Musical games and competitions for any holiday. Music competitions for corporate events - the best ideas from GiveMeMusic

Music competitions at a corporate event they allow you to identify talents in the work team, as well as just have fun from the heart. Such competitions cannot leave anyone indifferent, because... music always touches the thinnest strings human soul, I want to move to the beat of the tune, hum my favorite melody.

Competition "Heart of a Beauty"

Only men are invited to participate in this competition. First, the leader and participants sing together the first line of the Duke's aria "The Heart of a Beauty." Then each participant must sing the same line, depicting one word with gestures, and the remaining words are sung with their voice. The next participant shows the next word, and he must sing all the remaining words, and so on.

Hint on how to depict words:

“heart” - place your hand on your chest,
“beauty” - draw curves with your hands perfect figure,
“prone” - you can bow,
“treason” - show horns,
“change” - raise your hand as if you were holding a bell and shake it,
“wind” - to hum or blow like the wind,
“May” - depict a participant in the May demonstration, for example, march.

To make it more fun, the game should be played quickly. You can get creative and change the conditions a little. For example, the participants in the game take turns showing one word from a famous song, and the audience must guess the entire line.

Competition “I’ll sing now” or guess the melody of a song

This competition requires the participation of a minimum of six people. Future music lovers should divide into two teams and take turns listening to 10-15 fairly well-known or popular songs today. Moreover, the music will play no more than 15-20 seconds. If one of the teams is late with the answer, the right to guess is transferred to the opponents. For the correct answer, each team is awarded 1 point. Accordingly, the side with the highest score wins more points.

More advanced song lovers are also divided into a pair of teams, they will have a more difficult task than in the previous version. Of course, they won’t have to sing; everything is more complicated here. A member of one of the teams will have to gurgle, whistle or tap a song, the name of which will be learned from the host of the competition. Then everything goes according to clock – the team that delayed the answer transfers the right to vote to its opponents.

Competition “Pass the ball to the music”

This game is good to play while dancing. The dancers pass each other a ball or another round object, for example, an apple, a melon, or whatever they can find. Suddenly the presenter turns off the music, and the one who is holding the object in his hand at that moment must leave the game. The winner is the participant who managed to dance to the end.

Competition "Remember the Song"

The presenter announces a song competition. To participate, you will need several teams, the number of players in each is determined based on total number guests - you can split the team into three or four people.

Next, the theme is announced, which must correspond to the songs that the participants will sing. The winner is the team that remembers the most songs on a given topic and sings a small part of them. The team that couldn't remember the song lost. To simplify the task, you can choose not a topic, but a specific word that should be present in the song.

Competition “Continue the Song”

Participants are divided into teams. The presenter starts the song, then stops it at a certain point; the teams must continue the song. The team that continues the most songs the fastest and correctly wins. You can listen to several songs this way.

Competition "Sing a Song"

The presenter turns on a song, the words of which everyone knows, the participants begin to sing, then the presenter turns off the sound, and the participants continue to sing to themselves, when the presenter turns the sound back on, everyone should be at the same place in the song and continue singing it collectively. The host interrupts the song several times. Participants must not make mistakes. Those participants who never make a mistake win. You must try not to laugh throughout the competition, otherwise you can quickly lose your temper and drop out of the game.

Musical Hat Competition

The participants of the competition stand in a circle, music plays, and the participants begin to pass the hat to each other as follows: one participant takes the hat off his head and puts it on the head of his neighbor. At any moment, the presenter can stop the music and then the player who did not have time to pass the hat to the next one leaves the game. The contestant who passed all the tests and was the last one standing is the winner.

No wedding celebration would be complete without entertainment. If you remember, even during the years of stagnation and prohibition, the toastmaster tried in every possible way to amuse the guests at the wedding. This is why competitions were invented.

They were different at all times. The need for them came from the socio-economic situation in the country.

How to hold a vocal or dance competition?

In the 90s, life was very difficult for people, both morally and financially. Therefore, this time was marked by competitions and entertainment with vulgar and erotic overtones. Now the situation has changed radically.

