Common tree frog. Red-eyed tree frog description report abstract information message photo presentation Arboreal lifestyle of the common tree frog corresponds

Many of us do not like amphibians - snakes, toads, frogs. But among them there are very cute, bright, extraordinary creatures. True, they are usually the ones who are really dangerous. Among them, a well-known representative of the amphibian family is tree frog , or, simply, tree frog.

Appearance of a tree frog

Tree frogs belong to the family of tailless amphibians, and include more than 800 species of tree frogs. The main difference between these frogs and others is the presence of special suction cups on their feet, thanks to which they are able to move vertically.

Such suction cups on the fingers are equipped with additional muscles that relax them and allow them to press more tightly to the substrate. In addition to such Velcro, there are also sticky areas on the skin of the abdomen and throat.

The second difference between woody ones is that many species are brightly colored, as can be seen in the photo. Shocking neon green, bright yellow, green-orange, and red colors highlight this amphibian, warning those who want to dine on it that this lunch will not only be the last in the life of the frog, because they are usually very poisonous.

Tree frogs are most often brightly colored

But there are also less noticeable types - gray or brown, for example, American tree frog. And the squirrel tree frog can even change color, adapting to the world around it.

The size of these amphibians depends on the species, and the largest of them are only up to 14 cm in length. On average, their size is only 2-4 cm, and dwarf tree frogs generally a little more than a centimeter.

This is not surprising, because heavy weight steeplejack frogs will not survive thin tree branches and leaves. Males are smaller than females, but they have a leather pouch under their throats, which they can inflate beautifully and make sounds to them.

Tree frogs' eyes typically protrude from their heads, providing binocular vision. The pupils are most often located vertically. The tongue is long and sticky, very useful for hunting insects.

It is worth mentioning separately tree frog toxicity– not everything is so scary for a person. Some generally only disguise themselves as dangerous. To be poisoned, you must allow the poison to enter the body.

Touching with hands can be unpleasant and painful, but not fatal. It is believed that poisonousness is not an innate quality of the frog. Studies have shown that the poison is adsorbed from insects, which contain them in minimal doses.

Tree frog habitat

Tree frogs live in temperate climatic zone Europe and Asia. The Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine are their habitat. In our country they live in the central part.

Pictured are American tree frogs

Many species live in Korea and China, Tunisia, the Japanese Islands and northwest Africa. North and South America, Türkiye, Australia, and the Caribbean islands are also the home of these amphibians.

Over time, they were settled in New Caledonia, New Zealand. A red tree frog has been found in the jungles of Panama and Costa Rica. Simply put, these amphibians live everywhere except Antarctica.

Frogs love to settle in humid tropical, mixed forests. The banks of reservoirs, swamps, and large wet ravines are also suitable for them. They live both in trees and on the forest floor, and some species live in lakes and ponds. This type of amphibian chooses to live in hot and humid thickets, where there are many insects.

Lifestyle of a tree frog

Tree frogs are both diurnal and night image life. Frogs are cold-blooded, and their body temperature depends on environment. Therefore, they are not afraid of either cold or heat.

Tree frog with inflated throat sac

When the air temperature becomes critically low, these amphibians go into suspended animation, burrowing into the ground. Tree frogs also live in the hot desert and can survive without water. for many years. It's no wonder how these creatures survived for 200 million years.

The poisonous mucus that forms on the skin of these frogs protects them from viruses and bacteria. Also, secretions form on the skin in moments of danger. As is usually the case, poisonous creatures can be both beneficial and healing.

So from fat tree frog preparing medicines against diabetes mellitus, hypertension, blood clots, to improve immunity and much more. Tree frog caviar oil is also used in medicine. Based on it, drugs are made to treat stroke and increase libido.

Tree frog nutrition

Baby tree frog tadpoles feed on plant matter. And adults are insectivores. Any and living in this ecosystem are suitable as food.

They eat frogs, caterpillars,... They use a long and sticky tongue to catch prey. There are cannibals in the family - golden tree frog, instead of insects, it eats its own kind.

Beautiful and unusual representatives of amphibians are also kept in home aquariums, where they are fed with live insects, such as worms, ground beetles, and other small invertebrates using tweezers.

Residues of food must be periodically removed from the terrarium and placed clean water into the drinking bowl and for bathing, as well as remove mucus harmful to frogs from the walls.

