Parachuting in Kazakhstan. Parachuting in Kazakhstan Parachute system d1 5u

The D-1-5u controllable training parachute is designed for initial training in jumping, as well as for restoring lost skills in performing parachute jumps. This is facilitated by the low speed of descent and horizontal movement of the parachute, high reliability of its operation, controllability, smooth deployment and stability during descent.

The parachute can be used in three deployment options:

* forced opening of the parachute pack and pulling the cover from the canopy with a pull rope;

* forced opening of the backpack with the cover being pulled from the canopy by a pilot chute;

* opening of the backpack with a pull ring.

The simplest and most reliable method of deploying a parachute is the first one mentioned; it is used for initial training in parachute jumping. IN textbook we will consider the configuration and stowage of the parachute in relation to this method disclosures.

Parachute D-1-5u provides:

1. Normal operation under the following conditions:

* if the paratrooper with parachutes weighs no more than 120 kg;

* when performing training jumps at speeds up to 250 km/h according to the instrument at altitudes up to 1000 m.

2. The minimum safe height for a jump from a horizontally flying aircraft at an instrument speed of 180 km/h with immediate deployment of the parachute is 150 m.

3. Vertical descent speed - 5 m/s.

4. Stability during descent.

5. Horizontal speed - up to 2.47 m/s.

6. Time to turn 360° is no more than 18 seconds.

7. Use of a reserve parachute Z-5.

8. The weight of the parachute is no more than 17.5 kg.

Maximum overload at the moment of filling the dome no more than 10.

Description of the parachute.

(To perform jumps with forced opening of the parachute pack and pulling the cover from the canopy with a pull rope).

The parachute kit includes the following parts:

1. Canopy with lines 82.5 sq. m.

2. Suspension system.

4. Dome cover.

5. Pull rope.

6. Pull rope.

7. Carrying bag.

8. Form (passport).


Parachute canopy(Fig. 8) is designed for the safe descent and landing of a parachutist. Dome area - 82.5 square meters. m. The shape of the dome is a regular 28-square. The dome is made of cotton fabric with anti-putrefactive impregnation. A reinforcing frame made of nylon tape is sewn onto the top of the dome. It is designed to evenly distribute the load on the dome fabric and localize gusts if they occur. There is a pole hole in the center of the dome, designed to provide a stable, swing-free descent. By crossing the reinforcing frame strips at the pole hole, a pole bridle is formed. At the lower edge of the dome, the reinforcing frame tapes form 28 loops for attaching slings. There are 25 pockets sewn between the slings on the outside of the canopy at the bottom edge to speed up the process of filling the canopy. On the canopy, to create horizontal speed, there are three slots, they are located between the lines NN 27-28; 28-1; 1-2.

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Control lines are used to control the parachute (its horizontal speed). They are attached to the main lines NN 26,27, 28 and 1, 2, 3 in their lower third and end with plastic brakes on the free ends of the parachute suspension system.

The main canopy slings (28 pcs.), 8 m. 87 cm long, are made of cotton cord with a strength of 125 kg. to break. At the lower edge of the dome they are attached to the loops formed by the reinforcement frame tapes, and with the other end - to the half rings at the free ends of the suspension system.

Hanging system(Fig. 9) - is the connecting link between the parachute canopy with lines and the parachutist and serves to evenly distribute the load at the moment the parachute canopy opens. TO suspension system the backpack is mounted, and the canopy lines are attached to the free ends.

The suspension system is made of nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kg. Consists of a main circular strap (1), starting and ending with free ends (2) and passing under the parachutist’s body; two dorso-shoulder girths (3) (left and right), forming a chest bridge (4), turning into a waist girth (5); two leg loops (6).

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The suspension system contains:

* half rings for attaching slings (7);

* metal buckles for adjusting the system according to height and size (8);

* D-shaped buckles with carabiners for fastening the system (9);

* brackets for fastening the intermediate suspension system of the reserve parachute.

Satchel(Fig. 10) - designed for placing a canopy in a case, part of the slings and free ends of the suspension system. Made from avisent, it has an envelope-shaped shape (double bottom with a stiffening frame and four valves). Quick opening of the backpack valves is ensured by backpack rubbers.

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To hold the backpack valves in the closed position, a closing device is located on them, consisting of:

* cord ring;

* two cones;

* four eyelets with a sewing washer;

* one eyelet buckle.

To streamline the process of packing and opening, a pocket made of cotton fabric is sewn to the bottom of the backpack on the inside. On the outside, tapes are sewn to the bottom for attaching the suspension system.

Two scarves with buckles are sewn onto the side flaps on the outside, intended for attaching the reserve parachute backpack.

