The power of a nuclear battery has been increased by an order of magnitude. Nuclear battery

The first mobile phone was created more than forty years ago. Science is progressing, of course. And who would have thought at that time that forty years later atomic technology would be released? Yes, science is not moving by leaps and bounds, but still with significant breakthroughs in many areas, especially recently. And this article will be devoted specifically to the topic of using atomic batteries in modern devices.


Now the smartphone market is one of the most promising areas of electronics. This area is developing dynamically, without stopping for a minute. It would seem that the iPhone 3 has just gone on sale, and the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are already on the shelves of cellular communication stores. Is it worth talking about what path the company’s engineers have gone through to please users with the latest hardware?

The same can be said about Android and Windows Phone. Just a couple of years ago, the entire school class gathered around the lucky one who had a phone on the base operating system Android. And when someone managed to personally play an application in which you could control the action by rotating the screen (especially if this game was a racing game), he literally beamed with happiness.

Nowadays this will not surprise anyone. Even first-graders now quietly use Apple phones without much joy or delight, without realizing how lucky they really are. Of course, they simply don’t know that once upon a time there were phones that operated using push-button rather than touch controls. That those phones only had a couple of games. And that even a snake on a two-color screen was a cause for boundless delight for children of that time, and they played it almost for days on end.

Of course, games were of much lower quality back then. It was possible to use such phones for several days without recharging. Now the gaming industry in the field of smartphones has reached a higher level of quality, and this requires more powerful phone batteries. How long, in your opinion, can the most modern, most powerful smartphone in terms of battery life last?

Do we need a nuclear battery?

We assure you that even with passive use it (the smartphone) is unlikely to last more than 3 days. As in modern smartphones, type is used. Models powered by polymer batteries are slightly less common. In fact, such phones do not last very long. You can play them during battery life and watch movies on them for a few hours, which usually does not exceed ten. Manufacturers of such devices compete in several directions at once. The competition for first place is most active according to the following criteria:

Screen diagonal.

Hardware and performance.

Dimensions (more specifically, the struggle is to reduce the thickness).

Powerful autonomous power supply.

As we can see, the question of whether we need an atomic battery for a phone remains open. According to scientists' calculations, phones in the future could be equipped with batteries that operate on the principle of the reaction of a nuclear element called tritium. In this case, the phones will be able to work without recharging for up to 20 years, according to the most conservative estimates. Impressive, isn't it?

How new is the idea of ​​a nuclear battery?

The idea of ​​​​creating miniature nuclear reactors ( we're talking about about atomic batteries) appeared in bright minds not so long ago. It has been suggested that the use of such equipment in relevant technical devices will allow you to deal with the problem of not only the need for constant recharging, but also with others.

TASS: DIY atomic battery. Engineers talk

The first announcement about the invention of a battery that would operate based on atomic energy was made by a division of a domestic concern called Rosatom. It was the Mining and Chemical Combine. Engineers said that the first power source, which is positioned as a nuclear battery, could be created as early as 2017.

The operating principle will consist in reactions that will occur using the Nickel-63 isotope. More specifically, we are talking about beta radiation. Interestingly, a battery built on this principle can operate for about half a century. The dimensions will be very, very compact. For example: if you take an ordinary AA battery and compress it 30 times, you can clearly see what size a nuclear battery will be.

Is a nuclear battery safe?

Engineers are absolutely confident that such a power source will not pose any danger to human health. The reason for this confidence was the design of the battery. Of course, direct beta radiation from any isotope will harm a living organism. But, firstly, in this battery it will be “soft”. Secondly, even this radiation will not escape, since it will be absorbed inside the power source itself.

Due to the fact that Russia A123 atomic batteries will absorb radiation inside themselves without releasing it outside, experts are already making a strategic forecast for the use of atomic batteries in various fields of medicine. For example, it can be introduced into the design of pacemakers. The second most promising area is the space industry. In third place, of course, is industry. Outside the top three there are many branches in which it will be possible to successfully use a nuclear energy source. Perhaps the most important of them is transport.

Disadvantages of a nuclear power source

What do we get in return for a nuclear battery? So to speak, what will we see if we look from the other side? Firstly, the production of such autonomous energy sources will cost a pretty penny. The engineers did not want to give exact amounts. Perhaps they were afraid to draw the wrong conclusions early. However, an approximate estimate was given not in numbers, but in words. That is, “everything is very expensive.” Well, this was quite to be expected, having assessed the essence of the matter simply logically. It is perhaps too early to talk about serial production on an industrial scale. We can only hope that over time, alternative technologies will be found that will make it possible to create a nuclear battery without compromising its reliability and practicality, but at a much lower cost.

By the way, TASS estimated 1 gram of the substance at 4 thousand dollars. Thus, in order to gain the necessary mass of atomic substance, which will ensure long-term use of the battery, it is currently necessary to spend 4.5 million rubles. The problem lies with the isotope itself. It simply does not exist in nature; the isotope is created using special reactors. There are only three of them in our country. As stated before, it may be possible over time to use other elements to reduce the cost of producing the source.

Tomsk Atomic battery

The invention of atomic batteries is not limited to professional engineers and designers. Recently, a graduate student developed a model of a new battery powered by nuclear basis. This man's name is Dmitry Prokopyev. Its development is capable of functioning normally for 12 years. During this time, it will not need to be charged even once.

The center of the system was a radioactive isotope called tritium. When used skillfully, it allows you to direct the energy released during time in the right direction. In this case, energy is released in parts. You can say dosed or portioned. Let us recall that the half-life of this nuclear element is about 12 years. That is why the use of the battery on this element is possible within the specified period.

Benefits of tritium

Compared to a atomic battery, which has a silicon detector, a tritium-based atomic battery does not change its characteristics over time. And this is its undoubted advantage, it should be noted. The invention was tested at the Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics, as well as at the Physics and Technology Institute of Tomsk University. A nuclear battery, the operating principle of which is based on a nuclear reaction, has certain prospects. This is usually the field of electronics. Along with her stand military equipment, medicine and aerospace. We have already talked about this.


Despite the high cost of producing atomic batteries, let's hope that we will still see them in phones of the near future. Now a few words about the element that will form the basis of the battery. Tritium is, of course, nuclear in nature. However, the radiation of this element is weak. It cannot harm human health. Internal organs and the skin will not suffer from skillful use. That is why it was chosen for use in batteries.

Today, a nuclear battery can already be purchased on the Internet. In any case, there are such proposals. For this exotic product, produced, for example, in the USA, you need to pay 1000 dollars. Chinese ones will be cheaper. Why do we need such super expensive “toys”?

The main advantage is durability. The service life can be 20, 50, 100, or even a thousand years. It all depends on the half-life of the radioactive isotope - the energy source. Hence possible areas applications. Of course, medicine, primarily pacemakers. Chemical batteries run out of charge and must be replaced periodically. With an “eternal” source of energy there is no such problem at all. Another area of ​​application is space. With an atomic battery, you can go on long-distance missions without thinking about how to power your electronics.

But all this is really exotic for now. And the reason is not only the price. The characteristics of atomic batteries are far from required. We are talking primarily about low power density and low efficiency, which extremely limits the scope of application. How to change the situation? The world's leading laboratories are working on this. And here is the work of a group of Russian scientists from MIPT, FGBNU " Institute of Technology superhard and new carbon materials" and MISiS could become a breakthrough. They created a battery with a specific power and efficiency 10 times higher than all analogues created to date. How was this possible?

Our energy source is the nickel-63 isotope with a half-life of about 100 years,” says Vladimir Blank, head of the development, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. - This isotope emits beta particles, which create an electric current in the diamond semiconductor. The know-how of our development lies precisely in this material. His unique properties made it possible to improve the parameters of a nuclear battery by an order of magnitude.