Reproduction and lifespan

Males use their secret weapon- songs with a throat pouch. Different species sing differently, so only the “right” brides respond.

Regarding behavior in mating season, then it is also different for different species. Representatives living in trees descend to the ground, where they call for a female. Most often, mating directly occurs in water.

The female tree frog lays her eggs in the water and the male fertilizes them. There are species that mate on the ground, and hide the eggs in curled leaves or even carry them on themselves until the tadpoles hatch.

There are about 2 thousand or more eggs in one clutch. They ripen completely differently in different species. There are “early ripening” caviar, which turn into larvae within a couple of days, and there is also one that needs two weeks to mature.

Pictured is a red-eyed tree frog

The larvae gradually turn into adult frogs, and this happens within 50-100 days. They become sexually mature only at 2-3 years of age. live different types different quantities time. There are those who do not live longer than three years, and some live 5-9 years. In captivity, some individuals live up to 20 years.

So far, amphibians living in water and on land have been described, but many of them decided to climb higher! Representatives tree frog family (Hylidae) especially popular among terrarium enthusiasts. They spend most of their lives in trees and bushes, and only sometimes go down. Some tropical species even manage without these “visits.”

They “take baths” and lay eggs in small ponds formed in the axils or rosettes of leaves and tree hollows. Long fingers with suction cups at the end allow them to climb not only trunks and branches, but also smooth leaves, and in captivity, glass, easily holding on to vertical surfaces. In addition, tree frogs are able to make huge jumps, instantly “sticking”, for example, to the opposite wall of the room.

Many species are brightly colored, as reflected in their names: "orange-sided", "golden", "variegated", etc., although most have a green or brownish protective coloration with spots and stripes. Three domestic species are common in Russia: common (Hula arborea), Asia Minor (N. savignyi) And Far Eastern (H.japonica) tree frog. These are small (3-4 cm) frogs that lead an arboreal lifestyle. All of them in one way or another belong to protected species.

As an example, consider the common tree frog, which lives in the south of the European part of Russia, in Krasnodar region and in the Caucasus. But in some years with particularly hot summers, tree frogs were found in the south of the Moscow region. Their green color makes them completely invisible against the background of green leaves. Their existence is revealed only by the sharp cries of the males. Their singing can be heard night and day, especially before rain. Adult tree frogs usually live in trees far from water, while young ones often stay on aquatic vegetation, sitting directly above the water (on reeds, cattails, reeds, sedges).

These frogs are active both day and night, but in the darkEvery day they feel bolder: they climb down from the trees and catch insects in the grass. They overwinter by burrowing into the litter or hiding in burrows, hollows, and under stones. Before wintering, the color of tree frogs changes to darker. They hunt various insects, but give preference to winged ones - flies or butterflies. Large prey, like other frogs, is stuffed into the mouth using the front legs. For breeding, they choose reservoirs whose banks are bordered by reeds, bushes and trees. Females lay eggs in the spring, in large clumps, in several stages. One female can lay up to a thousand eggs. Very small tadpoles, no more than 0.5 cm, hatch after 10 days. Their development lasts for 3 months; the size of the tadpole before metamorphosis is up to 5 cm. Frogs become sexually mature in the 3rd-4th year of life.

More attractive for home keeping are tropical tree frogs, whose breeding in captivity is well established, and therefore some species are sold in pet stores. Most often this Australian species: blue, or coral-toed, (Litoria caerulea) And long-legged (L. infrafrenata) litoria. These are large (up to 14 cm) amphibians of green color, sometimes with a bluish tint. Calm, even phlegmatic, they live well at home and are capable of simple training, which is why they often become pets. They require a spacious, high terrarium. A mixture of leaf soil, peat and expanded clay is used as a pound, in which plants with dense leathery leaves can be planted. It is necessary to place a wide and deep pond for swimming at the bottom. When decorating a terrarium, you can use driftwood and tree branches that will protect the plant stems from breakage. The temperature is slightly above room temperature: 20-32 °C. Humidity is about 80%. Food: crickets, cockroaches and other insects of suitable size. Tree frogs very readily eat flies and mosquitoes. They quickly get used to taking food from their fingers or tweezers. Tree frogs can be trained to croak when the lights are turned on. In order for the frogs to start making sounds, they use a box of matches - just shake it next to the terrarium, and the males begin to “respond”. If you do this every day when you turn on the light (lamps for illuminating the terrarium), then the tree frogs will produce conditioned reflex- croak when the owner approaches the terrarium and turns on the lamp. During the mating season, male tree frogs scream loudly on their own initiative, warning a possible rival that the given territory is already occupied, and attracting females with their cries.