Dome cover(Fig. 11) - designed for placing a parachute canopy in it, which streamlines the deployment process and helps reduce cases of the canopy being overlapped with lines.

The cover is made of fabric (percale or nylon) of orange color, has the shape of a sleeve 5.28 m long and is worn over the entire length of the laid dome. Reinforcing tapes (1) are sewn along the entire length of the cover, which in its upper part form a bridle (2) for attaching a traction rope. In the lower part, the cover has one pair of double removable honeycombs (3) and eleven pairs of fixed honeycombs (4) for laying slings and ends with an apron (5) with two windows. Above each window there is a pocket for storing a bunch of slings. Bundles of slings, inserted into double removable honeycombs, seal the lower part of the cover and prevent the canopy from leaving the cover prematurely. The bundles of slings laid in the honeycombs are closed with a sling fuse (6), which protects them from snagging and premature blowing out of the honeycombs by the air flow.

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Pull rope designed to hold the backpack valves in a closed position. It has three pins at one end and a loop at the other that connects to the pull rope loop. The traction rope is pulled through a safety cover, which protects the aircraft skin from possible damage by its pins after the parachute pack is deployed.

Pull rope serves for forced opening of the parachute pack, pulling the canopy in the cover out of the pack, the slings from the honeycomb of the cover, and pulling the cover from the canopy.

It is made of nylon tape with a tensile strength of 1200 kg, 3 m long. At one end there is a carabiner with a latch designed to hook it to the cable inside the aircraft, and at the other there is a loop for attaching to the bridle of the canopy cover. At a distance of 1.4 m from this loop, a second loop is stitched, which serves to attach the exhaust cable loop.

Break line is designed to connect the bridle of the canopy to the loop of the pulling rope, holding the canopy in the case in a tense state when pulling the slings from the honeycomb, which prevents the top of the canopy from falling down to the bottom of the cover with its subsequent inversion and reduces the likelihood of it being overlapped by the slings. It is made of cotton cord ШХБ-40, 0.9 m long.

Carrying bag designed to accommodate the parachute during storage and transportation. It is rectangular in shape and has two handles for transportation. The upper base of the bag is fastened with a cord.

Passport designed to record information about the reception, transmission, operation and repair of the parachute. The passport is an integral part of the parachute. The rules for maintaining a passport are set out in the passport itself.


Let's consider the operation of a parachute when performing a jump with forced uncuffing of the backpack and pulling the cover from the canopy with a pull rope.

When the parachutist is separated from the aircraft, a traction rope attached with a carabiner to the cable in the aircraft cabin pulls the cable pins out of the locking device and releases the backpack valves, which are folded to the sides under the action of the backpack rubbers. The pulling rope is pulled out to its full length and, holding the cover attached to its loop with the dome placed in it, pulls it out from under the pocket at the bottom of the backpack. Next, the pocket is uncapped, the free ends are tensioned and the slings come out of the honeycomb of the cover. The break line is stretched, breaks and the canopy comes out of the cover. After this, the parachute canopy is filled. The traction rope with the cable and the canopy cover remain in the aircraft (Fig. 12).

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When descending on a filled canopy, the holes located in the rear half of the canopy in relation to the parachutist ensure horizontal movement of the parachute forward.


Stowing a parachute for a jump with forced deployment of the pack (for uncrewing)

Stowing the parachute is carried out by two people - the packer (responsible for packing) and the helper. The stages of packing the parachute are controlled by the instructor. Before stowing, the parachute should be thoroughly inspected to determine its suitability for use. Any unusable parts found should be replaced with spare parts or repaired by the organization that owns the parachute. Repair and replacement of parachute parts should be carried out in accordance with Instruction No. 008-62 for military repair of parachute equipment.

Packing a parachute for a jump includes the following operations:

1. Inspection.

2. Preparing the parachute for stowage.

3. Laying the canopy and checking the lines.

4. Putting the cover on the canopy and laying the lines in the honeycombs of the canopy cover.

5. Stowing the canopy in the case on the backpack.

6. Laying the lanyardless ball parachute on the stowed canopy in the cover and tightening the backpack.

7. Attaching the traction rope to the traction rope and placing it under the backpack rubber.

1. Inspection Inspect the parachute in the following order:

Canopy with slings;

Dome cover;

Ball lineless pilot chute;

Suspension system;

A backpack with flexible hoses and a reserve parachute mount;

Pull ring with cable loop;

Pull rope;

Pull rope;

Safety case;

Carrying bag. - Inspection of the canopy with slings

Take slings No. 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18 and No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and stretch the dome along the table to the entire length of the panels (Fig. 17).

