Why in Georgian? Georgian language for beginners

Dictionary of love. Georgian
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Love is sikvaruli
I love you - me shen mikvarhar
I love you very much - me shen uzomot mikvarhar
Don't offend me - well, matsk"eineb
I miss you - momenatre (I miss you - me shen momenatre)
I dream about you - mesismrebi
I miss you and kiss you - menatrebi and kotsni
Hugs - gehvevi
Dear person - dzvirpasi adamiani (appeal - dzvirpaso adamiano)
My soul - suli chemimi (appeal - sulo chemo)
You are my nicest, my favorite, the best in the world - Shen kvelaze kargi, watercolors and uketesi har kvekanase
I can give everything just to see your eyes again - kvelafers gavaketeb imistvis, rum sheni tvalebi kidevertkhel manakha
I can’t get you out of my head - ar shemidzlia sheni davitskeba
Why don't you call? - ratom ar mirekav?
Kiss me - makotse
I kiss you - me sheng gkotsni
Come, I'll kiss you - modi ak, how's it going?
Hug me - momehwie
I want us to be in a place - me minda, rum chven ertad vikot.
It seems to me that these two stars in the sky are similar to us - me mgonia, is ori varskvlavi tsaze chven gvgavs.
There is a part of you in every beat of my heart - chemi gulis kovel dartkmashi sheni natsiliya
Nothing will work out for us, I know that you don’t need me - chven araperi gamogviva, me vici, rum shen ar gchirdebi
I really, really like you - me shen momtsonhar dzalian-zalian magrad
My dear - chemo dzvirpaso
They don’t renounce lovingly! You need someone who is small and loves you very much! - Sikvarulisgan gandoma ar sheidzleba! Shen mas chirdebi, vints pataraa da dzalian ukvarhar!
Don't call or write! Forget! I'm resting as you asked! - nurts damirekav da nurts momtser! Damivicke! visveneb, rogorts shen mthove!
It’s very difficult for me to be around you, but I don’t understand what to do without you - dznelia shentan ertad kofna, magram ver gamigia ushenod rogor vikve
I will always help you - me kovetvis dagekhmarebi
Rely on me - gkondes chemi imedi
The joy of my heart - chemi gulis sikharulo / sikharulo
I'll be waiting - dagelodebi
I'm very sad without you - dzalian motskenili var ushenod
Come soon - Chamodi Male
My beauty (appeal) - chemo silamazev
My handsome (appeal) - chemo lamazo
I feel very good when you are near - dzalian kargad var, rodesats shen akhlos har
Brother, brother - zmao, zamiko
Little Sister - Daiko
I want to be with you - minda shentan ertad khopna
My good one is something cargo
My life is something sitsotskhle
You are my life - shen chemi tskhovreba har
My joy is something crazy
Favorite - watercolor
My dream is sanatrelo
My beautiful - lamaso or turpav
Beautiful - mshweniero
I love, but I don’t want - mikvars, magram ar minda
Do you like this girl? - shen mogtsons es gogo?
Yes, I like it and I love her - ki, momtsons da mikvars
I will never leave you - me shen arasdros ar migatoweb
I will never leave you in trouble - me shen arasdros ar daktoweb
I will always be with you - me sul viknebi shentan / me shentan sul viknebi
The treasure is you - okro har shen
What have I done to you? - ra gagikete shen iseti?
Don't call me again - agar damireko
Don't touch me - hells nu mahleb, shemeshvi
Forget - Daivicke
Don't be offended - Argetskinos
Are you offended? - Getskin?
Who offended you? - Gatskenin wine?
Did I offend you? - me gatskenine?
Are you mad at me? - shen chemze natskeni har?
You offended me! - shen matskenine!
You are very sweet and I like you very much, little angel, I kiss you - daan watercolors har da dzalian momtsonhar, patara angelozo, k"otsni
I want love and affection. Right now - minda sikvaruli da alersi. Ahlawe
What, you want love and affection? - ra, sikvaruli da alersi moginda?
Your face illuminates my life - sheni sahe minatebs tskhovrebas
You are my prince, my god and lord, if there is no sun in the sky, then all living things perish, so I perish without you, my soul - shen chemi tavadi har, chemi gmerti har da chemi patroni har, tu ar aris mze tsaze, machine kvelaperi tsotskhali kvdeba, aseve mets vkvdebi shens gareshe, chemo sulo
A thousand kisses - Atasi Kotsna
Forgive me, I didn't mean to - mopatie me ar mindoda
My heart is still raving about you - chemi guli kidev shenze bodavs
It’s very difficult for me to be around you, but I don’t understand what to do without you - dznelia shentan ertad kofna, magram ver gamige ushenod rogor vikve
I wish you sweet dreams, my only beauty - tkbil sizrebs gisurweb, chemo ertad erto mzid unahavo
My evil tiger, why do you growl at me all the time? - avo vefkhvo, koveltvis ase ratom mibgver?
You smell nice - hag sunia
Now I'm going to bite - ehla gikben
I'm with you - me shentan var
Don't be afraid, I'm with you - well geshinya, me shentang var
You are the meaning of my life - shen chemi tskhovrebis azri har
My heart is with you - chemi guli shentan aris

