Property as the basis of production relations. Question: Property as the basis of production relations Property as the basis of production relations briefly

The category of “property” has always been under the close attention of economists. Both ancient philosophers and thinkers and modern authors devoted their works to issues of property. At all times, this topic has been relevant, because property determines the very system of social relations. The forms of distribution, exchange, and consumption also depend on the nature of established forms of ownership. Property has a decisive influence on the position of certain groups and classes in society, on their social status, and the ability to access the use of goods.

Property: economic and legal aspects

Property is one of the most complex economic categories. Property usually refers to property owned by someone. However, this interpretation is erroneous, since in this case we are talking about an object of property. Property expresses the exclusive right of the subject to use the property. Subject of property (owner)- the active side of property relations, represented by a person, a group of persons who own, manage and use any property. Property - the passive side of property relations in the form of any property owned in whole or in part by the owner. The legislation of most countries defines real estate, movable property and intellectual property as objects of property. Real estate - property consisting of land, buildings and structures, as well as infrastructure. Movable property- machinery, equipment, tools, durable goods (cars, furniture, etc.). Intellectual property represented by scientific and technical inventions, achievements in the field of art and literature, as well as other products of human intelligence.

Property is not property, but a system of relations between people regarding this property. Property - a system of economic and legal relations characterizing the socio-economic and organizational forms of property appropriation. In other words, property is a sanctioned, socially recognized relationship between people that arises in connection with the existence of goods and their use. The category “property” is a consequence of the fact of the rarity of resources and the possibility of their alternative use. Property relations are a system of restricting other people's access to rare resources, to any property. The main component of property relations is appropriation, i.e. alienation of a thing from other people. Alienation is the deprivation of a given person of the opportunity to use certain property. In other words, for one person certain property is his own, and all other people perceive this property as someone else’s.

The formation of property can go in different ways: through production, exchange, distribution, conquest, donation, treasure hunting, etc. However, in any case, it is based on labor, both peaceful (the work of an artisan, peasant, merchant, hired worker) and military (work of a warrior). Property turns into someone's property thanks to labor, and its results cannot be ownerless. Labor is the fundamental basis of property.

Ownership, use and disposal should be distinguished from property as a complete form of appropriation and alienation.

Possession is a simpler relationship than ownership. Possession - incomplete, limited property, involving partial appropriation. Possession is the actual possession of property. Ownership gives the owner the right to unlimited disposal of property in his own interests. The owner’s ability to use this property is always limited to the interests of its owner. In other words, the owner uses the property on terms determined by the owner. In modern conditions, ownership is part of property relations. Use- the actual use of a thing depending on its purpose. Thanks to the relationship of use, the owner of the property or its owner sells an object of property that they themselves cannot or do not want to use. If the user is not the owner of the property, then he must use it only in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by the owner. Order- the right of the subject to dispose of the property, i.e., making decisions regarding the functioning of the property. Disposition - actions related to the alienation of property from its owner (sale, donation, exchange, pledge, etc.). In principle, the manager must receive the right to dispose of the property from the owner-owner. In other words, property is a whole, and its elements are possession, use and disposal. In economic relations there are different combinations of ownership, use and disposal. These rights can be concentrated in one individual. For example, a peasant, who is the owner of a plot of land, decides on the method of its use and independently cultivates it. The listed rights may belong to different people. For example, the owner-occupier of land puts it at the disposal of a tenant, who hires agricultural workers to cultivate it, i.e., the direct users.