Moving from the edges to the middle of the dome and lifting the panels, inspect them in the light over the entire width of the squares. At the same time, check that the stitching and fabric of the dome are not damaged. Thus, inspect the entire dome. Damage to the dome fabric and stains from liquids that destroy the fabric are not allowed. Then proceed to inspect the canopy lines. Disassemble the slings, place them tightly one to the other and tighten. Inspect all the slings from all sides, starting from the bottom edge to the half-ring buckles, rolling them with the palms of your hands on the table. Pay attention to the places where the control lines are sewn.

- Inspection of the dome cover

When inspecting the canopy cover, check whether the cover fabric, stitching, reinforcing tapes, bridle, rubber honeycomb, line guard, pockets for storing lines are damaged, and also check the rubber removable honeycombs. If the rubber honeycombs protecting the apron of the base of the cover rupture, they must be replaced with new ones. Repairing rubber honeycombs is strictly prohibited.

- Inspection of a lanyardless ball parachute

When inspecting a lanyardless ball parachute, check for damage to the parachute fabric, tears in the parachute stitching and tension cords. Check the serviceability of the spring mechanism, the pins for securing the folded ball parachute and the reliability of its sewing.

Note. A lanyardless ball parachute that has a deformed spring mechanism is not allowed for use. It is necessary to straighten the springs of the spring mechanism and only then allow the parachute to be used.

- Inspection of the suspension system

When inspecting the suspension system, check its metal parts: OSK locks, fastening brackets with clamps, half-ring buckles, carabiners, and also check the sewing of flexible hoses.

Check for damage to the straps of the half-ring buckles mounted on the free ends through which the control slings pass, to check whether the stitching is broken, and whether the pull ring pocket is in good condition. On the textile parts of the suspension system, damage to the tapes and fabric and stains from liquids that destroy the fabric are not allowed.

- Inspection of the backpack with flexible hoses and reserve parachute attachment

When inspecting the backpack, pay special attention to the serviceability of the cord ring, eyelets and cones, check for the presence of wire loops, backpack rubbers and their attachment to the loops on the backpack valves, rubber honeycombs, tie straps, the pocket of the semi-automatic device and pockets on the inside bottom of the backpack, check serviceability of flexible hoses and reliability of their sewing, serviceability of carabiners for attaching the reserve parachute.

If the braiding of the cord ring is damaged, it must be replaced with a new spare one. It is strictly forbidden to use a cord ring with a damaged cord braid. In case of rupture, rubber honeycombs are replaced with new ones. Repairing rubber honeycombs is prohibited.

- Inspection of the pull ring with cable loop

Inspect the pull ring with the cable loop and check whether the seal of the cable loop and the stopper solder are secure. Straighten sharp kinks in the cable. If it is impossible to straighten the pull rope of the pull ring, do not use it.

- Inspection of the pull rope

When inspecting the exhaust cable, check whether the cable pins are securely sealed and whether the pins are bent. Straighten sharp kinks in the cable. If it is impossible to straighten the pull rope, do not use it.

- Inspection of the haul rope

When inspecting the traction rope, check for damage to individual threads of the tape and the cover, and also check the serviceability of the carabiner.

- Inspection of the protective cover

When inspecting the safety cover, check for damage to the fabric of the cover and loop, as well as to the stitching.

- Carrying bag inspection

When inspecting a portable bag, check for stains of unknown origin, tears, and also check for the presence of half-ring buckles.

Designed for performing training jumps.

Tactical and technical data

With a parachutist weighing 120 kg with equipment, the parachute has the following characteristics:

    ensures reliable operation both when it is immediately put into operation at an aircraft speed of up to 250 km/h, and with any delay in deployment;

    overloads when opening the parachute do not exceed 10 g;

    the minimum jump height with immediate deployment of the parachute at an aircraft speed of 180 km/h is 150 meters;

    V vert – 5.11 m/s;

    V mountains – from 0 to 2.47 m/s;

    the time for turning the dome 360 ​​degrees is no more than 18 seconds;

    the force for pulling out the ring is no more than 16 kg;

    resource – 200 jumps.

The weight of the parachute with the device is 17.5 kg.


The parachute kit includes the following parts.

    Pull rope.

    Lineless pilot parachute.

    Dome cover.

    Canopy with slings.

    Hanging system.

  1. Flexible hose.

    Pull ring.

    Pull ring with cable loop (emergency ring).

    Pull rope.

    Safety case.

    Safety device.

    Breakaway line.

    Flexible pin halyard.

    Connecting link.

    Carrying bag.

