What to do before 25 years old. Talk to someone whose opinion is very different from yours

Every young nonconformist believes that getting up in the morning is the prerogative of office slaves and stubborn adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Meanwhile, the older we get, the faster time flies, and at a certain point, getting up in the afternoon (as well as going to bed at five o’clock in the morning) becomes an unaffordable luxury.

11. Think critically

The word “post-truth” has stuck in everyone’s teeth, and yet people continue to believe opinions rather than facts, linking broken light bulbs in hallways with the work of American intelligence services. A big plus of education at a good university is that they teach you how to work with the sources you refer to in your work. The ability to do nothing will come in handy more than once in life. From searching for information about the company where you are applying to work, to buying the necessary medicines instead of homeopathy, which they are trying to sell you at the pharmacy.

12. Learn to break large tasks into small items

Why, in fact, go to university? Here they teach that all significant work consists of small efforts. Common reason procrastination - try to take great job at once, and, having failed, immediately lose interest. Any big undertaking, be it setting up a landscape park or raising children, is made up of everyday work. Therefore, it is worth spending time learning to break any task into small ones, not to grab a hundred things at the last moment, but to solve everything gradually, feeling how self-confidence grows with each item crossed out.

13. Stop being nostalgic

Stop sighing about happy childhood when all modern culture built on recycling images of the past, it’s not so simple. Nevertheless, “give me back my 2007”, “dvach is not the same anymore”, “there can be nothing better than the 90s” and other super-fresh theses from immature old-school lovers reveal that you are not a subtle connoisseur of retro, but a frightened snob, not wanting to live here and now.

14. Be able to cook at least one signature dish

Food is a universal language of communication, because everyone loves to eat. And the most shortcut To impress your roommate or your crush's relatives is to cook a delicious dinner with your own hands. You should have at least one signature dish and its variations in your arsenal.

15. Choose the area in which you want to become a professional

Have you noticed that conversations about Zuckerberg, Jobs and Bill Gates dropping out of university to pursue a career are most often started by those who have neither education nor a normal job? If at 20 you can forgive not knowing what you want and being at a loss from the abundance of choice, then at 30 you can pour poison on those who are busy, and being a person who doesn’t really understand anything is a so-so prospect. If you are not happy with your job right now, it is important to remember that it is not too late to retrain and change your field of activity.

16. Accept your parents instead of reproaching them

Just because you hate your parents and shout about it at every corner, they will not stop being your parents. Thanks to flash mobs on social networks, trauma is no longer a taboo topic. In the second grade, my mother put me in a corner, but my father did not buy the console, demanding that I study perfectly well. You grew up and decided to tell strangers about it on Facebook in the hope of getting a dozen or two likes. Whether you like it or not, the further you go, the more parental character traits you will find in yourself. . You cannot change your parents, but it is quite possible to change your attitude towards the past, especially if it weighs on you, although not quickly.

17. Invest in education, not in things

If suddenly your first higher education did not bring you anything other than a feeling of bewilderment, you should not give up on further studies. Firstly, now you have the experience to choose your future place of education more carefully, and secondly, the situation in modern world is such that there is no longer universal knowledge in any field. We are forced to constantly learn, adapting to a rapidly changing situation.

20. Live together with the one you love

Having entered your thirties, it’s a good idea to delve into the understanding of what personal space and caring for another person are. In addition to gaining experience, it’s worth getting involved in a cohabitation story, if only for the sake of understanding that a relationship is not a one-night stand via Tinder, as many people think.

21. Be a volunteer

Don't be afraid to spend your time helping others. It’s worth being a volunteer if only to understand that there are always people behind everything human relations, not money, and giving is a much more exciting activity than taking everything from life.

22. Take a solo trip to a wild place

All you need to travel today is a phone and the Internet. This is probably why trips to Tibet or Cambodia have become the same routine as all-inclusive package tours. If you are tired of a predictable vacation, you should choose a truly wild place, since there are plenty of them in Russia. Everything becomes even easier if you are unpretentious in everyday life and speak several languages ​​(including Armenian and Urdu).

