Unstressed case endings of nouns examples. Writing unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns

  1. Noun endings. The choice of e/i in the endings of nouns in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases is difficult singular.

Remember: edge to edge, oblivion to oblivion.
Please note: in the prepositional case of words ending in -iya, -ie, -iy, the letter i preceding the ending “calls” for the ending -i, the preceding letters e or ь - ending -e: o
energy, constellation, happiness, but about livery, gallery, solitude, fun, happiness.
Pay attention to the spelling of the endings of nouns with the suffixes -ish-, -ushk-/-yushk-, -yshk-/-ishk-, -l-: -ish-e - in noun. masculine and neuter gender: city - city-isch-e, crucian carp - crucian carp-isch-e; swamp - swamp-looking, suburb - suburb-looking;
-isch-a - noun. feminine: leg - knife-isch-a, head - head-search-a;
-ushk-o (-yushk-o),
-ishk-o (-ishk-o) - for inanimate beings. masculine and neuter gender: bread - bread-ushk-o, house - house-ishk-o, grief - goryushk-o, wing - wing-yshk-o;
-ushk-a (-yushk-a),
-ishk-a (-ishk-a) - for all other nouns (animate noun m. r.; animate and inanimate noun. zh. r.): brother - brother-ushk-a, uncle - uncle- yushk-a, student - student-ishk-a; girl - devch-ushk-a, will - vol-yushk-a, trifle - trifle-ishk-a;
-l-a - for common nouns: imagine-l-a, fill-l-a, bison-l-a, chudi-l-a;
-l-o - in neuter nouns with the meaning of an instrument of action: load-l-o, cover-l-o, light-l-o, sharpen-l-o, chisel-o, urine-l-o.
  1. Verb endings. In unstressed personal endings of verbs, the spelling e/i depends on the conjugation of the verb:
  1. conjugation - in the endings the letter e: shave - shave, shave, shave, shave; fight - fight, fight, fight, fight.
  2. conjugation - in the endings the letter and: offend - offend, offend, offend, offend; pray - pray, pray, pray, pray.
Please note:
1) for the conjugation of “erroneous” verbs (verbs of the first conjugation; see their list in § 4 p. 5):
sow - sow, sow, sow, sow, sow; winnow - blow, blow, blow, blow, blow; repent - repent, repent, repent, repent, repent; grow moldy - moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy, moldy;
lay, lay - lay, lay, lay, lay, lay;
  1. intransitive verbs with the prefix obes-/obez- are verbs of the first conjugation, transitive verbs of the second conjugation: weaken (trans.) - you will become weak, you will become weak, we will become weak, you will become weak, you will become weak; weaken (nepereh.) - weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken.

Table 1 - Case endings of singular nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-a, -i

wives A, earth I

, -o, -e

horse, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

R. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

-a, -i

con I, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

D. p.-e

wives e, earth e

-u, -yu

con yu, sat down at, floor yu


night And, horses And

V. p.-u, -yu

wives at, earth yu

, -a, -i, -o, -e

con I, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

etc.-oh (-oh), -ey (-her)

wives Ouch, earth to her

-om, -eat

con eat, sat down ohm, floor I eat


night yu, horses yu

P. p. -e

wives e, earth e

-e, -i

con e, sat down e, floor e


night And, horses And

IN case endings singular is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the 1st declension and in the prepositional case of the 2nd declension (except for words in -and I , -th , -ies ), For example: to factories e, to factories e, to the ground e, about the battery e, to become e; to the factory e, to the machine e; about pestilence e; in the village e;
  2. letter And :
    • in the genitive case of nouns of the first declension, for example: at the factories And, near the ground And, near the battery And, from becoming And;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns of the II declension on -ies , -th , For example: in the lecture hall And, in excitement And, about worldview And ;
    • in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the first declension in -and I , nouns of the third declension and heterodeclinable neuter nouns on -me , For example: from the collection And, to the collection And, in the collection And; from overcoats And, to the overcoat And, in an overcoat And; at the banners And, to the banners And oh banner And.

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the prepositional case of neuter nouns on -ies And -ye , For example: be in thought And, be fully prepared And (end -And ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (end -e ).

Case endings in surnames and titles

In Russian surnames -in(-yn) and on -s(-s) in the instrumental case the singular is written -th (like adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th . The ending is written in foreign surnames -ohm , For example: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In titles settlements on -in(-yn) , -s(-s) , -ino(-ino) , -ovo(-evo) the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -ohm (as in nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, Borodin village ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings for plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of nouns in plural

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-s, -i

wives s, earth And

a, -i, -s, -i

con And, sat down A, floor I


night And, horses And

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con to her, sat down, floor to her

-to her

night to her, horses to her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, earth yam

