Promising equipment of the Russian army. The latest weapons of Russia: developments, samples and their characteristics

The modern Russian Armed Forces are strikingly different from the army that existed in the 90s and early 2000s. Today, the Russian Armed Forces are receiving the most modern weapons. By 2020, the latest models of military equipment and weapons in the Russian army should make up at least 70%. According to experts, over 19 trillion rubles could be spent on modernizing the army. Such a huge amount is provided for by the new state program on military-technical priorities and armament of the Russian army.

Prospects for the latest secret weapons of the Russian army

Rearmament of the army is not only the supply of already created modern technology. In Russia, fundamentally new weapons are constantly being developed, and decisions are being made on their maximum development. According to experts, in the next decade the Russian Air Force will receive the latest types of weapons:

  • over 500 aircraft of various types;
  • over 1000 helicopters of various types;
  • over 200 of the latest air defense systems, which will be integrated into a unified aerospace defense system;
  • the latest fifth generation fighters;
  • upgraded and new ballistic missiles for nuclear deterrence;
  • newest types precision weapons– a variety of bombs and missiles with the latest guidance systems;
  • new types of anti-tank weapons and new generation air defense systems;
  • new small arms.

Additional development will also be achieved automated systems troop control. Perhaps in the near future Russia will have a super weapon that works on new physical principles. IN at the moment Scientific research is underway to create this super weapon. At the moment it has a "secret" status. Also, developments to create air-launched hypersonic missiles do not stop. They should appear before 2020. Hypersonic missiles will exceed the speed of sound by about 6-8 times. The first types of hypersonic vehicles should appear no earlier than 2030.

New nuclear strategic missiles

The basis of Russia's shield is strategic nuclear weapons. Its main representatives are the heavy liquid-fuelled ICBMs Sotka and Voevoda. Their service life has already been extended three times. Today they are being replaced by the Topol and Topol-M missiles, and promising new generation nuclear weapons are and will continue to be supplied.

— a small-sized grenade launcher system with a reusable launcher and a single shot. This anti-tank weapon was developed by the Tula Instrument Design Bureau, created on the basis of the RPO-M flamethrower. The BUR MGK was first demonstrated at arms exhibitions in 2010. This anti-tank weapon was adopted by the army in 2014. It has been mass-produced since the same year.

RPG-32 Hashim


SVLK-14S is an ultra-precise sniper weapon that can effectively hit targets at a distance of 1.5-2 km. This small weapon was created by Vladislav Lobaev. His companies Design Bureau of Integrated Systems, Tsar Cannon and the Lobaev Arms brand are the first in Russia to develop and produce long-range and high-precision weapons, from the stock to the barrel. According to Lobaev, the main tasks of Lobaev Arms are divided equally - this is work with the law enforcement agencies of Russia and the commercial component.

The most powerful small arms in terms of effective firing range from Lobaev Arms is the SVLK-14S sniper rifle. Initially, the SVL rifle was designed to accurately hit a target at a distance of over 2000 meters.

The SVLK-14S rifle provides very high accuracy when shooting. This small weapon allows you to confidently hit targets at a distance of up to 2300 meters.

Sniper complex 6S8

The 6S8 sniper complex is the leader among Russian large-caliber rifles. The 6S8 sniper complex was created at the plant named after. Degtyareva. This rifle was created back in 1997, however for a long time for various reasons, it was not mass-produced and not accepted for service. Nevertheless, having worked on the mistakes and collected all the developments from the previous 10 years, the Degtyarevites managed to achieve the adoption of this rifle for service. This happened in June 2013. The ASVK large-caliber sniper rifle was put into service under the designation 6S8 sniper complex.

The 6S8 sniper rifle is designed to solve special problems of defeating lightly armored and unarmored enemy equipment, including openly located manpower, including group and other targets at a distance of up to 1500 meters. The rifle can use a specially created 7N34 cartridge, as well as the entire range of standard 12.7x108 mm cartridges. This large-caliber sniper rifle is structurally made according to the bullpup design. This made it possible to reduce the weight and dimensions of the weapon, ensuring increased compactness and maneuverability. Overall, this sniper rifle turned out to be quite reliable and simple, which is incredibly important.

Russia's new surface-to-surface cruise missiles

  1. The BrahMos complex with the SK310 missile is an anti-ship cruise missile or a special cruise missile against ground targets. Work on the complex began in 1999 in related design bureaus (for example, NPO Iskra). The rocket model was first shown at the MAKS-2001 air show. Testing began in 2001, and mass production began in 2004. The complex was offered for export. In 2006, the BrahMos missile was adopted by India. Many of its characteristics are identical to those of the Onyx and Yakhont anti-ship missiles.
  2. The KTRV hypersonic missile is a project to create the latest hypersonic cruise missile. Work on its creation has been carried out by the Dubna division of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation (formerly the Rainbow ICB) since 2011. When creating a hypersonic missile, test results from the Kholod-2 research project will be used, as well as the experience of creating the hypersonic experimental vehicle Igla. In August 2013, it was reported that the TRV Corporation had created a hypersonic missile, but it only flies for a few seconds.
  3. BrahMos-II is a project for a new hypersonic missile. The development has been carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya together with the Indian company DRDO since 2008. The work was planned to be completed in 5 years. The BrahMos-II hypersonic missile was supposed to have a speed of 5-7M. In 2013, exhibition photos of the rocket model appeared.
  4. Zircon-S — missile system with a hypersonic missile. The development of the complex has been carried out by NPO Mashinostroeniya since 2011. In 2012, there was a hitch with the design of the rocket, but since 2013, work has continued. In 2018, work continues, issues of creating materials, technologies, demonstrators, as well as concepts are being resolved combat use the latest hypersonic missile.

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Weapons of the future of Russia 2020

Promising developments in Russia


Rearmament of the army and navy— this is not only the supply of existing modern equipment to the troops. In Russia, work is constantly underway to create fundamentally new types of weapons and appropriate decisions are made on their future development. Below is a short overview of the most modern weapons that are created in Russia. To view a sample, click on any blue panel.

