Swim in a dream with a dolphin. Dream interpretation

Freedom, beauty and spiritual quest. The appearance of this mammal in a dream foreshadows imminent changes in a person’s professional life, and also indicates hidden emotions suppressed by the dreamer. To find out why dolphins dream, let’s look at some details.

What does sleep mean?

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    Swim on the back of a dolphin in a dream means to be in pink glasses and not notice even the most basic things. For people who are married or in romantic relationships, this means disappointment in your partner, the lovers have too different views on.

    A school of dolphins in the pool speaks of feelings suppressed by a person and pent-up impulses. To see a dolphin performing in a performance means that a person is acting out and behaving theatrically.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A dolphin in the water says that V real life everything is going according to plan and no troubles are expected. If a dolphin swims in cold water, this indicates a change in some plans.

    A friendly dolphin, willingly following commands, speaks of a person’s excessive softness, and the fact that his naivety and desire to help are taken advantage of by the people around him in the most unscrupulous way. Sometimes the dream indicates that the dreamer is falling under the influence of a more powerful person– boss, member, friend, and so on.

    Chinese dream book

    Dolphin in the sea portends the possibility of an increase social or professional status. A person needs to be ready to seize the opportunity given and take full advantage of it.

    Dolphin jumping out of the water indicates a person’s fatigue from routine and gray everyday life, a desire to change your life, as well as failure in love or the fact that romance has disappeared in a relationship.

    Family dream book

    Dolphins in the sea portend the appearance of new friends in a person’s life who differ from the dreamer in their worldview, social role in society, and sphere of interests. With their help, a person will be able to get acquainted with a new world.

    Riding a dolphin and petting it means a complex matter, an undertaking that will require great effort from the dreamer. Such a dream indicates family problems, children's grievances hidden against their parents, which are projected into adulthood.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Dreamed dolphin indicates that the sleeper does not feel satisfied with his intimate life and is looking for new experiences in this area. The dream speaks of the loss of spark, passion in romantic relationships.

    Swimming in the water with a dolphin foreshadows experiments in bed, upcoming lovemaking in the water.

    Dream Interpretation Maya

    Dolphins in a dream represent friends. Swimming with dolphins means that friends and relatives trust the dreamer, rely on his opinion and even consider him some kind of authority. The dream book says that such an attitude is well deserved.

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    I dreamed of a dolphin in a dream - this is a symbol intellectual abilities person. A dream with a friendly dolphin indicates the dreamer’s ability to make friends and realize all his plans. An aggressive dolphin indicates that a person annoys and offends those close to him.

    Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

    The appearance of a dolphin in a dream means a kind, reliable friend, which will help a sleeping person get through difficult times. The dolphin also symbolizes strong, pure love and sudden altruistic impulses.

    Dream Interpretation of Astromeridiana

    A dolphin in the sea represents the dreamer's close relatives and indicates that he spends too little time with his family, preferring work and friends to them. Seeing a dolphin jumping on the waves means receiving an invitation to an interesting event, noisy party or other celebration.

    Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

    The appearance of a dolphin in a dream foreshadows imminent unexpected events in the dreamer’s life that will disrupt his plans, but in such a way that he will only be happy about it. Vision predicts see you soon with your lover, and if a person is already a member, it speaks of a light affair on the side.

    Seeing a dolphin in a dark sea or at night indicates that a person is beginning to realize his true purpose and is trying to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    Dolphins portend receiving good news from relatives or friends living far away. Dolphins playing in the water predict a promotion, bonus or education.

Interpretation for women and men

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on who exactly is dreaming it.

For women, seeing a dolphin in a dream portends imminent pregnancy. For already pregnant women, the dream foreshadows the birth of a healthy, strong baby. Seeing a dark dolphin means the birth of a boy, and a white one means a girl.

If a woman dreams of swimming in the water with several dolphins, this indicates a lack of male attention in reality. The dream speaks of women’s desire to acquire several lovers or admirers at once.