Pull rope

To protect the traction rope from burns, a cover is put on it 2 made of cotton tape (LHBMkr-350-230) in the form of a hollow hose. Such covers are put on the loops of the rope and on the trailed carabiner. To control the pulling rope on both sides, the carabiner has a red tape.

Lineless pilot parachute

The pilot chute is designed to pull the cover off the main canopy.

Consists of two main parts: the parachute base 1 and spring mechanism 2 .

Upper part The base of the parachute has a hemispherical shape and is made of orange nylon fabric.

The lower part of the parachute base, attached along the perimeter of the hemisphere to the upper one, also has a hemispherical shape, turning into a conical one. The hemispherical part is made of nylon mesh fabric, and the conical part is made of nylon fabric.

On the outer surface of the dome base, four nylon reinforcing tapes with a strength of 150 kg are sewn, evenly spaced along the surface in the meridional direction. A grommet is placed on the pole where the ribbons intersect 3 .

At the bottom the tapes are brought together into a thimble 7 and braided with linen thread 9.5/6. Using a thimble, the pilot chute is attached to the connecting link and the canopy cover.

Gasyr is sewn on one of the ribbons on the upper hemispherical part of the pilot chute 4 and a ribbon with a pin 5 . The pin is designed to secure the spring mechanism of the pilot chute when folded.

The spring mechanism consists of eight meridionally located spokes ending with heads, which are secured at the pole with washers. The upper washer is located under the grommet mounted on the pole of the parachute base. Between the top washer and the grommet there is a washer made of nylon resin.

The conical spring has 5.8 working turns, with 2.9 of its turns located inside the spherical spring mechanism.

The spokes of the spherical spring mechanism wrap around the upper and middle turns of the conical spring, which are connected by a limiter made of nylon cord with a strength of 120 kg, which helps maintain the spherical shape of the parachute during its operation.

At the lower base of the conical spring there is a plate on which the cone (or cable loop) is located. 6 , designed to lock the spring mechanism in a compressed state. When pinning, the cone (or cable loop) is passed through the holes of the upper and middle washer, brought out through the grommet and pinned with a pin secured to the base of the parachute. When folded, the pilot parachute is stowed in the backpack. The pin of the pilot chute is tucked into the gas cylinder.

Dome cover

The case is intended for placing the dome in it in order to streamline its implementation.

Case 4 made of orange nylon fabric, has the shape of a sleeve 5.31 m long and is worn over the entire length of the dome, folded along the panels.

At the bottom base above the bottom edge 13 the cover has eleven pairs of non-removable 10 and one pair of double removable rubber honeycombs 2 , fuse sling 3 , two ribbons 9 for installation frame, apron 11 to cover the lower edge of the dome and sleeve 1 to prevent contact of the apron with the dome when the latter comes out of the cover.

Non-removable rubber honeycombs are designed for inserting canopy slings into them, double honeycombs are designed for closing the cover apron with bundles of slings.

The apron of the cover has two eyelets 12 with sewing washers for passing double removable honeycombs. Pockets are sewn above the eyelets for tucking bundles of slings into them.

Bunches of slings, nested in double removable honeycombs, close the apron and prevent the canopy from leaving the cover prematurely. When the lines jam in double removable honeycombs, the honeycombs break.

The sling protector is designed to protect slings laid in honeycombs from being blown out by the air flow during deployment.

Two ribbons 9 , located on both sides of the honeycombs, form pockets into which the laying frame is inserted.

The cover has two pockets at the top base 8 , facilitating the release of the lines from the honeycomb and the pulling of the cover from the canopy. The top of the cover is tightened with a cord 6 from ShKP-60.

The entire length of the cover is reinforced with four nylon tapes 5 (LTKOUP-25-150), which form a bridle in the upper part of the cover 7 for attaching a pilot chute or a pilot rope (depending on the method of deploying the parachute).

Canopy with lines

The canopy is designed to allow the parachutist to land safely in a given location.

The dome has a round shape and consists of four sectors. Each sector consists of five trapezoidal panels 1 straight cut. The sectors and panels are stitched together using a “lock” seam. Dome area 82.5 sq. m.

The dome is made of percale. In the center of the dome there is a pole hole with a diameter of 0.43 meters. The edge of the pole hole of the dome is reinforced on both sides with nylon tape with a strength of 185 kg (LTKP-15-185), and the lower edge of the dome is reinforced with nylon tape with a strength of 150 kg (LTKOUP-25-150).

A reinforcing frame is sewn onto the dome from the outside 2 from nylon tape with a strength of 150 kg (LTKOUP-25-150). At the lower edge of the canopy it forms 28 loops to which the slings are tied.