Externally, the representatives look like tree frogs family of copepod frogs, or copepod, (Rhacophoridae), common in Southeast Asia And tropical Africa. Some Asian species They are famous for their ability to perform gliding flight with the help of greatly enlarged membranes between the toes of their hind legs. Most often it goes to amateurs house copepod (Polypedates leucomystax), breeding in captivity. These are medium-sized amphibians: the body length of males is 4-5 cm, females are twice as large. The color is brown with darker spots and stripes. They are undemanding to living conditions. The main thing that attracts the attention of amateurs to them is their method of reproduction. The eggs are laid in a foam nest built by the parents. It is located above the water, between the leaves of low-hanging plants. In a terrarium, copepods build a nest on the side walls or simply on the ground. After 2-5 weeks, the foam liquefies and the hatched tadpoles roll into the water. Small copepods are fed in the same way as tree frogs. And reproduction in captivity is stimulated with the help of hormonal injections, which is not available to beginners.

Of course, representatives of the poison dart frog family (Dendrobatidae). Incredibly bright color interesting behavior, beautiful “singing” and, last but not least, the deadly poison produced by the skin of some species attract the attention of not only biologists and ecologists, but also a large army of terrarium hobbyists. Fortunately, when kept and bred in captivity, the toxicity of the poison practically disappears. It is possible that it depends on living conditions and the type of food, but nothing is known for sure. This allows us to recommend Dendrobates as pets.

For a group of poison dart frogs (1 male and 3-4 females), a spacious terrarium with dimensions of at least 40 x 25 x 25 cm is required. The soil is a mixture of peat, fern roots and sphagnum. A driftwood with plants from the bromeliad family placed on it is required. Ventilation required. Temperature during the day is 23-27 °C, at night 19-22 °C. Humidity is about 70%. Lighting is required; in this case, it is advisable to provide for daily 30-60-minute quartz treatment with a LAU-30 lamp. Feed: small insects, spiders and other invertebrates; should be in stock, since dart frogs are very energetic frogs and in the event of a week-long hunger strike they can simply die, which is different from their other cold-blooded relatives who eat just once a week.

Reproduction of poison dart frogs is incredibly interesting, although very difficult for a novice terrarium hobbyist. The male, sitting on a horizontal leaf of the plant, calls to him with melodious trills the females who are ready to reproduce. Caviar in the amount of 5-10 pieces is deposited directly on this leaf. The male fertilizes it, and then remains nearby for a while, moistening the eggs with his mucus as needed. The tadpoles hatch on the 10-15th day, and the father carries them on his own back in a lump of foamy mucus to the nearest body of water: such a body of water is often water accumulated in the axils of bromeliad leaves. The female periodically visits her children, laying unfertilized eggs in their water, which serve as food for them. The male defends his territory and his “harem” (he usually has several females) by courageously attacking male poison dart frogs of his species.

They are imported into our country the following types Dendrobates: dye frog (D. auratus)- black-blue or black-yellow, about 4 cm in size; small poison dart frog (D. pumilo) - usually bright red with black or blue legs, 1.5-2 cm in size; blue (D. azureus) poison dart frog- blue-blue with black spots, size 4 cm; sacred (D. leucomelas) poison dart frog - black with bright yellow spots and stripes, 3.5 cm in size.

In terms of difficulty of keeping, other amphibians with equally bright colors can be compared with Dendrobates. For example, harlequins (Atelopus) - small toads from tropical areas of America and Madagascar frog mantella (Mantella). Unfortunately, all these interesting tailless amphibians do not live long - 5-6 years. (However, this is longer than the lifespan of a laboratory white rat - about one and a half years!). In addition, all exotics are poorly tamed, completely ignoring the existence of their own owner. Therefore, I do not suggest that beginners should definitely have them - this is the lot of “advanced” terrarium keepers who have accumulated great experience keeping amphibians in captivity. I just want you to love all amphibians, these wonderful animals - slippery, cold, but incredibly interesting and cute.