Young unmarried girl similar dream promises the appearance of a friend in an older person, who may later become her husband. In addition, the vision foreshadows changes in your personal life, but you should be careful, because this can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

Men's sleep promises unexpected profits– winning the lottery, receiving a bonus or inheritance, as well as promotion and approval from superiors.

In the pool or in the river

Dolphins in the pool indicate that a person feels uncomfortable and vulnerable in society, follows all the rules, ignoring his desires and aspirations. Seeing a dolphin in your own pool portends an acquaintance with an interesting and kind person, who will become a good friend and advisor to the sleeping person.

Seeing a dolphin in the river means that the dreamer simply goes with the flow, not pursuing any goals. The dream advises you to finally take fate into your own hands and try to change something. Seeing several dolphins splashing in river water means that life is passing a person by, he is only a witness, and not a participant in the action.

What is he like?

Many dolphins portend new opportunities and pleasant acquaintances. Swimming with the flock means moving up career ladder, acquisition loyal allies and business partners. Seeing a school of dolphins in a pool where they are limited in space speaks of a person’s creative inclinations, which he is embarrassed or cannot express.

Little dolphin in a dream portends pleasant acquaintances and vivid impressions , and also the baby dolphin personifies true friend, on whom you can rely at any time.

Dead dolphin warns of deadlock, rash decisions that the dreamer can make in the heat of the moment, and the emergence of unexpected problems. indicates that a person relies on emotions more than reason. Dead dolphin also means miscarriage or birth dead child for a woman.

Swim with them

Swimming with dolphins means family support, support in a difficult situation, as well as a faithful friend who will not betray you. To swim after a dolphin means to succumb to someone's influence, to submit to a more powerful person. In most cases we're talking about about a boss or a teacher.

Hold a dolphin by the fin speaks of readiness to help and support a friend in trouble. Riding on a dolphin indicates the dreamer's dominance in friendly and romantic relationships, and the suppression of someone else's will. Losing sight of a dolphin or falling from it while swimming portends imminent troubles and the loss of some valuables.

Swim with a dolphin in the open sea promises noisy fun party or relax on the sea beach with friends. The dream also speaks of a possible adventurous adventure.

Did you dream about dolphins? Expect a joyful event, good news, and even an appointment to a new position. Dream books remind you: the same image can have a negative meaning in a dream. The details of the vision will tell you exactly why he is dreaming.

According to the dream book of the 21st century

Did you see dolphins in your dream? The Dream Interpretation considers this an eloquent warning: you are wasting your time because you initially chose the wrong field of activity, goal, direction. Seeing dolphins frolicking in the sea means that you will soon be promoted at work.

According to the dream book of Denise Lynn

Dolphins in a dream are a very serious sign. Why do you dream about them most often? The dream book considers them a symbol of boundless joy, playfulness, carelessness, and unpredictability. These same animals in a dream reflect spiritual enlightenment and the search for truth. Did you dream about dolphins jumping out of the water? You seem to lack ease of communication or perception of the world.

According to the modern combined dream book

Did you dream about dolphins? The dream book suspects that you are tired of your gray and monotonous life, including your intimate life. Therefore, you are ready to undergo any experiments in order to experience vivid sensations.

Why do you dream if you happened to ride on the back of a dolphin? In the near future, inspired by the example of others, you will decide to take an extreme step.

According to the modern universal dream book

Why do you dream about dolphins most often? in a dream it is a symbol of security, tranquility, as well as the connection of various elements, in particular air and water. Seeing a dolphin can be a sign that you should become more flexible in order to feel confident in any circumstances.

Why else do you dream about dolphins? In a dream they reflect salvation. Perhaps you are in a very difficult situation and need help. Seeing dolphins splashing carefree in the sea means that your life is pleasant and easy. But you miss adventures, unusual events, friends.

Did you dream of dolphins in a pool, behind glass or in other confined spaces? The dream book is sure that you do not have enough space to implement creative potential. Perhaps you are in cramped circumstances or under someone's pressure or control. The tricks that dolphins perform in a dream hint: with your extraordinary behavior you want to attract someone’s attention.

