Dream interpretation of dreams: what does an angel dream about? Why do you dream of an angel with wings - interpretation of the dream according to dream books

Some dreams are shocking with their fabulousness, unusualness and mysticism.

This doesn’t happen often, but sometimes one is happy to see something truly extraordinary in a dream.

More often, dreams, of course, are filled with life events and plots, and visions are familiar. But there are exceptions, and some are lucky enough to see even angels in their dreams.

This is a great rarity and great happiness. And even intuitively, each dreamer himself guesses that such a vision is special, it does not appear just like that, is not the fruit of fantasy or the work of the subconscious.

This is a sign from above, a message from the Universe, and it simply must be deciphered correctly and intelligently. This is a difficult dream - the dream book knows what the angel is dreaming about, but there are many meanings, and they are all different.

What does this biblical bright image promise to the dreamer? Such dreams are very complex and deep in their hidden meaning. Of course, this dream is not associated with everyday, everyday events in reality; it indicates some deep spiritual aspects, big changes or events in the dreamer’s soul.

To understand why an angel is dreaming, you need to slowly remember everything you can from the dream, all the details and nuances, especially the messenger of heaven himself, his appearance. The meaning of the dream will depend on this.

The dream book describes the following options for “angelic” dreams:

  • Just seeing an angel in a dream.
  • He stands with a sword in his dreams.
  • An angel flying in a dream.
  • He has a bowl or other vessel in his hands.
  • Angel with a burning, glowing heart.
  • I dream of angelic faces.
  • He kisses you in your dreams.
  • A guardian angel in a dream protects you or fights demons.
  • Seeing angelic round dances in a dream.
  • He leaned over you.
  • Seeing him in your room.
  • Leads you somewhere, calls or beckons.
  • The guardian saves you in a dream.
  • He says something.
  • A beautiful angel with wings flies over the house.
  • Hearing angels singing in a dream.

Such magical, extraordinary dreams are memorable and bring a lot of emotions. And what do they promise, why do angels dream, beautiful and unusual creature with snow-white wings, a divine messenger - we learn this from a wise dream book.

What will the “angelic” dream tell you about?

Such a dream is a rare case when the vision does not carry any negative associations. No matter what is in it, no matter what the winged guardian is, such things are not dreamed of without a serious reason. Think carefully about everything you learn from the interpreter.

1. As the old dream book will say, an angel in dreams is a symbol of high spiritual ideals, pure love and harmony of spirit. The dreamer is ready to evolve spiritually, to move to another, more high level consciousness, to develop - the time has come! You receive the highest blessing and protection, and you do not have to fear evil and difficulties.

2. If you saw a winged guardian with a sword in his hand, this is a serious symbol. The higher powers themselves are hinting to you that you have started the wrong, hasty spiritual development, and are now moving in the wrong direction.

Perhaps you have started some practices that are not yet suitable for you, or you are doing something illiterately, without a good and wise teacher. It is worth changing your attitude towards this spiritual process, and starting to develop competently, starting from the basics, gradually, and always guided by the mentoring of a wise teacher.

3. As the dream book indicates, an angel who flies in a dream is a symbol of imminent big, bright and very important changes in the dreamer’s life. You are ready for them mentally, and the time has come - life will change, don’t be afraid of it. You are protected by a higher power.

4. If a winged messenger appears in your dream with a cup or some other vessel in his hands, spiritual trials await you, a test of conscience and purity of intentions.

Be careful and pass this test with dignity! Some events may make you hesitate, you will have to give up temptations, be persistent - and you will not regret it.

5. If the angelic being had a burning or luminous heart, then trials await your love. A serious test of feelings awaits you. This is a spiritual test of the purity and truth of your love. Get ready for this important event!

6. Angelic faces in dreams are a wonderful sign for every dreamer, speaking of a new upcoming spiritual path, strength of spirit, healing and happiness. waiting for you new milestone, internal evolution of the soul and consciousness, rebirth and transition to a new level.

7. If an angel kissed you in a dream, or hugged you with his wings, a great spiritual responsibility awaits you, a new important calling. You should not refuse, this is important for you and for your development - and higher powers will help you cope, even if it is not always easy.

8. If you dream of angels who protect you from something in your dreams, or fight with demons, know that any misfortunes or problems, troubles and melancholy will come to an end very soon.

A new period begins, suffering will end, you will move on to a bright and happy streak of life. Do not doubt - you deserve happiness, and it will soon be given to you in full. This is what the interpreter says.

9. The dream book says that angels dancing round dances in your dream are a symbol of beautiful, pure and bright joys that will soon fill your life in reality. Every day will now be full of joy, you will be in a wonderful environment, and fate will present wonderful surprises!

10. If a bright angel bends over you in your dreams, know that you are protected. In any trouble or difficulty, you will always have salvation, you are not alone and you are protected. Be calm, do not be afraid of any evil!

11. Seeing angelic faces in your own room is a great honor that awaits you. You will be promoted in position, and the attitude of others towards you will change in a favorable direction. Be worthy of your new position and be worthy of a good reputation!

12. A good sign is also a dream where a heavenly messenger leads you somewhere, or calls you, beckons you. This is a symbol of good and bright hope that will appear in your heart and will definitely come true.

13. And if an angel saved you in a dream from something, or from some evil creatures, you will be able to overcome your own fears and insecurities in reality, you will succeed. Just make an effort, don’t think that the fear will go away on its own - you just have to want it and do something to make it work.

14. If the angels told you something in your dreams, remember what exactly it is, it’s all true, and you should listen to every word. Think carefully about such an important message - it could be most important advice, a warning or parting word, it cannot be ignored.

15. A flying angel over your home is a symbol of wonderful, bright news, joyful events and long-awaited changes that you so dreamed of. Soon all this will happen, and it will be fabulous, and you will be happy!

16. Angelic singing in a dream is a symbol of great joy and boundless happiness. Wait for a bright and cloudless period in life, all sorrows will leave you very soon, and only joy and wonderful events will remain!

“Angelic” dreams are extraordinary both in their content and meaning. Such visions cannot be ignored - they are rare and unique.

