What physical exercises will help restore your figure after childbirth. Physical exercises after childbirth: indications, contraindications, technique


For anyone, even the strongest and healthy body bearing and giving birth to a child is a serious, very powerful load. Not only functions and condition change internal organs, but even their location. Their complete recovery requires time, patience and support, which can be provided by specially designed gymnastics after childbirth - exercises to strengthen various muscles of the body.

Do you want to return former slimness(tighten the chest, remove the belly, get rid of varicose veins) and sex appeal after the baby is born? Then start practicing right now!

First, decide why you need postpartum gymnastics, since different sets of exercises differ from each other in their functionality. Some are aimed at losing weight, others at strengthening intimate muscles, and others at relieving tension in the spine. Find out what you need first at this stage, but do not try to complete all the suggested options during the day. First, complete one thing, and then move on to another.

  • To contract the uterus

The size of this organ increases several times during pregnancy. After his birth, the vagina needs to be restored to its previous parameters. Gymnastics, which are designed specifically for this, can help with this: you can start doing it on the first day after birth, if no stitches were placed. As a result, the organ will return to normal much faster, the lochia will go away painlessly and without complications. At the same time, such gymnastics will strengthen the pelvic muscles after childbirth, support the posterior (stretched during childbirth) wall of the uterus and improve sensitivity (for both partners) during sex.

  • For weight loss

During pregnancy, it is quite natural for a woman to gain weight. With the birth of a baby, not everyone loses those extra pounds. A saggy belly appears, blurred sides, too steep hips. To restore your body to its former slimness, choose gymnastics designed for weight loss both in general and for individual parts of the body. You can start doing it about a week after giving birth.

  • For the back

After the birth of a baby, a woman has to carry him in her arms a lot, as well as carry other weights (stroller, laundry). Breastfeeding also puts enormous strain on your back. To strengthen her muscles, reduce pain, relieve fatigue and tension from the spine, you need restorative gymnastics after childbirth for this part of the body.

  • For breast reconstruction

It's no secret that breastfeeding greatly affects your breast shape: it can sag and lose its elasticity. To tighten it up, start doing gymnastics to restore your breasts immediately after giving birth. There is no need to wait until the end of lactation: these exercises must be done daily while you are feeding your baby.

  • For legs

There are special exercises that prevent the expansion of veins after childbirth and relieve pain in the legs.

So gymnastics for recovery after childbirth is simply necessary female body. However, you need to find time for it and force yourself, despite being tired, to do the exercises regularly. To achieve certain results, you need to follow the recommendations of experts. Uncontrolled, inept exercises can even do harm rather than benefit.

About the size of the uterus. A healthy uterus in its normal state weighs no more than 50 grams, and its length is 8 cm. Immediately before birth, the parameters increase several times: 1,200 grams and 38 cm, respectively. Gymnastics quickly and effectively helps the organ return to its former size.

To ensure that gymnastics in the first days after childbirth does not harm, but brings maximum benefit to the body and is effective, be sure to consult with your doctor whether you can do it at all. If a caesarean section was performed, there were (both internal and external), there were some other pathologies at the birth of the baby, the exercises cannot be performed immediately - only after a certain period.

  1. The most common question that concerns most women is when to start doing gymnastics after childbirth: immediately or after some time. If not medical contraindications(caesarean section, sutures on the uterus, birth injuries), then 2-3 days after significant event You can now start training.
  2. Before performing such gymnastics, consult the doctor who delivered your child: he will tell you for sure whether you can do it recovery exercises, which ones and on what day you can start practicing. He will expertly answer all questions, taking into account your individual indicators.
  3. There is no need to perform exercises, squeezing out the last of your strength. Gymnastics after childbirth should, on the contrary, give you a feeling of lightness and be a kind of rest from everyday, routine chores around the house.
  4. The duration of any gymnastics course after childbirth is determined individually. Once the goal is achieved, you can stop doing the exercises.
  5. The main rule is regularity, that is, you need to do the exercises constantly, you can even do several approaches a day.
  6. Know that postpartum exercises for weight loss should not be accompanied by any diets. Yes, it is necessary to normalize and balance the diet, but hunger strikes are excluded during this period, especially in the case of lactation.
  7. All movements must be performed smoothly, slowly, but in no case abruptly. Breathe evenly.
  8. Wear loose clothing that will not impede your movements.
  9. Gymnastics should be done in a well-ventilated area.
  10. Before gymnastics, feed your baby and go to the toilet.

If you follow these tips, there will be no problems with postpartum recovery of the body. And the breasts will not sag even during lactation, and the tummy will quickly tighten, and the extra pounds will go away, and the uterus will return to its normal sizes painless. The most important thing is to choose the very gymnastics that can solve your problem after childbirth.

Note. Regular exercise after childbirth prevents cardiovascular diseases and bladder problems.

Exercise sets

Among the many gymnastics after childbirth, choose the one that will eliminate your problem, suit your intensity and will not be too grueling and long. Let it take 5-10 minutes, but it will give you energy and a good mood. If you feel that exercises cause discomfort, it is better to abandon them and choose something else for yourself.

