Soy milk: benefits and harms. Can I use powdered milk? Soy milk: beneficial properties and contraindications, recipes

In modern stores you can find a large number of different products. One of them is dry soy milk, which is of plant origin. It is made from soybeans. China is considered the birthplace of the product, but now it is in demand in all countries of the world. Pleasant taste and light aroma are those distinctive features, which contains soy milk powder. Its benefits and harms will be presented in the article. The rules for diluting this product will also be discussed.


Soy milk powder, compared to cow's milk, does not contain lactose, so it can be consumed by anyone who is intolerant to this substance. The advantage of the product is the presence of isoflavones. These components are used to prevent cancer, heart diseases, and osteoporosis. They are indispensable for combating menopause in women.

Milk has anticarcinogenic and metabolic effects. The product reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, many people benefit from consuming soy powdered milk. Its benefit lies in positive impact on skeletal system body. It is necessary in the presence of anemia. Due to regular consumption, men will be protected from the occurrence of prostate cancer. The product is rich in protein and fiber. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions.


Soy milk powder contains valuable protein that contains important acids. The product is rich in amino acids. Microelements include magnesium, potassium, and calcium. There are also vitamins - D, A, E, B. 100 g of milk contains:

  • Proteins - 4 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
  • Fats - 1.6 g.

And 56 kcal is the calorie content of soy milk powder. The composition allows the product to be used in the diet of many people. You just need to dilute it correctly. There are also recipes self-cooking this product.


Soy milk powder is used to prepare various dishes. From this it turns out:

  • Kefir.
  • Tofu cheese.
  • Milk soups.
  • Yogurts.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Bakery.

The product is used for making puddings, cooking jelly, porridge, casseroles. It is used both at home and in production.

Combination with other products

Milk can be combined with sweet fruits, dried fruits, berries, and nuts. It is also consumed with cereals and boiled potatoes. There is no need to combine the drink with fresh vegetables, plums, sausage, smoked fish, or baked goods.

Weight loss

The product is considered high in calories, so many do not include it in their diet. Still, soy milk is intended for slimming. It contains a lot of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. If there is a deficiency of this component, there will be intensive production of the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the processing and excretion of fats. Thanks to its presence in increased volumes, accumulated fat deposits will not be destroyed.

Calcium is considered an essential component for those who want to lose weight. It breaks down fats perfectly and also helps build muscle mass. Therefore, such a product should definitely be in the diet of people with overweight. And it should not be a dry soy milk substitute, but a natural one.

How to breed?

Powdered soy milk is sold in stores in powder form. How to breed it? To do this, the product itself (1.5 tbsp) must be mixed with sugar (1 tsp), gradually adding water (1 glass). The mass must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous. Then the remaining water is poured in and everything is brought to a boil. The product is served hot or chilled.


There are many recipes for preparing the product in question. Of these, there is one of the simplest. Clean soybeans should be soaked in cold water for 12-24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the beans should be crushed by passing them through a meat grinder with a fine grid. This processing needs to be done several times.

When mixing, add water to make grinding easier. Water should be taken in a ratio of 7:1 to obtain milk with 3% fat content. If there is less water, you will get richer milk that will resemble cream. Ground soybean porridge mixed with water is kept for about 4 hours, after which salt is added (at the tip of a knife).

Then the resulting mass must be boiled for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and squeeze it out. This completes the preparation of soy milk. The residue in the bag after expressing milk is called okara - soy pulp, which is high in fiber and protein. It can be used as a fortified nutritional supplement.

Selection and storage

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the composition that is marked on the packaging. In its natural form, milk contains water and soy. If the composition contains chemical additives, such a product will not be useful.

Closed packaging is stored in a cool place. This period may not be equal to more than a year. The opened product should be consumed within 7 days, and during this time it will be stored in the refrigerator.

Product for children

Formulas containing the following factors are often used to feed infants. The following factors are considered to be the basis for the use of such products:

  • Cow's milk intolerance.
  • Celiac disease is caused by disruption of the villous layer of the intestine by exposure to gluten.
  • Galactosemia is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Lack of lactose - a protein that breaks down enzymes cow's milk.

