How to increase fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant. How to improve fertility using natural methods? The drug adds energy and enhances fertility

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After unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, many couples come to the conclusion that it is more difficult than they thought. Unfortunately, there are many factors that lead to infertility and sometimes determining its cause is not so easy. Some couples facing infertility issues need to undergo full treatment, while others only need to make a few lifestyle changes that can help improve their chances of conceiving. There are many simple and effective ways to help couples get pregnant. These simple techniques can be healing for all couples trying to have a baby, regardless of the severity of infertility, and should be considered by any couple trying to conceive.


Change your diet and exercise for the better

Pay attention to what you eat and try to exercise daily. This is a great start to increasing your chances of conceiving. Important for both women and men.

Fight bad habits

Unhealthy habits can harm your body. When trying to get pregnant, it's more important than ever to make sure your body is in the best shape it can be. Breaking these nasty habits can be difficult, but for people hoping to get pregnant, it can mean the difference between successfully conceiving and months, or even years, of infertility.

    Quit smoking as quickly as possible. Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit with a lot of detrimental health consequences. Smoking is especially harmful for women trying to get pregnant. Smoking can cause premature aging of the ovaries. Cigarettes are full of dangerous toxins that are extremely harmful to a woman's ovaries. The sooner you quit smoking, the faster you will begin to repair the damage done to your reproductive system, increasing your chances of conceiving.

    Pay attention to what you drink.

    Caffeine can also be a problem when trying to conceive. Limit the amount of caffeine to one cup per day in the morning. If you consume more than this limit, it may not only hinder pregnancy, but also increase your chances of failure.

Limit your stress levels

Stress affects everyone differently. Some people are better at managing stress than others. However, for most, high levels of stress can be detrimental to physical health, thus negatively impacting their ability to become pregnant.

Get to know your menstrual cycle and birth control

Getting to know your body is an important step in the right direction to increase your chances of conceiving.

Find out what's going on with his health

When faced with infertility problems, many people immediately assume that the woman is responsible for their inability to get pregnant. But a woman’s health is not the only piece of this puzzle. A man's health can affect the fertilization process in the same way as a woman's.

  • Discussing any ongoing fertility problems with your doctor is a great idea. If you try all of these options to improve your fertility and still have unprotected sex during ovulation for several months and do not get pregnant, you should contact your GP. A complete examination of your reproductive system may be necessary to determine any underlying cause that is preventing you from successfully becoming pregnant.

I recently posted several materials on “folk” ways to improve male fertility and increase the chances of conceiving a child.

And recently, a couple of materials on the same topic, but more related to women, have appeared in the press (however, among these “women’s” advice there are also recommendations for their partners, so it also makes sense for men to read this commentary).

As always, I warn you - it is better to treat any disease at the very beginning, and this rule applies especially to infertility. If you have problems, go to the doctor, get examined, find out the cause of the disease and get treatment. And as an additional measure, so to speak, to enhance the effect, after consulting with your doctor, you can try everything described below.

So, “folk” ways to improve female fertility and increase the chances of conception:


Try to go to bed early

The study found that among women undergoing IVF (in vitro fertilization), those who regularly slept 7-8 hours a day had the best results. Both women's lack of sleep and excess sleep are harmful to conception.

Brush your teeth well

Gum disease can add an extra two months to the time it takes to conceive a child, a 2011 study by Australian scientists found. Go to the dentist and check the condition of your teeth and gums.

Physical exercise

Moderate physical activity will also increase fertility. For women, walking, aerobics and yoga are most preferable. Long walks in the fresh air are especially good, at a fast pace. But it is important to maintain a balance here, since excessive physical activity leads to the opposite result - women who exercise intensively for 5 hours a week are 45% less likely to become pregnant than those women who exercise moderately.

Try not to get nervous over trifles

"If a woman's stress level is too high, she simply won't ovulate," says Dr. Sarah Berga of Wake Forest, North Carolina.

Men who are overweight or obese tend to have low sperm counts, experts say. But as for women, there is no need to go to extremes - low fertility is observed both in obese women and in those whose body weight is insufficient.

Alcohol and smoking

It has been proven that in women who frequently drink alcohol, fertility is reduced by more than 2 times. When it comes to alcohol consumption by men, different studies give different results. Nicotine negatively affects sperm motility in men and reduces the ability of embryo implantation in the uterus in women.

