Musical competitions for birthdays. Music connected us: the best music competitions for weddings

Musical competitions at corporate events allow you to identify talents in the workforce, as well as just have fun from the heart. Such competitions cannot leave anyone indifferent, because... music always touches the thinnest strings human soul, I want to move to the beat of the tune, hum my favorite melody.

Competition "Heart of a Beauty"

Only men are invited to participate in this competition. First, the leader and participants sing together the first line of the Duke's aria "The Heart of a Beauty." Then each participant must sing the same line, depicting one word with gestures, and the remaining words are sung with their voice. The next participant shows the next word, and he must sing all the remaining words, and so on.

Hint on how to depict words:

“heart” - put your hand to your chest,
“beauty” - draw curves with your hands perfect figure,
“prone” - you can bow,
“treason” - show horns,
“change” - raise your hand as if you were holding a bell and shake it,
“wind” - to hum or blow like the wind,
“May” - depict a participant in the May demonstration, for example, march.

To make it more fun, the game should be played quickly. You can get creative and change the conditions a little. For example, the participants in the game take turns showing one word from a famous song, and the audience must guess the entire line.

Competition “I’ll sing now” or guess the melody of a song

This competition requires the participation of a minimum of six people. Future music lovers should divide into two teams and take turns listening to 10-15 fairly well-known or popular songs today. Moreover, the music will play no more than 15-20 seconds. If one of the teams is late with the answer, the right to guess is transferred to the opponents. For the correct answer, each team is awarded 1 point. Accordingly, the side with the highest score wins greatest number points.

More advanced song lovers are also divided into a pair of teams, they will have a more difficult task than in the previous version. Of course, they won’t have to sing; everything is more complicated here. A member of one of the teams will have to gurgle, whistle or tap a song, the name of which will be learned from the host of the competition. Then everything goes according to clock – the team that delayed the answer transfers the right to vote to its opponents.

Competition “Pass the ball to the music”

This game is good to play while dancing. The dancers pass each other a ball or another round object, for example, an apple, a melon, or whatever they can find. Suddenly the presenter turns off the music, and the one who is holding the object in his hand at that moment must leave the game. The winner is the participant who managed to dance to the end.

Competition "Remember the Song"

The presenter announces a song competition. To participate, you will need several teams, the number of players in each is determined based on total number guests - you can split the team into three or four people.

Next, the theme is announced, which must correspond to the songs that the participants will sing. The winner is the team that remembers the most songs on a given topic and sings a small part of them. The team that couldn't remember the song lost. To simplify the task, you can choose not a topic, but a specific word that should be present in the song.

Competition “Continue the Song”

Participants are divided into teams. The presenter starts the song, then stops it at a certain point; the teams must continue the song. The team that continues the most songs the fastest and correctly wins. You can listen to several songs this way.

Competition "Sing a Song"

The presenter turns on a song, the words of which everyone knows, the participants begin to sing, then the presenter turns off the sound, and the participants continue to sing to themselves, when the presenter turns the sound back on, everyone should be at the same place in the song and continue singing it collectively. The host interrupts the song several times. Participants must not make mistakes. Those participants who never make a mistake win. You must try not to laugh throughout the competition, otherwise you can quickly lose your temper and drop out of the game.

Musical Hat Competition

The participants of the competition stand in a circle, music plays, and the participants begin to pass the hat to each other as follows: one participant takes the hat off his head and puts it on the head of his neighbor. At any moment, the presenter can stop the music and then the player who did not have time to pass the hat to the next one leaves the game. The contestant who passed all the tests and was the last one standing is the winner.

It would seem that what could be easier than organizing dances? Turned on the music and the fun began! Not so. People are all different: some will start dancing in half a turn, while others can sit at the table almost the whole evening.

Ready-made quest scenarios for children and adults. For detailed information, click on the image of interest.