To ensure that your child can be fed soy formula, you must first consult with your pediatrician. In stores you can find such products for children over 2 years old. It can be in the diet, but you should not forget about cow's milk. A complete replacement is possible only if you are intolerant to the animal product.


Doctors have not identified any harm that soy milk can cause. Some experts believe that this useful product, while others advise using it only in minimum quantity. This milk also has opponents who believe that it can cause:

  • The appearance of thyroid pathologies.
  • Decreased sperm concentration.
  • Suppression of the endocrine system.

Milk should not be consumed if there is a predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and other oncological diseases. The product is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers. It should not be given to children under 1 year of age without consulting a doctor, as well as to women who may have breast cancer.

Excessive consumption of animal protein increases blood acidity. The body needs to neutralize it. Calcium is taken from the bones. When digesting food, soy milk contains iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium, which makes these components poorly absorbed. Although milk has its drawbacks, it is still considered very healthy. You just need to use it in moderation.

Soy milk is delicious, nutritious and safe alternative cow's milk. It is indicated for people with lactose intolerance. This is a product plant origin, obtained from the processing of soybeans. Valued by vegetarians for its pleasant sweet taste and versatility in use. Yogurts, tofu cheese, kefir, and cottage cheese are made from it. It is worth considering in more detail in which cases milk has a therapeutic effect, and in which it is harmful.

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    Soy milk is unique in composition, containing large quantities of micro- and macroelements, proteins and isoflavonoids. Its plant origin determines the presence of fiber in it. And vitamin E is enough to fully saturate the body. In addition, it contains:

    • pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin;
    • retinol;
    • vitamins of groups B, K, PP, D;
    • ascorbic acid;
    • choline;
    • phytic acid;
    • lecithin.

    The only negative is the small amount of calcium compared to animal milk. For this reason, many manufacturers began to further enrich the product with this microelement.

    Calorie content varies depending on the production technology, the amount of water, and the ingredients added. Average- 45 kcal per 100 g of product. Nutritional value is determined by the ratio of BJU in the same amount of milk: proteins - 3.25 g, fats - 1.77 g, carbohydrates - 6.29 g.


    By energy value Soy milk is similar to cow's milk, but is significantly superior in amino acid content. His dignity is considered complete absence cholesterol and lactose in the composition, as well as saturated fatty acids.

    Beneficial properties for the body:

    • Strengthens blood vessels, making their walls more elastic. This is due to the action of: Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.
    • Under the influence free radicals vascular tone is maintained, the risk of blood clots and cholesterol plaques in the blood and on the inner walls of capillaries is reduced.
    • Normalizes blood lipid levels. Poly- and monounsaturated fats prevent “bad” cholesterol from entering the blood.
    • Serves as a prevention of cancer, including prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
    • Despite being deprived of calcium, soy milk improves the absorption of microelements coming from other sources, thereby preventing the development of osteoporosis.
    • Has a rejuvenating effect, restores and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.
    • Has antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties.
    • Easy to digest.
    • Thanks to components such as zinc and iron, it helps improve general condition the body with anemia, cardiovascular pathologies, nervous disorders.

    Soy milk is beneficial for women suffering from painful menstruation: it improves well-being during menopause. For men, this product can bring both benefit and harm. In the presence of hormonal imbalance and obesity, soy is able to restore natural processes by destroying human estrogen. After this, the endocrine system returns to normal, which entails a number of positive changes in health.

    Men without problems with excess weight and young men this product not recommended for use. This can cause hormonal imbalance and reproductive dysfunction.

    For the same reasons, it is not advisable to include soy milk in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.. Isoflavonoids can disrupt the functioning of the thyroid gland and also stimulate the production of theriotropic hormone, which often leads to miscarriage. Phytoextragens entering the baby's body through breast milk can cause significant harm.

    Compared to similar animal products, soy milk is low in calories, so it is recommended for consumption while on weight loss diets. Due to the enrichment with biological active substances, there is intense combustion fat deposits and bowel cleansing. Soy protein also strengthens muscles.

