How many meters is the largest snake in the world. The largest snakes in the world

Snakes are animals that combine many qualities - poison and superiority. People are used to treating them completely differently. Some are not afraid of them at all and even love them; they can calmly take them into their arms and even grow them as pet. And others experience fear and horror at the sight of them, and also have a kind of phobia. Currently, about 3,000 species of snakes live and breed in the world.

Most of them do not pose any particular danger to people. You should learn a little more about snakes that amaze the whole world with their size and weight indicators. What is the longest snake in the world? What are the most big snakes in the world?

King Cobra is the fifth ranked snake

This snake is at least and is far from first place, but still, it is considered the most poisonous among other large species of snakes. Features of the reptile:

  1. Body length 3–4 meters.
  2. Cobras can live up to 30 years of age.
  3. The growth and development of this individual occurs throughout its life.
  4. It is capable of releasing 7 mg of poison under a person’s skin, which can lead to his death within 15 minutes.

The most long length, which was found in this snake, reaches 5.6 meters. The place of residence of king cobras is considered rainforests territory of South Asia.

King Cobra is a reptile that is capable of eating its own kind. An individual can easily eat other species of snakes or even a snake of its own breed. The most exciting thing is that that a cobra is capable of not eating anything and no one for about 3 months.

Main features of the King Cobra

The cobra has in its color something like a hood, which is capable of being responsible for the emotions of the snake. If the creature is angry or frightened, the hood takes on a tense form. This happens thanks to the ribs that are located in the neck area.

What animals is the King Cobra afraid of? The main enemy of the snake is considered to be the mongoose, as it is able to quickly and without harming itself bite through the neck of the snake. As already mentioned, the venom of this royal creature is the most dangerous and poisonous to other living organisms.

Only the venom of the Australian taipan, which has a significantly smaller body size, can be compared with the venom of the royal specimen.

Light tiger python, located in 4th place

This individual is used to living in India. The python's body length reaches 5 meters. The main features of the light and dark type of pythons:

Everyone knows that a light-colored python does not cause serious harm to the body. The python can hunt small animals. It should be noted that the python will not harm the animal, which is larger than a simple domestic cat. It is very rare to see a python that could overpower a wild boar as its prey.

These individuals are very attractive in appearance. Despite all this, their number in the modern world continues to decline. The main reason this is considered big number enterprises for the production and manufacture of shoes, belts and other things made of snakeskin.

Dark tiger python and its weight indicators

The dark tiger python is completely harmless to humans, although its external characteristics can be frightening. So, 9.15 meters of an individual that can attack at any moment can put any person into panic. This indicator of the python’s body length is the maximum. Average length The creature's body reaches from 6 to 8 meters. Also surprising is the average weight of the animal, which is 70 kilograms. At the same time, a world record was set in 2005. The python, who lived in the Snake Park in America, nicknamed Baby, had a mass of about 183 kilograms and a length of 8.2 meters. Typically, pythons are accustomed to living in swamps, tropical forests, and also among river valleys.

The main feature of the python is its ability to swim well and dive under water. A python can stay at depth for an hour and a half.

The main food of the creature:

The lifespan of this type of python reaches 25 years. In terms of snake performance, females are not at all behind males, and sometimes even surpass them in size and weight. Only creatures of large and large size can not easily attack their prey, but also completely swallow it. Quite often, goats, pigs, and small deer fell into this trap.

How is a python able to find and track its prey?

The main thing in this process is the smell. The upper labial scutes have pits– thermolocators, thanks to which the search for prey occurs using the thermal radiation of organisms. This type of python is very capable for a long time go through a hunger strike.

Thus, residents of the southeast, who are not afraid or intimidated by snakes, are able to raise tiger pythons as their pets. After all, according to the signs of those areas, snakes can easily and quickly clear a house of unwanted mice and rodents. The snake has a calm disposition and character, and one cannot help but fall in love with its unusual external characteristics. This is why dark tiger pythons are considered the most sought-after snake species for top zoo collections. Of course, caring for a python is not easy.

To do this, the owner of the snake must have in his arsenal certain knowledge about snakes, as well as have a calm and cold-blooded character. In a home environment outside of wildlife, pythons feel restless. They need extra attention and careful action on the part of their owner. Thus, not every zoo worker is able to cope with feeding and caring for this type of snake.