For intimate muscles (to strengthen)

  1. Lying on the bed, rhythmically tense your vaginal muscles for 1-2 minutes.
  2. After that, in the same position, do the same with the muscles of the anus.
  3. Now, for a minute, try to alternately tense your intimate muscles (vagina and anus).
  4. Try to throw a "wave" of muscle from the pubic bone to the anus.
  5. Now sit down and slowly, tensing your intimate muscles as much as possible, release the same “wave”, but from bottom to top, so that you feel its end at the very navel. To do this, slowly move your pelvis forward. Release the muscle “wave” back. Strengthening gymnastics will help avoid endometritis after childbirth.

For weight loss (from the belly)

  1. In order to remove the belly after childbirth, in gymnastics the emphasis should be on the abs and abdominal muscles. The exercises are quite simple, but effective. Place your hands in front of your chest. Make body turns in different sides.
  2. Get on all fours. Rest your elbows on the floor. Pull your stomach all the way in for a count of eight.
  3. Lie down (the surface should be flat but soft). Bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head. Do short rises, smoothly lifting your shoulder blades and head off the floor.
  4. Lie down. Raise your legs, cross them. Arms are straight, scattered in different directions. Pull your legs towards your chest so that your buttocks lift off the surface. This exercise is very good for the abdomen and buttocks: it strengthens the muscles and prevents them from sagging.
  5. Lie down. Raise and cross your legs, as in the previous exercise. Throw one hand behind your head, extend the other along the body and reach it towards the foot. After a minute, change hands.

For the back (for tension)

  1. It is difficult to do gymnastics to restore back muscles after childbirth: the exercises are far from the easiest, but they are effective. If you have problems with your spine, consult your doctor first.
  2. Lie on your back. bend left leg, grab her knee with your left hand. At the same time, with your right hand, pull your heel towards your groin. Press your shoulders to the floor, try to keep them motionless and even. The right leg should be straight. Pull the bent leg up towards the left shoulder. As soon as you feel discomfort, relax. Repeat the same with the other leg.
  3. Lie on your back. Bend your knees, turn onto your side. Get on all fours. Rise to your full height from this position, trying to keep your back flat and straight.
  4. Lie on your back. bend right leg, bring it behind the left one so that the fingertips of the right one are located exactly under the left calf. After this, tilt your right knee to the left. At the same time, grab your right thigh with your left hand.

For the chest (from sagging)

  1. Anti-gymnastics after childbirth involves exercises related to the upper body. Straighten your shoulders, take them back, lower them down. Tilt your head back and in different directions.
  2. Bow your head to your shoulder, pull it towards the floor. At this time, bend your torso back.
  3. Smoothly raise your shoulders and lower them just as slowly.
  4. Tighten your arms, stretch them to the sides. Raise them up, lower them down.
  5. Spread your arms in different directions. Rotate them in different directions.
  6. Clasp your hands in front of your chest. Alternately tense and relax your hands.
  7. Bend your hand and place it on your waist. Stretch your other arm up, bend right and left, changing hands.
  8. Place your hands behind your head. Lean in different directions.

For legs (for varicose veins)

  1. In gymnastics after childbirth, it is imperative to include the familiar “bicycle” exercise: as part of gymnastics after childbirth, it is recommended to do it 3 times a day.
  2. Lifting onto your toes, slowly rolling from them to your heels.
  3. Race walking.
  4. Sit down. Stretch your legs. Try to touch the tips of your toes with your fingers without bending your knees.
  5. Spread your legs in different directions. Again try to touch your toes with your hands.

Breathing exercises (general strengthening)

The simplest breathing exercises after childbirth, if performed correctly, can work real miracles. It restores strength, gives energy, helps the abdominal and chest muscles strengthen and become more elastic.

  1. As you inhale, round your belly. As you exhale, draw in.
  2. As you inhale, round your belly. Count to two. As you exhale, draw in. Count to two. Place your palm on your abs and tighten it.
  3. As you inhale, round your belly. As you exhale, bend over, pull in your stomach, hold your breath. Straighten up, count to eight, tense and relax your abs on every second count.

Various gymnastics after childbirth help achieve the most beautiful results. If you do exercises after appropriate consultation with a doctor, follow his recommendations and do not overexert yourself, the body will recover very quickly. At the same time, the young mother will be able to get rid of complexes about her appearance that has changed after the birth of the baby and give all her attention to the little baby.

Even with good genetics, women who have recently become mothers are dissatisfied with the changes that have occurred in their figure after the birth of a child. This moment increases the risk of a dangerous condition -. Women are especially distressed by the condition of their abdomen. Exercises after childbirth for the abdomen are a tool available to every young mother that will allow her to regain her former shape.

What's happening to the stomach?

During the last trimester, a pregnant woman gets tired of a huge, uncomfortable belly. I want to give birth as soon as possible so I can pull on skinny jeans and go for a walk with my baby. However, in the postpartum period it turns out that the stomach has not decreased enough.

It remains approximately the same as at 4-6 months of pregnancy, and at the same time looks flabby and saggy. Often stretch marks appear on it and a dark longitudinal pigment line remains, dividing the body in half. Why is this happening?

The uterus is stretched

The fetus grows and develops in the uterus for 9 months, the weight of which at the time of birth averages 3.5 kg, and its height is 51-54 cm. It is not surprising that the organ, under the pressure of an enlarging child, stretches significantly.

Contraction of the uterus occurs after childbirth for several months. Even thin girls with abdominal muscles pumped up before pregnancy have to deal with this.