Georgian (ქართული ენა; kartuli ena) - most main language in the Caucasian group of languages. The Caucasian group of languages ​​is divided into three language families: South Caucasian or Kartvelian, northeastern and northwestern. They are very diverse. Strabo (Greek historian and geographer ) wrote that in I century BC in the region of Dioscuria (Sukhumi) alone, the Romans needed at least 70 translators. In Dagestan alone there are 14 nationalities and 29 languages, so it is not surprising that the name of the Caucasus comes from the Arabic phrase “mountain of languages.”

The Georgian alphabet has 5 vowels and 28 consonants, and is unlike any other alphabet in the world. Georgia had its own written language back in III century BC, but it was supplanted by Greek and Aramaic writing. The modern alphabet began to develop with the advent of the Christian faith in the country and was already in use in 450. First literary work“The Martyrdom of the Holy Queen Shushanik” was written by Y. Tsurtaveli between 476 and 483. IN XII century, Shota Rustaveli wrote a poem in verse, “The Knight in the Skin of a Tiger.” There are no genders in the Georgian language, and there are no capital letters in the Georgian writing system.

The majority of the adult population in large cities of Georgia speak Russian. Young people often understand and speak English well English. In mountainous areas, in small villages, the local population speaks only Georgian.

When going on a Georgia tour, you can purchase tourist phrasebooks of the Georgian language and learn basic phrases for communication. I will list some phrases below in a short dictionary.

Brief dictionary





Good morning!

Dila mshvidobisa!



What's your name?

Ra kvia?

How are you?

Rogora har?




Bodyshi! Mapatiet!

Thank you!


Thank you very much!

Didi madloba!



Where is..?

Aris garden..?




Diah, ho (colloquial)













Who, what, which?








My name is...

Me mkwia..

My pleasure! (response to gratitude)







Inebet, Tu sheidzlaba!

How many? (quantity)


What is the price)

Ra ghirs?







Days of the week and time















At noon


In the evening






Day after tomorrow








What time is it?

Romeli saathia?

In the morning


Geographical dictionary

Bus station

Bussabis Sadguri






























0 — zeros

12 — tormati

50 — ormotsdaati

1 — erty

13 — tsameti

60 — samotsi

2 —ori

14 — tothmeti

70 — Samotsdaati

3 — themselves

15 — thutmethi

80 — otkhmotsi

4 — otkhi

16 —tekvsmeti

90 — otkhmotsdaati

5 — Houthis

17 — chvidmati

100 — asi

6 — eqsi

18 — tvrameti

101 — as erti

7 — Shvidi

19 — tskhrameti

200 — orasi

8 — ditch

20 — oci

1000 — atasi

9 — tshra

21 — otsdaherti

10 000 — ati atashi

10 — ati

30 — otsdeati

100 000 — ashi atashi

11 — Tertmeti

40 — ormotsi

Million - milioni

The above phrases and words may be useful to you in colloquial speech during your visit to Georgia. However, for a more comfortable stay in Georgia, we recommend that you use our services. All services in the format “Georgia tours” and “Georgia excursions” company Rainbow Georgia // provides in Russian, English and, upon request, in French.

For those who are going to I offer Georgian words and phrases in Russian, written in Russian letters. How do you understand these words and phrases that a tourist may need? There is no feminine or masculine gender in Georgian. Here the letters that are in red are pronounced differently in Georgian, but more on that in the next lesson. Everyone there will understand you exactly. Of course, everything won't fit here. the right words and phrases, but how to get out difficult situation and find the translation in Russian letters of the desired phrase.