Men and gadgets

Don't let your partner sit for long periods in front of the TV, keep his cell phone in his pants pocket, or regularly use a laptop or tablet on his lap for long periods of time.

Harvard scientists have proven that men who sit in front of TV for more than 20 hours a week have a 44% lower sperm count.

Men who keep cell phones on their belts or in their pants pockets tend to have fewer sperm in their semen. The reason may lie in the electromagnetic waves they emit.


Follow a gluten-free diet

Recently, researchers from Columbia University showed that 6% of women with unexplained infertility have celiac disease. “Their bodies produce antibodies that interfere with the development of the placenta,” says study author Dr. Peter Green. Once the women switched to a gluten-free diet, they became pregnant within a year.

Coffee – men can, women can’t

But as for coffee, it is a very interesting product, because it reduces female fertility, and, on the contrary, increases male fertility. So, in women who drink 2 cups of coffee a day, the ability to conceive decreases by 1.5 times, and in men who drink the same amount of coffee, it increases! Moreover, men who drink coffee have higher fertility than those who give up caffeine.

Stop coca cola

Women who drink more than two glasses of soda per day reduce their chance of getting pregnant by 16%, according to a 2012 study by Lauren Wise, Ph.D., and her colleagues.

Drink green tea

Women are recommended to drink green tea - it contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the entire body. Moreover, women who regularly drink green tea are 2 times less likely than others to experience infertility. But it is also undesirable to abuse it, since green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid. And this vitamin is simply irreplaceable for women planning a pregnancy. Therefore, drink no more than 2 cups of green tea per day.

Lemon water

Don't forget about clean water with lemon! Why? Firstly, lemon will provide you with vitamin C, and secondly, lemons help make the vaginal environment more alkaline, and therefore less hostile to sperm.



The presence of this berry in the diet is highly desirable if you are planning to increase your family in the near future.


Useful for both women and men. If eggs first help to monitor the mucous membranes of the vagina, then it is useful for men to eat eggs to produce more sperm and speed up its recovery.

Cottage cheese

Due to its rich calcium content, it ensures that a man does not experience premature ejaculation. As a side effect, cottage cheese affects potency in men and libido in women.

Nuts, especially in combination with honey

They increase the level of sexual activity due to the protein they contain. Among all the nuts, I especially want to highlight almonds - in addition to protein, they also contain calcium and vitamin E.

Eat soy before ovulation

Intimate sphere of life

Intimacy occurring 2-3 times a week will help increase fertility. A break of several days is needed for sperm renewal to occur, which means the number of viable sperm increases and the chances of conception increase.

Also, those who want to become parents as quickly as possible should stop using lubricants. Doctors say that all lubricants (and even natural lubricants such as saliva) significantly impair sperm motility, preventing them from moving through the vagina and fertilization. Therefore, while planning a pregnancy, give up all lubricants.

In medical practice, the term fertility is often used, with the help of which the possibility of having healthy offspring in a married couple is assessed.

Fertility – what does it mean for women? How can you find out its level and whether it can be adjusted? You will find the answer to these important questions in our article.

Signs of Fertility

Considering that two people (male and female) are involved in conceiving a child, it is advisable to talk about a couple’s fertility as a set of factors influencing the occurrence of pregnancy. However, most often this term is applied specifically to women.

Why do some women conceive quickly and at the time they planned, while for others a long-awaited pregnancy is possible only after medical intervention or through artificial insemination?

The peculiarity of the female reproductive system is that the process of conception is regulated by two factors: healthy genitourinary organs and the correct ratio of the desired hormonal level in certain phases of the cycle. A malfunction of one of the factors leads to infertility or the inability to bear and give birth to a baby without medical support.

So what is fertility?

Fertility is a word of Latin origin that literally translates as “fertility.” The term is used to determine the level of the body's capabilities during conception, gestation and birth of offspring.

If we are talking about a man, then we mean the ability of his seminal fluid to fertilize the mature egg of his partner. Female fertility refers to the body’s ability to “receive” sperm and “grow” a fetus in the womb. That is, three factors can be considered signs of fertility in women: the ability to conceive, bear, and give birth.

External attractiveness, luxurious forms and sexual appetite, contrary to the opinion of many men, only very indirectly indicate high fertility. It is usually not sex bombs who get pregnant easily and give birth, but women with ordinary external characteristics.

Hope for high fertility comes from a woman’s general physical health and a regular monthly cycle. But, unfortunately, sometimes even such girls can have problems conceiving.