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Tree frog or tree frog (arboreal) is a frog that belongs to the phylum Chordata, class Amphibians (amphibians), order Tailless, family tree frog (lat. Hylidae).

The family received its Latin name due to its unusual colorful appearance. The first researchers compared these unusual animals with beautiful tree nymphs, which is reflected in its verbal definition. Russian concept“Frog” appeared, apparently, because of the characteristic loud voice of the amphibian.

Tree frog (tree frog) – description, structure, characteristics.

Due to the fact that the tree frog family includes a huge number of species, appearance These amphibians are very diverse. Some tree frogs are characterized by a flattened body structure with legs similar to knotty twigs, while other tree frogs have external resemblance with small frogs, and still others have a flabby torso, as if slightly blurred. However characteristic feature, inherent in almost all species, is the presence of peculiar suction disks on the tips of the fingers, covered with a thin layer of mucus.

Thanks to the vacuum that forms under the surface of the disks as a result of the displacement of air from under them, the tailless tree frog easily moves not only along the trunks, branches and leaves of plants, but also along any smooth surface, including vertical ones. Large woodies can help themselves with the moist skin of their abdomen or throat when moving along steep planes. However, there are species of tree frogs with poorly developed suction ability. It is compensated by the special structure of the fingers on the hind and forelimbs, reminiscent of a human hand with an extended thumb. Such frogs slowly climb trees, one at a time grabbing branches.

The color of tree frogs depends on the species and can be very diverse. Most of them are characterized by camouflage coloring in green or brownish tones with various stains, which helps the frog to easily hide among twigs and leaves. However, there are species of tree frogs that are brightly colored with contrasting stripes or spots.

Tree frog eyes large size and protrude slightly forward, thanks to this, binocular coverage of the surrounding environment is achieved, allowing them to successfully hunt and jump from branch to branch. Most amphibians are characterized by horizontal pupils, although there are species in which they are located vertically.

Sexual dimorphism in woodworts is manifested in differences in the sizes of male and female individuals, which are much larger than males, and sometimes in color. In addition, the male tree frog has a special organ called a throat sac, which, when inflated, makes sounds.

Where does the tree frog (tree frog) live?

The distribution range of tree frogs is fascinating temperate zone Europe, including Poland, the Netherlands, Norway and Lithuania, Belarus and Romania, the central part of Russia and Moldova, as well as Ukraine. Numerous species of tree frogs live in North and South America, China and Korea, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Egypt, Turkey, Japan, Primorye and Australia. The habitat of these amphibians is tropical and subtropical rainforests, deciduous and mixed plantations, as well as the coasts of reservoirs or slow rivers, wetlands and overgrown ravines.

What do tree frogs (frogs) eat?

The food of tree frogs is varied: tree frogs feed on various, and, as well as and. Amphibians usually go hunting at night. They wait in ambush for prey and catch it using the properties of their vision and a long sticky tongue.

Types of tree frogs (tree frogs) - photos and names.

The large tree frog family is divided into 3 subfamilies, which include more than 900 species. The most famous and interesting of them:

Subfamily Hylinae:

  • widespread on the coasts of small bodies of water or slow-moving rivers, in flooded ditches and wetlands of the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. The size of an adult male tree frog does not exceed 1.9 cm, and females - 3.8 cm. The skin of the back and sides, covered with warts, is colored gray-brown with yellowish-green hues and dark spots indeterminate form. The belly of the tree frog is decorated with bright green or brown stripes, and the elongated muzzle is clearly visible dark spot in the form of a triangle, located between the eyes. The hind limbs of the amphibian are relatively short with long toes connected by a swimming membrane. The sounds of the male tree frog during the breeding season resemble the sound of small stones knocking against each other. These amphibians lead an active daily lifestyle. In case of danger, they can jump up to 0.9 m in height.

  • Cricket tree frog (lat.Acris gryllus) lives on the territory North America near small reservoirs, wet ravines overgrown with dense grassy vegetation, as well as swampy streams and river sources. The skin of the tree frog, devoid of warts, is colored brown or gray-brown with dark, almost black spots, which are bordered by a light green rim. In females, a white spot on the throat is clearly visible. Distinctive feature This type of tree frog is able to change color, adapting to the environment. The toes of the frog's long hind limbs are connected to each other by a swimming membrane. The body length of adult females can reach 33 mm, and males - 29 mm. The lifespan of a cricket tree frog in natural conditions rarely exceeds 1 year. Woodworts lead a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large aggregations only during the breeding season. Due to the similarity of the frog's voice with the roulades of crickets, the name “cricket tree frog” appeared.

