12 13 week of pregnancy what is happening. What happens in the thirteenth obstetric week of pregnancy

The 13th obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester. The most difficult period is behind us.

What can an expectant mother enjoy this week? What changes occur in the baby's development at 13 weeks?

13 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development, photos, how does the baby develop and feel?

The child's body size has reached 8-10 cm, weight - 20 g. It can be compared to a peach.
The volume of the brain increases, as a result of which its movements become smoother and more orderly.

The head begins to grow more slowly. Limbs lengthen.

What has formed, what is happening, what does the baby look like at the 13th obstetric week?

The sex organs continue to develop this week, but the sex of the baby is still unclear.
In addition, the prostate gland begins to form in boys, and the ovaries in girls.

As a result of the appearance of the sucking reflex, the baby can swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid. In this way, the stomach is prepared for future work.

The pancreas produces insulin, the liver produces bile. The first digestive villi appear in the intestines. The baby produces urine every 40 minutes.

During this period, many pregnant women experience intestinal problems. In this regard, you need to be very careful about your diet.

Changes in a woman’s body at the 13th obstetric week of pregnancy

Chest and abdomen of a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy

From this week, the expectant mother's belly begins to grow. If it is a multiple pregnancy, it becomes increasingly difficult to hide it.

The breasts are still enlarged in size, although in some women they may shrink slightly due to decreased progesterone.

What can and cannot be done for a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Physical activity should be moderate. No strenuous sports. The most acceptable option is swimming and yoga for pregnant women.

Walking will also bring maximum benefits. However, too long walks can cause pain in the legs, so their duration should be limited. In order to feel good, a woman simply needs to rest often.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy, concentration decreases. Therefore, you need to drive with extreme caution.

Expectant mothers need to strictly control their diet. Large weight gain during pregnancy is extremely undesirable! In order not to gain extra pounds, you need to reduce your consumption of bakery and confectionery products to a minimum.

Important to know: Pain and cramps in the legs are a sign of calcium and potassium deficiency.

In the second trimester, you should try to eat more protein foods. Protein is needed for the normal functioning of the placenta and the formation of muscle mass in the baby.

13 weeks of pregnancy - how to understand that everything is fine?

The most important sign that everything is fine with the child is stable weight gain. At week 13, the mother should gain from 1 to 2 kg weight.

Test results are also an indicator of the absence of complications. If all indicators are normal, then the expectant mother can be calm.

A sharp decrease in basal temperature is one of the symptoms of a non-developing pregnancy.

Popular questions about pregnancy at 8 weeks - answered by a specialist

13 weeks of pregnancy - obstetric and embryonic periods - how are they different?

  • Obstetric term calculated from the beginning of the last menstruation, when pregnancy has not yet occurred. In this way, it is more convenient for doctors to calculate the approximate date of birth.
  • Embryonic term– this is the real age of the baby from the moment of fertilization.

Is discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy normal or a threat of miscarriage?

Due to the increase in fluid volume in the body, vaginal discharge may increase in the second trimester. Normal discharge should be watery and odorless.

White color and thick consistency may indicate thrush. This is not such a rare occurrence among pregnant women. Thrush is highly treatable, especially in the early stages.

Blood present in the discharge, combined with persistent pain, almost always means a threat of miscarriage.

If at 13 weeks of pregnancy you cannot hear the fetal heartbeat...

It happens that the heartbeat is very difficult to hear.

This happens for several reasons:

  • Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
  • Placental insufficiency.
  • Malformations of the heart.
  • Maternal obesity.
  • Incorrect placement of the fetus.

If the heartbeat is not heard at all, the reason may be a malfunction of the device's sensor. In other cases, this means the death of the fetus.

If at 13 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen feels tight...

Walking in high heels and lifting weights can provoke nagging pain. In this case, the woman needs to take a comfortable position, preferably lying down. After some period of time, the discomfort should go away.

Are you worried about pain or tingling in the ovaries at the 13th obstetric week - reasons?

Rapid enlargement of the uterus causes stretching of the ligaments, which leads to pain in the place where the ovaries are located. Usually such pain appears and disappears suddenly. They pose no threat.

Acute and prolonged pain in combination with elevated body temperature should cause concern.

13th week of pregnancy with IVF - what do doctors do?

At the 13th week of eco-pregnancy, doctors take anthropometric measurements and diagnose cervical pathology using ultrasound.

A blood test is performed to determine the content of pregnancy proteins PAPP-A and the beta subunit of the hCG hormone.

Is it normal if toxicosis suddenly disappears at the 13th week of pregnancy, the nausea stops, I don’t feel pregnant; is there blood?

When a pregnant woman stops vomiting, it may mean that her hormone levels have changed slightly. In this case, there is no cause for alarm.

However, the appearance of blood almost always means problems with bearing a child. To dispel all doubts, a woman needs to see a doctor.

Is it possible to detect a frozen pregnancy at 13 weeks, or does it rarely freeze at this time?

There are certain difficulties in determining a frozen pregnancy.

The first sign that the fetus has stopped developing is the disappearance of toxicosis, which is also natural for this period. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to recognize a frozen pregnancy in the early stages.

After fetal freezing occurs, other pregnancy symptoms will gradually begin to disappear. A sharp decrease in basal temperature(below 37 degrees) is also one of the signs of frozen pregnancy.

The next symptom that cannot be ignored is blood from vagina.

Miscarriage occurs more often in women who have had a similar experience in the past.

Are ARVI, influenza and other diseases dangerous at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

Many people exaggerate the danger of ARVI during pregnancy. With proper and timely treatment, colds cannot harm the unborn baby.

The most important rule– never self-medicate, as many medications can affect the course of pregnancy.

At week 13, disruptions in fetal development are practically impossible, since all important organs and systems have already formed.