    Powdered milk is a white or cream-colored powder. It is obtained by drying raw soybean concentrate after thickening and homogenization. In composition, it differs little from liquid, which causes almost the same effect on the body. It is often used in the diet of vegetarians, as a basis for preparing porridges, confectionery products, soups, baked goods, and sauces.


    The liquid drink can be consumed according to personal preference, like any similar product. In its natural form, the optimal daily intake for an adult is 2 glasses. Abuse can cause serious harm to the functioning of the endocrine system and throw it out of balance. hormonal background. Metabolic processes may also be disrupted.

    For children under 16 years of age, this figure is reduced by 2 times so as not to violate correct formation internal organs.

    Suitable as a base for preparing various cocktails, berry and fruit smoothies. If you drink in pure form, then the taste of soy milk is closer to neutral, with a slight nutty aftertaste. It is recommended to add honey, cinnamon, and sugar to it. Like regular milk, this plant-based product can turn sour over time; then kefir and cottage cheese are made from it.

    Cooking method at home

    Liquid soy milk is commercially available along with powdered soy milk. There is a standard recipe for diluting the powder, but the manufacturer's recommendations can be found on each package. Usually taken in a ratio of 1:10 to water.

    To brew soy milk at home from soybeans, you will need:

    • 200 grams of soybeans;
    • 1 liter of water.

    The sequence of actions is presented in the table:


    Visual photo
    1. Wash the beans thoroughly in cold running water.
    2. Place in a blender bowl and add a little water
    3. Gradually, add more water as needed. Continue grinding until a homogeneous whitish mass is obtained.
    4. The liquid is poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat. Boil for about 15 minutes. When a creamy aroma appears, turn off the stove immediately
    5. The mixture is cooled and filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth.

    The resulting liquid is that same soy milk. To improve the taste, vanilla can be added. Its shelf life in the refrigerator is up to seven days.

    What can you cook

    Soy milk powder and liquid can be used to make many delicious and healthy dishes: pancakes, yogurt, porridge. A pleasant surprise is that you don’t need to add eggs to baked goods - soy completely replaces them.

    The most common recipes are presented in the table:

    Name of the dish Recipe Photo

    Soy milk powder

    This option is suitable for baking butter and confectionery products: rolls, bread, cookies, donuts. Then the dough turns out more tender and fragrant.

    For preparation you will need:

    • 1 cup soy flour;
    • 600 ml water.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. The water is first brought to a boil, into which the powder is gradually added in small portions.
    2. 2. Then the heating intensity is reduced and held for another 15–20 minutes. If it thickens, add water.
    3. 3. After cooling, strain the mixture.
    4. 4. It is advisable to cool the milk in the refrigerator before drinking.

    You need to prepare:

    • 1 liter of soy milk;
    • 1 pack of yogurt starter.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Milk is pre-warmed at room temperature, add the starter composition.
    2. 2. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and placed in the multicooker bowl.
    3. 3. Pour water so that it does not reach the edge of the jars.
    4. 4. Set the “Yogurt” or “Warming” mode for 8–10 hours.
    5. 5. After the allotted time, put it in the refrigerator.
    6. 6. You can decorate the top with berries and fruits



    • 6 tbsp. l. semolina;
    • 500 g soy milk;
    • walnut oil;
    • ground cinnamon.

    Prepare as follows:

    1. 1. Milk is poured into a saucepan and heated over low heat.
    2. 2. After boiling, add semolina, stirring constantly.
    3. 3. Cook until the porridge reaches the required thickness. This usually takes about 15 minutes.
    4. 4. A minute before readiness, add cinnamon.
    5. 5. Before serving, add nut butter.

    Amount of products for 2 servings:

    • a glass of soy milk;
    • 100 g of rolled oats;
    • banana;
    • 200 g frozen strawberries;
    • 2–3 g vanilla, 0.5 teaspoons sugar.

    All ingredients are loaded into a blender and blended until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The entire cooking process takes no more than 10 minutes.