Reproductive age

In any case, fertility occurs only during the period of reproductive age, when the partners’ bodies are most ready for the processes of conception and childbirth. The reproductive age of partners is somewhat different.

Thus, for women, the opportunity to have children begins immediately after the start of the menstrual cycle and ends during menopause.

A man's ability to fertilize begins when their body gains the ability to produce active sperm. Provided there are no chronic pathologies of internal organs and negative external influences, male fertility can be maintained until the end of life.

To understand what fertility is in women, a conditional division of the active period of childbearing into several periods will help:

Early stage

Lasts from the beginning of the menstrual cycle to 20 years. It is characterized by the formation of the cycle and balancing of hormone levels, so ovulation does not occur every month. However, with regular intimate relationships without using contraception, a girl can quickly become pregnant.

Middle stage

The duration of the phase is 20 years (from 20 to 40). During this period, the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels stabilize. The body, in the absence of chronic or congenital pathologies, is most prepared for the onset of conception. The age before 30 is considered the best time to plan and have children.

Late stage

Period from 40 to 45 years. A woman’s body is preparing for the onset of menopause, and age-related changes begin. Hormone levels are not stable, but the menstrual cycle and ovulation periods remain stable. Natural is possible, but a woman can only carry and give birth to a baby with medical help.

Decaying stage

Lasts up to 60 years. Menopause begins. The level of hormones gradually decreases, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and then ends completely. Pregnancy during this period is extremely undesirable; it is a high-risk pregnancy. It is possible only after prescribing hormonal drugs and under strict medical supervision.

There have been recorded cases of children being born to women who do not fit within the fertility framework established by scientists. Thus, in India a baby was born to a 70-year-old woman, a 59-year-old Russian woman became a young mother, and a citizen of Peru gave birth to a baby at the age of 5 years.

These statistics indicate possible deviations from the generally accepted framework. However, such cases are extremely rare and are exceptions to the rule.

What does fertility depend on?

Fertility is influenced by many factors, because the success of conception also depends on the general health of the woman.

We list the main ones:

  • Age. The older a woman is, the less often she experiences full ovulation;
  • Excessive thinness or fullness (read,);
  • Prolonged stress and tension;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Adverse habits (tobacco smoking, drugs, alcohol addiction);
  • Long-term course of inflammatory processes;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Unbalanced diet, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the daily diet;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Long-term use of certain medications;
  • Frequent gynecological surgical interventions (abortion, cleaning, etc.);
  • Regular use of uncomfortable, low-quality underwear;
  • Problems of an immunological nature, in which sperm are rejected in the woman’s body;
  • Prolonged dehydration of the body.

The presence of at least one of these factors is always taken into account to determine female fertility. If problems with conception are identified, the “provocateur” should be eliminated. To do this, sometimes you have to change your lifestyle.

Fertility forecast - what is it?

To identify the causes of pregnancy that does not occur for a long time, doctors calculate “”. Patients are more familiar with this concept under the term “ovulation period.”

That is, it is necessary to calculate when a woman will ovulate and conduct studies during this period, which are called “fertility forecast”. It includes laboratory blood tests for the level of certain hormones and hardware examination.

The main link in the chain of fertility diagnostics is ultrasound of the pelvic organs, primarily the ovaries.

Research is carried out starting from the 5-6th day of the menstrual cycle and ending with the period of ovulation. The purpose of diagnosis is to identify the condition of the ovaries: their size and proper functioning. It consists in producing the required number of follicles, one of which () will be able to provide a healthy, mature egg for fertilization at the right time.

After diagnosis, the gynecologist makes a conclusion about the woman’s fertility, which can be low, medium or high. The results of the study are presented in points.

Low fertility has an indicator of “-2”, which indicates minimal chances of natural conception and successful birth. To be more precise, there are practically none.

Average fertility is a good indicator, which indicates that the patient can naturally conceive a baby, safely carry it to term and give birth.

High fertility is marked with the number “+2”. In this case, the woman does not have any problems with rapid pregnancy, bearing a child and childbirth. Moreover, this ability does not always please them, because even contraception does not always help them “protect themselves” from conception.

It should be noted that detected low fertility is not a death sentence. Modern medicine already has in its arsenal many ways to increase fertility in women.

Family planning has entered a new stage - now it is possible to provide your hormones and eggs with such a future that they will not prevent you from giving birth to a child in 5-10 years without any problems. We tell you what women of all ages need to know about fertility.