Reinforcing tapes 3 , stitched onto the seams connecting the sectors of the dome, form a bridle in the pole hole.

There are 25 pockets stitched on the outside of the dome, at the bottom edge.

The canopy has 28 lines made of cotton cord with a strength of 125 kg (ShKhBP-125). To facilitate installation of the canopy, the fourteenth line is painted red. On the lower edge of the canopy, to the left of the lines, their serial numbers are indicated. All slings are the same length. IN free state the length of the slings from the lower edge of the canopy to the detachable buckle or half-ring buckle of the suspension system is 8.87 m.

To ensure correct laying of the canopy on the slings, at a distance of 0.45 m from the lower edge of the canopy, marks are placed along which the laying of the slings into the first double removable rubber honeycombs of the cover begins.

At a distance of 1.8 m from the detachable buckles or half-ring buckles of the free ends of the suspension system, marks are applied to the slings, along which the (removable) honeycomb pockets at the bottom of the backpack are secured with slings.

There are vertical holes on the canopy panels between lines 27-28, 28-1 and 1-2 4 . The edges of each hole are reinforced with nylon tape with a strength of 150 kg.

To control the canopy, control lines are mounted to lines 26, 27, 28 and 3, 2, 1, the second ends of which are brought to the brakes and secured to the rear free ends of the suspension system.

Hanging system

The harness is the connecting link between the parachute and the parachutist.

The suspension system is made of nylon tape with a strength of 1600 kg (LTK-44-1600) and consists of a main strap 5 , two dorso-shoulder girths 6 , two pairs of risers 8 , chest bridge 3 , waist circumference 12 , leg girths 15 .

The main strap is stitched from a tape in two folds, the ends of which form two free ends 0.43 m long.

The main strap has two curved buckles 9 , designed to connect it with the dorso-shoulder girths in the upper part of the suspension system.

A pull ring pocket is sewn onto the main strap at chest level on the left side 10 . A flexible hose is sewn above the pocket.

At the bottom, the main strap is bifurcated, the tapes are sewn end-to-end and an overlay is sewn to them 1 for more comfortable sitting in the harness during descent.

To attach the reserve parachute to the harness system, two mounting brackets are mounted in the main strap 11 with clamps 4 . N

Topic 1. Material part of parachutes

the back-shoulder girths, right and left, form a chest bridge and, with the help of two buckles, a waist girth, providing adjustment of the suspension system according to height. The back-shoulder girths are fastened together, forming a cross, to which the backpack is attached.

The lower ends of the dorso-shoulder loops, passed between the main strap and going around it in several places, form leg loops on which the buckles are mounted 14 to adjust their height.

Three carbines 13 and three buckles 2 , located on the leg loops and chest bridge, are used to fasten the harness system.

The backpack is attached to the harness, and the dome slings are attached to the half-ring buckles of the harness.


The backpack is designed to accommodate a canopy in a case, part of the lines and free ends of the harness system, a lineless ball parachute and a semi-automatic device.

The satchel is made of avisent and consists of the bottom of the satchel and four valves: two side, one upper and one lower.

To the top valve 1 two flexible hoses are sewn 2 plate head 3 for attaching the hose of a semi-automatic device and a tie-tie 4 , intended for fastening the hose of a semi-automatic device. There are two windows at the base of the top flap 5 for the exit of the free ends of the suspension system.

The top and two side flaps of the backpack have flaps with pockets 6 , which, after placing the canopy in the backpack, are tucked with a stowage ruler under the bottom and side flaps. The flaps protect the dome from contamination.

To hold the valves in the closed position, the backpack has a locking device consisting of a cord ring 7 , made of silk cord ShSh-80, two cones 8 located on the backpack valves, four eyelets with a sewing washer 29 and one eyelet buckle 28 .

Fifth eyelet 18 , installed on the right side flap between the lower and middle eyelets, is designed to fix the position of the ball screw inside the backpack when folded.

Eight backpack rubbers ensure quick opening of the backpack valves 9 , of which seven are single and one is double. The length of a single backpack rubber with pendants is 0.37 m, and a double one is 0.385 m. At one end, the backpack rubbers are permanently attached to the wire loops on the backpack valves.

Two scarves with buckles are sewn onto the side flaps of the backpack on the outside along the perimeter tape. 10 , to which the fasteners are attached 13 reserve parachute, designed to be attached to

the main parachute and to regulate the tightness of the parachute to the parachutist’s body. The reserve parachute attachment consists of a ribbon and a carabiner.