  • lives in humid tropical forests South America, included in the ecological system of the Amazon basin. These frogs can be found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname, Peru, Guiana, as well as Ecuador and Bolivia. The size of female individuals of this species of frogs can be 5 cm, but males have more modest dimensions. The frog's head with large bulging eyes is slightly expanded compared to its elongated, narrow body. The long toes on the hind and forelimbs end in well-developed suckers. Coloring skin The back and sides of the pinto tree frog are quite varied and can range from greenish-brown to red with a brown tint. On the main tone, patterns of white spots or stripes are clearly visible, creating characteristic mesh patterns. The belly of piebald tree frogs is bright red-orange. Solitary individuals spend the main part of their lives in trees, descending from them only during the breeding season. Piebald tree frogs are most active during twilight and night hours.

  • lives in the forests and forest-steppes of Poland, the Netherlands, Belarus, Norway, Lithuania and Ukraine, the USA, Korea, Turkey and Japan, the states of northwestern Africa, China and Primorye. The size of adult female frogs reaches 53 mm, males are slightly smaller. The grass-green, brown, bluish or dark gray coloration of the tree frog's back and sides can easily change in accordance with the basic color of the surrounding environment or due to the physiological state of the animal. Belly common tree frog painted in white or yellowish tones. The coloration of the back and abdomen is clearly separated by a dark stripe running along the sides of the body and head. Tree frogs usually spend daytime hours among the foliage of bushes or trees, and at twilight and at night they hunt insects. IN natural conditions these frogs live no more than 12 years.

  • widespread in southern North America. Prefers tree or shrub thickets along the coast of natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as wet ravines or wetlands. The frog's body is slender, with a triangular head. Its length in adult females can reach 60 mm. The frog's eyes are medium-sized, slightly convex, golden brown in color, with vertical pupils. The smooth skin of the back is colored in a grass-like green and are separated from the beige belly by a thin white stripe. At the ends of the fingers of the frog's hind and forelimbs there are suction cups, with the help of which the tree frog easily moves not only along branches and leaves, but also along the surface of the ground. The amphibian leads a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large communities only during mating. It is active at night. The lifespan of a frog in natural conditions can reach 6 years.

  • is a typical inhabitant of the forest thickets of North America. The length of the frog's baggy body can reach 7 cm in females and 5 cm in males. The yellowish belly contrasts with the back, colored green, on which a pattern formed by dark green spots is clearly visible. The finger suckers are quite large. The tree frog gets its name from the barking sounds that male frogs make during mating season. Barking tree frogs spend most of their lives among the branches, high above the ground, but there are individuals that prefer to live near bodies of water. Amphibians are active at night, and during the day they sleep, hiding in a hollow tree or on the ground under fallen bark. Barking tree frogs form short-term pairs only for procreation. Under natural conditions, frogs live 7 years.

  • lives in mixed or deciduous forests of Mexico, Canada or the USA. Populations of these amphibians are observed near artificial or natural reservoirs and deep damp ravines. The size of frogs does not exceed 51 mm. The color of the wrinkled skin of the back can be either gray with a beige tint or green, and the belly can be white. A pattern in the form of an oblique cross of black stripes, which border barely noticeable spots of an indeterminate shape, clearly appears on the tree frog’s back. It is noteworthy that depending on the ambient temperature, humidity and time of year, the color of the variable tree frog can vary greatly. The average life expectancy of variable tree frogs does not exceed 6 years.

  • Cuban tree frog (lat.Osteopilus septentrionalis) - This is the largest tree frog in the world. It lives in bushes and woody thickets near water bodies. The distribution area includes the Bahamas and Cayman Islands, Cuba and the southern states of the United States. The average size of these frogs ranges from 11.5 to 12.5 cm, but some individuals can reach 15 cm in size, making them the largest tree frogs in the family. The color of the skin of the back, covered with tubercles, is slightly different in males and females. Thus, female tree frogs are characterized by beige or green tones, and males are characterized by brown tones. The tree frog's legs have transverse stripes of a lighter or darker color. Suckers on the fingers are well developed. The Cuban tree frog hunts at night, sleeping during the day among the bushes.

