Properties of rowan wood. Common rowan is not an ordinary tree, but a whole pharmacy

Another beautiful and bright autumn craft - DIY rowan will definitely captivate you in creative process children and parents. You can use natural material to create original flower arrangements, or you can make a twig with berries using your knowledge of beadwork.

Let's start with the simplest one do-it-yourself rowan crafts, which preschool children or students can do junior classes. We will make an interesting mosaic applique on a sheet of cardboard using beads. You can buy beads made in China, because in this craft it doesn’t matter how even the beads are.

On a cardboard base, you need to draw a bunch of rowan berries with leaves, while the berries should be drawn round and large. It is advisable to draw thin lines with a pencil, which can then be masked with glitter; most likely, you will need red and green glitter (or orange, yellow flowers, if you make an autumn bunch with already yellowed leaves).

In this case, how to make rowan with your own hands, it is better to use silicone-based glue for mosaics rather than PVA glue; it will fix the beads to the surface faster. You need to grease one element (berries or leaves) of the picture and sprinkle beads on top: for berries - red, for leaves - orange or green, your choice. Thus, you need to fill in all the elements without going beyond the outline. Each time, the beads must be pressed with your finger against the surface of the cardboard for more secure fastening. When the glue sets, you can turn the sheet over and all the excess beads will fall off on their own, after which you need to manually fill in the empty spaces, if any.

You need to draw glitter along the contour of each berry and leaf, and also draw a stem with glitter, and now DIY rowan branch can become a decoration in your home, and your grandmother will be especially happy with such a craft, because this is the first creative success of her grandchildren.

Do-it-yourself rowan

By the way, many needlewomen forget that you can make original jewelry from natural materials, for example, DIY rowan beads, which are perfect for a themed autumn photo shoot. Many creative brides add such elements to their finished product, and it looks more refined and delicate than those for which ordinary fresh roses are used.

DIY rowan wreath can be made using not only bunches of berries, but also twigs with yellowed leaves and other autumn materials.

If you decide to do do-it-yourself rowan crafts, photo ideas can be found on the Internet, and the first thing you stumble upon on the vastness of the global web is a beaded tree. Its craftswomen perform it in two versions: autumn - with yellowed leaves, winter - with a “snow” cap over the bunches.

The berries themselves can be made using several beads, or you can take large red beads, and for the leaves twist five green beads in the same way as we did for other beaded trees.

Beads can be made into prefabricated pieces, i.e. make not only rowan branches, but also other flowers and plants, which are arranged into one beautiful flower arrangement.

For such crafts, thin wire is used, from which individual branches are created. At the end, these thin branches are combined into several thick ones, from which the finished tree is formed.

To make your creation pleasing to the eye, it must be mounted on a stand or in a decorative pot; plaster or alabaster is used for fixation. The pot also needs to be decorated; you can draw a “Khokhloma” pattern on it or simply wrap it with twine.

DIY paper rowan

Naturally, if we're talking about about DIY rowan berries, then we must not forget about the most accessible material for creativity - this is, of course, paper. The quilling technique allows you to create bright, voluminous floral paintings and cards using only paper strips and glue.

First you need to think about what it will be like DIY rowan bouquet, it is even possible to make a sketch on a sheet of thick white cardboard where the berries will be located and where the leaves will be. As a basis, you can take a picture from the Internet and modify it to suit our technique.

Ready-made strips can be bought in stores, along with other art supplies; you can also cut them out yourself by first drawing a sheet of red and green paper into strips with a pencil. The width of one strip can be 5-7 mm.

Each strip is twisted, then the resulting element must be given a shape (a drop, a heart, an eye or a circle). And from many such elements the finished picture is laid out; you must glue them to the surface using PVA.

There is another available material from which you can make, for example, this corrugated paper. Children like to work with corrugated paper because it easily glues, cuts and creases. And done DIY paper rowan will fill your home bright colors, and will lift your spirits on cold rainy autumn evenings.

Rowan is perhaps one of the most common trees in Russia. You can know with confidence that every resident of our country knows exactly what rowan looks like. Older generations remember with pleasure the taste of sour berries, which become sweeter in the cold - a small piece of childhood that remains with a person for life.