A belly bump immediately after childbirth is an inevitable and completely natural phenomenon.

Abdominal muscles soften

The muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, under the influence of the hormone relaxin produced during pregnancy, soften and become elastic. This is necessary so that they stretch and diverge under the pressure of the growing uterus.

After the baby is born, everything usually falls into place - but not immediately (and, unfortunately, not always: a complication such as diastasis often arises).

The fat layer increases

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body and the percentage of body fat increases. Its function is protection developing fetus from negative external influences.

For obvious reasons, most of the fat accumulates in the abdomen. And after childbirth, it takes effort to once again enjoy beautiful abs and a slim figure.

Skin sags

Sagging skin adds extra centimeters to an already damaged waist. As the abdomen grew, the epidermis had to stretch unusually strongly, and instantly return to its previous state skin covering can not.

Every woman is dissatisfied with the condition of her stomach after the birth of her baby. But the severity of the problem depends on a number of factors:

  • Body type. In thin girls, due to the absence of excess fat, the stomach stretches less and, therefore, goes away faster.
  • Child's turns. With each subsequent baby, the anterior abdominal wall becomes more deformed and more difficult to return to its original form.
  • Conditions of the muscular frame of a woman in labor before conception.
  • Lifestyle during pregnancy. Whether there was adequate physical activity or whether the woman did not move much.
  • Size of the fetus and number of children. Everything is logical here: a large child and multiple pregnancy cause greater stretching of the uterus, muscles and skin.
  • Type of feeding. helps burn fat and increase the speed of uterine contractions.
  • Heredity. Some lucky women manage to get into perfect shape in a matter of months without any extra effort.

What to do?

To quickly return to a slender, chiseled figure, there are 2 tools: dietary adjustments and exercises for the abdomen after childbirth. But sweet, fatty and smoked foods will have to be excluded from the diet, which is beneficial not only for the figure, but also for the well-being of the baby who receives breast milk everything that his mother eats.

You should also avoid so-called “empty” calories:

  • snacks;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food.

A nursing mother cannot strictly limit herself in nutrition: this will affect both her health and the quality of her milk.

Adequate physical activity, which involves performing exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, is just what you need.

Visiting the gym is an ideal option, but often a young mother cannot afford to leave her baby for a long time. But home workouts are available to everyone.

And the child will not be a hindrance here, because allocating 15-20 minutes during the day to perform the complex is not a problem.

When can you start training?

There's no need to rush. Exercises that will help remove belly fat after childbirth should be performed after the body has been restored, weakened by powerful changes - when the child is at least 7-9 weeks old.

If the baby was born through, or the woman had stitches, you will have to wait until 2.5-3 months. Otherwise, consequences cannot be excluded: suture divergence, prolapse of the vaginal walls, increased intra-abdominal pressure.

In order to lose weight during this delicate period, it is better to pay attention to nutrition: give up sweets, fried foods, and fatty foods.

Home workouts: general principles

Following simple principles will allow you to achieve good results without harming your health in the shortest possible time:

  • one hour before training and about the same time after training, you cannot eat;
  • Exercises with weights should not be practiced;
  • during the execution of the complex, the press must be in a tense state;
  • you need to monitor the technique: the work is done to achieve a result, so it is better to do 25 correct exercises than 55 defective ones;
  • classes should be regular: the abs are formed by performing the complex at least three times a week;
  • the number of approaches and the number of exercises should increase gradually - this is especially true for women who have not previously been involved in sports (however, it is better for those who visited a sports club before pregnancy after a forced break to be more careful).

Before starting the exercises, it is recommended to do some stretching:

  • 1st option: while inhaling, the anterior abdominal wall is rounded as much as possible, while exhaling, it is retracted and fixed in this position for several seconds (perform 10 approaches);
  • 2nd option: lying on your stomach, you need to bend back as much as possible and freeze for 5-7 seconds (you also need to do it 10 times).

Effective exercises

Exercises that help strengthen the muscular frame of the anterior abdominal wall and burn excess fat will help to remove the belly after childbirth:

  1. Abs pumping. The exercise, familiar to most from school days, is performed lying on the floor with your hands behind your head and your legs bent at the knees. Rhythmic lifts of the body are performed at a pace, but without haste or fuss.
  2. Working out the lower abs. Lying on the floor, we raise our legs, trying to maximize the distance from the heels to the floor.
  3. Side bends. With our feet shoulder-width apart, we try to reach the floor alternately with our right and left hands.
  4. Pelvic lifts. Lying on the floor, we raise the pelvis up, while tensing the abdominal muscles, and stay in this position for 10-12 seconds. A minimum of 10 repetitions is required.
  5. Plank. Difficult, but effective exercise, aimed at strengthening the deep abdominal muscles. To perform it, we lie on our stomach, lean on our forearms (a right angle is formed between the shoulder and forearm) and gradually lift our chest, stomach and knees from the surface. As a result, 2 fulcrum points are formed - toes and forearms. The body is fixed in this position for 20-30 seconds (to begin with, then the time gradually increases). In this case, the pelvis should not move up and down.
  6. Wall squats. We stand against the wall, pressing our back close to it, then put our feet shoulder-width apart and take a step forward. After this, we begin a smooth slide down until the thighs are parallel to the floor. The next stage is lifting without using your hands. A couple of sets of 14-15 repetitions is enough.
  7. Leg raises. Exercise helps shape your waist. To perform it, lie on your side and raise your leg until it forms with the floor. right angle. Ideally, a couple of sets of 20 repetitions (alternating the work of the right and left legs).
  8. Cross twists. Lying on the floor with our hands behind our heads, we raise our shoulder blades and bend our knees, pulling them up in our chest. Then we straighten our left leg, simultaneously reaching with our left elbow to our right knee, after which we do everything exactly the opposite: we straighten our right leg and touch our left knee with our right elbow. The number of approaches and repetitions is determined by the woman’s capabilities: the more, the better. The exercise trains the oblique abdominal muscles, which form a beautiful waist.