Subfamily Australian tree frogs or litoria (lat. Pelodryadinae):

  • Coral-fingered lithorium or Australian white tree frog (lat.Litoria caerulea) lives in subtropical forests Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. The size of adult females reaches 130 mm, and males rarely exceed 70 mm. The head of the Australian tree frog is short and wide, with large bulging eyes with a horizontal pupil. The frog's skin is colored in various shades of green, but can be chestnut or turquoise, with white or golden spots. The belly is colored pinkish or white. The inside of a tree frog's legs may be reddish-brown in color. In addition to suction cups, amphibians have small membranes on their toes. The Australian white tree frog is characterized by a nocturnal lifestyle. The lifespan of coral-toed lithoria in natural conditions can reach 20 years.


  • lives on the upper tiers of lowland and foothill humid tropical forests Central and South America. The size of adult males rarely reaches 5.4-5.6 cm, and females do not exceed 7.5 cm. The surface of the skin is smooth. The frog's back is green and its belly is cream or white. The sides and bases of the limbs are blue, with a distinct yellow pattern. The toes of the limbs, adapted for climbing trees, are painted bright orange and have suction pads. Characteristic feature The red-eyed tree frog has red eyes with a vertical pupil. Despite their bright colors, these tree frogs are not poisonous. They are most active at night. The maximum lifespan of the red-eyed tree frog under natural conditions does not exceed 5 years.

The world's largest and smallest tree frog (frog).

The smallest “forest nymphs” are considered to be Litoria microbelos with a body length of up to 16 mm and tree frog Hyla emrichi (Dendropsophus minutus), with a body size of only about 17 mm. It is noteworthy that this baby is capable of jumping up to 0.75 m in length, which is almost 50 times the length of its body.

The largest tree frog in the world is the Cuban tree frog (lat. Osteopilus septentrionalis), growing up to 150 mm.

In addition to the above types of tree frogs, there are a huge number of varieties of tree frogs, the color of which is simply amazing:

Chak phyllomedusa Phyllomedusa sauvagii

Tree frog or tree frog (arboreal) is a frog that belongs to the phylum Chordata, class Amphibians (amphibians), order Tailless, family tree frog (lat. Hylidae).

The family received its Latin name due to its unusual colorful appearance. The first researchers compared these unusual animals with beautiful tree nymphs, which is reflected in its verbal definition. The Russian concept of “frog” appeared, apparently, because of the characteristic loud voice of the amphibian.

Tree frog (tree frog) – description, structure, characteristics.

Due to the fact that the tree frog family includes a huge number of species, the appearance of these amphibians is very diverse. Some tree frogs are characterized by a flattened body structure with legs similar to knotty twigs, other tree frogs have an external resemblance to small frogs, and still others have a flabby body, as if slightly blurred. However, a characteristic feature inherent in almost all species is the presence of peculiar suction disks on the tips of the fingers, covered with a thin layer of mucus.

Thanks to the vacuum that forms under the surface of the disks as a result of the displacement of air from under them, the tailless tree frog easily moves not only along the trunks, branches and leaves of plants, but also along any smooth surface, including vertical ones. Large woodies can help themselves with the moist skin of their abdomen or throat when moving along steep planes. However, there are species of tree frogs with poorly developed suction ability. It is compensated by the special structure of the fingers on the hind and forelimbs, reminiscent of a human hand with an extended thumb. Such frogs slowly climb trees, one at a time grabbing branches.

The color of tree frogs depends on the species and can be very diverse. Most of them are characterized by camouflage coloring in green or brownish tones with various stains, which helps the frog to easily hide among twigs and leaves. However, there are species of tree frogs that are brightly colored with contrasting stripes or spots.

The eyes of tree frogs are large and protrude slightly forward, thanks to this they achieve binocular coverage of the surrounding environment, allowing them to successfully hunt and jump from branch to branch. Most amphibians are characterized by horizontal pupils, although there are species in which they are located vertically.

Sexual dimorphism in woodworts is manifested in differences in the sizes of male and female individuals, which are much larger than males, and sometimes in color. In addition, the male tree frog has a special organ called a throat sac, which, when inflated, makes sounds.

Where does the tree frog (tree frog) live?

