Dear in Georgian. Georgian language and tourist dictionary

The ancestors of the Georgians are mentioned in the Bible; the legendary Colchis, where the Argonauts sailed, was located on the territory of Georgia. It seems to us that we know a lot about Georgians, but their history and culture holds many mysteries.

1. Georgians call their country Sakartvelo. This toponym translates as “all of Kartli” and goes back to the name of the region of the same name. The toponym “Georgia” goes back to the name “Gurjistan” (country of wolves), found in Arab-Persian sources.

The European name of Georgia “Georgia” is also compared with the Arab-Persian name associated with the Georgian cult of St. George. A golden sculpture of the saint rises in the central square of Tbilisi.

2. The number of Georgians in the world is more than 4 million.

3. Georgians were one of the first peoples to adopt Christianity. According to one of the most common versions, this happened in 319. It is significant that, despite the global trend, the number of believers in Georgia is growing. Today, 80% of Georgians consider themselves Orthodox.

4. Georgian is an ancient written language. The oldest written monuments in the ancient Georgian language date back to the 5th century. These include a mosaic inscription from the first half of the 5th century near Jerusalem, as well as an inscription at Bolnisi Zion (60 km south of Tbilisi) from the end of the 5th century.

5. Georgians have a unique alphabet. In Kartvelian studies there are different hypotheses about the prototype of the Georgian letter. According to various theories, it is based on Aramaic, Greek or Coptic writing.

6. The self-name of Georgians is Kartvelebi.

7. The first state mentioned by historians on the territory of Georgia is the Colchis kingdom. It was first mentioned in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. Greek authors Pindar and Aeschylus. It was to Colchis that the Argonauts sailed for the Golden Fleece.

8. There is no accent in the Georgian language, only the tone rises on a certain syllable. Also, Georgian does not have capital letters, and gender is determined by context.

9. Joseph Stalin is deservedly considered the most famous Georgian in the world.

10. In the Georgian language, the decimal system is used for naming numbers. To pronounce a number between 20 and 100, you need to divide it into twenties and say their number and remainder. For example: 33 is twenty-thirteen, and 78 is three-twenty-eighteen.

11. Words familiar to us from childhood in Georgia do not have the meanings to which we are accustomed. “Mama” in Georgian means dad, “deda” means mother, “bebia” means grandmother, “babua” or “papa” means grandfather.

12. There is no “f” sound in the Georgian language, and in borrowed words this sound is replaced with a “p” sound with a strong aspiration. Russian Federation in Georgian it will sound like: “Rusetis paderatsia”.

13. According to economist Kennan Eric Scott of the Washington Institute, during Soviet Union Georgians supplied 95% of tea and 97% of tobacco to Soviet shelves. The lion's share of citrus fruits (95%) also went to the regions of the USSR from Georgia.

14. On the territory of Georgia in 1991, the remains of Dmanisian hominids were found, initially called Homo georgicus. They are almost 2 million years old (1 million 770 000). They were given the names Zezva and Mzia.

15. In Georgia, it is customary to eat kebabs and khinkali with your hands.

16. Despite the fact that in Georgia it is traditional high level homophobia, the level of tactile contact between Georgian men is very high. While walking, they can hold hands, sitting in coffee shops - touch each other.

17. In everyday communication, Georgians use words that for some reason they consider Russian, although for us they will not always be understandable. Georgians call slippers chusts, wallpaper - trellises, beans - lobio, a T-shirt is often called anything worn above the waist, and boots are sneakers.

18. Georgians are rightfully proud of their wine. It began to be produced here 7,000 years ago, and today there are 500 varieties of cultivated grapes in Georgia. Every year the country hosts the Rtveli grape harvest festival.

19. Georgians are known for their hospitality. The guest in the house is more important than the owner. Therefore, in Georgian homes it is not customary to take off shoes.

20. Georgians are known for their love of long toasts, but not everyone knows that it is not customary to make toasts while Georgians drink beer.