Gained great popularity:

  • musical;
  • intellectual;
  • funny competitions.

The task of each of them is to entertain and make guests laugh as much as possible.

It is quite difficult to organize a wedding evening. After all, it is necessary to draw up a script and prepare competitions. In addition, the guests at the celebration will not act within the framework of a pre-prepared scenario, which means that the toastmaster must immediately respond to comments or reluctance of the guests to participate.

During entertainment events you may encounter a number of difficulties:

  • lack of desire among guests to participate;
  • embarrassment;
  • sharply negative feedback towards each planned action.

It is worth initially discussing the entire scenario with the newlyweds. Moreover, if previously the married couple relied entirely on the toastmaster’s script, now the situation has changed.

The girl and the boy meet in advance with the person who will conduct the celebration and completely discuss all the points. What does it have to do with Toastmaster offers several competitions to choose from from each block. In turn, young people must choose what they like most.

An experienced presenter should already look at the situation and the specific company. It’s better if he has a dozen spare competitions in his reserve. For example, young people do not like to dance and have chosen all table entertainments, during which it is not at all necessary to get up.

But the guests opposite dance with pleasure and do not want to sit at the tables. Then the host should change during the wedding, adapting to the wishes of the majority of guests.

So that it doesn't arise conflict situations, it is better to approach the young wife and husband in advance and discuss this issue in advance.

Intellectual entertainment competitions

This new look entertainment, which lately is becoming more and more popular. During the event, guests usually sit in their seats, answering questions from the host.

It is best to organize this entertainment between people, without breaking them into teams. Group play is possible if 5 guests are seated at separate tables. In this case, people will not have to move anywhere.

It’s enough just to start the game at one table.

  1. Include footage from popular films.
    It shouldn't be too long. It is enough to insert the main passages or phrases from the tape. Then ask everyone present to name which films were mentioned. The one who names the last tape is considered the winner.
  2. Bring out the melon and ask your guests to tell you its exact weight.
    The person who gives the closest answer wins a small souvenir.
  3. Let everyone write a short story about the bride or groom on a piece of paper, then put the paper in the hat.
    The toastmaster reads out the sheet, and the young couple guesses who wrote this about them.
  4. Check how well the guests know the spouses.
    Ask them some important questions. For example, what color the groom's eyes are or what height the bride is. It is possible to include funny questions to amuse the audience.
  5. Puzzles have been loved by everyone since childhood.
    Try playing this game with your guests. To do this, play simple riddles on the screen first. Of course, it is better that they are themed and reflect the wedding celebration. Before you know it, guests will be drawn into this entertainment and demand further continuation.

Dance competitions

Well, what kind of wedding can take place without dancing until you drop? Why not arrange it. It is best to involve young people in these competitions, since they are the most active and less shy.

Make 2 teams. One group is boys, the second is girls. The task of the guys is to depict how the girls dance, and the young ladies show the men. Then ask the teams to come up with a dance that they will give to the young spouses.

Give them time and opportunity to do this on their own. Make a reservation that the presentation should not be long and complicated. Send the groom to dance along with the guys. And let the bride go to the young ladies. Then they will be able to make truly fiery and energetic numbers.

Cool and funny singing competitions

Unfortunately, not everyone can sing. This idea should be taken into account. Therefore, all competitions should not be aimed at who has the best voice, but rather at presentation and manner of performance.

The best thing is the karaoke competition. By the way, a big advantage singing competitions is the opportunity to conduct them right at the table.