23. Learn to spend wisely

If, when you go out to the store to buy pasta, you end up dumping a bunch of promotional Coca-Cola and Kinder surprises at the checkout, and on Black Friday you sweep away everything indiscriminately - it’s time to think about why you are buying all these things. The only thing worse than poverty is the understanding that money is slipping through your fingers.

Developing the habit of saving a small amount every month, as well as gradually giving up impulse spending, are invaluable skills in adult life. By the age of 25, you should have your own immunity, no matter how you are going to use it: buying weapons during a zombie apocalypse or putting an emergency filling on a bad tooth.

24. Develop weak ties

Today, friends and acquaintances from social networks are becoming an increasingly valuable asset. They simultaneously replace an HR specialist, an informant, a psychologist and a shopping consultant. The first is especially valuable. Maintaining weak ties costs nothing, but if the circumstances are successful, it gives a lot. Everyone will remember at least a couple of friends who found work or orders only thanks to Facebook.

25. Get out of your comfort zone

A parachute jump, a night playing poker or bridge in the company of unfamiliar players, completing a competition in Yandex, volunteering in another city, and better country. In short, everything that will lead to unpredictable but pleasant results.

You can fill out the application form for the Olympiad participant “I am a Professional”

Instead of sadly thinking about the upcoming anniversary, buying white sheets, mastering belly crawling and booking a place at the nearest churchyard, check if you have everything in time?

1. Hit the table with your fist
One day, defend your point of view and do something important the way you see fit, and not your family and friends, who always “know what’s best.” By the age of 30, it is useful to realize that you personally, like all other people, have the right to make decisions, and sometimes... make mistakes.

2. Have an office romance
Despite all the arguments of reason and friends, fall in love and start flirting right at the workplace. Get up early in the morning with high spirits, change clothes five times before leaving the house, fly to the office as if on wings. And then sigh sadly on Friday evening, not understanding how to survive two whole days without him.

4. Get sexually savvy - in theory and in practice
At least once (we don’t recommend overusing it, but it’s worth a try) be a “bad” girl and go in search of adventure in the lower 90s. Try one-night stands, without making any plans to continue dating, but adhering to safety rules. Go on an excursion to the “Museum of Sex” in Amsterdam or to the new Moscow erotic museum “Spot G”, or, as a last resort, to the nearest sex shop.

5. Experiment with your own appearance
Change your hairstyle, hair color, clothing style and style of makeup - repeat until you become comfortable with yourself, like a mantra repeating the words of Coco Chanel that there are no ugly women, there are only lazy ones.

6. Learn to separate your personal beliefs from the beliefs of other people
Understand the postulates that you were “fed” by your parents, teachers, glossy magazines and other sources of information in childhood and adolescence that you considered reliable (“To achieve something, you need to be strong”, “You cannot show people your weakness”, “Earning a lot of money is a shame,” “You can have sex only after marriage,” “You have to give birth before 25,” “Being divorced is indecent”). Filter out the ones you still like and refuse to follow the dogmas you don't like.

7. Step over “I’m scared” or “Oh, what will they think”
Ride down a mountain in a Zorb, fly in a wind tunnel, slide down the highest slide in a water park, dance barefoot in the rain, drink champagne on the roof of a skyscraper. In a word, take a risk and do what you always wanted to do, but was a little scary.

8. “Tuning” your own sex appeal
Collect your own arsenal of tricks that make you personally irresistible in the eyes of men. Use it from time to time, regardless of the presence of a stamp in your passport or “married” status on social networks.

9. Become independent
Cut the invisible umbilical cord (and the financial one too), move away from your parents and start building your own life with your own way of life, despite “there is no money for your own home”, “renting an apartment is expensive” or “my mother feels very bad without me.”

10. Posing nude
Take part in professional photo shoot in the “nude” style, saying a decisive “no” to push-up in the form of transparent tape (photographers often use it to “lift” models’ slightly sagging breasts). Store the resulting photographs carefully so that you have something to show your granddaughters.