But there is a list of diseases that are considered potentially dangerous during pregnancy:

  • Venereal diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Measles.
  • Rubella.
  • Hepatitis.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, toxicosis disappeared and I feel good

This is a completely expected condition - many women begin to feel better during this period. Just don’t forget to visit your doctor in a timely manner and continue to follow all recommendations.

Many people call this month the golden period. Now a woman can fully experience the pleasure of pregnancy.

This time can be devoted to such pleasant little things as planning a children's room, buying necessary goods for the baby and studying information about childbirth, which will soon be very useful for the mother.

With the advent of the second trimester, dramatic changes begin to occur in the life of the expectant mother. Finally, the terrible toxicosis and irresistible drowsiness go away. However, this is all nothing compared to the colossal work that the baby managed to do during this time. We will tell you in today’s material how the 13th week of pregnancy affects the development of the baby, and what changes should be expected in the near future.

The second trimester of pregnancy is characterized by improved well-being of the mother

During the entire pregnancy, the baby’s heart did not stop for a second; it worked hard, passing 23 liters of blood per day. In addition, at the thirteenth week the baby’s baby teeth appear.

His victories do not end there. In the formation of a complete digestive system. The intestines become a real springboard for the formation of connective tissues oriented towards food processing. The pancreas begins to produce insulin.

It is at the thirteenth week that the child’s vocal apparatus and all the muscles accompanying this process are finally formed. This period is of enormous importance for gender differentiation. Simply put, the baby “decides” whether he will be a boy or a girl.

Depending on one or another sexual characteristic, the development of internal and external genital organs occurs. At this stage, depending on gender, germ cells are produced and the prostate gland begins to form.

Of course, the most exciting moment in the pregnancy process is the identification of the baby. At the thirteenth week, this is already possible, but only if the child has taken a comfortable position. Ultrasound diagnostic specialists will most likely be able to identify the boy.

In the case of girls, incidents often occur. This is due to the fact that at the thirteenth week, the primary sexual characteristics of girls are not yet sufficiently formed, and to some extent may resemble a penis. You can verify your assumptions only with the following diagnostics.

Looking at the ultrasound picture taken at the thirteenth week, we can say with a high degree of probability that the baby’s face has already acquired expressiveness and clarity. The eyes, mouth and nose can be seen clearly.

Compared to the last visit to the diagnostician, the baby has become noticeably stronger and matured. At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is about 7-8 centimeters, weight can fluctuate between 15-25 grams.

The baby’s rapid development occurred not only physiologically, but also emotionally. At this time, the baby is already actively learning about the world around him, reacts to sounds coming from the external environment, clearly distinguishes between dark and light colors, and also responds to any interactions with the stomach, be it stroking or talking.

Photo of the fetus at 13 weeks

By this point, the child has already mastered minimal facial expressions, developed sucking and swallowing instincts, and learned to yawn very funny. At this time, the baby sleeps very little, his sleep is short and intermittent. To rest, he only needs to sleep for a few minutes.

The child remains awake for most of the day. It is also worth noting that the chaotic and disorderly movements of the fetus are a thing of the past. Now the baby moves purposefully and consciously.

The child can already appreciate how warm and good he feels in his mother’s tummy. The fact that he is happy can be judged by the smile that sometimes appears on his face.

At the thirteenth week, the baby develops tastes in food. He simply adores some foods, while he categorically rejects others, which he informs his mother about with an irresistible feeling of nausea. At this very time, it becomes clear that the child is finally prepared for full communication with his mother. Now he is able to distinguish songs, his mother’s gentle voice and many other sounds.

Your baby is the size of...

At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's height is 65-78 millimeters, its weight varies between 14-20 grams. The size of the fruit resembles a nectarine.

Meanwhile, the rapid development of the child does not stop for a single second. The fetus no longer resembles an embryo; rather, it is a fully formed little person. The baby's head began to take on its usual size; it is not as large as that of an embryo. From now on, all parts of the baby’s body are completely proportional to each other.

About this size is your baby at 13 weeks

Let's look at the most important changes in the life of the fetus that occur in the thirteenth week of pregnancy:

  • The gallbladder is fully formed, which begins to fulfill its primary task - the production of bile. With the help of the pancreas, the production of vital insulin begins. It is he who is responsible for processing glucose in the baby’s body;
  • the child begins to actively move, thereby strengthening barely formed muscles. Most of the baby's movements occur while he is awake;
  • The baby's face is already fully formed. It acquired the traits with which it would be lucky to be born. The eyes, which until this moment were located in the lateral parts of the skull, have already managed to move to their usual place. The baby actively develops a sucking reflex, a primary set of facial reactions is formed and baby teeth are formed;
  • the heart continues to actively develop and gain more and more momentum. It is capable of passing more than 20 liters of blood per day;
  • Processes associated with the activation of brain activity are launched in the baby’s head. In place of small grooves, cerebral convolutions begin to form.

Gender is still unclear

13th week of pregnancy: key changes in the body of the expectant mother

With the advent of the second trimester, the best time begins in the life of a pregnant woman. Toxicosis is a thing of the past, hormones have finally calmed down, and you can safely enjoy this wonderful time.

The body of the expectant mother has successfully coped with one of the most difficult tasks - it has adapted to the fetus that is developing in it. However, this does not mean that mommy just needs to sit back and fold her arms.

The time has come when you need to seriously think about health problems: prevent constipation, reduce swelling as much as possible, and reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Obviously, external changes are also inevitable. The outline of the waist gradually blurs, and in its place a rounded tummy appears. By the way, the thirteenth week is the best time to go shopping for clothes. Particular attention should be paid to the correct choice of underwear, on which the further course of pregnancy depends.

