Do you like watching "Grandfather Khoper" for free? Origins of Khopr. Sights of the Penza region

By nature conservation, the Russian Geographical Society understands a set of public measures that promote conservation natural environment on the territory of our Motherland. The Company’s environmental activities are implemented through examples careful attitude to nature through scientific, educational and practical events.

By developing a public environmental initiative aimed at involving the public in the problems of the water basin of our region and following the long-term adopted Strategy of the Russian Geographical Society, The Penza regional branch carries out practical activities that actively contribute to the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in the residents of our region.

On September 22, 2012, as part of cooperation between the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and the REN-TV channel, a joint trip to the source of the Khoper River was organized to film a popular science film. This marked the beginning of the implementation of joint media projects about the nature of the Penza region, aimed at disseminating knowledge and geography, developing scientific tourism and forming environmental consciousness among residents of our region.

“To draw close public attention to the wonderful and great Khoper River, which originates not far from our regional center- our duty. Hopper is one of the cleanest rivers Europe and this is confirmed if you visit its origins. Fourteen crystal streams flowing from under a hillock clean water, which combine into a stormy and transparent flow, have strong energy. There is something great and primal about it. Streams of water, rushing into the distance for a thousand kilometers before flowing into the Don, bring life and nourish fertility large territory our country"- reasoned, watching the flow of water from the source, Igor Pantyushov, head regional office Russian Geographical Society.

Khoper is attractive for tourists. The head of the Penza city tourist club, Vladimir Mishchenkov, has repeatedly rafted down the river. The next year for the Penza regional department should be full of alloys dedicated to the study of Khopr.

« The first information about Khoper is found in the chronicle of 1148. Prince Gleb Yuryevich, going to Ryazan, was also on the Great Crow (at that time Khoper was called that). In 1389 the river was called Prokhor. This is mentioned in the diary of Ignatius Smolyanin, who accompanied Metropolitan Pimen to Constantinople. But these are not the only names of the river. There were also others: Khoport, Koport, Kopor...",- Vladimir Mishchenkov, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, shared his knowledge.

Khoper is one of the rivers in southeast Russia that is most attractive for kayaking and water recreation. Almost along its entire length (1008 km) the Khoper flows in a sandy channel and retains its advantages as a kayak river. The Khopra Valley is dressed, as a rule, by the rich deciduous forests(oak, linden, elm, most often willow and sedge near water); In the middle reaches, pine groves are also common. The Khopra floodplain forests are especially rich and extensive within Saratov region. There are many lakes and oxbow lakes in the floodplain, and wild cherries, apple trees, and pears in the forests.

For reference:

Length 1008 km, basin area 61,100 km². The food is predominantly snowy. High water in April - May. The highest water flow is 3720 m³/s, the lowest during low water is 45.4 m³/s, the average water flow is 150 m³/s. It freezes in December and opens in late March - early April. In some years, ice cover is unstable. Width up to 100 m, depth up to 17 m. The bottom is usually sandy; The current is fast.

While at the source of the Khopra, in addition to working on filming, members of the Russian Geographical Society cleaned the area near the Source from the garbage that vacationers left behind.

“This is our constant problem - it is difficult to collect garbage in a bag and take it with you so that you can throw it away later on the way to a container. In general it is necessary to do environmental monitoring natural objects, thereby we can save our native land», - stated member of the Russian Geographical Society Roman Kashin

"The source of Khopr, giving life great river- is rightfully our property, as the purest symbol of the birth of the Great. It is here at the Source that you realize your unity with nature and are imbued with a feeling of love and pride that you are part of it», - continued Roman Anatolyevich.

One of the Khopra streams

Located at the junction of the watershed of two giant water basins - the Volga and Don, our region is unique in terms of its geographical location. Rivers such as Khoper, Vorona, Chembar originate on our land, and each of us witnesses the birth large rivers, feeding the Caspian and Atlantic with their energy, giving life to many representatives of our flora and fauna.

The task of the Russian Geographical Society is to instill in people a love for our nature, teach them to treat it with care and tell them how beautiful it is. Participation of the residents themselves in environmental activities, love and kind attitude towards native land- guarantees a further decent life for us and our future generations in harmony with the amazing world around us.

