How to check the unstressed case ending of a qualitative word. Unstressed case endings of adjectives

Competent speech- the key to many doors to success. And in the business world, negotiating requires literacy in writing. In order not to stumble over every difficult case of writing words, you should remember a few rules of the Russian language.

For example, how to check for unstressed endings of nouns. The declension is important here: 1st - masculine and feminine in -a/-ya (book, family); 2nd - masculine without ending (chair, elk) and neuter with -o/-e (deed, heart); 3rd - feminine gender in -ь (byl). The endings in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, depending on the declension, will be as follows: in the 3rd in all cases -i; in the 1st one the genitive is - и/ы, and in the other two - e; the 2nd has -a/ya, -u/yu and -e, respectively.

And in other difficult cases, how to write the ending correctly? In nouns feminine in -i, masculine -i and neuter -i in the prepositional case (in the feminine - also in the genitive and dative) the ending -i (in the constellation) will be written. After the suffixes -ushk-, -yushk, -ishk-, -yshk-, feminine and animate masculine nouns will have the ending -a (boy); and the neuter and inanimate masculine gender - o (coat). After the suffix -ish- in the singular for masculine and neuter nouns you should write -e (bludgeon), feminine -a (strength); in plural for the masculine and feminine gender the ending is -i (zubischi, ruchishchi), for the neuter gender -a (window).

To understand how to check unstressed endings adjectives, it may be enough to ask the question “which?” in the required case and gender: about (what?) blue sky, etc. A difficult case is possessive adjectives in -iy, -e, -ya, -i. In the nominative (except for the masculine gender) and indirect cases (except for the accusative in the masculine gender), they will necessarily have at the end soft sign: fox fur coat, hare footprint, etc. There are adjectives that nominative case, singular, masculine will be written in the short form. These are words in -yny: violent - violent.

The main thing in how to determine the unstressed ending of a verb is to find out which conjugation it belongs to. In the case of an unstressed ending, it is determined by the suffix of the infinitive. The 2nd conjugation includes verbs in -it (with the exception of “shave”, “lay”), as well as “drive”, “breathe”, “hold”, “hear”, “endure”, “twist”, “offend” ", "depend", "hate", "see", "look". All other verbs are of the 1st conjugation. Verb derivatives belong to the same conjugation as those from which they are derived.

So, the conjugations are clear. Now - how to determine the personal ending of a verb. Verbs of the 1st conjugation in unstressed personal endings end in -е, -у/-у: crying, crying, crying, crying, crying; 2nd conjugation - on -i, -a/-ya: you drive, you drive, you drive, you drive, you drive. There are several so-called differently conjugated verbs: “to run”, “to want”, “to honor”. The way they change by person and number. It’s best to just remember: run, run, run, run, run; want, wants, want, want, want; honor, honor, honor, honor, honor/honor.

A literate person is perceived by many as smart and educated. This means that it can inspire more trust and respect. In addition, literate people will understand each other better. And this already means a lot - and not only in the business world.

Objectives: to generalize knowledge about the 1st declension of nouns, to develop the ability to recognize the type of declension of nouns, to practice checking unstressed case endings, to enrich vocabulary, improve logical thinking, develop coherent reasoned speech and stability of attention.

    Mobilizing stage.


Read the words, paying attention to their semantic connections. Make up a second pair of words.

champion - medal

excellent student - ... (diploma)


The letters that we will write with you will be determined by you.

1 letter: in the word literacy is a voiceless consonant at the root of the word;

2nd letter: in the word literacy is the unstressed vowel at the root of the word;

    letter: in the word literacy is the ending.

toa ato oat ttooaa aaatttooo

    Vocabulary work.

Determine the error-dangerous place in the word (gram O ta)

This vocabulary word. What is literacy?



2. Official document. Certificate of commendation.

3. In the old days: document, letter. Birch bark letters.

Set expressions(phraseologisms)

Filka's certificate - invalid, incorrectly and illiterately drawn up document.

Chinese letter- about something completely incomprehensible.