Special creams help with stretch marks

The bra should fit perfectly and comfortably support the breasts, which by this time have already noticeably increased in volume. It is better to give preference to bodices with wide straps. During this time, the pregnant woman's breasts continue to grow.

As practice shows, during pregnancy, the usual breast size of the expectant mother can increase by 2-3, or even 4 times.

How does the uterus change in the thirteenth week of pregnancy?

By the time the thirteenth week arrives, the uterus continues to slowly but surely increase in volume. Over time, it fills the entire hip part and begins to rise towards the abdominal cavity.

Of course, the organs that are the “legal owners” of this part of the body do not like such a neighborhood, and they begin to actively declare their dissatisfaction. As a result, a pregnant woman has to experience various consequences of such internal confrontation, manifested in the form of heartburn or excessive shortness of breath.

The uterus can already be palpated perfectly. At each examination, the attending physician records its height. Its normative value corresponds to the number of weeks. Accordingly, at the thirteenth week, the height of a pregnant woman’s uterus should reach the coveted 13 centimeters.

Moreover, its width is about 10 centimeters. At this time, the uterus becomes softer and more elastic, so you don’t have to be afraid of the resulting tone. Under normal conditions, the uterus continues to contract, but only a small number of times.

At 13 weeks, the uterus begins to rise and can already be felt

Belly at thirteen weeks of pregnancy

At this time, for miniature mothers, the belly is just beginning to appear, while for everyone else, the baby is already beginning to proudly announce itself with a protruding maternal belly, which is difficult to hide under loose clothing. Mom still needs to stay alert and monitor her body.

At this time, slight uterine tone may occur, the effect of which can be minimized if you lie down for 15-20 minutes. Then the muscles will relax and it will become much easier.

If such situations become more frequent, you should urgently consult your gynecologist.

As a rule, in such cases you cannot do without medications. Most gynecologists prescribe rectal suppositories, which will help significantly reduce uterine tone and do not pose any harm to the health of the mother and her baby.

At the same time, most women prefer to do without medication support. Avoiding problems with increased uterine tone is very simple. It is enough to give up high heels and uncomfortable shoes, not carry heavy bags and not worry.

Abdominal pain is an urgent reason to see a gynecologist

In addition, a pregnant woman may experience serious discomfort in the intestines, which in most cases is associated with excessive accumulation of gases.

In order to minimize such negative consequences, it is necessary to find out what product the body reacts to and temporarily exclude it from the diet.

Pain in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

Most pregnant women who have passed thirteen weeks complain of pain on the sides of the abdomen. Such discomfort is quite natural. This is due to significant stretching of the muscles, the main task of which is to hold the uterus. Such unpleasant sensations cannot harm the mother and her baby.

If the expectant mother suffers from cramps that literally cramp her calves, this is a clear indicator that there is an acute lack of calcium in the body. In most cases, such cramps occur in the evening or at night. Reducing the risk of such unpleasant pain is quite simple.

It is necessary to reconsider your usual diet and increase the amount of plant calcium consumed. You should not get carried away with fermented milk products with excessive calcium content, otherwise the baby may have serious problems with ossification of the fontanel, and this, in turn, leads to complications in the child’s passage through the birth canal.

Cramps are a consequence of calcium deficiency

Viral diseases in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

Unfortunately, the expectant mother is very susceptible to the flu and other viral infections. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is better to avoid crowded places, especially during periods of exacerbation of various viruses.

Fortunately, at the thirteenth week, a common viral infection is no longer as dangerous as in the initial stages of an “interesting situation,” but it is better to be on the safe side in order to avoid complications.

The consequences of an aggravated form of influenza can lead to congenital pathologies and even premature birth. In any case, prevention and treatment of viral infection must be timely and symptomatic.

Only a qualified specialist can give an accurate recommendation on which medications to resort to in order to reduce the risk of any complications.

Increase in temperature in the thirteenth week

It often happens that, against the background of a cold, the expectant mother’s temperature rises sharply. Gynecologists urge women not to panic in this case, and not to try to knock her down in every possible way.

A drug with an antipyretic effect is allowed to be taken only if the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees over the past few days. It is better to resist high temperatures with the help of medications that include paracetamol.

Plus, for the thirteenth week, a temperature of 37-37.5C ​​is the norm. And, if the expectant mother feels normal, then no measures need to be taken to “bring down” the temperature. You can only start to worry if the elevated temperature is accompanied by some kind of discharge.

Colds at week 13 are not as bad as in the early stages, but also require consultation with a doctor.

Discharge in the thirteenth week

During this period of pregnancy, the type and composition of the usual discharge may change. From now on, they took on a more liquid form, and there were more of them. Don't worry - it's completely natural.

It is extremely important that the discharge does not have any color or odor. You should urgently seek help from a doctor only if at some point the discharge suddenly changes its color and texture. For example, they changed from transparent to gray, brown or bloody.

Pain and irritation in the genital area are a clear sign of the development of a dangerous infection, which is strictly prohibited from being treated at home. The only way out of this situation is an urgent trip to the doctor. Otherwise, this situation is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage.

Bleeding at thirteen weeks of pregnancy

Although many pregnant women think that bleeding is the same as miscarriage, in fact, in some cases it is not dangerous. The first thing to do is to establish the cause of the bleeding. The following consequences may result:

  • placental abruption;
  • the presence of internal hematomas resulting from a fall;
  • trauma to the cervix, which could have been obtained as a result of an unprofessional examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse;
  • erosion;
  • low level of capillary elasticity. Due to the fact that by the thirteenth week the size of the uterus is already quite large, the capillaries simply may not develop elasticity. As a result, they burst under strong pressure.

Not all causes of bleeding can lead to pregnancy failure. However, this does not mean that you need to postpone going to the doctor. It is better to undergo an ultrasound diagnostic procedure once again.