    Since the composition of soy milk has not yet been fully studied, it is not advisable to give this milk to small children under one year of age. When giving it to a child under 5 years of age, you should be careful, carefully observing the body's reaction to this product the first few times. It is better to give infants cow's or goat's milk if they are not allergic to lactose.

    Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, this milk drink has a number of contraindications. He can:

    • provoke a malfunction of the digestive system;
    • damage the hematopoietic function, which leads to oxygen starvation and difficulties in removing carbon dioxide;
    • inhibit the absorption of proteins and microelements (zinc, magnesium, iron), which is caused by the action of phytic acid.

    Soy milk should be excluded from the diet if you have estrogen-dependent tumors, as soy may promote their growth.

    Upon purchase finished product You must pay attention to the attached instructions, which indicate its composition. The most natural and healthy is considered to be the one that contains only soybeans and water. It's okay if vitamins and minerals are added to them. In addition, the liquid should not be transparent in appearance. The shelf life in an airtight container is about one year. Once opened, milk can be stored for 7 days in the refrigerator.

    Most adherents healthy eating prefer soy products. Thanks to them, metabolism is accelerated, fat breakdown processes are activated, the liver is cleansed and toxins are removed from the body. These products can be used to successfully maintain normal weight or be used for fasting days. They improve muscle tone, which is important for those losing weight. Soy milk is good for people with diabetes mellitus. Due to its low carbohydrate saturation, it does not cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

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It is difficult to call a soy drink milk, since it is plant milk. It is produced from soybeans and in consistency and color, it reminds us of the usual cow's milk. Soy milk as a term is used in Russia, Ukraine and some European countries. In China this product is called soy liquid, and in Germany it is called soy drink. The consumption of soy milk is preferred in Southern Europe, Northern and South America, in the Southern and Central regions of Africa, in East Asia The Japanese and Chinese practically do not consume milk of animal origin, replacing it with plant-based soy milk. To make soy milk, steamed soybeans are pureed. The resulting mass is boiled, filtered and left to cool completely. If you purchase special electrical appliances, soy milk can be prepared at home.

Types of soy milk

Soy milk and soy food products are widely used for vegetarian nutrition and in weight loss diets. Consider low-fat soy milk, it comes in the following varieties:

  • Soy milk with 1.8% fat content.
  • Low-fat soy milk 0.6%.
  • Skimmed soy milk.

Soy milk with fat content 1.8%. This is a product of plant origin (a drink with a pleasant sweet taste). This type Soy milk contains valuable proteins and amino acids, vitamins B, E, A, as well as the minerals potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. It is a source of lecithin and isoflavones.

100g of soy milk with a fat content of 1.8 contains:

  • Water – 90.36.
  • Proteins – 3.3.
  • Fats – 1.8.
  • Carbohydrates – 5.7.
  • Kcal – 54.

Soy milk does not contain lactose, so it can be consumed by those who are allergic to dairy products of animal origin. There is no cholesterol in milk.

Some nutritionists are critical of soy milk because it contains a huge amount of phytic acid, which tends to bind certain minerals, as a result of which the body cannot fully absorb them.

Cheeses, yoghurts, puddings and cocktails are prepared from soy milk with a fat content of 1.8.

Low-fat soy milk. Low-fat soy milk has a sweetish taste with an unobtrusive and light aroma. Like animal milk, soy milk can go sour. In this case, kefir, tofu and cheese are prepared from it. This type of soy milk is rich in amino acids and proteins, it contains minerals and vitamins. The content of isoflavones and lecithin bring significant benefits to human health and improve overall health.

100g of low-fat soy milk contains:

  • Water – 90.36.
  • Proteins – 1.7.
  • Fats – 0.6.
  • Carbohydrates – 6.4.
  • Kcal – 43.

From this type of soy milk, for example, the Japanese prepare a broth base for traditional dish Nabemono, in China they prefer to drink milk in its natural form for breakfast with a variety of pastries, and in Malaysia it is consumed along with sweet syrups.

Skimmed soy milk. Skim milk has half the fat content of full-fat soy milk. The content of proteins and carbohydrates is much higher. There is also more vitamin B2, and the content of calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium is stable. This type of milk is useful for people suffering from liver disease, heart disease and overweight people.