Dolphins appeared in the water, sea, pool

Seeing dolphins in a dream in the sea is not very good. This is a warning: you should avoid the endless water element(sea, ocean). In addition, dolphins in the sea indicate that some big dream will never come true.

If you dreamed about dolphins during a trip or travel, then you are in danger mortal danger. It is possible that you are at risk of drowning. Why do you still dream of dolphins in the water? Watching them play in the sea or pool means that you will fall under someone else’s, and strictly unkind, influence. Dolphins in the pool also symbolize limitations of all kinds.

Why do you dream about dead dolphins on the shore?

Did you dream about dead dolphins? Get ready for long illness, decline in business, loss of mental strength. Dolphins washed ashore hint at impending disaster.

Why else do you dream of wounded, dead and beached dolphins? The image warns of diseases of the genital organs, impotence, frigidity, as well as mental insensitivity, coldness, and inability to show mercy and kindness.

What do dolphins mean for a girl, woman, man?

Did a man or young girl dream about dolphins? Soon you will find yourself in the company of wonderful people who will be very different from your previous acquaintances. Perhaps you will come together because of an unusual hobby, hobby or other interest.

If a woman dreams of a dolphin, then someone will treat her very carefully and reverently. For a man, he promises a meeting with a new assistant, partner, friend. Sometimes a dolphin warns of non-reciprocal love, especially if in a dream it swims far out to sea.

Dolphins in a dream - other interpretations

Get true interpretation sleep is possible by taking into account various features of vision. For example, you should note the number of individuals, their behavior and their own actions.

  • kind - confidence, right choice, firm decision
  • aggressive – unusual situation
  • two dolphins - you need to find a middle ground
  • a lot – activity, variety
  • swim with dolphins – communication at the highest level
  • dolphins attack - don’t expect easy and quick success
  • float away to different sides– duality of the situation
  • frolicking - health, full life
  • swimming slowly - delay, delay
  • jumping out of the water - danger or good news, event
  • train – traveling with friends, team management

If you dreamed about dolphins on Friday night, then you won’t have to make any effort in your chosen task; everything will work out without your participation. But if in reality you are ready to take risks, and dolphins appeared on Saturday night, then give up your idea.

Dolphins symbolize your friends, old friends. What do dolphins dream about - comrades who are ready to come to your aid in difficult times.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream how a dolphin attacks you instead of playing with you - you are trying little to make your desires come true. You should make more efforts, don’t expect someone else to do your work for you. Kind and playful dolphin - you are on the right track. Cast aside all your doubts, act decisively and success will not keep you waiting. You will receive the long-awaited positive result of your labors. A dream on Friday night means that you need to trust fate and things will settle by themselves. A dream on Saturday night warns you against unjustified risks; you should not take unjustified steps.

Spring dream book

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means having a pleasant time and enjoying communication. You will find yourself in the company of a gentle and affectionate person who knows how to win you over.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about dolphins in the sea? Such dreams are considered pleasant; the sleeper receives true pleasure from the beautiful landscape and proximity to unique inhabitants sea ​​elements. The dream foretells communication with important and significant people. Depending on how you place yourself in such a society, you will get a positive result or not.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dreaming about dolphins suggests that you are spending too much time on things that are not truly important in your life. Admire how dolphins splash in clear water- expect a promotion, recognition by your superiors of your efforts and experience. Dolphins in a dream - you will find new and good friends. You will be able to find common interests with them, do exciting things, perhaps you will be united by some hobby or habit.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means feeling monotony in your intimate life. You strive to diversify sexual relationships and want to feel more intense sensations. To achieve what you want, you should talk openly with your sex partner or look for a new relationship. Riding a dolphin - a romantic meeting will soon occur, which will end with lovemaking in the water. This can be achieved by watching someone else boast about such a pastime, or by watching a film with a romantic scene in the water.

Since ancient times, dolphins have been considered friends of people, dating back to the ancient Greek legend about the rescue of the singer Arion by dolphins. To this day, they help children and the sick, generously sharing positivity and kindness with them.