Very carefully weigh everything that the dream book said, analyze it - and decide for yourself how to apply this important knowledge in reality. And may your path become brighter, your life happier, and may your dreams help you with this! Author: Vasilina Serova

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Seeing an Angel in a dream

An angel in a dream symbolizes your fear of death.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turns into an angel, then this symbolizes your fears about their health.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does the dream Angel mean?

Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of calm and peace. There will come a time when all people will live happily.

If you dreamed that you were an angel, then such a dream means that one of the people close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, the dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

To see in a dream a city in which angels live - such a dream indicates that in the future your life will somehow come into contact with a state with beautiful name Taiwan ("Taiwan" means "city of angels")

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Seeing an Angel in a dream

talking to him means the imminent death of one of the relatives
see him - you will meet a good friend

Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Angel

Denotes a negative, foreign influence that does not belong to human nature. According to various parameters, it does not correspond to earthly existence. The image is not positive. Indicates to the dreamer the presence of something foreign and unfamiliar. This symbol is an indicator of the impact of negative psychology.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does an Angel mean in a dream?

If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Jabrail, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, good condition and good disposition, that person will achieve a high place in matters of religion and in worldly affairs and a respectable rank, and the gates knowledge and wisdom will be revealed before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is overcome by fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them. And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, i.e. he should repent of his sins and resort to God. If someone sees in a dream that he is flying with angels, he will receive as a gift the honor and glory of a miracle worker, and in the end his destiny will be martyrdom for faith. If anyone sees that many angels have gathered in a city or village, some scientist or pious person will soon die in that place, or some person will be killed in a violent and cruel way. If someone sees that angels are gathering in his home from all sides, then he should protect the building from thieves.

Interpretation of dreams from the Muslim dream book

Angel Dream Meaning

The angel dreams of increasing honors and wealth. Seeing flying angels in a dream - good news. If these dreams often visit you, this is a bad sign; Beware of ill-considered words.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does an Angel mean in a dream?

Angel - With white wings, or a traditional look - to sadness, death of loved ones. Someone who called himself an angel - help, support.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Angel

Angel - happiness, joy, prosperity; meeting a good friend - talking to him means the imminent death of relatives.

Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

What does an angel predict in a dream?

Angel - to see an angel is good news or a warning before an unreasonable act; hearing it is an unkind fortune-telling; to be one is success for a healthy person, patience for a sick person. Talking to an angel means the imminent death of one of your relatives; just seeing him means you get to know him beautiful woman. Angel in a dream - happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of sleep Angel

A dream in which you see a sad angel is a harbinger of great sadness or the imminent death of one of your close relatives or friends. If an angel spoke to you in a dream, then your friends will not leave you in difficult times. If in a dream you see a beautiful angel and your soul rejoices, then in reality you will receive very pleasant news or an extraordinary incident that will make you happy and have great value for your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that you will soon meet a pleasant person with whom you will be connected by mutual affection. Perhaps in the future this affection will develop into great feelings. In general, an angel in your dreams is a symbol of a calm life, joy, prosperity and happiness in your home, which heaven itself will send to you in the form of an angel. This dream is especially favorable for prisoners and people burdened with big problems and thirsting for participation and sympathy, because he promises consolation to some, while calling others to repentance. For rich people, such a dream predicts that their income will increase if they are attentive to the poor and suffering people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does an angel dream predict?

The appearance of an angel in a dream foreshadows a woman's passionate love for an innocent young man. If the dream is pleasant, a marriage awaits you, which they say is “made in heaven.” A man's dream of an angel expresses his satiety with sexual relationships and his desire for romantic ones.

If you dreamed of an angel threatening fire sword, be careful and think carefully about your actions. Such a dream warns that you risk losing the respect of friends and loved ones through a relationship that disgraces you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Angel

A sign of rest and peace. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you. If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel, your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them. A black angel means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition. If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream, the dream foreshadows a serious illness for you or your family. If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears, think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience. A smiling angel foretells your appearance true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Angel dream prediction

Seeing an angel in a dream means a successful completion of the matter; to be an angel means repentance for an unrighteous life. Seeing a singing angel means a revolution in your life. Seeing a dead angel means the loss of children; black angel - to debauchery.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Dream Interpreter

Why do you dream about an angel?

Seeing an angel approaching you in a dream means good news for you (receiving a letter, telegram, etc.).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

Seeing an Angel in a dream

"guardian angel" help, protection. "A real angel" purity, innocence. “Arguing about how many angels can fit on the point of a needle” is irrelevant, a useless discussion, a futility of effort.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does the dream Angel mean?

If someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory. If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of a Shahid (martyr for the faith) will befall him. If he sees that angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa). If they descended onto the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and it is also a command to maintain accuracy in measurements and scales. If you see angels on graves, this is interpreted as the spread of the disease cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, abandoned the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were informed that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty protect him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet, s.a.w., in a dream He said that a group of poor ascetics was sitting next to the Prophet. Suddenly, he continued, the heavens opened, and the Archangel Gabriel appeared, accompanied by angels. The angels held basins in their hands. jugs of water. They began to pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet.

When it was my turn,” he continued, “I extended my hands and heard some angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them.” Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.w., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water spilled on my hands so that I could wash them.

The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bearing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If in a dream Jibril, a.s., gives the sleeping person some food, then this means that this person, inshaAllah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment.

A meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices. If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is a sign of prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die. If he believes that the sound of the trumpet of Israfil, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then a quick inevitable death will occur there.

Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith.

Seeing the angel of death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance. If someone sees a dream as if he was fighting with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die. If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the angel of death in a dream will have a long life.

It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the angel of death in a dream and asked him: “O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?" He replied: "Yes! And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan." And indeed, Hamza al-Zayyat died in Helwan.

To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, from the words of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” as well as : “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Seeing an Angel in a dream

If an angel appeared to you in a dream, you will soon be able to gain new impressions.

A dream can bring changes in fate.

If the dream is pleasant, then you will receive good news from friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

A dream can warn about possible gossip around you: be careful that they do not destroy your cordial relationships.

Nostradamus claimed that an angel seen in a dream is a warning sign. This is how he interpreted dreams about an angel.

If you dream that you yourself are an angel, then someone close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.

