That is, most of them are international.

For example, a person orders something from one of the foreign online stores. What is purchased often enters our country through these “air gates.” After this, the package is moved to this service center, where it is checked and sent further if everything is in order. Why here? The fact is that the customs service Russian Federation operates here. Which is extremely convenient for the interaction of both structures.

Naturally, many are interested in the following question: where is it located? Official sources allow us to answer as follows:

  • Branch index – 102975;
  • Address – Moscow, Marushkino, Chertanovo;
  • The telephone number for receiving information is +7-495-500-50-22.

You can get a more informative idea of ​​where it is on the map:

Naturally, the following question arises: why might citizens of our country need information about the location of this organization? The fact is that it is here that there is often some kind of delay in the movement of parcels. When such a problem occurs, a person has practically no opportunity to speed up the process in any way. Therefore, it will be more important to understand the root causes of such delays.

Why is there a delay?

Not everything always depends on the employees who represent a given sorting center. Even if it functions as efficiently and ideally as possible, there are still a lot of root causes that can slow down the further sending of correspondence. Here are the most popular factors that create this problem:

  • The sender made a mistake and indicated incorrect, inaccurate or unclear recipient information. Naturally, the sending will not go further until necessary information will not be specified;
  • The forwarding of any products is in conflict with the so-called intellectual right. For example, some products cannot be purchased abroad. It is not necessarily prohibited. It’s just that foreign companies come to the domestic market and want people to buy their products here;
  • Inside the parcel there are goods prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Naturally, you should always be aware of such restrictions. Some of them are known to everyone - weapons, prohibited substances. Others are more specific. Therefore, before purchasing anything abroad, it is recommended to first find out whether it can be imported into our country;
  • On some days, especially before holidays, there may be an increased influx of correspondence requiring processing. Naturally, the center’s employees have to work in emergency mode, but this approach is not always enough to promptly complete the sorting of the entire volume;
  • You should not exclude from the list situations when the employees of the organization themselves make any mistakes, which, naturally, then require time to correct them. For example, the package was sent to the wrong direction. At the next point, the mistake will, with a high degree of probability, be detected and sent back.

Well, the last option is that the status in the tracking window can change to “lost” if the package is missing or stolen.

What to do if the parcel was lost

It’s worth noting right away that you shouldn’t write letters to the index 102975. Such complaints will not be entertained at this location. For people faced with such an unpleasant situation, there are three options for further action:

  • Prepare a written statement about the loss, which should be taken to the nearest Russian Post office. The alternative is to send him to electronic form by using the functionality of the official resource of this government organization;
  • You can contact Roskomnadzor. Also through the website of this organization. There you can find a section related to postal services, in which there is an option about long transit times or something like that;
  • Naturally, you can submit a corresponding application to law enforcement agencies. Specifically, to the prosecutor's office.

Unfortunately, it is very rare that any of these measures will detect a loss. However, this often allows you to get a refund of the money paid to the seller when ordering a particular product.

Feedback on the work of the sorting center

Naturally, quite a lot of reviews have accumulated on the Internet that fully characterize the activities of this organization. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

  1. Oleg, Moscow. I always dreamed of opening my own store. Naturally, I was looking for a place where I could buy goods for sale at a good price. And I found this one in several Chinese online stores. It is clear that people can order from them themselves, but many do not want to bother with placing an order, waiting for shipment, and so on. There are many people who are willing to overpay a little, but get their products in their hands right away. This is what I use. I know very well how the domestic post office works. Therefore, when parcels in Sharapovo are delayed for several days, it is not a problem for me. Typically such delays are no more than three to five days. True, once the transfer resumed after eight hours!
  2. Natalya, Tver. It was my husband's anniversary. And I decided to give him a good phone number. Found it at a very good price. True, in China. I asked my friend to arrange everything, since I had never done this before. It seems like we’ve done everything, we’re monitoring the movement. Information has appeared that it has reached our country. That's all. Silence. For five days. Naturally, I contact the seller. I ask what the problem is. It turned out that he entered some of my data incorrectly. Or rather, I made a mistake in translation. I had to send the information again. As a result, everything moved from the dead place. The main thing is that I received it literally one day before the planned celebration and pleased my loved one.
  3. Semyon, Tula. I noticed that people often leave negative comments about the sorting center in Sharapovo. Probably the first time they are faced with work similar organization. Guys, listen - do you think why goods from China are so much more expensive in regular stores than in their online stores? One of the reasons is precisely the hassle associated with shipping. Owners of regular retail outlets are nervous about you, constantly monitoring shipments and wondering why they are delayed in such places. Therefore, either wait calmly, without nerves, or overpay in regular stores and calmly pick up your purchases right away.
  4. Innokenty, Moscow. I have my own workshop for repairing various equipment. Naturally, you need to get the parts from somewhere. It is most profitable to order from abroad, then you can do repairs and earn money from this business. Of course, I understand perfectly well that some complications often occur with shipments. Therefore, I make it simpler. I compose once a month sample list the spare parts and components I need. China has an already established supply channel. I'm putting the list there. It is assembled in a couple of days and sent to me. As a result, I always have everything I need to work, even if the shipment occurs with certain delays. And competitors order after the fact. That is, people simply leave them for me, since I offer a prompt solution to their problem, without having to wait an additional week or more.
  5. Arsen, Vladimir. I don’t know why some people have problems with this SC. Before my first order, I carefully studied the reviews, possible problems which should be avoided. I talked to people who are already experienced forwarders. I learned from them exactly how to fill out the forms and what information was required to be provided. And most importantly - how. As a result, my correspondence usually passes through all sorting points in a maximum of five to six hours. Of course, sometimes certain glitches occur. For example, if some national holidays are planned in the near future. Like New Year or the Eighth of March. Or, when my parcels reach such places on Friday evening, processing is noticeably slower on weekends.