Prepared by: Secretary of the Branch Council Maxim Lapin
Photos by Roman Kashin

For me, my Russia began with Khopr!
Here the fog over the bluish stretch
Dancing in the morning.
There are lilac waves here,
Silence in your arms, squeezing
They laugh loudly,
Lying down on the sand.
And with a strong Cossack song
Farms will rise.
For me, my Russia began with Khopr.

The Khoper River is one of the the most beautiful rivers not only middle zone, but also Europe.


The age of the river is venerable - more than 10 thousand years. The length of the river from source to mouth was 1008 kilometers. This is the second largest tributary of the Don. Every year thousands of tourism lovers from all over our country come here to relax.
Khopr's path to the Don is long and winding. Throughout the entire length there are narrow sections with fast water constantly alternate with wide, slow reaches. There are often islands in the channel, and between them, in the channels, there are rapids, behind which whirlpools can arise. A forest strip 5–7 km wide stretches along the banks for many kilometers. Trees and bushes directly overhang the river bed. In some places, without leaving the boat, you can pick up a pot of forest currants. A little further from the shore there are bird cherry and wild apple trees. There are a lot of bird cherry trees, but the main decoration of the local forests is the silver poplar. It really seems silvery, standing out sharply with the white color of its foliage against the background of the surrounding greenery.

Toponymic features of the river and its surroundings.
The sources of Khopr originate from the purest springs near the village of Kuchki, in the Penza region. These springs flow from under a hillock. The water in them is crystal clear ice water. There are only twelve of them. Our river Khoper begins with them.

Source of Khopra

There are many legends and traditions about the Prikhoper land.
One of the legends tells about the love of the Slavic youth Khopr and the daughter of the Polovtsian khan, the beautiful Vorona. In ancient times, when tribes with countless herds roamed along the feather grass steppes from the Volga to the Dnieper, and Mordovian villages were hidden in dense forests, the Polovtsian Khan Tokay had a daughter, the beautiful Crow. Swift, dexterous, beautiful, slender with blue-black hair, the Crow was often dreamed of by Polovtsian and Mordovian youths. But the evil Tatars attacked the land, killed the brave Polovtsian youths, plundered the Polovtsian vezhi, and captured young and old. Only one Crow managed to escape. The Tatar warriors Chembar, Vazhdya and Karai chased after her. The crow sought protection from his evil pursuers from the handsome Burtas, the Mordovian strongman Lomovis the Great. But they, frightened by the pursuit, went into impenetrable forests. The clever and brave young man Khoper from Slavic tribe Vyatichi At full gallop he picked her up, put her on his horse and rushed to the gray-haired Don, seeking protection. And the pursuers are getting closer and closer. The gray Don waved the river blanket and turned fugitives and pursuers into rivers.
From mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, a legend is passed on about how an old man named Khoper lived in the Poperechenskaya steppe a long time ago. One day he came across a hill, from the foot of which flowed more than a dozen transparent springs. cold water and ran away in different directions.
The old man connected the streambeds into one, built a small mill and ground grain for peasants from the surrounding villages; They say the bread made from this flour was delicious. The people named this river after its discoverer - Khoprom. At this place, where the springs unite into one river, grandfather Khoper sits on a stone under the shade of oak trees and the river flows from his beard.
The first information about Khoper is found in the chronicle of 1148. Prince Gleb Yuryevich, going to Ryazan, was also on the “Velitsa Vorona”. At that time, Khoper was called the Great Vorona.
In 1389 the river was called Prokhor. This is mentioned in the diary of Ignatius Smolyanin, who accompanied Metropolitan Pimen to Constantinople. But these are not the only names of the river. There were also others: Khoport, Koport, Kopor.

Fauna of the river and its surroundings.
V.I. Dal in his dictionary deciphered the word “Khoper” as “a den of wild geese.”