Blank emphasizes that although, on the one hand, a diamond has a number of attractive qualities, but none of the competitors work with it. Suffice it to say that in the device created by our scientists, the thickness of diamond semiconductors should be the same as that of a conventional one plastic bag- several tens of microns. How to “plane” such thin plates from the hardest mineral in the Universe? Russian scientists managed to solve the problem and create an original diamond processing technology.

Our nuclear battery is sort of a layer cake, sandwiched between 200 diamond semiconductors and 200 nickel-63 energy sources,” says Blank. - The height of the battery is 3-4 millimeters, weight is 250 milligrams. This is several times less than all modern analogues.

These dimensions are another plus Russian development. Calculations show that all known at the moment nuclear battery prototypes have excess capacity. Generally search optimal sizes- a very difficult task. If the thickness of the isotope is too large, the electrons born in it will not be able to leave it. On the other hand, greatly reducing the thickness is also unprofitable, since the number of beta decays per unit time decreases. The situation is similar with the thickness of the semiconductor.

To find the maximum parameters, we built a model of the movement of electrons in the isotope and semiconductors,” says Blank. “It turned out that the battery works most efficiently when the thickness of the isotope is about two microns, and the thickness of the diamond semiconductor is 10 microns.

According to Blank, the achieved record power density is not the limit. Scientists know how to increase it at least three times more. It is clear that the higher it is, the more areas of application of a nuclear battery. And the price is lower, because it decreases with large-scale serial production. However, according to Blank, even now, with reasonable production organization, the price of such a battery is comparable to the price of chemical power supplies that are used in pacemakers. Atomic batteries are safe for humans, since the radiation is completely absorbed inside the housing.

Infographics "RG": Anton Perepletchikov / Yuri Medvedev

The first mention of a nuclear battery was recorded in 2005.

How a nuclear battery works and how it works

Indeed, the atomic battery exists. It is also called an atomic battery or a nuclear battery. It is designed to power various mobile devices. The longest-lasting battery has been created thanks to the process of nuclear decay, since the main element that contributes to the operation of the device is tritium. It is from this substance that the atomic battery is powered.

An atomic battery contains inside, the operation of which is affected by tritium. It is noted that the radioactivity emitted by a nuclear battery is very, very small, so the device does not cause harm to human health or the environment. The main achievement is the battery life. Without additional recharging, a nuclear battery can last about 20 years.

Where are atomic batteries used?

Atomic batteries are a real achievement, because only such modern devices are able to withstand temperatures from -50 to +150°C, operating in extreme conditions. In addition, they have been proven to withstand a wide range of pressures and vibrations. In different microelectronics, the service life of a nuclear battery varies. But, as stated above, the minimum service life without recharging is 20 years. Maximum - 40 years or more.

As a rule, a nuclear battery is used to operate pressure sensors, all kinds of medical implants, watches, and to charge lithium batteries. This type of battery powers low-power processors. The size and weight of a nuclear battery is minimal, making the device ideal for powering spacecraft and research stations.

Possible harm from the operation of a nuclear battery

Despite the fact that they say that a nuclear battery does not have any harmful effect on human skin, if it comes into contact with it, you should still be careful. This is a relatively new discovery of our time, so little research has been done. If now, using such a battery to charge a wristwatch, a person does not notice any negative effects, one cannot yet say that this will not in the future affect the development of all sorts of unpleasant and life-threatening diseases.

Radioisotope energy sources are devices that use the energy released during radioactive decay to heat a coolant or convert it into electricity.

Radioisotope thermoelectric generators
(radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG, RITEG)

A radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) converts thermal energy released during the natural decay of radioactive isotopes into electricity.
RTGs consist of two main elements: a heat source that contains a radioactive isotope, and solid-state thermocouples that convert the thermal energy of plutonium decay into electricity. The thermocouples in an RTG use heat from the decay of a radioactive isotope to heat the hot side of the thermocouple and the cold of space or the planetary atmosphere to produce a low temperature on the cold side.
Compared to nuclear reactors, RTGs are much more compact and simpler in design. The output power of RTGs is very low (up to several hundred watts) and the efficiency is low. But they have no moving parts and do not require maintenance throughout their entire service life, which can be decades.
In an improved type of RTG - The Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (MMRTG), which has come into use recently, the composition of the thermocouple has been changed. Instead of SiGe, MMRTG uses PbTe/TAGS (Te, Ag, Ge, Sb) for thermocouples.
The MMRTG is designed to produce 125 W of electricity at the start of the mission, falling to 100 W after 14 years. With a mass of 45 kg, MMRTG provides about 2.8 W/kg of electricity at the beginning of life. The MMRTG design is capable of operating both in the vacuum of outer space and in planetary atmospheres, for example, on the surface of Mars. The MMRTG provides a high degree of safety, minimized weight and optimized power levels over a minimum service life of 14 years.
NASA is also working on new technology RTG, called Advanced Stirling Radioisotope Generator ASRG (Stirling Radioisotope Generator). ASRG, like MMRTG, converts the decay heat of plutonium-238 into electricity, but does not use thermocouples. Instead, the heat of decay causes the gas to expand and oscillate the piston, much like a car engine. This moves the magnet back and forth through the coil more than 100 times per second, generating electricity for the spacecraft. The amount of electricity generated is greater than the MMRTG by about 130 watts, with much less plutonium-238 (about 3.6 kg less). This is the result of a more efficient conversion of the Stirling cycle. If a mission requires more power, multiple ASRGs can be used to generate more power. There are currently no planned missions that will use ASRGs, but they are being developed for a 14-year mission.
There is a concept of subcritical RTGs. A subcritical generator consists of a neutron source and fissile material with as large a critical mass as possible. Neutrons from the source are captured by atoms of the fissile substance and cause their fission. A very important place when choosing a working isotope is played by the formation of a daughter isotope capable of significant heat release, since the nuclear transformation chain during decay lengthens and, accordingly, the total energy that can be used increases. The best example of an isotope with a long decay chain and an energy release an order of magnitude greater than most other isotopes is uranium-232. The main advantage of such a generator is that the decay energy of a reaction with neutron capture can be much higher than the energy of spontaneous fission. Accordingly, the required amount of the substance is much lower. The number of decays and radiation activity in terms of heat release are also lower. This reduces the weight and size of the generator.

Unfortunately, the requirements for the characteristics of radioisotopes used in RTGs are often contradictory. In order to maintain power long enough to complete the task, the half-life of the radioisotope must be long enough. On the other hand, it must have a sufficiently high volumetric activity to obtain a significant energy release in a limited volume of the installation. This means that its half-life should not be too short, because the specific activity is inversely proportional to the decay period.
The radioisotope must have a type of ionizing radiation that is convenient for disposal. Gamma radiation and neutrons leave the structure quite easily, carrying away a significant part of the decay energy. Although high-energy electrons from β-decay are retained quite well, they produce bremsstrahlung X-rays, which carry away some of the energy. In addition, gamma, x-ray and neutron radiation often require special design measures to protect personnel (if present) and nearby equipment.
Alpha radiation is preferred for radioisotope energy generation.
Not the least important role in choosing a radioisotope is its relative cheapness and ease of production.
Typical half-lives for radioisotopes used in RTGs are several decades, although isotopes with shorter half-lives may be used for specialized applications.

Low-power and small-sized radioisotope power supplies

Beta Voltaic Power Supplies
(Betavoltaic power sources)

There are also non-thermal generators that are similar in operating principle to solar panels. These are beta-galvanic and optical-electric sources. They are small-sized and designed to power devices that do not require high power.
In a beta voltaic power supply, an isotope source emits beta particles that collect on the semiconductor. As a result, direct current is generated. The energy conversion process, which is similar to that of a photovoltaic (solar) cell, occurs efficiently even under extreme environmental conditions. By selecting the amount and type of isotope, a customizable power source with a specified output and lifetime can be created. Such batteries practically do not produce gamma rays, and soft beta radiation is blocked by the battery housing and a layer of phosphorus. Beta voltaic sources have high energy density and ultra-low power. This allows the beta voltaic device to last longer than capacitors or batteries for low power devices. The duration of operation, for example, of a beta-voltaic source based on promethium oxide is approximately two and a half years, and 5 mg of promethium oxide gives an energy of 8 W. The service life of beta-voltaic sources can exceed 25 years.

Beta voltaic effect. The operation of a beta-voltaic converter is based on the fact that high-energy electrons or positrons emitted during decay, falling into the region
p-n transition of the semiconductor wafer, generate an electron-hole pair there, which is then spatially separated by a space charge region (SCR). As a result of this, on n And p- On the surfaces of the semiconductor wafer, an electrical potential difference arises. In principle, the conversion mechanism resembles that implemented in semiconductor solar cells, but with the replacement of photon irradiation by irradiation with electrons or positrons from the beta decay of radionuclides.

Piezoelectric radioisotope microelectric generator
(The Radioisotope Thin-film Mkropower Generator)

The heart of this battery is the cantilever, a thin plate of piezoelectric crystal. A collector at the tip of the cantilever captures charged particles emitted from a thin-film radioactive source. Due to charge conservation, the radioisotope film remains with equal and opposite charges. This results in electrostatic forces between the cantilever and radioactive source, bending of the cantilever and converting the energy emitted by the source into stored mechanical energy. The cantilever bends more and more and finally the tip of the cantilever comes into contact with the radioactive thin film, and the accumulated charges are neutralized through charge transfer. This happens periodically. When the electrostatic force is suppressed, the cantilever is released. The sudden release excites vibrations that result in charges being induced in the piezoelectric element at the base of the cantilever. The AC signal from the piezoelectric power supply can be used directly through the load impedance or rectified using diodes and filtered through an external capacitor. The bias voltage raised in this way is used to drive low-power sensors and electronics.

The main area of ​​application of isotope sources is space research. The study of “deep space” without the use of radioisotope generators is impossible, since at a significant distance from the Sun the level of solar energy that could be used to produce electricity necessary for the operation of equipment and the transmission of radio signals is very small. Chemical sources also did not justify themselves.
On Earth, radioisotope sources have found use in navigation beacons, radio beacons, weather stations and similar equipment installed in areas where technical or economic reasons It was not possible to use other power sources. In particular, several types of thermoelectric generators were produced in the USSR. They used 90 Sr and 238 Pu as radioactive isotopes. However, they have a very long period of achieving safe activity. They have reached the end of their 10-year service life and must now be disposed of. Currently, due to the risk of leakage of radiation and radioactive materials, the practice of installing unattended radioisotope sources in inaccessible places has been stopped.
Radioisotope energy sources are used where it is necessary to ensure autonomous operation of equipment, compactness, and reliability.

Radioisotopes and their uses

With the development and growth of nuclear energy, prices for the most important generator isotopes are rapidly falling, and the production of isotopes is rapidly increasing. At the same time, the cost of isotopes obtained by irradiation (U-232, Pu-238, Po-210, Cm-242, etc.) decreases slightly. In this connection, methods are being sought for more rational schemes for target irradiation and more thorough processing of irradiated fuel. Great hopes for expanding the production of synthetic isotopes are associated with the growth of the fast neutron reactor sector. In particular, it is fast neutron reactors using significant quantities of thorium that make it possible to hope for obtaining large industrial quantities of uranium-232.
By using isotopes, the problem of disposing of spent nuclear fuel is largely resolved, and radioactive waste is transformed from hazardous waste not only into an additional source of energy, but also into a source of significant income. Almost complete reprocessing of irradiated fuel can generate funds comparable to the cost of energy generated during the fission of uranium, plutonium and other elements.

Plutonium-238, curium-244 and strontium-90 are the most commonly used isotopes. In addition to these, about 30 more radioactive isotopes are used in technology and medicine.

Some practical radioisotope heat sources
Isotope Receipt (source) Specific power for a pure isotope. W/g T 1/2
60 Co Irradiation in the reactor 2.9 5.271 years
238 Pu nuclear reactor 0.568 87.7 years
90 Sr fission fragments ~2.3 28.8 years
144 Ce fission fragments 2.6 285 days
242 cm nuclear reactor 121 162 days
147 PM fission fragments 0.37 2.64 years
137 Cs fission fragments 0.27 33 years old
210Po bismuth irradiation 142 138 days
244 cm nuclear reactor 2.8 18.1 years
232U irradiation of thorium 8.097 68.9 years
106 Ru fission fragments 29.8 ~371.63 days

238 Pu 238 Pu has a half-life of 87.7 years (0.78% power loss per year), a pure isotope power density of 0.568 W/g, and exceptionally low levels of gamma and neutron radiation. 238 Pu has the lowest shielding requirements. Less than 25 mm of lead shielding is required to block 238 Pu radiation. 238 Pu has become the most widely used RTG fuel, in the form of plutonium oxide (PuO 2 ).
In the middle of the last century, 236 Pu and 238 Pu were used to manufacture radioisotope electric batteries to power pacemakers, the service life of which reached 5 years or more. However, soon non-radioactive lithium batteries began to be used instead, with a service life of up to 17 years.
238 Pu must be specially synthesized; it is small (~1% - 2%) in nuclear waste, its isotopic isolation is difficult. Pure 238 Pu can be obtained, for example, by neutron irradiation of 237 Np.
Curium. Two isotopes 242 Cm and 244 Cm are alpha emitters (energy 6 MeV); They have relatively short periods half-life 162.8 days and 18.1 years and produce up to 120 W/g and
2.83 W/g thermal energy, respectively. Curium-242 oxide is used to produce compact and extremely powerful radioisotope energy sources. However, 242 Cm is very expensive (about 2000 US dollars per gram). Recently, the heavier isotope of curium, 244 Cm, has become increasingly popular. Since both of these isotopes are practically pure alpha emitters, the problem radiation protection not really worth it.
90 Sr. 90 Sr β-emitter with negligible γ-emission. Its half-life of 28.8 years is much shorter than that of 238 Pu. A chain of two β-decays (90 Sr → 90 Y → 90 Zr) gives a total energy of 2.8 MeV (one gram gives ~0.46 W). Since the energy output is lower, it reaches lower temperatures than 238 Pu, resulting in lower thermoelectric conversion efficiency. 90 Sr is a nuclear fission product and is available in large quantities at low cost. Strontium is a source of highly permeable ionizing radiation, which places relatively high demands on biological protection.
210 Po. 210 Po has a half-life of only 138 days with a huge initial heat release of 142 W/g. This is a practical pure alpha emitter. Due to its short half-life, 210 Po is not well suited for RTGs, but is used to create powerful and compact heat sources (Half a gram of polonium can heat up to 500 °C). Standard sources with a thermal power of 10 W were installed in spacecraft of the Cosmos type and on Lunokhods as a heat source to maintain the normal functioning of the equipment in the instrument compartment.
210 Po is also widely used where active antistatic is needed. Due to the short half-life, the disposal of used devices with 210 Po does not require any special measures. In the US, it is acceptable to throw them in a general purpose trash bin.
When using alpha-active isotopes with high specific energy release, it is often necessary to dilute the working isotope to reduce heat release. In addition, polonium is highly volatile, requiring the creation of a strong chemical compound with any element. Lead, yttrium, and gold are preferred as such elements, since they form refractory and durable polonides.
241 Am. Due to the shortage of 238 Pu, 241 Am can become an alternative to it as a fuel for RTGs. 241 Am has a half-life of 432 years. He is an almost pure alpha emitter. 241 Am is found in nuclear waste and is almost isotopically pure. However, the specific power of 241 Am is only 1/4 of that of 238 Pu. In addition, the decay products of 241 Am emit more penetrating radiation and better shielding is necessary. However, the radiation shielding requirements for 241 Am are not much more stringent than in the case of 238 Pu.
241 Am is widely used in smoke detectors. An ionization smoke detector uses a tiny piece of americium-241. The air-filled space between the two electrodes creates a chamber that allows a small direct current to flow between the electrodes. If smoke or heat enters the chamber, the electrical current between the electrodes is interrupted and an alarm is triggered. This smoke alarm is less expensive than other devices.
63 Ni. 63 Ni pure β - emitter. Maximum electron energy 67 keV, half-life 100.1 l. At the beginning of the 2000s, batteries based on 63 Ni were developed in the USA and Russia. The service life of the devices is more than 50 years, and the dimensions are less than one cubic millimeter. The beta-voltaic effect is used to generate electricity. Work is also underway to create a piezoelectric radioisotope generator. Similar batteries can be used in neuro- and cardiac pacemakers.
144 Ce. Heat source – 144 Ce. 144 Ce is a pure β − emitter. The half-life of 144 Ce is 285 days, the specific power for the pure isotope is 2.6 W/g. RTG is intended to power radio transmitters and automatic weather stations. Standard power 200 W.
Radioisotopes are widely used in a mixture with phosphorus to provide a constant glow in control devices on board vehicles, in watches, lights at polar airfields and in navigation signs and even in Christmas tree decorations. Previously, 226 Ra, which has a half-life of 1620 years, was most often used for this. However, for radiation safety reasons, radium has not been used for these purposes since the 1970s. Nowadays, soft beta emitters are most often used for these purposes: promethium (147 Pm T 1/2 = 2.64 years), krypton (85 Kr T 1/2 = 10.8 years) and tritium (3 H T 1/2 = 12.3 years ). Of course, their half-lives are short, but their ionizing radiation does not penetrate the shells of devices.

Comments ( 32 )

    Who represents power cable at 25 megawatts. The question is what to attach it to, but a 25 megawatt transformer substation is the size of a quarter of a standard high-rise building.

    “It produces 25 megawatts of electricity, which is enough to power small towns with fewer than 20,000 homes.”

    All this is out of the question, give me a rocket or a plane and I will fly off the ground at a speed of 1200 meters per second. “Bulava” is resting “Stiletto” too.


    I don’t understand what bothered you? And what do planes and missiles have to do with it?

    The device has been created, the problem is not with the transfer of generated electricity, but with the status of the nuclear facility in terms of non-proliferation of fissile materials, and with the cost.


    Igor, you are a fairly competent individual, something is being done for a reason.
    Insanely expensive and insanely constant electricity is needed only in one case, for flights over long distances.

    If you have a map of Saturn with the location of gold deposits and the possibility of financing a trip beyond El Dorado.
    You need three things.
    - A person must learn not to breathe.
    - Mechanism for take-off, movement and landing.
    - Energy self-charging element. (The fuel is not suitable; it is running out.)

    Now it's just a story and nothing more.

    I am involved in patenting and implementation of various devices, where I act only as a technical consultant.

    Recently, while working on the description of a “magnetic levitation generator” for a patent, I began to look for formulas and similar mechanisms for plagiarism in the patent. Having typed “magnetic levitation” into the search engine, I began an English-language search (I was looking for a turbo browser in Yandex) and suddenly I came across a blog “who knows what kind of device this is.” The blog contains two photographs and assumptions about what is in them. signature Los Alamos laboratory.

    Photo 1; 14 scientists and a segmented disk in the form of a satellite dish with a diameter of 18, the scientists stand in a row.

    Photo 2; 38 scientists stand in three rows, the bottom row of 18 scientists, in the background a disk with a diameter of 24-26 meters segmented into three rows.

    But in the discussion it is precisely “magnetic levitation” that is indicated

    Now interesting but not the topic.

    After exiting the search engine and drinking some tea, I click on the “Internet Yandex” icon
    The computer turns off and a message appears in the BIOS program
    Erase all the data you were on secure servers.
    Translation - Erase all data you were on a closed server.
    In BIOS.
    After two attempts and reboots of the computer, I demolished the “Yandex browser” and reinstalled it and calmly went online, checked the computer for viruses before and after there were no viruses.

    But since I am a mechanical engineer, I was intrigued by the action, and I am working on a “magnetic levitation generator” (magnetic levitation generator in Russian) and imagining the action, I realized what was behind the scientists’ backs.

    Explanation of the operating principle of a flying saucer in action. (short)

    We took a metal plate made from a permanent magnet and placed it above the magnetic rail. Possible rotation angle of the plate is 25 degrees.
    The magnetization of the plate is one third.
    When current is supplied to the rail (magnetic core), one side of the plate will begin to push away from the magnetic core with a movement towards the lower edge of the plate.
    As a result, we have a squeezing blade with uniform tension on every millimeter of the blade.

    From the upper description we have a blade 12-14 meters long operating in a disk with a constant magnetic flux.
    With a possible maximum supply of 40 kW/hour, the lifting force will be 189 tons.

    But this is all bullshit, people are of little interest in this, but messages through BIOS are something fantastic. This is a breakthrough in IP technology.

    BIOS against "Flying Saucer" is cool.


    In what space and for what purpose. If you rise to the top and move further, then the design seems normal, but if it’s like a fighter, then what’s the point.

    Although one can argue about the design, firstly, a round one is always stronger than a flat one, a curved blade is stronger than a straight one.

    And most importantly, the battery in zero gravity weighs nothing, and the weight of a battery with a refrigerator, in terms of uranium mass, can only be carried by the B-52. But there is no point in putting batteries on airplanes for the sake of a flight that ends in death.

    There is also no point in heating and supplying cities with electricity.
    They will try. Let's crush expensive technology without fuel technologies.

    Each item must perform its functions.
    We argue, and he looks for his niche. Or it is already being loaded into the chamber.


    Regarding the unfortunate aerodynamic shape, I have to disagree with you. Take Belonets' disk for consideration. Of course, almost all the materials for this project were destroyed, but the very fact of its existence and operability has not disappeared.


  • Colleagues, in my opinion, you have moved the discussion to the wrong place. It sounds categorical, so I’ll explain the meaning of what was said. The invention of Dmitry Prokopyev is interesting, and Pavel does not raise any objections or doubts about it. Great. The area is not very clear to many people or even just known. Igor acted quite sensibly by giving the necessary explanations. At the same time he brought interesting information regarding the development from Los Alamos (nuclear bomb maternity hospital). The level of scientists from there is beyond any doubt. Developments of this level should certainly be monitored. But we also need answers to the questions that inevitably arise, which Paul formulated somewhat grotesquely. For people who know what energy is in general and nuclear energy in particular, the following is not very clear. How was it possible to generate such power in such an insignificant volume? How to solve the problem of disqualifying "useless"? lost power? And, finally, how the required power is transferred to the consumer, Pavel asks about this, if it must be distributed among 20,000 houses. After all, the original generation also needs to be transformed for this. It is possible, however, that this is just a “general’s example” and no one envisages such an application. At that time, this question itself was not raised or resolved. In general, in Los Alamos now it’s not as quiet as here in Kurchatnik, but it’s also not very good. They might have exaggerated their successes somewhat. Therefore, you should not get excited, even in response to grotesque doubts, you need to really find out what exactly they created. The problem of transmitting and even simply removing dissipated energy for such a compact device of such power exists. But this does not at all call into question and certainly does not devalue the information provided. You just need to control polemical fervor and express counterarguments without offending your opponent and in an accessible form. Otherwise, it’s true that not everyone will understand what rockets have to do with it, and especially the unfortunate Mace, which only the lazy didn’t kick, although he had neither an ear nor a snout in rocket technology. Yes, I didn’t mean you, Pavel, but the idiots who want to blame the sins of subcontractors and workers, and who also abolished military representatives, on Solomonov. And for this, with deep respect for both of you, colleagues.


    Vladimir, in Kurchatov, everything works like a tank.

    How Los Alamos works, from above.

    Look at my explanations to Igor, I don’t know how I would know by his patronymic, I would address him by his patronymic name.

    Thanks for the argument.



    Actually, I live in Gatchina and have a branch of Konstantinov, PNPI, nearby.
    But this is not the point, the nuclear center is a narrowly specialized enterprise, some work for defense, some work for civilians.
    Now about better times, Chernobyl was the starting point, and the main goal of nuclear physicists is rehabilitation for Chernobyl. There is no rehabilitation, there is nothing new and there is nothing beautiful.
    So what we could observe in Los Alamos is an engine, mind you, not some kind of virtual thing, but an engine (a hemispherical air electric motor). The Americans answered the question why, if Dmitry Prokopyev is asked why, what answer will he give. So the essence of the dispute with Igor Tseselsky was built on the topic WHY.

    Now let's return to Chernobyl and the physics surrounding it. In 1986, as a young mechanical engineer, at a consultation where nuclear physicists, foaming at the mouth, blamed the mechanics for their troubles and argued that it was impossible to create an engine low pressure to create a safe nuclear power plant.
    Unlike nuclear physicists, mechanics were able to create such an engine,
    Moreover, they patented it and are introducing it to work in low-pressure boiler houses (up to 8 Atm. We can no longer lose efficiency, the lower the pressure, the greater the efficiency, at 3 Atm. 95%) and are creating modular power plants to generate electricity from shale wells.
    As an example of the torment of nuclear physicists, I will give the example of Andrea Rossi with his E-SAT, a guy from Italy does not have a low-pressure engine and cold nuclear fusion technology is dying, and mechanics have been watching his torment for three years, the reasons for his torment are in the word WHY.
    So, I rehabilitated the mechanics for Chernobyl, but talking with Zakharov at PNPI, I realized that this is not given to nuclear physicists, due to the subsidization of science, they simply will not give you money to create a low-pressure reactor up to 8 Atm. No money, no rehabilitation, no rehabilitation, no development, they are simply afraid of you with your nuclear power plants using over pressure. Zakharov simply proved on his fingers that three years since nuclear waste if they contain 1% residual mass, it is possible to obtain energy equivalent to that generated by a nuclear power plant from a clean assembly for three years. But who will let you become clean and fluffy?
    Vladimir, no offense, in the world there are the words GOAL and WHY, I know the direction of movement built for myself and I always have an answer to these two words.
    You have the answer to them.

    And you didn’t pay attention to someone else’s goal, “A person must learn not to breathe.” due to not understanding the concept of the goals of science, WHY.


    Pavel, thank you for your informative answer, which contains a lot of specifically interesting things and clarifies your position. I will try to answer some points and topics. I hope you won't be offended like I was. I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t consider my point of view to be the only correct one, but I think that it has its own meaning. It is obvious that the conference to which you refer took place in a crazy environment, which is understandable. Chernobyl is a tragedy caused by the criminal irresponsibility of officials who introduced a working high-power reactor into an unnecessary experimental mode. In general, this is direct sabotage. No idiot would make figures on a passenger plane with 200-300 passengers aerobatics, and here it’s even worse. So nuclear scientists have nothing to rehabilitate for. And despite the importance of the mechanical component in nuclear devices, it is not the main one. The laws of nuclear physics make it possible to create reliable nuclear power plants; this has already been done. These same laws prevent “cold” nuclear fusion. Pumps won't help here. And the United States is successfully and urgently working on thorium cycle reactors. This is our development, which is not allowed! Further, their own institutes are engaged in the development and implementation of nuclear power plants, and for this purpose in the USSR there was a whole industry (Obninsk, etc.). And Kurchatnik, Los Alamos and other similar centers provided the initial basic models, data, estimates and much more for this, and did and are doing it quite successfully. Nuclear scientists, in addition to bombs and weapons in general, are also involved in nuclear fusion, controlled thermonuclear fusion, and many other things that you certainly know about. The undoubtedly interesting things that you talked about are still not the main thing in the work of these centers. Believe me, I understand this quite professionally. In general, fundamental science, to which they belong, does not begin with the question WHY? But it does not become less important and necessary, especially taking into account the connection in this area of ​​fundamental and applied research. Igor’s role and task is to throw in various interesting materials (although not only that), and our task is to analyze them. If you immediately ask the question WHY, this kills many interesting and important discussions, although you should not discard it (this question) at all. Sorry if I didn’t manage to answer everything and it turned out to be somewhat moralizing, it wasn’t on purpose, it just happened that way.


  • Firstly, there was, or rather, a plug melted in the reactor, some kind of object replacing the assembly. In the area of ​​the plug, the assemblies always overheated and people simply had nothing to do with it, at some point the plug, since it was a large object among small ones and its cooling took longer, worked as a detonator. The assembly near the plug melted first, and then an irreversible process began. Those. The station personnel had absolutely nothing to do with the accident; the top panel itself was not correct, there was some kind of factory technical defect due to which the assembly did not fit into the socket and therefore a plug was installed. Repairing and replacing the top panel is not a real thing after the station starts operating, so it should have exploded anyway.

    But the crew certainly had nothing to do with it. It was simply necessary to reinstall the turbine with lower steam consumption and move it away from the assembly plug. By the way, this opinion technical solution was unanimous.

    I don’t agree about science; first of all, development should focus on the safety and profitability of stations. Since they are donors of science and there are few of them, they also provide little energy, the heat simply flies to the skies. And scientists believe that money, like manna from heaven, falls from above.

    If you could try organizing development financing from scratch like we did, it would be interesting to see.


    Skill is a commendable thing and physicists should study mechanics. But it cannot solve the fundamental problems of nuclear physics, in particular cold thermonuclear physics. Now tell me, when should the turbine be reinstalled and the assembly moved away from the plug (even if that was the case), when the operating conditions of a particularly dangerous facility were disrupted in this idiotic experiment? When, as a result of technical regulations violated by order of officials of the Ministry of Energy and thereby the inability to use the nuclear chain reaction emergency blocking system with full efficiency, a chain reaction was initiated? When the minutes counted down and before that the process that caused its beginning (also fast-paced) was launched and it was no longer possible to do anything. These are the conclusions of the state commission. Reactors of this type work and everything is fine. If the officials had not carried out this “experiment”, nothing would have melted, no matter the plug or anything else. Finally, the most important thing is that you are not the only one who does not understand. Fundamental science is characterized by the fact that at the beginning of research no one knows why they are doing it, what the consequences will be! Don't do it in a poor place Soviet Russia before the Second World War, no amount of reconnaissance would have helped to make a Bomb, missiles and launch satellites and much more. And then you and others talented people they would work for an American uncle if they were very lucky, and Russia would no longer exist, like Yugoslavia. Think about this instead of strange statements about manna from heaven.


    The answer will be long.

    Channel 62-44 (purple)
    On September 9, 1982, after a mid-range scheduled repair was completed, during a test run of the reactor of the 1st power unit at a power of 700 MW thermal at nominal coolant parameters, the fuel assembly was destroyed and an emergency rupture of process channel No. 62-44 occurred. As a result of the rupture, the graphite lining of the core was deformed, and a significant amount of radioactive substances from the destroyed fuel assembly was released into the reactor space. The severe consequences of the accident are due to the failure of emergency protection and the long-term (for 20 minutes) retention of the reactor installation after a channel rupture at a thermal power of 700 MW.
    The consequence of the channel rupture was the release of a radioactive vapor-gas mixture from the reactor space of block No. 1 into the emergency condenser, the communication pipeline of the gas circuits of the blocks and further under the bell of the wet gas tank. A short-term increase in pressure occurred in this part of the gas circuit, which led to the release of up to 800 kg of water from the hydraulic seals into the reactor space of unit No. 2, which was operating at rated power. Due to the evaporation of abandoned water, there was a sharp increase in pressure in the reactor space of block No. 2, which in turn led to the squeezing out of the remaining water seals from the side of the reactor space. The steam-gas mixture from the reactor space of block No. 2 was ejected under the bell of the wet gas tank and then through its emptied water seal, along with the radioactive steam-gas mixture from the reactor space of block No. 1 into the ventilation pipe and atmosphere. As a result of the release of radioactive substances, a large area was contaminated. Eliminating the consequences of this accident required about 3 months of repair work. Channel 62-44 and the section of the core immediately adjacent to the destroyed channel are permanently taken out of service.
    After the accident, the designers developed and implemented measures to prevent such incidents [source not specified 958 days].
    To this day there is no consensus. There are two versions of the reason that caused the channel to break:
    cessation of coolant circulation in the channel due to gross violation by the workshop staff, problems with the technological regulations during the regulation of channel water flows or the entry of a foreign object into the channel;
    residual internal stress in the walls of a zirconium channel pipe, resulting from an unauthorized change by the plant in its production technology

    Now we read the accident itself.

    At 1:23:04 the experiment began. Due to a decrease in the speed of the pumps connected to the run-down generator and a positive steam coefficient of reactivity, the reactor experienced a tendency to increase power as positive reactivity was introduced, but during almost the entire time of the experiment the behavior of power did not inspire concern.
    At 1:23:39, an AZ-5 emergency protection signal was recorded from pressing a button on the operator’s console. The absorbing rods began to move into the core, but due to their poor design and low operational reactivity margin, the reactor was not shut down. After 1-2 seconds, a fragment of a message was recorded, similar to the repeated signal of the AZ-5. Over the next few seconds, various signals were recorded indicating rapid growth power, then the recording systems failed.
    Then two fairly powerful explosions occurred, and by 1:23:47-1:23:50 the reactor was completely destroyed. The explosions were so powerful that the multi-ton walls of the power unit could not stand it. Some operators died due to radiation reaching the control panel. The survivors received large doses of radiation and were taken to the hospital department.

    No. 62-44 worked as a detonator.


    So, in the description there is a repair of only the first power unit, but the accident occurred on unit 4. Now if we look closely at the table of temperatures of assemblies on unit 4, we will find a number of assemblies without indicating temperatures. I don’t know the numbers, I don’t understand schematics.

    I heard a lot about science in poor Russia before and after the war, and somewhere I myself took part in preserving science in general.

    But there is always one thing: does anyone need it here?

    At 35, my grandfather invented an ammonia turbine (expansion of ammonia from 0 to 30 - 515 Atm.) and was shot at 37 because someone needed a piece of pipe. Naturally, those who filmed were poisoned and my grandfather was accused of preparing the destruction of the city.

    I flew into love for my homeland in 1992. In Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Energy received my development without a dam river power station, a well-developed academic development.
    Only the engine on it is from an eight-winged monster capable of flying 67 km. and fly 300 hours.

    Well, I had to storm the facility under the guise of robbery.

    The result is that the Uzbeks did not receive 30 gigawatts from the Syr and Amu Darya, the Ukrainians 25, and in general the whole world 500.

    Result: Russia denies asylum, but why are they not in business? It was other troublemakers who shouted that Russia’s shield must be saved.

    The world has never valued good deeds.

    Although I win, developments are always at a price, especially if you patent them for your relatives.

    You are wrong about thermonuclear and mechanics; there are facets, and one of these facets also comes into contact with biology.

    Rule one is to learn not to breathe. FOR WHAT.


    Pavel, it’s not easy for inventors and scientists, alas, your grandfather and you are not the only example of this, the greater the merit of the people who do not give up - hats off. It was not in vain that you sent detailed materials on Chernobyl. It is clear from them that I wrote everything correctly. Look there, all sorts of nonsense about other blocks, you noted this yourself. And with the 4th (fourth) block, I don’t even understand what’s going on. The previous material, as well as about the accident itself, is a clumsy attempt to hide the loose ends and shield the officials who initiated the “experiment.” I will not frame people or their loved ones (although time has passed) we are talking about nuclear specialists in nuclear power plants and I myself understand this. Exactly as it is actually written about the accident itself. "The reactor was experiencing a trend toward increasing power." Read the power increased. This process (I explain as a specialist) led to reaching a pre-critical mode. An emergency protection signal is sent, which they are trying to introduce in order to prevent an uncontrollable chain reaction and explosion. But the rods did not work, they could not reach the temperature conditions in which they drove the reactor, and even if they reached it they would not stop the explosive chain reaction that had already begun. After all, the developers and nightmare We couldn’t imagine such a wild violation of regulations by illiterate officials. Although there is an opinion that this is generally sabotage disguised as an experiment. Why am I explaining this, but to see what is behind the long and detailed descriptions and investigations have one goal - to hide the true mechanism of the accident and divert the true culprits from responsibility. And so that you don’t have to trust me in difficult things. I explain the following popularly and irrefutably. No emission of a superheated steam-gas mixture and everything that follows is capable of destroying the structure, and what is even more significant is the ejection of such an amount of radioactive substance. A chain reaction began, which fortunately did not cover the entire volume (not a bomb after all) and by blowing up the structure, it prevented a major tragedy. This was also shown by simulations carried out over the hill. And these papers can be used for a clear purpose, meaning casting a shadow on the fence, especially in the part of the conclusions and close to them.


  • There is the word marriage and there is sabotage, let’s return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant once again.

    Where does the detonator come from? We have a crane, or whatever it’s called, I don’t know, that installs assemblies into the operating reactor. When removing the assembly, the hydraulics act up and do not pull out the assembly smoothly, thereby stripping the threads. The next assembly is not included in the cell during installation; the thread can be restored, but a plug must be temporarily installed. Most likely due to the faucet or the item replacing it, there were several plugs leading to overheating.

    Let's return to the crew, whoever knows how the change of nuclear power plant works must understand that the reactor is one crew and the power supply is another crew. To turn on the pump, you need to call the replacement power engineer who receives electricity through the substation; the substation can receive electricity from neighboring turbines and from power lines. that is, the version with a lack of electricity for pumps is eliminated.
    But there is an approved testing plan. He was released by the main institute, I don’t remember which one, but I know for sure on G.
    The institute calculates the assemblies, the power from the assemblies, and the speed of the turbines from the power. Based on the calculations, the shift process occurs. But in the equation there is a number X that affects the temperature in the reactor and the speed of the turbine.

    fact 1 - The speed of the turbine has not reached the value required for the experiment, that is, it must stop earlier than it should.

    The assemblies are removed altogether, this is the purpose of the experiment, but they are temperature-affected by a foreign object, as is the entire cooling area.
    If it overheats, it will ring enough and the substation will turn on the necessary energy for 8 pumps.

    fact 2 - there was no call to the substation, there was no need
    in reducing coolant. That is, the temperature decreased constantly. But something overheated the assembly.

    Returning to the description of the accident, we meet a shift of nervously smoking idiots who are looking for electricity for the pumps and nervously twitching the reactor. There is no telephone in the reactor room.

    It’s a marriage in Africa, but only Kuchma knows how and what plugs are made from; it seems he headed the Rocket and Space Enterprise where they were made. Presidents are not sat down and discussed this rule, even if these detonators are not arbitrary.

    And who made the crane?


    Pavel, let's go together and point by point. Point 1. The first and main thing, from which everything else follows, regardless of assemblies, etc. This 1. Consists in the INAPPERMITTANCE of carrying out tests (or experiments or whatever you call them) at a high-power nuclear power plant operating in normal operating mode, and especially at this designs. The ORDER for this madness came from the MINISTRY OF ENERGY and it doesn’t matter whether they forced a certain institution to take part in this or not. THIS CRIME is the root cause of everything that follows. After all, the operation of a nuclear power plant in NORMAL mode is based on the fact that in the reactor the process is underway controlled nuclear reaction. Therefore, the regulations strictly prohibit any actions that could weaken CONTROL OVER THE PROGRESS OF THE REACTION and thereby push towards a breakdown into an UNCONTROLLED CHAIN ​​REACTION. BUT THAT is exactly what this ORDER did. It was done contrary to the categorical prohibition of regulations from the manufacturer and developer and contrary to common sense, according to which such a test is worse than demining a high-capacity explosives warehouse in the center of a multimillion-dollar city. Point 2. Which you do not understand and do not want to understand without being a nuclear physicist. The breakdown of a controlled nuclear reaction into an uncontrolled chain reaction does not occur due to local overheating; the mechanism of the phenomenon is different. The breakdown was obviously predetermined by the deliberate entry of the reactor into a prohibited mode. In this mode, control over preventing the reaction from entering an uncontrolled mode is weakened or, frankly speaking, simply lost. No amount of individual shifts or power supply will help. It is impossible to stop the exponentially growing process of an explosive chain reaction (at best, it is extremely unlikely). That is why all measures are being taken to prevent preconditions for this. And the IDIOT TEST created these prerequisites, and also blocked the work automatic system stopping such a development of the reaction and deprived operators of the ability to manually interrupt the process, which, as experts say, had gone awry. Point 3. When monitoring a normally operating reactor, a nuclear power plant operator experiences stress comparable to that experienced by a missile officer on duty when receiving a warning signal about a suspicion of a possible enemy attack. And here is a test that is prohibited by the regulations and for which they could not be prepared. In fact, the count was in minutes, because time was lost - due to the nature of the test, and not the normal process, no one understood at first that the transition from a controlled to an uncontrollable process had begun. The reason the ministerial officials did not contact the nuclear scientists was because they would have been categorically prohibited from doing so, for the reasons I indicated. So the marriage is not in the plugs, but in the heads of IDIOTS from the Ministry of Energy. And the “detonator” is their head and the order comes from them. Everything else was a foregone conclusion. Exactly the same as the even greater Chernobyl, perpetrated by the “democrats” in preparation for the collapse and subsequent collapse of the USSR. Please note that the preconditions for a social explosion were also created here. Understand that I have full respect for your qualifications and can even accept that this assembly and plug made the situation even worse. But the design of the reactor itself and the mechanisms of its operation, the methods of controlling it do not depend so critically on the assemblies and plugs - this is already provided for in the design. But a deliberate violation of the regulations of a particularly dangerous facility, even without asking questions to the developer, is something a normal person cannot foresee. After all, a reactor is, figuratively speaking, almost a Bomb; who is experimenting with the Bomb? Until experts decide or make decisions on their advice, everything will get worse and worse.


    Vladimir, you are a scientist; therefore, an emergency situation should be considered not from the point of view of bureaucratic mistakes, but from a scientific point of view. There is a need for a scientific description of the process that happened in the reactor, but it just doesn’t exist, and if it doesn’t, then the blame passes from the bureaucrats to the scientists, because a bureaucrat’s violation of the fundamentals of physics is the bureaucrat’s fault. The bureaucrats did not violate the taught fundamentals of physics since the physicists themselves did not know their fundamentals during the emergency.

    My theory of what happened in Chernobyl is just a theory, I emphasize this.

    I take the cold nuclear fusion process of Andrea Russia E-SAT as the basis for my statements. And how possible process in Dmitry Prokopyev's nuclear battery.

    The process that occurred in Chernobyl can be characterized as "The influence of cold nuclear fusion in a thermonuclear reactor"

    If there were plugs, it means that they howled from a neutral material to radiation and heavy water.
    And here, nickel-containing material is suitable.

    Operating principle of E-SAT: cast iron flask, hydrogen, nickel rod and super-temperature heater.
    - Hydrogen is separated into its component parts by a super-temperature heater.
    - Part of the free parts of hydrogen overloads the atomic structure of nickel and, by changing it, causes long-term heating during the restructuring of the atomic structure (as we know, we obtain pure copper).

    Let's return to the emergency situation; during the experiment, a cold fusion reaction could have occurred, causing the heating of the plugs to 1500 degrees and not allowing the fuel rods to cool, and with insufficient cooling, caused their overheating, followed by destruction and causing a chain reaction of destruction of the fuel rods, which proceeded to the release of hydrogen and its explosion from super-hot nickel containing insertions (1500 degrees), I do not put commas.

    Tell me a researcher who has considered the use of cold nuclear fusion in thermonuclear fusion.

    Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have
    Prepare the spirit of enlightenment
    And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
    And genius, friend of paradoxes,
    And chance, God the inventor.

    Let's finish the emergency, everything we could take from it, we took from it, the fear caused by the accident allowed us to create.
    - Upper ridge vacuum turbine for dam hydroelectric power plants.
    - Engine for low pressure boiler houses,
    - Engine and pump for a river power plant without a dam.
    - Without a fuel installation operating only on water.
    (Independent energy military facility without uninterruptible power supply "Sevan")

    The mechanics worked at 5 s +.

    But physicists could not create it.

    Low temperature nuclear reactor.
    - Fusion reactor using cold fusion.

    In conclusion, your words.

    After all, a reactor is, figuratively speaking, almost a Bomb; who is experimenting with the Bomb? Until experts decide or make decisions on their advice, everything will get worse and worse.

    I will add on my own behalf as long as specialists are not allowed to experiment, the bomb will be a bomb.


    Pavel, I’m glad that we are trying to discuss the substance, and not, as often happens, get personal. Therefore, I will try to reveal where you are wrong, in my opinion. 1. Everything you mentioned could and should have been done at a less expensive price, which even made a significant contribution to the destruction of the country. 2. You substitute facts and concepts when you claim that specialists are not allowed to experiment. All reactors are always the result huge number experiments, and an industrially operated reactor in the center of a densely populated area is being tested by idiots or saboteurs. 3. You perfectly described your theory (or version) and I’m interested in it. But this is not an argument to say that there is no theory of a nuclear reactor. It exists, based on it they conduct experiments (see above) and build reactors. The fact that it is complex and cannot be presented here does not mean that it does not exist. Don't say that - they'll laugh at you or worse. But it’s dangerous to fly on airplanes, ride trains, and much more, where there is also a theory. 4. Scientists know the processes in the reactor and that is why they prohibit tests on workers (see paragraph 3 above.) Bureaucrats (and any other) laws of physics cannot violate: they violated the prohibition of scientists based on these laws. 5. Your hypothesis, alas, is not needed, since elementary assessments by specialists have shown that the power of similar and other combinations of effects you describe is not enough to destroy a structure of such a scale and especially to release (eject) OUTSIDE such an amount of radioactive substance. Done by our and foreign nuclear scientists many times.
    What does the question mean: the use of cold nuclear fusion in a thermonuclear reactor? And what does this have to do with this, where there is no thermonuclear reactor, but a simple fission reactor? Understand that nuclear fission reactions and further processes in a reactor where a controlled nuclear reaction divisions have been studied since the times of Fermi and Kurchatov and in very detail and detail. It is impossible to present all these calculations here, but it follows from them that the process of a controlled fission reaction itself general conditions unstable. However, within the specified and maintained limits of critical parameters, it is possible to ensure stability and safety. Taking it beyond these boundaries, which these idiots ordered to do, inevitably puts it into an explosive, uncontrollable state. What's unclear here? Everywhere there is a stable state, an unstable state and a conditionally stable state - elementary. I repeat that the dynamics of the emergency situation were thoroughly studied, modeled and everything was established 100% in different centers. There can be no talk of any lack of theory. These papers and especially their interpretation are meant to fool the minds of simpletons who do not understand nuclear physics. The subject is closed and complex, and everything else is clear from here. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's exactly how it is.