An angel calling to heaven warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that seeing an angel in a dream is very good sign. It means that calm and very happy times await you. But an angel who appears above the head of someone close foretells that the soul of this person will soon depart to another world.

An angel behind the back of a person unknown to you means that you will soon learn about the death of a high-ranking person with whom you are personally acquainted.

If you dreamed that you were an angel, then you need to analyze whether you are managing your income correctly. Think about your neighbors and share your profits with them, otherwise you can lose your wealth very quickly.

Like Nostradamus, Vanga believed that if an angel calls to heaven in a dream, then such a dream warns of a serious illness. She advised seeking help from healers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What do Angel dreams mean?

Important news, letter. A serious and relevant conversation with a person of the same sex. The time has come to repent of your sins before the victim.

Visiting church is not excluded.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Dream about Angel

Seeing an angel is an honor, joy, recovery, a blessing from above for your deeds / deliverance.

An angel with a fiery sword drives you away - a warning against spiritual immaturity, hasty and chaotic spiritual development.

An angel flying with a trumpet - important changes / troubles that you will witness / the need for spiritual mobilization.

Angel with a cup - the beginning of trials.

An angel with a burning heart is a test of great love.

Seeing angelic faces around is for a healthy person: the beginning of a new spiritual path, renewal.

An angel cutting your chest, bringing a branch, a wreath, fire, an angel waking you up - great works.

An angel kissing you in a dream is a calling that cannot be avoided.

An angel slaying demons and protecting you - pure joy.

Angels bending over you - salvation in trouble / honor.

An angel disperses the darkness with his appearance, leads you somewhere - good hope.

He saves you from trouble - strengthening faith / it is necessary to overcome fear and uncertainty.

Listen to him, talk to him - if the speeches are not shameful, everything is true.

Scary dreams about angels are a very special path of suffering and salvation.

Fighting an angel means victory over the forces of evil in you.

Angels cleanse your ears or eyes - the need to pay attention to some minor circumstance / awakening of clairvoyance or clairaudience in you.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream of an angel in human form? The answer to this question will please you: it means that you are under a strong patron and protection, however, the interpretations of this dream change depending on various circumstances; we will analyze them in detail in the article.

2. Why do you dream about an angel in human form? (description by day of the week)
3. dream of four angels?
4. Why do you dream of an angel’s kiss?
5. Why do you dream of a guardian angel with wings?
6. Why do you dream of a golden amulet with an angel?
7. Why does a pregnant woman dream of an angel sitting next to her?
8. joke in the dark

Many people see an angel in human form in their dreams. Usually this is a bright and memorable image, it can be an adult or a child, wonderful person with wings, a deceased relative, a departed close friend, or a refined spirit in human form.

The dream carries positive energy and tries to tell the dreamer how to behave in the current situation, and that higher powers are on his side.

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Let's take a closer look at why such an angel dreams in different situations.

2. Why do you dream about an angel in human form?

by day of the week?

Whatever angel you dream about, pay attention to the coming day of the week. It is believed that it influences what dreams are dreamed about, why and when, and whether one should believe what one sees. We offer a general interpretation for all dreams during the week - pay attention to it when interpreting your dream.

  • WITH Sunday to Monday . All dreams on this night reflect the internal state of a person and rarely come true. They are mainly tied to relationships, important issues and problems in the dreamer’s life. If they come true, it is in small ways, and mainly in the domestic sphere.
  • WITH Monday to Tuesday . On such nights, you dream of vivid pictures, both negative and positive. After sleep, it is recommended to adjust your plans for the day if necessary. If the dream was bad and you got up out of spirit, do not resolve important issues and do not get involved in serious matters. If it was bright and pleasant, feel free to engage in future activities - you will be successful!
  • WITH Tuesday to Wednesday . Most often, you have ordinary dreams that do not come true, regardless of whether they are good or bad. Those that come true generally predict active everyday activity.
  • Co Wednesday to Thursday . On these nights you have business, work and career dreams, so if these areas are important to you, pay attention special attention for your dream adventures and stories from Wednesday to Thursday. Those who are thinking about a difficult work problem can get an answer or good advice by his decision in the morning. These nights I often have prophetic dreams.
  • WITH Thursday to Friday . Dreams belong to the realm of love and often come true. What you experience and feel in a dream will symbolize what can happen to you in real life.
  • WITH Friday to Saturday . Prophetic dreams will concern both the dreamer himself and his loved ones. Bad dream may promise difficulties, but will ultimately lead to success, and a good one will attract good luck, success and happiness.
  • WITH Saturday to Sunday . At this time, dreams are different, but mostly good ones come true.

Angel in human form: meanings of different dreams

3. dream of four angels?

Four angels. There are four main archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. These angels can appear in a dream together or separately.

If a person saw four angels together in a dream, you need to pay attention to their mood, emotions and behavior - from them you can judge what awaits in the near future.

The angels in the dream were calm, cheerful or smiling, and the person in the dream felt good, pleasant events await him: good luck, success, a surge of fresh strength, positive changes, spiritual growth and well-being.

If the angels were sad, scared, or anxiously trying to warn about something, you need to prepare for something unpleasant.

It is a bad sign to fight with the archangel: this predicts illness or death, the loss of something important and important in life, the forces of light will turn away.

Killing an angel in a dream means becoming an enemy of the people in real life.

4. Why do you dream of an angel’s kiss?

Kiss of an angel. An angel's kiss reminds a person of his true calling, that he needs to remember his talents, favorite things, what his soul is about, and do it. Thus, the angel brings news of success if a person does what he likes and is capable of.

5. Why do you dream of a guardian angel with wings?

6. Why do you dream of a golden amulet with an angel?

Gold amulet with an angel. A good sign symbolizing protection. If you dreamed of an angel with a golden cross in his hands, it is a sign of God's will and his blessing. If an angel gives a person a golden cross in a dream, this dream can be considered prophetic during the period of making a responsible decision. You should leave your doubts and fears behind and act according to your conscience. This is a sign that a person is doing everything right. A dream with a talisman may also indicate the need to purchase a talisman in real life.