If you want to do not just entertainment, but for real funny game, then refer to the following options:

  1. Choose 5 people from the audience who are the most active and mobile throughout the evening.
    Take them to the room, ask them to change clothes famous celebrities. Let a man portray Dima Bilan, a group of girls will turn into ViaGra. And one of the bravest young ladies can become Irina Allegrova. When the music starts, the toastmaster will announce the arrival of celebrities who want to congratulate the couple. The task of the participants is to portray the stars as accurately as possible. Russian stage. As a rule, they show it quite funny. You can add comedy by dressing the guy as Allegrova and the girl as Bilan.
  2. Let's make two teams. They can be divided into a guy and a girl, or by tables, acquaintances.
    Each group is given a sheet of words and music. Their task is to come up with a short song using these words. After they do this, they have to perform it for the young couple.
  3. My favorite game since childhood is “Guess the Melody.”
    Everyone, sitting still, raises their hand and names what song was just played. The one who names the most times is automatically designated the winner.
  4. The musical hat is a game that goes great at any wedding celebration.
    The presenter prepares excerpts from musical compositions. He approaches any guest present, asks him something, and in response, when he puts on his hat, music sounds. The songs are selected in such a way that they provide funny and funny answers.

The heads of enterprises, to the best of their ideas about joint organized recreation, amazed the imagination of those present with the scale of the events and became heroes of their time. Gradually, the penchant for scale was balanced by “production necessity”, and today corporate parties themselves and music competitions for corporate events are an important component of the life of the company, which, nevertheless, is associated with great responsibility.

What was it like 30 years ago?

The idea of ​​spending leisure time together is much more time-consuming than the word “corporate party” that is already familiar to many. The scenarios for such events were not varied, and often everything happened like this:

  • At the trade union meeting, a person responsible for holding the holiday was appointed (he, in fact, was the “chief out of breath”, who gave instructions and controlled their implementation).
  • Members of the team received tasks to organize the feast (some purchased food, others had to impress with their own culinary masterpieces).
  • It was necessary to indicate who the main speaker would be (the speech was prepared especially carefully, improvisation was allowed only occasionally).
  • The “cultural sector” took over the entertainment side.

Music competitions for corporate events. And from now on, in more detail...

Naturally, Soviet era“imprinted” on entertainment, which previously consisted of a few standard competitions and a couple of lively songs. An accordion, button accordion, piano, and accordion were used as background. What can I say, music games for the “corporate party” of that time, although they were fun, they were monotonous and predictable. Creativity was categorically excluded - everything had to fit within the framework of the “code of the Soviet man.”

In rare cases (usually for large-scale events), enterprises allowed themselves to invite some artist, and such events were necessarily captured in general photographs and in newspapers of a district or regional scale.

Later, in the 90s, when the word “corporate” burst into the countries of the former CIS, small and large firms noted significant holidays considered a matter of honor. And, I must say, many spared no expense for this! Famous artists, professional presenters, luxurious restaurants - the scale of some corporate events was grandiose. What can we say, there was a certain amount of ostentation in all of this...

“Obligation” or a long-awaited event?

The attitude towards corporate events today is ambiguous: many perceive them as an “obligation”, which, moreover, is sometimes associated with not very unpleasant events (the “heroes” of the celebration learn from their employees on the second day). Needless to say, such an opinion is a natural result of a poorly organized event?

But let's not talk about sad things. There is a celebration ahead, which means it’s time to think about it, prepare music competitions for corporate events and do a lot of other things. First, decide whether you will do it yourself or give the “reins of power” to professionals.

We create an entertainment program

Whether this will be done with the help of third parties, or whether it will be done by proactive employees of the company, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Specifics of the event. They will dictate both the theme of the entertainment numbers and the contingent of their participants. For example, a New Year’s corporate party can be easily “diluted” cool games with revealing attributes like men's underpants. But you should still congratulate women on March 8 gallantly, and save a couple of “frank” competitions just in case.
  • The scale of the corporate event. If it involves the participation of guests and is of a light official nature, then a pile of competitions is unlikely to be appropriate. And in general: before selecting numbers, it would not be amiss to at least “virtually” get to know the guests.
  • Type of activity of the company. In fact, this point is not decisive, since lawyers, doctors, and builders all want to have a good time during their vacation. However, this point can be taken as a basis when preparing entertainment program.

What would surprise you?

Actually, no one has canceled personal initiative, and today there are no strict limits set for corporate competitions. On the contrary, creativity is encouraged! Whether it will be an original musical number for a corporate event performed by employees, or whether professionals will be involved in the event - it all depends on the goals and capabilities. So don't let it get lost interesting ideas– and the holiday will not be boring and monotonous.