One of the most common options for interpreting property in modern conditions is the theory of property rights. Development property rights theories The works of many prominent economists are devoted - R. Coase, A. Alchian, D. North, R. Posner, etc. The authors of the theory argue that property is a set of rights (“a bundle of rights”) regarding the use of a thing. These include: the right of ownership (the right to exclusive physical control over a thing); right of use (the right to use the useful properties of a thing for oneself); right of management (the right to decide how, by whom and how the property will be used); the right to income (the right to have results from the use of property); the right of the sovereign (the right to consume, alienate, change or destroy a good); the right to security (the right to protection from expropriation of property and harm from the external environment); the right to transfer benefits by inheritance (the owner’s right to appoint a successor to this property); the right to perpetual possession; prohibition of use in a manner harmful to the environment; the right to liability in the form of collection (the right to collect property in payment of a debt); the right to a residual nature (the right to the existence of public institutions and procedures that ensure the restoration of the violated rights of the owner). The listed rights are sanctioned by society, its traditions, customs, legislation and determine the relationships between people that develop in connection with the existence of goods and their use.

It is important to distinguish between the concept of “property” in the legal and economic sense. Any economic relations are determined by corresponding economic actions, regardless of society’s understanding of these actions. Legal relations are a reflection of the rules that society consciously develops. Property like legal category, determines the belonging of an object of property to its subject, owner; regulates the turnover of property, i.e. change of owner. Property as a legal category represents the relationship between people regarding the ownership, use and disposal of property, where the will of some people is the limit for the will of others. Lawyers operate with existing property; they do not consider the issue of its origin. How economic category property expresses relations of appropriation. In this case, property is social-production relations between people regarding the appropriation of material goods, and primarily the means of production. Economists study issues of acquiring property through production, exchange, and distribution. For economic theory, the object of property is very important, since the possession of unique property gives the owner a special social status in relation to other people who do not have such property.

With economy from a property-economy point of view. relations between people regarding the ownership, use, disposal, management of material and spiritual goods. The object of property can be land, natural resources, means of production, property, securities, value, money, information, labor.

Subjects of property: individual, group of people, company, society

Property functions:

1) it makes a person free, independent, protected.

2) creates conditions for the establishment of democratic and legal principles in society.

3) makes a person enterprising, because guarantees the assignment of production results.

4) Forces you to look for ways to find an optimal economic solution. problems

Property comes in various forms and types. It can be divided into 3 types of property appropriation: 1) private property, 2) common shared property 3) common joint property

1)Private property means that individuals treat property as a personal source of wealth. It comes in two types: a) the property of a sole owner working for himself; b) the property of a sole owner using someone else’s labor

2) Common shared ownership. is formed by combining the private contributions of all participants into common property. There are: a) joint stock company; b) partnership; c) production cooperative: d) business association; e) joint ventures

3) general joint property. happens: a) primitive communal; b) property of a peasant household; c) common family property; d) state property; d) municipal property.

Production Possibilities Curve" and its methodological significance

Production curve possibilities - a graph showing the maximum possible production volumes of only two products. To build a model, we will resort to abstraction. Let's consider an economy in which two products are produced: means of production and consumption. goods. Each point on this curve represents a specific and marginal combination of volumes of goods of these two types. Point N shows that production is not efficient; society can produce more. Point M shows that there are not enough resources to produce such a quantity of products. such production is impossible

Commodity farming is a form of economic organization in which the products of labor are economical. form of goods. A product is a product of labor or a service offered to customers for the purpose of its subsequent acquisition and use. This is a product intended not for personal consumption, but for exchange or sale.

Any product has the following characteristics:
1) consumer value (this is the usefulness of a product, its ability to satisfy certain human needs)

2) Exchange value - the ability of a thing to be exchanged for other useful things in certain proportions - ratios

3) cost – human labor embodied in a product

4) price - monetary expression of the value of a product (K. Marx)

Products are:
1) personal goods
2) industrial goods

Problems of production capabilities and economic efficiency. Economic efficiency as an economist. category