7. Why does a pregnant woman dream of an angel sitting next to her?

A pregnant woman dreams of an angel sitting next to her. An angel in a dream is a good sign for a pregnant woman. For example, if a woman saw two angels in a dream, it is believed that she will give birth to twins.

An angel is a very ambiguous symbol. It is believed that for the righteous and good people in general, this is a sign of protection, good luck, blessing and help, and for those who are evil, have a bad conscience, or are too deeply into materialism, it is a reason to think about their life, behavior and pay attention to their soul and heart.

8. joke in the dark

And the Lord said to the woman: “Here is a breast for you to feed children and seduce men...

And the Woman said: “Wow!” Give me two!

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Why do you dream about an angel?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing angels in a dream foretells impressions that will confuse and disturb your soul.

This dream promises a change of fate.

If the dream is unusually pleasant, then you will receive news about the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

The dream may be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Freud's Dream Book

An angel in a dream symbolizes your fear of death.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turns into an angel, this symbolizes your fears about their health.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing an angel in a dream is a good sign. Calm and very happy times await you.

To see an angel above the head of someone close to you in a dream is a harbinger that this person’s soul will soon depart to another world. If in a dream you see an angel behind the back of a person unknown to you, then in a not so distant time you will receive unexpected news about the death of a high-ranking, noble person known to you personally.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, then such a dream warns you of a serious illness that threatens your body. Contact your doctors, they will help you.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Talking to him means the imminent death of someone in your family; seeing him means you will meet a good friend.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Family dream book

If an angel appeared to you in a dream, you will soon be able to gain new impressions.

This dream can bring changes in fate.

If the dream is pleasant, then you will receive good news from friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

A dream can warn about possible gossip around you: be careful that they do not destroy your cordial relationships.

Why do you dream about an angel?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Important news, letter. A serious and relevant conversation with a person of the same sex. The time has come to repent of your sins before the victim; visiting church is not excluded.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Spring dream book

Seeing an angel in a dream means a successful completion of the matter; to be an angel means repentance for an unrighteous life.

Seeing someone singing means a revolution in your life.

Seeing a dead angel means the loss of children; black - to debauchery.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Summer dream book

Seeing an angel approaching you in a dream means good news for you (receiving a letter, telegram, etc.).

Why do you dream about an angel?

Autumn dream book

Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of disappointment.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of angels, this portends impressions that can cause mental turmoil and anxiety. Similar dream to changes in lifestyle. If the dream causes positive emotions- you will be reassured by the news that everything is fine with your friends, or you will be delighted to unexpectedly receive an inheritance from relatives whose existence you had not even suspected until now.

If the emotions you experience in a dream give you anxiety, this is a warning about possible gossip about you in both business and love spheres. Ultimately, if your conscience is clear, then a dream about angels will instill peace and tranquility in your soul. If you have some kind of sin, you will be overcome by doubts about the correctness of your chosen path in life.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Angel - Happiness, joy, prosperity; meeting a good friend - talking to him - imminent death of relatives

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of an angel, a reward for your efforts awaits you.

If you dreamed that you became an angel, your pride can take you too far.

One of your enemies has become an angel - beware: your deeds may turn out to be unrighteous.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends became an angel, they will soon come to your rescue.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Esoteric dream book

An angel with white wings, or a traditional look - to sadness, death of loved ones.

Someone who called himself an angel - help, support.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A dream in which angels are present in all cases promises a change of fate.

Seeing an angel in a dream is a good sign; it means that calm and very happy times await you.

To see an angel above the head of someone close to you in a dream is a harbinger that the soul of this person will soon depart to another world.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, such a dream warns you of a serious illness.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Angel - good luck in business.

Talking to an angel means the imminent death of one of your relatives

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Angel - prosperity;

talking - the death of a friend;

angels - honor, unexpected inheritance;

talking to them or calling them is an ominous sign, the death of a friend;

if they themselves reported something - acquaintance with very a rare person;

an angel flies over the house - blessed news.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Modern dream book

A dream about an angel portends joy, happiness, and if you are sick, a speedy recovery.

If you saw angels in a dream, it means that some conflicting feelings await you in the near future. Some future impressions will confuse and disturb your soul. This dream promises a change of fate.

If the dream about angels is unusually pleasant, then you will receive news about the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives. The dream may be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.

For good people, a dream about angels is a consolation; for evil people, it encourages repentance.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Eastern dream book

Seeing an angel means meeting a good person.

If an angel tells you something, expect good news.

An angel without a face or with a scroll in his hands means your health is at risk.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

happiness, joy and peace of mind.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

An angel as a symbol can have a double meaning - depending on what kind of person dreams of an angel. If you are at peace with your conscience, if you sleep peacefully, you are not disturbed by sinful thoughts, if you do not plot against anyone, you dream of an angel to console you; all your sorrows will pass in the near future. If you, on the contrary, are a person overwhelmed by sinful passion, who hates someone with every fiber of your soul, who wishes harm to your enemies, if you are a vindictive, selfish, cruel person who does not know how to forgive, then a dream about an angel is an unkind sign for you; the dream warns: if repentance does not follow on your part, if you do not make the slightest effort to change your attitude towards yourself, towards people, especially towards your loved ones, expect big troubles, you will be rewarded to the extent that you deserve; don't be surprised if fate punishes you severely. Sometimes angels dream of some kind of turn in fate; Your or someone’s seemingly insignificant act, maybe a word of anything, advice - will direct your life in a different direction. Seeing angels under the clouds - such a dream warns that stories and fables have appeared around your person, and your heartfelt affection has become the subject of gossip; idle people want to harm you; your affairs are discussed under the sign of doubt and unkind irony. Angels hovering over you - such a dream foreshadows events whose meaning to you for a long time it will be incomprehensible and therefore you will not be able to determine your attitude towards them, you will not be able to timely build a line of your behavior in relation to them; therefore, you will experience embarrassment for quite a long time; there will be no peace in your heart because the people around you, especially those who depend on you and rely on you for everything, will be waiting for your reaction. If you dream of angels who are affectionate towards you and seem to protect you from a dark thundercloud (from some evil) with their wings, such a dream is a sign of happiness or great joy. Perhaps the person was seriously ill for a long time; seeing angels protecting him in a dream, he will soon be cured. Perhaps the person was confused due to some events, stood at a crossroads, unable to make a decision, did not see which decision was correct - the angels will give him confidence, guide him on the right path, protect him from attacks from the outside and will not allow him to stumble.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing an angel is an honor, joy, recovery, a blessing from above for your deeds / deliverance.