The snake that has the eyes of a crocodile

The large green anaconda is a stunning species of snake that is classified as a subspecies of the boa constrictor. In ancient times, these snakes were called water boas.

And yes, this is not a myth, because in a terrarium South America The green anaconda lived to be 28 years old.

Anaconda is considered a dangerous and predatory creature that can start attacking its prey at any time . At first, the individual stubbornly stalks its prey, and then makes a quick and unexpected attack.

The anaconda is accustomed to living in river valleys and crawling onto land from time to time to bask in the rays of the sun. It happens that a snake climbs onto tree branches. An individual of the green anaconda swims well and is able to remain underwater without air. long time. In this case, the reptile's nostrils are closed with special valves. When the weather outside is dry and hot, the creature buries itself under the mud. Some anacondas fall into torpor, and when the rainy season begins, they come out of it and continue their normal existence.

The largest snake on the planet

The longest snake is the reticulated python. The main features of Python are:

  1. The body length varies from 4 to 10 meters.
  2. Long life span - about 20 years.
  3. The number of teeth of the creature reaches 100. The number of teeth includes special fangs, but they do not contain poison.

This name was given to the snake because of its special color. So, on the python’s body there are spots in the form of diamonds on the back, which are in harmony with the triangles on the sides. These individuals live in South Asia, especially in tropical forests or mountainous areas. Most of all, individuals like to be on the surface of land, and sometimes climb trees and swim under water.

Python eats:

  1. Different types of rodents.
  2. Birds.
  3. Monkeys.
  4. Pets.

Once, a reticulated python was able to swallow a pig that weighed as much as 60 kilograms. And in Borneo, a python with a body length of about 7 meters was able to eat a female Malayan bear. Snakes are also capable of consuming bats, which fall into their trap during the flight.

The record holder for its length among reticulated pythons is considered to be a python that was able to reach a size of 12.2 meters. This information can be found in various literary sources. When it came to officially registering the length of the reptile, zoo staff decided to remain silent. Therefore, which snake is the largest in the world still remains in question.

The structure of the python's body is also very unusual. The python has no large bones; its entire body is nothing but strong muscles. It is with the help of these muscles that a reticulated python can easily kill a pig or a domestic goat. Once upon a time there was even a myth that pythons simply break the bones of their prey. But that's really not the case. If pythons broke the bones of their prey rather than strangling it, they could quickly become injured and damaged by fragments of the bones of another animal.

Below is a list (with photos) of the longest snakes in the world. Please note that some of the figures given are very approximate and are based on the average length of the individual species. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the rarest snakes in the world.

Texas rattlesnake - 1.7–2.5 m.

The Texas diamondback rattlesnake is a venomous rattlesnake native to the United States, Mexico, and southeastern Canada. Loves plains, deserts, semi-deserts, sandy places, pine-oak forests, rocky gorges and slopes. They usually grow up to 120 cm in length, but individuals over 180 cm are found, but rarely. The maximum measured specimen was 213 cm. Males are slightly larger than females. Average weight 1.8 to 2.7 kg. Very large specimens can weigh up to 6.7 kg.

Eastern indigo snake - 2–2.6 m.

Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) - species large snakes originally from the United States. It is the longest snake in the USA. Often found in sandy areas, as well as in tropical forests among swamps. They feed on fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and small mammals. Unlike many snake species, mature male eastern indigo snakes are slightly larger than females. They are immune to the venom of other snakes. The largest measured individual reached 2.8 m. Their average weight was 2.2 kg, although there were individuals that reached 5 kg.

Eastern Brown Snake - 2.4–3.4 meters

The eighth place in the list of the longest snakes in the world is occupied by the Eastern Brown Snake. This is a species of venomous snake that lives in wetlands in Australia and North America. Considered the second most venomous land snake in the world. One of its bites contains enough poison to kill about 20 people. Most of their diet consists of fish and frogs.

Bushmaster - 2.5–3 m.

The bushmaster is the largest representative of venomous snakes in South America. It lives in the dense tropical forests of Equatorial America, from Costa Rica to Brazil, as well as on the island of Trinidad. Prefers to settle near water, away from areas inhabited by people. It is quite rare. The bushmaster snake grows from 2.5 to 3 m in length, very rarely up to 4 meters. Weight from 3 to 5 kg. It feeds mainly on rodents, birds, lizards and other snakes. Average duration their life is about 20 years.