In the 16th century, the surroundings of Khopr were called “wild fields.” Countless flocks of cranes, geese, ducks, and snipes found comfortable shelters. Even swans were found in places of solitude. And currently, one of the spring and autumn migration routes of waterfowl passes along the river. geese and ducks lingered for a long time on the backwaters and reaches of the Khopra rich in food and the nearby lakes. Tall grasses hid herds of saigas. There were a lot of fish in the river: catfish, pike, bream, perch, crucian carp, pike perch, ide, roach, sometimes there were catfish weighing up to 90. kilogram. In the backwaters of Khopr and the lakes nearby there are quite large turtles (from 7 to 8 inches long), muskrats, rats, and snakes.
There are also nature reserves on Khopra with a rich flora and fauna - Arkadaksky, Almazovsky, Khopersky. They were organized in the period 1964–1973.
In the reserves the following are taken under protection: elk, fox, river beaver, muskrat, wild boar, roe deer, marten, brown hare. The Almazovsky Nature Reserve is the original habitat of the muskrat along the river. Khoper and natural beaver settlement.

The Muskrat is a living monument to an ancient era. On our planet, the muskrat lives only on the Iberian Peninsula and in the basin of the Ural, Volga and Don rivers. In the Saratov region, the muskrat is found throughout the river valley. Hopper. Thanks to its secretive lifestyle, this animal has survived to this day. In 1965, beavers were brought to Khoper from the Belarusian Nature Reserve.

The river beaver, the most valuable fur-bearing animal of our nature, was completely exterminated long before the revolution. After the restoration of beaver settlements in the Khopersky Nature Reserve, in the Voronezh region, beavers settled beyond its borders. In the Saratov region on the Khoper River in 1970 there were already about 400 of them. They settled along the entire river, including tributaries and lakes.

The river in the life of people of different eras.
In the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries, enterprising peasants, hunters, fishermen and especially beekeepers appeared on Khopra, who received the right to use rich untouched fishing and land along the Khopru and Medveditsa rivers for rent.
At the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries, the flow of fugitive peasants from Voronezh increased to Khoper, where the construction of sea vessels was carried out, begun on the initiative of Peter I. The Tambov governor complained that “Riflemen, Cossacks and other service people were fleeing from Tambov” to Khoper and the Bear. The first settlers of the Balasho district were attracted not only by the flora and fauna, but also by the rich soil. The steppe, untouched black soil attracted people with its natural fertility. The endless, wild, uncultivated steppe opened before their eyes.
In the 16th–17th centuries, throughout most of the Balashovsky district, especially along the Khoper River, dense, huge deciduous forests. In the forest kingdom, oak held primacy, which was used for the construction of barns, houses and churches. Elm, alder, and black maple could also be found.
For a long time, the power of Khoper water was used only in water mills. In the 30s of the 19th century, local merchants had an excellent opportunity to carry out rafting of goods along the Khopr to the Cossack villages of the Don and some cities of the Azov region. Former serf peasant from the village of Kopeny, Atkarsky district, Gerasim Prevratukhin, made a bold, adventurous journey on forest rafts down the Khopr River. In 1836, the possibility of river rafting was proven. A few years later, the first river barges appeared in Balashov, built by G. Prevratukhin near the village of Volynshchino (north of Bekovo). The merchants quickly realized that the Khoper could become a good trade route to the south, and the barge could be a cheap assistant for horse-drawn transport. By the end of the 50s of the 19th century, Balashov merchants floated bread, lard, alcohol, flour, oats, cereals, flaxseed, wheat, honey, potash and other goods along the Khopr to Rostov.

The preparation of cargo for shipment and the construction of barges were carried out in winter. In 1842, 12 barges passed along the Khopru, and in 1845 - 18, and from 1847 to 1850, from 30 to 40 barges were collected annually. Cargo moved slowly along the Khopr and Don, but much faster than by Chumatsky caravans overland. In addition, the waterway was cheaper than horse-drawn transport.
During the spring flood, the width of the Khopra in the area of ​​the city of Balashov reached 8 versts, and the depth reached 3–5 fathoms. This made it possible to float timber, grain, and barges along the Khopru to the region of the Don Army. At the end of the 19th century, rafting of timber and barges ceased. This was due to the railway on the territory of Balashovsky district.