It has been proven that dolphins are not inferior to humans in intelligence and have own language communication. The image of a dolphin in the astral sense is freedom from prejudice, spiritual growth and the beginning of a new life. In dreams with dolphins, the subconscious is trying to give you inspiration or hope for the best. Dolphins are also images of our friends, both in a dream and in reality.

What does sleep mean for women?

Dream books agree that married women dream of dolphins.

To the girl

For a girl, such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a pleasant stranger who will become a kind and reliable friend in the future.

The girl should be careful, since this dream could mean an unplanned situation for which she is not ready.

Dolphin in the pool

Such a dream tells you that you are too strict with yourself. You attach too much importance to various conventions propagated by society. Be more natural, listen to your desires and aspirations.

In clean water

Dream book of the 21st century says that you will be promoted at work.

Modern dream book says: you have everything under control. Your patron-philanthropist or good friends will always support you.

In dirty water

Warning about the danger of infection venereal disease or disease of the genitourinary system.

Stroke with hand

If you dream that you are caressing dolphins, stroking them, swimming with them, holding on to their fins, such a dream means that you can count on good support from friends and family in reality.

Riding a dolphin

Big dream book speaks of the disappointment that you will experience towards your lover: he will not appreciate your efforts and romantic impulses.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: in real life you suffer from unrequited love.

Talk to the dolphin, talk

In reality you will see what you could not believe.

Dolphin attacks you

If you dream of an aggressive dolphin that is trying to hit you with its nose, pushing you, know that dream books interpret such a dream as yours too little effort.

You haven't put enough effort into something to hope that it will work out. Work harder and you will be rewarded in full.

Saves you in your sleep

In reality, a good friend or someone will help you in time. close person: mom, dad, brother, sister.

Circus dolphins

Such a dream is a reflection of your current life. Most likely, you are trying to attract the attention of a person significant to you with the help of something unnatural for you. shocking behavior.

General overview of dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Miller s psychological point vision interprets a dream about dolphins, and there are several interpretations in his dream book.

Dolphin in a dream - not very good good sign. This a symbol of your softness, trust in authorities.

Dolphins are your luck, which you may miss. You must drop all indecisiveness. Find strength of spirit, show character, and then you will achieve everything you want. In addition, if you can overcome yourself, you will have a reliable friend and patron.

Dolphins jump out of the water - everything in your life is going as it should, everything is going as usual.

Dolphins in cold water - it's time to stop and analyze the situation.

Dolphins in warm water– don’t interfere in the situation, everything is going as well as possible.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book speaks of dolphins in a dream as yours spiritual growth. And also about yours amazing property do not drown in problems, but stay afloat in difficult situations.

Freud's Dream Book

It is known that only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure. Freud explains dolphins in dreams lack of thrill in sex. You are looking for ways to get these sensations. You can’t shake the feeling that your relationship is mired in routine and, without novelty, does not bring the same pleasure. If you dream that you are riding on the back of a dolphin, you may have sex in the water. Decide to do this yourself, and therefore follow someone’s infectious example, and at the same time get a lot of new thrills. In Freud's thinking, the dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

  • If you dream of a wounded dolphin, it means a sexually transmitted disease.
  • If you dream of a dead dolphin, it means frigidity.

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means you are bending under authority or authority.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

I dreamed about a dolphin - you will fall in love, but unrequitedly.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dolphin is a collective image. This is an idea, an inspired thought. This idea is good and even perhaps brilliant, but in reality there is no benefit from it.

The fact that you have not lost the ability to dream is wonderful. But implement these dreams will not succeed in these circumstances, save your idea for later.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Dolphins are playful and cheerful creatures. If you dream that they are splashing and frolicking in natural environment habitat, it is worth taking an example from them and learning from childish spontaneity.

Dream Interpretation Juno

  • You will have one who will be engaged in saving other people
  • Married life in love and harmony
  • For pregnant women, feeding dolphins or seeing dolphins play - the kids will be healthy and they will eat well.