Illustrations: Niko Pirosmani

Georgian language (ქართული ენა; kartuli ena) - most main language in the Caucasian group of languages. The Caucasian group of languages ​​is divided into three language families: South Caucasian or Kartvelian, northeastern and northwestern. They are very diverse. Strabo (Greek historian and geographer ) wrote that in I century BC in the region of Dioscuria (Sukhumi) alone, the Romans needed at least 70 translators. In Dagestan alone there are 14 nationalities and 29 languages, so it is not surprising that the name of the Caucasus comes from the Arabic phrase “mountain of languages.”

The Georgian alphabet has 5 vowels and 28 consonants, and is unlike any other alphabet in the world. Georgia had its own written language back in III century BC, but it was supplanted by Greek and Aramaic writing. The modern alphabet began to develop with the advent of the Christian faith in the country and was definitely in use in 450. First literary work“The Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik” was written by Y. Tsurtaveli between 476 and 483. IN XII century, Shota Rustaveli wrote a poem in verse, “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger.” There are no genders in the Georgian language, and there are no capital letters in the Georgian writing system.

The majority of the adult population in large cities of Georgia speak Russian. Young people often understand and speak English well English language. In mountainous areas, in small villages, the local population speaks only Georgian.

When going on a Georgia tour, you can purchase tourist phrasebooks of the Georgian language and learn basic phrases for communication. I will list some phrases below in a short dictionary.

Brief dictionary





Good morning!

Dila mshvidobisa!



What is your name?

Ra kvia?

How are you?

Rogora har?




Bodyshi! Mapatiet!

Thank you!


Thank you very much!

Didi madloba!



Where is..?

Aris garden..?




Diah, ho (colloquial)













Who, what, which?








My name is...

Me mkwia..

My pleasure! (response to gratitude)







Inebet, Tu sheidzlaba!

How many? (quantity)


What is the price)

Ra ghirs?







Days of the week and time















At noon


In the evening






Day after tomorrow








What time is it now?

Romeli saathia?

In the morning


Geographical dictionary

Bus station

Bussabis Sadguri






























0 — zeros

12 — tormati

50 — ormotsdaati

1 — erty

13 — tsameti

60 — samotsi

2 —ori

14 — tothmeti

70 — Samotsdaati

3 — themselves

15 — thutmethi

80 — otkhmotsi

4 — otkhi

16 —tekvsmeti

90 — otkhmotsdaati

5 — Houthis

17 — chvidmati

100 — asi

6 — eqsi

18 — tvrameti

101 — as erti

7 — Shvidi

19 — tskhrameti

200 — orasi

8 — ditch

20 — oci

1000 — atasi

9 — tshra

21 — otsdaherti

10 000 — ati atashi

10 — ati

30 — otsdeati

100 000 — ashi atashi

11 — Tertmeti

40 — ormotsi

Million - milioni

The above phrases and words may be useful to you in colloquial speech during your visit to Georgia. However, for a more comfortable stay in Georgia, we recommend that you use our services. All services in the format “Georgia tours” and “Georgia excursions” company Rainbow Georgia // provides in Russian, English and, upon request, in French.

Georgian language (ქართული ენა kartuli ena) - official official language Georgia. Belongs to the Kartvelian group. One of the most ancient living languages ​​on earth - appeared in the 3rd century AD.

What do you need to know when going to Georgia? Most Georgians over 30 know Russian. Young people, as a rule, know English. In Adjara (Batumi), the majority understands Turkish. But in small towns and villages people communicate only in Georgian. This is where the Russian-Georgian phrasebook, which is given at the end of the article, will come in handy.

Features of the Georgian language

In the modern Georgian alphabet 33 letters- 5 vowels and 28 consonants. This is the only alphabet in the world in which one sound corresponds to one letter and vice versa.

Pronounced accents not in Georgian. However, there is a conditional rule. IN two-syllable words The stress usually falls on the first syllable, in polysyllabic ones - the third syllable from the end.