Tiger python – 2.4–3 m.

The tiger python is a large non-venomous snake, common in many tropical and subtropical regions of the South and South-East Asia. They usually reach a length of 2.4–3 meters. However, the longest recorded specimen, found in Pakistan, was 4.6 m long and weighed 52 kg. They feed on reptiles and birds, but, as a rule, prefer mammals. There are also known cases of attacks on large pythons, leopards and jackals. They are very slow, timid and rarely attack first. They are good swimmers and can stay underwater for many minutes if necessary. Good at climbing trees.

Diamond python - 2–4 m.

The diamond python (Morelia spilota spilota) is a species of snake found in coastal areas of south-eastern Australia. Females are larger than males. An adult, as a rule, grows up to 2 m, but it is extremely rare to find a specimen reaching 4 meters. By their nature, they are not aggressive and do not pose any danger to humans. They feed on lizards, birds and mammals such as opossums.

Boa constrictor – 5–5.5 m (in captivity 2–3 m)

In fourth place in the ranking of the longest snakes is the “Boa constrictor” - a type of non-venomous snake that lives in dry places, near bodies of water in North, Central and South America, as well as on some islands in the Caribbean Sea. Females are usually larger than males. Individual specimens can weigh up to 27 kg. They feed mainly on small mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles.

King cobra - up to 5.7 meters

King cobra is the longest in the world poisonous snake. It is found mainly in the tropical forests of India and Southeast Asia. They live in caves and burrows. They climb trees well and swim well. They feed mainly on other poisonous snakes, as well as reptiles. Their body weight on average reaches 6 kg, but there are individuals up to 20 kg.

Anaconda - up to 9 m.

Anaconda or green anaconda is a non-venomous snake that lives in South America mainly in the Amazon River basin. Found in Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay. This is the heaviest and one of the longest snakes in the world, reaching an average of 5 meters. The largest one measured was a female found in Venezuela. It reached 97.5 kg with a length of 5.2 meters. According to unofficial data, anacondas up to 40 m long are found in the Amazon jungle, but many zoologists consider these data to be exaggerated and untrue. It is estimated that with a length of 40 meters, the snake would weigh more than a ton, which would seriously hamper its movement. However, many local Indian tribes claim that such snakes do exist. In addition, the Amazon River basin is poorly studied and therefore the existence giant anacondas, still remains a mystery. Anacondas feed on almost everything they can catch - birds, reptiles, and various mammals. Is one of the most dangerous creatures of the Amazon.

Reticulated python - up to 10 m.

The reticulated python is the longest and one of the largest snakes in the world, living in tropical forests, woodlands, and mountain slopes in South and Southeast Asia. The average length of an adult reticulated python is about 5–7 m, but not according to official data, specimens reaching 10 m were found. One of the largest measured individuals was a snake discovered in Indonesia, it reached 6.95 m and weighed 59 kg, but at the same time I haven't eaten for 3 months. There is also a record of a reticulated python discovered on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, which reached a length of 32.23 meters and weighed 172 kg. These snakes feed on a variety of animals: rodents, frogs, reptiles, deer, roe deer, wild boars, crocodiles, monkeys, and sometimes even tigers, although in very rare cases. It is also known that on the island of Borneo, a 6.95 m long reticulated python swallowed a female Malayan bear weighing 23 kg. Their average lifespan is about 20–30 years.

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TravelAsk continues to talk about all the best things in our world. And you can find out which snake holds the record for its size.

Reptile giants

Most big snake considered an anaconda (Green or Giant). It is usually no more than 10 meters in length, however, it can weigh up to 220 kilograms.

Today, the largest of the anacondas lives in the terrarium of the Zoological Society in New York: it weighs 130 kilograms and is about 9 meters long.

The longest anaconda

But the longest anaconda length that has been recorded is 11 meters and 43 centimeters. In 1944, the snake was measured by a geologist who was exploring the Colombian jungle in search of gold.

He stunned the snake, measured it, but after that it came to its senses and crawled away. So we can only guess about the reliability of this fact. However, to this day the length of almost 12 meters is a generally recognized record, listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

In the 1930s, a reward of one thousand dollars was even announced for anyone who could prove the existence of an anaconda with a body larger than 12.2 meters. Then the premium increased to 6 thousand dollars, and the size of the snake decreased to some 9 meters and 12 centimeters. No one ever received the award. By the way, today it is about 50 thousand dollars, so everyone who wants to get rich and enjoy the jungle can start searching.