Ultrasound at the thirteenth week of pregnancy

The first planned ultrasound diagnosis is carried out at 12-13 weeks. It is at this moment that the expectant mother meets her baby for the first time. At the thirteenth week you can already see how the small heart pulsates, how the legs and arms move.

During the diagnostic process, the doctor determines the exact duration of pregnancy, the number of embryos, evaluates the fetus for compliance with standard values, and assesses the risk of intrauterine defects.

Only a doctor will fully assess the condition of the fetus and mother

As a rule, at the thirteenth week, the expectant mother is sent for the first screening test, which will determine the risk of various pathologies associated with the development of chromosomes (for example, Down syndrome).

During a detailed diagnosis, the doctor, with special care and scrupulousness, must assess the thickness and transparency of the fetal collar zone, examine the nasal bone, and confirm or refute the presence of other physiological defects.

Using biochemical screening, you can determine the ratio of hormones and protein in the body of a pregnant woman. Based on all the laboratory tests performed, the specialist makes a conclusion about the possibility of a healthy baby being born, without any pathologies.

Mothers whose test showed a value of 1k 350 and below are at risk. However, this does not mean that the baby is guaranteed to be born sick. The screening test only indicates a high risk of a chromosomal abnormality. The chance of having a healthy baby always remains.

Based on the screening results, one can judge whether the pregnancy is normal or whether there are problems with the baby’s development (growth inhibition, malformations of internal organs, problems with the number of chromosomes).

Daily diet in the thirteenth week

A wide selection of vitamins and microelements is the main condition for the nutrition of the expectant mother. There is no need to single out just one useful microparticle. A baby's growing body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates in equal proportions.

All products that are eaten by a pregnant woman must undergo a minimum level of heat treatment, that is, they must be boiled or steamed. The expectant mother's plate should regularly include various types of lean meat, vegetables, legumes and fruits with a minimum glucose content.

In order to reduce the risk of occurrence, any meal can be supplemented with a glass of tomato juice or freshly prepared pureed vegetables and fruits. Particular attention should also be paid to plant calcium, which is found in persimmons, kiwis and lentils.

Sexual life in the thirteenth week of pregnancy

By undergoing a series of chemical reactions, a pregnant woman's libido can increase several times. However, sexual relations during this period of time can lead to serious consequences, ranging from psychological and physiological discomfort to the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

At the same time, in the thirteenth week, a woman’s erogenous zones become especially aggravated, which has a positive effect on the quality and duration of sexual intercourse. However, if a woman feels obvious discomfort, it is better to refuse sex.

The diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, different types of meat and fish

Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy

Alcohol is absolutely harmful to a developing fetus. This is due to the fact that alcohol can easily cross the placental barrier, thereby having a negative impact on the formation of the child.

It is at this time that the baby’s most important organs and vital systems are developing, which can be disrupted by one glass of wine. So before drinking, a pregnant woman should think about what is more important to her: a one-time pleasure or the presence of serious health problems for the baby.

Smoking is also unacceptable for the expectant mother. In the case of heavy smokers who cannot imagine their life without a cigarette, you can resort to special patches and less harmful substitutes. Of course, they should be selected by the attending physician.

Sitting on the couch before giving birth will only worsen the mother’s health – physical activity is necessary

Physical activity

An active life is the key to a healthy pregnancy. It is especially welcome at the turn between the first and second trimesters, when the expectant mother’s body has already fully adapted to the baby.

At the thirteenth week, the woman begins to experience a new surge of strength and energy. The best time to play sports is coming. You can go to the pool or yoga (it’s better if it’s a specialized group aimed at expectant mothers).

You can perform a special set of exercises at home. However, only if it is approved by the attending physician. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all what a pregnant woman does and how, the main thing is that she doesn’t stop moving.

Good rest, nutrition, healthy lifestyle - three components of a happy pregnancy

Necessary examinations and inspections

Most likely, the woman has already registered with the antenatal clinic, so she visits the doctor only once a month. At this time, an ultrasound can be performed in order to exclude developmental pathologies. At 13 weeks of pregnancy, it is still possible to terminate the pregnancy if a developmental abnormality is detected.

Another reason for an ultrasound examination at 13 weeks is to determine the gestational age of the fetus. The error is reduced to only two days. This is important because some women, for various reasons, cannot tell the exact date of their last menstruation.

Ultrasound is performed using a vaginal probe. The head, limbs, and beating heart are already visible on the screen. It is very difficult to determine gender at this stage. At the second ultrasound, the sex of the baby will be known for sure.

Pregnancy is not a reason to give up your usual activities, be it sports, travel or photo shoots

Recommendations regarding the lifestyle of the expectant mother:

  1. Since the tummy is already quite noticeable, it is better to avoid too tight clothing styles. Loose, simple-cut clothing will look best. It is better to choose trousers with a special elastic insert.
  2. At the thirteenth week, the baby is already able to feel his mother’s mood; he passes through all her joys and disappointments. In this regard, it is necessary to minimize various experiences and stress. You need to try to surround yourself with beautiful things, cultured and educated people, listen to light melodic music. You can sing lullabies to your baby, then after birth, he will be more willing to fall asleep to the enchanting sounds of his mother’s voice.
  3. At the beginning of the second trimester, you can begin to actively attend all sorts of classes for expectant mothers. At such courses, they teach proper breathing during labor and talk in detail about the peculiarities of pregnancy. This information will help you experience childbirth easier.
  4. If a couple wanted to go somewhere on vacation before the baby arrives, then there is no better time than the beginning of the second trimester. However, the trip can only take place in the absence of various pathologies in the development of the fetus, and with the permission of the attending physician. Such a trip will help take your mind off endless tests and visits to doctors.
  5. In order to protect your baby as much as possible, you should absolutely not take any medications without the consent of your gynecologist. This is due to the fact that even the most harmless medications can cause serious harm to the health of a still fragile baby.
  6. For the normal development of the child and the comfort of the expectant mother, restful and restful sleep is extremely important. Particular attention should be paid to the sleeping area of ​​a pregnant woman. It should be as comfortable and convenient as possible. It is better to use special bedding for expectant mothers.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, significant changes occur both with the fetus and with the mother’s feelings. Child's body proportions The body and limbs change significantly. The head no longer seems so disproportionately large.