He drives you away with a fiery sword - a warning against spiritual immaturity, hasty and chaotic spiritual development.

An angel flying with a trumpet - important changes / troubles that you will witness / the need for spiritual mobilization.

An angel with a burning heart is a test of great love.

Seeing angelic faces around is for a healthy person: the beginning of a new spiritual path, renewal.

An angel cutting your chest, bringing a branch, a wreath, fire, an angel waking you up - great works.

Kissing you in a dream is a calling that cannot be avoided.

Angels bending over you - salvation in trouble / honor.

An angel disperses the darkness with his appearance, leads you somewhere - good hope.

Scary dreams about angels are a very special path of suffering and salvation.

Fighting an angel means victory over the forces of evil in you.

Angels cleanse your ears or eyes - the need to pay attention to some minor circumstance / awakening of clairvoyance or clairaudience in you.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream book of healer Akulina

Someone needs your help. Only you can help this person. Call all your friends and acquaintances - maybe someone is in trouble. Know that in this situation, helping another means helping yourself.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Combined dream book

Seeing an angel above the heads of friends and people close to you in a dream is not a good dream; soon this person may pass on to another world.

If in a dream you see an angel behind the back of an unknown person, you will soon receive unpleasant news about the death of an influential person with whom you were familiar.

If you dreamed that you were an angel, such a dream foretells that you should rethink how you use your own income. You should be more generous with your loved ones, otherwise your source of income may dry up.

If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven - such a dream warns you of a serious illness that can have a fatal end, seek medical help.

To see in a dream a city where angels live - such a dream indicates that in the near future your life may be connected with the state of Taiwan.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Lucifagic angels are representatives of the infernal sphere of the Earth, especially concentrating the group field of their dim glow into a single energy area; in order to attract and seduce, they very often like to take the form of some angel-like luminous beings and even I. Christ or Buddha. Moreover, if a spiritual practitioner (the dreamer), when they appear (in meditation, in waking vision), instead of quiet joy, humility, inaction and deep contented peace, experiences special delight, excitement, excitement, the feeling that, finally, he is progressing in his spiritual activity, then... This definitely means that under the mask of angels, the insidious Lucifags appeared before him - energy predators and hunters for the living light of human consciousness. And with the aim of capturing and subsequently confining his body into their dark, painful spaces as energy food.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Psychological dream book

An angel is most often a symbol of mother, purity, and can sometimes mean fear of death.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Angel - In most cases, a dream in which you saw angels announces that in reality you will easily overcome all your enemies, envious people and ill-wishers, which will allow you to realize everything you have planned. If in your dream the angel has a mournful face, then this foretells grief, difficult and painful experiences for you. If you dreamed of an angel blowing his whistle, then get ready for the fact that you may be drawn into a quarrel; the machinations of ill-wishers are likely. Sometimes the angel of death may appear to you; if you do not flee, but, on the contrary, enter into confrontation with him and even manage to overcome him, in reality you will be able to recover from a serious illness. When the angel of death hovers above you in the clouds, then be prepared for troubles at work, which may well lead to your dismissal.

Why do you dream about an angel?

British dream book

Angels are messengers in many religions. Why do you dream: In dreams, they can represent messengers from your subconscious in a form that is easier for you to trust if you are not used to relying on your instincts. It is important to observe what they did and listen to what they said.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Intelligent dream book

Seeing an Angel in a dream, seeing an angel in a dream - Seeing means joy and peace of mind.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Ancient Russian dream book

Angela - Seeing in a dream is a sign of the greatest happiness and joy; For a sick person, this dream foreshadows a cure.

Angel of Death - Very often appears in the form of an old woman in black, a stern, cold lady under a veil, a nun, a woman in a mask or without a face; a gray or black angel baby, a sad young man in a black cloak - means a warning about death, danger, misfortune, a period of severe mental suffering; evil fate; secret knowledge that will destroy the soul.

Archangel - With a trumpet, calling to the believers - a manifestation of bright hope at the very time when your affairs seem bad to you.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Psychoanalytic dream book

1. Dreaming of angels means that we are in search of a parental figure who will give us guardianship, unconditional love and support, or we need to develop these qualities in ourselves. You can also try to introduce religious concepts into your life. 2. Angel - the personification of the relationship with the mother or her image. Perhaps they need to be reconsidered. 3. Today, angels are again considered messengers of the gods - heavenly powers and enlightenment.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Angel - This is an imaginary messenger. Sometimes perceived as a messenger of the dead. Good news, joy, spiritual growth. But to succeed you need to rely on your own strength.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream book of E. Ericson

Angel - protection and patronage of higher powers. Angel with raised right hand- blessing of business, road and other endeavors. An angel high in the sky - illumination of beneficial ideas from above. Seeing the fluttering figures of angels means meeting reliable, good friends. An angel with a sword - fair retribution. Two angels are protection for the whole family, several angels are protection for the entire family. For unkind people, the sign of the Angel is a call to repentance. If an Angel calls to heaven - a warning that if you are inactive, your mission on earth may end. Music or singing accompanying the Angel - happy and peaceful times. Seeing an angel in a picture or postcard means having good friendly relations with people around you. An angel in a dream can also predict the death of one of the relatives.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Women's dream book

Why do you dream about an angel?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Angel - desire for protection; messenger; spiritual guide.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Angel. Seeing means joy and peace of mind.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream book of catchphrases

ANGEL – “guardian angel” - help, protection. “A real angel” - purity, innocence. “Arguing about how many angels can fit on the point of a needle” is immaterial, a useless discussion, a futility of effort.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Men's dream book

A sign of rest and peace. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you. If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel, your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them. A black angel means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition. If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream, the dream foreshadows a serious illness for you or your family. If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears, think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience. A smiling angel foretells the appearance of true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Symbolizes an alien, non-positive influence, something different from human nature. In many respects it does not correspond to the parameters of earthly reality. The symbol does not convey positivity and is not functional for a person on this planet. Indicates the presence of something alien that the dreamer does not know about. It is either a sign of the influence of negative psychology or the action of a deviation monitor. Belief in false assumptions or beliefs.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Old Russian dream book

well-being; talking is the death of a friend.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Jabrail, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, good condition and good disposition - that person will achieve a high place and a respectable rank in matters of religion and in worldly affairs, and the gates of knowledge and wisdom will be revealed before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is obsessed with fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them.