This plant can grow almost anywhere. This is explained by its unpretentiousness and endurance. That is why it is most often chosen for decorating a personal plot. Rowan can become really important element of landscape design country house. Its advantages lie not only in its endurance, as mentioned above. Appearance Rowan wood is pleasing to the eye and attracts attention, which can look advantageous against the background of monotonous decorative and complex decorations.

This short article, as one can already understand from the previous paragraphs, will be entirely devoted to rowan. This famous plant is of particular interest not only to specialists in the field of botany, but also to the ordinary reader, drawn to interesting information about everything at once.

Rowan - description. Characteristics of rowan

To begin with, it’s worth simply describing the rowan, and also answering a very common question that relates to this plant. Many users on the network ask the question “Is rowan a shrub or a tree?” If you think about it, this question is very logical, if you look closely at the mountain ash, you really won’t immediately understand whether it is a bush or a tree, its structure matches both characteristics, so it can be either a bush or a tree.

Finding the answer to this question is quite easy. You just need to enter “Wikipedia rowan” into the search engine, and all the information about it will be posted in the first paragraph of the article on this comprehensive resource. The fact is that this plant itself is a tree, but at the same time There are also shrub varieties. The tree family is Rosaceae, the root system is well developed, reaches 2 meters in depth and spreads to 5 meters in diameter, the type of fruit is spherical, the height of the tree usually reaches 6-15 meters. Rowan doesn't look very good tall tree, which has a straight trunk, as well as a crown, the shape of which can be described as ovoid.

Rowan trees are distinguished by their smooth bark and grayish color. . Leaves can be of different shapes: oblong-lacental or simply oblong, alternate, also called imparipinnate. This plant is indeed a very beautiful tree, which determines its popularity as an ornamental plant. The old leaves of this shrub are not pubescent, unlike the young ones.

Rowan is especially beautiful during its flowering period, when it begins to bloom, and also looks very pretty in the fall. The flowers are collected in a kind of panicle, maybe white or have a pinkish tint. The smell of rowan flowers, however, is not particularly pleasant. This is a plant bears fruit annually, but one should not naively believe that the “harvest” can be collected in specified deadlines. Approximately once every three years the plant produces a full “harvest”.

The rowan tree usually blooms in late spring or early summer. At the same time fruit development begins in autumn in September. Gradually, they turn from white berries into red or black fruits. Of course, the berries of the rowan tree may not be on a par with the berries of cherries or grapes when comparing their taste, but in terms of usefulness they can easily compete with them.

Some growing features

When planting any plant, you should first learn about the peculiarities of its cultivation. This will avoid possible subsequent death of the plant as a result of improper care.

  • In the case of rowan, you don’t have to worry when planting it. As already mentioned above in this article, this plant is very, very hardy and unpretentious, and feels quite comfortable in almost any soil. Also, don’t forget about something else important quality This plant is frost-resistant. This ability allows the mountain ash to withstand even the harshest winters quite calmly. In addition, the plant can boast of resistance even to high temperatures.
  • This plant is ideal for lovers of beautiful landscapes who prefer to put a lot of effort into caring for plants, as it practically does not require constant, regular watering. True, in summer it is recommended to periodically moisten the soil under the rowan tree. Also, thanks to its strong and developed root system, the plant will not fall before strong gusts of wind. It should also be noted that the plant is resistant to highly polluted city air.

The value of rowan as an ornamental plant

It has already been said above that rowan is often used by landscape designers as an ornamental plant. Moreover, both rowan trees and shrubs are used. Popularity of rowan used for decoration is due to a number of reasons. First of all, you should definitely point out the beauty of the crown of a rowan tree or shrub, which stands out for its density and compactness. Of course, plants with a “weeping” crown shape are most often used.

It is also worth noting the beauty of rowan leaves, which are distinguished by their unusual shape. In addition, in the fall the leaves become orange-reddish tint. In addition, bright rowan berries, which are able to retain their beautiful color even up to late winter., rowan leaves are also very suitable for autumn herbarium.