If a woman is diagnosed with postpartum diastasis, some of the above exercises are contraindicated.

Diastasis is a complication after pregnancy and childbirth, manifested by excessive separation of the abdominal muscles. Under the pressure of the growing uterus, a woman’s muscles, softened by the hormone relaxin, diverge.

Normally, after the baby is born, everything falls into place within 2-3 months. But if a girl had problems with weight before pregnancy, or carried a large baby (or 2 or more children), the muscles never connect.

As a result, diet and exercise do not help: a sagging, protruding belly cannot be removed by any means. In addition to a cosmetic defect, the unpleasant condition can manifest itself as pain.

Moreover, with a high degree of diastasis (muscle discrepancy of 10 cm or more), traditional complexes for shaping the abs are dangerous: there is a high risk of prolapse of internal organs or the formation of a hernia with subsequent pinching of organs.

For women facing diastasis, gentle exercises are suitable:

  • cat – performed 10-15 times from the “on all fours” position: exhale – round the back and draw in the stomach, inhale – return to the starting position;
  • leg bending - performed in a lying position by alternately bending and straightening the legs (the feet slide along the floor);
  • compression - starting position lying down (knees bent, feet on the floor, a towel is stretched under the lower back, the ends of which are in the hands of the trainee): as you exhale, raise your head and shoulders, tightening your waist tightly with the towel, inhale - return to the floor.

Home workouts

Regular exercises to lose belly fat after childbirth - necessary condition for slim beautiful figure. But the maximum effect and maintenance of results is achieved by combining the complex with so-called household workouts - exercises that are easy to perform without interrupting your daily routine.

While performing daily household chores you can:

  • draw in the anterior abdominal wall as you exhale and relax as you inhale;
  • in the shower, regularly rub your stomach with cold water;
  • while swimming in a pond (or working out in a pool), massage your stomach by clasping your palms horizontally and moving them at a distance of 4 cm from the anterior abdominal wall;
  • be in the “back straight, stomach pulled in” position as often as possible - gradually this will become a habit;
  • walk more with a stroller: walking at an average pace fresh air with weights in the form of transport with a baby - effective cardio training.

When can I expect results?

This question is especially of concern to young mothers. It all depends on a number of factors:

  • intensity and regularity of training;
  • adherence to the principles of healthy eating;
  • heredity and the condition of a woman’s figure before pregnancy;
  • type of feeding - breast or artificial.

On average, subject to regular exercise, after 2 months a muscular frame is formed that holds the abdominal wall and provides the chiseled outline of the body.

A beautiful figure or a child? The ultimatum today is not unique. There is no need to explain the birth of a baby as an imperfection in your figure. Self-organization and a little effort are what is required to achieve the coveted flat stomach.

Useful video about abdominal exercises after childbirth


During the period when a woman carries her unborn baby for nine months, a significant restructuring occurs in almost all systems of her body. Due to the increased overall load and hormonal changes The woman’s weight increases, and as a result, after the birth of the baby, the young mother remains extra kilos.

Without a doubt, every young mother wants to return to her previous shape as quickly as possible. But in the postpartum period, the body is weakened, a reverse restructuring of all systems occurs, and very often, in order to return to the previous weight, you have to not only limit yourself in nutrition, but also ensure sufficient physical activity.

In general, the postpartum period lasts about eight weeks: during this time, the restructuring of the body occurs most actively. Due to such high tension, doctors do not advise practicing too active physical stress at that time. But still postpartum gymnastics can be gradually introduced into lifestyle a young mother from the first weeks. The main condition is that exercises in the first days after childbirth should be as gentle as possible, and the load can be increased gradually, from day to day.

Basic rules of postpartum gymnastics

It is optimal to start playing sports after the birth of a child only after consulting with your doctor: he will be able to determine whether the recovery process is proceeding normally and will tell you which exercises can be practiced now, and which loads are best avoided for now.

The main task facing a woman who intends to gradually introduce postpartum gymnastics into her daily routine is to restore posture, gait, and return the normal tone of all muscles that have lost elasticity during the period (in particular, we're talking about about the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles).

Also, gymnastics after childbirth helps to return the pelvic and abdominal organs to their normal position, activates blood circulation, breathing, and helps normalize the state of the nervous system.

In order for postpartum gymnastics to bring maximum benefit to the young mother and contribute to both physical and emotional recovery, several important points should be taken into account.

When starting to do exercises every day, you need to go from simple to complex, gradually increasing the load. It is advisable to perform a set of exercises every day that is at least slightly different from the previous one. Boring gymnastics, monotonously repeated day after day, can negatively affect general condition body and will not bring any effect in terms of weight loss. In addition, there is a high risk that such activities may simply bore the young mother.

