Types and breeds of parrots - photos and names, varieties of domestic parrots. Large parrots

Bright plumage, interesting habits and the ability to copy human speech have made parrots one of the most beloved pets. Together with representatives from the family of corvids, or ravens, parrots are considered the most smart birds living on Earth. Parrots are very sociable, cannot stand loneliness and get along well with people.

From huge number Of the various birds that live on our planet, you can always single out one representative who can be recognized immediately. And in fact, there is not a single person who would not recognize a parrot at first sight. Today there are approximately 300 species of parrots, but today we will talk about the largest of them.

Yellow-headed Amazon

Yellow-headed Amazon (lat. Amazona oratrix) is a very beautiful green and yellow parrot. Found in wet forests and high deciduous forests Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and northwestern Honduras. These colorful birds have a body length of 37 to 41 cm. They are classified as endangered. IN wildlife There are about 6 thousand of them left.

Blue-faced Amazon

Blue-faced Amazon (lat. Amazona versicolor) - lives exclusively in the Lesser Antilles. This Amazon, like the yellow-headed Amazon, is on the verge of extinction. In 1980, the blue-faced Amazon was declared national bird Saint Lucia ( Saint Lucia). Is under state protection. At this time, only 450 individuals remained in the wild. This is a fairly large bird - up to 43 cm in length.

Large parrot vase

(lat Coracopsis vasa) - considered one of the most unusual parrots on the planet. Dweller of dry deciduous forests Madagascar and Comoros and the owner of unremarkable gray plumage. The length of this parrot can be up to 50 cm. Most of the parrot's length comes from its tail.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo (lat. Calyptorhynchus funereus) is a fairly large bird - up to 55-60 cm in length, weighing about 900 g. It got its name thanks to its black plumage and a yellow spot on the head in the ear area. In females this spot is much larger and brighter than in males.

Kakapo, or owl parrot

Kakapo, or (lat. Strigops habroptilus) is a rather rare parrot, large and even heavy in build. The kakapo has lost the ability to fly actively. Prefers to walk more than fly. Its body length is 60 cm, and its weight is about 4 kg. This type of parrot has a pleasant and strong odor that resembles the aroma of flower nectar or honey.

Black cockatoo

(lat. Probosciger aterimus) is a larger representative of parrots. Body length is from 70 to 80 cm, weight – 700-1000 g. It has a characteristic black plumage with an almost imperceptible shade of green. On the head there is a beautiful large crest, which consists of long narrow feathers. In addition, this parrot has a large massive beak (8-10 cm in length). The black cockatoo is considered one of the largest parrots on Earth.

Red Macaw

(lat. Ara macao) is a very colorful and large bird, which once you see, you will never forget. The body length can reach 90 cm, the wingspan is about 80 cm, the tail is 50-62 cm in length. In some areas, these parrots are considered pests, as they often triple raids on agricultural land.

Blue and yellow macaw

Blue-and-yellow macaws (lat. Ara ararauna) is another representative of the macaw genus. One of the most popular parrots that can be kept in the home. These are very sociable birds that require a lot of attention. The body length of the blue-and-yellow macaw is approximately 80 to 95 cm, and the wingspan is the same as that of the red macaw - about 80 cm.

Hyacinth macaw

Hyacinth macaws (lat. Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus) is the largest and most “titled” parrot in the world. It is considered the most expensive, the rarest and the most big bird of his family. Hyacinth macaws can grow up to 85-98 cm in length, and their weight can reach up to 1.5 kg. However, the wingspan of these parrots is smaller than that of previous representatives (about 70-75 cm).

As we see, representatives of the Ara clan (lat. Ara) are the largest among all parrots currently living on Earth. It is worth noting that today there are more than 350 species of parrots, but about 1/3 of them are under threat of complete extinction. In addition, 72 species, as well as 14 subspecies, are listed in the IUCN Red Book.

Of course, cats and dogs, as well as birds. Moreover, you don’t have to have only a budgie in your house. If you want, and if opportunities allow you, you can get a large parrot, which will not only decorate your home, but also your faithful and devoted friend.

Well, our publication will tell you about the features of keeping large parrots at home.