    Vladimir, I’m sorry that I couldn’t answer for a long time, the fight against the virus is an exciting thing, but it takes a lot of time.
    You have many substitute declensions and these declensions spoil the picture.
    Firstly, nothing has been fully studied yet.

    The emergency situation did not make a significant contribution to the destruction of the country.
    It’s just that there is socialism and democracy, capitalism and communism, but no one wants to study internationalism and the essence of the process behind it. Internationalism destroyed the USSR and additional factors that are now destroying the system.

    Regarding the reactors, you are also wrong, that the reactors are G... it’s a no brainer, where there is pressure there is a risk factor, and until the risk is removed, nothing has been done.
    The fact that in a fission reactor you can start a cold fusion reaction is simply 1+1=2, you need the presence of hydrogen fission and a material reacting to this fission.

    The question is whether someone will work on the theory or whether it will turn into a hypothesis and flow into an open problem.
    (Wikipedia - An unproven and unrefuted hypothesis is called an open problem.)

    Everyone around is talking about what is being studied, has already been studied, but there is nothing.

    And if there is no, there is nothing in science.

    It’s easier for me; I’m a loner; no one is stopping me from going the right way. The computer was infected with a virus, I made a conclusion, went to my friends, did an experiment and created a fan theory based on a device for flight.
    But I won’t patent a device for flying, I’ll just patent a fan. A fan will appear and if someone creates a device for flight, they will be held accountable by law.
    The point is that if there is a thing, it must be patented.

    Russia is in a deep crisis due to the inaction of the scientists who inhabit it.


    Pavel, I like young, capable people who think outside the box. Even when, don’t be offended, they get a little carried away and sometimes talk nonsense. Worse are the people who don’t think at all and look for (and therefore find) enemies everywhere. I’m not trying to convince anyone, much less prove that I’m right. I haven't needed this for a long time. I am simply sharing knowledge and understanding and nothing more. Let's look at internal combustion engines, diesel and everything except electric. There is pressure everywhere and no one says that they are G, on the contrary, they are used everywhere. But you can invent cold fusion, only crossing it with a dangerous thing - fission is absurd. As for the USSR and internationalism, the destruction of the country, then, sorry, you are not “Copenhagen”, as well as about the contribution of Chernobyl to the collapse of the Union. We have gone a long time and far from the topic, but if you want, we can discuss it in private, no problem. By the way, I try to be specific and not write about some declensions. So I repeat that it is stupid to dispute facts that are known to everyone: the theory of reactors has all been studied and developed, and the processes in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at Unit 4 have also been studied. Researchers in Russia work in difficult conditions, but they work. This does not mean that you cannot look for other ways, on the contrary. But this must be done with basic literacy; it is ridiculous to turn your ignorance (that is, ignorance) into a virtue. Nuclear physics - ok, you need to know the main thing, and not reinvent the wheel. A truly new unexplored area - forward, but also reasonably logical. Then you won’t get the position of Don Quixote or an unrecognized genius. Finally, I would like to note that many of those who destroyed the country, although it was completely transferred to the right direction without such destruction, continue to deceive ignorant but arrogant people. I think that the reasons for their lies to you, as a smart person, are obvious. I repeat that I do not shy away from discussing various problems, but they are beyond the scope of this topic and are unlikely to be very interesting to other participants, so it makes sense to either go private or call it a day.

    Most interesting fact then the lower the pressure, the greater the efficiency.

    Essentially, you are a real scientist with the established rule “we know, we can, but everything is secret.”

    The reality is a little different, I observed the natural death of 56 academicians and professors those who know the word FOR WHAT. They had a goal but did not have the ability to fulfill it, and they also knew the consequences of not achieving the goal.

    In reality nuclear physics This is a dead-end branch of development,
    which exists on three pillars.
    1. Electricity from nuclear power plants.
    2. Nuclear warheads.
    3. Submarine reactors.
    4. Medicine (radiology)
    This item can be easily closed mechanically.
    1. Archimedes' law in the phase temperature process.
    (agree to have your own, fuel-free, water-based power plant in a high-rise building, which is much more economical than a nuclear power plant with power lines and substations)
    2. Stationary space-based interception means.
    3. The propeller is the weakest material part in a submarine, a useless and unnecessary thing.

    Bravo..... You prove the theory of predictability, like the scientists of the PNPI named after B.P. Konstantinov, you also claim that the earth is located on “three pillars”.
    Unlike you, we have an element of analysis; we first consider the subject from all sides and then only act.
    We do not patent fuel technology right away, but capillarily try to change the world without invading the venous system. We understand that when changing, it is necessary to preserve the financial system due to the flow of finance from old to new sectors of the economy; we understand that it is necessary to replace the withdrawn chemicals new substances in people's everyday life.
    We are analytical only due to our understanding of the world order.
    No matter how much you resist, we understand your system, and without fuel technologies, nuclear power plants will have to close within 15-20 years; the old always gives way to the new.

    B does not care at all about the laughter of the crowd when overhearing a conversation between two proctologists, at first the crowd laughs and then gets treated.

    And the actions of nuclear scientists and physicists cause nothing more than laughter; they came up with radiocarbon dating and drove science into nonsense from which there is no way out.
    And based on this analysis, build hypotheses about the origin of humanity and the world order.

    May you know, sir (by the way, “you are expressing incorrect and even exotic opinions”) that 8,000 years ago there were 2 billion 800 million people living on earth.
    As evidence, we will give an example of the formation of coal, gas and oil, or more precisely, the location of deposits and their dimensional properties.
    First, we will look at the description of the flood and find errors in this description.
    - when the water shaft moves, trees are torn out.
    - destruction of infrastructure.
    - salt water carries salt and iodine.
    At the end of the flood
    - huge billion-dollar masses of wood are stopped with the formation of organic chemical materials from these masses.
    - I’m silent about the infrastructure, there was none in the mountains before and there is none now, but the mountains were able to ensure the survival of 14,000 people and a number of animal species.
    - traces of salt and iodine allow one to accurately determine the time and date and trace the path of the flood.
    Agree that if you put electro-induction into space accelerating block and shoot a metal blank weighing 100 tons into the ground, then we will get either Tunguska meteorite or the Chelyabinsk meteorite and with an increase in several times we will get an imbalance of the Earth followed by a massive flood.

    So someone invents and someone copies the past.

    But in the past there were no nuclear physicists and the world lived in research, discoveries, people traveled and looked for new resources, created new mechanisms for travel.

    And you came and blocked the progress of humanity, you created a nuclear shield and, under the cover of this shield, you do not allow people to develop. Look for new ones energy systems because they destroy nuclear power plants and remove nuclear weapons, you do not allow man to become immortal because behind immortality lies new energy.
    You are obscurantists, you are the anchor that causes all the wars on earth in the struggle for resources, you are a threat to humanity because it is not permissible to search for resources in space. All you can do is express theories that lead nowhere.

    And at this time, in Gatchina, factories are making a mechanism that, like a virus, will begin to change the energy sector, first allowing direct receipt of electricity from gas wells, then from low-pressure boiler houses, then from rivers without the construction of dams, and will finance other mechanisms from history.
    By rebuilding their financial and physical structure, people will put together something that will allow them to travel and discover again.
    And you will make theories and someday your lies will come to light and your names will be torn out of physics textbooks.

    It will be funny and sad if an error crept into my calculations...