In order to leave a good impression from the dance part of the program, so that the dancing comes out fun and lively, so that everyone feels free and at ease, you need to take care of the following things:

  • how to attract more guests to dance
  • how to help shy people
  • how to give everyone the opportunity to show their best side

Therefore, we suggest diversifying the dance program with games during the dance and dance competitions, which are given below. Choose, play and make your holidays brighter and more fun!

N New Year's Macarena

This fun dance is great for New Year's holiday as a warm-up for the audience.

The presenter reminds those who have forgotten the dance movements:

  • "Once" - right hand pull forward
  • "Two" - left hand pull forward
  • "Three" - right hand on the left shoulder
  • "Four" - left hand on right shoulder
  • "Five" - ​​right hand behind the head
  • “Six” - left hand behind the head
  • "Seven" - right hand on the right thigh
  • "Eight" - left hand on left thigh
  • “Nine” - they wiggled their butts

Dance Quiz

This competition is also great for warming up the crowd. For each correct answer, the viewer is awarded a small souvenir. At the end of the quiz, those who have prizes in their hands are invited to participate in the next stage competition. This way, you will recruit the required number of participants for holding competitions, and also defuse the situation at the beginning of the holiday, creating the right mood.


  1. "Fruit" dance of sailors (Apple)
  2. The main dance of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (Samba)
  3. Letka's half (Enka)
  4. Dance, characteristic feature which is rhythmic percussive footwork (step, or tap dance)
  5. Cuban dance, which has also become widespread in countries Latin America(Cha-cha-cha)
  6. Dance after vodka (Gopak)
  7. Caucasian dance (Lezginka)
  8. Popular Greek dance (Sirtaki)
  9. Famous Spanish dance (Flamenco)
  10. Natasha Rostova's first dance (Waltz)
  11. Dance with high leg kicks (Cancan)
  12. An Argentine couple dance characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm (Tango)
  13. Russian belt with stomp (Trepak)
  14. What dance can you do to polish the floor? (Twist)
  15. What dance is he learning? main character the movie "Hipsters"? (Boogie-woogie)

Alternatively, you can complicate the task: players need to not only name the dance correctly, but also try to demonstrate it to the audience using a short appropriate composition. It will be much more fun this way. In this case, it is better to purchase more significant prizes.

An expanding dance, or everyone is dancing!

A chair is placed in the middle of the room and a guy sits on it. Two girls stand behind him, and each puts her hand on his shoulder. The guy, without looking, takes one of the girls by the hand and they go dancing. The remaining girl sits on a chair and the guys walk around, stand behind the girl, and she takes the hand of one of the guys and they also go to dance. Everything continues until all the guests are on the dance floor.

Sirtaki in Russian

All guests must be lined up in two lines: male and female, facing each other. It is advisable that there are at least 10 people in each line. Everyone holds each other's hands, bent at the elbow. To the music of the Greek dance sirtaki (at first it is not very fast), at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. And then the line of women also takes three steps forward, makes the same bow and returns to their place three steps back.

Thus, two ranks, having completed the simplest dance movement, return to their places.

  1. bow
  2. turn 180 degrees
  3. flood right foot
  4. left foot stomp
  5. jump (bouncing)
  6. friendly male “Eh!” and in response a mischievous female “Uh-uh!”

The chain of movements, which are done by men and women in turn, should result in the following: 3 steps forward - bow - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - turn around - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your right foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - stomp with your left foot - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - jump - 3 steps back; 3 steps forward - “Eh!”, “Uh-uh” - 3 steps back.

Having performed the movements, they must be repeated in the same sequence, first, but only at an accelerated pace, and then at an even more accelerated pace. The leader needs to help the dancers and suggest movement commands, then the result will be a well-coordinated, fast and lively dance.

Dance with tasks

Everyone dances, the music stops every now and then and the leader gives some commands, for example:

  • We greet each other, shout “Hello”!
  • Let's jump up to see who's higher!
  • Let's clap our hands!
  • Let's wave our arms!
  • We're spinning like snowflakes!
  • swaying our hips!
  • We shout: “Happy New Year!” etc.

Dance medley

Any number of people can participate in this dance competition, but only in pairs (M+F). It is necessary to write down about 8-10 different musical compositions(this could be: lambada, waltz, polka, tango, dance of little ducklings, rock and roll, boogie-woogie and more) and turn them on one by one. The contestants' task is to quickly switch from one music to another. At the end of the competition, audience applause determines best couple. You can choose the best dancers in each individual dance type.

Musical dialogue

Two teams play (it’s more interesting when men play against women). The first team begins to sing, performing a line, verse or chorus of a song where there is some question, for example: “Where are you, girls, girls, girls, short skirts, skirts, skirts?” The second team must perform an answer to this song, for example: “Where the maple rustles over the river wave...” and ask their question. You cannot repeat previously played songs. The game continues at the discretion of the host - as long as the players are excited. The process of coming up with questions and answers is very interesting!

The traditional Russian way of having fun: singing your favorite songs in chorus with an accordion (or without it) is still popular, especially among the older generation, but new ones are being added musical entertainment, games and competitions that contribute to entertainment programs holidays diversity, warmth and enthusiasm.

The most favorite musical entertainment at the holiday is: karaoke, various adaptations of songs, music quizzes, song re-enactments with tasks, or performance of the text of a famous song in a different style: rap ,folk, musical, etc. If going music company, then the whole scenario can be conceived as a show, let the guests demonstrate their talents all evening - for example, “Become a Star” (you can watch).

Musical games and competitions from our selection are very diverse: completely new and long-loved, lyrical and funny, table and game.

1. Musical game "Noise Makers".

(to download - click on the file)

6. Musical warm-up.

Remember the KVN “Warm-up” competition, and arrange the same improvisation at the festival, only not from jokes, but from songs. Teams must exchange questions and answers from songs, i.e. one team remembers a question line from songs, the other an affirmative line that matches the meaning. Then they change roles. For example, the question: “Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan?”, the answer: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home!” Or: “Where are you, Marusya, who are you walking with?” - “...I’m walking along the sleepers, again walking home along the sleepers out of habit.”

You can play until your imagination runs out.

7. Musical compliments.

The program of any holiday, and especially a corporate one, can include a musical exchange of compliments between the male and female half of the room. This is very simple to do: the female team remembers flattering lines from songs about men, and the men, on the contrary, sing excerpts from songs that can be regarded as compliments to the ladies. And one by one they begin to exchange these musical compliments.

As an example of praise to gentlemen, the presenter can recite the following lines from A. Sviridova’s song:

“How good! You can trust the man!

How good! And don’t think about anything!”

Like a song nod to beautiful ladies - a verse from Yu. Antonov’s hit:

“Attention, men! There is no reason to laugh!

Today, women are a match for us in every task,

And we, of our own free will, teach the roles of others,

The winner is the team that names the most musical compliments within ten minutes, although there is no need to count, let friendship win.

This stream of song compliments can be directed in one direction, for example, to women's holiday On March 8, arrange a musical congratulation - a medley, which will consist of excerpts of compliment songs.

8. Song encyclopedia.

For this song rehearsal, you can divide the hall into several teams (depending on the number of guests) and prepare cards in advance with the intended themes of the songs: animals, birds, plants, travel, love, and so on. Each team draws three to five cards. Five to seven minutes are given to think.

Then, by drawing lots for themes, each team presents its musical illustrations, for example, the theme “Stones”: “Give me moonstone“,” “He has a granite pebble in his chest,” “I can do everything, I can do everything - my heart is not a stone.” It is allowed to sing either one line from a song or an entire verse or chorus. The main thing is that it corresponds to the meaning of the task.

For each answer given to the topic - a point. The winners are determined by the amount of points earned.

9. "Orchestra of virtual instruments."

From the guests (10 - 15 people) we create an Orchestra of virtual instruments - everyone draws a card with a written instrument, each of them, of course, has a different one. Participants must depict playing instruments very expressively, so that it is clear who is playing what music.

Then the presenter explains that he will be a conductor, but also play the drum. However, the leading conductor will always “switch” to any other instrument, and the player whose instrument is at the moment portrayed by the presenter, must immediately stop his movements.

In this way, those “musicians” who “missed” the leader’s new movement gradually drop out of the game of the virtual orchestra. The most attentive player wins.

10. Musical ABC.

Pre-holiday bustle, shopping, preparations - all these are attributes of a birthday, or rather preparation for it. And so that the birthday itself does not fly by instantly and unnoticed, so that the guests do not yawn from boredom while listening to philosophical conversations, one more item should be added to the preparations - musical competitions for the birthday.

You can hire a professional from the entertainment industry and completely rely on his taste, then your holiday will be filled with fun and will remain in the memory of your guests for a long time. long time. You can come up with scenarios for birthday contests yourself, but you need to prepare for them very carefully. After all, they are the ones who must amuse the guests and not leave them time to yawn.

So, the birthday music competitions themselves, some of them are perfect for both children and children. Some can be delimited by age; the only thing that is necessary is the presence of a presenter.

Musical knowledge

In this competition, the host asks guests to remember and sing songs in the chosen category, for example, songs that contain any number:

  • First team - Five minutes
  • Second team – Argentina-Jamaica 5:0
  • First team - Where are my seventeen years...
  • Second team – Million scarlet roses
  • First team – Our tenth airborne battalion

You can participate in the competition either in teams or individually. The winner is the team or player who last remembered and sang a song on a given topic.

Slurred singing

The presenter announces a competition for the best song, but there is a catch: you need to sing with several lollipops in your mouth. All participants take turns trying to reproduce their favorite song, which, understandably, does not work out very well for them. In this competition, two winners are usually announced: the first, whose song was nevertheless recognized, and the second, who made the guests laugh the most with his “incomparable” singing.

The most sensitive singer (singer)

At the beginning of the competition, a popular song is chosen so that all guests present know the words. Then the presenter notifies everyone that it must be performed by the choir, but with some conditions. At the moment of the leader’s clap, the guests stop singing out loud and sing the song to themselves; after the second clap, everyone begins to sing from the place where they think it is necessary. Someone is bound to lose track after a few claps, but in most cases, after the second clap, almost everyone starts singing different parts of the song.

Dance relay

Naturally it is impossible to ignore dance competitions for a birthday, here's one of them. Participants line up in a circle, alternating between women and men. The presenter takes out a “magic wand” and holds it between his knees. And under, making dance movements, he passes it on to the next participant, standing face to face and always without using his hands. The one who accepts the baton passes it on and so on. After one circle, you should complicate the task, for example, the method of passing the stick: back to face, back to back, the main thing is that your hands are not involved in the passing process. The positive aspect of this competition is the “great photographs”.

Ode to the birthday boy

All guests should be divided into teams, the presenter gives each a sheet of paper. Participants need to honor the birthday boy, but with one condition: all words of the song must begin with the same letter. The birthday boy chooses a letter for each team separately. After the allotted time for composing, the teams must take turns performing their songs. The winner is determined by the birthday boy.

All birthday music competitions are good in their own way. Which one to choose for a particular celebration depends on the guests, their age and number. The main thing is that the competitions carry positivity and fun, both for the hero of the occasion and for his guests. And this will allow everyone to remember their childhood, carefree feelings, when everything was like in a fairy tale - after all, a birthday in childhood is associated only with these words.

And finally, watch a fun video of another competition that is suitable for any holiday:

The heads of enterprises, to the best of their ideas about joint organized recreation, amazed the imagination of those present with the scale of the events and became heroes of their time. Gradually, the penchant for scale was balanced by “production necessity”, and today corporate parties themselves and music competitions for corporate events are an important component of the life of the company, which, nevertheless, is associated with great responsibility.

What was it like 30 years ago?

The idea of ​​spending leisure time together is much more time-consuming than the word “corporate party” that is already familiar to many. The scenarios for such events were not varied, and often everything happened like this:

  • At the trade union meeting, a person responsible for holding the holiday was appointed (he, in fact, was the “chief out of breath”, who gave instructions and controlled their implementation).
  • Members of the team received tasks to organize the feast (some purchased food, others had to impress with their own culinary masterpieces).
  • It was necessary to indicate who the main speaker would be (the speech was prepared especially carefully, improvisation was allowed only occasionally).
  • The “cultural sector” took over the entertainment side.

Music competitions for corporate events. And from now on, in more detail...

Naturally, Soviet era“imprinted” on entertainment, which previously consisted of a few standard competitions and a couple of lively songs. An accordion, button accordion, piano, and accordion were used as background. What can I say, music games for the “corporate party” of that time, although they were fun, they were monotonous and predictable. Creativity was categorically excluded - everything had to fit within the framework of the “code of the Soviet man.”

In rare cases (usually for large-scale events), enterprises allowed themselves to invite some artist, and such events were necessarily captured in general photographs and in newspapers of a district or regional scale.

Later, in the 90s, when the word “corporate” burst into the countries of the former CIS, small and large firms noted significant holidays considered a matter of honor. And, I must say, many spared no expense for this! Famous artists, professional presenters, luxurious restaurants - the scale of some corporate events was grandiose. What can we say, there was a certain amount of ostentation in all of this...

“Obligation” or a long-awaited event?

The attitude towards corporate events today is ambiguous: many perceive them as an “obligation”, which, moreover, is sometimes associated with not very unpleasant events (the “heroes” of the celebration learn from their employees on the second day). Needless to say, such an opinion is a natural result of a poorly organized event?

But let's not talk about sad things. There is a celebration ahead, which means it’s time to think about it, prepare music competitions for corporate events and do a lot of other things. First, decide whether you will do it yourself or give the “reins of power” to professionals.

We create an entertainment program

Whether this will be done with the help of third parties, or whether it will be done by proactive employees of the company, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Specifics of the event. They will dictate both the theme of the entertainment numbers and the contingent of their participants. For example, a New Year’s corporate party can be easily “diluted” cool games with revealing attributes like men's underpants. But you should still congratulate women on March 8 gallantly, and save a couple of “frank” competitions just in case.
  • The scale of the corporate event. If it involves the participation of guests and is of a light official nature, then a pile of competitions is unlikely to be appropriate. And in general: before selecting numbers, it would not be amiss to at least “virtually” get to know the guests.
  • Type of activity of the company. In fact, this point is not decisive, since lawyers, doctors, and builders all want to have a good time during their vacation. However, this point can be taken as a basis when preparing an entertainment program.

What would surprise you?

Actually, no one has canceled personal initiative, and today there are no strict limits set for corporate competitions. On the contrary, creativity is encouraged! Whether it will be an original musical number for a corporate event performed by employees, or whether professionals will be involved in the event - it all depends on the goals and capabilities. So don't let it get lost interesting ideas– and the holiday will not be boring and monotonous.

We are sure that your team will embrace the original idea with a bang - surprise them to your heart's content! And we offer a selection best competitions for various corporate events. Use them in “ready form” or take them as a basis for “author’s” numbers – it’s up to you.

Games with music

Essentially, these are competitions that do not involve musical abilities participants. Fast compositions serve as a “groovy” background in games.


A simple but very exciting competition involves everyone present. To the accompaniment of fast music, guests pass candy to each other under the table. The driver must catch some player in her pass. Taken by surprise, he takes the “reins of power” into his own hands.

