What boiled condensed milk looks like. Boiled condensed milk: benefits and harms

Of course, today everyone knows what boiled condensed milk is and has tried it more than once. Children especially love this delicacy, but adults rarely refuse such a dessert. In addition, this ingredient has found wide application as an ingredient used in the preparation of pies and cakes.

The traditional composition for such a product is sugar and milk. But many modern manufacturers additionally introduce additives of chemical origin into it. Unfortunately, in most cases they only reduce its quality.

What are the benefits of boiled condensed milk

No one can argue with the fact that boiled condensed milk is a healthy product. The reason for this is the content of many useful substances and elements in it.

At the same time, boiled condensed milk is not only easily digested, but also absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Experts even recommend using it regularly for those people who have a weakened immune system or are clearly underweight.

Particular benefits of consuming such a product are observed when it is made from high-quality and fresh milk. Then all the constituent elements are directly involved in increasing brain performance and hormonal functioning, and also significantly reduce the risk of developing oncology.

Harm of boiled condensed milk

The main rule when consuming boiled condensed milk is reasonable quantities. Indeed, with excess amounts of it in the diet, a person may develop caries.

People who are obese or simply overweight are advised not to use it at all. Also, it will have to be excluded from the diet by all those who have diabetes.

Preservatives and dyes added by manufacturers to traditional condensed milk are also dangerous. It is because of them that modern condensed milk should not be eaten during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.


What is condensed milk?

What is condensed milk, the benefits and harms for the human body, as well as what medicinal properties does it have and how exactly is this product useful for human health? These questions often arise among those who care about their health, lead a healthy lifestyle and show interest in traditional methods of treatment. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Oh, what a sweet word - “condensed milk”. For many of us as children, it represented complete happiness. We could eat it in jars (if allowed) whenever we wanted!

And even now we often want to pamper ourselves with this sweet delicacy and with its help, as it were, return to a serene childhood.

Condensed milk was invented by the Frenchman Upper at the beginning of the 19th century, and it first went on sale in America in 1856.

In Russia, it began to be produced at a small factory near Orenburg in 1881. Thus, condensed milk is already over 200 years old!

The composition of this product is very simple - only milk and sugar. Sugar is dissolved in milk, and then evaporated for a long time at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees until the required thickness is obtained. The result is a product with a moisture content of up to 26%, sugar in the amount of 43.5% and a fat content of 8.5% or more. One can of milk contains 1200 kcal. Condensed milk, according to GOST, should not contain any other components, because it is a baby food product!

Condensed milk is divided into:

Fat content:

Whole condensed milk with sugar - this is a classic condensed milk, used everywhere in cooking; colloquially it is called condensed milk. The product contains at least 8.5% fat and at least 28.5% milk solids, with a protein mass fraction of at least 34%.

Skim sweetened condensed milk - this condensed milk, which contains no more than 1% fat and no less than 26% milk solids, with a mass fraction of protein in them of no less than 34%.


Sweetened condensed milk is the classic condensed milk that is discussed in this article.

Condensed milk without added sugar - This product is usually called concentrated milk.

Condensed milk with cocoa or coffee added - this can be either real condensed milk with cocoa or coffee, or a plant-based milk product called “Condensed milk and cocoa” or “Condensed milk and coffee”.

Condensed milk with added chicory is 7% fat condensed milk, to which, among other things, chicory is added.


Regular condensed milk is condensed milk of regular consistency with or without sugar, which is discussed in this article.

Boiled condensed milk is a type of condensed milk that has a thicker consistency and is obtained by additional heat treatment. Boiled condensed milk has a caramel flavor and a brownish color.

Beneficial features:

Condensed milk is considered the healthiest sweet because it contains a lot of calcium and other useful minerals and vitamins, but unlike other sweet products (cakes, marmalade, sweets and other confectionery products), it does not contain yeast or food additives. Thus, natural condensed milk has many beneficial properties inherent in fresh milk.

The beneficial substances contained in condensed milk improve brain function, strengthen bone tissue and have a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism. One of the beneficial elements of condensed milk is calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. The benefit of condensed milk also lies in the fact that it restores blood, improves immunity, and normalizes hormonal levels. Condensed milk can quickly replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the human body, improve tone and provide a surge of strength.

But the fact that condensed milk has beneficial properties does not mean that it should be eaten in cans, since excessive consumption of condensed milk can harm the human body.

Real condensed milk should be white, with a slight creamy tint, homogeneous, thick and have a creamy taste.

Condensed milk, although it is canned, is very demanding in terms of storage conditions and shelf life. It should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees and for no more than 12 months.

Any violation of these rules (increased or decreased storage temperature), violation of the tightness of the packaging or storage duration makes this product unsuitable for food.

If, upon opening a can of condensed milk, you notice that it has begun to crystallize, lumps or mold have appeared in it, and the can itself is swollen, throw it away immediately! By consuming such spoiled milk, you risk ending up in a hospital bed for a long time and significantly compromising your health.

Nutritionists advise eating condensed milk not as an independent product, but in combination with other products, such as pancakes or fruit, and wash it down with unsweetened tea.

Know your limits! Many of us are accustomed to eating condensed milk in large spoons and in large quantities, and yet the daily intake of condensed milk is only 2 tablespoons!


Condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, and, naturally, it is very high in calories.

Condensed milk is contraindicated:

  • overweight people;
  • for obesity;
  • for diabetes mellitus. Excessive consumption of condensed milk can cause tooth decay.

Condensed milk, alas, is the most falsified dairy product - more than two-thirds of condensed milk is fake!

According to GOST, real condensed milk is called “Whole condensed milk with sugar” and cannot be called anything else. If on store shelves you see jars with the name: “Sweetened condensed milk”, “Condensed milk” or “Sweetened condensed milk” (there are many options), despite the blue and white label familiar from childhood, you should know that this is a fake!

In order to reduce the cost of such condensed milk, instead of natural milk fat, various vegetable fats are added, such as palm oil, which is harmful to the human body, as well as various food additives.

During a laboratory study, a white dye E171 was found in some types of condensed milk - titanium dioxide, a very toxic substance that is used in the manufacture of paints (titanium white), in the production of ceramics and solar batteries.

In addition, real condensed milk must be packaged only in cans; no other packaging - plastic tubes, cups, etc. - is allowed.

To protect yourself as much as possible from counterfeits and not cause harm to your body, read the label carefully. Remember, if a product contains anything else besides milk and sugar, it is a harmful product!

How to choose in the store:

In order to purchase a can of real condensed milk, you need to pay attention to the following points when purchasing:

Name. It should begin with the word “Milk”, and not with the words “condensed”, “boiled”, “real”, “condensed milk” - these and similar words in the names should alert you.

The word “milk” means “whole condensed milk with sugar.”

You need to carefully study the composition on the label. If the product is real, it complies with GOST 2903–78 for Russia, DSTU 4274:2003 for Ukraine. This is indicated on cans or soft packaging, in which this product is not currently prohibited from being produced.

The abbreviation TU on the packaging indicates that the production complies with the technical specifications, but the composition contains vegetable fats. And as we know, they should not be in real condensed milk.

The genuine product contains only sugar and whole cow's milk, without any “food”: thickeners, stabilizers, dyes, vegetable fats, starch.

These simple rules will help you choose real, healthy condensed milk. Also today you can find varieties of condensed milk with the addition of cocoa, coffee, with cream and sterilized.

According to GOST, they have the following “correct” names that will help distinguish them from fakes:

"Cocoa with whole condensed milk with sugar"

"Natural coffee with condensed milk and sugar"

"Condensed cream with sugar"

“Sterilized condensed milk in a can” (sugar-free product).

You should know that opened condensed milk can be stored for no more than 5 days.

Recipe for making condensed milk at home

To make homemade condensed milk you only need two ingredients, a saucepan, a spoon and about an hour and a half of time. Milk and sugar should be taken in the following proportions:

  • Milk - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 glass.

When you buy milk, pay attention to its shelf life; it should not be long. Also try to use fattier milk (3.5%), it makes condensed milk tastier.

To prepare condensed milk, follow these directions:

  • Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat;
  • Heat it almost to a boil and take about 1 glass of milk from the pan;
  • Dissolve all the sugar in a hot glass of milk;
  • Pour the milk and sugar into the pan and continue to keep it on low heat;
  • Reduce heat to low when the mixture begins to boil;
  • Stir the milk constantly so that it does not burn on the pan;
  • Boil the milk until one third of its original volume remains. At the same time, the condensed milk begins to acquire a creamy tint. This requires from 40 minutes to 1 hour;
  • Pour the condensed milk into a jar and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

At first the condensed milk will seem liquid, but after overnight in the refrigerator it becomes viscous.

In order for condensed milk to have a homogeneous mass without lumps, to be thick and tasty, you need to know the small secrets of its preparation:

It is best to cook condensed milk in a stainless steel pan: it will not burn in it. If you don’t have such a pan, then use any other pan with a thick bottom;

Instead of sugar, it is best to use powdered sugar from the store, not homemade. Some housewives believe that the small starch content in store-bought powdered sugar gives condensed milk a better consistency;

Milk for condensed milk must be fresh. Do not use sterilized milk, or at least pasteurized milk;

Monitor your milk volume carefully. If you remove the pan from the heat before two-thirds of it has evaporated, then the condensed milk will not be viscous, but if you overcook it, it will be caramel;

To prepare boiled condensed milk, transfer the condensed milk into a jar and close the lid tightly, lower it into a saucepan with cold water so that the water completely covers the jar. Place the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Time it for 2 hours and when it’s up, take out the jar: the boiled condensed milk is ready.

Condensed milk is an excellent valuable product, loved by both adults and children. However, the pleasure of taste plays far from the most important role in a person, especially if he cares about his health. In order not to subsequently eat your favorite delicacy with pills or wash it down with mixtures, you need to know about its properties for the body.

Condensed milk is concentrated milk with significant addition of sugar. The product has gained great popularity in Russia and is widely used in the preparation of a variety of confectionery products, cocktails and drinks. Many lovers drink it with tea or coffee. Condensed milk is an excellent addition to cheesecakes, pancakes and pancakes for those with a sweet tooth.

Today there are several types of condensed milk on sale, depending on:

  • From fat content: low-fat, with a fat content of less than 1% and regular, with at least 8.5% fat.
  • From additives: concentrated (without sugar), condensed milk with sugar, boiled, with the addition of chicory, coffee and cocoa.

A product with sugar includes fats, proteins, organic and fatty acids, water, cholesterol, ash and saccharides. Regardless of the heat treatment during the production of condensed milk, it retains quite a lot of vitamins: A, E, H, PP, C, D and group B, as well as macro and microelements - calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, choline, chlorine, fluorine, copper, selenium and cobalt.

And yet you should not equate the advantages of condensed milk with the beneficial properties of dairy products such as kefir or yogurt. Due to the high sugar content and high fat content, it is inferior to them in many ways.

The calorie content of one hundred grams of condensed milk with sugar is about 315 kcal, without sugar - 75. Therefore, nutritionists advise consuming this product in limited quantities, no more than two tablespoons per day.

To do this, you need to mix 0.5 kg of sugar with 100 grams of water and melt it to a syrup, then pour in a liter of milk and cook over low heat until the product thickens to the desired consistency. It is recommended to dilute a pinch of soda in still cold milk, then it will definitely not curdle during prolonged heat treatment.

The cooking process will certainly take some time. But condensed milk cooked with your own hands is always tastier and safer: a nursing mother will know for sure that there are no ingredients harmful to the baby.

Quality of condensed milk from a can

  • The condition of the jar itself: it should not be wrinkled or swollen. It must have a label indicating the ingredients and manufacturer.
  • Ingredients: milk, cream, sugar, water and sodium or potassium elements (the same as soda or its analogues). According to GOST requirements, nothing else should be present in the product.
  • Contents: a mass of homogeneous structure, without lumps or signs of mold, white or pleasant light cream color.
  • On cans of natural products they write not “Condensed milk”, but “Condensed milk”.
  • If condensed milk does not flow smoothly from a spoon, but falls into lumps, has an uncharacteristic color or smell, it is better to throw it away without hesitation. It will bring nothing but harm to the human body.

    So, not all condensed milk is equally tasty and healthy; high cost also cannot guarantee quality. Only those who know how to choose it can appreciate the benefits of condensed milk.

    Mar 30, 2017 Violetta Doctor

    Attention, burning OFFER!

    Condensed milk with sugar is a product into which fresh milk is converted, no less popular than cottage cheese, butter and cheese. A favorite delicacy for adults and children, which has a place in high-end and home kitchens.
    Unsurpassed taste and benefits of condensed milk

    To prepare condensed milk from milk, the moisture is evaporated for a long time at a certain temperature, and it is thickened to a homogeneous creamy-white viscous mass.

    Depending on the details of the specific manufacturing technology and the possible use of additional ingredients, several types of condensed milk can ultimately be obtained.

    • concentrated milk without any additives;
    • condensed milk produced with the addition of only sugar;
    • condensed milk with added coffee or cocoa;
    • condensed milk with chicory and sugar.

    The latter product is characterized by a sweet taste with a characteristic bitter taste of chicory and a hint of its aroma. It is consumed similarly to condensed milk with cocoa and coffee.

    Condensed milk is also classified by fat content.

    • in low-fat, the proportion of fat should not exceed 1%;
    • classic condensed milk contains approximately 8.5%;
    • condensed cream reaches a fat content of 19%.

    According to consistency, it is divided into simple and boiled - the first can be poured from a spoon, and the second is very thick.

    Experiments on preserving dairy products began at the end of the 18th century, but only in 1856 the American industrialist Gale Borden patented the invention of condensed milk, and after another thirty years, condensed milk became one of the most popular products in the world.

    Condensed milk with sugar is eaten as a delicacy in its pure form, it is used as an ingredient for cake layers, cookies and other baked goods, creams and desserts are prepared with it, it is added to tea and coffee, and it is added to pancakes and fruit salads.

    Condensed milk with coffee or cocoa is used in a similar way and diluted with water for drinks.

    Simple concentrated milk without additives is in demand as a complete substitute for fresh milk - you can cook porridge with it, make dough, or prepare gravy for meat.

    Views: 20

    Boiled condensed milk- This is probably the favorite delicacy of all children and adults. Among all other desserts, it has a particularly pleasant taste and aroma. Any baked goods with boiled condensed milk immediately acquire a delicate and sweet taste, and also look more appetizing.

    Nowadays, you can freely buy boiled condensed milk in any store or supermarket. But people who lived during the Soviet era long ago learned to cook it themselves. Although tasty condensed milk cooked with your own hands at home takes a lot of time, it turns out to be of better quality and tastier than store-bought. In addition, you can be sure that you have cooked high-quality condensed milk, while store-bought boiled condensed milk may contain a lot of frozen lumps of sugar and not have a very pleasant taste.

    The only serious drawback to making condensed milk yourself is the likelihood of the jar exploding when boiled. This happens quite often, as evidenced by many photos on the Internet showing the kitchen after this unpleasant incident. Washing the ceiling and walls from condensed milk is not a quick task, so be careful if you decide to cook condensed milk yourself. And if you don’t know how to do this, then our article will be useful to you. In it you will find answers to your questions, learn how to cook condensed milk at home yourself, and also learn how to choose it in the store and where to use it.

    How to cook it yourself at home?

    To cook condensed milk in a can at home yourself, you will need a lot of free time, as well as a large container of water. It should be borne in mind that the water in the pan will inevitably evaporate when cooking condensed milk. Therefore, you have two options: stay close to the stove all the time, choosing a small saucepan and constantly adding water, or choose a larger saucepan, into which you do not have to constantly add water.