And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, i.e. He should repent of his sins and resort to God.

If someone sees in a dream that he is flying with angels, he will receive the gift of honor and glory as a miracle worker, and in the end his lot will be martyrdom for his faith.

If anyone sees that many angels have gathered in a city or village, some scientist or pious person will soon die in that place, or some person will be killed in a violent and cruel way.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing an angel means joy and peace of mind.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Idiomatic dream book

“Guardian Angel” - help, protection; “a real angel” - purity, innocence; “arguing about how many angels can fit on the points of needles” is insignificant, a useless discussion, futility of effort.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

Angels are alien, definitely non-positive associations associated with internal passivity and shifting responsibility.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream book for the whole family

Angel is a sign of peace and tranquility. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you.

If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel, your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them.

A black angel means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition.

If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream, the dream foreshadows a serious illness for you or your family.

If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears, think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience.

A smiling angel foretells the appearance of true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Angel - unexpected help.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Online dream book

The angel has long been considered a messenger. Dreams involving this image, as a rule, carry a positive message, mark the beginning of a new stage and the receipt of new information.

Seeing an angel - according to our online dream book, such a dream suggests that a favorable period will soon begin in your life.

To be an angel - the dream hints that you are too wasteful, you need to analyze the costs.

They surround you - this is a reflection of the support of your friends.

If you dream that there are two of them in a dream, she may soon give birth to twins.

If an angel said something in a dream, you will be pleased with good news.

A dream in which a black angel is present is interpreted as uncertainty about the correctness of one’s actions. It is necessary to think about the current situation.

An angel who looks tired and sad - soon you too will bow your head in sadness.

If he blows a trumpet in a dream, according to our dream book, you will become a participant in the conflict, and your enemies will make efforts for this.

I dreamed about the arrival of many angels in the city - it promises death to someone very important and influential for this city.

If there are many angels in your house in a dream, you will soon become a victim of theft.

If you dream of an angel calling you to heaven, you risk getting seriously ill, so pay attention to your health.

If someone sees that angels are gathering in his home from all sides, he should protect the building from thieves.

If he flies after you with a sword - you are not spiritually developed, you should devote more time to this part of your life.

If his heart burns in a dream - yours love will pass serious tests.

The faces of angels large quantities- you will soon begin to re-shape your spiritual world.

If an angel wakes you up, great things await you.

If you dream that he is kissing you - you have a calling, you should follow the call of your heart.

There are many of them and they are bending over you - you will be honored and given due support.

If an angel leads you through darkness to light, your hopes will not fall to dust.

If you had a nightmare involving an angel, you will go through many serious tests.

Fight with him - our dream book says that the dark traits of your character will prevail.

An angel washing your eyes or ears - you are missing something, be more careful.

If an angel circles over a friend’s head, then this person may suffer or die.

Seeing an angel behind a stranger means one of your influential acquaintances will die.

For a married woman, an angel in a dream promises family well-being and a strong marriage.

For lovers, such a dream promises happiness in a relationship or marriage.

If you did not look at his face, but paid attention to the scroll in his hands, the dream hints at the risk of getting sick.

If you dream that you are flying in the company of angels, you will soon be surrounded with honor and attention.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Universal dream book

Angels are often called messengers of God. What area of ​​your life needs divine intervention? Do angels in your dream bring peace? Do you feel that your requests have been heard and support has come?

Perhaps angels symbolize the need for outside help if you need to make enormous efforts to realize your desire.

Seeing an angel in a dream is also a sign that you should trust your intuition. Science and common sense are important, of course, but there is also a place for magic in life... if, of course, you believe in it.

Why do you dream about an angel?

American dream book

An angel (a messenger of God, it symbolizes spiritual ideals; an angel was present in many visions of the prophets) is a special messenger. Listen to him!

Why do you dream about an angel?

Solomon's Dream Book

Happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Why do you dream about an angel?

An old English dream book

Seeing angels in a dream is a very happy and blessed sign.

If angels surround you in a dream, it means that you have faithful and good friends next to you in life. For a married woman, this dream is a promise of a large, strong and friendly family; if there are two angels, it means she is destined to give birth to twins. This is also a lucky sign for everyone loving souls- their marriage will be happy and lasting, and they will be accompanied in life true friends.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream book of lovers

A dream about angels warns that your affairs of the heart are being gossiped about. It is quite possible that your chosen one or chosen one is being slandered by ill-wishers.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of the greatest happiness and joy; For a sick person, this dream foreshadows a cure.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Ambivalent gender role symbol. A messenger of an appeal to the Superego, a symbol of sublimation. Personification of a specific positive or negative emotion, motivations. According to A. Steinsaltz, an angel is a spiritual reality with its own unique essence, properties and character. The number of angels is determined by the number of psychic personified properties.

Angel. Friendship, safety. Unearthly and therefore separation from the woman associated with the symbolism of the Earth Ideal.

The dark, fallen angel is homosexuality.

The Phantom Angel is something to avoid.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

In most cases, a dream in which you saw angels announces that in reality you will easily overcome all your enemies, envious people and ill-wishers, which will allow you to realize everything you have planned.

If in your dream an angel has a mournful face, this portends grief, difficult and painful experiences for you.

If you dreamed of an angel blowing his whistle, get ready for the fact that you may be drawn into a quarrel; the machinations of ill-wishers are likely. Sometimes the angel of death may appear to you.