In the first weeks of classes, gymnastics should be performed every day. When the intensity of physical activity and the total duration of the session increases significantly, the number of such workouts can be reduced to 3 times a week.

A woman who has recently given birth to a child should perform all movements smoothly and slowly; if necessary, immediately make a short stop and restore breathing.

For training, you need to choose suitable clothes - comfortable, not restrictive to the body. Recumbent exercises should be performed while lying on a flat floor surface. Before training, it is important to thoroughly ventilate the room so that during the exercises the woman deeply inhales clean and fresh air.

Before starting gymnastics, a young mother must empty her bladder and bowels. It is advisable to take a thoughtful approach to the time of training: it is optimal to do a set of exercises about one hour before meals and after the baby has finished feeding. The fact is that in the process of intense loads, production occurs lactic acid , which can change taste qualities milk. If you exercise too much, milk production may decrease slightly. Therefore, it is recommended both during physical training and after performing exercises to drink as much fluid as possible - preferably plain clean water.

During the postpartum period, the preferred types motor activity are walking with a stroller, swimming. In winter you can go skiing and ice skating. But with strength exercises, cycling, running, as well as extreme exercises and sports, it is advisable to wait at least a few months.

Exercises from the postpartum gymnastics complex in the first days after childbirth

Whatever set of exercises a young mother chooses, before starting the main part, you should do a short five-minute warm-up. If a woman exercises for at least an hour, then warming up can take up to ten minutes.

The beginning of the warm-up can be deep breathing - several very deep inhalations and exhalations. Next comes the stretching: you need to stretch up, then bend down and touch the floor with your fingers. The warm-up can include wide arm swings in different directions, up and down, and steps in place.

Almost the next day after the birth of the baby, provided there are no complications and good health, the new mother can perform simple exercises.

While lying down, you can twirl your hands at face level for several minutes, imitating washing in a unique way. In the same position, you need to tuck your legs one by one, sliding them along the surface of the floor.

While lying down, you should lift your pelvis up. In this case, the legs are bent at the knees, and the hands are behind the head. You can sit down several times from a lying position, while waving your arms, trying to reach your toes. It is also recommended to perform light movements, making a “bicycle”. Then you can roll over onto your stomach and, clasping your hands under your chin, lift your legs one by one, holding them a little in a suspended position. You can also lift your legs up one at a time while standing on all fours. All exercises are performed ten times. After this, clench and unclench your toes ten to fifteen times. These simple exercises are useful both for preventing the development and for training weakened abdominal muscles.

There are other postpartum gymnastics complexes that can be practiced the very next day after a grand event in the mother’s life. Exercises that involve deep breathing are very useful. It is important that the lower abdomen is involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation.

For the first exercise, you need to lie on your back and bend both legs at the knees. Hands are on the stomach. Inhale through the nose, slowly, exhale through the mouth. When exhaling deeply, the stomach should be stroked from below to the navel. It is important that no pressure is applied to the abdomen: movements should be light. This exercise is repeated 15-20 times. After this, the woman should roll over onto her stomach. To make lying more comfortable, place a small pillow under your stomach. Breathing is done from the lower abdomen, it should be as deep as possible. When you exhale, the pelvis moves upward. Such exercises help improve the functioning of a woman’s cardiovascular system, activate blood flow, stimulate metabolism . In addition, by performing breathing exercises for several weeks, you can perfectly prepare your muscles for further more intense exercise. The total duration of gymnastics in the first days after childbirth should not exceed 10-15 minutes. But you can perform such simple workouts several times a day. But it is extremely important that a woman under no circumstances exercise too intensely in the first days after giving birth: she absolutely must not overexert herself.

Women who have suffered , should wait a while physical activity until your doctor allows you to do light exercises.

Already in maternity hospital a young mother should also remember the so-called Kegel exercises . To perform this exercise correctly, the pelvic floor muscles need to be pulled in as you inhale and relaxed as you exhale. Gymnastics afterward must necessarily include such an exercise, since it is extremely important for restoring the elasticity of the vaginal muscles. In order for muscle tone to be restored as quickly as possible, this exercise should be repeated every day at least a hundred times, performing it in several approaches throughout the day.

All the described exercises can be varied at your own discretion. There is no need to perform those that cause a persistent feeling of discomfort. The main thing is that the activity brings pleasure, and after it there is a feeling of vigor, not fatigue.

Exercises from the postpartum gymnastics complex during the recovery period

Around the third week, more complex exercises can be introduced into the postpartum gymnastics complex, which help strengthen the tone of the body muscles. It is advisable to diversify the set of exercises in a lying position. So, you can perform alternate leg lifts: straightening your leg at the top, a woman can hold her leg in this position and work with her toe, alternately pulling it towards her and pulling it back. On the following leg lifts, you should make rotational movements. Repeat lifting each leg 15-20 times.

In a lying position, the arms are extended along the body. As you exhale, your legs should be pulled toward your chest one at a time. The exercise on each leg is repeated 6 times. After completing the approach, you should straighten up, stretching out in a string: your toes are pulled in one direction, your fingers in the other.