SLIDE 3 birch bark letter

Write down words with the same root for the word literacy. Select the root and underline the letter you need to remember.

Diploma literate literate literate literacy illiterate illiterate

    Learning new material.

What part of speech does the new vocabulary word belong to? (noun)

What can we determine in a noun's name? (gender, number, case and declension)

Certificate - single part, written form, individual name, 1 letter.

Change the cases of the word literacy, put emphasis, name the ending. (Orally)


I.p. diploma A

R.p. diploma s

D.p. diploma e

V.p. diploma at

etc. diploma Ouch

P.p. o certificate e

Formulate the topic of our lesson today.

Topic: “Spelling case endings of nouns of the 1st declension”

Problem: How to check unstressed case endings nouns of the 1st declension?

Consider the table from Exercise 169.

Place the emphasis in the words wall (1c), winter (2c) (emphasis falls on the ending)

Can these words be test words? (Yes)

For which nouns? (1st cl.)

Let's check the word literacy.

Place the emphasis in the word earth (1c), uncle (2c)?

Why don’t the endings match the test word? (base on a soft consonant, base on a hard consonant)

What should you learn in class?

Highlight noun endings. 1 fold..

Choose the right test word for nouns. 1 cl. with an unstressed ending.

Physical education minute.

Game "Finish the sentence"

If the word being tested has a soft consonant before the ending, then the test word is ... (earth). If in the word being tested there is a hard consonant before the ending, then the test word is ... (wall).


Individual task using cards.


Read the sentences. Based on the table, determine the order in which they are written. Write. Highlight the endings of nouns of the 1st declension.


Noun case

Each berry... has its own address.

Fragrant strawberries ripen on the forest edge... or on a sunny hillock.

Malin... can often be seen in clearings... or in a ravine.

You will find sour cranberries in the swamp.

For lingonberries... you have to go to the spruce forest.

What endings do nouns have? 1 stack?


What did you learn in class today?

What new did you learn?

What are the nouns? Let's check with the word winter?

What are the nouns? Let's check with the word earth?

    Venue: Class

    Interdisciplinary connections: the surrounding world.

    Lesson type: consolidation of learned material

    UMK "Harmony"

    Equipment: computer, projector, tables - supports, reminders, handouts (table with task, text), illustrations, pictures.


    educational: learn to independently obtain knowledge, draw conclusions on a topic, apply acquired knowledge at the reproductive level, consolidate acquired knowledge on a given topic;

    developing: develop speech, attention, spelling vigilance, thinking (highlight the main thing, generalize and systematize);

    educational: form moral qualities, responsibility, cultivate interest in Russian language lessons;

    wellness: to promote the preservation of health through methods and techniques that implement the principle of comfort.

    Progress of the lesson.

    I. Organizational moment.

    I wish you well today

    You wish me well today

    We wish each other success today

    If you find it difficult

    I'll help.

    Look at these pictures and choose the one that suits your mood. I hope that you will be in this mood at the end of the lesson.

    Let's smile at each other, give our smile to those around us and wish each other a successful and interesting lesson. After all, a good working mood will help us cope with any tasks that come our way. And this kind and gentle sun will illuminate our path and help us in difficult times. (drawing of a sun on the board)

    Let's sit down more comfortably, straighten our backs and begin the lesson.

    Examination homework.

    Do you have any questions while doing your homework? Was everything clear in the task? Okay, I'll check your work and give you a grade.

    II. Calligraphy.

    Where do we start our lesson? (A minute of penmanship)

    Guys, open your notebooks and write down the number.

    Before we start working, please mark the field you would like to receive." width="80" height="87 src=">.jpg" width="93" height="136">

    m_tel in_ter

    Look at the words and say which letter is missing. (letter e)

    Today we will write this letter.

    What letter is this? (vowel, iotated, gives two sounds)

    When does this vowel make two sounds?

    Well done.

    Let's write this letter with the element in the air. Now write it down in your notebook.

    Guys, listen to the poem.

    Feathers fell from the sky

    On frozen fields.

    The spruce was wrapped in a scarf,

    A hot fur coat - poplars.

    And they covered the house and the square

    An unusual blanket.

    What are their names? - you ask.

    I wrote the name here.

    (Irina Semenova)

    Who is the most attentive?

    Name a word that can be made from the first letters of each line. (snowflakes)

    Well done. Write down this word, highlight the root in it and select words with the same root.

    What is the root of these words? What happens at the roots of these words? (alternating consonant g - z)

    III. Determining the topic of the lesson.

    Listen to the poem. Finish it.

    Powdered the paths

    I decorated the earrings.

    Finally you have come

    A sorceress is coming to us... (winter)

    (pictures with a winter landscape on the board)

    Look at the words I have written.

    near the winter

    for winter

    for the winter

    during the winter

    about winter

    How are these words different? (by endings) Why do endings change?

    Formulate the topic of our lesson yourself (spelling case endings of singular nouns)

    Today we will repeat everything we know about cases. Practice identifying unstressed endings of nouns. This is the problem of our lesson.

    IV. Working on the topic of the lesson.

    Let's remember with you the names of all cases and questions.

    Well done, you did great. Were you paying attention and did you notice anything? (cases were not in order)

    Place them in the correct order. (The student completes the task at the board)

    Well done. You did a good job. Now let's remember the prepositions. Some cases are used only with certain prepositions.

    Let's remember, D. p. - to, by; P. p. - o; R. p. – without; etc. – between.

    Look at the words, what common theme are they united? (Blizzard, December, blizzard, powder, frost, snowflake) (winter)

    Write the noun in the correct case form. Highlight the endings in the nouns and indicate the case.

    To correctly write an unstressed case ending, what should you do?

    How else can you check for an unstressed ending? (stressed ending of a noun of the same type of declension).

    (students each fill out their own table)

    walk in the cold

    look at the snowflake

    will come in December

    hid from the snowstorm

    powder fell out

    told about the blizzard

    Do you understand the meaning of all the words?

    Let's take advantage explanatory dictionary and let's see what this word means. (one of the students looks up the word powder in the explanatory dictionary)

    What did you notice? Are all nouns used with a preposition? Conclusion. (nouns in I. p. are used without prepositions)

    Well done.

    V. Physical exercise. (for eyes)

    (snowflakes are hung in the classroom, the teacher points at them with a laser pointer, the children follow with their eyes; music plays)

    VI. Updating knowledge.

    Guess the riddles.

    You and I will recognize the animal

    According to two such signs:

    He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

    And in a red fur coat - in the summer (squirrel)

    What kind of forest animal

    Stood up like a post under a pine tree

    And stands among the grass -

    Are your ears bigger than your head? (hare)

    Wakes up in the spring

    And in winter, under the snow howl

    He sleeps in a snow hut. (bear)

    Touchy, covered in needles,

    I live in a hole under a Christmas tree.

    Even though the doors are wide open,

    But no animals come to me. (hedgehog)

    Do you guys know how these animals spend the winter?

    Listen, I will read to you about these animals, and you will help me. (teacher reads about animals without naming them; students say the name of the animal out loud)

    Listen to the task you will need to complete.

    Determine the case and highlight the endings of the highlighted words.

    Let's remember what needs to be done to correctly write the unstressed case ending of a noun?

    Well done.

    First I will read about...? (the teacher shows a picture of an animal). I won’t name the word bear, you must name it yourself and put it in the correct case. Determine the declination and insert the desired ending. (during the reading process, pictures of animals are hung on the board).

    In winter, a bear climbs into its den and hibernates there. Under the skin of the bear... there is fat, it protects the bear... from the winter cold. Oh bear... there are many fairy tales.

    In winter, the hedgehog sleeps in his burrow. A hedgehog has a mink... in the hollow of a fallen tree or in the ground. You can learn a lot of interesting things about hedgehogs from books...

    The squirrel is not scary... cold winter. In the fall, she changed her red coat for a fur coat. I have prepared protein... supplies for the winter. I dried mushrooms and stuffed nuts and acorns into the hollow. Then the squirrel... insulates its house. Arranges a soft featherbed of moss and dry leaves in the hollow. In winter, the squirrel... will curl up there and cover itself with its tail. The tail warms the squirrel... like a blanket.

    The hare is wearing a new coat for winter. The summer fur of hares... comes out and grows back light and fluffy. It's hard to spot a hare... in the snow in winter. He has no hole, no reserves. The buds and bark of trees feed the hare... all winter. The hare is scary... not the frost, but the hunters, wolves, foxes and owls. The hare saves... a light fur coat and fast legs. (The work is done individually on pieces of paper; children write about the hare in their notebooks independently; music sounds).


    For each of these animals, the forest is home. And when we come to the forest, we should not disturb the peace of animals and birds. Because we are guests there.

    VII. Physical exercise.

    Snowball game.

    (the teacher throws a pompom, the student determines the gender of the noun that the teacher calls; children can throw a “snowball” to each other and name any words themselves)

    (Tree, road, forest, ice hole, thicket, village, bird, animal, top, wolf, feeding trough, coat, edge, lilac).

    VIII. Working with the textbook.

    Ex. No. 000.

    137. Compose and write a sentence with homogeneous members.

    Traces were visible in the snow (- a; 1st; singular part) ..., (n. o.; 2nd; singular part) ..., and (n. o.; 3rd; unit part) .) … .

    Words for reference: lynx, partridge, black grouse.

    Indicate the case and declension of nouns. Highlight the endings in them.

    Please note that you need to write down the words for reference in exactly the order in which the authors of the textbook suggest. Examination.

    Let's remember the algorithm for writing the unstressed case ending of a noun.

    IX. Consolidation of knowledge.

    Game "Climber".

    Guys, do you know who climbers are?

    Now you will be climbers, you must conquer your peak of knowledge. - Listen to the task. You need to write the ending correctly.

    What should you do to avoid making a mistake in choosing an ending?

    Now let's fill out the table.

    (there is a table with empty columns on the board, children take turns filling it out, writing down the correct ending)

    R. p i - y a - i and

    D. p. e u - yu and

    P. p. e e and

    You and I remembered the case endings, you filled out the table without errors and now, without fear of any difficulties, we will conquer the peak.

    Without cones..., on the ate..., on the tree..., in the hole..., oh bear...,

    without brooms..., about the hare..., near the roads..., in the thickets..., on the branches..., about the snowflake..., about the blizzard..., along the paths..., in the cold..., to the birds..., at the feeders..., from the branches..., about the icicles ..., from the tops..., about the wolf..., without lynxes..., about the winter..., without branches..., near the squirrels...about the forest..., near the edge....

    (all words are written on cards and attached to an image of a snowy peak, children go to the board and write down the ending; not all words can be taken)

    Well done, you completed this task. We will attach this flag to our peak, you have conquered it. Let's give ourselves a clap.

    Well done.

    You are standing at the very top. Below you is our huge, beautiful Earth. How beautiful she is! How many forests, fields, rivers, lakes, seas! And how many animals and birds live on this earth. We must protect and protect the nature of our Earth.

    For squirrels, foxes, lynxes and martens, the forest is their home.

    The bird and the beast want to believe in peace and quiet. (F. Lisichkina)

    X. Reflection.

    Has our lesson come to an end? Did you find it interesting in class today?

    What did we work on in class today? What new things have you discovered?

    Were we able to solve the lesson problem? How do you feel at the end of the lesson? Rate yours active participation in the lesson. (each student has three mugs different colors, the child evaluates his own work0.

    XI. Lesson summary.

    Performance evaluation.


    Thanks everyone for the lesson.


    (Task for homework printed on a piece of paper. The child completes it by writing it in a notebook)

    Open the brackets and write the nouns in the correct case. Determine declension and case. Write down 2–3 sentences about what it means to you to protect nature.

    (Fish) needed clean water, (bird) needs air, and (beast) needs forest, steppe, mountains.

    Protecting nature (country) means protecting (Homeland), which everyone needs (person).