That is, it is clear that certain problems with delays are observed if the shipment is carried out through the sorting center in Sharapovo. And, unfortunately, it will most likely not be possible to achieve greater efficiency. However, some people solve this problem in their own way. For example, always carefully fill out all important information required for high-quality shipment, they try to place orders in advance, so as not to worry about a possible delay of several days, and select the transportation time in such a way as to avoid holidays, pre-holiday days, and weekends.

FSUE Russian Post has launched an automated international postal exchange place (IMPO) in Vnukovo, which by the end of 2014 will have to process two-thirds of parcels in the capital district. The head of Post, Dmitry Strashnov, said that similar MMPOs will be opened in every federal district of Russia.

During yesterday’s opening of the MMPO, Dmitry Strashnov noted that the Vnukovo MMPO is “the first center where customs processing is combined with automatic sorting.” According to him, today 50 thousand parcels a day pass through MMPO in the village of Sharapovo, 5 km from the capital’s Vnukovo airport. The company plans to increase this figure to 250 thousand.

“By the end of 2016, eight similar logistics factories will appear - one in each federal district,” the top manager added.

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov noted that the new sorting center is opening on the eve of New Year's holidays when the load on the postal network increases many times over. “Already today we are beginning to feel a daily increase in parcels. This period will be the most difficult,” the minister emphasized. At the same time, he is confident that after the appearance of MMPO Vnukovo, “there will no longer be a problem with the New Year’s peak in our country.”

According to his information, today every fourth parcel in Russia passes through the sorting workshop in Vnukovo, and in a year this volume will be two-thirds.

In turn, Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service (FCS) Ruslan Davydov noted that the key problem for the department remains the problem of staffing levels. It is limited by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on optimizing the number of employees and employees of government agencies, and the current employees of the Federal Customs Service are not enough to cope with the growing volumes of international correspondence. In accordance with the government order, it is planned to allocate an additional 274 staff positions, but only next year. Currently, 20 customs officers are employed in processing parcels at Vnukovo.

“In this case, there is actually the emergence of a new industry, or rather the explosive growth of a new industry - distance selling, a huge surge in overseas online trading and hence the rise in overseas parcels. This is the reason that it is necessary to make additional separate decisions regarding the customs service,” supported FCS representative Nikolai Nikiforov. According to him, necessary documents are already preparing.

The new MMPO was created on the basis of the Vnukovo Logistics center, the request for the purchase of which was recently granted by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (see ComNews dated November 22, 2013). Its territory is 65 thousand square meters - more than the rest of the MMPO combined. Previously, Vnukovo Logistics leased out these areas for storage, a representative of Post explained to reporters. As Dmitry Strashnov clarified yesterday, the company spent about 3 billion rubles on the purchase of space, and the equipment cost another 6 million euros. “The cost is fair in today’s times,” believes the head of the postal operator.

Now one MMPO workshop has been launched with an area of ​​13 thousand sq.m., of which the working area is 10 thousand sq.m. Within a year, three more workshops will open with a working area of ​​10 thousand, 8 thousand and 6 thousand sq.m. The center will reach full capacity in the third quarter of 2014.

Place international exchange will work around the clock, in three shifts. In this regard, it is planned to build a dormitory for workers next to the workshops, said Dmitry Strashnov.

The sorting machine used in the new MMPO has no analogues in Eastern Europe, First Deputy Director of the Main Center for Mainline Mail Transportation (GCMP) Alexander Timofeev told reporters. It operates at speeds up to 2.5 m/s. During the process, the operator only registers items, determining their weight and adjusting the data. They are then processed automatically and sent to cells corresponding to specific regions.

Correspondence with a damaged barcode is rejected and re-sorted – its share is about 2%. From 1.5% to 5% of parcels are received for physical inspection of parcels, which, if necessary, is carried out by customs service specialists. The cost of electricity consumed to process one parcel is 2 kopecks.

The supplier of equipment for the postal exchange place was the Italian company Selex ES. There are only five or six companies in the world that specialize in installing postal equipment, said a representative of Russian Post.

"Russian Post" opens new MMPOs on the eve of " high season", which usually falls on the weeks before and after the New Year. At the beginning of September, a point was launched at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow with an area of ​​5.4 thousand square meters (see. news ComNews from September 4, 2013). On last week MMPO was launched at the Novosibirsk Tolmachevo airport (2 thousand sq.m.) and Yekaterinburg Koltsovo (3.7 thousand sq.m.).

Previously, international exchange places also operated in Moscow at Warsaw highway, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Samara, Orenburg, Petrozavodsk and Vladivostok. According to the joint order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Federal Customs Service, there should be a total of 21 MMPOs in Russia.

Vnukovo will receive small packages from all airports in the capital, as well as parcels from Europe. MMPO at the Kazansky railway station specializes in “heavy” mail; letters will continue to be sorted in the old center on Varshavskoye Shosse.

Relatively recently, mail played a vital role in the life of every person. The only way to communicate between cities was by sending a letter or telegram. Moreover, to keep abreast of events, people subscribed to newspapers. With the development of cellular communications and the Internet, for a short period it seemed that mail was completely obsolete. But there were still parcels and registered letters. And here the development of online stores has opened a new page in

Today, most people prefer to shop online. Parcels are delivered by Russian Post. All of them pass through a special distribution center. For international postal items There is a sorting center in Sharapovo. Where is it, we will talk to you today.

"Post office"

Each region has a branch that is responsible for delivering correspondence in its area. All branches are divided into 10 macro-regions, each of which has one common center where all parcels arrive for further distribution. There are two branches in Moscow, which are united into one macro-region.

But that's not all. The Vnukovo logistics center is located on the territory of the region, which processes shipments not only within the country, but also international parcels.

What's going on here

Let us repeat once again where it is: the sorting center in Sharapovo is located not far from Podolsk. Life is in full swing here around the clock: huge machines blink with red lights, conveyors hum. As a result, all parcels and letters are distributed and sent to post offices in six regions of Russia.

A person may not even know where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo operates as follows. Let's say a person sent a letter to Vladivostok. It will go first to the Podolsk ASC, then to regional office.

Let's take a look inside

Residents of the region know exactly where it is. The sorting center in Sharapovo is a place of work for many. Here, 350 people work per shift, and a total of 1,650 people are employed. It sorts ordinary and registered letters, as well as parcels. After that, they are sent to regional post offices, where their final recipients receive them.

For you it all ends when you drop the letter in mailbox. But work postal service This is just the beginning. It arrives at the distribution center, receives a dispatch date, and the mail containers go to the regional sorting center.


The majority of shipments at the processing center are corporate correspondence. This number also includes notifications from government agencies, for example, fines from the traffic police. But the functional tasks do not end there; packages and parcels are also processed here.

You can see where the sorting center in Sharapovo is located on the map above. The sorting speed here is maximum - only 21 hours. This is how much time passes between the entry and exit of correspondence. About 3 million letters and parcels pass through the center every day. In spring, the influx increases greatly, because government agencies send holiday notifications. December is not far behind - the season of congratulations.

Modernization of work

The sorting center in Sharapovo underwent improvements two years ago. First of all, the task was to simplify and speed up the processing of correspondence. This was done thanks to automation and competent logistics:

  • Now all parcels are sorted using special equipment. Today you can see on every letter or parcel the imprint “Left from the sorting center in Sharapovo”, the date and time. Previously, parcels could not leave the center for several days. In order for these changes to begin to work, a large-scale reorganization and optimization of all business processes was carried out.
  • The second point is logistics. The routes were revised and unnecessary points were removed. For example, a person in Omsk sent a letter to an addressee in his city. It goes to the Moscow sorting center and then comes back. Local shipments are now processed within the city.

Departments that are subordinate to

Address of the sorting center in Sharapovo: 102975, Moscow, Sharapovo. That's all the data. In fact, the address is not written down anywhere; all clarifications on this issue come down to the wording “near the village of Sharapovo.” Apparently, this object is simply impossible here. On the other hand, since this does not prevent letters and parcels from freely getting here and going to their addresses, it means that it is really not difficult. The object is subordinate to:

  • plot;
  • several workshops.

How does sorting work?

A person, or rather an operator, begins work. Its task is to initially scan the barcode. At the same time, information appears in a special program about what type of mail was received. The data is uploaded to the official website. Now a client who knows the identification code can find out where his parcel is located.

Exemplary order reigns here, which allows you to avoid mistakes. All containers are distributed among the workshops: written correspondence, parcels and express shipments. To date, the last workshop is only partially automated. The use of manual scanning continues. According to the employees themselves, this is due to the fact that some items have a non-standard shape.

Sorting regular emails

Manual labor is also partially preserved here. Operators put them in boxes so that they lie “facing” each other. After this, the scanner reads the addresses and distributes the letters into the required cells. This happens very quickly. Approximately 12 letters pass in one second. If the address is written down with errors, it will be returned to the operators. They manually enter the index from images of letters. Working here requires good experience and quick response.

What happens to parcels

They are distributed over several stream lines:

  • Boxes and packages that are sent abroad.
  • Large, heavy and oversized loads.
  • Ordinary parcels.

As they follow the belt, parcels automatically fall into compartments that correspond to the post office of the city or region to which they are to be delivered.