Types of large parrots

First of all, let's decide what large parrots can be kept at home. So, these are Jaco, Amazon and Cockatoo... Moreover, each of them has its own temperament and character. And here are the recommendations on the peculiarities of their maintenance - in principle, general, with the exception of the characteristics of the diet, as well as the relationship of birds to water - some like to swim, while others - not so much. What’s interesting is that all these points in some ways differ significantly from the features of keeping small budgies at home (read more about the features of keeping them, as well as about the types of parrots ). Moreover, according to experts,It is large parrots that learn to speak most quickly, are well tamed, and in them you can find not just a pet that you have to take care of, but an equal member of the family who can be interesting to talk to.

Grays or Gray Parrots

These birds quickly become attached to their owner and consider him similar to themselves. However, it is worth knowing that they are very vulnerable and touchy, and if you suddenly inadvertently hurt their feelings, you will have to ask for forgiveness and make amends for a long time.

This species of large parrots is more susceptible to new information, they learn to speak faster, they have a well-developed intellect, they quickly adapt to changes in the environment around them, they are well tamed and have an affectionate character. I can be good friend for a teenage child.

Very sociable and nimble birds, they are curious, love to be the center of attention, and do not tolerate loneliness and the absence of their owner. Therefore, if you do not want your feathered pet to get bored in your absence, make sure to provide him with the right amount of toys with which he can have fun while you are working or away. By the way, precisely because these birds are very affectionate and have a hard time being separated from their owner, it is recommended that several family members look after them at once. Then, the absence of the main owner will not be so painful for the parrot, and he will not miss and yearn for him.

Features of keeping large parrots in the house

To ensure that some of the habits of your large feathered pet do not become a pleasant or not so pleasant surprise for you, we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of having a large bird in your home.

Benefits of keeping large parrots

Large parrots are very sociable and sociable creatures, they quickly get used to their owner and joyfully greet him from work - you definitely won’t feel lonely next to this bird. As a rule, they have a bright and memorable appearance, which pleases the eye and makes you notice many beautiful things around you - it is simply impossible to remain indifferent when looking at such parrots. These birds have high intelligence, they learn to speak well and quickly, and can become not just parrots that repeat memorized phrases, but intelligent interlocutors who are interested in how you are doing and so on. But everything will depend on how much time you devote to communicating with the bird and its development. Parrots have no odor, and cleaning their cage is not too difficult, they do not need to be walked like a dog or cat, and following the recommendations for caring for your bird's health will help you achieve true friend until the end of my life.

Disadvantages of keeping large parrots indoors

But we would not be objective if we were silent about the shortcomings of these birds. Thus, large parrots by nature have a sharp and shrill voice, and given their sociability, there is no hope that they will always remain silent. Sometimes (especially when you're tired or have a headache and want some quiet time) they can be annoying. As for their intelligence, your parrot will be as smart as you want to make it. Therefore, if you don’t pay attention to the bird and don’t raise it, it will be stupid and disobedient. Get ready for the fact that during its walks around the house the parrot will spoil your property, fluff will fly from it, and if one of your family members has an allergy, this may cause it. serious problems with health. Large birds have remarkable physical strength, therefore, forcing them to do something against their will (for example, drive them into a cage) is not so easy. Your parrot may bite you, scratch you, and these injuries can be quite painful.

What is needed to keep large parrots in the house

When choosing a cage for a large parrot, you should definitely take into account the size of its body. So, for example, the largest parrots are considered to be Cockatoos and Macaws. Their body length can be 70-100 centimeters. Here, for example, The average size of a male Macaw is 72-98 centimeters, and a Cockatoo is up to 60 centimeters.

Be sure to take into account the wingspan of your feathered pet - after all, having such an impressive size, large parrots are quite strong. And, weak metal rods or mesh may simply not withstand their onslaught. Therefore, if you decide to keep a large parrot in a cage (although experts still recommend keeping it in an aviary), make sure that its mesh is thick enough and strong, at least 4 millimeters in diameter with the thickness of the rods.

If you do not have the opportunity to equip an aviary for the bird, you can simply fence off part of the room for keeping it and arrange an indoor aviary.

Jaco and Amazon are somewhat smaller in size, so the average size of Amazon is 25-45 centimeters, and Jaco is 30-40 centimeters. Recommended cage dimensions for them: 65 centimeters by 50 centimeters by 80 centimeters.

Mandatory cage requirements for large parrots

Besides large sizes(the larger the better), the cage must be made of solid metal and preferably stainless steel, its rods must be unpainted and not galvanized, it must have a retractable tray to facilitate cleaning, and there must be no wooden elements inside the parrot’s home. It is best to lock such a cage with a secure padlock, since large parrots have an innate high intelligence, and can easily unlock the lock and escape to freedom.