In Georgian no birth. In Georgian writing no capital letters.

The Georgian language is very beautiful. And Georgian polyphony is recognized by UNESCO as a masterpiece of cultural heritage. In 1977 two spaceship Voyager set off to explore space. On board is a message from humanity to extraterrestrial civilizations. Among the great works - Chakrulo song:

Georgian dialects

There are several Kartvelian languages: actually common Georgian - literary (Kartuli ena), Svan (Lushnu Nin), Mingrelian (Margalur Nina), Laz (Lazuri Nena).

The Georgian language includes several dialects, the differences between which are insignificant: Kartlian, Kakheti, Imeretian, Gurian, Pshavian, Racha, Adjarian, Khevsurian, Tushian, etc.

Interesting facts about the Georgian language

  • The modern Georgian alphabet “Mkhedruli” was created in the 10th century, and in the 60s of the 19th century Ilya Chavchavadze carried out a reform and reduced the number of letters in the alphabet to 33, removing five archaic and practically unused letters from it.
  • The first surviving monument of Georgian literature, “The Martyrdom of Shushanik” by Yakov Tsurtaveli. Written between 475-484.
  • 1709 - the beginning of book printing in Georgia.
  • Some familiar words were significantly influenced by the warlike past of the people. For example, gamarjoba= hello comes from a wish for victory. Reply gagimajos= victory for you. Good morning literally means “peaceful morning” ( dilamshvidobisa).
  • Georgian numerals up to 20 are based on the decimal number system, and from 20 to 100 on the 20 number system. For example, the number 35 is translated as “twenty and fifteen.”
Number Translation Formation principle
10 ati
20 oci
30 otsdaati 20 and 10
40 ormotsi 2 times 20
50 ormotsdaati 2 times 20 and 10
60 samotsi 3 times 20
70 self-cide 3 times 20 and 10
80 otkhmotsi 4 times 20
90 otkhmotsdaati 4 times 20 and 10
100 asi
  • Under the USSR in Georgia, the Georgian language had the status of the state language.
  • In ancient Georgian, “juga” means “steel”. Therefore, Joseph Dzhugashvili got the pseudonym Stalin. In fact, this is a direct translation of the surname into Russian.
  • The Guinness Book of Records includes the word " gvprtskvnis"(he cleanses us, he removes the husks from us). This word has 8 consonants in a row.
  • There is a version that the word wine (vine, wine,) comes from the Georgian gvino(ღვინო). Which, in turn, goes back to the verb “ Gwivili"(ღვივილი) - bloom, bring to a boil, ferment). Georgian word " Dagwinda" means the end of the wine fermentation process. The same can be said about a person: “dagvinda bichi” means a mature young man. This is not surprising, because the tradition of winemaking originated in Georgia back in the 6th millennium BC.
  • In Danelia’s film “Kin-dza-dza!” the characters speak the Chatlan-Patsak language. And it was created on the basis of Georgian. Famous " ku"in Georgian means "turtle". Gravitsapa comes from the Georgian expression “ ra vitsi aba« - “Who knows!” Pepelats generally takes on a very romantic flair, because ashes in Georgian it means “butterfly”. And etsikh comes from Georgian tsikhe- jail.

Russian - Georgian phrasebook with pronunciation

If you want to know how to say thank you in Georgian, see our dictionary.

