How to care for a scar after surgery. Healing of postoperative sutures includes three main processes

Surgical operations are quite common nowadays. Most patients agree to them without the slightest fear or doubt, some even perform “optional” operations at their own expense - we are, of course, talking about plastic surgery. And yet, many people are worried not even about how the intervention will go, but about how noticeable the stitches will be after the operation. Do not forget that how quickly and how well the incisions heal largely depends on the care they take during the recovery period.

Basic rules for caring for sutures during the recovery period

Surely you will be told about how to care for sutures after surgery upon discharge, but if the medical staff forgot about this or you don’t remember, we will remind you. The main rule is to always keep the seam clean and dry. If the incision has already healed well enough and there is no open wound, you can wash it plain water with laundry soap. After each hygiene procedure, it is imperative to apply an antiseptic. Brilliant greens, iodine or a solution of potassium permanganate will do. But you should avoid regularly using alcohol or cologne for washing - the whole point is that these compositions dry the skin too much. If there is even the slightest suspicion that the sutures have become contaminated after surgery, they should be washed with hydrogen peroxide. The same procedure is necessary for festering sutures.

Should I wear a bandage or not?

Question about dressings during the rehabilitation period after surgical intervention must be decided by a doctor. It all depends on the depth and length of the incision, where it is located, how well it heals, and other factors. The patient must listen to his own feelings. For example, if surgeries catch on clothing, the bandage should be applied at least during periods of physical activity. Another current issue: Should the stitches be treated with special ointments that speed up healing, or is it easier to let everything take its course? You should use folk remedies with caution, but among pharmacological products there are many compounds that have proven themselves to be positive. The most popular product is Levomekol ointment; you can also use any panthenol-based products. After removing the threads, you can treat the scars with special oils and various compounds that accelerate cell regeneration and moisturize the skin.

Time of surgery: will the stitches heal soon?

The question of the duration of rehabilitation after surgery is more than individual. On average, sutures are removed within 7-10 days. In some situations, this period can be extended to two weeks; more is rare, as the risk of threads growing into the skin increases. Remember: Your doctor or nurse should remove your sutures after surgery unless you were instructed otherwise upon discharge. After removing the threads, scar care must be continued. Regardless of how the rehabilitation after the operation goes, the incision site is considered to be completely healed approximately one month after the intervention. Namely, when a clear scar forms.

During any surgical operation, even the most harmless one, regardless of the method of operation, traumatic damage to nearby tissues occurs. Therefore, attention should be directed, first of all, to preventing the development of infection and accelerating regeneration processes. And in general, wound healing depends on the general resistance of the body and on the skin itself.

Bleeding from the surgical wound;

Infiltration (compaction) at the site of the postoperative suture;

Redness and looseness of tissue near the seam;

The appearance of a hematoma at the suture site;

Dehiscence of the suture with prolapse of a portion of the internal organ into the wound;

Repeated (later than 5 days) onset of bleeding from the wound;

A rise in body temperature with a deterioration in general well-being, weakness, chills.

In all these cases, an urgent visit to the hospital where the operation was performed is necessary. In cases with heavy bleeding or prolapse internal organs an ambulance must be called into the wound, which will take the patient in a supine position to the department where he was previously operated on.

In case of such complications, the patient will be given antibiotics and drugs that improve blood clotting. If the wound suppurates or its sutures melt, as well as in the presence of infiltration, the sutures are removed, drainage is placed in the wound (often just a piece of a sterile glove or a small tube), the wound is washed twice a day with hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and furatsilin. If air bubbles or contents appear in the wound, unpleasant smell, the wound is also washed with potassium permanganate. When a seam festers, urgent measures are required.

Repeated hospitalization may be necessary, especially in the case of organ prolapse into the wound.

Tubal ligation in women

This is a surgical procedure, otherwise called medical sterilization. During this operation, the tubes are blocked, cut or tied. The operation is considered one of the most effective, guaranteeing 99% absence of pregnancy. Only for a few people it can occur when there is still a passage for sperm to enter, as well as due to an incorrectly performed operation.

Plaster for dressings after surgery

After you have had surgery and stitches, a postoperative bandage is applied to this area in order to avoid infection and contamination of the wound. If the incision is small, then the edges of the wound are combined with a certain plaster.