Even the most severe toxicosis at this stage of pregnancy practically stops. A woman’s waist becomes rounder as the belly grows along with the baby at the 13th week of pregnancy.

Fetal development

The first trimester of pregnancy ends. The child's body has already achieved great success in its development. A child’s small heart pumps 23 liters per day. blood. The baby's baby teeth are already in place.

13th week of pregnancy what happens:

Gradually, the baby’s appearance becomes more expressive. The body grows, proportions change. Coccyx - parietal size of the fetus at this period is on average 7-8 cm, weight - about 25 g.

The thirteenth week of pregnancy is the period of formation of the emotional sphere. The baby is active, masters new skills, listens and reacts to manifestations of the outside world: light and darkness, sounds and silence, touches. The child becomes more and more awake, falling asleep for just a few minutes. His movements already have a certain orderliness; they are not as chaotic as before.

Baby at 13 weeks of pregnancy distinguishes the tastes and smells of food, absorbed by mom. He may not like something, but he will love something. The baby not only knows how to swallow and suck, but also yawns, makes grimaces, and smiles. The baby in the mother’s tummy is comfortable, cozy and warm, soft and calm. The sounds coming from outside lull you to sleep, and the surrounding twilight calms you down.

During this period, the placenta is finally formed, a certain amount is produced progesterone and estrogen, on which the further development of the fetus depends. The thickness of the placenta is no more than 1.5 cm. All the nutrients the baby needs are supplied through it. At the same time, toxic substances that can harm the fetus are not passed through. The placenta prevents the occurrence of Rh conflict, which occurs under the influence of the mother’s immune system on the child.

Symptoms and sensations

At week 13, mommy’s body got used to its condition and practically adapted to the changes that had occurred. Toxicosis, as a rule, is no longer a concern; the “hormonal revolt” is over. The second trimester is the calmest of all periods of pregnancy. Most of the ailments are already behind us. But this is exactly what you need to think about yourself during this period. Should be taken seriously prevention of swelling, stretch marks and constipation.

At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the belly has already become more noticeable, so you need to reconsider your wardrobe and switch to maternity clothes. Particular attention should be paid to the bra, which should support the breasts well. Wide straps do a good job of this. Throughout pregnancy, the breasts will grow and fill. It will increase two to four times.

Uterus, just like the fruit grows continuously. It fills the entire hip area and begins to rise into the abdominal area. The organs that are nearby have to make room.

At 13 weeks of pregnancy, the following symptoms appear:

Examinations and tests

At week 13 it is carried out ultrasonography. Ultrasound is a responsible and important procedure. For mothers whose pregnancy proceeds without complications, such a study at 13 weeks may be the first.

During the ultrasound, the following is assessed:

  • weight and size of the fetus;
  • determining the amount of amniotic fluid;
  • attachment to the wall of the uterus: posterior, anterior, lateral;
  • brain structure and position of internal organs.

The result obtained allows you to verify the health of the baby and mother or, if abnormalities are detected start treatment in a timely manner. During an ultrasound, specialists measure the transverse size and circumference of the baby’s tummy. The sex of the baby is still difficult to determine.


Biochemical and ultrasound screening tests differ. During pregnancy, the first screening is carried out at 11-16 weeks.

Screening includes several studies and tests. They make it possible to identify women who are at risk for developing chromosomal diseases in the fetus. It is mandatory to examine the collar zone of the fetus, evaluate its transparency and thickness, determine the absence or presence of physical defects, the presence of a nasal bone, and the level of proteins and hormones in the mother’s blood.

Tests (progesterone and hCG)

Biochemical screening includes a double test: an analysis for plasma protein PAPA-A and for the hCG hormone. Based on the hCG level, a conclusion is made about the normal course of pregnancy or the presence of abnormalities, about the correct development of the fetus, about the presence of defects, about a negative Rh factor.

At week 13, progesterone is already not very informative. There are no weekly norms for the level of this hormone. This indicator is estimated based on the trimester. The first trimester corresponds to indicators in the range of 8.9-468.4 nmol/l, in the second – 71.5-303.1 nmol/l.

The data obtained are the basis for drawing conclusions about the likelihood of having a healthy child.

Possible complications at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The consequence of the growth of the uterus during this period is pain in the abdominal area. The pain may be tolerable or a slight inconvenience.

For severe pain you need to urgently consult a doctor. Especially if it is accompanied by severe abdominal tension.

It is important for a pregnant woman to monitor her discharge. The norm is clear, white mucus in small quantities without a strong odor. If the discharge is yellow, brown, or reddish, this may indicate an illness and a threat of miscarriage.

During this period, proper nutrition is very important, as at any stage of pregnancy. The daily diet should be:

  • complete, containing all the necessary fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • healthy. Consist of natural, properly prepared products;
  • diverse. The diet should include lean meat, nuts, vegetables and fruits, legumes and cereals,

Important adjust nutrition towards the prevention of constipation. Suitable products for this include: beets, tomato juice, seaweed, apples, fruit and vegetable juices. We must not forget about the importance of calcium and be sure to include green vegetables and fruits, lentils, kiwi, and persimmons in the diet.