We are sure that your team will embrace the original idea with a bang - surprise them to your heart's content! And we offer a selection of the best competitions for various corporate events. Use them in “ready form” or take them as a basis for “author’s” numbers – it’s up to you.

Games with music

Essentially, these are competitions that do not involve musical abilities participants. Fast compositions serve as a “groovy” background in games.


A simple but very exciting competition involves everyone present. To the accompaniment of fast music, guests pass candy to each other under the table. The driver must catch some player in her pass. Taken by surprise, he takes the “reins of power” into his own hands.

"In a plate"

The competition is held during the feast. The driver pronounces any letter, and the participants in the game quickly name the object starting with it. The main condition: these items must be on the plate. The one who called first is the one who leads. The main prize goes to the one whose letter does not “found” an object.

"Ring Throw"

You need several to play empty bottles and the same number of full ones (with different drinks). Participants must throw a ring, previously cut out of thick cardboard, from a distance of three meters. There will be exactly as many winners as there are full bottles prepared.


2 teams take part in the game. The task of the first team is to depict some concept using pantomime. Members of the second team must “decipher” it in no more than 3 attempts. The competition does not involve winners, although it can be determined by the results of the points scored. It's best to make a wish catchphrases, names of celebrities, proverbs.


For the competition you need medical gloves, in which holes must first be made with a thin needle. Water is poured into the gloves, and the participants in the game must “milk” as much milk as possible. The one who does it best wins.

"Corporate Bunny"

The popular raffle competition requires little preparation and has several variations. Here is one of them. Main role assigned to some guest who has left the hall. During his absence, the presenter warns those present about the upcoming competition and asks them not to use the word “hare” under any circumstances. The returning guest is declared a fugitive who has committed a fine and will have to “atone for his guilt” by participating in the competition. The guest must portray a hare (the host informs the main character of the competition about this in a whisper), and those present will have to “guess” what kind of animal it is. The “torment” of the hare continues until the guests’ imagination runs out.

Singing, singing along, re-singing, or playing music to the fullest!

Musical competitions for corporate events, where the vocal abilities of guests will be used, need to be approached especially responsibly. Not everyone present is able to overcome the barrier that involves “testing” for vocal abilities, albeit in such an informal setting. Therefore, when preparing music competitions, take into account the following important points:

  • It is best to choose several neutral games related to collective performance. As practice shows, such rooms are received with a bang by all guests, and no one experiences any complexes.
  • For individual competitions where solo singing is expected, the correct solution would be to determine the participants in advance. You can find out about their readiness to perform something in public during the communication process.

Such music competitions will help to diversify a corporate event.


Participants are selected from among those who love to sing. The presenter voices the first verse (the song is chosen randomly), the players continue it sequentially. In this competition, two conditions are required: there should be no pauses between verses, and each subsequent performance includes at least one word from the previous one.

"Choral Singing"

Under the guidance of the presenter, a song is selected that will be performed in chorus by those present at the corporate party. When the command “Quiet!” is heard, the guests shut up and continue singing the song to themselves. On the command “Loud!” choral performance resumes. Since the tempo changes during the “quiet” singing, it turns out that “some go to the forest, some go for firewood” - the game ends with friendly laughter.

"Small Choir"

Those wishing to participate in the competition should be prepared for the fact that the “main participants” of the game will be… their knees, where funny faces will be drawn. The continuation of the “image” will be the shins, which are decorated with various available materials. Next in progress is underway a sheet that the assistants first pull in front of the participants and then raise to their knees after the leader announces: “From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, a small choir has come to us.” The performance of ditties, children's songs and popular compositions in this way goes off with a bang. This is a competition from the category of music competitions for corporate events.

"The Reluctant Stripper"

The number of players is odd. After pairs are formed, the “odd one” becomes a stripper. Couples dance for 2-3 minutes, and when the music stops, partners change. At this time, the stripper has the right to grab the first participant he comes across and create a dance couple with him. So you need to do everything very quickly! Those who are left “out of work” will have to try themselves as a stripper. It’s easy to imagine what kind of “suits” the players end up in.