Lying on your stomach, your hands should be folded under your forehead with the back of your head. Exhaling air, lift up top part bodies. Hands remain pressed to the floor surface. You cannot throw your head back: it is in line with the spine. The lift is repeated 6-7 times.

It is useful to introduce the well-known “cat” exercise into the general complex of postpartum gymnastics: to perform it, you need to get on all fours and bend your back as much as possible, rounding it. While performing this exercise, you should also retract the muscles of the perineum.

An exercise is also performed on all fours, which helps strengthen the tone of the muscles of the perineum and abdomen at the same time. To do this, you need to lower yourself onto your elbows, exhale air and bring your shoulder blades together. As you inhale, the shoulder blades spread, and the back rounds as much as possible, as in the case of performing the “cat”. Remaining in this position, you should retract the perineum and abdomen as much as possible. As you exhale, maximum relaxation follows.

Another exercise should be performed while sitting on a chair. In this case, you need to straighten your back as much as possible and pull in your stomach. The legs are located approximately shoulder width apart. In this position, bends to the sides are performed. In this case, you need to reach the floor with your palm. You need to bend over 6-7 times in each direction. However, for women who had sutures placed on the perineum during childbirth, it is better not to perform sitting exercises for several more weeks. You can also bend to the sides alternately from a standing position: this exercise helps shape the waistline.

In a standing position, you can do any simple exercises aimed at training the abdominal muscles, arms, and legs. Exercises that include movements of the pelvis are useful: for example, standing on your knees slightly bent (with your legs together), you should swing your pelvis back and forth, draw a circle in one direction and the other. When performing rotational movements, you should try to strongly retract your stomach. As you inhale, you need to stop, as you exhale, continue moving forward.

After completing a set of exercises, you should rest a little, lying on the floor on your stomach or back. In this case, breathing should be very deep.

At home, it is useful to include several exercises with dumbbells in the general complex of postpartum gymnastics. So-called resistance exercises to strengthen muscles are performed with light dumbbells (their weight should not exceed 1 kg).

In addition, after the postpartum 6-8 weeks, you can perform full abdominal exercises (sit down from a lying position), do push-ups from the floor.

Another option for quite fun postpartum gymnastics is doing exercises together with the baby and dad. While the child is small, he can act as a kind of “projectile”: the baby can be lifted on bent legs, squatted with a kangaroo backpack in which the baby is sitting. And later, the baby will gradually get used to the fact that daily gymnastics is the norm. In addition, activities with the mother always bring joy to a rapidly growing child.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The female body is designed in such a way that it is simply impossible not to gain weight. Weight is the same indicator of the health of mother and baby as, for example, tests, so doctors monitor weight gain and nutrition of a pregnant woman. Women may have different attitudes to doctor's recommendations, even completely non-compliance with the diet while expecting a baby.

However, the postulate: “I give birth and I’ll immediately lose weight, I’ll be like before” may not work, that’s why it’s needed gymnastics after childbirth.

Rules of gymnastics after childbirth for a woman - how and when can you do exercises for your figure after childbirth?

  • Stretched abdominal muscles, fat accumulations, necessary for a woman who is breastfeeding - all this is the main problem appearance. But the most unpleasant thing is The longer you delay her decision, the more difficult it will be to regain your previous slimness and attractiveness.
  • Elementary sets of exercises after childbirth, with which doctors recommend starting exercises, take very little time and They can be combined with a walk or performed when the baby is next to you. Do not neglect them - despite their apparent ease, their regular implementation over several months will give quite tangible results.
  • It is important to select exercises for women after childbirth in such a way that physical activity had a beneficial effect on the entire body, and not only increased muscle tone and contributed to the removal of fat deposits. Improving blood circulation will entail an increase in metabolic processes, normalization of metabolism, and therefore a faster return to normal weight and excellent health, and most importantly - without harm to the general health of the woman.
  • Exercises after childbirth are performed in several stages - according to the time when you can start making them. And remember: if the birth was complicated, you stitches were put in , if carried out C-section – for the first four weeks, any sports activity is strictly contraindicated for you!
  • Even basic exercises should be started only after a doctor’s permission!
  • If childbirth was painless and without complications for you, start exercising with your doctor’s permission possible in the maternity hospital .

So, what exercises can and should women do after childbirth, and when?

Effective exercises after childbirth - video: what exercises can women do immediately after childbirth?

The first stage of classes is exercises, which are recommended to be started within one or two days after the birth of the baby.

Video: A set of exercises after childbirth to restore your figure

  • The Kegel exercise is considered the most effective during this period.
    It is performed very simply: you should tense the muscles of the perineum and anus for ten seconds - it should feel like you are pulling them into yourself. Then relax. This exercise must be repeated at least twenty times for each approach. It is advisable to do two to three approaches during the day.
  • Very effective breathing exercises for a figure after childbirth.
    The first three are performed lying on your back, the fourth - on your side:
    1. Right hand- on the stomach, left - on the chest. Slowly, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth, through slightly parted lips. Gradually make the exhalation longer.
    2. Bend your elbows, resting your elbows on the bed, lift your chest, while inhaling. Sit down on the bed, relax all your muscles and exhale.
    3. Holding the head of the bed with your hands, straighten your legs and press them tightly together. Turn on your right side, then on your left side, return to the starting position - on your back. This exercise must be performed with calm, even and rhythmic breathing.
    4. Bend one leg at the knee, press it with your hand to your stomach, inhale. Lower and extend your leg, exhaling during this movement. Turn over to the other side and repeat the exercise.