The distribution area of ​​tree frogs covers the temperate zone of Europe, including Poland, the Netherlands, Norway and Lithuania, Belarus and Romania, the central part of Russia and Moldova, as well as Ukraine. Numerous species of tree frogs live in North and South America, China and Korea, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Egypt, Turkey, Japan, Primorye and Australia. The habitat of these amphibians is tropical and subtropical rainforests, deciduous and mixed plantations, as well as the coasts of reservoirs or slow rivers, wetlands and overgrown ravines.

What do tree frogs (frogs) eat?

The food of tree frogs is varied: tree frogs feed on various, and, as well as and. Amphibians usually go hunting at night. They wait in ambush for prey and catch it using the properties of their vision and a long sticky tongue.

Types of tree frogs (tree frogs) - photos and names.

The large tree frog family is divided into 3 subfamilies, which include more than 900 species. The most famous and interesting of them:

Subfamily Hylinae:

  • widespread on the coasts of small bodies of water or slow-moving rivers, in flooded ditches and wetlands of the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. The size of an adult male tree frog does not exceed 1.9 cm, and females - 3.8 cm. The skin of the back and sides, covered with warts, is gray-brown with yellowish-green shades and dark spots of uncertain shape. The tree frog's abdomen is decorated with bright green or brown stripes, and on its elongated muzzle a dark triangle-shaped spot located between the eyes is clearly visible. The hind limbs of the amphibian are relatively short with long toes connected by a swimming membrane. The sounds of the male tree frog during the breeding season resemble the sound of small stones knocking against each other. These amphibians lead an active daily lifestyle. In case of danger, they can jump up to 0.9 m in height.

  • Cricket tree frog (lat.Acris gryllus) lives in North America near small reservoirs, wet ravines overgrown with dense grassy vegetation, as well as swampy streams and river sources. The skin of the tree frog, devoid of warts, is colored brown or gray-brown with dark, almost black spots, which are bordered by a light green rim. In females, a white spot on the throat is clearly visible. A distinctive feature of this type of tree frog is the ability to change color, adapting to the environment. The toes of the frog's long hind limbs are connected to each other by a swimming membrane. The body length of adult females can reach 33 mm, and males - 29 mm. The lifespan of a cricket tree frog in natural conditions rarely exceeds 1 year. Woodworts lead a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large aggregations only during the breeding season. Due to the similarity of the frog's voice with the roulades of crickets, the name “cricket tree frog” appeared.

  • lives in the tropical rainforests of South America, part of the ecological system of the Amazon basin. These frogs can be found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname, Peru, Guiana, as well as Ecuador and Bolivia. The size of female individuals of this species of frogs can be 5 cm, but males have more modest dimensions. The frog's head with large bulging eyes is slightly expanded compared to its elongated, narrow body. The long toes on the hind and forelimbs end in well-developed suckers. The color of the skin on the back and sides of the piebald tree frog is quite varied and can range from greenish-brown to red with a brown tint. On the main tone, patterns of white spots or stripes are clearly visible, creating characteristic mesh patterns. The belly of piebald tree frogs is bright red-orange. Solitary individuals spend the main part of their lives in trees, descending from them only during the breeding season. Piebald tree frogs are most active during twilight and night hours.

  • lives in the forests and forest-steppes of Poland, the Netherlands, Belarus, Norway, Lithuania and Ukraine, the USA, Korea, Turkey and Japan, the states of northwestern Africa, China and Primorye. The size of adult female frogs reaches 53 mm, males are slightly smaller. The grass-green, brown, bluish or dark gray coloration of the tree frog's back and sides can easily change in accordance with the basic color of the surrounding environment or due to the physiological state of the animal. The belly of the common tree frog is colored white or yellowish. The coloration of the back and abdomen is clearly separated by a dark stripe running along the sides of the body and head. Tree frogs usually spend daytime hours among the foliage of bushes or trees, and at twilight and at night they hunt insects. Under natural conditions, these frogs live no more than 12 years.

  • widespread in southern North America. Prefers tree or shrub thickets along the coast of natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as wet ravines or wetlands. The frog's body is slender, with a triangular head. Its length in adult females can reach 60 mm. The frog's eyes are medium-sized, slightly convex, golden brown in color, with vertical pupils. The smooth skin of the back is colored grass-green and is separated from the beige belly by a thin white stripe. At the ends of the fingers of the frog's hind and forelimbs there are suction cups, with the help of which the tree frog easily moves not only along branches and leaves, but also along the surface of the ground. The amphibian leads a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large communities only during mating. It is active at night. The lifespan of a frog in natural conditions can reach 6 years.