To ensure that pregnancy does not cause discomfort and proceeds favorably, you should adhere to certain recommendations:


At week 13, the sex life of parents can sparkle with new colors. By this time, the risk of miscarriage is already very low, and the woman’s fears and anxieties are behind her. During carrying a baby, the action of hormones significantly increases libido. The sensitivity of the genital organs increases, which makes it possible to experience new sensations from intimate intimacy with your husband.

Poor health and the threat of miscarriage may become an obstacle. In this case, it’s not worth the risk.

The 13th week of pregnancy is a special period for every mother. This is the last week of the first trimester; by this time, the fetus has developed all the vital organs. Together with the first screening, all worries and worries regarding the development of pregnancy were left behind. Now is the time to relax a little and think about the future of your baby, although you should not completely relax, because some unpleasant symptoms are replaced by others: constipation, swelling, heartburn.

The 13th obstetric week is the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy and the last week of the first trimester.

Feelings at 13 weeks

If we summarize everything that happens in week 13, we can make a whole list of events:

  • Toxicosis finally disappears. Expectant mothers can still feel its last echoes in the morning, but their appetite is already noticeably awakening. You constantly start to want something tasty.
  • The first anxieties associated with pregnancy go away and are replaced by calm and good mood.
  • The sudden change in mood becomes less noticeable.
  • The uterus continues to grow, moving into the abdominal cavity. During this period, for some women, the belly becomes rounded and becomes noticeable. For others, it is not yet visible, but do not worry that the belly is not growing, this is completely normal.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the legs, especially after long walks.
  • Constant drowsiness, fatigue and weakness go away, and overall well-being improves.
  • Frequent urination stops bothering you.
  • The hormonal background is leveled out, the body is already “accustomed” to its special state.

It is impossible not to note the speed at which a pregnant woman’s mood improves. It would seem that nothing has really changed yet, but the absence of worries and first fears, a new surge of energy, confidence in a happy future are doing their job. The woman experiences incomparable joy and is overwhelmed with the most positive emotions.

What does a baby look like at 13 weeks?

The child is already beginning to acquire normal proportions. From this age of intrauterine development, the beginning of body growth is noted. Although your baby's head is still noticeably larger, this difference is gradually decreasing.

The baby is growing rapidly, now his height is within 7-10 cm, and his weight is about 20-23 grams. But this is not all that can be said about fetal development. From this period, emotional development begins, in addition, the child already feels touch, feels warmth, and hears noise.

By the 13th week, the baby has formed all its milk teeth, and the pancreas begins to produce the first insulin. The growth of the baby does not stop for a minute, which is very important for the proper development of its muscles, bone tissue and limbs.

Surprisingly, even the baby's first ribs will soon be formed, and the tissue from which the bones of the limbs and head will be formed will be laid down.

Child development and ultrasound

As a rule, the first screening is carried out at the 12th week of pregnancy, but if for some reason the woman was unable to do this, then it is postponed to the 13th week. It is important to undergo this test before the end of the first trimester, because screening can identify possible risks of fetal development, so you should not neglect it.

As part of the screening, the first ultrasound examination is performed if the pregnancy was previously uneventful. This procedure allows you to see the baby for the first time. In addition, ultrasound determines:

  • fetal vital signs,
  • the work of the embryo's heart,
  • possible pathologies and defects,
  • size and development of the baby.

An ultrasound can also predictably reveal the sex of the child.

Normal screening at 13 weeks


The topic of sex worries all pregnant women throughout the entire pregnancy. And if in the first trimester expectant mothers, weakened by global hormonal changes and endless toxicosis, simply do not have the desire to have sex, then as their well-being improves, this desire returns and often with a vengeance.

Only a doctor can say whether or not you can have sex, after studying all the tests and examination. If there are no threats or risks, then there is no reason to deny yourself this pleasure.

As a rule, prohibitions on sexuality do not last forever. If now, for some reason, the doctor recommends abstaining, then it is better to do so.

Sex should not be had during the entire period of pregnancy in rare cases. One of them is the diagnosis of placenta previa. Sexual intimacy with such a diagnosis can become fatal, causing uterine bleeding and placental abruption.

What problems do women face at 13 weeks?

At week 13, many first encounter the concept of “uterine tone.” It is felt as a slight pain and stretching in the lower abdomen. The abdomen seems to turn to stone, and the pain can radiate to the lower back, back and sacrum. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to exclude physical activity, and it is better to lie down and lie down for a while. During this period, you should rest more, listen to yourself, observing your own well-being.

If the sensations are rare and do not cause discomfort, then there is no need to consult a doctor for help. If such symptoms become more frequent and worsen, urgent medical attention is needed. Experts recommend not lifting heavy objects, not walking in high heels, and also adhere to proper nutrition, because certain foods can also cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.

Women's breasts increase significantly in size, become heavier, and sometimes there is a darkening of the nipples and the skin around them. Your existing underwear becomes tight, so it is normal to change some items of clothing by the 13th week. A woman’s waist becomes smoother, her sides are rounded, and here it is also worth switching to loose-fitting clothes.

Light brown spots appear on the skin, a stripe appears from the pubis to the navel, which is due to certain hormonal changes. There is no need to worry about this, because after childbirth such symptoms will disappear on their own.

You should carefully monitor the discharge. Normally, they should be uniform, white or light beige. Any change in color or the appearance of any inclusions should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Remember that brown, pink or bloody discharge is always associated with the risk of losing your baby. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately.

Doctors recommend leading a healthy lifestyle, breathing more fresh air and continuing to enjoy life. In the near future, another period will come, it will have its own characteristics and experiences, so now is the time to relax, think about a name for your baby and his future life with you.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

Q: How to treat a cold in the first trimester of pregnancy?

A: It is better to be treated with folk remedies and drink more fluids. If the disease occurs at a high temperature, you can bring it down with paracetamol. However, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

V.: At the first screening, marginal placenta previa was diagnosed. Is it dangerous?