And apparently, a 9-meter snake living in a terrarium in New York is the limit for today.

So python or anaconda

In fact, it's fair to share the top spot between the anaconda and the Asian reticulated python.

Last in natural environment habitat can grow up to 150 kilograms and up to 12 meters in length. But this is also just a theory. The only giant python that can be truly measured lives at the Philadelphia Zoo. He is one meter smaller than the anaconda from the Zoological Society in New York.

What does history say?

However, in the history of the planet there were truly giant snakes. Zoologists gave them the names Titanoboa.

The monster weighed more than a ton with its relatively small size - about 14 meters. It lived approximately 58 million years ago in South America.

The giant could easily swallow a whole crocodile, and it’s not even worth talking about smaller prey.

The snake was not poisonous; it killed by force, squeezing the prey with its body.

After the dinosaurs went extinct, Titanoboa lived for about 10 million years. During this period she was the most big predator on the ground.

Where do anacondas live

The snake lives in the tropics of South America, in the backwaters of the Amazon. It is there that she looks for prey.

Despite many films and legends, the anaconda is not terrible for humans; cases of attack are rare. The snake feeds on small and medium-sized mammals. She strangles the victim with her body and swallows him.

It can take up to several days for the prey to be digested, during which time the snake quietly dozes in solitude.

It is very difficult to determine the number of anacondas, since they live in hard-to-reach places. Their average length is 6 meters; larger individuals are extremely rare in nature.

Second and third place

In second place in terms of size is the dark tiger python, the maximum length of which was recorded at 9 meters and 15 centimeters.

Usually they do not exceed 5.5 meters and 70 kilograms.

In third place is another giant - the Indian python.

A large individual reaches 6 meters in length.

Man's attitude towards snakes has never been clear. Many of us consider them to be useless and vile creatures, while some, on the contrary, are sure that the snake can be useful, since many medicines with a wide spectrum of action are produced from its venom. But no matter how we feel about these cold-blooded reptiles, we are still interested in learning some facts about them. For example, what is the longest snake in the world, and where did it live?

Types of snakes

Snakes belong to a suborder of reptiles that are part of and have lived on Earth for at least 67 million years. The study of this species is carried out by the special science of serpentology, which gets its name from the Latin name for snakes - “Serpentes”.

Currently, more than 3,000 species of various reptiles of this class are known. They are grouped into 23 families and six subfamilies. Speaking of snakes, it can be noted that only about a quarter of them are poisonous. Although almost all of them are predators and feed on both vertebrates and

They usually swallow their prey alive, although some species kill it first by pinning it to the ground, clenching its jaws, or capturing it in rings. At the same time, poisonous reptiles of this species, before eating prey, kill it by injecting poison with special poison-conducting teeth.

Not only the longest snake, but also its smaller relatives can swallow its prey whole. The swallowing mechanism looks like this: the reptile gradually moves towards the swallowed food, alternately moving the left and right parts of the lower jaw. At the same time, everything looks as if it is pulling itself onto its prey.

Interesting facts about snakes

Today, the most interesting question is which snake is the longest. The facts about this are controversial and vary depending on the source.

For example, you can find information that in 2002, a reticulated python was caught by Indonesian peasants, and in 2003, it was shown that it had a length of 14.85 meters and weighed 447 kilograms. However, there is no reliable information about him, except for a photograph, which the media considers falsified. The fact, indeed, is so controversial that even the Guinness Book of Records does not say a word about it.

As for the Book of Records itself, it indicates that the longest snake was caught in Africa and had a length of 11.43 meters. The snake belonged to the anaconda subspecies and lived in the tropics of the southern part of the African continent.

Besides anacondas, the reticulated python is considered the largest reptile. The most famous specimen of the reticulated python was shot in 1912 on the Indonesian island of Celebes. Its length was about ten meters.

Currently, the largest representative of all snakes is in the Zoological Society of New York. With a total length of approximately nine meters, the weight of this anaconda is close to 130 kilograms.

After the anaconda, the third place among the largest snakes is occupied by the Tiger or Indian python. The length of these creatures can in some cases reach 7-8 meters.