100g of skim soy milk contains:

  • Water – 90.36.
  • Proteins – 2.5.
  • Fats – 0.
  • Carbohydrates – 3.9.
  • Kcal – 28.

Low-fat kefir, tofu, and yogurt are prepared from soy skim milk. This type of milk is useful for those who are allergic to lactose, but when drinking milk you need to know that you can also be allergic to soy milk.

Benefits of drinking soy milk

  • Soy milk is beneficial due to the absence of lactose, so it can be consumed by those who are allergic to milk of animal origin.
  • Considering the low calorie content of this drink and easy digestibility, this product is considered dietary.
  • It is recommended for consumption by people with ulcers and hypersecretion of the stomach, with coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic cholecystitis and obesity.
  • Soy milk contains 35% valuable protein, which includes 8 essential acids.
  • Soy milk contains lipids - unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body. These acids are part of the structure of the cell membrane. They protect and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Harm from drinking soy milk

  • Soy milk contains large number phytic acid. It binds magnesium, iron, zinc, and calcium to each other during digestion. This has a bad effect on the absorption of minerals.
  • You need to know that you can be allergic to soy milk.

Soy milk is very popular among vegetarians. On store shelves you can see an abundance of soy milk with additives. This is soy milk with ginseng, carrots, cocoa, berries, chestnuts, etc. Like milk of animal origin, soy milk tends to sour, so yoghurts, cheese, kefir, and tofu are indispensable in diets.

One of the many diets for weight loss using soy milk

Soy milk is very helpful in getting rid of extra pounds, since it is enriched with substances that burn fat and benefit the body:

  • The fiber present in this product cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste.
  • The protein contained in soy milk strengthens the lean body mass.

If you strictly follow this diet, you can burn about 4 kg.

Monday and Thursday.

  • Breakfast - black bread crackers and soy milk.
  • Lunch – mashed potatoes in soy milk with 2 baked apples and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Afternoon snack – dried apricots (6 pieces).
  • Dinner - apple juice, a piece of boiled fish.

Tuesday and Friday.

  • Breakfast – rolled oats with soy milk, a slice of cereal bread.
  • Dinner - green beans boiled, soy milk, cracker.
  • Afternoon snack – apple and carrot puree.
  • Dinner - a slice of bread from the toaster, pea porridge, cabbage salad with apple and carrots, plum juice.

Wednesday and Saturday.

  • Breakfast - rye bread, soy milk.
  • Lunch – carrot salad with low-fat sour cream, baked beef.
  • Afternoon snack – soy milk and prunes.
  • Dinner – baked red peppers stuffed with green beans and beef, orange juice.


  • Breakfast – bread, buckwheat porridge, soy milk with muesli.
  • Dinner - vegetable soup with crackers and sour cream, a piece of tofu.
  • Afternoon snack – soy milk with muesli.
  • Dinner - a piece of baked fish with steamed potatoes, pepper salad with cucumber, tomato juice.

Soy milk is a plant-based milk native to East Asia that is obtained from soybeans. According to legend, this type of milk was invented by Liu An (an ancient Chinese philosopher). He was very worried about his mother, who lost her teeth in old age and could not eat her favorite soybeans. Then he ground them into flour and added water. This is how soy milk was invented. It is very popular in its homeland and replaces the cow's milk that is familiar to us. This type of milk came to Europe, America and some parts of Africa along with the fashion for veganism and vegetarianism.

Soy milk tastes sweet and has a slight pleasant smell, just like animal milk sours after some time, after which tofu or kefir can be made from it. Yogurts and cottage cheese are also made from this product.

Getting this drink is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to soak the beans in water, they will be saturated with it and swell. Next, the mass must be boiled, cooled and filtered, crushed and filtered. The remaining liquid is soy milk. We will describe the cooking recipe in more detail at the end of the article.

The production process in industry is different. The beans are also first soaked in water and then pureed in special equipment. The resulting mass is heated to 150 degrees Celsius to prevent reproduction harmful bacteria. Today, manufacturers include various additives in soy drinks: berries, carrots, cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa.