Dolphins in a dream are a contradictory and vague image. It encourages you to figure out the situation on your own, be determined and take action. Or just enjoy life - it all depends on life circumstances and your intuition. Listen to yourself: which interpretation is closer to you?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin:

Dolphin - child, child; prosperity, well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Seeing a dolphin in a dream means:

The dolphin is a powerful symbol.
Dolphins symbolize boundless joy, playfulness, unpredictability and even spiritual enlightenment. These superintelligent, conscious creatures live together in joy and harmony. Don't you need to play more and enjoy life?

English dream book

A dream with a dolphin in the dream book is interpreted as:

Dreams of dolphins are not good. After this dream, you should be wary of the sea: yours will die in the sea. best friend, the sea will bury your bright hopes and dreams of love.

If you dreamed of a dolphin while traveling, it means... You are in great danger.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Dreaming with a dolphin means:

Seeing yourself among swimming dolphins in a dream means communication at a high level.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dolphin dream meaning:

A dream in which you see dolphins is a warning: you are wasting too much time and minding your own business; if dolphins frolic in clean water, then such a dream may be a harbinger of a promotion.

Chinese dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a dolphin:

A white elephant or dolphin - foretells an appointment to a position.

Modern dream book

What a dolphin might dream about:

If you dreamed of a dolphin, it means that you lack the thrill of sensations in sex and are looking for a way to experience them. It also seems to you that you have definitely lost the novelty of the relationship and this has lost its charm.
If in a dream you rode a dolphin, it means that in the near future you will make love in the water. Someone else's example will motivate you to do this, since you yourself could not decide on such a thing. But in vain! By the way, water sex gives you an unforgettable experience!

Newest dream book

Dolphin in a dream means:

Dolphin - fall in love without reciprocity.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

If a girl dreams of a dolphin, it means:

Dolphin - life saving / some kind of deliverance.

Dream book for a bitch

Why does a woman dream about a dolphin?

Dolphin - you have an amazing tendency to fall under the influence of others, try to somehow control it before it gets you into big troubles and problems.

Dream book Meneghetti

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Symbolizes the positivity of a healthy relationship, friendship, companion, or positive dominant instincts.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Appointment to a position.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Dolphin in a dream from Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

A dolphin seen in a dream is a sign of gentle speeches and kind treatment.

American dream book

Dolphin in a dream from American dream book

Dolphin - unbridled joy; playfulness; spontaneity.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dolphin - joy, good news.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dolphin in a dream from Freud's dream book

The dolphin is a symbol of the penis.

A frolicking dolphin symbolizes your health and sex appeal.

Many dolphins symbolize your active and varied sex life.

If you are sailing on a ship, and dolphins are frolicking around you, then there are a lot of people swirling around you who would like to fight off your sexual partner. Be vigilant and attentive to your partner.

If a man swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes his homosexual aspirations.

If a woman swims among dolphins or on a dolphin, then this symbolizes her insatiability. One man is clearly not enough for her.

A wounded dolphin symbolizes diseases of the genital organs.

A dead dolphin symbolizes impotence or frigidity.

Children's dream book

Dolphin in a dream from Children's dream book

Dolphin - you will have wonderful friends who will be completely different from your previous ones. They may be united by some unusual hobby or common interest to something, passion for something.

Miller's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Miller's dream book

Seeing a dolphin means your tendency to fall under the influence of the new government. This is not a very good dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Dolphin in a dream from Miller's dream book

Seeing is an opportunity to fall under the influence of the new government.

Small dream book

Dolphin in a dream from Small dream book

A dream in which you see a dolphin is an unfavorable dream. Additionally, it also symbolizes loyalty to the new government or leadership.

Dream book for women

Dolphin in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Women

Friends will support you in difficult times. If a dolphin rushes at you, not playing, but attacking, do not expect success, you did not make enough effort to achieve it. If the dolphin is friendly, you will avoid long doubts and worries, make a firm decision and find peace and freedom. If the dream was from Thursday to Friday, you don’t need to make any effort, everything will work out by itself. If from Friday to Saturday you take a thoughtless and unjustified risk, you should not do it.