When the angel of death hovers above you in the clouds, be prepared for troubles at work, which may well lead to your dismissal.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Fairytale-mythological dream book

Angels - God's messengers, messengers, performers God's will, appear in the form of innocent babies or slender, beautiful, winged youths in light clothes, less often - as beautiful warriors. They mean help, protection, purity of thoughts, amazing news, spiritual revelation; sometimes indicate a period of suffering. Very often, demonic consciousness (Lucifags), borrowing these spiritual images and saturating them with a bright glow, appears before a gullible person, a dreamer, an unrefined spiritual practitioner and presents “their high revelations.”

Angel of Death - very often appears in the form of an old woman in black, a stern, cold lady under a veil, a nun, a woman in a mask or without a face; gray or black angel baby - means a warning about death, danger, misfortune, a period of severe mental suffering; evil fate; secret knowledge that will destroy the soul.

Why do you dream about an angel?

Islamic dream book

The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bringing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons.

A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

Meeting in a dream with the Angel of Death, whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith.

Seeing the Angel of Death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance.

If someone sees a dream as if he fought with the Angel of Death, and he defeated him, this person will die.

To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son for someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, according to the saying of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” and also: “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”

If you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, this will mean that the person seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith.

Angels in a dream symbolize all the good things that can happen to us. This is very kind and positive sign, which foreshadows happiness in all its manifestations. In the very near future life will sparkle different colors, and you will be able to fully enjoy its generous gifts.

What type of angel was the angel in your dream? What did the angel look like in your dream? Where did you see an angel in your dream? Besides the angel, did you see anyone else in your dream?

What type of angel was the angel in your dream?

Angel of Death

What does it mean to see a guardian angel in a dream?

If you dream of a guardian angel, you don’t have to worry about your fate. Difficulties and failures will bypass you thanks to powerful protection and help from higher powers. Hoping for patronage, you should not relax and let life take its course. A lot depends on you too.

What did the angel look like in your dream?

Angel with wings

Where did you see an angel in your dream?

What does an angel in the sky symbolize in a dream?

Why do you dream of an angel soaring in the sky? There is a high probability that all your plans will come true. Your deepest wish will come true in the next few days. Don't lose hope and continue to fight for your happiness. Luck will be on your side in the end.

Besides the angel, did you see anyone else in your dream?

Why do angels and demons dream?

If angels and demons appeared to you in a dream, it means you are full of doubts. There is a lack of confidence in the correctness of the choice and firmness in decisions. The vision symbolizes the struggle of opposing sides of the soul.

Negative outside influences can tip the scales in favor dark side, evil thoughts. Don’t give in to temptation; in pursuit of illusory happiness, you can lose self-esteem and find suffering.

Many people, upon waking up, turn to dream books with various questions. One of the most interesting questions is: “In a dream I dreamed that I was an angel, what could that mean?”, so it is necessary to understand the interpretation of such a dream in more detail.

So, if in a dream I am an angel, but in reality I am quite an ordinary person, what can we expect from fate in the near future?

In general, angels are considered harbingers of some serious events and turns of fate. For some they are messengers of the universe, and for others the voice of the subconscious. It is worth paying attention to all the smallest details that were in the dream, as well as the feelings that the sleeper experienced.

If a person saw himself as an angel in white robes, it means that someone was lying about him, gossiping behind his back, but his pure name remained untarnished.

If a person at the same time took off from the ground and flew up to the heavens, such a dream may portend significant career growth or the beginning own business. All things will go exclusively “uphill” and none of those around you will create problems. And besides, help will come from where no one expected it at all.

If young unmarried girl If she dreamed that she became an angel and flew high into the sky, while she was dressed in white clothes, then most likely, a marriage proposal awaits her in the near future. But if the clothes were red, then the dream suggests that her chosen one is married.

If in a dream you see yourself as an angel, it is good, then what does it mean to have a dream in which there were other angels?

Many beautiful, smiling angels mean the beginning of a new, bright and carefree period in life. All problems will disappear, it is time to enjoy every day.

Seeing white angel wings in a dream means resolution main problem in life, with the help of an influential relative or friend.

If in a dream there was a conversation with an angel, then his words should be perceived as a kind of prophecy, and everyone should decipher it based on their own life, events in it and emotions in the soul.

An angel who has given a sleeping person some things, papers, foreshadows a large inheritance that will “fall on one’s head” completely unexpectedly, from a person whom the sleeping person may not even know personally. Also, such a dream can foreshadow a very profitable agreement or deal that can dramatically change financial situation sleeping.

What does the dream where I am an angel portend? If something like this was dreamed by a person who is in a difficult situation, in serious illness, in despondency or mental anguish, then such a dream foreshadows speedy recovery, spiritual uplift, realization of inner potential, universal recognition, personal growth, self-love.

If the sleeping person saw himself in the form of an angel, and his friend, loved one or relative was present in the dream, this means that this person really needs the help of the sleeping person. Perhaps a lot depends on the sleeper, but they are afraid or embarrassed to ask for help. Or perhaps loved ones simply doubt that any help will be available to them.

There is another interesting nuance in such a dream - other angels, or the sleeper himself, sing beautiful songs or prayers. Such a dream can tell that there was a very difficult period in the sleeper’s life, but higher powers took him under their protection and now everything will change for the better. All troubles will go away on their own and life will soon improve completely.

Regardless of the interpretation of the angel, in various dream books around the world only favorable forecasts are given. But, do not forget that sometimes dreams are the work of our subconscious. Perhaps the appearance of an angel in this case simply means that the sleeper can no longer cope with the problem alone and calls for help to higher powers.

Why do you dream about an angel?

An angel is a symbol of protection, help, good news, purity and innocence. With rare exceptions, seeing an angel in a dream is a good sign.

Sometimes, an angel dreams of disappointment. But this is only if the fulfillment of your desires can bring harm to someone.

If an angel approaches you in a dream, this portends good news. Most likely, you will receive a letter or telegram that will make you very happy. Sometimes an angel in a dream means spiritual growth. But in this case you must rely on your own strength.

Why do you dream about an angel? If you see a guardian angel, this means that the protection of higher powers is ensured.

If an angel touches you with his wing, such a dream will foreshadow peace and peace of mind. All problems in your life will be solved by themselves, sadness will be forgotten, and worries will go away.

If in a dream you see yourself as an angel, such a dream means that someone dear to you is in dire need of help, and you will be able to provide this help.