Types of mountain ash

Many people don't even know that they exist different types rowan Most often you can come across rowan species with red berries, but there are also aronia varieties mountain ash (photo), which are highlighted as a separate species. It is worth noting that the fruits of both types, both red and black, have medicinal properties. The most common type of this plant is the mountain ash. There are more than forty varieties in total.

Serious work on the selection of mountain ash species was carried out by the famous Russian scientist Michurin. The scientist has developed several new hybrids of this plant. It was thanks to his research that chokeberry , which has already been mentioned in this article. In principle, it is very similar to the ordinary rowan species, but it does not belong to this species. In fact, this is a separate hybrid plant that has its own name - chokeberry.

Medicinal properties

The fruits of the mountain ash have long been used by people as a folk medicine. Rowan berries contain various vitamins, as well as glucose, fructose and sorbic acid. All these components very beneficial to the body, especially weakened by illness.

  • It is necessary to identify some ailments for which decoctions of healthy rowan berries are sometimes used. It is recommended to drink such decoctions for hypertensive patients and people suffering from atherosclerosis. Also this folk remedy can help with disorders of the heart, kidneys and liver. Rowan juice can be used in cases where a person has gastritis, hemorrhoids or low acidity. One of the beneficial components of the fruit of this plant- sorbic acid - can become a serious assistant in the fight against dysentery bacillus and staphylococcus.
  • The berries of the plant are sometimes used as a preservative for food products, as well as for water purification. Our ancestors even had a certain way of purifying water - at night they simply threw a branch of this plant into a bucket of water. This method not only allowed the water to remain fresh for a long time, but also imparted a pleasant taste.

The meaning of rowan in ancient rituals

The importance of mountain ash was noted in ancient times. Cases of using the plant as a decorative ornament and medicine have already been indicated above, but still in pre-Christian Rus' in some regions, people used rowan for certain rituals. For example, there were wedding ceremonies, which involved laying rowan leaves on the shoes of the newlyweds, and also placing rowan berries in their pockets.

The specified plant in this case used as a symbol of protection against the possible machinations of witches and sorcerers. Rowan trees were also planted next to the house for the same purpose. Rowan was also used to drive out spirits that brought various diseases and illnesses to people.

In addition, the value and significance of rowan among the people is emphasized by the existence various legends, which were passed down from mouth to mouth for more than one generation. For example, you can point out an interesting and original legend that tries to explain the presence of bitterness in the taste of rowan fruits. According to this legend, the rowan tree was created by the devil himself from the tears of Eve when she was expelled from paradise.

It was believed that this served as a kind of symbol of Satan's victory over humanity. But after the Creator discovered the similarity of the leaves of the rowan tree with the cross, he took it from the devil's garden. This could not please the devil, who subsequently set out to destroy his own creation so that it would not go to the Creator and people. But he failed to do this, only as a result of trying the berries of the rowan tree have become bitter.

Decorative and medicinal properties rowan trees, which have already been mentioned in this article, are not the only advantages of this beautiful plant. The qualities and properties of the wood of this tree make it possible to make various joinery products from it. Here it is necessary to mention the main advantages of rowan wood-strength and elasticity.

As already mentioned, there are quite a few different varieties of this plant, but one of them can boast of quite large fruits. Large-fruited rowan berries are really large compared to the fruits of other varieties of this plant. One berry can weigh twenty grams and have a diameter of three and a half centimeters. The fruits of large-fruited rowan are very tasty. At the same time, this variety is not as unpretentious as other types of mountain ash. She doesn't really like winter, so she needs special care. Interesting fact about large-fruited mountain ash is that it was bred in Crimea by the Crimean Tatars.

Rowan with sweet fruits instead of bitter ones, it was first found in the village of Nevezhino, Vladimir region. From there it spread throughout Russia. It was this variety with sweet fruits, called nevezhensky, that at the beginning of the twentieth century was used for the mass production of tincture, which was called “Nezhinskaya”.