On the right side flap 16 located in the device pocket 14 for placing a semi-automatic device, carabiner pocket 15 , which serves as a pocket for a substitute passport card and for stowing a carabiner of a traction rope, a tie ribbon for attaching the device, a ring 20 for securing the traction rope, hose fastening tape 21 for laying a flexible hose when jumping with manual opening of the backpack.

Safety valve 19 , which is a continuation of the right side flap, is fastened with four turnstile buttons 17 after tightening the backpack.

The safety and bottom valves have metal plates 27 to add rigidity.

In order to prevent the pilot parachute from getting caught on the tail nut of the semi-automatic device and to protect the parachutist from being hit by the tail nut of the semi-automatic device, two metal loops are sewn onto the tape around the perimeter of the backpack for attaching the double backpack rubber of the upper valve.

Bottom of the backpack 23 on the outside it has four pairs of loops 22 for attaching the harness to the backpack and belt loops 11 for guiding backpack rubbers.

At the bottom of the backpack, pockets are sewn on the inside along the sides and bottom of the perimeter of the stiffening frame 24 , left and right, and valve 31 , preventing the canopy placed in the cover from blowing off from the bottom of the backpack at the moment the parachute opens and ensuring consistent pulling of the cover with the canopy placed in it. There is a backpack cord running along the inner sides of the pockets.

The pockets at the top flap of the backpack have holes 25 , under the facing of which metal rings are inserted for rigidity. Rubber honeycombs are passed through the holes 26 , which are closed by bundles of slings.

Flexible hose

Flexible hoses are designed to prevent accidental snagging and the direction of movement of the three-pin pull ring cable (or pull ring with cable loop) and the pull rope during the process of pulling them out.

Both flexible hoses are made of flexible metal hose 1 , covered with cotton tape 2 . The ends of the hose with tape are tucked into the caps 3 .

The flexible hose of a pull ring with three studs or a pull ring with a cable loop is sewn at one end to the top valve of the backpack, and the other end to the suspension system above the pull ring pocket.

The flexible hose for the forced opening traction rope is sewn at one end to the upper valve of the backpack, the other end is not sewn.

The length of flexible hoses is 0.515 m.

Pull ring

The pull ring is designed for manual deployment of the parachute pack. The pull ring consists of a ring 1 , cable 2 , three studs 3 and limiter 4.

The trapezoidal ring is made of steel wire with a diameter of 7 mm. It fits into a pocket located on the left front strap of the harness. To quickly find the ring, the part protruding from the pocket is painted red. Protrusions on two opposite sides of the ring hold it in the harness pocket. For ease of grip by hand, the handle of the ring in relation to the base is bent by 60° and thickened.

The ring has two guide holes through which a cable passes, ending with three studs. The cable is secured in the ring using a stopper 4 .

The studs of the pull ring cable are designed to close the eyelets on the cones of the backpack. The cable pins are located one from the other at a distance of 0.15 m. The first pin, counting from the ring, has a length of 0.038 m, and the rest - 0.032 m.

The length of the cable from the end of the last pin to the stop is 1.07 m.

Pull ring with cable loop

hanging system. For ease of grip by hand, the handle of the ring in relation to the base is bent by 60° and thickened.

The ring has two guide holes through which the cable passes, ending in a loop into which, during installation, the first pin of the exhaust cable is threaded, closing the eyelet on the cone of the backpack. The cable is secured in the ring using a limiter.

The length of the cable from the loop to the limiter is 0.785 m.

Pull rope

The cable pins for closing the backpack valves are located one from the other at a distance of 0.15 m. The first pin, counting from the cable loop, has a length of 0.038 m, and the rest - 0.032 m.

The length of the pull cable from the loop to the last pin is 1.015 m.

Safety case

Break line

One end of the cord is sewn with a zigzag stitch, forming a loop 1 0.02 m long. The breakage line has a mark 2 for tying to a loop of a pulling rope.

It is prohibited to reuse the break sling.

Flexible pin halyard

The flexible pin halyard is the connecting link between the flexible pin of the semi-automatic device and the traction rope.

The halyard is made of a nylon cord with a strength of 200 kg (ShKP-200) in two folds and ends with loops, one of which is mounted as a noose loop to the flexible pin of the device, the other to the end loop of the traction rope.

The length of the flexible pin halyard is 0.13 m.

Connecting link

0.11 m and 0.4 m long, respectively. The connecting link is threaded into a rubber loop 2 , into which the slack is removed during the parachute stowage process.

Carrying bag

The portable bag is made of avisent.


The passport is intended to record information about the reception, transfer, operation and repair of the parachute.

The passport is an integral part of the parachute. The rules for maintaining a passport are set out in the passport itself.