And 20 more things

11. Find a job that brings not only money, but also pleasure
12. Be disappointed in your friend
13. Survive a painful breakup with your loved one
14. Be the cause of someone's disappointment.
15. Read Nietzsche or at least re-read Anna Karenina
16. Find yourself in a ridiculous situation and be able to laugh at yourself
17. Make a list of sayings that will help you in difficult times
18. Falling in love with a completely unsuitable man
19. Make sure that “Sex on the Beach” and “Orgasm” can be bought at any bar, but mixing them together is not recommended
20. After “Sex” and “Orgasm”, send your ex a dozen SMS at two o’clock in the morning with a declaration of love and a request to return
21. Be upset in the morning and swear to never do step 19 again.
22. Learn to distinguish attempts to manipulate from ordinary communication
23. Swim in the sea naked at night
24. Collect the last money and wave wherever your eyes look
25. Open a deposit in a bank
26. Learn to cook a signature dish
27. Buy a must have of the season and pay obscene amounts of money for it.
28. Learn at least one foreign language
29. Get a personal dentist and gynecologist
30. Understand what kind of mission you are fulfilling while living this life!!!

1. Live at least a month in a foreign city.
2. Hate pizza, Coca-Cola and other teenage food. Finally love soup.
3. Buy yourself a designer dress.
4. Learn to walk in heels so as not to fall even in icy conditions.
5. Visit a very expensive restaurant.
6. Complete all favorite levels computer games and stop playing them.
7. Be the first to confess your love to a boy.
8. Go on one blind date.
9. Work at some stupid job: promotional gerl, cosmetics distributor, telephone operator.

10. Leave home with a scandal.
11. Live alone.
12. Live with your boyfriend.
13. Make peace with your parents and go to dinner with them on Saturdays.
14. Fly abroad for the weekend. Spend a lot of money thoughtlessly.
15. Try to follow some funny advice from a glossy magazine like “how to achieve orgasm in a minute.”
16. Stop listening to advice.
17. Find yourself an idol, become the right fan, attend all the concerts and collect posters. Wait until he gets married and finally start listening to good music.
18. Enter good university, as your parents always dreamed of. Finish it with honors or quit in your second year and get married successfully.

19. Feel the difference between ground and instant coffee.
20. Feel the difference between brewed tea and tea from a bag.
21. Forget forever what a bisector is and why equal to tangent to cotangent.
22. Rent an apartment and renovate it.
23. Get rid of acne. Get some hand cream and pontovo powder.
24. Learn to match shoes to your bag
25. Get a tattoo or piercing whatever you want (then it will be too late).
26. Dye your beautiful long locks. Repaint. No, chemistry is better. Cut off all this horror. Grow it again and start again.

27. Conduct all possible experiments with style: punk, disco, sexy, glamor.
28. At least once, be seriously embarrassed: lose your swimsuit bra in the pool, forget the words of a report while speaking to your superiors, be caught having sex in a club toilet stall. Survive shame with humor.
29. Find a friend who wishes you well.
30. Drive you crazy (can be done more than once).
31. Go crazy (you can also do this more than once).
32. Learn to make money.
33. Or find someone who knows how to do it.

34. Have several one-night stands.
35. Learn to drive a car.
36. Learn to drive a car without being a threat to others.
37. Learn to masterfully cook some kind of culinary miracle.
38. Spend at least a year in party-non-stop mode. Rock around the clock.
39. Travel by staying in hostels. After 25 you will not be allowed there.
40. Try some extreme entertainment like skydiving or bungee jumping.
41. Receive an obscenely expensive gift.
42. Make a 100-item list of your favorite directors.

43. Learn a foreign language.
44. Read the entire BVL series, or just read a lot.
45. Quit with a scandal.
46. ​​Ride in a limousine.
47. Try several fashionable diets on yourself and draw the right conclusions.
48. Dance a striptease at least once.
49. Wake up in an unfamiliar apartment.
50. Take “free driving” or “right-brain drawing” courses or other outlandish courses

Have you done everything?..