Dressings at home: indications and principles of care

emergency doctor Saturday A.A.

There are different types of wounds, which are divided depending on the method of their formation, the presence or absence of microbial complications, and the depth of spread of the wound into the skin.

Types of dressings and rules for their application

A bandage is a special dressing material that is used to close a wound.

The process of applying a bandage to the wound surface is called dressing.

There are quite a huge number of different dressings. These dressings are classified according to three main points: by type of dressing material, by the method of fixing the dressing and by purpose

How to remove stitches

Surgical sutures are the most common way to connect biological tissues (wound edges, organ walls, etc.), stop bleeding, bile leakage, etc. using suture material. Skin sutures are most often removed on the 6-9th day after their application, however, the timing of removal may vary depending on the location and nature of the wound.

Postoperative sutures are still very for a long time can remind a person about surgical intervention in his body. The seam may not heal for a long time, hurt, ache or pull, and in some cases even come apart.

Healing of sutures after surgery. The better to process

There are two main points on which the speed of healing of sutures after surgery really depends. First of all, this is, of course, the human body itself, which instantly begins to fight and self-heal. Secondly, the sterility of the seam. Here everything depends on how the surgeon works, namely, the suture must be of high quality, that is, without the formation of a cavity. This is very important factor, affecting the speed of healing.

Potassium permanganate and iodine have always been considered the best means for healing sutures after surgery. Ease of availability and excellent antimicrobial properties allow them to occupy a leading position among medicines.

For better healing stitches after surgery, a cream based on calendula is usually prescribed, as it is an excellent wound healing agent. If desired medicinal composition can be prepared at home. In a small vessel, mix a drop of rosemary and orange oils, then mix them with the calendula cream.

Tea tree oil will help make cosmetic scars softer and less noticeable. A positive effect can be seen within a week, but only if treatment is started immediately after surgery.

Contractubex or silicone patch will serve as excellent means that will solve the problem of a hard seam, as they have a softening effect.

During the postoperative period, various complications may arise that require prompt consultation with a doctor, and sometimes surgical intervention. This includes minor deviations - redness, swelling, blood or bile discharge, or more serious ones up to the dehiscence of the seam.

How to properly process seams?

Usually, sutures are ligated in a clinic, especially in the first time after surgery. However, in some cases, dressing is carried out independently at home. But only when the doctor considers that the patient can already perform this procedure independently. To do this, you will need the following tools for processing seams: tweezers, cotton swabs and sterile cotton wool.

The healing suture needs air access for faster tissue regeneration. Therefore, you should not be afraid to remove the bandage once again, but you should not rush to extremes. Remember, everything should be in moderation!

Treatment of sutures after surgery is a prerequisite, which ensures rapid and proper healing of wounds. It should be noted that the healing of sutures after surgery depends on a large number of factors. For some, this process goes through successfully in a few days, while others have to suffer for several months.

Complete healing is only possible if the postoperative wound is sterile. The sutures after surgery are adjusted in such a way that the edges of the wound are completely joined. This completely eliminates the formation of cavities.

How can you treat the wound area after surgery?

Every person should know what exactly the sutures should be treated with after surgery so that the healing process takes place as quickly as possible. short term. Various antiseptics can be used for these purposes. Such agents include iodine, potassium permanganate, and alcohol. You have to be very careful with iodine, because large quantities This product may dry out the skin.

If desired, you can also use ordinary brilliant green, which should be used to treat the wounds every day for 6 days. This can be done very conveniently using ordinary cotton swabs. The problem is that with this medication it is often not clear how the wound is healing and whether any complications have appeared. Zelenka can be replaced with fucorcin. This product should be used to treat not only the seam, but also the area around it. However, experts warn that after the wound has healed, it will not be easy to wash off fucorcin.

If you have hydrogen peroxide on hand, then the problem can be considered half solved. A small piece of gauze should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide and applied to the affected skin. A slight burning sensation may occur. Don't worry, as this reaction is considered normal.