(installation option for forced tightening of the cover)

1. Exhaust halyard - serves for forced unclip of the backpack and tightening of the cover:

Length – 3 meters, breaking force – 1200 kg.

Has a carabiner 1 , average 4 and lower 3 loop, to protect the traction rope from burns, a cover is put on it 2 made of cotton tape (LHBMkr-35-260) in the form of a hollow hose.

2. Checking cable (pulling cable) – used for securing the backpack. Has three studs 2 , rubberized loop 3 , protective cover 4 , cover loop 5 .

3. Dome cover:

Material: percale. Length – 5.3 m.

The dome cover is made of orange percale B (art. 7015cr), has the shape of a sleeve -1 5.28 m long and fits over the entire length of the folded canopy.

The entire length of the cover is reinforced with tapes -2 strength 150 kg (LHB-25-150), which form a bridle in its upper part -3 for attaching a lineless ball parachute (ball screw).

There are two pockets sewn into the top of the case. -4 , facilitating the release of the lines from the honeycomb and the pulling of the cover from the canopy.

At the bottom of the case there is one pair of double rubber (removable) honeycombs -5 , eleven pairs of rubber (non-removable) honeycombs -6 and two tapes for the laying frame -7 .

The apron of the cover has two windows -8 for passing double rubber (removable) honeycombs.

Above the windows there are pockets for storing bundles of slings.

Bundles of slings, inserted into double rubber (removable) honeycombs, seal the lower part of the cover and prevent the canopy from leaving the cover prematurely (two out of 11 honeycombs are allowed to break on each side).

Safety lanyard -9 designed to protect slings laid in honeycombs from snagging.

Two guides made of power tapes for inserting the frame (during installation, for more convenient fastening of the slings).


Area: 82.5m2

Material: percale P.

The entire area of ​​the dome is stitched with power strips, forming a power frame.

On the panels, between 27 and 28, 28 and 1, 1 and 2 slings, there are triangular slits for air outlet overpressure, as a result of which appears horizontal speed and controllability.


Length: 8.87m

Quantity: 28

Material ШХБ-125 (cotton cord with tensile strength 125 kg).

Line #14 is marked red along its entire length (or with orange cuffs at the free end and on the edge of the canopy). Laying begins with this sling.

A control line is mounted to slings 26, 27, 28 and 1, 2, 3.

Hanging system

Material: LTK-1600 (nylon rigging tape, tensile strength 1600 kg)

4 loose ends

Main (circular) strap

2 leg loops

2 dorso-shoulder girths

Chest strap (jumper)

Waist circumference

2 ZP fastening locks

Ring pocket on left shoulder

Flexible hose mounting harness (ring side)

1 chest carabiner

2 foot carabiners

3 reciprocal D-shaped buckles for carabiners

The suspension system (Fig. 11) is made of nylon tape with the strength 1600 kg(LTK-44-1600) and consists of a main strap and two shoulder straps.

The main strap is stitched from tape in two additions, the ends of which form two free ends of length 430 mm.
The main strap has two curved buckles designed to connect it to the back-shoulder straps at the top of the harness.

A pull ring pocket is sewn onto the main strap at chest level on the left side. A flexible hose is sewn above the pocket.
At the bottom, the main strap is bifurcated, the straps are sewn end-to-end and an overlay is sewn to them for more comfortable sitting in the harness during descent.

To attach the reserve parachute to the harness system, two fastening brackets with locks are built into the main strap.
The back-shoulder girths, right and left, passing through the curved buckles and windows of the main strap, form a chest bridge and, with the help of two buckles, a waist girth, providing adjustment of the suspension system according to height.

The back-shoulder girths are fastened together, forming a cross, to which the backpack is attached.

The back-shoulder girths, going down from the cross, go around the main strap below the windows for the waist girth, forming triangles with a carbine attached on the left side, and a buckle on the right.

The lower ends of the dorso-shoulder loops, passed between the main strap and bending around it in several places, form leg loops on which buckles are mounted to adjust them according to height. Three carabiners and three buckles located on the leg loops and chest strap are used to fasten the harness.

The backpack is attached to the harness, and the canopy slings are attached to the half-ring buckles of the harness.


The backpack is designed to accommodate a canopy in a case, part of the lines and free ends of the harness system, a lineless ball parachute and a semi-automatic device.

The backpack is made of avisent A (art. 6700) and consists of the bottom of the backpack and four valves: two side, one upper and one lower.

To the top valve 1 two flexible hoses are sewn 2 , plate head 3 for attaching the hose of a semi-automatic device and a tie-tie 4 , intended for fastening the hose of a semi-automatic device. There are two windows at the base of the top flap 5 for the exit of the free ends of the suspension system.