Benefits of soy milk

The debate about the benefits and harms of soy milk has been going on for a long time and does not plan to subside. There are both supporters and opponents of its use. We'll talk about the harm a little later. Now let’s give arguments and compelling reasons in favor of soy milk. They are quite simple:

  • All more people They value soy milk, the benefit of which lies in its composition - there is no lactose. Therefore, it is consumed by people allergic to animal milk.
  • You can also use soy milk for breastfeeding when a child shows signs of intolerance to cow's milk proteins. But before this, you should definitely consult with your supervising doctor.
  • Soy milk contains a number of useful vitamins: A, D, E, B12.
  • This product is also a source of phytoestrogens, which prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and heart disease; eliminate signs of menopause in women (since phytoestrogens in the body behave in a manner similar to regular estrogen), restoring hormonal balance. They act as a preventative against breast cancer.
  • This plant-based milk contains a significant amount of protein, which is required for muscle function and tissue cell growth.

Calorie content of soy milk: will it help you lose weight?

This type of plant milk is characterized by low calorie content (54 kcal per 100 g), making it an indispensable product during the diet and useful for stomach ulcers and hypersecretion. Thanks to this property milk has spread so widely in America, where the population experiences big problems with obesity.

Soy milk: contraindications and harm

As we said earlier, there are also opponents to the use of such natural product, which do not lag behind and prove the harm of soy milk:

  • The product contains phytic acid, which does not allow iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc to be completely absorbed in the body.
  • If for women the presence of phytoestrogens in soy milk is a plus, then for men it is a minus, since these natural hormones reduce sperm activity and, if consumed excessively, lead to feminization. Therefore, males are advised to limit their consumption of soy milk. And this is a rather serious limitation - it means that almost half of the population needs to be careful with this product.
  • Phytoestrogens in large dosages can harm pregnant and nursing mothers, so before replacing animal milk with plant milk, consult your doctor.
  • Soy milk should be consumed with caution by people with a tendency to develop estrogen-dependent tumors (if previous generations had prostate cancer, uterine cancer and some other cancers).
  • If you use soy milk while breastfeeding or complementary foods, sometimes children develop an allergy to soy milk. In this case, it is necessary to completely exclude products with soy protein from the diet. Before using plant-based milk, do an allergen test and consult your doctor.

This milk has many advantages that are valued all over the world, but you should listen to yourself and consult a doctor before you mindlessly start consuming liters of this product. Milk will give positive results only if consumed wisely. Just like any other product...

Where to buy soy milk?

Today, it is not so rare to find soy milk on store shelves, the price of which varies from 80 to 300 rubles per liter (it is often called “Soy drink”). Entire stores and chain stores with products for vegans are opening, where there is a fairly wide selection of this drink. You can also order plant-based milk online.

There is an alternative - just buy soybeans and make milk at home in the kitchen. To do this you will need:

  • 700 ml. water;
  • 150 grams of beans;
  • 4 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon optional.


  1. Soybeans are washed and sorted (it is necessary to remove spoiled and green seeds), then they are filled with water and soaked for 12 hours. During this time, the beans will be saturated with water and swell, increasing in size several times.
  2. The water is drained and the beans are washed again. If possible, remove the transparent husk film from them.
  3. Next comes the blender. We load beans and water into it in a ratio of 1/3 (one glass of beans, three glasses of water). The products are whipped until pureed. The smaller the beans, the more milk you will end up with.
  4. The mixture is carefully filtered: the puree is separated from the liquid. The liquid is called "raw milk".
  5. The film is removed from the raw milk, it is filtered again, and then poured into a saucepan. The milk is placed on medium heat.
  6. After boiling, add sugar and cinnamon to the drink.
  7. Leave the pan on medium heat for another 15 minutes. Remove the foam and stir.
  8. Turn off the heat and let the soy milk cool to room temperature.