In addition to barges, other ships could be seen on Khoper. At the beginning of the 20th century, workers from the Balashov locomotive depot assembled the steamship "Zarya", which sailed from Balashov to Nikol'evka on market days.

The rich land of the Khoper region attracted not only fugitive peasants and Cossacks, but also rich people of the royal court. Vast areas of land in the Khoper region were distributed by the royal court to noble nobles, boyars, princes, counts, and later landowners for various merits. IN forest-steppe zone Prikhoperye in different years The lands were owned by the Naryshkins, Chernyshevs, Vorontsovs, Kurakins, Golitsyns, Razumovskys, Vyazemskys, Volkonskys, Ignatievs and others. For many centuries, these included the lands on both sides of the Khoper River in its upper and middle reaches.
On the banks of the Khopra, in the Penza region, is located the ancient village of Zubrilovo, which in the 18th century was part of Balashovsky district. This is one of the most famous estates in the Russian province.
The main driveway leading to the estate still amazes with its magnificent view... It is planted on both sides with tall poplars. The alley leads to a large clearing with a spreading oak tree. The estate begins from this clearing.

Main alley

It arose in the 80s of the 18th century after Prince S.F. Golitsyn (1748–1810), major general, aide-de-camp of Catherine II, chose lands along the banks of the Khoper to build an estate.
S.F. Golitsyn arranged his estate without sparing any expense. On the territory of the estate there were: a three-story stone manor house, two large stone outbuildings, two greenhouses and the amazingly beautiful Church of the Transfiguration, larger than the largest county cathedral. Not far from the palace there is a temple-tomb for the owners of the estate, a small chapel and, a little to the side, a bell tower. This whole mass of buildings appears quite amazing to the eye.

General S.F. Golitsyn and his wife Varvara Vasilievna, nee Engelhardt, niece of G.A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky, received many famous contemporaries at the Zubrilovsky Palace. The poet Grigory Romanovich Derzhavin, who lived in Tambov in 1788, often visited. In Zubrilovka he wrote the famous “Autumn during the siege of Ochakov.”
The future fabulist I.A. Krylov lived for some time as S.F. Golitsyn’s secretary and mentor to his children. And they had a treasured place in the thicket of the forest, where there was a lonely oak tree, under which the education of the princely undergrowth took place. And as the legend says, it was under this oak tree that the famous fable “A Pig under the Age-Old Oak Tree…” was written. Now a small oak tree grows in this place - the great-grandson of that Krylovsky.

Oak by I. Krylov (mid 1960)

Later, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries family nest The Golitsyn-Prozorovskys were visited by the famous artist V.E. Borisov-Musatov. Impressed by what he saw, he painted the paintings “Tapestry”, “Pond”, “Ghosts”, “Walk at Sunset”, which marked the flowering of his talent.
Thanks to one of the sons of the first owner - Prince F.S. Golitsyn (1781–1840) collected a significant art collection in Zubrilovka. The white Empire hall housed a portrait gallery. Among the portraits, of which there were at least one and a half hundred, works by Lampi, Molinari, Vigee-Lebrun, Levitsky and other artists were exhibited, whose names remained unknown. A round hall decorated with flowers and rare plants, decorated with marble sculptures, vases, bas-reliefs. The collection of decorative and applied arts was extensive, especially porcelain and enamels. The library kept most valuable books and documents.
In the fall of 1905, agitators appeared on the estate calling for the burning of boyar estates and expelling the landowners. It only took one night for the century-and-a-half-old splendor to completely perish. All that was left of the Zubrilov palace were half-burnt walls. During the fire and destruction, almost all of Zubrilovka’s artistic treasures were lost. Only the portraits that were then at the Tauride Exhibition in St. Petersburg, and a collection of miniatures, taken by the owner to the capital shortly before the spontaneous and senseless peasant revolt, have survived. As a result, one of the wonderful ancient estates in the Saratov province was destroyed.
The burned palace was later repaired, but lost interior decoration can't be returned.