    2. Yuryeva N. A., “350 developmental exercises in the Russian language”, Minsk, Unipress Publishing House, 2005.

    3. Karyagina N. N., Perepelitsina E. N. “Development of spelling literacy of junior schoolchildren”, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2008.

    4. Foroshchuk A. A., Foroshchuk N. E. “Russian language. Tutorial For primary classes", Donetsk, Stalker Publishing House, 2007.

    5. Kasatkina N. A., “Entertaining materials for literacy and Russian language lessons (poems, riddles, crosswords, charades)”, Volgograd, Uchitel Publishing House, 2003.

    6. Lazareva L. A. www. pdps. lv

    They are formed from nouns using a soft separating sign (suffix yot). Adjectives with the endings -й (zajachy), -я (zajachy), -й (zajachy), -е (zajachy) are written with a soft sign in all cases (zajachy, zajachy, hare, about hare, hare, hare, hare, hare , hare, about hare). The exception is the nominative and accusative cases of the masculine gender singular(hare).

    Adjectives ending in –chiy (sighted, wandering) are written differently in case forms. Due to the absence of the yot suffix in indirect cases, the soft sign is not written in such words. For example, a sighted pirate with a stray dog.

    The words interurban, suburban, suburban are exceptions and end in -y, -oe (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -aya (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -y (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), due to a change in firm types of declension. The words beskrayny, nonresident change according to the soft variety of declension and end in –ii, -ee (beskrainye, nonresident), -yaya (beskrainaya, nonresident), -ie (beskraynye, nonresident). The spelling of these words must be remembered.

    According to the site materials, based on the research of D. E. Rosenthal, adjectives ending in -yny have the masculine singular in the nominative case short form, which ends in –en. For example, slender is slender.



    A noun is a part of speech that denotes objects (barrel, building, hat), as well as animate beings (woman, fawn, elephant) or phenomena (rain, shine, freedom). In a sentence, a noun is either an object or a subject.

    You will need

    • Knowledge of the laws of word formation in the Russian language, the ability to identify prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings in a word.


    Check out what is called ending in the help. The ending, or in other words, inflection, is a variable part of a word, usually located at the end, after the root (hence the name). At the end of in, you can determine the person, gender, case and number.
    Decline the noun "carpet" using numbers:
    “Carpet” (singular) - “carpets” (plural).
    The plural ending is “ы”. Please note that the vowel “ё” in this word is “fluent”, i.e. when putting a word into a certain form, the letter . Including with declination:
    Nominative case - “carpet-0” (zero ending, root “carpet”)
    Genitive case - “carpet-a” (Ending “a”, root “carpet”)
    Dative case - “carpet-u”
    Accusative case - “carpet-0”
    Instrumental case - “carpet-om”
    Prepositional case - “about the carpet”
    The part of the word that is changed will be considered the ending.

    Please note that nouns are in the nominative case, masculine, plural. numbers may end in “a” or “i” instead of the expected “s” or “i” according to the rules of declination. For example, “stog” - “stacks”. There may also be cases of variability in the use of words in the nominative plural case. For example, “instructors - instructors”. And in genitive case Plural some nouns can have a null ending, “ov”, “ev” or “her”. For example, felt boots (zero ending), tangerines (ending “ov”), nails (ending “ey”). It is worth mentioning 10 more differently inflected nouns cf. genders that end in "me". In dative, genitive and prepositional cases singular. the number ending in these nouns of the third declension is “and”, and in the instrumental case the ending of the second declension is “em/em”. These include burden, stirrup, udder, time, seed, crown, banner, name, flame, tribe.

    E.A. Makovey, Russian language teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Adygeisk,
    A.I. Arkhipova, professor of Kuban State University

    § 4. Spelling endings

    End - this is a variable part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to form a connection between words in a phrase and sentence.

    4.1. Spelling unstressed endings of nouns

    The choice of an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun depends on the type of its declension.

    In China.., in Kore.., in Germany.., in the Arctic.., in amazement..

    To find out the spelling of the ending of a noun, follow these steps:
    1) put the noun in initial form (who/what?);
    2) determine the type of its declination from the table;
    3) substitute in its place a test word for this type of declension (this word has a stressed ending in different cases, which will indicate the desired vowel).