    After you have decided on the volume of the pan, fill it with water and place a can of condensed milk on the bottom, having first removed the label. Place the container on the stove and wait until the water begins to boil, after which the gas will need to be turned down to a minimum. Leave the condensed milk in this position until it is ready.

    If you are asking the question: “How long does it take to cook condensed milk at home until it’s ready?”, then the answer is quite simple. To properly cook condensed milk yourself, you need at least an hour and a half, and no more than two. Try not to overcook the condensed milk, as the can may simply burst under pressure.

    While the condensed milk is cooking, you need to carefully monitor the water level in the pan. Remember: the water must cover the can of condensed milk completely. If the water level is lower than required, add some liquid. Please note that the water you add to the pan must be warm so that there is no sudden temperature change.

    After the condensed milk is ready, it should be cooled. However, you should not remove it from hot water and immediately put it into cold water, as this can lead to the container bursting. It would be best to simply leave the can of condensed milk in the pan until the water, and with it the contents of the can, cools down. If you don’t want to spend so much time on the process of cooking condensed milk, then a device such as a pressure cooker will greatly simplify your life. Cooking condensed milk at home in a pressure cooker is much easier, but not faster. Another advantage of a pressure cooker is that there is no chance of the jar exploding, since there will be no temperature difference.

    How to choose in the store?

    If you don’t want to cook condensed milk yourself, fearing for the new wallpaper in the kitchen, then you should know how to choose the right boiled condensed milk in the store. It's no secret that many sellers and manufacturers are ready to sell customers products that are far from being of the highest quality, skillfully disguising them as high-quality ones. In our article you will learn to distinguish high-quality boiled condensed milk from low-quality one, and choose the best product.

    • First of all, if you want to choose the right boiled condensed milk, pay attention to the composition of the product indicated on the label. It should be remembered that condensed milk can only contain sugar and milk. There should not be any foreign additives in the composition of boiled condensed milk! If you see all kinds of emulsifiers and dyes, then you should avoid such a product.
    • Also remember to look at the expiration date on the packaging. Expired products can be hazardous to health!
    • It is best to give preference to well-known brands and manufacturers who vouch for the quality of their products.

    Be careful when choosing boiled condensed milk in the store, as a spoiled product can spoil the impression of your dessert and even cause poisoning.

    Use in cooking

    The use of boiled condensed milk in cooking is quite diverse. Confectioners all over the world use it in their recipes to prepare delicious and delicate delicacies. If you don’t know where to use delicious home-brewed condensed milk, then we will help you with this.

    First of all, I would like to note that homemade boiled condensed milk makes the most delicious creams for cakes and pastries! Boiled condensed milk cream, which consists directly of boiled condensed milk and a number of other products, is excellent for filling cakes and pies, muffins, tubes, custard pies, buns, nuts and waffles. Boiled condensed milk can be combined with butter or cottage cheese, as well as sour cream and even nut butter. Making cream with boiled condensed milk is a pleasure!

    Fruit desserts topped with boiled condensed milk cream are also very tasty. Banana and strawberries with condensed milk are very popular.

    Among other things, this product makes excellent baked goods if you add it to the dough. It is thanks to boiled condensed milk that the biscuits turn out to be extremely tender and aromatic.

    You can also use boiled condensed milk as a filling for pancakes or croissants, pies and pancakes, puff pastries and cookies. Although the calorie content of boiled condensed milk is quite high, which negatively affects the figure, neither children nor adults can resist the desire to enjoy it. However, any pastries and desserts with boiled condensed milk will have an unforgettable taste! You can look at the photos of the finished dishes with condensed milk to make sure that they look really delicious!

    Benefits and harms

    The benefit of boiled condensed milk is that it is very quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and also has the ability to strengthen the immune system. Boiled condensed milk will always come to the rescue of people who suffer from serious underweight. But the benefits of boiled condensed milk can only be noticeable if it was made from fresh cow's milk without adding various food additives to the recipe.

    The harm of condensed milk is quite obvious: if you are happy with your figure and your plans do not include a few extra pounds, then you should use boiled condensed milk with caution. Excessive consumption of this product can cause tooth decay and also harm people who have diabetes.