    Physical exercises on days 4-5 after childbirth: the second stage of exercises after childbirth

    The second stage of gymnastics after childbirth can be started on the fourth or fifth day. When starting more difficult exercises, check if you have dysstasis – divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. Classes can be made more difficult and continued only if you do not have disstasis, and only with the doctor's permission!

    • A set of exercises for the abdomen and perineum for 4-5 days after childbirth
      The first exercise is performed lying on your back, the second - lying on your stomach, the third and fourth - on all fours on a hard surface.
      1. Bend your knees alternately, rest your feet on the bed and raise your pelvis, pulling your stomach and perineum into yourself, and also squeezing your buttocks. Lie on the bed and straighten your knees one by one, taking the starting position, and then be sure to relax.
      2. Holding the edge of the bed with your hands, raise your right leg up, be sure to ensure that the leg is straight, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same with your left leg, then raise and lower both legs.
      3. Having pulled in your stomach and perineum, arch your back and freeze in this position, tensing your muscles for a few seconds. Relax, returning to the starting position.
      4. Raise your leg (be sure to make sure that your leg is not bent at the knee), take it back and up and bend it, pulling it towards your stomach. Return to the starting position, repeat with the other leg.
    • At the same stage, it is necessary to include exercises for the chest and back.
      1. For the chest: Turning your face to the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Push up from the wall - slowly and making sure that your elbows are strictly parallel to your body.
      2. For the back: Lie on your right side, stretch your right leg forward. Place your left hand on your right knee, then move your right arm back to the maximum possible position, turn your head and shoulder there. Repeat five times in each direction.

    What exercises should postpartum women perform in the later postpartum period?

    A variety of gymnastics after childbirth are not difficult to find on video: for example, the famous Cindy Crawford discs, as well as many other sets of physical exercises that are designed for more late period when the state of a woman’s body no longer affects the choice of exercises.

    Basic exercises that the third stage includes and that can be performed after the start of the first menstruation (if you don't feed) either after stopping breastfeeding , include abdominal exercises, and on different muscle groups, which are responsible for a fit and slender figure.

    Video: Exercises after childbirth to restore your figure

    Video: Gymnastics after childbirth

    A set of exercises after childbirth for several months will help you transform yourself, feel beautiful and slim, improve your well-being , will allow you to get a charge every day Have a good mood and vigor.

    The website warns: all information presented is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Before performing a set of exercises after childbirth, be sure to consult your doctor!

Pregnancy and the birth of a child are a great joy in the life of every woman. But this also means extra pounds, which is natural. Fitness after childbirth will help you get rid of belly fat and excess weight and return to your former shape.

Is fitness training necessary after childbirth?

Some time after giving birth, new mothers begin to pay attention to their figure. It happens that the gained kilograms do not go away on their own, and this causes a lot of trouble and a feeling of discomfort. It is possible to get rid of some of the excess weight during childbirth, but the remaining fat causes a number of inconveniences.

How quickly can a woman cope with extra pounds and restore former forms depends on the organization of nutrition and a set of exercises after childbirth.

A woman is allowed to start a simplified gymnastic set of exercises immediately after the baby is born. A special set of physical exercises is aimed at:

  • healing of sutures;
  • restoration of the uterus;
  • normalization of urination and stool;
  • restoration of the muscles of the perineum, pelvic floor;
  • figure restoration;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • mobilization of the body's forces;
  • maintaining a beautiful breast shape;
  • mood improvement.

Physical activity after childbirth helps better escape lochia, which means that the risk of complications is minimized, since the discharge does not linger in the uterine cavity.

Important: physical fitness It can be brought into good condition only with systematic exercise.

Performing exercises to recover after childbirth helps strengthen the vaginal walls, abdominal muscles, and reduce the volume of the hips.

Many new mothers are interested in information about how long to start and when to start performing such exercises.

If a woman gave birth on her own and no complications arose, then just a day after the birth of the baby, the happy mother can begin to perform the simplest physical exercises. But they should be done with caution. The purpose of such gymnastics is to lift your spirits, improve your vitality and prepare the body for more significant stress. The main principle of any training is a gradual increase in loads.

If a woman has decided that she needs exercises to restore her figure after childbirth, then she should first consult a doctor about when she can exercise. The peculiarity of the postpartum period is also manifested in the fact that there is an intensive influx of milk, tightening of the abdominal muscles, and the uterus quickly contracts.

For achievement maximum benefit gymnastics should be guided by certain important tips. Visit Gym not necessary. Many of the exercises are easy to do in your home environment.

  • If the doctor allows, then you can start classes on the first day after giving birth.
  • Classes must be held every day. If strength and opportunity allow, then the complex can be performed even 2-3 times a day.
  • A flat surface is required for practice.
  • All exercises should be performed smoothly, sudden movements should be avoided.
  • The room in which classes are held must be thoroughly ventilated. Permissible temperature the room should be 18–20 degrees.
  • Clothes for gymnastics should be chosen that are comfortable and do not restrict movement.
  • Before doing fitness, it is recommended to visit the toilet.
  • You should start performing the complex only after feeding the baby.