Some things are worth doing when you are young. Here is a list of twenty-five such things.

Go to a music festival

See your favorite band on stage, feel the atmosphere, look at the unique style and culture of such a large event that attracts crowds of people. Live this extraordinary experience before you turn 25.

Treat your parents to dinner at a restaurant

Most likely, your parents have provided for you for years - it's time to repay them for their love, kindness and all the responsibility. Start developing an adult relationship - invite your parents to dinner at a restaurant and pay the bill yourself.

Travel to another continent

Traveling helps you get to know other countries and new people, experience unfamiliar climates, change your view of the world, gain important life skills and become more tolerant. Age is not a barrier to traveling, but the earlier you start, the better.

Do extreme sports

You can try skydiving or jet skiing. The key is to leave your comfort zone and do something that terrifies you. Something you will be proud of one day.

Spend the whole weekend partying

It may not be the most serious thing to do, but as you get older, it will become increasingly difficult to have a carefree night of fun. This interesting experience, so be sure to try it.

Talk to someone whose opinion is very different from yours

Connecting with other people helps us realize that we are not so different from others. No matter what you look like, you have a lot in common with those around you.


Give your opinion on how your country is governed. The democratic right to express your opinion is very important, so take advantage of it.

Dye your hair a completely different color

Or change your hairstyle. Even minor changes can help you feel completely new.

Go to a gay club

Or attend a gay pride parade. Conversely, if you already prefer people of the same sex, go to a straight bar.

Stop being friends

Not all relationships are meant to last forever. Some people come and go from our lives. Don't hold on to a relationship that has outlived its usefulness.

Love yourself

During adolescence you explore yourself, your tastes and your interests. In more mature age It's time to accept yourself for who you are - be proud of your own individuality.

Learn to be generous

Giving is much more pleasant than receiving. Try volunteering at a nursing home or giving to a charity you like. Even a simple smile can make someone's day better.

Forget about regrets

Holding on to the past is harmful. Let go of the negativity. Use your energy for healthier purposes.

Go on a blind date

Excitement and unknown result - how will it all end? A blind date can be an interesting memory, you will gain new experiences, and maybe you will find love.

Start playing sports

You are no longer eighteen. The body ages, and the usual loads turn out to be more and more difficult for you. Sports will help you cope.

Learn to cook

Cooking is fun and healthy, plus it's good for your wallet. Try new recipes and develop a list of simple and delicious combinations for every day.

Learn to enjoy life

Learn to just enjoy the moment, just live. It is not necessary to always spend time doing meaningful activities, the main thing is to enjoy the time spent.

Save for retirement

The sooner you start preparing for old age, the better off your old age will be. It may seem like a long shot, but when you retire you will thank yourself.

Spend the night under the stars

Enjoy the beauty of our world. Look at life from a different perspective. When the going gets tough, just head out into nature and enjoy the flawless spectacle of the night sky with sparkling stars.

Learn to manage finances

Money can be not only a source of opportunity, but also a burden. It all depends on how you manage them. Financial control skills have a positive impact on your life. Try to acquire them as quickly as possible in your life.

Wake up in an unfamiliar place

Enjoy the confusion followed by the pleasant realization that you've done something risky. An adventure like this will be a great memory, even if you think that such actions are not for you.

Eat exotic food

The more unpronounceable the name, the more vivid the memories will be! Experience new emotions in an unfamiliar country! You can then share your impressions with friends.

Buy a terribly expensive thing

And then forget about it and don’t wear it. Let it be an impulse purchase, let it be a reward, something you deserve, something you don't even think you deserve. You will never be able to throw this thing away - it was too expensive! It's eccentric, but it will give you something to remember.

Learn to say “no”

The ability to refuse is an important skill that can seriously change the quality of your life. Try to purchase it as soon as possible so that you can start to notice its benefits right away.

Learn to be alone

Our relationship with ourselves is the most important in life. You won't spend as much time with anyone else. Learn to enjoy your own company and time alone. The ability to enjoy being alone is invaluable for many reasons.