Soy milk: reviews

There are many reviews on the Internet about soy milk and soy: positive and negative. The main complaint of negative reviews is that soybeans in our country are only genetically modified. This is a deep misconception. When choosing soybeans or soy milk, you need to carefully look at the packaging; if the manufacturer uses genetically modified products, then he indicates this. Do not buy the cheapest products; most often they contain GMOs, since such raw materials are somewhat cheaper than environmentally friendly ones. Trust only trusted manufacturers.

Positive reviews about soy milk boil down to the fact that soy and drinks made from it are healthy, pleasant to taste, and their consumption has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of hair, skin and the general condition of the body. Well, you don’t need to drink cow’s milk - for some, this is the most important point.

Soy milk is a product that is worth trying to include in your diet. Choose and consume wisely, then you will only observe positive qualities such an innovation.

Today, billions of people around the world have completely given up animal milk. Excluding protein foods from the diet is a subject of debate among many doctors and nutritionists. Someone is actively promoting as a healthy and indispensable food product. Their opponents point out its harm. So what is the secret of soy milk? Is it beneficial or dangerous for our health?

History of soy milk

Soy milk came to us from China. It has been produced since the 2nd century BC from soybeans. It is believed that the eastern thinker Liu An was the first to create a pleasant liquid from beans. His beloved but very elderly mother had lost all her teeth, so she could not eat soybeans, which she adored. Then the caring son ground them and then made soy milk, which had a delicate and pleasant taste.

In 1939, Harry Miller gave the oriental drink worldwide fame by starting it industrial production. It was at this time that vegetarianism entered the masses and became popular, so Miller’s product found its consumer.

Nowadays, billions of people are vegetarians and consume soy milk, purchased in specialized stores or home-made.

How is soy milk prepared?

This drink can be easily prepared at home:

  1. soybeans are soaked for 60 minutes in distilled water;
  2. the resulting mixture is pureed;
  3. then cook over low heat;
  4. the boiled mixture is filtered and cooled.

After all these manipulations, an emulsion of water, oil and vegetable protein is obtained. Soy milk has a light aroma and a slightly sweet taste that many people find pleasant. Thanks to taste qualities and the characteristics of its composition, it is extremely popular among followers of vegetarianism, and is used in the preparation of many dishes. Soy milk becomes the basis for broths, kefirs, yogurts, milkshakes, tofu cheese, puddings and baked goods.

Video: Live healthy! Soy milk.

Features of composition and properties

It is the composition of soy milk that makes experts argue about its benefits. It differs significantly from our traditional milk of animal origin. One glass of raw drink contains:

  • 1 mg iron;
  • 300 mg calcium;
  • vitamin A (500 IU), D (120 IU), B12 (3 mcg), E, ​​folate (24 mcg);
  • isoflavones;
  • lecithin;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • 100 calories, 8g carbs, 7g protein and 4g fat.

This unique composition determines the properties of soy milk.

Source of vitamins

For the normal functioning of our body, a certain amount of vitamins must be supplied from outside. The soy drink contains all the essential vitamins:

  1. A. Helps maintain normal vision.
  2. D. Necessary for the absorption of calcium, helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system and teeth. With a lack of this vitamin, children develop rickets.
  3. B12. During pregnancy, it participates in the laying of nervous system child. In adults it performs many important functions(including participation in the formation and maturation of red blood cells).
  4. E. This powerful antioxidant helps our body resist various infections.

Light and nutritious

Protein is the basis of life. It contains 8 essential amino acids, without which our body cannot function. Soy milk contains about 35% protein. This makes it an essential source of protein for vegetarians. In addition, this drink does not contain cholesterol and fat (unlike cow's milk). This allows us to recommend it to patients with work disorders cardiovascular system(atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease), gastrointestinal pathology (chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers), and obesity.

No allergies!

Its main feature is the absence of lactose. It is this substance that is a powerful allergen, and it is found in abundance in animals and breast milk. Drinking soy milk in infants with diathesis and lactose intolerance helps to significantly alleviate their condition, as well as receive the proper amount of protein.

Useful in many ways

Soy milk contains many other biologically active substances that significantly improve the condition of our body:

  • Isoflavones. These plant estrogens are used in gynecology to improve the well-being of women during menopause;
  • Lecithin. This lipid is an integral element of construction cell membranes and a kind of “fuel” for the functioning of the body.
  • Plant fiber. It stimulates and optimizes digestion. Its deficiency leads to the development of chronic constipation.