The top and two side flaps of the backpack have flaps with pockets 6 , which, after placing the canopy in the backpack, are tucked with a stowage ruler under the bottom and side flaps. The flaps protect the dome from contamination.

To hold the valves in the closed position, the backpack has a locking device consisting of a cord ring 7 , two cones 8 located on the backpack valves, four eyelets with a sewing washer 29 and one eyelet buckle 28 .

Fifth eyelet 18 , installed on the right side flap between the lower and middle eyelets, is designed to fix the position of the ball lineless pilot chute inside the backpack when folded.

Cord ring 7 made of silk cord ShSh-80.
Eight backpack rubbers ensure quick opening of the backpack valves 9 , of which seven are single and one is double.

The length of a single backpack rubber with pendants is equal to 370 mm, and double - 385 mm. At one end, the backpack rubbers are permanently attached to the wire loops on the backpack valves.

Two scarves with buckles are sewn onto the side flaps of the backpack on the outside along the perimeter tape. 10 , to which the reserve parachute mounts are attached 13 , designed to attach it to the main parachute and to regulate the tightness of the parachute to the parachutist’s body.

The reserve parachute attachment consists of a ribbon (LRT art. 159-T) and a carabiner. The factory markings are placed on the outside of the left side valve.

Metal hinges 12 sewn on the backpack perimeter tape to fasten the double backpack rubber of the upper valve in order to prevent the pilot parachute from getting caught on the tail nut of the semi-automatic device and to protect the parachutist from being hit by the tail nut of the semi-automatic device.

On the right side flap 16 located in the device pocket 14 for placing a semi-automatic device, carabiner pocket 15 , which serves as a pocket for a substitute passport card and for stowing a carabiner of a traction rope, a tie ribbon for attaching the device, a ring 20 for securing the traction rope, hose fastening tape 21 for laying a flexible hose when jumping with manual opening of the backpack.

Safety valve 19 , which is a continuation of the right side flap, is fastened with four turnstile buttons 17 after tightening the backpack.

The safety and bottom valves have metal plates 27 to add rigidity.

Bottom of the backpack 23 on the outside it has four pairs of loops 22 for attaching the harness to the backpack, belt loops 11 for guiding backpack rubbers.

At the bottom of the backpack, on the inside, along the sides and bottom of the perimeter of the stiffening frame, pockets are sewn, left and right 24 , and valve 31 , preventing the canopy placed in the cover from blowing off from the bottom of the backpack at the moment the parachute opens and ensuring consistent pulling of the cover with the canopy placed in it.

There is a backpack cord running along the inner sides of the pockets.
The pockets at the top flap of the backpack have holes 25 , under the facing of which metal rings are inserted for rigidity.

Rubber honeycombs are passed through the holes 26 , which are closed by bunches of slings. Rubber honeycombs are attached with a noose loop to a cord attached to the upper valve of the backpack near the stiffening frame. The cord and the place of attachment of the honeycomb with the cord are covered with belt loops.

1. Interior:

a) Two rubber honeycombs in the upper part of the backpack (participate in the formation of supporting valves - the two lower folds of the cover are placed in them)

b) Two support valves - they regulate the exit of the cover from the backpack

c) Lower safety valve – protects the lines from wear

2. External part

a) Right valve (when viewed from the back)

1. Four eyelets (1, 2, 4 – elements of the checker device, 3 – inspection)

2. Safety valve with rigid plate and 4 turnstiles

3. 3 fur coat loops for backpack rubbers

4. Wire ring for fixing the cable

5. Pocket for mounting a belay device

6. Flexible hose harness

b) Left valve

2. Wire ring with soft loop (<неразборч>)

3. Cone – element of the checking device

4. 3 fur coat loops

5. Factory and inventory numbers of the parachute

c) Bottom valve

1. Eyelet buckle

2. One fur coat loop

d) Top valve

2. Fur loop

3. Bayonet plate for mounting the belay device (guarantees that when the device is triggered, it will not be pulled towards the checking device)

4. 2 flexible hoses

3. Back of the backpack

a) 9 fur coat loops for backpack rubbers

b) 2 harnesses for passing backpack rubber bands (rubber bands must be passed through the harnesses!)

c) Harness for attaching the backpack to the harness (there are no large loads on the connection, the backpack can be unfastened from the harness, when the parachute is open there is no load on the backpack, only on the harness)

d) 2 scarves with ribbons for pulling up the reserve parachute (the ribbons after pulling up should be tied in a knot to prevent them from spontaneously loosening).