Rowan picture

By the end of autumn, bright orange spots, like lights, are especially striking. Heavy bunches of berries hang on rowan branches. Rowan is a forest tree, but it was so popular among the people that in almost every village or hamlet it was planted near houses. Picked bunches of rowan berries were hung under the roofs of houses and barns. After the first autumn frosts, the berries became sweeter, and the village children devoured them with pleasure. Also in the pre-winter period and harsh winter Rowan fruits have served and continue to serve as an excellent treat for small birds and forest animals.

Rowan received its generic name Sorbus from the Celtic word for “tart,” which referred to the taste of the fruit. The Latin species name, Aukuparia, means “to catch birds,” since according to a long-standing custom, rowan fruits were used as bait for catching birds.

Rowan mainly grows in the Northern Hemisphere, as it is a cold-resistant and unpretentious tree. Rowan berries also grow in harsh conditions Kamchatka, some species reach the highlands Central Asia and to the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

The genus Rowan has more than 100 species. Among all species, the common rowan is especially common. And although it is undemanding to environmental conditions, at the same time it is characterized by increased sensitivity to lighting. Rowan prefers forest edges and woodlands. In a dense forest, rowan rarely stretches to a great height, usually stops in the second tier, and feels unwell due to shading by other trees.

IN favorable conditions mountain ash reaches 15-20 meters. The tree lives long - up to 150 years. During this time, rowan is capable of producing a huge amount of fruit. The fruits of the mountain ash are small, bright red, and some varieties, for example, known throughout the world nevezhinskaya rowan, They are distinguished by very large and frost-resistant fruits and high yield.

The first lover of rowan fruits among the inhabitants of the forest is the mountain ash thrush. At bountiful harvests rowan trees in the forest, birds are delayed in leaving for the winter until February. The birds unite in flocks, and after their raid, all the fruits from the trees disappear. Other blackbirds, red-breasted bullfinches, and elegant pinkish-gray waxwings also fly to the rowan tree. Wood grouse, black grouse, and hazel grouse are not against eating rowan fruits. The squirrel generally prepares berries for the winter; wild boars and even bears feed on them before going to their den. Moose catch juicy grapes with their lips, lifting their heads up.

About the benefits of rowan

The structure of the rowan fruit is simple: on the outside there is tender pulp, and inside there is a seed protected by a shell. Having passed through the digestive apparatus of many birds, the seed is not damaged. The seeds come out along with the droppings and give rise to new mountain ash. And only the bullfinch does not leave behind seeds: at its feeding site you can find scattered rowan pulp, and the nutritious seed is used for food.

Rowan is also an excellent honey plant. From 1 hectare you can collect up to 40 kg of reddish aromatic honey.

Rowan fruits contain many different sugars and organic acids. Of particular note is the presence of sorbic acid, which has an antimicrobial effect. Although rowan fruits contain a lot of sugars, the berries taste bitter. Again because of sorbic acid. A special substance is the glycoside of sorbic acid, which gives the fruit its characteristic rowan bitterness, but frost destroys the glycoside, and the fruit becomes much sweeter.

An interesting fact is that the air around the mountain ash becomes sterile! Few people know about this now, but in the old days, peasants lined potatoes with chopped rowan leaves to preserve supplies until the next harvest. A fresh rowan branch was lowered into a barrel with drinking water. Thanks to this, the water did not spoil and acquired a pleasant taste. In the same way, swamp water was disinfected, which could then be drunk.

Not only rowan fruits can bring benefits. In the old days, bushings, axes, furniture, dishes and much more were made from rowan wood.

Use in medicine

Rowan fruits were used to treat kidneys, cleanse the intestines, and cure dysentery, scurvy, whooping cough, and malaria. Rowan juice is a powerful antibiotic! In winter and spring, rowan juice replenishes the lack of vitamins, and at the same time reduces blood pressure and calms the nerves. If you have poor appetite, poor blood clotting and low acidity of gastric juice, try your grandmother’s old medicine - a handful of ripe rowan fruits.

Bark decoction Trees today are used for hypertension, branches - for rheumatism, flowers (infusion and decoction) - for diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, hemorrhoids, colds, coughs, in gynecology, goiter. An infusion and decoction of flowers, leaves and fruits is recommended as a diaphoretic for colds, after serious illnesses, operations, with vitamin deficiencies.

In medical practice, the fruits are used for hypovitaminosis, liver and kidney diseases, metabolic disorders, whooping cough, throat diseases, glaucoma, and externally as a wound healing agent. Rowan berry juice is useful for anemia, asthenia, gout, malignant tumors, low acidity of gastric juice, gastritis, dysmenorrhea, atherosclerosis. Syrup - for rheumatism, kidney stones, bladder stones, salt metabolism disorders. Rowan fruits are included in vitamin and multivitamin preparations.

Rowan is good for filling pies, and for jellies, jams, compotes, and syrups. You can make delicious candied fruits from it.

Recipe for a sore throat

What to do if your throat hurts ? Rowan juice helps with laryngitis and pharyngitis; they need to gargle. But at the same time, the juice must be diluted in the ratio: 1 tablespoon of juice per 1 glass warm water. An infusion of rowan fruits also treats throat diseases: 2 teaspoons of dried fruits are infused in two glasses of boiling water for an hour, filtered.

Recipe for candied rowanberries

Take 1 kg of rowan fruits, 1 kg granulated sugar and 300 g of water. Pour the washed bunches with hot sugar syrup and bring to a boil three times, with an interval of one day. Boil for the fourth time for 40 minutes. Then cool, drain the syrup and dry the berries in the oven over low heat. The candied fruits are ready.

Garlic-rowanberry seasoning recipe

Here is the recipe for the original garlic-rowanberry seasoning. For 5 handfuls of rowan take 2 heads of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. The berries along with the garlic are passed through a meat grinder, stirring, salt and sugar are added. The resulting mass is placed in a glass jar and then tightly closed.

Agree, not really common tree- ordinary rowan!

Fruit wood is valuable material, which can be used for construction, but is more often used for decoration, making decorative items and tools, as it has a beautiful texture.

To ensure that the finished item is not just beautiful, but also durable, special attention devoted to material processing. There are Features of drying fruit wood, which must be taken into account so that the treated surface does not subsequently have defects.

When fruit tree wood is properly dried, it is very durable, does not crack, and is easy to process, cut, saw, polish and sand.

How to dry apple wood

Apple wood is the most common material among all types of fruit tree wood. This is due to the wide distribution of the plant itself.

Before how to dry apple wood, you need to create the right conditions and pick up temperature regime which will ensure the safety of the structure. After processing, the core should acquire a red-brown tint and yellow-pink sapwood, the rays of the core should be inconspicuous.

Apple wood is highly drying, heavy, hard, has average resistance to biological damage, and is also of average density. The shrinkage rate is even higher than that of hardwood.

All this suggests that dry apple wood it is necessary in a special mode to avoid warping and cracking.

  1. lumber is stacked in a place protected from weather influences;
  2. atmospheric drying is carried out until a certain humidity level is reached (20-25%);
  3. moisture-heat treatment and soft drying are carried out;
  4. Final drying is carried out at temperatures up to 60 degrees to a humidity of 12%.

When the process is carried out correctly, it takes 25-30 days, which takes a lot of time. But forcing drying apple wood leads to a decrease in quality.

Apple tree with its beautiful texture and remarkable properties is used mainly to create:

  • decorative products;
  • designer furniture;
  • musical instruments;
  • expensive dishes.

Even wood chips and twigs have found use; they are used when smoking products to give them a special golden crust.

How to dry pear wood

The pear is the third most common fruit tree after the apple tree. When properly dried, pear wood has a soft texture; vessels, rays and annual rings are faintly visible at the cut site. The shade is very pleasant, it can vary from pink to brown, from yellow to red, which depends on the age of the cut tree and how the item was used and whether it was in direct sunlight.

If dry pear wood That's right, it has a high density, but at the same time remains flexible and can be easily painted, sanded, and polished. The pear dries out greatly and easily releases moisture, despite the fact that when freshly cut it has a humidity of 90-100%.

Process drying pear wood should be carried out according to this scheme:

  1. steaming at 110 degrees until lightening (the optimal color is uniform pinkish-brown) and reaching 130% humidity;
  2. drying at a temperature of 70 degrees to a humidity of 30-35%;
  3. drying at a temperature of 50 degrees to a humidity of 22%;
  4. moisture-heat treatment and drying at a temperature of 30 degrees until a humidity of 9% is achieved.

Drying pear wood Ideally it takes 20-25 days, after which processing can begin. This material is most in demand for the manufacture of:

  • living room furniture;
  • bedroom furniture;
  • boxes and decorative items;
  • imitation ebony.

How to dry cherries

Cherry and cherry wood are popular for their special pink hue. In some countries, in Germany in particular, these trees are specially bred for timber. In Russia, industrial breeding is carried out in the Krasnodar region.

A special difference between cherries and sweet cherries is their pinkish-brown hue, which becomes deeper and more saturated the older tree, the red color comes through well. The structure of the wood is uniform, the fibers are straight, and the annual rings are clearly visible. Craftsmen especially value cherry because when polishing, even without using special compounds it acquires a characteristic glossy shine.

Correct drying fruit wood Cherry and cherries make it possible to obtain a material that is easy to process, cut, and becomes resistant to rotting.

Since sweet cherry wood is low-drying and practically does not warp, the drying process is quite simple:

  1. stacking;
  2. drying under diffused sunlight for up to 12 days;
  3. steaming;
  4. soft drying at 40 degrees;
  5. the second drying phase at a temperature of 70 degrees for up to 15 days;
  6. moisture-heat treatment and drying to a humidity of 8-10%.

Drying cherries usually takes about 30 days. This is exactly what is needed to get really high-quality wood from which you can make:

  • parquet;
  • souvenirs;
  • sliced ​​veneer;
  • exclusive furniture;
  • musical instruments (pianos, grand pianos);
  • smoking pipes;
  • small-sized dishes.

Drying of other fruit species

In addition to apple, pear and cherry, wood is widely used:

  • plums;
  • apricot;
  • quinces;
  • peach;
  • mulberries;
  • bird cherry;
  • rowan;
  • persimmons;
  • walnut.

Features of drying fruit wood associated with structural features, density, humidity, resistance to biological agents. In any case, the conditions are individual for each breed, and a competent drying process takes from 20 to 40 days.

Although industrial drying is optimal to obtain an ideal result, it is also possible at home if the features of the process are studied, you have a professional moisture meter and good dryers are selected.

The optimal option for forming a grape bush is to form it on a trunk. This form allows you to give the greatest load to the plant, and therefore get the greatest harvest. It provides better heating of the vines, good ventilation, which makes the bushes less sick, and is also considered the most convenient to care for. However, it is suitable only for those areas where the temperature does not drop below minus 17 °C, and for certain varieties - minus 28 °C.

Most owners of personal plots would like to see a water corner in their garden - at least a small one, but still their own personal “lake”. In response to this request, ready-made structures for constructing express reservoirs made of polymer materials appeared on sale. The task of those who want to have a pond is to dig a suitable hole and install a plastic bowl of the selected configuration into it. But how to choose the right container for a pond?

Zucchini contains vitamins A and C, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others useful substances. Its dietary fiber adsorbs toxins and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. This vegetable is considered an essential dietary product. Thanks to its delicate pulp, easily digestible by the body, it is recommended as the first complementary food for children. At the same time, zucchini is not that difficult to grow. But there are tricks that will help you get a truly rich harvest from each bush.

When buying any orchids whose characteristics include a note about fragrantness, it is worth clarifying exactly how they smell and how strong the aroma is. Like other fragrant plants, orchids with a moderately pronounced and strong aroma should be selected individually and according to your taste, because the perception of odors is very personal and does not always lend itself to logic. Orchids with a strong scent will require and the right choice places: they cannot be placed in small rooms, bedrooms.

A fluffy cake sponge that never falls off. The sponge cake according to this recipe is not only fluffy, it is also very tender, slightly moist, and all because it is added to the dough. olive oil. There are a couple of devices that you will need for a good result - good baking parchment (no need to take the cheapest paper), a springform pan with a diameter of 20 to 22 cm. The recipe indicates the weight of eggs without shells, depending on the size you may need 4-5 things.