  • is a typical inhabitant of the forest thickets of North America. The length of the frog's baggy body can reach 7 cm in females and 5 cm in males. The yellowish belly contrasts with the back, colored green, on which a pattern formed by dark green spots is clearly visible. The finger suckers are quite large. The tree frog gets its name from the barking sounds that male frogs make during mating season. Barking tree frogs spend most of their lives among the branches, high above the ground, but there are individuals that prefer to live near bodies of water. Amphibians are active at night, and during the day they sleep, hiding in a hollow tree or on the ground under fallen bark. Barking tree frogs form short-term pairs only for procreation. Under natural conditions, frogs live 7 years.

  • lives in mixed or deciduous forests of Mexico, Canada or the USA. Populations of these amphibians are observed near artificial or natural reservoirs and deep damp ravines. The size of frogs does not exceed 51 mm. The color of the wrinkled skin of the back can be either gray with a beige tint or green, and the belly can be white. A pattern in the form of an oblique cross of black stripes, which border barely noticeable spots of an indeterminate shape, clearly appears on the tree frog’s back. It is noteworthy that depending on the ambient temperature, humidity and time of year, the color of the variable tree frog can vary greatly. The average life expectancy of variable tree frogs does not exceed 6 years.

  • Cuban tree frog (lat.Osteopilus septentrionalis) - This is the largest tree frog in the world. It lives in bushes and woody thickets near water bodies. The distribution area includes the Bahamas and Cayman Islands, Cuba and the southern states of the United States. The average size of these frogs ranges from 11.5 to 12.5 cm, but some individuals can reach 15 cm in size, making them the largest tree frogs in the family. The color of the skin of the back, covered with tubercles, is slightly different in males and females. Thus, female tree frogs are characterized by beige or green tones, and males are characterized by brown tones. The tree frog's legs have transverse stripes of a lighter or darker color. Suckers on the fingers are well developed. The Cuban tree frog hunts at night, sleeping during the day among the bushes.

Subfamily Australian tree frogs or litoria (lat. Pelodryadinae):

  • Coral-fingered lithorium or Australian white tree frog (lat.Litoria caerulea) lives in the subtropical forests of Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. The size of adult females reaches 130 mm, and males rarely exceed 70 mm. The head of the Australian tree frog is short and wide, with large bulging eyes with a horizontal pupil. The frog's skin is colored in various shades of green, but can be chestnut or turquoise, with white or golden spots. The belly is colored pinkish or white. The inside of a tree frog's legs may be reddish-brown in color. In addition to suction cups, amphibians have small membranes on their toes. The Australian white tree frog is characterized by a nocturnal lifestyle. The lifespan of coral-toed lithoria in natural conditions can reach 20 years.


  • lives in the upper layers of lowland and submontane tropical rainforests of Central and South America. The size of adult males rarely reaches 5.4-5.6 cm, and females do not exceed 7.5 cm. The surface of the skin is smooth. The frog's back is green and its belly is cream or white. The sides and bases of the limbs are blue, with a distinct yellow pattern. The toes of the limbs, adapted for climbing trees, are painted bright orange and have suction pads. A characteristic feature of the red-eyed tree frog is its red eyes with a vertical pupil. Despite their bright colors, these tree frogs are not poisonous. They are most active at night. The maximum lifespan of the red-eyed tree frog under natural conditions does not exceed 5 years.

The world's largest and smallest tree frog (frog).

The smallest “forest nymphs” are considered to be Litoria microbelos with a body length of up to 16 mm and the tree frog Hyla emrichi (Dendropsophus minutus), with a body size of only about 17 mm. It is noteworthy that this baby is capable of jumping up to 0.75 m in length, which is almost 50 times the length of its body.

The largest tree frog in the world is the Cuban tree frog (lat. Osteopilus septentrionalis), growing up to 150 mm.

In addition to the above types of tree frogs, there are a huge number of varieties of tree frogs, the color of which is simply amazing:

Chak phyllomedusa Phyllomedusa sauvagii