New intercontinental strategic missiles

New Russian strategic missiles


The basis of Russia's missile shield The Voyevoda and Sotka heavy liquid-fuelled ICBMs make up the missiles. The service life of these ICBMs was tripled. Now they are being replaced by the promising heavy complex "Sarmat". is a 100-ton class missile carrying at least 10 multiple warheads in its warhead. The degree of its progress can be judged at least from the annual report of Safonovsky JSC Avangard, which began developing a transport and launch container for the rocket.

That is the main weight and dimensional characteristics of the Sarmat have already been determined. Serial production is planned at the famous Krasmash, for the reconstruction of which 7.5 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget. Work is also underway to create promising combat equipment, including individual breeding units with promising means of overcoming missile defense (R&D “Breakthrough” - “Inevitability”).

The Strategic Missile Forces command plans in 2013, conduct an experimental launch of the Avangard medium-class intercontinental ballistic missile. This is the fourth launch since 2011. The previous three were successful. In the upcoming test, the rocket will fly with a mock-up of a standard warhead, and not with ballast, as before.” Avangard is a fundamentally new missile and is not a continuation of the Topol family. According to the calculations of the Strategic Missile Forces command, the Topol-M can be hit by 1-2 anti-missiles of the type of the promising American SM-3, and each Avangard requires at least fifty anti-missiles. That is, the effectiveness of a missile defense breakthrough increases by an order of magnitude.

In "Vanguard" The usual missile with a multiple warhead (MIRV) is being replaced by a new system with a guided warhead (UBU). Combat units in RGCH IN they sit in one or two tiers (like that of the Voevoda) around the breeding stage engine. At the command of its computer, the stage turns towards a particular target and with a short impulse of the engine sends the warhead, already freed from its fastenings, to the address. In this last flight, he flies along a ballistic curve, like a thrown stone: he cannot maneuver in course and altitude.

Unlike him the controlled unit is a completely independent rocket with its own control and guidance system, engine and rudders in the form of a conical “skirt” along the lower edge of the cone. The engine allows it to maneuver in space, and the “skirt” allows it to maneuver in the atmosphere. Thanks to such control, the warhead can fly 16 thousand km from an altitude of 250 km. That is, the range of the Avangard as a whole can exceed 25 thousand km!

Bottom missile systems

Bottom missile systems of Russia

Summer 2013 in the White Sea it is planned to begin testing the new Skif ballistic missile, capable of being in standby mode on the sea and ocean floor and in right moment shoot and hit land and sea targets. "Skif" uses the ocean as a kind of mining installation. And the deployment of such systems on the seabed will provide the necessary invulnerability of retaliatory weapons.

New mobile container missile systems

Club-K - New mobile container missile systems of Russia

Russia creates and produces combat (sea and rail) container missile systems. Various works are currently being actively carried out in this direction.

Successfully passed testing a missile fired from launchers located in a standard cargo container of the Club-K complex. One of the first launches was carried out on August 22, 2012 at a specialized test site.

Kh-35 anti-ship missile It is distinguished by its stealth and flight to the target at an altitude of no more than 15 meters, and at the final part of the trajectory - 4 meters. Combined homing system and powerful combat unit allow one missile to destroy a warship with a displacement of 5,000 tons. Now this RCC has become part of the Russian container complex - Club-K.

Russian container complex Club-K- designed to destroy surface and ground targets. The complex can be equipped coastlines, vessels of various classes, railway and automobile platforms. The complex is a modification of the well-known Caliber missile system.

For the first time a prototype of a containerized missile system was shown at the military-technical salon in Malaysia in 2009. He immediately created a sensation. The fact is that Club-K is a standard 20- and 40-foot cargo containers that can be transported on ships, by rail or by trailers.

Shaitan container

The idea of ​​placing various combat systems in special mobile modules is not new. However, only we guessed to use standard 20/40-foot cargo containers as such modules.

Hidden inside the containers are command posts (reconnaissance and combat control systems) and launchers of 3M-14 missiles (for hitting ground targets) or launchers of multi-purpose anti-ship missiles such as X-35, 3M-54, capable of hitting both land and large surface targets . For example, the 3M-54 missile is capable of destroying even an aircraft carrier.

For reference— the flight range of the 3M14 cruise missile of the Caliber complex with nuclear warheads/fuel warheads is 2650 and 1600 km, respectively.

The Club-K complex can be used, both from ground launch positions and from railway, sea or automobile platforms. And it turns out that any container ship carrying Club-K essentially becomes a missile carrier with a crushing salvo. And any train with such containers or a convoy of heavy container vehicles is a powerful missile unit capable of appearing where the enemy is not waiting. There is nothing like it either in the USA or in Western Europe were not developed.

The main element of the complex is the universal launch module (USM), designed in the form of a container. The basic composition of the Club-K complex includes up to four USMs, the ammunition load of one USM is 4 missiles, each USM is completely autonomous. Thus, placing only 4-8 Club-K complexes, for example, on board the landing ship Ivan Gren, will turn this large landing craft into a cruise missile arsenal ship that will be capable of delivering a crushing strategic long-range strike on any targets 16-32 CRBDs at once.

Launches of Caliber from the Caspian Sea and successfully carried out throw and military tests of Club-K showed the whole world the real capabilities of this Russian mobile missile system. The complex has already begun to be exported. India became its first buyer.

5th generation strategic bomber

Russian strategic bomber new generation - PAK DA

The Tupolev company a promising one is being developed aviation complex long-range aviation (PAK DA) is a Russian strategic bomber-missile carrier of a new generation. The aircraft will not be a deep modernization of the Tu-160, but will be a fundamentally new aircraft based on fundamentally new solutions.

In August 2009, a contract was signed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Tupolev company to conduct R&D to create the PAK DA for a period of 3 years. In August 2012, it was announced that the preliminary design of the PAK DA had already been completed and signed, and development work on it was beginning.

In March 2013, the aircraft project was approved by the command of the Russian Air Force. PAK DA will replace modern nuclear missile carriers Tu-95MS and Tu-160. From several options, the military chose a subsonic stealth aircraft - with a “flying wing” design, which, due to the huge wingspan and design features, will not be able to overcome the speed of sound, but will be invisible to radars.

In the future, the PAK DA should replace the Tu-95 and Tu-160 long-range (strategic) aircraft currently in service with the Russian Air Force.

Russian 5th generation fighter

PAK FA T-50 vs F-22 and J-20

Ever since the Russian PAK FA (T-50) and the Chinese fifth-generation fighter Chengdu J-20 took wing, debate about their merits and demerits has not subsided.

However, the debriefing has already moved to a completely different qualitative level, since from that moment on there was a real opportunity to directly compare these fighters with their American serial counterpart, the most expensive US Air Force fighter F-22 Raptor.

But in order to compare something with something, you must first provide comparison criteria, and in our case, answer the question:

What is a 5th generation fighter?

Characteristic features of the 5th generation:
- stealth - by using measures to reduce the ESR (effective scattering surface);
— use of powerful 5th generation engines;
— supersonic cruising flight in non-afterburning mode;
- super maneuverability;
— radar with AFAR;
modern complex weapons.

Plus the integration of on-board systems of individual aircraft into shared network computer command and control (ATC).

The comparison criteria are clear. Now let's use them and (for those who value their time) make a simple comparison table of Russian, American and Chinese fifth-generation fighters according to all the above criteria. Click on the blue panel to view the table.

Comparison table

And instead of a conclusion

The F-22 has already been discontinued, and the J-20 and F-35 have not been completed and are still far from perfect. Just like the Russian PAK FA.

Currently, the first stage of testing the T50 has been completed and this spring, with 100% fuel loading and weight-dimensional weapon dummy models, the 4th side took off from a 310-meter runway, reached a maximum speed of 2610 km/h and a cruising speed of 2135 km/h, while There was still potential for acceleration, and I also climbed to 24,300 meters (higher was not allowed).

The T-50 is currently undergoing state tests. And in Bashkiria the production of new generation aircraft engines begins ( Ed.-129), which will be equipped with the T-50 multirole fighter at the second stage. Product-129 is an engine with increased power and rotary control of the jet nozzle. So the fight for the market and the sky v5.0 is just beginning...

Russian 6th generation fighter

What will the 6th generation fighter of the Russian Federation be like?

Russia is designing a 6th generation fighter. Deputy General Director of the KRET concern Vladimir Mikheev said this in an interview with TASS.

According to Mikheev, we are talking about 2 versions of the machine: manned and unmanned. Who exactly is creating the new fighter is not reported. Most likely - Sukhoi Design Bureau and/or MiG company.

Performance characteristics of the Russian 6th generation fighter

Armament of the Russian 6th generation fighter

The time of the sixth generation fighter has already come

The appearance of the Russian 6th generation fighter is just around the corner. UAC claims that the prototype aircraft will make its first flight in 2023-2025. And its full readiness can be achieved in 2030.

Missile defense of the future

Russian missile defense of the future

Work continues to create the S-500 missile defense system. In this new generation of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, it is planned to use separate tasks to destroy ballistic and aerodynamic missiles. S-500, unlike the S-400, which is designed for air defense, is created as a system missile defense, including it will be able to fight hypersonic weapons that the United States is actively developing. The S-500 aerospace defense system, which is promised to be constructed in 2015, will have to shoot down objects flying at an altitude of over 185 km and at a distance of more than 3.5 thousand km from the launcher.

Currently The preliminary design has already been completed and technical design is underway. The main purpose of this complex is to defeat the latest types of air attack weapons being developed in the world today. It is assumed that the system will be capable of solving problems not only in a stationary version: it will be deployed to the combat zone that is most relevant at a particular time. The destroyers that Russia is due to begin producing in 2016 will also be equipped with a ship-based version of the S-500 anti-missile system.

Combat lasers

Russian combat lasers

Russia began to engage developments in the field of tactical laser weapons before the United States and has in its arsenal prototypes of high-precision combat chemical lasers. We tested the first such installation back in 1972. Even then, the domestic mobile “laser gun” was capable of successfully hitting air targets. According to some experts: “Since then, Russia’s capabilities in this area have increased significantly, and the United States has to catch up with us.” Now significantly more funds are being allocated for this work, which will undoubtedly lead to further success.

So 2013 By order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, work continued on the creation of combat lasers capable of hitting aircraft, satellites and ballistic missiles. The development of lasers is carried out by the Almaz-Antey air defense concern, the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Concern named after Beriev and the Khimpromavtomatika company.

TANTK named after Beriev resumed work on modernizing the A-60 flying laboratory (based on the Il-76 transport aircraft), which was used to test new laser technologies. The flying laboratory is based at an airfield near Taganrog.

For promotion and development laser technologies Russia will build the world's most powerful laser. The superlaser in Sarov will occupy an area of ​​approximately two football fields, and at the highest point reach the size of a 10-story building. The installation will have 192 laser channels and a huge laser pulse energy, for the American and French it is about two megajoules, for the Russian it is about 1.5-2 times more.

The superlaser will allow create enormous densities and temperatures in matter, close to those that occur on stars, for example, on the Sun. In the future, we may talk about obtaining thermonuclear fusion energy using a new principle - laser thermonuclear fusion. This will be a competitor to the ITER installation currently under construction in France, which is based on the tokamak system. In addition, the superlaser will simulate in laboratory conditions the processes that were observed during the testing of thermonuclear weapons. The construction cost is estimated at approximately 1.16 billion euros.

Promising armored vehicles

Promising armored vehicles of Russia

In 2014 The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to begin purchasing promising main battle tanks based on single platform heavy armored vehicles "Armata". According to Interfax, this was stated by Yuri Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia. According to the deputy minister, an order will first be placed for the supply of a pilot batch of 16 new tanks.

Based on an experimental batch combat vehicles are planned to be carried out under controlled military operation. The deputy minister did not specify other details regarding the purchase of promising combat vehicles. The creation of the first prototype of a tank based on the Armata platform, according to the current schedule, should take place already in 2013, and the delivery of new combat vehicles to the troops is planned to begin in 2015.

Statement technical project “Armata” by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation took place on March 23, 2012. As stated by the head of the Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Alexander Shevchenko, the project fully complies with all existing requirements of the military department. The development of a promising tank has been entrusted to Uralvagonzavod.

Another avenue Russian defense industry - “Terminator” (“Object 199″). This is a tank support combat vehicle designed to destroy manpower, armored vehicles, air targets, as well as various fortifications and shelters.

"Terminator" can be created both on the basis of the T-72 tank and on the T-90. The standard armament consists of two 30-mm cannons, a Kalashnikov machine gun, an Ataka laser-guided ATGM and two AGS-17 grenade launchers. The capabilities of the BMPT allow high-density fire to be fired at four targets simultaneously. On the very first day of the IDEX-2013 salon in Abu Dhabi, the modernized T-90S tank and the Terminator made it into the top ten.

Precision weapons

Russian precision weapons

The Russian Air Force will receive missiles for striking ground and surface targets with GLONASS guidance.

In July at the GLITs training ground. V.P. Chkalov in Akhtubinsk will test the S-24 and S-25 missiles, equipped with special kits with seekers and linings on the control surfaces. GLONASS guidance kits will begin to arrive en masse at air bases already in 2014, that is, Russian front-line and helicopter aviation will completely switch to high-precision weapons.”

S-24 and S-25 - became highly accurate

Unguided rockets(NUR) S-24 and S-25 remain the main weapons of Russian attack and bomber aircraft, but NURs hit areas, and in modern conditions This is an expensive and ineffective pleasure. GLONASS homing heads will transfer the S-24 and S-25 into the class of high-precision weapons capable of hitting small targets with an accuracy of up to 1 m.


Combat Robotics of Russia

Priorities in the creation of promising types of weapons and military equipment have actually been determined. The emphasis is on creating the most robotic combat systems in which a person is assigned the safe function of an operator.

In robotics A number of programs are planned: the creation of power armor, known as exoskeletons, the development of underwater robots for a wide variety of purposes, the design of a series of unmanned aerial vehicles. Intensified work on network technologies for military purposes fits into robotic innovations. It is planned to create technologies for wireless power transmission. Nikola Tesla carried out experiments in this direction a hundred years ago. New technologies will make it possible to implement his ideas on an industrial scale.

Russian specialists relatively recently (2011-2012) the SAR-400 robot was created. He is 163 cm tall and consists of a torso with two “arms”-manipulators, which are equipped with special sensors that allow the operator to feel the object touched by the iron hand.

SAR-400 can perform many functions - from space flights to remote surgical operations. But in military affairs he has no value at all. He can be a sapper, a scout, and a repairman. According to their own tactical and technical characteristics and the operating capabilities of the Android SAR-400 are either superior (for example, in hand compression) or not inferior to all foreign analogues, including American ones. It is planned that within the next two years the SAR-400 robot will go on board the International space station(ISS), and will later be used in future missions to the Moon and Mars.

Fundamentally new small arms

New Russian small arms

Izhevsk gunsmiths began developing a new generation of automatic small arms weapons, fundamentally different from the most popular Kalashnikov system in the world. We are talking about a new platform that will allow us to compete with the most modern analogues small arms in the world and will provide law enforcement agencies with fundamentally new weapons systems that are fully consistent with the rearmament program of the Russian army until 2020.

Small arms of the future will be of a modular type, which will simplify production and subsequent modernization. In this case, a scheme in which the firing mechanism and the weapon magazine are located in the butt behind the trigger will be used more often. To develop fundamentally new small arms systems, ammunition with a new ballistic solution will also be used - they will have increased accuracy, greater effective range, and higher penetration power.

Before the gunsmiths The task is to create a new system “from scratch”, without relying on outdated principles. To achieve this goal, Izhmash will use new technologies. Nevertheless, Izhmash will not refuse work on modernizing Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 200 series, since the Russian special services have already become interested in the supply of AK-200.

Russian hypersonic weapons

Zircon - the hypersonic era is coming

Panic in Great Britain - the Russians have created a hypersonic Zircon missile.

"This missile threatens everything. Western world, it will change the balance of power. This missile can sink two of Britain's largest aircraft carriers, costing £600,000,000, in one hit. Its radius is 1000 km and its speed is Mach 8. No missile defense system is capable of shooting down a missile at such speed.”

Plus, Zircon is unique in that it can be launched both from land and from the sea or from under water. Zircon's speed is simply amazing. The unsuccessful American analogue has a speed almost 40% lower.

When the Zircon flies at maximum speed, its head part heats up, forming a cloud of plasma. This makes it difficult for radars to operate and makes the missile invisible. Hence Zircon received the name in the West - Horror in Plasma.

The adversaries also note that the Russians always underestimate the performance characteristics of their products. So after Zircon enters service, NATO will be in for an unpleasant surprise.

Speed ​​8 Mach and radius 1000 km is not the limit

For the flight of Zircons at hypersonic speeds, a special fuel was created - Decilin-M using aluminum nanoparticles. This increases the energy intensity and density of the fuel by almost 20%.

According to experts, the speed of Zircons using the new fuel will reach Mach 12, and the flight range will exceed 1,500 kilometers. According to Deputy Minister of Defense General Dmitry Bulgakov, the same fuel will be used to create engines for new strategic hypersonic cruise missiles, which will allow them to exceed speeds of Mach 5.

That is, Mach 8 is not the limit. Back in August 2011 general manager corporation Tactical missile weapons Boris Obnosov stated that the corporation is starting to develop hypersonic missiles capable of reaching speeds of Mach 12-13! So, as in the case of underestimating the performance characteristics of Calibers, the matter will definitely not be limited to a speed of Mach 8.

On April 15, 2017, the new Russian hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile Zircon accelerated to a speed of Mach 8 (8500 km/h), TASS reports, citing a source in the Russian defense industry.

“During the tests of the rocket, it was confirmed that its speed on the march reaches eight Machs (a number that takes into account the dependence of the speed of sound on the flight altitude),” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, 3S14 universal launchers can be used to launch these missiles. Now the ship complex launches Caliber and Onyx missiles.

Why is Zircon dangerous for the states?

The range of Russian Zircon anti-ship cruise missiles will force US Navy carrier strike groups to stay thousands of kilometers from our coast. Which will make attacks by their carrier-based aircraft on our ground targets either ineffective or completely impossible.

The logic here is simple. The main striking force of any modern US aircraft carrier is the F/A-18 Super Hornet carrier-based fighter-bombers. Their combat radius is 400 nautical miles. In order for the F/A-18 to be able to at least threaten missile and bomb attacks on targets on our shores, they must take off from the deck 740 kilometers from the targets of the future attack. At the same time, the declared range of the Zircon is 1000 km and they have no protection against it.

Zircon should be accepted into service in 2018, replacing the PKR Granite. Thus, not a single ship of the adversaries will henceforth feel safe, because the anti-missiles existing in the West today are physically unable to withstand Russian rocket Zircon.

Aircraft carrier Storm, BDK Priboy and destroyer Leader

Promising Russian aircraft carrier Storm, BDK Priboy and destroyer Leader

The defense industry announced the construction of 8 new universal landing ships of the Priboy project, developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau.

Prospective BDKs will have a displacement of about 14 thousand tons and an aviation group of eight Ka-27 and . Their construction is planned to begin in 2016.

The newest landing craft will be armed with anti-aircraft missiles and artillery Pantsir-M complexes. Surf will be able to transport up to 500 paratroopers and up to 40-60 units of equipment. The length of the ship will be 165 meters, width - 25 meters.

5th generation nuclear submarines

What will the 5th generation nuclear submarines be like?

The concept of creating 5th generation nuclear-powered ships involves the introduction of robotic systems, composite technologies and new types of cruise missiles.

Very little is known about the alleged performance characteristics of 5th generation nuclear submarines. According to data that is sometimes fragmentarily thrown into the media, the following image of future nuclear submarines is drawn:

Developer:St. Petersburg mechanical engineering design bureau Malachite
Platform:single, basic
Version 1:hunter boat (anti-submarine submarine)
Version 2:carrier of cruise missiles (killer of aircraft carriers, destruction of coastal and surface targets)
Frame:high strength steel
Use of rubber coatings:No
Use of composite materials:Yes
Using unified modular platforms:Yes
Use of robotic systems:Yes
Depth rudders:composite material
Rudders:composite material
Propellers and shaft lines:composite material
Low noise:Yes
Sonar camouflage:Yes
Communications power:increased
Weapons Integration:Yes
Automated reconnaissance and warning means:Yes
Weapons:hypersonic missile cruise missile Zircon (Mach 5-13) and/or CRBD Caliber
Crew:30 people

Design Bureau Malachite is a recognized brand of Soviet and Russian nuclear submarine fleet. The Bureau developed such nuclear submarines as Anchar (Project 661, the fastest nuclear submarine), Lira (Project 705), Shchuka-B (Project 971) and Yasen (Project 885).

Hypersonic missile launchers Zircon (3M22) are being developed by the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation as a replacement for heavy Granit anti-ship systems. In February 2016, they entered flight tests. Should be part of the armament of the updated Project 1144 Orlan nuclear cruisers and the newest Leader destroyers.

Construction of the first 5th generation nuclear submarine is planned to begin in 2017-2018. The 5th generation should replace the Project 949AM Antey submarines and multi-purpose submarines of Projects 971, 945 and 671RTM.

Megaton underwater drones

Russia's asymmetric response. We create megaton underwater drones

Russia is twice the size of the USA. Today, a third of the entire US population lives in three giant metropolitan areas. More than half of all American GDP is produced there. The areas of these megacities are relatively small (about 400 thousand sq. km) and are located mainly on the coast. From here, for the most part, all the asymmetrical retaliatory measures dance.

Russia is creating an unmanned submarine with a powerful nuclear warhead to destroy American submarine bases and other important facilities on the US coast, the Washington Times writes, citing sources in the Pentagon. In the US military department, the development was codenamed Kanyon.

According to the US military, it will be an uncrewed attack submarine, armed with a thermonuclear warhead with a yield of “tens of megatons”, capable of quickly and covertly moving over long distances.

Press Secretary Russian President Dmitry Peskov confirmed that Russian television accidentally showed data about the secret Status-6 system, Interfax reports. On November 9, Channel One and NTV aired stories about a meeting with the participation of President Putin on defense issues.

Status-6 is the same underwater drone that the Washington Times wrote about.

On March 18, 2016, representatives of the United Shipbuilding Company, commenting on reports about Status-6, confirmed the development of an “unmanned underwater robot”.

From the wiki: Status-6 - Russian oceanic multi-purpose system weapons designed to destroy US Navy bases and important enemy economic facilities in the coastal area and cause guaranteed unacceptable damage to the country's territory. The same asymmetrical answer.

Modeling in the NukeMap program by Alex Veresteyn shows that the size of the affected area from a 100 megaton explosion of a Status-6 nuclear warhead will be approximately 1700 km by 300 km.

Second in strength damaging factor is the creation of an artificial megatsunami with a wave height of 300-500 meters with the wave entering the mainland under the condition of flat terrain up to 500 km

Today the Russian army is one of the strongest in the world. Its strength is made up of professional military personnel with an excellent level of special training and the latest strategic weapons. The Russian Armed Forces already have modern, effective types of military weapons in their arsenal, but the latest developments, which will soon enter service, amaze with their technical and tactical characteristics. Most of them have no analogues.

Anti-tank weapons

The Kornet-D complex is designed to strike tanks and other armored targets. Effective against targets equipped with dynamic reactive armor. A characteristic feature of the complex is that it is controlled not by wires, but by a laser beam. This allows you to hit even air targets at a distance of up to 10 kilometers.
The Hermes complex is a multi-purpose guided weapons installation. In 2012, its mass production began for arming military helicopters. "Hermes" effectively destroys single and group targets with single or salvo fire at a distance of up to 100 kilometers. This complex is a universal type of high-precision rocket artillery for all branches of the military. It is adapted for various options basing: ground, aviation, ship, stationary for coastal defense.
MGK "Bur" is a small-sized grenade launcher system with a reusable launcher and a single shot. In 2014, it was adopted by the Russian army. The main purpose of the complex is to destroy enemy personnel, unarmored equipment, and destroy shelters and structures. The "Bur" includes a self-contained fiberglass housing for the rocket motor and a device for launching ammunition. Its advantages: it can be equipped with different types of shots, uses different types of sights, can fire even from small enclosed spaces, is safe to use and highly efficient in use.
RPG-32 "Hashim" - hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher. Provides protection against enemy tanks and armored vehicles. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it can fire grenades of various calibers depending on the targets chosen to hit. Has a special system that deceives active protection tank. It fires a false projectile, which triggers the defense, and at the same time the grenade inflicts a fatal blow.

The latest nuclear missiles

Nuclear weapons are the basis for reliable defense of the state. The most common representatives of this type of weapon are the Sotka and Voevoda ICBMs. The Topol and Topol-M missiles are now being actively introduced. The Armed Forces will soon receive such promising new-generation nuclear weapons as the Barguzin BZHRK, the Sarmat RS-28 ICBM, the RS-26 Rubezh, and the RS-24 Yars.
RS-24 "Yars" is a new generation nuclear weapon. The complexes began to be deployed in 2009 after the successful completion of tests. In 2015, active equipping of combat units with these missiles began.
RS-26 "Rubezh" - strategic rocket launcher. Its basis is an intercontinental ballistic missile with increased accuracy. The development and improvement of the complex has been ongoing since 2006. Since 2014, after a number of tests and modernization work, the Rubezh has been put into service missile forces strategic purpose. In the future, this missile will replace the Topol and Topol-M.
The Sarmat RS-28 ICBM is a new generation missile. According to the original plan, it was supposed to enter service at the end of 2016. In 2015, the production of the first parts for this complex began. The complex is equipped with a heavy multi-stage liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile. It differs from its predecessors in its massive missile defense capabilities, improved flight trajectory and hypersonic maneuvering units.
BZHRK "Barguzin" is an innovative railway missile system. At the moment, the weapon has “secret” status. Its design began in 2012 on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Its deployment is planned to begin no earlier than 2018. The complex will be based on Yars or Yars-M missiles. The BZHRK will be able to move throughout the country, covering up to 1000 kilometers per day. In addition, moving around railway tracks more economically profitable than moving an unpaved vehicle complex.

Small arms

The double-medium ADS assault rifle is a unique weapon capable of firing effectively on land and under water. It provides the ability to fire from the left and right shoulder. The machine is equipped with a removable under-barrel grenade launcher and combined mounts for all types of sights. The ADS is superior to its predecessors in accuracy and firing efficiency.
SVLK-14S is a sniper weapon with a high degree of accuracy. Capable of effectively hitting targets at a distance of up to 1.5-2 kilometers. This rifle is not a fixed model; its characteristics vary depending on its purpose. Different types of sights can be attached to the barrel. The weapon has an extremely high degree of accuracy.
The 6S8 sniper complex tops the list of the best Russian large-caliber rifles. The rifle was created back in 1997, but then for various reasons it did not pass all tests. After functional improvements and modernization in 2013, the complex was put into service. The rifle is designed to engage manpower, lightly armored and unarmored vehicles, and group targets at a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers. It can use a specially created cartridge, as well as the entire range of standard cartridges. It has compact dimensions and low weight, which ensures its maneuverability.
Armored vehicles and tanks
Armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles infantry, airborne combat vehicles are successfully used by the Russian military in various combat conditions. Reliable vehicles are constantly being modernized, adapting to the requirements of the terrain and maneuvering conditions.
The latest developments to enter service are the BTR-82 and BTR-82A. These modifications have an economical engine, are equipped with an electric drive with a stabilizer for controlling the gun, and are equipped with a laser sight. They have improved reconnaissance capabilities, a fire extinguishing system, and fragmentation protection.
BMP-3 is a unique military vehicle that has no analogues in the world. The equipment is equipped with mine protection and has a sealed body with all-round armor. This air transportable floating machine is capable of speeds of up to 70 km/h.
The Russian T-90 tank, especially its modification T-90 SM, is equipped with an air conditioning system, an improved fire extinguishing system, and is capable of effectively hitting moving targets.
The Armata tank, a strategic development of Russian scientists, can become a unique type of weapon. The combat vehicle is currently being tested, but military experts predict that the Armata will become the most effective tank.


Among the air defense assets, Su-35S aircraft and KA-52 Alligator and KA-50 Black Shark helicopters should be highlighted. The fighter has a unique weapons control system, hits targets with high accuracy and short terms capable of gaining air supremacy. “Alligator” and “Black Shark” are formidable military machines; so far, no country in the world has created helicopters that would surpass them in tactical and technical characteristics.
The Russian fleet is also well equipped. Modern surface ships provide transportation of military and weapons. Submarines conduct brilliant reconnaissance operations, launch surprise attacks on the enemy, and protect territorial water borders.
The development of ultra-efficient surface-to-surface cruise missiles is also worthy of attention, including the BrahMos complex, equipped with the SK310 missile, hypersonic missile KTRV, "BrahMos-II", "Zircon-S".

Weapons are something that Russia has always been good at doing. And not at all because we love to fight so much, it’s just that we have never spared either money or other resources on defense. We will not judge whether this is good or bad, we will simply accept it as a fact that today in Russia a weapon that has no analogues in the world already exists and continues to be actively developed. We'll tell you about it in this collection.

Cruiser "Peter the Great".

The heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying attack warship. Traditionally, the name “cruiser” is assigned to surface combatants capable of operating independently of the main part of the fleet. The basis of the Peter the Great's combat power is the P-700 Granit anti-ship missile system. A 10-meter cruise missile (and there are two dozen of them in the cruiser’s arsenal) is capable of reaching speeds 2.5 times faster than sound and delivering a 750-kilogram charge (including nuclear) to a range of over 600 km. It is the presence of such weapons that gives grounds to consider the TARK the main striking force for the destruction of not even ships - entire enemy ship groups, including aircraft carriers. "Peter the Great" is also equipped with launchers for the S-300F air defense system (vertical launch), the Osa-MA air defense system, the Kashtan air defense system, 130-mm universal automatic installations AK-130 and 30mm ZAK AK-630M. The ship also has powerful anti-submarine weapons, including depth charges with its own hydroacoustic guidance system. Ka-27 helicopters based on board the ship are capable of providing air strikes.

Self-propelled guns Koalitsiya-SV.

A unique double-barreled 152 mm self-propelled howitzer. The mass of the installation is 48 tons, ammunition - 70 shells, rate of fire - up to 23 rounds per minute. The maximum speed on the highway is up to 90 km/h, the range is 500 km. The firing range, depending on the projectile, can reach 70 km. The crew of the car is only 3 people. Conceptually, a new armored capsule for the crew is located in the front of the vehicle. This became possible thanks to the new automatic loader. The new multifunctional tracked platform "Armata" has a similar layout.

Visual-optical jamming station "Grach".

This station was created specifically to protect warships at night and twilight. According to the developers, the device, which “blinds” enemy personnel and optical instruments, makes it possible to hide the landing and protect people and ships from targeted fire during military operations. The Grach station is intended for installation on surface ships, hovercraft, hydrofoils, and various boats. It is noted that with the help of high-intensity light radiation, the device suppresses visual-optical and optical-electronic surveillance and aiming devices. The device can also be used as a powerful searchlight device or for transmitting light-signal messages at meteorological visibility ranges.

Cruise missiles "Caliber".

Similar missiles were launched from Russian Navy ships based in the Caspian Sea. They hit ISIS militant bases located 1.5 thousand kilometers away. For military experts around the world, this came as a complete surprise: until recently they believed that the maximum flight range of such a missile was 300 kilometers. However, as real combat experience has shown, “Caliber” can hit enemy targets even at a distance of 2 thousand kilometers. And most importantly, this missile attacks a target at a speed three times the speed of sound at an altitude of only 10 kilometers. This means that air defense systems are powerless against it.

Promising PAK FA combat aviation complex.

In reality it is newest fighter fifth generation, which is currently being successfully tested. As soon as the model goes into production, it will be called T-50. In appearance it resembles its predecessor Su-27. But its electronics, radars and weapons are completely new developments. PAK FA is capable of flying at supersonic speeds long time, without using the afterburner mode, which usually consumes the engine's life very quickly. The maximum speed of the PAK FA is 2600 thousand km/h. The only fifth-generation fighter so far put into service, the American F-22, has a maximum speed of 2410 km/h. The PAK FA has a “smart skin” - one and a half thousand radio transmitters installed across the entire surface of the aircraft from nose to tail. Their sensitivity is so high that an aircraft can detect, for example, a passenger car at a distance of 100 kilometers. At any time of day and in any weather, it will not be difficult for him to track 60 targets on the ground or in the air and fire at two dozen of them.

Onyx anti-ship missiles.

In other countries, these missiles are better known as “Yakhont” or “BrahMos”. Unlike Caliber, they are completely universal. This means that missiles can be installed not only on ships and submarines, but also on aircraft and coastal launchers. You can strike with such a missile from anywhere, for example from an attack aircraft.

Unmanned glider Yu-71.

At the moment, designers are completing work on this most modern development in the field. domestic aviation. Yu-71 is a gliding unmanned glider capable of carrying nuclear weapons on board and maneuvering at speeds of over 11,000 kilometers per hour. Yes, yes, this is not a mistake: 11 thousand kilometers per hour. Moreover the latest device It can not only fly at such a speed, but also evade missiles along a broken trajectory, which is simply impossible to calculate, and therefore to shoot it down. According to experts, no missile defense system today is capable of not only calculating the trajectory of the Yu-71, but also achieving its speed.

Heavy intercontinental missile "Sarmat".

This rocket is also currently under development. According to the designers, Sarmat no longer flies ballistic trajectory, he maneuvers while in upper layers atmosphere at altitudes of several tens of kilometers. At the same time, it is physically impossible to determine where this object is flying. It is expected that the Sarmat will replace the famous RS-20 Voevoda missile, which in the West was nicknamed “Satan” (pictured). The new missile will be able to carry more than 4 tons of nuclear warhead at a distance of up to 10 thousand kilometers. And if the Yu-71 is used as a carrier for this warhead, this will significantly increase the likelihood of hitting a target.

Mobile anti-aircraft missile system "Antey-2500".

The world's only mobile anti-aircraft system, capable of intercepting ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 2,500 kilometers. Distinctive Features This complex is characterized by high mobility, short transfer time from transport to combat position, as well as the ability to hit up to 16 ballistic missiles flying at speeds of up to 4500 m/sec.

T-14 tank with a 152mm cannon.

For the first time the world saw the T-14 "Armata" this year, during the parade, dedicated to the Holiday Victory. The tank is equipped with the latest 152-mm 2A83 cannon, which has been successfully tested, including with new shells that are capable of burning through thick steel armor more than a meter. By far the most large caliber guns mounted on tanks are 125 mm, while the generally accepted one is 120 mm.

The last 5 years have clearly seen rapid growth weapons of the Russian army. The state is significantly increasing military spending and in 2016 alone the military budget amounted to $70 billion. At the same time, 45% was spent on supplying the army, and 55% of the budget was spent on new weapons. In terms of financing new technologies in the military sphere, Russia ranks third after the United States and China.

Modern weapons

Evidence of effectiveness modern weapons The Russian Federation became the “Syrian exam”, where the latest military equipment and technologies were tested in real conditions war. As a result of the assessment of Russian weapons, several states immediately announced their desire to enter into contracts for the supply of weapons.

  • India – S-400 air defense worth $2 billion;
  • Algeria - 12 SU-34 bombers - $600 million;
  • Vietnam - 100 T-90 tanks - $300 million;
  • Egypt - 46 K-52 Alligator helicopters - $1.5 billion.

This is irrefutable proof high level the latest technologies of the Russian army. Russia has quite powerful weapons that ensure security and protect the borders of the state. These are Pantsir-SA, TOR-M2DT anti-aircraft missile systems, Topol-M, S-400, Yars, Iskander Bal, Bastion missile and anti-missile systems, the notorious Armata tank, MiG-29 and Su-30SM fighters, as well as many other equipment .

Weapons of the future

The world's latest military technologies do not stand still, and in order to keep the bar high and not allow external forces to dictate conditions, it is necessary to develop and improve weapons.

Achievements of VKS

Generation “4++” was developed by JSC RSK MiG. The aircraft is characterized by a number of advantages compared to the previous 29 model. The main ones are reduced radar signature, increased ammunition load, reliability and unpretentiousness, as well as modern equipment with a defense complex with electronic warfare equipment. The fighter first took to the air in November 2016, and test tests began in January 2017. The first batch of 30 aircraft will enter the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2020.

High-precision, hypersonic anti-ship Zircon cruise missile costing $2 million can sink an aircraft carrier that costs almost $5 billion. This is a worthy response to the US Navy, which was previously considered invincible. Due to its record high speed (8 times faster than sound), the missile cannot be intercepted by any anti-missile system. According to experts, it is assumed that over the next 30 years the rocket will remain relevant. Tests of the Zircon were successfully completed in April 2017 and next year the missile will be equipped with ships of the Russian fleet.

The development of weapons and protective equipment is carried out by many organizations: the Kalashnikov concern, defense industry, etc. The most promising inventions are of interest to the Russian army. New products are at the development and testing stage, and some technologies have already received an order from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

Smart weapons

Weapon evolution has come a long way from spears to war machines. Today, new technologies in military technology are increasingly leaning towards the creation of self-controlled combat robots and the introduction of artificial intelligence.

State Corporation "Tactical Missile Weapons" began development cruise missile controlled by artificial intelligence. The missile will be able to make decisions on its own about the choice of altitude, speed and flight path, as well as independently search for and select a target.

The operator-controlled combat module previously presented by the Kalashnikov concern will soon be replaced by their new brainchild - a self-learning turret. A smart installation, equipped with a PC or Kord machine gun, as well as grenade launchers, will be able not only to make decisions according to the protocol, but also to accumulate experience.

Similar self-propelled and stationary robots were developed by the United Instrument-Making Corporation. Security robots are equipped with small arms and grenade launchers, radar and optical-electronic detection systems. They can work in autonomous and semi-autonomous mode. The robots have already been tested and showed excellent results. During the tests, professional military personnel played the role of saboteurs, but they were unable to get into the facility undetected.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

UAVs are widely used by almost all armies of the world, but an ordinary radio-controlled drone is already outdated, as it is easily disabled by an electronic warfare system. New technologies in military equipment are represented by “smart” drones that navigate autonomously, even in the absence of communication with a satellite.

After two years of testing, the Kalashnikov Concern entered mass production. This small device takes off directly from your hands and stays in flight for up to 4 hours, performing reconnaissance or adjusting fire.

Created at the Kazan experimental design bureau "Sokol". The aircraft-type device weighs 7 tons and lifts 2 tons of cargo. The drone performs strike and transport functions. The Altair is currently being modified to increase its range and flight time.

Engineers from NPO Aerospace Technologies and JSC Elektroavtomatika created drone BAS YURIK helicopter type for transporting goods and the wounded. The device runs on a lithium ion battery. It lifts up to 120 kg into the air and reaches a speed of 200 km/h. The flight range is 50 km on a single battery charge. The quadcopter independently navigates in the air and can land anywhere.

By 2020, the Russian Navy plans to replace outdated models of ship-based unmanned aerial vehicles with new models. A small helicopter can patrol a space within a radius of 100 km, give out enemy coordinates and adjust fire. The device can also be used to deliver cargo up to 50 kg.

Under development and sea ​​robot border guard. An unmanned vessel will be able to autonomously patrol a given area of ​​water for several days, communicate and report detected objects. Previously, defense industry developers presented a ready-made project for a robotic underwater vehicle for repair and rescue work. The Ministry of Defense is already planning to begin purchasing them.

– this is the name given to the unmanned simulator submarine created by the St. Petersburg Central Design Bureau “Rubin”. The 17 m long submarine with a displacement of 40 tons is capable of producing hydroacoustic signals characteristic of any type of submarine. The surrogate is designed to conduct exercises that are as close as possible to real combat operations. Now the exercises will be more effective and safer, and will also be much cheaper, since there is no need to involve real submarines.

Pocket drones

The United Instrument-Making Corporation (UPK) announced the development of miniature reconnaissance drones. The robot will be similar in size and appearance to a dragonfly and will be able to fly, crawl, sit on branches and wires, imitating a real insect. Even the sound of flight will be identical to that of an insect. The UAV will be equipped with a thermal imager and camera. Video information will be transmitted in HD quality. For now, intelligence can only dream of such electronic assistants, but it is quite possible that in 2-3 years the defense industry project will become a reality.

An army of robots guarding Russia

New technologies in the Russian army are still of a targeted nature, and robotic systems designed for various functions and conditions do not have clear communication. People remain the connecting link, so the full potential of robotics has not yet been revealed. The idea of ​​uniting robots and building clear coordination collaboration of various machines came to the engineers of the Vega concern, part of the defense industry.

The problem is various systems management and software. In other words, the devices “talk” to different languages and to combine them, it is necessary to unify the pairing protocol. The supercomputer being developed will become the brain of a single robotic system. Powerful computer will have a performance of 8 teraflops equal to 8 trillion operations per second. The base will be carried out on a KAMAZ chassis with high cross-country ability, which will provide mobility to the control center.

Individual developments and detailed characteristics Some types of weapons remain classified in the interests of the state.

Electronic warfare equipment

Russia is not the only power paying great attention to robots. New military technologies are also developing in the world, so you need to be ready to repel the attack of enemy robots.

Automated complex EW Bylina works autonomously and independently analyzes the situation. The device jams radars, satellites and other communications, neutralizing radio-controlled robots and eliminating data transmission standalone devices. The jammer has no effect on your equipment. Similar systems already exist in the Russian Army, but this complex will be able to work faster and cover large area without operator assistance. Bylinas will begin to be put into operation in 2018, and by 2025 all brigades will be equipped with them.

An interesting device was proposed by defense industry specialists. The complex is being developed specifically for intercepting UAVs.

The device hacks any drone in a time from 1 second to 5 minutes, takes control of it and can force it to self-destruct or strike at those who launched it.