If you don't neglect these simple rules, then the desired result from training after childbirth can be achieved as soon as possible.


However, a set of exercises after childbirth is not allowed for everyone. It is not recommended to engage in fitness:

  • After . You can participate in classes only with the permission of the doctor and no earlier than a month after childbirth.
  • If there was a perineal rupture. In such a situation, you will have to wait until the stitches are completely healed, because with intense exercise they can come apart.
  • If a woman receives various injuries, which during the execution physical activity can get worse.
  • In the presence of chronic diseases.
  • In the event that after childbirth the body is severely depleted.

The presence of any factor from the list above is a serious reason to think about the advisability of fitness during this period. Each woman should choose a gymnastics complex after childbirth on her own, after consulting with a doctor or fitness instructor, who must allow it to be performed.

Kegel exercises

The Kegel complex helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. It is based on movements of squeezing the muscles of the perineum, due to which they are tightened and strengthened. Such gymnastics can also eliminate such an unpleasant pathology as urinary incontinence. Many young mothers have to face this problem.

Muscle contraction must be done gradually to avoid possible harm. If, as a result of performing such exercises, a feeling of discomfort arises, then the exercises cannot be continued.

The Kegel complex involves squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the perineum and anus. It is recommended to perform such actions many times in a row. Over time, classes should become longer.

Such actions help not only restore the body after childbirth, but also add some zest to intimate relationships.

Fitball (gymnastic ball)

For those who do not know what exercises can be done after childbirth, it makes sense to opt for using a fitball. The complex using this apparatus includes simple and enjoyable gymnastics that restores the figure and trains the muscles of the perineum.

  • Twisting. You need to sit on the ball with your hands on the back of your head. Legs are bent at the knees. When rising, you need to twist the body.
  • Performing twisting with weights. Sit on the ball and do a twist at the same time as lifting and lowering dumbbells weighing 1.5 kilograms.
  • A woman sitting on a ball must roll so that the ball is under her back. The body twists, and at the same time the shoulder girdle rises.
  • The bridge made through this projectile is useful.
  • Lie on the floor and put your feet on the ball. Bend your back, lift your torso up.
  • Lie face down on the ball so that your toes just touch the floor. Place your arms bent at the elbows behind your head. Bend back while raising your shoulders. Neck tension should be avoided.

You can choose any gymnastic exercise on the ball. At correct execution it can bring certain benefits to the body.

Chest exercises

While breastfeeding, this part of the mother's body often sags. Return former forms and beautiful outlines will be helped by a set of exercises that can be easily performed at home.

  • Regular push-ups.
  • Stand facing the wall, lean against it with your arms bent at the elbows. You need to press on the wall as hard as possible. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to feel the tension in the muscles of the thoracic region.
  • Raise your arms up so that they are level with your shoulders. The right hand should grab the left elbow. With your head tilted forward, do not just rest on your folded hands, but press with your forehead.
  • Standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. Perform circular movements with your hands.

Abdominal exercises

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles become stretched. If you are worried about the lack of abs, then their restoration is required. A special gymnastics complex will help you regain lost elasticity and become the owner of a delightful waist.

  • "Cat's Breath" While in a position on all fours, arch your back upward and perform diaphragmatic breathing in this position (2 cycles). Next, the lower back bends down, but you need to make sure that there is no protrusion of the abdomen. Maintain position 2 breathing cycles. Do it at least 10 times.
  • Plank. From a lying position on your stomach, stand upright on your toes and forearms. The stomach is pulled inward. Make sure that your hips do not rise. Maintaining this position, hold out for 10 breathing cycles.
  • Leg lift. To perform this exercise, it is recommended to sit on the very edge of the chair. The stomach is pulled in. You need to raise your legs up, which should first be bent at the knees, and try to do this so as not to bend in the lumbar region. The stomach should also not protrude. At the moment when the tension reaches its highest point, you should fixate on 10 breathing cycles.

After this figure-restoring complex has been mastered, you can expand it with other exercises.

Complex for weight loss

One of the main problems worrying women after the birth of a child is excess weight. To lose weight, some people prefer a special diet, but this method is unacceptable for young mothers.

Active sports are allowed no earlier than a month after the significant event. And at home, restoration of the body is possible through accessible physical activity. Immediately after giving birth, exercises should be something like this:

  • Lying on your back, legs should be bent at the knees. Place the palm of one hand under your head, and rest the other on the floor. Slowly raise your pelvis, with the entire weight of your body resting on your palm. Repeat this exercise 3–10 times for each supporting hand.
  • Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. First with one hand, then with the other, try to reach out and grab the ankle. Repeat 10 times.
  • Get on all fours. Simultaneously raise your outstretched arm and leg on the left side, then on the right. Repeat 10 times.

Such physical exercises after childbirth improve the movement of blood in the muscles, and this has a beneficial effect on weight loss.

Exercises for the spine

  • Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, clasp your hands behind your neck. Perform 10 body turns to the right and left.
  • In a sitting position, the arms are extended in front of you and connected. Without releasing your arms, raise them above your head to the maximum allowable height. Hold for 10 seconds.

Breastfeeding and restorative exercises are completely acceptable. But before you start performing the complex, you need to consult a doctor about which exercises you can do and which you cannot do. Exercise regularly for 10 minutes a day, and soon you will lose excess weight and completely restore your figure.