As for the boa constrictor, which is familiar to many, it occupies only the fourth place in the general ranking of the largest snakes. Usually its dimensions do not exceed five meters.

All of the listed reptiles belong to non-venomous snakes. Poisonous representatives of this class are more modest in size. Although, given their danger, they may be of interest to many.

The longest snake that infects its prey with its venom is called It grows throughout its entire life, that is, about thirty years, and can reach a length of over five meters. Although usually its average dimensions range between 3 and 4 meters.

As for the fossil representatives of this reptile species, the discovery in Egypt of the Giant African python, which lived approximately 55 million years ago, is considered reliable. The length of this ancient creature was 11 meters 80 cm.

To all of the above, we can add for comparison the fact that the smallest snake in the world is called the Brahmin blind snake. The largest individual of this species was only 10.8 centimeters long.

We are accustomed to the fact that a snake has a small thickness and a length of up to one meter, but the longest snakes in the world reach truly gigantic size, and there are documented facts about this. The snake is a mysterious, fascinating animal and has always attracted human attention. In some cultures they are considered the embodiment of evil, while in others they are revered as a deity. As of 2017, there are 3,631 species of snakes in the world, some of them very long. Our rating is dedicated to these creeping creatures, the size of which is hard to believe.

10. Levant viper or viper Length 2 m

Reveals the ten longest snakes on the planet Levant viper. Its size and appearance are more familiar to our nerves, since it usually has a length of 1.9-2 m and weighs up to 3 kg. Although she has the most last place in the TOP 10, the toxicity of viper's venom is second only to cobra. It has a calm brown color with a dark pattern on the back, and differs from other members of the family by sharp scales on the head. Levant viper loves arid climate and an area without vegetation, distributed in the Transcaucasus, African and Asian countries.

9. Eastern (reticulated) brown snake Length 2.4 m

This is another species of relatively small snakes inhabiting our planet. That's why Eastern brown snake is at the bottom of the ranking of the longest snakes in the world. Maximum length representatives of this species, which was recorded - 2.4 m. The usual dimensions of this snake, which belongs to the asp family, fluctuate within one and a half meters. It is possible to recognize a snake more by its scales than by its color, since it has a variety of brown shades, from coffee to bright chestnut, with yellow and black patterns. This reptile lives in New Guinea and Australia. There is also the eastern indigo snake, which is common in the United States. It is not brown, but black and blue in color, with a transverse and longitudinal pattern. The favorite food of adders is mice, so they are often seen near residential buildings and farms.

8. Surukuku or bushmaster Length 4 m

This viper. The average length is 2.5-3 m, but larger specimens are also recorded: up to 4 m. The weight of this representative of pit snakes is 3-5 kg, but even such impressive dimensions do not add aggressiveness to the surukuk, like the eastern one brown snake. Bushmaster timid and cautious, and rarely encountered by humans. While waiting for his prey, he is able to sit in ambush for more than one week! It differs from other snakes in its bright coloring: large black diamonds on a yellow-brown body.

7. Black mamba Length 4.5 m

This reptile can boast sizes of up to 4.3-4.5 m, although its usual size is 2.5-3.5 m. The snake is noticeable because in Africa, where it is found, it is considered the most poisonous. Also Black Mamba- one of. In pursuit of the victim, on short distance, it is capable of moving at speeds in excess of 11 km/h. Cases have been recorded when the snake reached speeds of 18-19 km per hour. Mamba has a reputation for being a merciless killer. Its venom is very toxic. . It was named so due to its gaping mouth, reminiscent of a coffin, the internal cavity of which is black, like the whole snake. Young specimens have a lighter tone, but “with age” the specimens turn black. The species is found not only in Africa, the snake loves continental climate and thrives in desert, wooded areas or mountains.

6. Indian python or light tiger Length 4.6 m

The most huge snakes There are, after all, pythons in the world, and the real representative among them will be the “smallest”. The reptile lives in South and Southeast Asia, in India. Its average length is 3-4.5 m. In Pakistan, people met pythons with a length of 4.6 m, and in India up to 6 m. The weight of such a snake can be 50 kg. Appearance A light python is distinguished from a dark python by light spotted eyes, pinkish or reddish stripes on the head, and yellow or beige color of the spots. This snake is unpretentious and adapts to any conditions, moves excellently in water, on land and through trees. Because of their calm nature, people are not afraid to keep pythons at home to catch mice and rats.