If you dreamed of an angel crying, think about your actions. You may have done something that you will later bitterly regret. If an angel smiles, such a dream portends true love for you.

If a black angel appeared to you in a dream, you will be tormented by doubts. Do not doubt the correctness of your actions. Don't be afraid of anything and don't regret anything. Your intuition will tell you the right way out. Listen to her.

Seeing an angel in a dream who is calling you to follow him means a serious illness. Both you and your close relatives can get sick.

If an angel appears to a woman in human form, such a dream foreshadows her unearthly love and happy marriage. If a man dreams of an angel, this is a signal of his subconscious desire for a romantic relationship.

An angel armed with a sword warns you about bad deeds for which you will later have to bitterly repent. Talking to an angel in a dream can foretell someone's death.

Why do you dream about Angels? I dreamed of 3 angels.


~ Sienna ~

a very good sign or even three signs! you are on the verge of important events in your life. . besides, your guardian angel remembers you!


Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova:: Angel
well-being; talking - the death of a friend; angels - honor, unexpected inheritance; talking to them or calling them is an ominous sign, the death of a friend; if they themselves reported something - meeting a very rare person; an angel flies over the house - blessed news.

Dream Interpretation Hasse:: Angel
Talking to him means the imminent death of one of your relatives; seeing him means you will meet a good friend.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:: ANGEL
Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of calm and peace. There will come a time when all people will live happily. If you dreamed that you were an angel, then such a dream means that one of the people close to you really needs your help, and you are able to help him. If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, the dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives. To see in a dream a city in which angels live - such a dream indicates that in the future your life will somehow come into contact with a state with the beautiful name Taiwan (“Taiwan” translated means “city of angels”).

Dream Interpretation of Azar:: Angel
good luck in business

Muslim dream book:: ANGEL
If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Jabrail, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, good condition and good disposition, that person will achieve a high place and a respectable rank in matters of religion and in worldly affairs, and the gates of knowledge and wisdom will be revealed before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is obsessed with fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them. And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, that is, he should repent of his sins and resort to God. If someone sees in a dream that he is flying with angels, he will receive the gift of honor and glory as a miracle worker, and in the end his lot will be martyrdom for the faith. If anyone sees that many angels have gathered in a city or village, some scientist or pious person will soon die in that place, or some person will be killed in a violent and cruel way. If someone sees that angels are gathering in his home from all sides, then he should protect the building from thieves.

Ukrainian dream book:: ANGEL
Seeing an angel is good news or a warning before an unreasonable act; hearing it is an unkind fortune-telling; to be one is success for a healthy person, patience for a sick person. Talking to an angel means the imminent death of one of your relatives; just seeing him means you will meet a beautiful woman. An angel in a dream means happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Canonite:: Angel
happiness, joy, well-being; meeting a good friend; talking to him means the imminent death of relatives

Old Russian dream book:: ANGEL
joy, happiness, peace of mind.

Esoteric dream book:: Angel
With white wings, or a traditional look - to sadness, death of loved ones. Someone who called himself an angel - help, support.

Phil Casidi

Some people call it inner voice, and someone is a guardian angel. They take you away from danger and inspire you to new achievements. Sometimes we do not pay attention to the instructions from them, which we later regret.
An excellent dream book, it was useful to me: http://domsnov.ru/gadanie/angel_hranitel.html

Angel as a child

Dream Interpretation - Angel

Seeing an angel in a dream means a successful completion of the matter; to be an angel means repentance for an unrighteous life. Seeing a singing angel means a revolution in your life. Seeing a dead angel means the loss of children; black angel - to debauchery.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

Angel - to see an angel is good news or a warning before an unreasonable act; hearing it is an unkind fortune-telling; to be one is success for a healthy person, patience for a sick person. Talking to an angel means the imminent death of one of your relatives; just seeing him means you will meet a beautiful woman. An angel in a dream means happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

Guardian angel.

Sometimes it is believed that during Sleep on the right side one can press down the guardian angel, who is always located to the right of the sleeper.

According to the beliefs of Belarusians in the Vitebsk region, an Angel goes around sleeping people.

Often he stands by the window, so you cannot spit outside the window, pour out slop, etc.

The souls of ancestors could come to earth with the Angel, for example, he brought them to Baptism so that they too could be baptized in Jordan.

Dream Interpretation - Angels

Seeing angels in a dream is a very happy and blessed sign. If angels surround you in a dream, it means that you have faithful and good friends next to you in life. For a married woman, this dream is a promise of a large, strong and friendly family; if there are two angels, it means she is destined to give birth to twins. This is also a happy sign for all loving souls - their marriage will be happy and lasting, and true friends will accompany them in life.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

The appearance of an angel in a dream foreshadows a woman's passionate love for an innocent young man. If the dream is pleasant, a marriage awaits you, which they say is “made in heaven.” A man's dream of an angel expresses his satiety with sexual relationships and his desire for romantic ones.

If you dreamed of an angel threatening with a fiery sword, be careful and think carefully about your actions. Such a dream warns that you risk losing the respect of friends and loved ones through a relationship that disgraces you.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

Angel - big changes in life.

Talking, communicating with an angel - news from old friends, unexpected profit.

Seeing a sad angel means possible complications in love affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

He stands behind a person’s right shoulder, and the devil stands behind his left, so spitting, according to superstition, follows through left shoulder, sleep on your left side, “to crush the devil” (Bulgaria, Sofia region).

Sometimes it is believed that there is a good Angel behind the right shoulder, and an evil one behind the left (Macedonia, Ohrid).

The angel and the devil of every man fight with each other; An angel protects a person from evil, the devil inclines him to evil.

Dream Interpretation - Angel

An angel flying from heaven - insoluble difficulties.

Guardian angel - the protection of higher powers is ensured.

Fallen angel - dangerous practices of black magic.

Dream Interpretation - Angels

Seeing angels in a dream foretells impressions that will confuse and disturb your soul.

This dream promises a change of fate.

If the dream is unusually pleasant, then you will receive news about the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.

The dream may be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.

For good people, a dream about angels is a consolation; for evil people, it encourages repentance.