Parrot accessories

In addition to accessories for arranging the cage, you will also need a deep bird net - with its help, especially at first, you will catch the parrot. This is much more convenient and safer, and the risk that you will inadvertently damage or injure your feathered pet is minimal. Yes, and the parrot will not be offended by you, but by the net.

Another necessary accessory is a taming stick - a flexible plastic stick, 100-120 centimeters long, with a small metal fork at the end. With its help, you will treat your pet with treats, and by gradually shortening its length, you will at the same time tame the pet to your hands; in the end, he will get used to you and will take food from your hands without fear.

You will also need a small flashlight with a non-scattering light - you will use it to attract the bird's attention and leather gloves - they will protect your hands from being bitten at first.

Feeding large parrots

When compiling a bird’s diet, of course, it is necessary to take into account its size. Large parrots eat more than budgies, and you must be prepared for this. Otherwise, there is nothing special on their menu. These are grain mixtures, sprouted grains, seeds and nuts, raw vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals, tree branches, mineral supplements and gastroliths. Also, the parrot should always have fresh water in its drinking bowl.

What not to give to large parrots

If you want your bird not to get sick, you should not give it oak branches, pear branches, coniferous trees, wild garlic and poplar branches. It is worth giving up persimmons, avocados, mangoes, papaya, potatoes, parsley and other herbs; candied fruits and sweets, salty foods, and dishes from your table should be prohibited. There is also a clear veterinary prohibition regarding meat, butter, cheese, fish and seafood.

Parrots are the most diverse and beautiful creatures on our planet, which with their bright plumage can stun our imagination. These birds are extremely intelligent and emotional, they have a cheeky character, are curious and are considered the smartest birds.

More than 350 species of parrots are known, most of which have settled in the tropical regions of Australia, Central and South America. The most popular species of birds are wavy, cockatoos, lovebirds, grays, cockatiels, amazons and macaws - the species that has the largest representatives (red, blue-yellow), the species to which belongs the largest parrot in the world - the hyacinth.

Parrots amaze not only with the variety of colors of their plumage, but also with their size. There are species whose size is small and only a few cm, but the main attention and interest is attracted by parrots of considerable size, the length of which reaches a meter.

The most valuable parrot

The parrot, which in its size, cost and uniqueness is the leader among other species of parrots, is the hyacinth macaw. The length reaches 1 meter, with a relatively low weight (1.5-2 kg), life expectancy is up to 90 years. The macaw nests in tree hollows and creates married couple for life. One of the striking features of the hyacinth macaw: despite its size and large powerful beak, the bird is very gentle and funny.

Distinctive feature parrot - impressively beautiful dark blue plumage, contrasting with the yellow ring around the eyes and yellow spot skin near the bottom of the beak. However, such a burst of color is becoming increasingly rare in the wild. The hyacinth macaw, due to its spectacular plumage and characteristics that led to the highest price for these birds, has always been captured and destroyed. Unfortunately, this has led to the threat of extinction of this species.

The largest representative of the cockatoo

What parrot can compete in parameters with the hyacinth macaw? Of course, the black cockatoo, known as the Goliath cockatoo. Of all the species of parrots that look almost exactly like this cockatoo, it is the largest. It reaches a size of 60 cm and a weight of 1000 g, and can live in captivity for up to 90 years (the lifespan of birds in the wild is not precisely known).

The black cockatoo, unlike other birds of its species, does not live in a flock; it spends its entire life with only one partner. The male convinces the female to choose him by creating several impressive hollows, showing this to the chosen one, along with a demonstration of his massive beak, red cheeks and wingspan.

This species of cockatoo is endangered due to progress that is destroying their habitat and the sociable nature of the birds, which leads to them being caught and sold.

Yellow-crested cockatoos are striking representatives of their species; they are slightly inferior in size to black cockatoos and are the opposite of them in color. The name of the bird gives an idea of ​​the nature of its color - it is a bright yellow crest against a background of white plumage. Yellow-crested cockatoos are beautiful, intelligent, friendly, affectionate, capable of being easily tamed and attached to humans, and are very popular among exotic lovers.

The size of the bird is 40-55 cm, weight - 800 g, while the Australian subspecies is much larger than the subspecies from New Guinea. This is Australia's most famous parrot. Yellow-crested cockatoos are social, living in large, noisy flocks. They spend much of their day searching for food, damaging and destroying crops and fruit crops planted by Australian farmers.