    Special group of nouns*

    -and I


    (test word for r.p., d.p. and p.p.)

    1st declension
    (except for words in -iya)

    -a (m.r./f.r.)

    I (m. b./f. b.)


    (test word)

    2nd declension
    (except for words starting with -й, -ь)

    Zero ending (m.r.)
    -o (s.r.)
    -e (s.r.)


    (test word)

    3rd declension

    -ь (f. r.)


    (test word)

    *A special group of nouns includes differently inflected nouns, as well as nouns of 1st and 2nd declension with special endings (so-called nouns in -ee, -ee, ee).
    In China - (China, 2 pages, in the table).
    in Korea - (Korea, 1st book, in the wall).
    in Germany - (Germany, esp. gr., on the way).
    in the Arctic - (Arctic, 2nd volume, in the table).
    in amazement - (amazement, special gr., on the way).

    Pay attention!
    Remember that nouns like gallery, assembly, alley, museum, etc. should not be classified as a special group. They are inclined according to the first and second declension. Wed:
    In the collection (special group) - in the gallery (1 volume).
    In the planetarium (special group) - in the museum (2 classes).

    Rememberthat nouns like doubt And doubt, Maria And Marya lean differently:
    about Marya (Marya, 1st text about the wall);
    about Maria (Maria, special group, about the path).

    Remember, that the rule does not apply to indeclinable nouns and to nouns indeclinable as adjectives.
    On a pony (pony is an indeclinable noun).
    About the manager (manager - noun, inflected as an adjective).

    4.2. Spelling unstressed endings of adjectives and participles

    Unstressed endings of adjectives and participles are checked by the stressed ending of the test word.

    In a flying plane; changing opinion; powerful voice.

    You can determine the ending by the test word - what question? (he will suggest a stressed vowel at the end):
    in a rotating cylinder (which one? - ending -om / -em) in rotating;
    with the changing wind (with which one? - ending -y/-im) with changing;
    a worried mother (which one? - ending -th/s) a worried mother;
    on a sinking ship (on what ship? - ending -om / -em) on the sinking

    in the form of the nominative (accusative) case m.r. units The ending of the adjective (participle) should be remembered: -Y / -YY.
    The Lost Man; curling smoke.

    4.3. Spelling of unstressed personal verb endings

    The choice of an unstressed vowel in the personal ending of a verb depends on the type of its conjugation.

    We are c..m; you; they are fighting...

    To find out the spelling of the ending of a verb, follow these steps:
    1) put the verb in indefinite form (what to do / what to do?);
    2) determine the type of conjugation from the table;
    3) substitute the test word (the stressed ending of the test word will prompt the desired vowel).

    We glue ... m (glue, II conjugation, we say) - glue
    You (hear, II conjugation, you speak) - hear
    They are fighting (to fight, I conjugation, they take) - they are fighting

    Pay attention!
    Sometimes the type of conjugation is difficult to determine because the unstressed suffix of an indefinite form sounds unclear ( glue, quarrel, sow, melt, winnow, soar, hope, start etc.).
    Such suffixes should be remembered.

    When putting a verb into an infinitive form, you should ensure that the verb retains the same verbal form.
    You will force (Soviet v.) - force (Soviet v.), and not force (non-sov. v.).

    Verbs like y hear, lay etc. (formed with the help of prefixes from verbs - exceptions) belong to the same type of conjugation as the exceptions themselves.
    They WILL drive away (to drive away, as well as to drive away, is a verb of the II conjugation).
    They are making (to lay, as well as to lay, is a verb of the first conjugation).

    Verbs like shave, hold on etc. (formed with the help of the suffix -СЯ from verbs - exceptions) belong to the same type of conjugation as the exceptions themselves.
    They're racing (to pursue, as well as to drive, is a verb of the II conjugation).
    They SHAVE (to shave, like to shave, is a verb of the first conjugation).

    In a flying plane (which one?).
    Changing opinions (which ones?).
    Mighty voice (excl.).