Growing crops with a long growing season through seedlings is a painstaking process that takes more than one month. And, you see, it’s incredibly disappointing when the results of our labors perish in a matter of days. It is very difficult for seedlings grown on a windowsill to adjust and get used to a new habitat, although the conditions open ground much more natural for plants. Our task is to do everything possible to ensure that their survival rate approaches 100%.

When you want to plant and grow a low-maintenance garden, in which, even if you work, it’s not “until you drop,” then you have to look for suitable ornamental plants. Naturally, these plants should not be picky about soil, watering, and resistant to diseases and pests. But, not only that, we also need them to be decorative! And if they also bloomed beautifully... And what do you think? There are such plants. We’ll talk about one of them today – holly mahonia.

Beef roll with chicken fillet and sweet peppers - juicy, tasty and healthy. This dish is suitable for dietary and low calorie menu. A few thin slices of juicy meatloaf with a salad of fresh vegetables - what a breakfast before a working day. You'll have to tinker a little with shaping the product itself, and then watch it cook for a couple of hours - the rolls can be steamed in baking bags or boiled in a large saucepan at a temperature of about 80 °C.

Common parsnip, or field parsnip, or field parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) in the wild is widespread in regions with temperate climate (middle lane Russia, North Caucasus, Crimea, Ural, Altai, etc.), but is still rarely found in garden plots. True, today the popularity of parsnips is growing quite actively. In animal husbandry and beekeeping it is used as a fodder plant and honey plant, and in cooking as a tasty and healthy vegetable.

Among the plants, the very sight of which seems to transport us to a place filled with aroma. tropical forests, quisqualis is one of the most “atmospheric”. This is a rare and valuable indoor and greenhouse vine. And although the plant has long been reclassified into the genus Combretum, it is very difficult not to recognize it. This steeplejack is unusual in every way. The favorite feature of quisqualis remains the inflorescences, in which graceful flowers change from snow-white to crimson-red quite quickly.

Fast and very delicious salad from cabbage and pork. Koreans prepare a similar salad, apparently our housewives spied this one from them delicious recipe. Indeed, this is a very quick dish to prepare, and even without much culinary experience, it is easy to prepare. Choose lean pork, shoulder blade or sirloin are suitable. It is better to cut off the lard. Early cabbage You can simply chop it, but I advise you to chop the winter one thinly, sprinkle it with salt and rub it with your hands.

A universal favorite among decorative deciduous perennials, the hosta captivates not only with the beauty of its leaves. It is durable and relatively undemanding; it grows in the right place for many years, but it can hardly be called fast-growing. Hosta propagates easily, although to obtain spectacular, highly decorative bushes you will have to be patient. To independently increase your hosta collection, first of all, you need to remember the characteristics of this culture.

Dill spreads well by self-sowing, so many summer residents do not consider it necessary to sow this crop every year on their site. But everyone understands that dill and dill are different. And the greens of carefully grown dill in the garden in their own way taste qualities and the aroma, as a rule, is superior to dill, which grows on its own. In this article we will tell you how to have green dill in the beds in sufficient quantities with early spring until late autumn.

Stir-fry with beef, soy noodles, vegetables and Iceberg salad - recipe quick dinner or lunch for a busy person. It takes no more than 15 minutes to prepare, and you can feed it to a couple of hungry mouths that can’t bear to wait for a fancy lunch. Stir-fry is a method of quickly frying vegetables and meat that came to us from the east. Don't be upset if a wok is not among your kitchen utensils. A regular frying pan with a thick bottom and non-stick coating will also work.

Among plants that boast variegated foliage, alpinia claims to be not only the rarest, but also the most original crop. It simultaneously reminds of bamboos and calathea arrowroots, and sometimes even of vriesea. True, it resembles the latter only in its inflorescences. Luxurious leaves, most often covered with variegated contrasting stripes, look so modern that it is impossible not to admire the beauty of their impeccable patterns and shine.