40% medical alcohol can be used if the seam is inflamed in some places. In this case, it is not worth treating areas of the skin where there is no inflammation, as this can lead to their drying out, which will significantly slow down the process of tissue regeneration. If after this the inflammatory process does not go away, and there is constant aching and pulling in the area of ​​the suture, then you should definitely seek help from a specialist.

Also very popular are Contractubex ointment and silicone patch, which prevents the formation of keloid scars.

In the first days after surgery, it is recommended to apply a bandage with a hypertonic solution to the affected areas of the body.

This solution is prepared quite simply: pour 2 tablespoons of table salt into 1 cup of boiling water. The finished product must be cooled until room temperature, moisten a gauze napkin in it, apply it to the seam and bandage it with a bandage.

Often, in the second week after surgery, the patient begins to complain of unpleasant itching in the suture area. This phenomenon is considered quite normal, since it is during this period that the active healing process takes place. Eliminate data unpleasant symptoms You can use a cotton pad soaked generously in a solution of novocaine.

Often after the operation, for one reason or another, the sutures come apart, which causes severe pain and the appearance of unpleasant discharge. In this case, you should not wait long; you should immediately seek help from a specialist. This will help avoid adverse consequences. In such situations, doctors, as a rule, resort to Vishnevsky ointment. This remedy helps remove pus from the wound and promotes its speedy healing.

How to process seams?

It is important to know not only how to treat seams, but also how to do it correctly. Treatment of wounds should be carried out 2 times a day, without skipping a single procedure. In some cases, on the recommendation of doctors, wounds can be treated more often.

The dressing must be changed until the stitches are removed. Dressings should be carried out in hospital rooms that are designed specifically for this purpose. Such daily procedures will help speed up the healing of the skin. The thing is that air helps the joints dry out faster. If dressings are performed at home, then you need to be as careful as possible. The bandage should be removed very carefully, as the bandage often sticks to the wound. Only after this can the affected area be poured with a thin stream of hydrogen peroxide, and then with an antiseptic.

An important rule is that before treating postoperative injuries, hands must be perfectly clean. Therefore, before starting the procedure, hands must be thoroughly washed with soap, preferably up to the elbows.

When treating postoperative wounds, you should never remove scabs or remove whitish plaque, as this indicates the structure of a new layer of epithelium. If this layer is damaged, depressions may appear, which will lead to the formation of scars.

In most cases, sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery. This procedure is quite painless, so it takes place without any anesthesia. Immediately before starting this procedure, the wounds are treated by special means. Once the sutures are removed, bandages are no longer necessary. You can take water procedures only after 2-3 days.

How to treat sutures after a caesarean section

After a cesarean section, it is very important to properly handle the sutures. After such surgery, the wounds are often treated with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days. The dressing should be changed constantly. This will help you notice suppuration in time. The threads are usually removed on the 6th day before discharge. When taking a shower, you should never put too much pressure on the seam area and use hard sponges for washing. This can cause keloid scars.

After the birth of the baby, very often, the young mother is given internal and external stitches. Internal ones are considered to be those that were applied for ruptures of the walls of the vagina or cervix. There is no need to look after them. Care should be taken of the external seams that are placed on the perineum. During the first time after surgery, midwives take care of everything. They moisten the affected areas twice a day with a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. After discharge, such activities should be carried out independently after each bath.

If scars do appear after the birth of a child, they can be easily removed using a scar resurfacing procedure. Laser resurfacing is a very effective procedure that is carried out today in many beauty salons.

Folk recipes

As practice shows, sutures heal much faster after surgery if they are treated with folk remedies. Currently, there are quite a lot of such recipes, so everyone can find something suitable for themselves:

  1. Healing cream.

2-3 tablespoons of cream with calendula extract should be mixed with 1 drop of rosemary oil and the same amount of orange oil. The resulting consistency is lubricated on the affected areas of the skin.

  1. Tea tree oil.

This healing agent must be used to treat wounds immediately after surgery. In the future, this procedure should be repeated for 7 days.

  1. Ointment from Sophora japonica fruits and goose fat.

With the help of such a folk remedy, wound healing will occur much faster. To prepare this product, you will need to mix 2 cups of dried sophora japonica fruits with 2 cups of goose fat. If desired, goose fat can be replaced with badger fat. The resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath for 2 hours. Next, this consistency must be heated once over the next 3 days. On day 4, the composition must be brought to a boil and removed from heat. The finished ointment must be mixed thoroughly and poured into a glass container. Small quantity The product should be placed on a bandage and applied to the seams.

  1. Larkspur tincture.

An excellent product for treating seams. 2 tablespoons of larkspur roots put through a meat grinder should be filled with 250 ml of water and the same amount of alcohol. The resulting product should be used to treat the affected areas of the body.

  1. A healing mixture of 100 grams of beeswax and 400 grams of sunflower oil. The resulting consistency is mixed and cooked over low heat for at least 10 minutes. After the product has cooled, it must be applied to a bandage that is applied to the sore spot.

Before using any folk remedy To heal the sutures, you must consult a doctor to avoid any serious complications.

Any operation is accompanied by injury to the patient’s soft tissues. An open wound is formed directly at the site of surgery, and one of the main tasks of the surgeon is to prevent the penetration and development of infection in the wound, as well as speed up the healing processes and postoperative recovery of the patient. Of course, the healing of a surgical wound depends on the general condition of the body and the health of the skin.

What are the results after carpal tunnel syndrome surgery? The success of the operation, as well as conservative therapy, strongly depends on the severity of nerve compression. The fist formula could be: The longer the nervous pressure exists and the older the person, the worse will be the prospect of losing all symptoms of the disease. Unfavorable factors are also diabetes mellitus or polyneuropathy.

If surgical therapy is carried out at the right time, one can expect that the agonizing night pain will disappear, as well as the disturbances in skin sensation. Treatment is different. Although a fistula can usually be repaired with surgery alone, there are several options for post-operative wound care.

Experts distinguish between two types of wound healing - primary and secondary intention.

Primary tension characterized by the fact that the edges of the wound grow together without the formation of intermediate tissue, in other words (in relation to postoperative wounds), the doctor tightens the edges of the incision, suturing it tightly and applying an aseptic bandage. After some time (usually 5-7 days), the sutures are removed, leaving a scar at the incision site, which over time becomes less noticeable or disappears altogether. Usually, correct and promptly treated shallow wounds and cuts heal by primary intention. Of course, if the surgical suture is made as required.

If, for example, harvesting the pits, which is a meticulous surgical method, is not an issue for the patient concerned, the coccygeal fistula is radically removed. For this purpose, dye is injected into the fistula canal and all discolored tissue is excised. In order for the fistula to be completely removed, it is usually necessary to cut out the tailbone. The resulting wound is large and can either be stitched or filled with packings, otherwise left open. The "open hole" in the tissue exists for a long time.

The prospects for healing are very good. In closed wound healing, the suture is often displaced from the infected middle of the buttocks in various ways. Although closed wound healing with suture provides the benefit of faster healing, it often results in recurrence in which the coccyx appears after surgery, requiring further surgery.

Co secondary intention the situation is a little more complicated. Wound healing by secondary intention is distinguished by the fact that the edges of the wound are not tightened or are partially closed. In this case, in the “open” area, the formation of so-called granulation tissue begins - a network of small blood capillaries surrounded by cells connective tissue. This whole process is called granulation and is somewhat similar to the formation of a film on the surface of milk. Granulation develops from the center of the wound and, as it grows, moves to its edges. Healing by secondary intention is often preceded by inflammatory processes in the wound, accompanied by the formation of pus and exudate. In surgical practice, to ensure the release of pus from the wound (drainage), the surgical incision is usually not sutured completely; small gaps are left along the edges for drainage tubes or other surgical devices.

Tension or complications of the skin may cause the suture to rupture. The suture supports the healing process deep wounds and injuries. A surgical suture closes the wound, the edges of the wound are tightly joined together. When new and stable tissue has formed, the thread can be pulled out. Certain factors cause sutures to loosen at certain points or cause the wound to open after suturing.

How can I open a seam?

The wound does not heal quickly in all places. In certain areas, the skin takes longer to fully grow. If the wound sutures are drawn too early, sufficient new skin will not form. There is no wound support and the scar may open up. If the skin tension at the wound site is very high, the sewing may rise again after the threads drag. The newly formed tissue is not strong enough to hold the wound fields together.

There is another type of wound healing - healing under the scab, but this is not typical for a surgical suture, so we will not consider it in this article. One way or another, there are certain deadlines that determine how long the suture heals after surgery for a given disease.

Complications of the surgical wound:

Different thread tension during sewing also plays a role when the wound suture is partially opened. Not every seam is stitched with the same tension. The result can be varying skin tension and a scar that has not completely healed. The wound suture may rise again when a wound healing disorder occurs. In case of injury, the skin is not sufficiently perfused, the edges of the wound die. The seam is not held sufficiently and may open. Damage to this healing disorder requires a lot of time and special medical control for a complete cure.

Can ruin a patient’s life after surgery bleeding from a sutured wound, formation hematoma(bruises) around and inside the suture - as a rule, this is a consequence of insufficiently reliable ligation of a vessel cut during surgery or damage to its wall by a purulent-necrotic process. Bleeding can also be caused by poor blood clotting. Treatment is either surgical (opening the suture, re-debridement of the wound - removal of dead tissue, ligation of large vessels, etc.), or conservative in the case of acute hemophilia - taking coagulants. There are also cases when

If the wound suture has disappeared, it is important to reduce skin tension on the affected area. Too much tension prevents the wound from healing and the suture opens further. Sidewalk strips that are glued across the wound seam work well. The exposed suture site should be closed through normal wound healing. The wound suture should be clean and dry. A suitable disinfectant or suitable cream helps the healing process and protects against infections. Cover the area with a sterile dressing or bandage.

If there is a damaged suture wound or bleeding in an open area, consult a doctor immediately. If necessary, for inflammation it is necessary to carry out open wound treatment. If the wound suture is located at points of the body where there is a lot of skin tension, open suture or injuries to the back or joints are often subject to great stress. Once the threads are pulled out, tape protects the scar. Adheres through tight skin tissue, reduces tension and supports healing.

A drug for the treatment of difficult-to-heal sutures
and postoperative wounds

Despite advances in surgical technology, the use of modern sterile materials and the skill of the surgeons, there are frequent cases of complications from the postoperative wound, when the healing time is noticeably prolonged.

Why is this happening?

Once the suture has opened, new wound closure through the wound suture is not always possible. The risk of infection is high. In some cases, the doctor checks whether a new stitch is required and whether it can be performed without problems. Rest and not rest: this important rule It's good for a fresh scar to heal - especially when it's in a range that moves around a lot.

There are cultures in which people only view beauty when their body has scars. In addition, members of striking connections are often wounded by their wounded from their student days. Most people, however, feel a scar caused by an accident or surgery as a blemish, especially when it is clearly visible. However, there is a lot that patients can do so it doesn't get to this point - fresh scars can often be treated so that they are less bothered later.

On the one hand, the reason for difficult healing of a postoperative wound directly depends on the degree of its microbial contamination. Thus, with “clean” wounds the number of complications reaches 1.5-7.0%, with conditionally “clean” wounds - 7.8-11.7%, with contaminated wounds (wounds that come into contact with organs contaminated with microbes) - 12.9 -17%, for “dirty” (purulent) wounds – more than 20%.

“I would never promise an invisible scar,” says Sven von Saldern, president of the German Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. “But a scar can heal so well that even a surgeon has to look for it.” But this requires at least two things: an experienced surgeon who stitches the wound so that the skin is not under tension. And a patient who has patience until the scar is completely healed.

Also important, but not addressed by stakeholders, are higher life ages, at which scars often heal better than in younger years, and genes that do not lead to large-scale scarring. So it might be a good idea if a 14-year-old wants to get rid of a mole: "I'm very careful about this," says von Saldern.

On the other side, this is due to general condition human body who underwent surgery. Unfavorable factors include: age over 70 years; nutritional status (hypotrophy, malabsorption syndrome, obesity); associated infectious diseases; violation of anti-infective defense systems, including immune status (oncological process, radiation therapy, treatment with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, parenteral nutrition); concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes, chronic inflammatory processes, circulatory failure, renal and liver dysfunction).

It also depends on where the scar is located. “Overlapping scars are more common on the shoulder, chest and earlobe than in other places,” says Gerd Gauglitz from the Clinic and Outpatient Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology at the University of Munich. There the skin is exposed to great tension. “Of course, a long scar is under more stress, but it is not automatically worse than a small one.”

Hypertrophic scars often develop under tension. According to the guidelines for cortical therapy of the German Dermatological Society, they are limited to the area of ​​the original wound, but exceed the level of the skin and thicken densely. They may be spontaneous, but often not completely. Even so-called keloids are possible: growing scars beyond the original wound that rarely return. If keloids are simply cut out, Gauglitzer says, 50 to 100 percent of all cases will produce new growth.

At the same time, natural (physiological) healing mechanisms are significantly reduced, reparative (restorative) processes are sharply inhibited, a manifestation of which is difficult healing of postoperative wounds and sutures.

How to effectively help healing?

Of course, you can diligently engage in general strengthening and systemic therapy, thus affecting the entire body “as a whole.” And wait for months for normal physiology to be restored. But when it comes to chronically non-closing wounds, more effective means are needed.

Whether the scar is ugly can be assessed already in the first weeks after surgery. Second: "Don't exercise for three weeks, especially if the scar is in a range that moves around a lot." Even if the threads have been drawn and the surface looks good on the surface, the scar still does not heal.

Even if the scar is covered with abrasive clothing, the sick flyer professional association German dermatologists have significant pavement coverage. In fact, various studies are increasingly showing their usefulness. However, there are still doubts regarding the effect of other scars and creams. And we're absolutely good at pressure, as we know from combustion medicine. There, people with serious disabilities are placed in compression suits to influence the scars. However, it is important that the scar is not irritated or moved.

Ointment Stellanin ®– a new generation drug for the treatment of wounds and sutures in patients who have undergone surgery:

  • Eliminates infection, swelling and pain, prevents the synthesis of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, biologically active substances that initiate and maintain the inflammatory process. As a result, even extensive inflammation stop very quickly.

  • Activates vascular growth factors vegf-A and vegf-B. Newly arriving cells specialize into tissue cells, which leads to restoration of structure the lowest basal (germ) layer of skin damaged during surgery.
To solve the whole complex of accumulated problems, together with scientists Russian Academy Sciences and the Institute of Surgery named after. Vishnevsky (Moscow) developed Innovative approach to the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, which is implemented in original drugs: ointment "Stellanin" And ointment "Stellanin-PEG". To create them, some of the best specialists in the country were attracted and used latest achievements molecular biology.

The active ingredient of Stellanin-containing ointments is the substance Stellanin (1,3-diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide). Stellanin is a complex chemical compound - organic part of the molecule affects the activity of the cell’s gene apparatus, powerfully activating regeneration processes in it. Simultaneously inorganic part of the molecule has a pronounced effect on the entire spectrum pathogenic microorganisms.

This may make the condition worse. “I would be a little more careful in scar tissue, the research situation is controversial,” says Gauglitz. A burn or surgery usually leaves a scar on the skin. Which helps make it as unobtrusive as possible. Soft, plump and flawless - this is baby's skin. But over the course of a long life, one or the other injury will not fail. The space wrapped around the forehead that needs to be stitched. The first surgical procedure that leaves a larger scar. Ideally, a light line that is barely noticeable reminds us of this, but it can also be a widespread or beady, reddish line.

In addition to its regenerative properties, Stellanine has powerful antibacterial effect. He eliminates in the wound asbacteria, so mushrooms, viruses, protozoa.

What is especially important is that all pathogens wound infection don't have to Stellanine neither natural nor acquired resistance.

How surgeons can treat scars

Scars can hurt, itch, strain, or limit mobility. How the newly formed tissue develops is, by the way, a predisposition. However, patients and doctors can influence appearance favorable. Some scars can be cleverly hidden. “In the case of groin surgery, for example, we can place the incision in the intimate area, where the scar is barely visible,” says Dietmar Lorenz, professor at the German Society of General and Visceral Surgery. If the surgeon cuts along the skin's stretch lines, it will also be less noticeable once it heals.

In the presence of pus, thanks to the excipient (polyethylene glycol) included in the Stellanin-PEG ointment, the wound quickly clears of purulent content. At the same time, inflammation is blocked, pain and swelling are eliminated.

The high effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by leading Russian scientists:

The choice of suture materials and methods affects the same as the time of the pattern, the traces of which will be left behind. Endoscopic procedures require only small incisions. The decisive advantage is that patients recover faster.

If the wound heals well and does not recur, the chances of an invisible scar are especially high. “The decisive factor for this is, on the one hand, that we work without water or water-poor,” says Lorenz. “On the other hand, the wound must be sterile until it is sealed.” As a rule, this happens within 24 hours. If there are no problems, the wound heals in a few weeks.

"Already on the first day treatment of wounds with Stellanin-PEG ointment, there is a positive dynamics in the healing process, inflammation decreases... Young cells with high level metabolic processes." ( From the Report approved by the Director of the Institute of Surgery named after. A.V. VishnevskyAcademician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.D. Fedorov).

The newly formed tissue remains active for a long time. It will take up to a year for the scars to settle down. Smoking should be avoided for as long as possible as nicotine reduces blood flow, complicates wound healing and thus increases the risk of worrying scarring.

Light movement can be beneficial. But in sports, lifting and carrying, fresh tissue can become overstressed - and the scar can become wiser. Caution: inflammation associated with redness or swelling is always a reason to visit a doctor.

Any surgical operation, even the most harmless one, entails traumatic damage to nearby tissues. The most important thing is to prevent the development of infection and speed up the regeneration process. The general resistance of the body and the skin itself in one way or another affect the complete healing of the wound. In this article we will talk about how sutures heal after surgery, and also consider the main factors influencing the healing of sutures.

How does the suture heal after surgery?

Healing postoperative sutures consists of three main processes:

  1. Formation of connective tissue (collagen) by fibroblasts. Fibroblast is a cell that is found in the middle layer of the skin. Thanks to collagen, restoration processes are accelerated and tissue defects are eliminated.
  2. Formation of epithelium at the site of wound damage. This creates a barrier for the passage of microorganisms.
  3. Tissue contraction is the process of reducing wound surfaces and closing the wound.

Factors influencing the healing of sutures

According to medical standards, sutures usually take seven to twelve days to heal. But a big role is also played by the person’s age, his illness and the place where the stitches are placed. The process of removing stitches and healing wounds can take a long time if a person, for example, has diabetes. The healing of various medical sutures is influenced by many factors, namely:

  • Age. Young people recover from surgery much faster than older people.
  • Weight. In people who are overweight or underweight, the healing of wounds and stitches is slower.
  • Diet. During the recovery period, the body needs “building” material: vitamins, minerals. They are necessary during the rehabilitation period.
  • Dehydration of the body. It leads to improper functioning of the kidneys and heart, which, in turn, increases the time of the recovery process.
  • Immunity. A malfunction of the immune system can lead to suppuration and slow healing of sutures. If pus accumulates on the wound, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Chronic diseases. Diabetes, all diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system, tumors, vascular diseases may cause complications after surgery.
  • Job circulatory system. Normal functioning of blood vessels speeds up the recovery process.
  • Oxygen. Restricting oxygen to the wound by applying a bandage will slow down the healing process of the sutures. Access to oxygen, like the rest nutrients, simply necessary for rapid healing.
  • The use of steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs during the first days after surgery slows down the recovery process.

All these factors significantly affect the healing of postoperative sutures. In addition, in order for the stitches to begin to heal faster, they need proper care.

How to properly care for seams

At first (1-5 days), a nurse or doctor takes care of the sutures: changes the bandage and treats the suture. Then, if there are no complications, the surgeon can remove the dressing material after treating it with hydrogen peroxide.

At home, seams need to be treated daily. No special skills are required for this. Remember that applying a bandage increases the healing time of the stitches because the wound gets wet under the bandage. Before removing it, you should consult your doctor.

There are a huge number of different remedies and medications that speed up wound recovery. Iodine and potassium permanganate are the main ones among them. They have proven their effectiveness for many years.

Contractubex ointment has good healing properties. It reduces wound healing time and prevents scarring. The ointment is rubbed into the skin until completely dry.

In addition to products for external use, there are also internal ones that need to be taken during the postoperative period: vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs, enzymes.