"In a plate"

The competition is held during the feast. The driver pronounces any letter, and the participants in the game quickly name the object starting with it. The main condition: these items must be on the plate. The one who called first is the one who leads. The main prize goes to the one whose letter does not “found” an object.

"Ring Throw"

You need several to play empty bottles and the same number of full ones (with different drinks). Participants must throw a ring, previously cut out of thick cardboard, from a distance of three meters. There will be exactly as many winners as there are full bottles prepared.


2 teams take part in the game. The task of the first team is to depict some concept using pantomime. Members of the second team must “decipher” it in no more than 3 attempts. The competition does not involve winners, although it can be determined by the results of the points scored. It's best to make a wish catchphrases, names of celebrities, proverbs.


For the competition you need medical gloves, in which holes must first be made with a thin needle. Water is poured into the gloves, and the participants in the game must “milk” as much milk as possible. The one who does it best wins.

"Corporate Bunny"

The popular raffle competition requires little preparation and has several variations. Here is one of them. Main role assigned to some guest who has left the hall. During his absence, the presenter warns those present about the upcoming competition and asks them not to use the word “hare” under any circumstances. The returning guest is declared a fugitive who has committed a fine and will have to “atone for his guilt” by participating in the competition. The guest must portray a hare (the host informs the main character of the competition about this in a whisper), and those present will have to “guess” what kind of animal it is. The “torment” of the hare continues until the guests’ imagination runs out.

Singing, singing along, re-singing, or playing music to the fullest!

Musical competitions for corporate events, where the vocal abilities of guests will be used, need to be approached especially responsibly. Not everyone present is able to overcome the barrier that involves “testing” for vocal abilities, albeit in such an informal setting. Therefore, when preparing music competitions, take into account the following important points:

  • It is best to choose several neutral games related to collective performance. As practice shows, such rooms are received with a bang by all guests, and no one experiences any complexes.
  • For individual competitions where solo singing is expected, the correct solution would be to determine the participants in advance. You can find out about their readiness to perform something in public during the communication process.

Such music competitions will help to diversify a corporate event.


Participants are selected from among those who love to sing. The presenter voices the first verse (the song is chosen randomly), the players continue it sequentially. In this competition, two conditions are required: there should be no pauses between verses, and each subsequent performance includes at least one word from the previous one.

"Choral Singing"

Under the guidance of the presenter, a song is selected that will be performed in chorus by those present at the corporate party. When the command “Quiet!” is heard, the guests shut up and continue singing the song to themselves. At the command “Loud!” choral performance resumes. Since the tempo changes during the “quiet” singing, it turns out that “some go to the forest, some go for firewood” - the game ends with friendly laughter.

"Small Choir"

Those wishing to participate in the competition should be prepared for the fact that the “main participants” of the game will be… their knees, where funny faces will be drawn. The continuation of the “image” will be the shins, which are decorated with various available materials. Next in progress is underway a sheet that the assistants first pull in front of the participants and then raise to their knees after the leader announces: “From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, a small choir has come to us.” The performance of ditties, children's songs and popular compositions in this way goes off with a bang. This is a competition from the category of music competitions for corporate events.

"The Reluctant Stripper"

The number of players is odd. After pairs are formed, the “odd one” becomes a stripper. Couples dance for 2-3 minutes, and when the music stops, partners change. At this time, the stripper has the right to grab the first participant he comes across and create a dance couple with him. So you need to do everything very quickly! Those who are left “out of work” will have to try themselves as a stripper. It’s easy to imagine what kind of “suits” the players end up in.

A little about prizes

Corporate events provide special semantic content, so prizes for competition winners should have “subtext”. The material component in this case is last place. The main thing is that it is fun and “cool”. The winner of a music competition gets a tray of eggs (to improve his vocal abilities), the stripper gets a pole... for a boat (let him practice on it). In general, there is no limit to your imagination! The main thing is desire!