Yes ho (colloquial), ki (neutral), diah (respectful)
No macaw
Thank you madloba
Thanks a lot didi madloba
My pleasure arapris
I'm sorry ukatsravat (if you ask for directions)
Sorry bodyshi (if someone is accidentally pushed)
Hello gamarjoba
return greeting Gagimarjos
Goodbye nahvamdis
bye (friendly farewell) kargad
Do you speak Russian? tkven laparakobt rusulad?
I meh
You sheng
We chwen
You tkven
They isini
How are you? Rogor Hart?
Fine. How are you? kargad. Tkwan?
what is your name? ra gquiat?
sir (polite address) loaf
madam (polite address) calbatono
Fine kargad
Badly tsudad
mother grandfather
father Mother
son Vazhishvili
daughter Kalishvili
wife tsoli, meugle (spouse)
husband kmari, meugle (husband)
Friend megobari (friend), genatsvale (literally - I am for you, used as an address), dzmakatsi ( close friend, brother), akhlobeli (friend)
Cool! Magrad!
Very good! dzalian kargad!
so-so! ara mishavs!
ok, good hags
My name is … me var...
meet my friend gaitsanite chemi megabari
with pleasure Siamovnebit
come in! shemobrdzandit!
sit down! dabrzandit!
I agree tanakhma var
Certainly ra tkma unda
Right scoria
Very good dzalian kargad
Everything is fine kwelaperi rigzea
can I ask you? sheizleba gthovot?
I beg you very much! dzalian gthowt!
can I come in? sheidzleba shemovide?
can I smoke? sheidzleba movzio?
this is too much! es ukwe nametania!
horror! Sashinelebaa!
Weird! utsnauria!
Sorry, I'm in a hurry! ukatsravad, mechkareba!
What would you like? ra gnebavt?
Nothing! araperi!
I want to see the city Minda Kalakis Datvaliereba
You are very kind tkven dzalian tavaziani brdzandebit
in no case! aravitar shemthvevasi!
it is forbidden! ar sheidzleba!
I don't think aramgonia
Don't want! ar minda!
you are wrong! tkven is debiting!
I am very happy! dzalian miharia!
How much does it cost? ra hirs?
what it is? es ra aris?
I will buy it me amas wikidi
you have… twain gaakvt...?
open hiaa
closed daketilia
a little, little price
a little tsotati
a lot of bevri
All khvela
bread puri
drink sasmeli, dasalebi (alcohol)
coffee kava
tea teas
juice tsveni
water tskkhali
wine gvino
meat khortsi
salt Marili
pepper pilpili
Where…? garden aris...?
how much does the ticket cost? tickets ra ghirs?
train matarebeli (from tareb - to lead)
metro metro
airport airports
railway station rkinigzis sadguri
bus station autosadguri
departure gasvla
arrival chamosvla
hotel sastumro
room otahi
passport passports
left Marchniv
right Marjniv
directly pirdapir
up zemot
down quamot
far shores
close akhlos
map hand
mail post
museum museumumi
bank banks
police police
hospital saavadmkhopo, first aid posts
pharmacy Aptiaki
shop shop
restaurant restaurants
church eklesia
Street a bunch
young woman gogon
young man ahalgazrdav

date and time

what time is it now? Romeli Saathia?
day dghe
a week queer
month TVE
year goals
Monday orshabati
Tuesday Samshabati
Wednesday otkhshabati
Thursday hutshabati
Friday paraskavi
Saturday Shabbat
Sunday queer
winter zamtari
spring gazaphuli
summer got sick
autumn shemodgoma


1 erty
2 ori
3 themselves
4 otkhi
5 Houthis
6 eqsi
7 Shvidi
8 ditch
9 tshra
10 ati
11 termeti
12 tormeti
13 tsameti
14 tokhmeti
15 thutmeti
16 tekvsmeti
17 tsvidmeti
18 tvrameti
19 Tskhrameti
20 otsi
30 otsdaati
40 ormotsi
50 ormotsdaati
100 ac

No matter how society changes over time, cultural heritage is preserved - and the more traditional norms remain in daily use, the more exotic modern people seems to be the behavior of the bearers of these traditions. To residents of the capital, Caucasian rules of behavior seem cumbersome and complicated, but we must take into account that they have been formed over centuries as manifestations of self-esteem and were created to prevent conflicts. In Georgia, greetings are structured in such a way as to show respect for the interlocutor and in no case cause accidental offense.

What they say and how they behave when greeting

A mandatory element of greeting in Georgia and throughout the Caucasus region is a handshake. This is both a symbol of your recognition of your interlocutor as a respected and worthy person, and a demonstration of trust, and an expression of your own honor. Not shaking an outstretched hand means causing a grave insult and demonstrating your deep hostility.