5. Common boa constrictor Length 5.5 m

This species of long snake belongs to the false-horned family and lives in Central and South America, as well as on the Caribbean islands. He has a balanced disposition, as confirmed by the proverb “calm as a boa constrictor.” There is no need to talk about the exact length, since scientists have found ten species common boa constrictor, the coloring and size of which vary depending on the habitat. The average size of one of the longest snakes in the world ranges from 3 to 4 m, but individuals up to 5.5 m in size have been recorded more than once. The boa constrictor does not have venom, but kills its victim by squeezing it with its body. They feed on birds, lizards, and rodents. They live alone, uniting only for mating, so they are often pets and specimens for exhibitions and private collections.

4. King Cobra Length 5.7 m

King Cobra counts. Most often it can be seen in India, South and Southeast Asia. This reptile is truly called the most dangerous snake on the planet, since it is born with teeth and poison, and even a baby cobra is dangerous for an animal or a person. These creeping creatures are 5.7 m long and they grow throughout their lives. And cobras live a long time: up to 20-30 years. Cobra venom is lethal and begins to act within 15 minutes. after a bite. Having met a person, the cobra stands in a vertical position, making contact with his eyes; in this position, it can move freely and make a lightning-fast bite. She can also control the amount of poison, saving it for larger victims. The barking sounds that a cobra can make also have an effect on the psyche of humans and animals.

3. Burmese python or dark tiger Length 5.8 m

Among pythons with a color like a tiger, this species will be the largest. It lives in Asian countries such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and also in India. Record length Burmese python was 8-9 m with a weight of 70 kg, but most often there are specimens with a length of up to 5.8 m. Such dimensions allow the tiger python to be placed in third place in the ranking of the longest snakes in the world. Pythons love swampy areas and tropical rainforests. They are excellent swimmers, and light-weight young individuals can nimbly climb trees. A calm python, sitting in a secluded place, can determine the location of prey using thermolocators, capturing thermal radiation and smell. It eats birds, rodents, monkeys, but can attack a pig or goat. These snakes are often kept as pets, although this is an expensive hobby.

Among tiger pythons there are albinos, which have a very beautiful yellow-white color.

2. Reticulated python Length 7.5 m

The reptile lives in Southeast Asia and in some sources it is reticulated python called the longest snake in the world. This is not entirely true; it is reliably known that the largest representative of this species was 7.5 m in length. The python's name was Samantha, and he lived in the Bronx Zoo (New York). The snake died in 2002. It is also worth considering that the python loses to the anaconda in weight. This type of snake got its name from its black pattern, similar to a fishing net. The colors are predominantly brown, yellow and gray colors, which helps the snake camouflage itself under tree bark or fallen leaves. The reticulated python likes to live near water, in grassy areas. It can often be seen in hayfields, where it poses a serious danger even to cattle. These snakes hunt rodents, monkeys, birds, but when possible they attack goats and pigs. Like all pythons, this type not poisonous. Now these reptiles are protected by law, as they could completely disappear due to their capture by humans for their valuable skin and meat. The ban on the destruction of the reticulated python plays a huge role in restoring the population of this unique species.

1. Giant green anaconda Length 9 m

Anaconda can rightfully be considered not only, but also itself. These reptiles are not poisonous, but live and hunt mainly in water. Habitat: tropics of South America. The average length of an anaconda is 5-6 m, and the largest was measured in Colombia and was 11.5 m in length.

The maximum length of the largest anaconda, officially confirmed, is 9 m, and the weight is 130 kg.

She eats small and medium-sized rodents and turtles. Just like boa constrictors, these snakes strangle their prey, but do not break its bones, but swallow it whole, it takes up to two months to digest especially large prey. Anacondas do not attack people. The snake has an olive green color, with black circles along its entire length. It can be recognized by the orange-yellow stripes on its head. Females are more powerful than males, and their weight can reach 100 kg or more.

The most long snakes, among those who have ever lived, representatives of a species that went extinct more than 58 million years ago are considered to be on the planet. Those who discovered the remains giant snakes zoologists gave them a name Titanoboa, and after studying they came to the conclusion that they could be 13 meters long and weigh more than a ton.

Recognized as the smallest snake in the world Barbados narrowmouth snake (Charles snake). The maximum length of adult individuals of this species does not exceed 10 cm.