The number of women under 34 who find it difficult to conceive or carry a child to term has doubled in recent years. Therefore, it has become fashionable to plan motherhood in advance, five or even ten years in advance. Why take the risk? Moreover, there are a lot of centers and specialists who will determine how fertile you are (that is, your ability to conceive and bear a child) and help prolong your fertile period - for this you no longer need to go abroad, as before.

Take an ovulation test

Age is the main factor affecting fertility. The optimal period of conception for most women is from 23 to 31 years. Then fertility begins to fall by about 3% annually, and 10 years before menopause, conceiving naturally becomes problematic. It is impossible to calculate the onset of time X, but you need to focus on the number 41 (for Russian women, menopause begins on average at 51 years old), and already at 35 years old you need to take control of ovulation. You can check whether your body produces an egg in each cycle yourself by purchasing a home ovulation test at the pharmacy (Frautest, Ovuplan, ClearBlue or any other brand). You need to be tested 3–4 months in a row for 5 days in the middle of the cycle. A negative result is a reason to visit a doctor and further research.

Freeze an egg

Cryopreservation of an egg is still a rare service (storage costs about 17,000 rubles per year), but after 12 years—the shelf life of a frozen egg—everything will pay off. If you decide, go to a clinic that does IVF. First, you will have to undergo standard tests for infections and undergo an examination by a gynecologist. The next stage is a two-week course of injections of follicle-stimulating hormones, which begin on the second day of the cycle. In this way, your body will be forced to produce a record dozen eggs at a time instead of one or two. Not to take more money from you. It’s just that after defrosting, only three or four will be working. When the material is ripe, it will be removed (the procedure is done under general anesthesia) and preserved for a year to begin with. The contract with the clinic where the eggs are stored must be renewed annually and done on time - for the sake of the safety of future children.

Get your weight in order

Waist is not only needed to attract a quality sire. Lack, as well as excess, of fat in the body can cause hormonal imbalance. As a result, in girls who are too large or too thin, the production of eggs by the ovaries is disrupted. Fortunately, not for good, but only until the weight returns to normal. To determine it (the norm), the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolphe Quetelet came up with BMI - body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide your mass (in kilograms) by the square of your height (in meters). It is believed that the BMI of a potential mother should fluctuate between 20 and 25 units. Going beyond these limits is already a risk. A recent study in the Netherlands showed that for every unit above 29, fertility fell by 4%.

Leave big sport

Physical activity is beneficial. But only within reasonable limits. American doctors have set standards for women planning to conceive soon: run no more than 10–12 km a week and go to the gym no more than one hour a day. Because for those who pedal too hard on an exercise bike, their menstrual cycle may be disrupted or ovulation may stop. This is mainly due to the loss of fat tissue - which is what we, as a rule, strive for. However, fat is also a source and store of female sex hormones - estrogens. Therefore, if there are failures in the cycle, you must immediately stop training.

Don't drink coffee and quit smoking

Everyone who smokes knows that it is harmful. But few people know that the chemicals that accumulate in the body of a smoker disrupt the level of estradiol, the main estrogenic steroid hormone. To delay the onset of menopause and increase fertility by 30%, you just need to quit smoking. By the way, your feat will reduce the risk of miscarriage if pregnancy occurs. You don't have to give up coffee (as well as caffeine-containing products) completely. Just reduce the dose to one cup per day.

Change your diet

The book The Fertility Diet was recently published in the United States. It presents interesting data. For example, that sweets, potatoes, white bread and other foods rich in “fast carbohydrates” interfere with ovulation, while “slow carbohydrates” and foods high in iron, on the contrary, help to conceive. Also, those who sooner or later plan to become a mother are recommended to eat more dairy products - with as high a fat content as possible. This will increase the level of female hormones estrogen. As for vitamins, pay special attention to folic acid (vitamin B6) - it increases the chances of conceiving. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking folic acid and vitamin C (in the first phase of the cycle) and vitamins A and E (in the second) about six months in advance.

Choose a contraceptive

Taking oral hormonal contraceptives does not harm fertility. On the contrary, when the pills are chosen correctly, hormonal levels can be adjusted. A blood test for hormones will show whether you need to reduce androgen levels or increase estrogen levels. It will have to be taken twice - in both phases of the cycle. After this, the doctor will prescribe a suitable oral contraceptive or, if there are contraindications, advise against taking them.