-am, -yam

con yam, sat down am, floor yam

-am, -yam

night am, horses yam

V. p.-s, -i,

wives, land And

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov

con to her, sat down A, floor I

-and, -ey

night And, horses to her

etc.-ami, -yami

wives ami, earth yami

-ami, -yami

con yami, sat down ami, floor yami

-ami, -yami

night ami, horses yami

P. p.-ah, -yah

wives Oh, earth I

-ah, -yah

con I, sat down Oh, floor I

-ah, -yah

night Oh, horses I

  1. In the genitive plural, after the sibilants, the letter b is not written, for example: solution tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In the genitive plural of nouns, -ya And -ye in unstressed position it is written -th , under stress - -to her , For example: liar th(liar), delusion th(meditation), But stat to her(article), scam to her(bench). Exceptions: Rouge to her(gun), pay ev(dress), ust ev(mouth), upper reaches ev(upstream), downstream ev(lower reaches).
    In nouns -and I , -ies in the genitive case it is always written -th , For example: lin th(line), built th(building).
  3. If nouns in the genitive plural end in -en , That soft sign is not written, for example: songs, cherries ( Wed apple trees, kitchens). After -en letter in the genitive case b written in words villages b, young ladies b .

- involving students in the activity situation during the lesson;
- create conditions for development spelling vigilance and spelling skills, the ability to compare, contrast, analyze;

Formation of new knowledge and value attitudes towards it;

Formation of subject knowledge and UUD based on previously formed knowledge;

Formation of experience in applying previously formed knowledge and actions;

Task: development of UUD
Approach to training: active.
Lesson type: combined. Equipment: presentation

Lesson progress

1. Adaptation stage.

1. Organizational moment

Teacher: For the motto of today’s lesson, I propose to take the proverb “Pick one berry, you’ll get a whole bunch.”

On the board: S.take according to yag.dk., n.take the box.

2. Goal setting

Teacher: As you can see, there are missing letters in this proverb. Determine what letters they are and what place do they occupy?. The student goes to the board and highlights parts of the words.

Find vocabulary word.
- Determine the topic of today's lesson.

Write down the proposal. Children identify unstressed vowels. Test yourself.

The sun is like a stove -all s.gr.va.t.

3. Updating of basic knowledge.

What do we know about ways to check a set-top box? ( Prefixes are always written the same way, no matter how they are pronounced.)

What do we know about ways to check an unstressed vowel at the root? ( choose a test word by changing the form of the word, or choose a word with the same root)

Do we know how to check the unstressed vowel in the endings of nouns? How? ( use an algorithm or a test word)

Teacher: Now that the topic has been formulated, try to formulate the purpose of the lesson.

Objective of the lesson: test the ability to correctly write an unstressed vowel at the endings of nouns.

4. Motivation for educational activities.

Teacher: So we are already Can check unstressed vowels in prefixes, roots, endings of singular nouns?

A want do you want to learn more about noun endings?

Teacher: To check an unstressed vowel, in what part of the word is it necessary to be able to determine the declension of nouns?”( Spelling the unstressed vowel at the end of nouns.)

Is it enough for correct spelling do you know the declension of the endings of nouns?”( No, you need to correctly determine the case and remember the correct ending)

- Who will tell you the algorithm?

2. Main stage.

5. Practical work in pairs.

From the Christmas tree to the Christmas tree , from alley. to the gazebos. , on the cover box , injection. in a notebook. , down the alley. park. , on the banks of the river. ., with drops of dew

6. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

- Who did it? Who had a problem? Why? (noun in plural)

- Have we encountered such nouns before? How to check unstressed ending, if the noun is plural? (test word with stressed ending - “with hands”)

Let's check the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns in the singular. What did you use to determine the ending? (by algorithm)

We have found out the reasons for the difficulty. Find out what ours will sound like target? (learn to determine the unstressed ending of plural nouns)

3. Creative stage.

7 . Building a project for getting out of a problem. Information search.

What should we do to determine the unstressed ending of plural nouns? (let's look at the textbook p.48)

8. Primary consolidation.(textbook p. 48, exercise 127)

etc. singular: -ohm, -oh, -oh

etc. plural: -ami, -yami

Physical education lesson (see appendix)

Teacher: Now, let's conclude, what do you need to know and be able to do in order to correctly write the unstressed ending of a noun? (first determine the number of the noun, then follow the algorithm)

Children write in notebooks, and the Teacher puts on the board the support commented by the children.

etc. singular: -ohm, -oh, -oh

etc. plural: -ami, -yami

7. Independent work

P. 48, ex. 128. 1 option - 1.3 riddles; Option 2 - 2.4 riddles.

Physical education session with music

8. Generalization

Teacher:“Did we achieve the goal of the lesson?”

What were you working on? - Did the work in the lesson correspond to our motto? (the body is our knowledge; in order to know a lot, we need to collect this knowledge every day.)

9. Homework.

P.49 exercise 132
10. Reflection.

Who rated themselves? Read it. The teacher listens to several students.

For everyone else, I will see your own grades in your notebooks.


A game to relieve general tension and psychological fatigue “Magic Dream”.

Children repeat the teacher’s words in chorus, trying to show that they are pronouncing.

Teacher: Everyone can dance, run, jump and play,

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest.