Pkr granit p 700. Aircraft carrier fighter - missile system "Granit"

It was created to fight American aircraft carrier strike groups - it was part of a group of forces and assets that bore the general nickname “aircraft carrier killers” in the West. To a large extent, it was the “main caliber” of the Soviet fleet.

The Soviet fleet was built around two major missions: covering the deployment areas of ballistic missile boats (and countering enemy missile carriers) and fighting NATO carrier strike groups. The second task was solved by a complex of so-called anti-aircraft forces, which included surface (ships), underwater (submarines) and air (naval bombers) components.

The Granit complex was designed for use in the surface and underwater components of anti-aircraft forces in the 1970s. The developer is Reutov-based NPO Mashinostroeniya. “Granit” has been tested since 1975, put into service in 1983, and modernized several times (once again, according to some information, around 2003 - with the transfer of on-board electronics to a new element base).

Rocket 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK of the Granit complex in the NPO Mashinostroenie museum, Reutov. Photo:militaryphotos

The 3M45 missile has a mass of over 7 tons. The starting booster is jettisonable solid propellant, the propulsion engine is turbojet. The warhead is high-explosive-penetrating (750 kg) or nuclear. The firing range, according to various sources, is from 500 to 700 km along a combined trajectory. Maximum speed rocket flight is about 2.5 M.

When firing over the horizon, they used information from the Marine Space Reconnaissance and Target Designation System (MCRTS) “Legend”: a low-orbit constellation of satellites with powerful radars. The missile guidance system is combined: inertial with the operation of an active radar homing head at the final stage of the trajectory.

The launcher and warhead of the Granit complex missile on the Kursk SSGN after lifting. Photo:

During salvo firing, a system of information exchange between missiles in a salvo is used, which forms a single information space for all missiles (what one sees, everyone sees) and allows for target distribution in the order of enemy ships with an assessment of the size of a potential target. The onboard computing facilities contain a standard set of information about ship signatures and order patterns, which gives the missiles the ability to determine the type of target. A flexible adaptive algorithm for generating trajectories during a group attack is used, the use of which has received the unofficial nickname “ wolf pack": the salvo missiles themselves automatically "figure out" which of them will carry out which part of the combat mission.

In particular, a “guider missile” scheme is used, traveling along a high trajectory, which therefore has a larger radio horizon, and supplies the entire “flock” with information about targets. If the “gunner” is intercepted, the “pack” appoints the next one. At the final stage of the flight, the missiles perform an anti-aircraft maneuver according to a pre-calculated evasion program.

Status is in service Developer NPO Mashinostroyenia (OKB-52) Chief designer V. N. Chelomey Years of development - 1983 Start of testing November - August 1983 Adoption March 12, 1983 Main operators USSR Navy
Russian Navy ↓All technical specifications

P-700 anti-ship missile system for the Granit missile system(URAV Navy Index: 3M45, according to NATO codification: SS-N-19 "Shipwreck", shipwreck) is a long-range anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) designed to combat powerful ship groups, including aircraft carriers.

When creating the complex, an approach was used for the first time, the basis of which is the mutual coordination of 3 elements: target designation means (in the form of spacecraft), a carrier and anti-ship missiles. The created complex has acquired the ability to solve complex problems sea ​​battle along with fire weapons of one carrier.


The on-board autonomous selective control system of the RCC is built on the basis of a three-processor on-board computer (OBC) using several information channels, which allows you to successfully understand a complex jamming environment and highlight true targets against the background of interference.

The on-board computer contains electronic data on modern classes ships; tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine who is in front of it - a convoy, an aircraft carrier or a landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition; data on countering enemy electronic warfare systems that can, by jamming, divert missiles from the target; tactical techniques for evading air defense fire.

The 3M-45 (P-700) missile has several flexible adaptive trajectories depending on the operational and tactical situation in the sea and airspace of the operation area. The missile has a KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine and a ring solid fuel accelerator in the tail section, which begins operation under water (when launched from surface ships, the silos are filled with sea water). A version of the rocket with an experimental supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04 allowed the rocket to reach speeds of up to 4M.


Parameter Meaning
Length, m 10
Diameter, m 0,85
Wingspan, m 2,6
Starting weight, kg 7000
Speed ​​at altitude 2,5
Ground/water speed, 1,5
Range, km 550(625) km along a combined trajectory, 200-250 km along an exclusively low-altitude trajectory
Ceiling, m 14000-17000 meters on the marching section, depending on the trajectory pattern
Minimum flight altitude, m Up to 25 meters in the attack area
Control system INS + ARLGSN
Warhead Penetrating 750 kg or
nuclear, up to 500 kt


The complex provides salvo firing of the entire ammunition load with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles and allows you to act against a single ship according to the principle of “one missile, one ship” or jointly against an order of ships.

After firing a salvo from the carrier, the missiles interact with each other, detecting, classifying and distributing targets among themselves according to the degree of importance and taking into account order of battle enemy fleet (aircraft carrier group, convoy, landing force). An attack on a formation is organized in such a way that the destruction of secondary targets occurs only after the destruction of priority ones, and in such a way that one target is not attacked by two missiles.

When firing at a long range, missiles rise to an altitude of about 14,000-17,000 meters and perform most of the flight at it in order to reduce air resistance and increase the target detection radius of the seeker. Having detected a target, the missiles carry out identification, distribute targets among themselves and then descend to a height of 25 meters, hiding behind the radio horizon.

The experience of combat and operational training of the Navy shows that a large mass and high speed missiles of the complex make it difficult to defeat them with enemy anti-aircraft missiles. However, since the missile has never been used in combat, opinions differ about its actual effectiveness.


  • 5 Project 949A nuclear submarines of the Antey type - 24 anti-ship missiles each. Two more boats K-148 “Krasnodar” and K-173 “Krasnoyarsk” are in storage, the submarine K-141 “Kursk” was lost, construction of the K-139 “Belgorod” was suspended (being completed according to a special project).
  • Peter the Great - 20 anti-ship missiles. Another 3 heavy cruisers of Project 1144 are not combat-ready.
  • Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" of project 1143.5 - 12 anti-ship missiles.

The size of the rocket limits the types of launch vehicles it can be carried on.


The on-board autonomous selective control system of the anti-ship missile system was built by a team of scientists and designers from the Central Research Institute "Granit" under the leadership of his general director Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate V.V. Pavlov.

The KR-93 sustainer turbojet engine was developed at the design bureau of the Ufa Engine-Building Production Association under the leadership of chief designer Sergei Gavrilov. The engine control system was developed by the departments of Technical Cybernetics and Industrial Electronics together with NPO Molniya.

A version of the rocket with an experimental supersonic ramjet engine 4D 04 was developed at OKB-670 under the leadership of Mikhail Bondaryuk.

Theoretical foundations of construction space system target designation, the relative position of satellites in orbits, the parameters of their orbits were developed directly with the participation of Academician M.V. Keldysh.

History of creation

  • from November - flight testing stage
  • - August - state tests
  • March 12 - the complex was put into service.


to Favorites to Favorites from Favorites 0

I decided to consider an issue that has long been widely discussed on the Internet: the confrontation between Soviet anti-ship missiles and American naval air defense systems. They are usually compared using the example of the P-700 "Granit" and the AEGIS system. Unfortunately, discussions of this kind are usually held on forums, have the nature of a debate, and isolating the information itself is a clear problem.

Therefore, I decided to conduct an analytical review (within the framework of the information available, of course) and make a compilation of conclusions:

The means of attack, in this case, is the P-700 "Granit". The missile is truly impressive - it is almost the crowning achievement of the development of the Soviet line of heavy supersonic ship-based anti-ship missiles. Its length is 10 meters, wingspan is 2.6 meters, i.e. The dimensions of the rocket are close to that of light aircraft.

The maximum speed of the rocket is almost 2.5 Mach (about 763 meters per second) when flying at high altitude. Over water, the rocket's speed is approximately 1.5 Mach (about 458 meters per second). Let's remember these numbers, they matter.

The defense is based on the AEGIS system: a combat information system that coordinates the actions of AN/SPY-1 general detection radars, AN/SPG-62 target designation radars, and SM-2 missile defense systems.

AEGIS defense on the outer border

This part examines counteraction to flying Granites by AEGIS at long range. To be even more precise - at the distance at which "Granit" is kept on the high-altitude section of the trajectory.

Attention, this is important! Although in all sources the range of action of "Granit" is simply indicated as 550 km, this is the maximum radius according to combined trajectories. Those. along a trajectory in which the rocket flies high above the water most of the way - where there is less air resistance and fuel costs for the flight are significantly reduced - and then, when approaching the target, dives down and covers the rest of the distance at a low altitude.

A: The flight altitude of the P-700 "Granit" in the high-altitude section of the trajectory is about 14,000 meters. A number of sources indicate even more, but they are doubtful. The later "Onyx", in any case, climbs to a height of about 14,000 meters in the high-altitude section of the trajectory, so I think that by taking 14,000 meters we will not be mistaken.

Taking into account the altitude of the AN/SPY-1 radar above sea level at 20 meters, and the rocket’s flight altitude at 14,000 km, we get a distance to the radio horizon of about 438 km. The detection radius of the AN/SPY-1 radar (tabular) is approximately 360 km. Those. you can be sure that AEGIS will be able to monitor approaching Granites from a distance of more than 250 km.

P.S. It should be taken into account that, other things being equal, most likely a missile salvo will be detected by an AWACS aircraft at a greater distance. Those. the figure of 250 km is not the detection radius, but the tracking radius, the distance from which AEGIS itself monitors approaching anti-ship missiles.

B: Now we know that the missile will be tracked by the AEGIS system somewhere at a distance of 200-250 km. Let's move on.

The radar of the Granit missile has a target detection radius the size of a cruiser of about 70 km per normal conditions. Considering that the cruiser does not at all want to be discovered and is actively using electronic warfare, let’s take the actual capture radius to be 55 km.

At this distance - 55-70 km - the Granit missile will capture the ship and make a “dive” from a height of 14,000 meters to low altitudes to get closer to the target. Those. we get that 200-55=145 km. This is the interval during which a Granit flying at high altitude will be confidently accompanied by the cruiser's radar. And, accordingly, it can be attacked by missile defense systems controlled by AEGIS.

This is the finest hour for the SM-2ER "Standard" (ER - extendent range, large radius) carriers. The range of these missiles is about 150-180 km. Consequently, missile attacks on flying anti-ship missiles can begin from the moment the missiles enter a 150-kilometer radius.

How long will Granit remain under fire from the cruiser's missile defense system? The distance is 150-55=105 km, the speed of "Granit" is 0.763 km/s, i.e. the missile will remain under fire for about 125 seconds. A little over 2 minutes.

During this time, a ship equipped with the AEGIS system will be able to fire from 50 missile shots (for 2 double-boom Mk-26 launchers with a reload cycle of 10 seconds, which were installed on the first 4 Ticonderoga-class cruisers) to 65 missile shots (for Mk-41 with a firing cycle of 1 missile per 2 seconds, found on the late Ticonderogas and Arleigh Berks). Although the ships carry limited quantity AN/SPG-62 radars used for target designation - this is not a limiting parameter in this case, because the design of the “Standard” fully allows it to “wait” for a turn, flying on inertial guidance to the target area.

What is the probability of one Granit being shot down by one Standard? The 62-kilogram fragmentation-fragmentation SM-2ER has sufficient power to destroy or severely damage the Granit (which at this stage of the flight is tantamount to being shot down - a heavily damaged missile will not reach the target). Therefore, the only problem is getting there.

How to estimate the probability of being hit by a missile? From the experience of Vietnam, we know that the probability of hitting a fighter under conditions of active use of electronic warfare equipment by one missile was about 20%. But the SM-2ER is still somewhat smarter than the radio command air defense systems used in Vietnam, and the electronic warfare capabilities of an unmanned missile are much weaker. For simplicity, let’s take a probability of 40% as the probability of one P-700 being shot down by one “Standard”

Taking this figure, we get that about 15-22 missiles can be shot down at the outer line. Already some result.

AEGIS defense on the internal frontier

At a distance of 55 km, the P-500 missile will make a sharp dive down and exit the vulnerable mode. It will go beyond the radio horizon and out of the visibility radius of AEGIS radars. Moving at an altitude of about 20 meters, it flies to the target in low-altitude mode, at a speed of about 1.5 Mach.

How soon will the P-700 reappear over the AEGIS radio horizon? This distance is approximately 30 km. At a speed of 1.5 Mach or 458 meters per second, the P-700 will fly this distance in 65 seconds, i.e. about a minute.

At this distance, the missile will be fired by salvoes of SM-2MR (MR - medium radius). Since in this case the missile is NOT VISIBLE until it leaves the radio horizon, AEGIS cannot open fire in advance by launching inertial-guided missiles in its direction and “meet” the approaching P-700 at the maximum radius of the missile defense system.

Assuming that the system is completely ready to fire, we get that AEGIS will open fire at the same moment when it notices the P-700 emerging from behind the radio horizon. Considering that the SM-2MR has a speed of about 3.5 Mach (about 1000 m/s), the first salvo of missiles will meet the enemy somewhere in the 20th second of the P-700 flight from the radio horizon, and then the anti-ship missiles will be continuously fired upon for 25 seconds (until they get within 5 km, within a radius beyond the reach of the SM-2MR)

How many salvos will AEGIS have time to fire? Ships with Mk-26 installations will have time to fire two full salvos (i.e., launch 8 anti-ship missiles), ships with Mk-41 will have time to launch 12 anti-ship missiles.

Of course, the probability of a hit will be much lower - against a low-flying target - and, according to calculations, will be somewhere around 25%.

Thus, we get that about 2-3 P-700 anti-ship missiles can be shot down in a low-altitude area.

Defense close

Defense options in this phase are limited. For ships with the Mk-26 at this stage, the only adequate means of self-defense is the universal 127 mm autocannon (2 on the Ticonderoga). The probability of a missile being shot down is estimated to be approximately 0.8 per autocannon. Ships with the Mk-41 can add RIM-7VL "Sea Sparrow" short-range missiles to their autocannons. CIWS "Vulcan" should be considered generally of little use in this case.

Although formally these air defense systems have a radius of up to 25 km, they were not previously capable of firing special meaning, because this would only take away guidance channels from the more effective SM-2MR. At point blank range, however, they are much more effective. Considering that the number of targetable "Sea Sparrows", just like the SM-2MR, is limited by guidance channels - i.e. 4 - in the remaining time, the cruiser manages to fire about 8 missiles. The probability of a hit should be considered similar - 0.25.

Thus, using autocannons and missiles, the Ticonderoga class can stop up to 4 P-700 class missiles on the internal line.

Electronic warfare equipment:

It is difficult to assess the effectiveness of electronic warfare systems. Typically, Ticonderoga class ships are equipped with electronic warfare systems AN/SLQ-32 integrated with jamming systems Mark 36 SRBOC. The effectiveness of the system is difficult to assess. But in general, we can assume that against an anti-ship missile like the P-700, the probability of a missile successfully evading a false target will be no more than 50%.


The capabilities of the AEGIS system to counter the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles are quite high. On 3 lines of defense, the cruiser can effectively repel an attack of 19-25 missiles. Availability effective means Electronic warfare allows you to sharply increase this parameter, since there is a high probability of the missile being diverted by interference.

Overall, the theoretical calculationconfirms the Soviet conclusion that the effectiveness of shipborne air defense AUG has increased significantly with the advent of AEGIS. A full broadside salvo of a Project 949A submarine (24 P-700 missiles) DOES NOT GUARANTEE a breakthrough of the AUG’s air defense even at the level of having only one Ticonderoga in it and the absence of successful interceptions of anti-ship missiles by patrolling fighters.

DATA FOR 2017 (standard update)
Complex P-50 / P-700 "Granit" 3K45, missile 3M45 - SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK
Complex "Granit-2" 3K45-2 / R&D "Granitit", missile 3M45-2

Anti-ship cruise missile. The development of the complex was started by NPO Mashinostroeniya (OKB-52) V.N. Chelomey (since 1984, general designer - G.A. Efremov) in 1969. Chief designer - V.I. Patrushev, since 1978 - V.A. Vishnyakov, starting from 2003 after the creation of the directorate of NPO Mashinostroeniya for the Granit Kyrgyz Republic - A.A. Malinin (at least until 2010), as of 2012-2013. chief designer in the area - Konstantin Danilov ().

The development of the Granit missile was a continuation of work on the creation of an underwater launch missile with a range of 400-600 km and a flight speed of 3200-3600 km/h (carrier - SSGN pr.688, project). In connection with the strengthening of the air defense of US Navy aircraft carriers by F-14 fighters with Phoenix missiles and multi-channel radar, in order to achieve a guaranteed defeat it was planned to strike with a group of anti-ship missiles of at least 20 pieces. According to the decision of the military-industrial complex under the USSR Council of Ministers dated April 8, 1966, in the first quarter of 1967, OKB-52 was supposed to present a preliminary design of the anti-ship missile system as part of the Granit research project (). Study of the preliminary design showed that the rocket with the given performance characteristics will have a length of 13 m and the solid propellant rocket motor will not be able to serve as a propulsion engine. By the decision of the Military-Industrial Complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated October 21, 1968, changes were made to the technical characteristics while maintaining the requirement to fit into the dimensions of the Malachite anti-ship missile launcher. The performance characteristics data formed the basis for Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 539-186 of July 10, 1969 on the implementation of R&D "Granit" to create the complex (), the start date for joint testing of the complex was set for the second quarter of 1973.

Special thanks to the user SHARK () for help in preparing the materials.

Unloading 3M45 Granit missiles from the Kursk SSGN Project 949A. The structure of the SRS and the folding aerodynamic surfaces of the missile are visible. (, processed).

Launch of the 3M45 "Granit" anti-ship missile - SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK. Launch from the cruiser pr.1144. The photo is from 2009, at least, published on 10/05/2013 ().

Missile 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK of the Granit complex in the NPO Mashinostroenie museum, Reutov (, processed).

R&D "Granit" provided for the creation anti-ship missile with autonomous (without interaction with the carrier) selection main goal in the order of ships and a universal launch - surface or underwater. The preliminary design was released in 1969 and approved in 1970 (?).

Tests missiles began on a ground stand in November 1975. The first underwater launch as part of autonomous tests was carried out near Cape Fiolent in Crimea on February 26, 1976. Autonomous tests were completed in 1976. During tests at the test site in Nenoksa, many malfunctions were revealed in the operation of avionics produced by serial plants (Leningrad plant named after A.M. Kulakov, "Northern Press", Kazakh plant "Omega"). Flight tests of the Granit complex were carried out from mid-1979 to the end of 1980. A total of 17 launches were carried out at the Nenoksa test site (stands CSK and BSG-9), incl. 9 missile launches from the BSG-9 stand. Joint tests of the complex and carriers were carried out from 1980 to August 1981. Launches from the missile cruiser "Kirov" pr.1144 were carried out during state tests of the cruiser from September to December 1980 - 4 launches, including 1 launch with a two-missile salvo at close to maximum range. Targets - target ship Project 1784 surrounded by ship shields. For single starts at minimum and average range The missiles successfully aimed at the main target. During salvo firing, the main target was hit by one of the missiles, the second missile hit one of the shields. The first launch from the lead SSGN K-525 was made on December 8, 1980. During the launch, the on-board control system failed and the missile did not dive onto the target. During the second launch on December 10, 1980, the error repeated. During the study of the problem, an error was discovered in the control system operation algorithm and after it was corrected, two-missile and single launches in mid-December 1980 were successful. Joint tests were completed in August 1981 - a total of 20 launches from SSGNs and 8 launches from the Kirov missile cruiser (4 missile launches were carried out in August 1981). A total of 45 missile launches were carried out during testing from 1975 to August 1981.

The complex was adopted by the USSR Navy by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 686-214 of July 19, 1983 (some sources mention the date March 12, 1983, but it does not correspond to reality). The missiles were produced by the Orenburg Machine-Building Plant (PO Strela).

Anti-ship missiles "Granit" during flight design tests (footage from the documentary film of the "Strike Force" series, ORT).

Loading of an early modification of the missiles of the P-50 / P-700 "Granit" complex onto the missile cruiser "Kirov" pr.1144 (montage of frames from the documentary film Kirov.flv -

- according to the technical specifications of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966 and 1968, for the creation of the complex, missiles were to be launched from the launcher of the Malachite complex.

TsSK and BSG-9 - ground test benches;

SM-225 / SM-225A - inclined (40 degrees) launcher developed by the Special Engineering Design Bureau (KBSM) for SSGNs and. “Wet” start - the launcher is filled with water before the launch to reduce thermal loads on the launcher and carrier and equalize the pressure. The launcher consisted of a body and a launch cup with a rocket; cushioning means were placed between the launcher body and the launch cup; there were guides inside the launch cup. The rubber-cord compound prevented the impact of water on the shock absorption means. During start-up and during loading and unloading operations, the glass was fixed. During the disaster on the Kursk SSGN, the missiles did not receive significant damage to the launchers.

Launcher SM-225 / SM-225A of the Granit complex (Asanin V., Domestic missiles. // Equipment and weapons).

The launcher and warhead of the Granit complex missile on the Kursk SSGN after lifting, the missile is fixed with polyurethane (

Loading the Granit missile onto the SSGN pr.949A (

- SM-233 / SM-233A - below-deck inclined (tilt angle - 60 degrees) launcher on missile cruisers Project 1144 and heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers. “Wet” start - the launcher is filled with water before the launch to reduce thermal loads on the launcher and the carrier; the launchers are based on the SM-225 boat launchers and are similar to them in design and control system.

The creation of a modification of the SM-233A launcher for ships was carried out according to the decision of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry, the Ministry of General Engineering and the USSR Navy No. 1/0018 dated February 5, 1982. The structural material of the launch cup in the SM-233A launcher is fiberglass. The protective cover is equipped with a radio masking device. Changes in the SM-233A launcher:
- reducing the number of mechanisms and devices involved in pre-launch preparation and missile launches;
- reduction of labor costs and cost of PU by reducing metal consumption and simplifying the design;
- reduction of volumes and simplification of maintenance conditions;
- increasing maintainability;
- reducing the number of mutual connections between the launcher and the ship;

Launcher SM-233 of the Granit complex (Asanin V., Domestic missiles. // Equipment and weapons).

Launchers SM-233 on the missile cruiser "Kirov" pr.1144 (

Launchers SM-233A anti-ship missile "Granit" on TAKR pr.1143.5 (Military parade, 1998)

Launchers SM-233A anti-ship missile "Granit" on TAKR pr.1143.5 ("Arsenal", No. 1 / 2008)

Rocket 3M45:
Design The rockets have a normal aerodynamic design with a delta wing, triangular fins and stabilizers; the launch-acceleration stage also has triangular stabilizers; the aerodynamic surfaces are folded in the pre-launch position. The toroidal SRS is jettisoned after testing, the air intake cap and the nozzle cover of the main turbojet are fired off immediately after launch (the missile exits above the surface of the water during an underwater launch).

3M45 missile of the "Granit" complex in the museum of NPO "Mashinostroenie", Reutov (

Sectional diagram of the 3M45 anti-ship missile system of the 3K45 "Granit" complex - SS-N-19 SHIPWREK. High-explosive-penetrating combat unit. (from the archive of user TR1,, published 09/23/2011).

Estimated projections of the 3M45 / SS-N-19 SHIPWRECK missile of the P-50 / P-700 "Granit" complex (c) version dated 10/03/2011 (if used - link).

Control system and guidance- an inertial missile control system with an autopilot adjusted according to the guidance system data, which includes several on-board computers (probably 4 on-board computers), an active radar seeker and an information exchange system between missiles (SOIR) of the salvo with several channels for receiving and transmitting information. The radar seeker antenna is located in the central body of the engine air intake. The missile control system and guidance equipment were developed by NII-49 (TsNII "Granit"), chief designer - V.B. Golovanov, since 1973 - N.M. Mozzhukhin. The onboard equipment was developed under the leadership of L.M. Kamaevsky, the equipment complex for SSGNs was developed by B.N. Stepanov, and for surface ships - E.P. Mikheev. The production of on-board equipment for the control system was carried out by the pilot plant NII-49 / NPO Granit (now OJSC Severny Press).

The system of 4 onboard computers probably included two computing and solving onboard computers that executed the program in parallel (processing information from the primary converters), the third onboard computer served as an “arbiter” - it compared the calculation results, if there was a discrepancy, testing was carried out and the faulty onboard computer was turned off. When adding a fourth onboard computer, cyclic testing of three onboard computers was carried out.

According to Western data, the radar seeker operates in two bands - J - 10-12 GHz and K - 27-40 GHz.

The missile guidance algorithms use the logic of selecting the main target in the order of ships. The size of the targets and the distance of the targets from the expected coordinates of the target were analyzed. A similar algorithm made it possible to select the largest target in the order of ships. Later, a similar algorithm was used on the anti-ship missile system "".

During a group launch of missiles, after the target is detected by the missile's radar (radar sight), target distribution occurs using SOIR, according to the type of target entered during launch. After determining the coordinates of the targets assigned during target distribution and their movement parameters, the missile with the radar turned off descends to a low altitude and flies to the point of the intended coordinates of the target. When approaching the point of the intended coordinates of the target, the radar (sighting device) turns on and the target is captured. Each anti-ship missile system reaches its goal in accordance with the previously carried out target distribution.

At the first stage of development of the complex, it was supposed to use missile guidance through a radar sight by the operator of the carrier ship, similar to anti-ship missiles and .

The distribution of targets between the missiles of the salvo was carried out using the information exchange system between missiles (SOIR) according to several algorithms created using game theory at the Granit Central Research Institute. Through SOIR, missile seeker radar data was exchanged, and the missile order of battle was coordinated depending on the attack pattern. The control system of the complex on the carrier side allows salvo firing of the entire ammunition load.

Typical flight paths:
- for surface ships - high-altitude and low-altitude trajectories;
- for coastal targets - high-altitude trajectory;
- for submarines - low-altitude trajectory (using a nuclear warhead)

Target designation of the complex is carried out by carrier detection means or using an aviation or space target designation system. The aviation target designation complex "Success" was used with the use of target designation aircraft (Tu-95RTs, etc.) or Ka-25Ts helicopters. The space complex for reconnaissance and target designation of the MCRC "Legend" was created with the direct participation at the stage of theoretical development of Academician M.V. Keldysh.

The missile is equipped with a protection system developed since 1965 in the laboratory of department No. 25 of the Granit Central Research Institute under the leadership of R.T. Tkachev and Yu.A. Romanov. The main component of the system is the active jamming station 3B47 "Kvarts" developed at the Taganrog Research Institute of Communications. The missile can perform anti-aircraft maneuvers.

- SRS (start-acceleration stage) - the torus-shaped body of the SRS contains two types of solid propellant rocket propellant charges (4 pieces each, probably starting and accelerating). The SRS was developed by the Perm KBM (now NPO Iskra), the chief designer is L.N. Lavrov.

Sustainer - short-life turbojet engine KR-21-300 / product 21 developed by AMNTK "Soyuz", chief designer - S.A. Gavrilov, the engine was produced by the Ufa Motor-Building Production Association (Ufa). The development of a sustainer turbojet engine with accelerated launch to maximum speed was started by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 539-186 of July 10, 1969 on the implementation of the Granit R&D project to create a missile system (). State tests of the engine were completed in 1981 and the working design documentation was transferred to UMPO (Ufa) for mass production of the engine ().

An engine with a supersonic air intake with a central body, the engine starts at the command of a pressure sensor after leaving the water (when starting from a submarine) or after takeoff (when starting from a surface ship), the squibs reset the air intake fairing and the sustainer turbojet engine works together with the launch-acceleration engine step. According to some sources, the engine was created using a turbocharger used on the KR-17-300 PKR " " engine. In terms of sources ( Shirokorad) the engine name "KR-93" is found.

Engine control system - ERRD-21 (electronic engine control)
Engine starter - solid fuel gas generator (located in the central body of the engine nozzle)
Time to enter mode - no more than 10 s

- as of 2010, department 08 of NPO Mashinostroeniya is working on a partial modernization of the 3M45-2 rocket propulsion engine (). The engine developer, NPP Motor, also takes part in the same work ( ).

Performance characteristics of the missile:
Body length - 8840 mm (or missiles with SRS?)
Case diameter - 1140 mm
Wingspan - 2600 mm
Diameter of circumscribed circle (rocket in container) - 1350 mm

Starting weight - 7360 kg
SRS weight - 1760 kg
Warhead mass:
- 584 kg
- 750 kg (regular warhead according to other data)
- 618 kg (according to unconfirmed confusing data,

- 700-800 km (on a high-altitude trajectory, according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966)
- 200 km (on a low-altitude trajectory, according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966)
- 500 km (according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1968)
- 700 km (for coastal targets)
- 625 km (nuclear warhead, high-altitude trajectory, unconfirmed data)
- 500-550 km (anti-ship missiles, conventional warhead, high-altitude trajectory, unconfirmed data)
- 200 km (nuclear warhead, low-altitude trajectory)
- 145 km (anti-ship missiles, conventional warhead, low-altitude trajectory)

Flight speed:
- 3500-4000 km/h (according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966)
- 2500-3000 km/h (according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1968)
- 1.5-1.6 M (at low altitude)
- 2.5-2.6 M (at high altitude)

Flight altitude:
- 20000-24000 m (according to the TTZ of the military-industrial complex under the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1966)
- up to 14000 m

Warhead types:
- nuclear power up to 500 kt - according to other unconfirmed data, 618 kt, damage radius - 1200 m; according to agreements between the USSR and the USA (1991), cruise missiles with nuclear warheads are not based on Russian and US Navy ships;

A high-explosive penetrating warhead developed by NPO Altai (Biysk), adopted for service in 1983. The warhead has an armored body and a delayed fuse.

High-explosive penetrating warhead of the anti-ship missile "Granit" developed by NPO "Altai" (

Section of the high-explosive-penetrating warhead of the 3M45 "Granit" anti-ship missile system (photo from the archive of user "Dmitry",, published 09.09.2011).

- P-500P- a project for an underwater launch missile with a flight speed of more than 3000 km/h, developed by OKB-52 for arming the SSGN Project 688, probably in 1964-1966. Launcher - PU anti-ship missile "Malachite". SRS and main engines - solid propellant rocket engines.

- "Granit" with ramjet engine- at the preliminary design stage, a version of the rocket with a 4D04 ramjet engine developed by NPO "Red October" (OKB-670 designed by general designer M.M. Bondaryuk) was being developed.
Flight speed - up to 4M

- P-50 / P-700 "Granit", 3M45 missile- RCC, basic version.

- R&D "Granitit" / complex 3K45-2 "Granit-2", missile 3M45-2- a modernized version of the complex with updated equipment. Development began in 2001 under state contract No. A-583 between the Ministry of Defense (military unit No. 42888) and NPO Mashinostroyenia dated May 10, 2001 to carry out development work (R&D) on the topic “Granite”. The tactical and technical assignment was issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense on July 09, 2001. Chief designer in the field - A.A. Malinin. Including the partial modernization of the propulsion engine of the 3M45-2 rocket (). Work on modernizing the engine (product 21) concerns increasing the service life and providing the ability to work at higher speeds and heights - work in 2010 was carried out by NPP "Motor" ( ist. - Annual report 2010). The total cost of the government contract for R&D work at Granitite at the time of conclusion was 370,000,000 rubles. The work on the project was divided into several stages ():
- Stage 1 - development of a preliminary design, execution period 01/03/2001 - 11/30/2001, stage cost 6,000,000 rubles;
- Stage 2 - development of working design documentation (DDC) for the Granitite complex, execution date 10/01/2001. - November 30, 2002, stage cost 15,500,000 rubles;
- Stage 3 - development of operational documentation for the Granitite complex, deadline 01/03/2003. - 06/30/2003, stage cost 1,000,000 rubles;
- Stage 4 - production of prototypes components complex "Granitite", bench and technological equipment for conducting ground, autonomous and complex tests to support flight tests, execution time 07/01/2002 - 11/30/2003, stage cost 83,300,000 rubles;
- Stage 5 - carrying out ground-based, autonomous and complex tests of the components of the Granitit complex, adjusting the working documentation based on test results, completion date 01/03/2001 - 06/30/2002, stage cost 98,000,000 rubles;
- Stage 6 - production and delivery of components of the Granitit complex for flight tests, execution period 07/01/2002 - 09/30/2004, stage cost 162,000,000 rubles;
- Stage 7 - flight tests, execution period 01/03/2004 - 11/30/2004, stage cost 5,000,000 rubles;
- Stage 8 - participation in flight tests, adjustment of working documentation based on the results of flight tests, modification of the components of the complex, deadline 01/03/2004 - 11/30/2004.
As of 2010, work on the project was still ongoing, but by letter dated December 17, 2010 No. 205/223/1362, the state customer (Ministry of Defense) notified JSC VPK NPO Mashinostroeniya that due to the enterprise’s failure to complete the design and development work code “Granity” and the impossibility of its further continuation within the current limit price, the implementation of the specified R&D is suspended. According to the protocol for agreeing on actual costs No. N/18 dated 08/30/2011, the customer agreed on actual costs in the amount of 713,067,201 rubles. 29 kopecks, payments under the contract amounted to 706,680,616.00 rubles ().
The inspection report of Rosoboronzakaz dated July 15, 2010 No. 2/3/25-10K established that the design and development work “ZM45-2” is being carried out in accordance with the technical specifications of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated July 9, 2001 and the state contract dated May 10, 2001 No. A-583 , as of June 1, 2010, out of 86 stages (substages) of the execution sheet, 52 have been completed, readiness to complete R&D was 70% ().

- heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers, and ("Ulyanovsk") - 12 under-deck SM-233A launchers, 1 ship was commissioned - now the "Admiral of the Fleet" Soviet Union Kuznetsov". At the end of the 1990s, the combat post of the Granit missile system was disabled - as a result of erroneous actions of the crew, it was filled with fuel when refueling the ship and cannot be restored ( information not confirmed).

Test launch of the 3M45 "Granit" anti-ship missile from aboard the TAKR pr.11435 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" ().

Launch of the Granit missile from the TAKR pr.1143.5 (photo from the sevstud1986 archive, processed,

- nuclear missile cruiser pr.1165 "Fugas" (project) - 32-48 below-deck launchers (project not implemented).

Sketch of the nuclear missile cruiser Project 1164 "Fugas" (author - A.N. Sokolov, V. Asanin, Domestic photo missiles. // Equipment and weapons).

- nuclear-powered missile cruisers - 20 below-deck SM-233 launchers (at the cruiser design stage - 16 launchers), 4 ships were commissioned:
"Kirov" pr.1144 (now - "Admiral Ushakov") - 1980 (modernization announced on July 26, 2010)
"Frunze" pr.1144.2 (now - "Admiral Lazarev") - 1984 (modernization announced on July 26, 2010)
"Kalinin" pr.1144.2 (now - "Admiral Nakhimov") - 1988 (modernization announced on July 26, 2010)
"Peter the Great" pr.1144.2 - 1998 (in service, 2010)

- nuclear missile cruiser pr.1293 (project) - 16 below-deck launchers (project not implemented).

Sketch of the nuclear missile cruiser Project 1293 (author - A.N. Sokolov, V. Asanin, Domestic photo missiles. // Equipment and weapons).

- SSGN pr.688 (project) - missiles (project) in launch containers identical or similar to the Malachite anti-ship missile launcher SSGN pr.670.
- October 4, 2013 - during the exercises, the Northern Fleet successfully launched anti-ship missiles cruise missiles on targets in the central part Barents Sea. Including, one launch of Granit missiles from the Barents Sea was carried out by SSGNs "Eagle" and "Vornezh" pr.949A. Also, one launch was made by the nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great" pr.11442. The launch range was no more than 400 km ().

The launch of a 3M45 "Granit" missile by the missile cruiser "Peter the Great" during firing training on October 4, 2013 (footage from the RT television channel).

- 2017 July 05 - SSGN pr.949A of the Northern Fleet "Smolensk" launched a Granit cruise missile from an underwater position at a complex sea target position located at a distance of about 400 kilometers. According to objective control data, the target was successfully hit ().

2017 September 19 - during Northern Fleet exercises, 3M45 Granit anti-ship missiles were successfully launched from the nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Velikiy pr.11442, as well as from the SSGN pr.949A Orel and Voronezh. The launches were carried out from different areas of the Barents Sea at a single target, located at a distance of 200 to 300 kilometers from the ships. Missile submarine cruisers fired from an underwater position ().

Successful launch of the 3M45 Granit missile from the nuclear missile cruiser Project 11442 "Peter the Great" on September 19, 2017 (video frame from the Russian Ministry of Defense).

Asanin V., Domestic photo rockets. // Equipment and weapons. No. 10 / 2006, No. 6, 9 / 2007, No. 6 / 2009
Annual report for 2010. NPP Motor OJSC. Ufa, 2011.
Lazarev N.M. The ocean-going nuclear missile fleet of the Soviet Union in the biographies of its creators, creators and naval ship mechanical engineers. vol. III, M., 2003 2001
NPO "Altai" - 50 years. // Biysk Bulletin. No. 1-2 / 2009
JSC FSPC "Altai" Official website, 2011
Osinin S.N., electronic warfare in Navy. From Port Arthur to the present day. M., "Weapons and Technologies", 2006
Based on strength and intelligence. // Tribune of the military industrial complex. No. 11 / 2010
Creators and creators. Ode to the team. M., NPO Mashinostroeniya, 2009
Chizhov A.V., "80 years of the Central Research Institute "Granit" (chronicle of tests)." S.-Pb.,Central Research Institute "Granit", 2001.
Shirokorad A.B., Fire Sword Russian fleet. M., "Yauza", "Eksmo", 2004
Assault on the depths. Website, 2010 Website, 2010-2011
Kirov.flv. Documentary early 1980s Website, 2010
website. Website, 2010
P-700 Granit SS-N-19 Shipwreck missile. Website
Sketch of the P-700 "Granit" anti-ship missile Type Anti-ship missile Status is in service Developer NPO Mashinostroyenia (OKB-52) Chief designer V. N. Chelomey Years of development -1983 Start of testing November 1975 Adoption July 19, 1983 Manufacturer NPO Mashinostroyeniye Main operators USSR Navy
Russian Navy Images on Wikimedia Commons

When creating the complex, an approach was used for the first time, the basis of which is the mutual linkage of three elements: target designation means (in the form of spacecraft), a carrier and anti-ship missiles. The created complex acquired the ability to solve the most complex tasks of naval combat using a complement of fire weapons from one carrier.

It can also be used to destroy coastal targets.

History of creation

Work on the creation of a long-range supersonic underwater-launched cruise missile in the USSR was started by decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers No. 539-186 dated July 10, 1969 at the IOM Central Design Bureau. By this time in service submarines the supersonic cruise missile P-6 already consisted; however, launching it was possible only from the surface, which greatly increased the vulnerability of the submarine, and, taking into account the unmasking effect of a missile salvo, exposed the boat to significant risk. In addition, the P-6, designed back in the late 1950s, a decade later no longer met the requirements for speed, range and flight altitude.

The development of a new underwater launch cruise missile was initiated in parallel with the creation of the development of the P-6 - the P-500 "Basalt" cruise missile, with which they were going to re-equip existing carriers. However, the P-500 Basalt was also unsuitable for launching from under water. It was necessary to create a completely new rocket. The project received the designation P-700 "Granit". Subsequently, it was decided to develop a new missile for use not only from submarines, but also from surface ships, duplicating the development of the P-500.

The flight testing phase of the rocket began in November 1975. The Granit complex passed state tests from 1979 to July 1983. By Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 686-214 of July 19, 1983, the complex was adopted for service on the following ships:

  • nuclear submarines of projects 949 "Granit" and 949A "Antey";
  • heavy nuclear missile cruisers of projects 1144 "Orlan" and 1144.2 "Orlan";
  • heavy aircraft-carrying cruisers of Project 1143.5 “Krechet”.

There were projects and other media, which, however, were not implemented.


The P-700 Granit missile has a cigar-shaped shape with an annular air intake at the front end and a folding cross-shaped tail unit. A short, highly swept wing, foldable after launch, is installed in the central part of the fuselage.

The rocket is propelled by a KR-21-300 turbojet engine located along the central axis. The rocket is launched from under water using a block of four solid fuel boosters located behind the rocket. The missile is stored in a sealed transport and launch container with folded wings and tail surfaces, the air intake is covered with a dome-shaped fairing. Before launch, the installation is filled with sea water (this procedure is also used on surface ships to avoid damage to the installation by exhaust), after which the activated accelerator pushes the rocket out of the shaft and delivers it to the surface of the water. In the air, the air intake fairing is discarded, the wings and tail are straightened, the burnt-out accelerator is discarded and the rocket continues to fly with the help of the main engine.

The missile is equipped with warheads various types. This can be either a semi-armor-piercing (high-explosive-penetrating) warhead weighing 584-750 kg, or a tactical nuclear warhead with a TNT equivalent of up to 500 kilotons. Currently, due to international agreements banning sea-launched nuclear cruise missiles, all P-700s are equipped only with conventional warheads.

The missile is guided using an active radar guidance head. The on-board autonomous selective control system for anti-ship missiles is built on the basis of a three-processor on-board computer (OBC) using several information channels, which allows one to successfully understand a complex interference environment and identify true targets against the background of interference. During a group launch of missiles (salvo), the missiles, having detected the enemy with their homing heads, exchange information, identify and distribute targets by their size, relative position and other parameters. The on-board computer contains electronic data on modern classes of ships; tactical information, for example, about the type of orders of ships, which allows the missile to determine that in front of it is a convoy, aircraft carrier or landing group, and attack the main targets in its composition; data on countering enemy electronic warfare systems that can, by jamming, divert missiles from the target; tactical techniques for evading air defense fire.

To increase combat stability, the P-700 is equipped with a 3B47 “Kvarts” radio jamming station and devices for resetting dipole reflectors and decoys.


Parameter Meaning
Length, m 10
Diameter, m 0,85
Wingspan, m 2,6
Starting weight, kg 7000
Speed ​​at altitude 2,5
Ground/water speed, 1,5
Range, km 550 (625) along a combined trajectory,
145 (200) on an exclusively low-altitude trajectory
Ceiling, m 14,000 -17,000 on the marching section,
depending on the trajectory pattern
Minimum flight altitude, m up to 25 (in the attack area)
Control system INS + ARLGSN
Warhead Penetrating 518-750 kg (data vary) or
nuclear, up to 500 kt


The missiles are launched from containerized inclined launchers SM-225 (for submarines) or SM-233 (for surface ships), located under the deck of the carrier ship at an angle of 60 degrees. Before the start, to reduce thermal loads on launcher, the container is filled with sea water.

Since the long-range flight time of a missile is significant, and the target can go beyond the detection radius of the missile seeker, the complex needs precise target designation carried out by the Success aviation complex from Tu-95 RC aircraft or Ka-25 Ts helicopters, or by a space reconnaissance complex and target designation ICRC "Legend" The missile can also be used to destroy ground targets.

Project evaluation

The experience of the Navy's combat and operational training shows that the large mass and high speed of the complex's missiles make it difficult for them to be hit by enemy anti-aircraft missiles.

The missile has never been used in combat conditions; opinions about its actual effectiveness vary.



  • The parent organization is NPO Mashinostroyenia. Chief designer -