Get an ultrasound

Take care of your health. Some women's diseases make themselves felt by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, and disruptions of the menstrual cycle. Others, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, are masters of camouflage. Or they lurk in the body asymptomatically, slowly destroying reproductive health. But if you visit a gynecologist every six months and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, any disease can be caught at an early stage

Don't have an abortion

Abortion in itself is not dangerous and does not deprive you of the opportunity to give birth to a healthy child in the future. Complications after it are dangerous. This is, first of all, a serious hormonal imbalance - regardless of whether it is a medical or mechanical abortion. In the second case, there is a high probability of injury, which can provoke endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. How long does it take to recover after an abortion or use reliable contraceptives? The choice is obvious.

Take care of the man

Theoretically, he can become a father even after 70 years of age, but in half of the cases it is not possible to conceive a child due to his fault - due to a decrease in the number of motile sperm. To prevent this from happening, it is enough for him to follow two simple rules - do not squeeze or heat the scrotum area. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to persuade a man to give up his car and change sedentary office work to healthy, hard physical labor. But he can stop holding a laptop on his lap for a long time, sleeping in a hot bath and sauna, wearing tight underpants and riding a bicycle with an uncomfortable seat. And, by the way, some people could have sex more often – 2-3 times a week. In order to improve sperm quality.

It's all in your head!

Scientific director of the Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology, Professor Galina Filippova, explained why problems with conception are often associated with mental health and what to do about it.

How does the brain influence our ability to get pregnant?

Believe it or not, he plays a key role! You must really want a child. What I mean is that the motivation must be so strong that your desire to give birth must be accepted within you. Many women are surprised: I really want to become a mother, I consciously want to! But they don’t understand that they may have strong unconscious resistance inside. In the left hemisphere of all mammals there is a part of the brain called the “maternal dominant”, which is responsible for organizing our behavior associated with the birth of children. And in the right hemisphere there is another important center - it is called the “dominant anxiety”. If for some reason it is in an excited state, it can suppress the “dominant motherhood” and, accordingly, the ability to conceive. That is, your own brain - without your natologist - sends signals to the body: don’t get pregnant, it’s dangerous now! If this happens for a long time, functional changes in internal organs may begin - ovulation will stop, hormonal balance will be disrupted, etc.

In what cases is the “anxiety dominant” activated?
The cause could be any unresolved problem that you are reacting to. Your social environment is of great importance. For example, if you have a tense relationship with your mother-in-law, your own mother or husband, or you are afraid (even subconsciously) that the birth of a child will limit your personal freedom, then the dominant anxiety will be constantly aroused and it will be difficult for you to get pregnant. In my practice, I often encounter couples who have scandals just during the period of ovulation - like clockwork! – and they, accordingly, avoid intimacy these days. Perhaps they unconsciously experience anxiety and do not want a child, although they themselves deny it. By the way, anxiety is also dominant in men - it can suppress sperm activity with the same success as ovarian function in women. I had a patient whose mother kept saying as a child: “I had 20 abortions before you, and left you, you idiot, to ruin my life now!” Accordingly, he was “blocked” from having his own children.

But there are women who “get blown away by the wind”...
They do not have a subconscious fear of having children or, for example, that hyper-responsibility that is characteristic of many successful modern women who have difficulty conceiving. Those who become pregnant “from the wind”, for one reason or another, are not afraid that the child will interfere with their life.

How to remove these blocks?
Often pregnancy occurs when we simply let go of the problem, stop stressing ourselves and stressing our partner. Many women diagnosed with infertility decide to adopt a child and then unexpectedly become pregnant themselves - sometimes already at the adoption stage. This happens because they either stop experiencing stress - torturing themselves and their husband in order to conceive at any cost - or they simply internally accept a parental position. And then everything works out! In general, it is important for a woman to realize her fears and find out: the child will help or hinder her. Many are afraid that the latter will happen, without good reason.

How do you help women?
With each individual, we study family history - in particular, what kind of mother image a woman carries within herself (as a rule, it is copied from her own mother, and if it is negative, this can also prevent you from getting pregnant), but usually we go deeper and look at least 3– 4 generations of family scenarios. Of course, we also analyze your current life situation - at work, with your man, with your parents, etc. Finally, we find out your “subconscious plan” - after all, most often you yourself know very well when you can “allow” yourself to get pregnant. As a result, we develop your personal “motherhood plan”.