Are you getting enough microelements?

Soy milk is low in calcium. One glass contains only 1/3 daily norm for an adult. It is this fact that is the main argument of opponents of the soy drink. Lack of calcium has a detrimental effect on health. He strengthens our musculoskeletal system, teeth, nails and hair. Lack of calcium in childhood leads to a serious disease - rickets. In adults, such deficiency is manifested by frequent fractures, brittle nails and hair. To compensate for the lack of calcium, soy milk producers artificially enrich it with this microelement, bringing its concentration closer to that of cow milk.

But the rest of the microelements in soy milk are fine. This is especially true for iron, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen by red blood cells to tissues and organs.

The healing properties of soy milk

This composition and properties of soy milk have attracted the interest of many leading nutritionists, as well as doctors around the world. Many studies have been conducted that indicate the benefits of soy milk in the prevention of various diseases.

Arterial hypertension

Every second person in the world over 50 years of age suffers from hypertension blood pressure. This pathological condition leads to a number of complications: myocardial infarction, stroke, loss of vision, etc. The main reason for the development of hypertension is an increase in cholesterol in the blood serum. Since soy milk does not contain cholesterol, it is recommended to be consumed by patients with a similar problem.

Gastrointestinal diseases and obesity

Soy milk– a dietary product that is easily absorbed by our body. This allows us to recommend it to patients with peptic ulcer, gastritis, chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In addition, its low fat and cholesterol content allows it to be prescribed to people suffering from obesity. This product will reduce the overall calorie content of the diet, while maintaining the required concentration of vitamins and microelements in the menu.

Myocardial infarction

Heart diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Blockage of blood vessels supplying the heart with blood clots leads to myocardial infarction. According to research, constant consumption of soy drink reduces the risk of thrombosis and avoids heart attack.


Menopause is a physiological process in a woman's body. With age, the amount of estrogen produced decreases. Although this is normal, menopause is often accompanied by a number of painful symptoms that significantly reduce the quality of life of women, as well as their ability to work:

  • baldness;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • hair growth in unwanted areas;
  • subjective feeling of cold or heat (“hot flashes”);
  • vaginal dryness;
  • weight gain.

Soy milk contains plant estrogens - isoflavones. They help eliminate such symptoms and improve the condition of women during menopause.


Women during menopause often suffer from osteoporosis. Doctors attribute this to estrogen deficiency. Soy drink is rich in isoflavones - powerful plant estrogens. They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Breast cancer

Researchers at the University at Buffalo conducted research in 2010 that demonstrated the effectiveness of soy milk in preventing the development of breast cancer. The trigger for the development of this pathology is estrogens, which are produced in female body. Isoflavones replace them, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

Vitamin E also plays an important role in the prevention of cancer. It stimulates the immune system, tones the body, which is also important for preventing the development of life-threatening pathologies.

Skeptics' Arguments

If soy milk is so healthy, then what are the arguments of opponents of this drink? The criticism is based on the following factors:

  1. Negatively affects the condition of pregnant women. For normal development of mother and fetus, a woman should receive everything nutrients. Experts recommend refraining from experimenting with diet during pregnancy in order to avoid disruption of the child’s development, as well as pathological conditions on the part of the woman.
  2. Harmful for small children. The composition of soy milk is very different from mother's milk. This applies to the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A lack of calcium will negatively affect the condition of the child’s musculoskeletal system. This is why pediatricians recommend refraining from feeding soy drinks to infants.
  3. Excess phytic acid in the composition. This acid binds and removes from the body a whole list of useful substances: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. Thus, systematic use large quantity soy milk can lead to their deficiency.
  4. Negative effects on the male reproductive system. An excess of plant estrogens (female hormones) leads to inhibition of sperm production.

The benefits of soy milk are an individual question. If you decide to introduce it into your diet by replacing an animal product with this drink, consult your family doctor or nutritionist. It will help you determine whether it will benefit your body or cause harm.