A little about prizes

Corporate events provide special semantic content, so prizes for competition winners should have “subtext”. The material component in this case is last place. The main thing is that it is fun and “cool”. The winner of a music competition gets a tray of eggs (to improve his vocal abilities), the stripper gets a pole... for a boat (let him practice on it). In general, there is no limit to your imagination! The main thing is desire!

Musical games and competitions always perfectly complement and sometimes become the basis of the entire entertainment program of the evening. Musical games are especially suitable for entertainment at the table or original congratulations. Corporate parties promote team unity, because they can be held as team competitions.

Proposed musical games and competitions for corporate events, They will fit perfectly into the holiday program, adding excitement and variety to it.

1. Team music competition "Song Marathon"

At any holiday, various competitions are held cheerfully: “Who can outsing whom?” At corporate events, this can be a competition between the male and female halves of the guests. The tasks for the competition are very different:

Men sing lines from songs, expressing compliments (or just opinions) to the ladies, and they respond with lines from songs about men:

In alphabetical order, the first team starts with the letter “A”, the second with “B”. With a stopwatch to count how many times each team went beyond the time limit (for example, 30 seconds) of deliberation:

Songs about different times year, color, etc.

2. Song "Crocodile".

It is better to organize this competition between teams as well. Each team receives the task of dramatizing an excerpt from a song with the whole team using facial expressions and gestures. Only songs for the task need to be well-recognized and playable. For example. Don’t rub salt in my wound, don’t say sobbingly, “I’ll go out into the field with my horse at night,” “I’m standing again, smoking,” Mom told me about deceptive love,” etc.

3. Musical competition for a corporate party “Guess and Sing”.

What element of military equipment drove the heroine crazy? (Here is someone coming down the hill)

How should a soldier's buttons be arranged? (The soldier has a day off, buttons in a row)

Where was the soldier taken straight from the military registration and enlistment office? (How could it happen, right to the border)

What is the affectionate name for a good commander? (Combat, dad, dad..)

Where did the girl go to sing about her eagle? (Katyusha came ashore)

What is the hero willing to trade both pizza and chocolate for? (I like it when you walk around naked)

What violations of hygiene standards is a man in love willing to commit? (I'm ready to kiss the sand you walked on)

What connected, became a secret and will definitely not be distinguished? (Music connected us)

4. A comic musical number based on the well-known song “Am I Guilty?”

Comical well-known compositions will amuse the guests and lift the spirits of everyone gathered at the holiday.

This joke song is performed to the tune of the beloved folk song “Am I to blame” with minus accompaniment. The first 2 lines of each verse are sung as in the original, and the next 2 lines are sung with a different text that has humorous content. Unexpected, funny lyrics, a familiar melody and soulful performance - everything you need to have fun with friends. It is best to prepare cards in advance for each participant, where her version of the third and fourth lines and two lines of the original lyrics of the song will be printed. A special prize can be established for those who impromptu come up with their own version.

First participant:

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?

"That I'm cooking fillet and also Olivier,
And I feed him from the belly."

Second participant:

It's my own fault, it's all my fault,
You still want to justify yourself!

sings his version:

"So why, why do I give him jellied meat?
Did you let the cognac sip on you?"

Third participant:

Kissed and pardoned, kissed and pardoned,
He said that I would be his!

sings his version:

"He also promised to buy me a fur coat,
There is simply no such thing as “no one”

Fourth participant:

Oh, you, my mother, oh, you, my mother,
Let me go for a walk!

sings his version:

"To go to the pharmacy and buy earplugs,
His snoring cannot be stopped!”

Fifth participant:

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?

sings his version:

"He will talk nonsense and be mowed by sex,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll kill him!"

5. Musical entertainment"RAP at a corporate party."

(The game has been postponed - watch)

6. Musical game for February 23 "Draw a vehicle".