Folk remedies for healing sutures

  • Tea tree oil. Treat the seam twice a day.
  • Cream with calendula extract. Lubricate the wound twice a day.
  • Blackberry syrup with echinacea. Take one teaspoon three times daily before meals. Drink for two weeks.

How quickly the stitch heals after surgery depends only on you. But with the help of these recommendations you can speed up this process. I wish you good health and a speedy recovery!

Most of the operations performed at the Northwestern Center for Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery are performed on the organs of the neck - the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands. In this type of operation, the skin suture is located in a place that is clearly visible, so the requirements for the cosmetic result of the operation are maximum. We use technologies that allow us to reduce the size of the suture (video-assisted operations) or move the suture to an inconspicuous place (endoscopic operations from the axillary approach), and at the same time we use proven and effective methods improving the quality of the postoperative scar. The center's surgeons believe that the cosmetic result of the operation is as important as the clinical result.

Over the years of our work, we have tested many different products aimed at improving cosmetic results. Experiments on animals were also used. Physiotherapeutic procedures were prescribed, gels, creams, plates, bandages and patches were used. The results were carefully evaluated, ineffective means were discarded (there were many of them), and eventually we came to the methods described below, which have become standard for us, since they have proven their real effectiveness.

Ethicon Dermabond Skin Adhesive

During the operation at the Northwestern Center for Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery, a cosmetic suture is applied to the skin with an absorbable thread, after which the surface of the suture is covered with Ethicon Dermabond skin glue (USA). After drying, the glue forms a transparent, durable film on the surface of the seam, which protects the seam from moisture and air access, ensuring healing under sterile conditions.

The use of glue provides patients with a number of important advantages:
- the surface of the suture is clearly visible to both the patient and the operating surgeon, which allows you to quickly assess the condition of the operation area;
- no dressings required;
- no need to “remove” the seam, i.e. there is no need to pull the thread used to stitch it out of the skin;
- the patient can take water procedures immediately after surgery (usually we recommend starting to shower the next day after surgery).

The glue remains on the surface of the skin for 14-20 days, after which it comes off on its own. Already 2 weeks after the operation, the glue can be removed independently - this does not cause any pain and is done very quickly.

Specialists at the Endocrine Surgery Center have been using Ethicon Dermabond adhesive for more than 10 years. Skin glue has proven itself to be excellent - its use allows you to raise the comfort of the operation to new heights.

The use of skin adhesive is standard at the Northwestern Center for Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery. The adhesive is used for all patients and does not need to be purchased separately.

Silicone patch "Mepiform"

The second important “secret” that allows you to ensure the optimal cosmetic result of the operation is a silicone patch, specially designed to prevent the development of rough and unsightly scars.

The Mepiform patch was developed and produced by the Swedish company Mölnlycke Health Care - a world leader in the development of modern high-tech dressings.

The patch protects the postoperative suture from friction and damage, moisturizes the skin surface and provides optimal conditions for healing. When using a silicone patch, the skin seam is much thinner and less noticeable. The effectiveness of using the patch has been proven in a number of clinical trials (Maján J.I et al. Evaluation of a self-adherent soft silicone dressing for the treatment of hypertrophic postoperative scars. Jo WC, Vol15, No 5 (2006), p.193-6, etc.).

Mepiform is easy to use, fixed to the skin on its own using a layer of soft silicone (Safetac technology). Since the patch is flesh-colored, it is hardly noticeable on the skin. It is easy to use and does not interfere with daily activities.

The effectiveness of the Mepiform patch has been proven by the experience of use in thousands of patients at the North-Western Center for Endocrinology and Endocrine Surgery. Currently, the recommendation to use this patch is provided to all patients discharged from the center.

How to use the Mepiform patch

The most economical is to use 10x18 cm plaster sheets. In most cases, for full course 4 patches are enough (only when performing lateral cervical lymph node dissection, when the length of the postoperative suture exceeds 10 cm, the need for a patch can be up to 6-7 patches).

You should start using the patch after complete removal skin glue. A rectangular section is cut out from the patch plate with scissors, the length of which is 1 cm longer than the length of the skin suture, and the width is about 1.5 cm.