goodbye - nakhvamdis - or - momaval shekhvedramde - or - kargad ik avi (whichever is more convenient for you)
Good morning – dila mshvidobisa
Good evening - sag amo mshvidobisa
Hello - gamarj both (you can also say - SALAMI. This word in Georgian is from Turkish)
Good / bad - hags / tsudi
big/small – didi/patara
see you (analogous to see you), let's meet - shevkhvdebit
mandatory - aucileblad
I want - minda
yes / no - ki /ara or diah /ara
hot / cold - Tskheli / Tsivi
I know - vizi
I don’t know - arvitsi
Thank you, thank you - madloba
Welcome – mobrdz andi
it’s possible, perhaps – shedz leba, shedz lebelia
give - mometsi
wait - mysade
How is your health? – rogor aris tk veni j amrteloba?
How are you doing? - rogor har?
Sorry / I beg your pardon / excuse me – ukatsravad – or – mapatie
please (to a request) - gt hov
please (you’re welcome, welcome) – mobrdz andi
If possible - tu shades leba
I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty - daleva, minda daleva
there is - aris
good, wonderful – hags, shesanishnavia
Thank you - madloba
I don’t understand – ver gavige – or – ar mesmis
glad to meet you – miharia gatsnoba
Can you help me? – shegidz liat damehmarot?
I'm not sure – Me ar var darts munebuli
I - me
you are shen
Taxi - Taxi
here – ak ( in English letters more accurately pronounced - AQ. Here in this word the Russian letter k is pronounced like the English Q)
there - ik (more accurately pronounced in English letters - IQ. Here in this word the Russian letter k is pronounced like English Q)

I want - me minda
I love you - me shen mik varhar
okay, it’s going, good, I agree – hags – or just Ok
Airport - Airport
A little, a little - a little
another one – kidev ert and
everything is fine - to velaferi rigzea
Telephone - Telephone
because - imitation rum
what is your name? – ra gk via
my name is... - me mk via
still (more) - kidev
bad - tsudi
husband / wife - to mari / tsoli
my / yours - chemi / sheni
Hotel - Hotel
how old are you - ramdeni ts lis har
do you know Russian? - rusuli itsi?
I didn’t understand - ver gavige
Tea - Tea
good, cute - hags, sympathiuri
do you understand me? – what is hesmis?
Coffee – Coffee
How is this in Georgian? – rogor aris es k artulad
come, come, come here - modi, modi ak
help me - mishvele, or damehmare
I need - me minda
need to go - unda ts avide
I'm from Russia – me ruset idan var
sit down (please) – daj eki (gt hov)
money - f uli
who is this? – vin aris es?
These glories will be very useful in the market or bazaar
change - hurda
I can – me shemidz lia
I don’t have money / change – me ar ma To sun f uli / hurda
you can’t – ar shades leba
another one - kidev erti
where is the garden
currency exchange – valutis gatsvla
I want - me minda
I don't want - me ar minda
can I have a look at this? – shades leba vnaho?
I myself am me tweeton
These glories you will often have to use
Enough/Enough – sakmarisia
free - uv asod
no money - f uli ar mak sun
how much does it cost? – ra g irs?
no problem, don't worry – ar aris problem, well g elavt

later, then - guian, shemdeg
a lot - bevri
little - tsota
yes - ki
no - ara
completely, entirely – mt lianad
please give me... - mometsi gt hov
difficult - dzneli
I don't want it / I don't need it. Not required – me ar minda es / me ar mch irdeba
expensive - dz viria
very expensive – dz alian dz viria
let's go - ts avidet
enough - sakmarisia
beloved, dear (applied to friends too) – sak varelo, dz virf aso
Well dear - kargi dz virf aso

Well, write in the comments what words and phrases you are interested in and I’ll add them here.
Here is the answer to the most searched for phrase “how to say in Georgian I love you”, “monkey” on the Internet: me shen mik varhar, as in Georgian the word Please. Also the phrase “the designation in Georgian is the word zamo” - Here, in my opinion, the word “zamo” does not sound correctly. Must be "Dz Mao"

I love you - me shen mik varhar
monkey - maimuni
please - internet ( this is for example when we say: Please take your key . There is no direct translation for this particle in Georgian. IN different case it can be expressed in different ways).
Dz mao - Brother (“Dz ma” in Russian is brother, but in our case “Dz mao” is an appeal to a loved one or not to a loved one. For example, “Gamarjoba dz mao” - “hello brother”)

There is another thing that is interesting and useful to many. For example, offensive, obscene words in Georgian. That's because you didn't accidentally say those words there. Of course it will be inconvenient. To do this, I made a short Georgian dictionary of offensive, obscene words and expressions. To download this archive. The archive contains Georgian curses, swear words in DOC format in RAR archive with translation into Russian. Unpack it.