Children are a gift from heaven. And sometimes you have to wait a very long time for this gift. Some cannot do without contraception at all, because “even from a draft it happens,” while others, although they do not use protection, still cannot achieve the desired result. That is, up to 2 red stripes.

What is fertility and can you improve your chances of getting pregnant?

Preparing for conception - how to properly plan for conceiving a child?

The term "fertility" in science it is customary to call a woman’s ability to “fertility” (to conceive).

Above increased fertility Many potential mothers who are unable to get pregnant wonder, but few people understand how to increase this ability.

So, first of all, you should properly prepare for conception.

Let's wrap up with contraception!

Even if you have already stopped taking pills and removed the IUD, there is a chance that the effect of contraceptives has not yet ended. And the period a woman needs to conceive can change significantly when taking them.

  • If you have used hormonal contraceptives, it means that you (more precisely, your reproductive function) need time to adapt. The time it takes to correct your natural hormonal levels can be quite long.
  • Spiral. Naturally, it must be removed before you begin to attempt birth. But even after removing it, you should go to the gynecologist and make sure that you do not have problems after using it (some of which may affect reproductive functions).
  • Condoms. Everything is simple here. It’s easy enough to remove them from your intimate life. No adaptation time is required.

Days of ovulation - we calculate with accuracy

The more clearly you know about these very days when the body is most ready for conception, the higher the chances of winning.

How to track these days?

  • We count from the 1st day of your last period: usually ovulation occurs (average values) on the 14th day.
  • We use a special application on our smartphone (convenient and easy).
  • We measure basal body temperature every day after waking up and at the same time. It is usually slightly higher on ovulation days than on normal days.
  • It makes sense to pay attention to the cervical mucus on the pad. A very effective method. With sticky, transparent discharge, reminiscent of “egg white”, the period you need begins. Intimate life should be continued for 3-5 days after these “symptoms” are detected.
  • We use ovulation tests. They are not difficult to find, but they cost pennies.

A little about the intimate side of things

  • The vital activity of sperm in the fallopian tubes is no more than a week. Whereas the lifespan of an egg is about a day. To hit the target exactly, you should start regular intimate life in advance - before ovulation.
  • The more often the better. Yes, you know it yourself. Well, at least every other day. Moreover, despite the vitality of sperm, the youngest of them will still be more hardworking.
  • No lubricants, spermicides, or various chemical irritants. They will not help with conception.
  • Relax and just have fun. The more focused you are on a goal, the more difficult it will be to achieve results. The more pleasure, the easier it is for sperm to reach the cervix.
  • Don't rush to jump out of bed after sex. Spend at least 15 minutes after intercourse in the “lying down” position to increase your chances of conception by exactly 2 times.

What's next?

  • A week later (approx.: +\- 3 days) after conception itself, implantation bleeding may appear (an early and short-term sign of conception, lasting from 1 to 48 hours).
  • Basal temperature remains elevated for 2 weeks after ovulation.

All methods of increasing female fertility - what to do if you can’t get pregnant?

Rare couples who begin to implement plans to conceive manage to achieve results on the first try. According to statistics, this takes about 2 years for 95% of couples. Therefore, there is no need to get upset and panic, or become depressed if there is no result.

But what you need to do is increase fertility. And we will tell you exactly how.

Planning pregnancy with the help of medicine

Why not? It won't be redundant. Even if you don’t have problems with your reproductive function, there are others that are better to be immediately detected (if they exist) and treated so that nothing interferes with your conception.

The gynecologist will conduct a full examination, prescribe tests and rule out…

  • (note - it affects ovulation in general).
  • Diabetes mellitus (note - its presence can affect the full development of the fetus).
  • Endometriosis (note - this disease, in addition to the main inconveniences, also affects fertility itself).
  • Diseases of the thyroid/gland (note - can significantly change hormonal levels, in addition, control of the disease is necessary after conception).
  • Infections/diseases of the genitourinary system, small/pelvic organs.

Health comes first

  • Are you overweight? Start losing weight. This will increase your chances of conceiving.
  • Don’t overdo diets—don’t go overboard in your desire to lose weight. Losing too much weight changes your menstrual cycle/cycle and reduces your fertility.

Take care of taking vitamins

They should be started well before pregnancy. For example, folic acid. Calcium and iron are also needed.

Let's eat right!

  • We eat only natural and high-quality products. No pesticides, GMOs or other chemicals.
  • We give sweetened foods and baked goods with trans fats (artificial oils) to the enemy.
  • We categorically exclude meat with nitrates, unpasteurized cheeses, stale vegetables and poorly processed fish from the menu.
  • We lean on plant foods (preferably from our region) - vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and nuts.
  • Milk and natural (!) yoghurts, low-fat kefir, eggs and seafood, chicken and tofu are also useful for increasing fertility.

About your partner's health

It's also worth taking care of.

  • Choose a complex of vitamins with selenium for your spouse.
  • Feed him foods with vitamins E and C.
  • A ban on smoking, alcohol, sugar and coffee (or at least limit it as much as possible) while preparing for conception. Nicotine significantly reduces the motility of even the fastest sperm and changes the morphology/structure of sperm.

We categorically and immediately give up bad habits!

  • No alcohol! It immediately reduces female fertility by 60%, even if you drink from beakers. What can we say about large dishes or frequent holidays.
  • Cigarettes are prohibited. Nicotine can disrupt the process of implantation (“fixation”) of the embryo in the uterus.
  • Instead of coffee - kefir, juices, homemade lemonade, green tea, compotes, etc.

Conception is incompatible with alcohol and cigarettes!

Don't focus on the result

If your intimate relationships proceed exclusively under the banner of waiting for conception, then gradually conflicts will begin to arise between you. The reason is simple - intimacy will no longer bring you pleasure.

Therefore, when dreaming about conception, do not become robots! Just love each other, enjoy sex, or better yet, go on a trip somewhere.

Calm and only calm!

Depression and stress, increased adrenaline and cortisol lead to decreased fertility. They also increase the risk of miscarriage and prolactin levels, making egg implantation more difficult.

Daily routine is required

Firstly, lack of sleep leads to infertility. Secondly, getting enough sleep increases your chances of winning. Why?

Because the production of the hormone leptin occurs during sleep, and the higher it is, the closer you are to the goal (statistically, most infertile women have low levels of this hormone).

Reducing the level of physical activity

It is better to replace too hard and intense sports with light and moderate physical activity.

When should you see a doctor, and what kind of examination will be needed?

No need to run to the doctors after the first unsuccessful attempt! Give yourself a deadline , after which a visit to a specialist will really be necessary.

And until this period ends, don’t stress - have fun, live calmly, don’t think about anything.

But who really should consult a specialist are healthy couples, provided that...

  1. They are both under 35 years old, they have been having sex at least 2 times a week for more than 12 months.
  2. They are both over 35 years old and have been having sex regularly (more than 2 times a week) for more than 6 months.
  3. They are both over 40 years old.
  4. Or there is a history of miscarriage.

You should also...

  • Discuss with your doctor how foods in your diet or medications you are forced to take may affect the process of conception.
  • Get tested for STDs.
  • Be sure to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist.
  • Take tests for the quality/quantity of sperm (for the future dad), a blood test for hormones and undergo an ultrasound.
  • Perform a pelvic ultrasound, hormone tests, laparoscopy and hysterosalpingography for the expectant mother.

Necessary diagnosis and treatment of infertility for 100 percent conception - what is the path ahead?

We are considering all options and use every opportunity.

Discuss with your spouse in advance — how far are you willing to go, how much money and time to spend.

Be sure to find a highly qualified specialist (based on reviews, recommendations from friends, etc.). Even if you have to go to another city to see him, the result is worth it!

What's next?

  • We make an appointment with a doctor.
  • We do not stop at the 1st doctor and 1st clinic - we are looking for our own clinic and our own doctor, whom you can trust and confide in.
  • We make a list of important questions: including the issue of price, prospects for treatment, chances of success, etc.

Modern technology has significantly increased women's chances of pregnancy. Many mothers who have decided to undergo this procedure are happy with their children and do not regret anything.

The essence of IVF: your egg is “combined” with the sperm of your spouse in a medical laboratory, and after successful fertilization it is transplanted into your uterus. Then everything develops as during a normal pregnancy.

The lowest chances of success even with this procedure are:

  • When using frozen embryos.
  • In nulliparous girls with endometriosis.

Well, one more method: intrauterine insemination. It is carried out, for example, when sperm activity is low (when they simply “don’t have the strength” to get to their destination). In this case, the woman is injected with the purified and processed “material” of the future dad directly into the cervix using a syringe with a catheter.

As for the effectiveness of the procedure, experts estimate it at 20-40%.

The website warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Be sure to consult your doctor!