The Zubrilovskaya estate is also famous for its temple, built more than 250 years ago according to the design of Italian masters. This is one of the few operating churches where services are held regularly. Art historians are still arguing about who painted the temple. And this temple is fraught with a mystery that has not yet been solved. But the fact is that on the outer wall of the temple there is an icon of the Most Holy Mother of God measuring one meter by two. According to the priest of this church, Father Nicholas, this icon is more than 200 years old, it has never been restored and looks as if it was painted just yesterday. During the times of atheism, this icon was desecrated more than once - it was painted over. But a miracle happened - the icon restored itself to its previous form!
And here is another mystery of the Zubrilov estate - an architectural creation of wondrous beauty called the “Maiden Tower”. They say different things about this tower. Either the princes imprisoned unfaithful wives here, or they built them according to the model of those towers that they saw in their military campaigns around Western Europe.
No less mysterious are the cellars of the former estate of Prince Naryshkin in Letyazhevka, and the miraculously preserved unique park in the village of Pady, trees for which Prince Naryshkin brought from distant countries, and amazing story the village of Turki, and the mystery famous Dead pool near Arkadak.

Ecological and biological characteristics of the river.
The valley of Khopra is covered mixed forests, there are many lakes and oxbow lakes. Within our region, the width of the river is from 40 meters to 100 meters, the depth is 5–6 meters. During floods, the water level rises to 8 meters. Starting from the end of the 17th century, shipping began to develop intensively on Khoper. But Khoper became shallower year after year, which was facilitated by thoughtless economic activity person. They did a bad job predatory logging forests, siltation of bottom springs, soil erosion, etc. In some areas the river was cluttered with fallen trees, and at depth with bog oak. And although with the help of the Bolshe-Karayskaya hydroelectric power station, built in 1958, it was possible to raise the water level within Balashov, the speed of the river flow sharply decreased, which ultimately led to an increase in bottom sediments and the proliferation of algae. One of the main reasons for waterlogging of Khopr is the discharge of waste containing large number organic matter. They contribute to the growth of swamp vegetation. The most favorable environment is created for the proliferation of blue-green algae that produce toxins. They have a detrimental effect on river flora and fauna, impoverishing it species composition. In turn, the water poisoned by toxins enters the centralized water supply systems of the city.
Over the course of 10–15 years, springs disappeared in the Almazovo, Arkadak and other places.
We need a comprehensive science-based program for improving the health of the Khopra basin, the priority areas of which could be:

1. complete cessation of discharge of industrial and domestic waste into the river waste water;
2. cleaning the river bed with the subsequent creation of a sanitary zone on its coast within the city limits;
3. organization of environmental general education of the population.

The Khoper flows smoothly, calmly, lazily, and, if you look from a bird's eye view, it seems as if it has frozen, basking in the sun, and is thinking “his long thought.” And he has something to think about. Centuries flew over him, eras changed, but it was quiet and calm on its banks. And only the “past century” made me think. He invaded the old man's thoughts with the sound of axes and the sound of saws in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Deforestation began along the banks and the transformation of forest areas into arable land. The banks with exposed stump rhizomes and everything that was once the secret of the river have now become dry and dusty. There are almost no meadows left either. The arable land comes close to the water in some places. In some places, the browned arable land has been abandoned, thistles are swaying on it and the prickly tartarberry looms crimson.
“The twentieth century” invaded the old man’s thoughts with the roar of tractors, the rhythmic beat of working pumps, the chatter of boat engines. And this century plunged the old man into amazement and confusion: “They take, they take everything, they take forest, they take water, they take fish, they take tributaries and the catchment area . Will I last? Is there enough strength? And how long will I last?” And he doesn’t find an answer to his thoughts. And no one gives him an answer: neither the tractor driver on the powerful Kirovets, plowing the floodplain, nor the driver of the irrigation installation, nor the engine driver rushing along the river with the breeze.