I also wrote a small post for you and there you will find an archive that you can download

No matter how society changes over time, cultural heritage is preserved - and the more traditional norms remain in daily use, the more exotic modern people seems to be the behavior of the bearers of these traditions. To residents of the capital, the Caucasian rules of behavior seem cumbersome and complicated, but we must take into account that they have been formed over centuries as manifestations of their own dignity and were created to prevent conflicts. In Georgia, greetings are structured in such a way as to show respect for the interlocutor and in no case cause accidental offense.

What they say and how they behave when greeting

A mandatory element of greeting in Georgia and throughout the Caucasus region is a handshake. This is both a symbol of your recognition of your interlocutor as a respected and worthy person, and a demonstration of trust, and an expression of your own honor. Not shaking an outstretched hand means causing a grave insult and demonstrating your deep hostility.

The younger one always comes up to greet and offers his hand first, then taking a step back. Traditions require keeping a distance between interlocutors - about a meter in the case of two men, two meters in the case of a man and a woman, and about seventy centimeters for a conversation between women. If the greeting takes place in the room where they were previously sitting, they greet the newcomer while standing, showing him their respect.

When greeting Georgians, they say “Gamarjoba”, which means “I wish you victory!” - this is a greeting of a man by a man passed down from generation to generation, characterizing him as a worthy and glorious warrior. If you are just passing by on the street and see how your friend raised his hand to his head, greeting you, repeat his gesture, but under no circumstances take off your hat. For residents of Georgia, a headdress is a symbol of human dignity, so by removing it, you demonstrate disrespect for yourself. If you see someone you know walking behind you, stop and wait for them to greet you appropriately.

Feminine characteristics of greetings in Georgia

The rules of etiquette differ for communication between men and with women. In Georgia, women never extend their hand or touch him when greeting - the only exception there may be a greeting between relatives. Kissing on the cheek when meeting is also unacceptable. According to tradition, by not allowing any contact with men, a woman protects her honor and the honor of her family. If a man passes by a woman when meeting, he must leave her alone. right hand Push. If a woman passes by a sitting acquaintance, his task is to rise and greet her, but she should not come too close to him. These conventions are associated primarily with the status of women in society, which, on the one hand, is traditionally lower than that of men, and on the other, the higher the more worthy the woman behaves.


  • help me learn to speak Georgian

Rules of etiquette have existed for quite a long time. But for some people the question of who should say hello first still remains open.

Business communication

To understand the question of who should say hello first, the first step is to take into account age and social status interlocutors. If we take a large office as an example, the first person to say hello here will be the one who is lower in work status. That is, the subordinate is the first to greet his boss or other superior person, regardless of age. An exception would be a situation in which the boss, upon entering the office, sees all his colleagues sitting at work and greets them.

Free communication

Free communication means communication with friends, family, acquaintances, without obligation to anything, such as, for example, at work.
More often, when meeting in a cafe, theater, on the street and others public places, as a rule, the man is the first to say hello. But that doesn't mean it has to be that way. Perhaps he is just a very polite person himself.

You should be the first to greet people of the older generation; this will be considered good manners and respect for a person who has lived almost his whole life.

If we assume that there was a first date between a man and a woman, the first greeting of a man to his passion will only be a plus, since at present there are not so many gallant and cultured men. Although this also applies.

It happens that a person you don’t know greets you on the street. In this case, you can either say hello back or simply nod your head. Then you can remember for a long time who he is and where you might have met him before.

You can greet a person in any way you like: “Hello!”, “Good morning!”, “Good day!”, “Good afternoon!” etc. At the same time, you can nod, bow, shake hands. And if you do this with a pleasant intonation and a smile, the greeting will be doubly friendlier.

According to a sociological survey, it is clear that the majority of people believe that a man should still say hello first. Maybe this is how it should be, but the main thing is that the greeting is mutually pleasant!

In addition, do not forget about the long-existing phrase: “Whoever says hello first is polite!”

Traditions are an element of cultural and social heritage that can be passed on from generation to generation. Traditions are preserved in the culture of a certain society for a fairly long period of time.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection.


Traditions like necessary condition the vital functions of culture are determined by the fact that neglect of them can lead to disruptions in the continuity of development of both culture and society as a whole. However, if you blindly worship only traditions, then the society can degenerate into an acutely conservative one.

The concept of tradition is closely connected with the concept itself. Main hallmark Such a society means that the central place in it will belong, first of all, to the religious and mythological system. They will form the basis of political, social and cultural processes.

Traditional society in human history takes a fairly long period of time. Historians attribute to it such eras as primitiveness, slavery and medieval feudalism.