A: No, it's not dangerous. Physical activity and sex life should be limited. After a few weeks, as the fetus grows, the placenta may rise on its own.

Q: At 13 weeks I often have a headache. What can you drink for a headache?

A: It’s better, of course, not to abuse medications, but to spend more time in the fresh air. But if the pain is very severe, then you can drink half of citramone or paracetamol. If headaches are frequent, consult your doctor; there may be a reason for this (for example, low blood pressure), then you need to eliminate the cause.

Nutrition for pregnant women

The 13th week of pregnancy will mark the disappearance of morning sickness. For those whose toxicosis was especially severe, this week will be a real holiday. Your appetite wakes up and you want to eat everything at once. This is natural and there is nothing surprising here, but you must definitely moderate your ardor, because there is no need to gain extra pounds.

Remember that the food you eat should not only be tasty, but also healthy. For normal development, a baby needs a lot of calcium, vitamins and minerals. Vitamins in tablets are always good, but those taken from natural products are much better absorbed.

The following products should be a priority:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • lean meat;
  • tomato juice
  • bran bread;
  • seaweed, etc.

It is advisable to avoid eating fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods. At the very least, it is better to limit the amount of such food. It is certainly tasty, but it does not bring any benefit either to the child or to the mother.

Overeating after debilitating toxicosis can backfire. Pregnancy is a stress on all body systems, and the digestive system is no exception. Heartburn, constipation, diarrhea and other “joys” are guaranteed if you are not careful about your diet.

The first trimester ends with the thirteenth week of pregnancy. This means that all fears and anxieties can be left behind; you must already register with the consultation. This week is a fairly calm period to collect your thoughts, relax and start buying a new wardrobe.

Feeling good, which gradually returns in the 13th week, is not a reason to completely relax. We need to take care of the prevention of edema and do many other important things.

Toxicosis and constant drowsiness are gradually becoming a thing of the past. As your belly grows, your mood increases and mood swings become less common. A pregnant woman is cheerful and cheerful and can lead an active lifestyle. Starting this week, you can feel the whole range of positive emotions that are associated with bearing a baby.

For most women, the shape of their abdomen begins to change significantly from this week. It increases in size and becomes rounded. The discharge becomes a little heavier because hormone levels change. This week many people are complaining of constant constipation.

Feelings at 13 weeks of pregnancy

It becomes difficult to hide your condition at this stage. The belly may still be unnoticeable, but a certain wardrobe change is required. For example, the time has come to give up your favorite heels and switch only to comfortable shoes.
In general, the main feeling of this week is complete peace, desire and opportunity to enjoy your wonderful state.

Changes in the mother's body at 13 weeks of pregnancy

The main problem at the thirteenth week for many women is gas formation, which causes constant stomach pain. This is a natural process because intestinal motility has decreased significantly. You can alleviate the condition if you eat a lot of prunes and dried apricots.

Also, a pregnant woman often has a headache, so she needs to constantly ventilate the room. A short nap will help, after which the pain will quickly subside. To calm the nervous system, you can drink chamomile or lemon balm. At this stage, a woman’s belly becomes noticeably rounder. If one fetus is pregnant, then it is still possible to hide the position. If there are two or more babies inside, then it will no longer be possible to hide the pregnancy.

Baby at 13 weeks.

During this period, the baby grows like clockwork. Its size reaches almost eight centimeters, and its weight is about twenty grams. If compared to a fruit, the child has already reached the size of a peach.

By this very short period of time, the child has already formed all of his baby teeth. The pancreas begins to produce the first insulin. The body grows very quickly and the head is no longer so large in relation to it. The fruit is still quite small in size, but is already constantly moving. He needs this to train his muscles and limbs. The child rests only during breaks for restorative sleep.

During this same period, bone tissue and muscles begin to form. The digestive system has its own changes: villi have appeared, which are responsible for the future processing of food. At the thirteenth week, the formation of the vocal apparatus occurs, and the appearance gradually acquires individual features.

What's new?

A woman's hormonal levels are relatively stabilized and calmed down. Mood swings are a thing of the past, and former worries seem stupid and ridiculous. Nausea also goes away during this period, and appetite improves. Urination is no longer as frequent.

Gradually growing, the uterus passes into the abdominal cavity. Because of this, the internal organs are slightly displaced, which causes shortness of breath and heartburn. If you walk for a long time, heaviness in your limbs will bother you. Therefore, such useful walks in the fresh air on foot will have to be dosed.

External and internal development of the fetus:

  • Formation of bone and muscle tissue;
  • Beginning of insulin production by the pancreas;
  • Development of the digestive system (the appearance of villi for digesting food);
  • The appearance of the vocal apparatus;
  • Determination of gender. Previously, in place of the genital organ there was only a genital tubercle, but now it has become either a penis or a clitoris;
  • The beginning of the development of germ cells (in girls) or the prostate gland (in boys);
  • The heart pumps up to twenty-three liters of blood every day;
  • The formation of baby teeth has been completed;
  • Appearance acquires individual features;
  • The body grows faster than the head;
  • The baby begins to move in an orderly manner;
  • The child sleeps much less than before;
  • Reacts to external influences: cold or warm, light or dark, noisy or quiet around;
  • Distinguishes the taste and smell of food that mother eats. Own tastes are formed. It is because of the mother’s nutrition in the second trimester that the child in the future likes or dislikes some specific foods;
  • The baby can no longer only swallow and suck, but also yawn, make grimaces, and smile. It reacts to external stimuli;

The thirteenth week of the entire pregnancy is considered almost the calmest. We must use it as much as possible to communicate with the child.

We will probably not be mistaken in saying that for almost every person a good morning begins with a cup of aromatic coffee. Only one thing can stop them: eh?