The largest parrots amaze not only with their size, but also with the qualities that are inherent in these birds. Charm, intelligence, tenderness, bright plumage, sociability and love for people - this is what will always be interesting and attractive to us in all types of parrots.

Agree, among all the animal and bird diversity inhabiting Earth, parrots stand out for their intelligence, charm and intelligence. Today I would like to tell you about the most notable representatives of this species. We will talk about who he is - the largest parrot in the world, what he is like and whether he is the only one in the world.


Kakapo is considered one of the largest parrots. But this species is a little different from the parrots we are used to, which fly around the apartment and sit on the shoulder to bite the owner’s ear. Kakapo cannot fly. He mainly leads night look life and looks more like an owl than a parrot. During the daytime, they try to hide somewhere, but at night they go out to “hunt” for plant shoots, berries or tree shoots.

Kakapo habitat

Where they live The only place where you can meet these amazing beautiful creatures, - several islands in New Zealand. In these places, scientists carefully monitor the population. Sadly, this one is on the verge of extinction. The thing is that they do not lay eggs every year, like other species. In addition, there are very few female parrots; males predominate, which also does not lead to an increase in the population.

Despite the fact that kakapo are considered one of the most ancient birds on Earth, having withstood many trials, they are becoming extinct. Scientists have counted about 125 individuals in the world. The specialists monitoring them carefully try to protect the birds from predators and other dangers. Each bird even has a name.

Features of the view

If we talk about size, then it’s not for nothing that the kakapo bears the title “the largest parrot in the world.” Its weight reaches four and a half kilograms. The body length is about sixty centimeters. By appearance these parrots resemble a soft plush owl toy, only of decent size.

One more unique feature is the smell. Birds generally don't smell very nice, but kakapo don't. Its feathers give off a surprisingly pleasant floral aroma with notes of honey, which leaves no one indifferent and makes you fall in love with these birds forever.

Great Hyacinth Macaw

The largest parrot in the world is large. This representative of the species more closely resembles a parrot, as it is. He flies well, unlike the kakapo. The body length of this parrot is about a meter.

Why is the largest parrot called "hyacinth"? All because of its color. The large macaw has a pleasant blue feather color.

Where does the big macaw live?

This species is quite numerous. The largest parrot lives in the impenetrable forests of Brazil, in the palm groves of Paraguay, and in Bolivia. Unlike the kakapo, the macaw is a diurnal bird. Flights for food, communication with the opposite sex and other “events” useful for the life of a parrot occur exclusively during the day. At night, this species goes to spend the night in the thick of the forest, where it is safer and calmer.

Family colonies

Hyacinth macaws get along well with each other, and the ratio of males to females is approximately equal. Hence the offspring, numerous and healthy. When the male finds a mate, they go together to the gathering place of family colonies of parrots. As a rule, there are up to ten individuals in such colonies. The birds lay their eggs either in a hollow or dig holes in the ground with their clawed paws.

Unfortunately, these birds are not such frequent guests in human homes. Unlike, for example, a cockatoo, the macaw loves freedom and feels more comfortable in the wild than on a person’s shoulder or in a cage.

The largest parrot lays eggs several times a year. Probably, it is this fact that protects the macaw from extinction. As a rule, out of the entire litter, only one or two small cubs remain; the rest, unfortunately, die. But due to the frequency of chicks being born, the population remains unchanged.


This type of parrot can also be classified as the largest. This is one of those birds that can easily get along with people under the same roof. It should be noted that the cockatoo is completely unpretentious and its maintenance will not cause much trouble for its owners.

The only thing your pet will constantly demand is increased attention. Parrots raised by people become very attached to them and get bored when they leave home or pay little attention because they are busy.

Due to their decent size, cockatoos require a spacious cage area. Enclosures must be high and wide so that the bird feels as comfortable as possible. You can feed your cockatoo:

  • vegetables (carrots, cucumbers);
  • grains (millet, millet, corn, hemp, oats, seeds);
  • fruits (bananas, pears, apples);
  • berries;
  • nuts.

There are special sets of food that are designed specifically for such a large parrot.

They get along great with children. They can learn up to twenty words and use them correctly. They have perfectly mastered the ability to imitate sounds.

If you decide to purchase a similar bird for your family, we advise you to choose a young individual. Than with more early age The bird will be together with the person, the calmer its character will be. This species is known to live up to a hundred years, so enjoy interacting with amazing creation Your grandchildren can do it too.