1. Pechurin E.A., Tanonin V.V. City of Balashov //Saratov Volga Book Publishing House. 1979//
2. Demin A.M. Geography of the Saratov region // Lyceum Publishing House. 2005 // One Hundred Questions about Balashov - an information and methodological manual on local history (issue 2) // Balashov City Central Library. 2002 //
3. Khrekov A.A., Kiselnikov A.B. The first stage of development of the electronic museum exhibition “Historical and cultural heritage of the Khoper region: archaeological and tourist routes.”
4. B.A. Sofinsky “Two mysteries of the Zubrilov estate...” //Children’s regional local history newspaper “Not Far Away” No. 1, 2007//
5. V. Smotrov, A. Smotrova, V. Statsenko “Khoper and the Aral – brothers forever?..” (scientific and journalistic essay) //Balashov, Nikolaev Publishing House, 2004//
6. A.P. Bolmosov My favorite land. Geography of Balashovskaya land.
7. http//www.nasledie-rus/podshivka/8602.php
8. This material We have posted it to a greater extent in the project “The River Flows” (team “Globus” of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 12 of Balashov, Saratov Region” on the website

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  • Interregional environmental and educational festival-marathon "Let's Defend Khoper!" will be held from July 17 to 26 on the initiative of the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This complex event, dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society, includes an eco-marathon along the banks of the Khoper River, as well as an art song festival. Its goal is to preserve the ecosystems of the Khopr, which originates in the Penza region and rushes a thousand kilometers deep into the European part of Russia.

    Environmental and educational events ("Khoper Day", "Live long, Grandfather Khoper", the festival of the author's song "Khoper", scientific and sports rafting on the river and others) have been held at the sources of the Khoper and its coastal territory in the Penza region since 2012. All of them were initiated by the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and aimed at preserving one of the longest rivers in Russia.

    During the marathon, the organizers plan to attract local residents, youth of the Prikhoprovsky territories (Penza, Saratov, Voronezh, Volgograd regions) to cleaning the banks of the Khopr River from garbage and conducting environmental raids. Information about sources of pollution collected during such raids can be sent to the organizing committee of the festival-marathon - fondntr2012 Such actions help to attract the attention of citizens to environmental problems and combining efforts in environmental activities.

    The marathon will begin on July 17 with the landing of a youth environmental landing of cadets of the 46th Cossack school in the city of Penza at the source of the Khopra under the leadership of teacher-mentor Oleg Funtikov. The guys will put the area in order, set up a military field camp and hold sporting events.

    On July 18, the traditional environmental and educational campaign “Khoper Day” will be held, during which the official start of the festival-marathon “Defend Khoper!” will be given. Participants of the action will receive an environmental and educational lecture about the river, children’s environmental quizzes, poetry readings, performances by amateur groups, master classes by tourists and environmentalists, demonstration performances by Cossacks.

    On the same day, the jury of the annual art song festival “Khoper-2015” will begin work, which will be held from July 24 to 26 near the village of Kurakino, Serdobsky district, as part of the “Defend Khoper!” marathon. and will unite singer-songwriters from the Khoprovsky regions, the Volga region and the center of Russia.

    The festival program includes awards for marathon participants, performances by singer-songwriters, “Beauty Khopra” and “Child of Khopra” competitions, performances by the best musical groups of the Sur region and honored guests of the festival. At the end of the festival, environmental cleaning of the concert site will take place. Applications for participation in the art song festival are accepted until July 23, the jury will select best works authors and performers.

    In addition, the finalists of the competition will be announced on July 18 children's drawing“Our Khoper”, which started on the initiative of the Serdob local branch of the Russian Geographical Society in 2014.

    The organizers of the festival-marathon "Let's Defend Khopyor!" are the Penza Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, the Penza Union of Cossacks, Rosprirodnadzor of Russia for the Penza Region, the Penza Regional Foundation for Scientific and Technical Development, the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after V.G. Belinsky. The event will be held with the support of the Government of the Penza region, the Penza Metropolis, the Public Chamber of the Penza region, the Penzavtorsyryo group of companies, the EKA green movement, the Juno holiday center, as well as the Administrations of the Penza, Kolyshleysky, Serdobsky, Bekovsky, Tamalinsky districts of the Penza region.

    Live long, grandfather Khoper!