The younger one always comes up to greet and offers his hand first, then taking a step back. Traditions require keeping a distance between interlocutors - about a meter in the case of two men, two meters in the case of a man and a woman, and about seventy centimeters for a conversation between women. If the greeting takes place in the room where they were previously sitting, they greet the newcomer while standing, showing him their respect.

When greeting Georgians, they say “Gamarjoba”, which means “I wish you victory!” - this is a greeting of a man by a man passed down from generation to generation, characterizing him as a worthy and glorious warrior. If you are just passing by on the street and see how your friend raised his hand to his head, greeting you, repeat his gesture, but under no circumstances take off your hat. For residents of Georgia, a headdress is a symbol of human dignity, so by removing it, you demonstrate disrespect for yourself. If you see someone you know walking behind you, stop and wait for them to greet you appropriately.

Feminine characteristics of greetings in Georgia

The rules of etiquette differ for communication between men and with women. In Georgia, women never extend their hand or touch him when greeting - the only exception there may be a greeting between relatives. Kissing on the cheek when meeting is also unacceptable. According to tradition, by not allowing any contact with men, a woman protects her honor and the honor of her family. If a man passes by a woman when meeting, he must leave her alone. right hand Push. If a woman passes by a sitting acquaintance, his task is to rise and greet her, but she should not come too close to him. These conventions are associated primarily with the status of women in society, which, on the one hand, is traditionally lower than that of men, and on the other, the higher the more worthy the woman behaves.


  • help me learn to speak Georgian

Rules of etiquette have existed for quite a long time. But for some people the question of who should say hello first still remains open.

Business conversation

To understand the question of who should say hello first, the first step is to take into account age and social status interlocutors. If we take a large office as an example, the first person to say hello here will be the one who is lower in work status. That is, the subordinate is the first to greet his boss or other superior person, regardless of age. An exception would be a situation in which the boss, upon entering the office, sees all his colleagues sitting at work and greets them.

Free communication

Free communication means communication with friends, family, acquaintances, without obligation to anything, such as, for example, at work.
More often, when meeting in a cafe, theater, on the street and others in public places, as a rule, the man is the first to say hello. But that doesn't mean it has to be that way. Perhaps he is just a very polite person himself.

You should be the first to greet people of the older generation; this will be considered good manners and respect for a person who has lived almost his whole life.

If we assume that there was a first date between a man and a woman, the first greeting of a man to his passion will only be a plus, since at present there are not so many gallant and cultured men. Although this also applies.

It happens that a person you don’t know greets you on the street. In this case, you can either say hello back or simply nod your head. Then you can remember for a long time who he is and where you might have met him before.

You can greet a person in any way you like: “Hello!”, “Good morning!”, “Good day!”, “Good afternoon!” etc. At the same time, you can nod, bow, shake hands. And if you do this with a pleasant intonation and a smile, the greeting will be doubly friendlier.

According to a sociological survey, it is clear that the majority of people believe that a man should still say hello first. Maybe this is how it should be, but the main thing is that the greeting is mutually pleasant!

In addition, do not forget about the long-existing phrase: “Whoever says hello first is polite!”

Traditions are an element of cultural and social heritage that can be passed on from generation to generation. Traditions are preserved in the culture of a certain society for a fairly long period of time.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection.


Traditions like necessary condition the vital functions of culture are determined by the fact that neglect of them can lead to disruptions in the continuity of development of both culture and society as a whole. However, if you blindly worship only traditions, then the society can degenerate into an acutely conservative one.

The concept of tradition is closely connected with the concept itself. Main hallmark Such a society means that the central place in it will belong, first of all, to the religious and mythological system. They will form the basis of political, social and cultural processes.

Traditional society in human history takes a fairly long period of time. Historians attribute to it such eras as primitiveness, slavery and medieval feudalism.