Weight gain at 13 weeks of pregnancy

At the described period, weight gain ranges from 0.9 kg to 2.3 kg. There are special calculators for weight gain during pregnancy (you can find them on the Internet), with which you can calculate the exact weight gain in each specific case.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 13 weeks

A pregnant woman's breasts are still sensitive. She continues to increase in size. Sometimes a feeling of tightness appears, which means it’s time to change your usual underwear, because it has become tight. Colostrum can be released from the nipples, although not every woman experiences this exactly at the thirteenth week.

Pigmentation often appears on the body. The area near the nipples becomes dark, darkened stripes also appear from the navel to the pubis, light brown spots often appear even on the face. This occurs due to new hormonal changes and after childbirth, all manifestations of this kind should disappear. At the thirteenth week, you can buy pants with a special insert for the tummy.

What happens to the belly at 13 weeks of pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus is increased, which means that a woman may feel pain or stretching in the lower abdomen. If the phenomenon is quite frequent, you should contact a gynecologist who will prescribe strengthening medications. When the condition is very serious and the lower abdomen hurts greatly, you must definitely go to bed to rest. Walking in heels, heavy weights – all this provokes painful sensations. Gas can also cause pain. To minimize gas formation, you need to eat right.

For many women, by the thirteenth week, their belly is already noticeable and difficult to hide under tight-fitting clothes. But some women's bellies look as if they have simply gained weight.


The fetus grows, which means the uterus also grows. By the period described, it already rises quite high and fills not only the hip area, but also the peritoneum. Organs that are nearby experience discomfort. Hence the appearance of shortness of breath and heartburn, and other physical troubles.

At the next examination by a doctor, he will be sure to note changes in the fundus of the uterus. At the thirteenth week, the size of the uterus should be 13*10. If the woman is not very large, then the uterus can even be felt. Starting from the second trimester, the uterus becomes more elastic, and its contractions will no longer be so long.

Pain and discharge at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen, as noted above, can bother a pregnant woman at the 13th week. You should consult a doctor if the pain is regular or accompanied by bloody, lingering discharge. In such a situation, you must go to the hospital immediately, and also limit movement as much as possible. When the uterus and muscles stretch, pain may appear on the side. This is not a dangerous condition and you just need to give your body rest for a while.

If a pregnant woman’s body lacks calcium, she may experience pain in the legs, as well as cramps in the calves. In such a situation, the diet should be reviewed and many plant foods high in calcium should be included in the menu.

At the thirteenth week, the discharge often becomes stronger and thinner, but its color and smell should not change. If the discharge has a cheesy consistency, begins to bubble, causes itching and irritation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, do not hesitate to visit a doctor if the discharge is yellow or red, green and brown, and has a strong and unpleasant smell. All this can be the cause of a sexually transmitted infection or a threat of miscarriage.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

If the pregnancy proceeded without complications, then at the thirteenth week the pregnant woman will have her first ultrasound. This is a great opportunity to see the baby and also find out its gender. During an ultrasound, the doctor listens to the fetal heartbeat, evaluates vital signs, and makes sure that there are no serious defects.

At the same time, screening is carried out for the first time - this is a study to identify chromosomal abnormalities. The procedure also helps to set the due date and clarify the number of fetuses. There is a procedure of this type, biochemical and ultrasound. The fetus is assessed for the thickness and transparency of the nuchal region, the presence and size of the nasal bone, and is examined for the presence of physical defects. The mother is tested for proteins in the blood, as well as to determine hormone levels.

Also at the thirteenth week you need to take a test for the hormone hCG and PAPA-A (plasma protein). This is a mandatory research program during pregnancy. Progesterone at this stage is not as informative as it was during the first trimester. The results of hCG allow the doctor to conclude whether the pregnancy is normal or not.


By the thirteenth week, a woman is already completely accustomed to her position, fears and anxieties gradually go away. Therefore, sex life becomes brighter and more interesting. Moreover, even brighter than in the first year after the wedding. After all, a woman’s body is affected by hormones that greatly increase sexual desire. The sensitivity of the genital organs also increases (due to the constant flow of blood), so the pregnant woman experiences new sensations from intimacy.


Toxicosis goes away and you want to eat everything. But there is no need to go to extremes and a pregnant woman must control her diet. Otherwise, you can gain extra pounds ahead of schedule, which can be fraught with various kinds of complications.

From now on, you need to completely eliminate or eat in minimal quantities sweets and starchy foods, salty and fried foods. Because toxicosis gave way to heartburn. Be sure to include lean meats, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, and grains in your daily menu.

Dangers and complications

At the thirteenth week, the likelihood of developing thrush increases, which is manifested by severe itching and burning in the vagina, and curd-like discharge. Thrush (candidiasis) is activated due to hormonal changes in the body and deterioration of the immune system. If signs of this disease appear, it is imperative to begin treatment as quickly as possible in order to get rid of the scourge before delivery.

Colds are no longer as dangerous as they were in the previous period. But a severe illness can cause premature birth or abnormalities in the development of the baby. Therefore, as soon as a runny nose appears or the temperature rises, it is necessary to be treated immediately. You should not prescribe medicine for yourself; let a specialist do it.

You can be glad that toxicosis is over. The menu will now become more diverse. But you still shouldn’t overeat, especially sweet and flour products. If you want sweets, preference should be given to fruits and dried fruits.

What else to do in the thirteenth week:

  • Attend a pregnancy course with your partner to start preparing for childbirth and calm your nerves;
  • Do exercises to tone muscles;
  • Walk more;

The thirteenth week of pregnancy during the entire period of bearing a baby is one of the calmest. A woman begins to come to her senses after the first trimester and feel (finally) joy and positivity from her situation. At this time, you need to walk more, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and start talking to your baby.