Limited resources must be used by selecting the most optimal option from alternative uses. The meaning of choice is efficiency, i.e. such use is economical. Resources at which the maximum is achieved. meeting the needs of society at minimal cost. The problem of choice is endless. Choice means that we are not limited to one decision, but have many of them. The choice is between economy. options for using resources. Each resource can be applied to meet different needs. Economy helps you make the right choice. model called the production possibilities curve. Production curve possibilities - a graph showing the maximum possible production volumes of only two products. To build a model, we will resort to abstraction. Let's consider an economy in which two products are produced: means of production and consumption. goods. Each point on this curve represents a specific and marginal combination of volumes of goods of these two types. The problem of increasing management efficiency in order to optimize operating efficiency is one of the most important for an enterprise. The concept of effectiveness is multifaceted, especially considering that the word “effect” means both the result of some action and the impression made by someone on someone else. This impression may have economic, environmental, organizational, legal, social, ethical and other connotations and, accordingly, may have different results. Therefore, efficiency in general should be understood as a complex of economic, social, environmental and other problems that must be solved systematically. At the same time, based on consistency, one can consider economic, organizational, social, environmental and other types of efficiency

Property, as an economic category, expresses the relationship of appropriation (alienation) of objects and economic goods created with their help in the process of their production, distribution, exchange and consumption. That is, the fact of ownership of economic goods must be recognized not only by the owner himself, but also by other subjects, therefore the right of ownership arises as a social relationship.

Own- these are relations between people regarding the appropriation, ownership, disposal and use of property, resources, and means of production. These relationships determine who and how appropriates the results of production and carries out the management process.

Object property can be used by the owner himself or another person. It is best when the owner, worker and manager are united in one entity - collective or individual. In this case there is no profit sharing. In practice, as a rule, the property is separated from the owner, and therefore there is a division of profits between the owners and other entities. In this case, the owner is forced to transfer part of it to them

your property.


- possession– this is the right of exclusive physical control over goods, secured by law;

- order– the right to decide who will use the property and how;

- use– the right to use the beneficial properties of goods for oneself;

- right to income from the sale of property.

To sell property means to use its objects at your own discretion. Economic realization of property means such use of its objects that allows you to receive income in any form.

Forms sales of property are:

1 Rent.

2 Bank interest, that is, the interest paid to depositors by banks.

3 Loan interest, that is, the interest charged to borrowers for using a loan.

4 Product from the manufacturer’s own economic activities.

5 Profit as a result of the use of hired labor.

6 Dividends on shares and interest-bearing bonds.

An individual or legal entity who owns the rights to own, use and dispose of this property is called owner.

The owner of the property located in economic management (ownership, use, disposal), resolves issues of creating an enterprise, determining the subject and goals of its activities, its reorganization and liquidation, appoints a director (manager) of the enterprise, exercises control over the use for its intended purpose and the safety of property belonging to the enterprise.

The owner has the right to receive a part profits from the use of property, under the economic management of an enterprise that does not have the right to sell real estate owned by it under the right of economic management, lease it out, pledge it, make a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of other enterprises, etc. without the owner's consent.

Fruits, products and income, received from the use of property belong to the owner of the property and/or the enterprise in whose economic control this property is located.

In Russia, private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized, while the legislation defines those types of property that can only be in state or municipal ownership.

Owned citizens and legal entities, who acquire and exercise their civil rights of their own will and in their own interest and who are free to establish their rights and their obligations on the basis of a contract (including the determination of any conditions that do not contradict the legislation), any property may be located, while the right of private property may be limited on the basis of federal law and to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

State property is property owned by the right of ownership of the Russian Federation (federal property) or its subjects - republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts (property of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation). State-owned property is assigned to state enterprises and institutions for possession, use and disposal.

Municipal property is property owned by urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipalities, on behalf of which property rights are exercised by local government bodies (or trustees). Property that is in municipal ownership is assigned to municipal enterprises and institutions for economic management, while local budget funds and other municipal property not assigned to these institutions constitute the municipal treasury of the corresponding municipal entity. Property in state and municipal ownership may be transferred by its owner into the ownership of citizens and legal entities in accordance with the legislation on the privatization of state and municipal property.

Persons who are not owners, however, may have real right, For example:

a) the right to lifelong inheritable ownership of a land plot;

b) the right to permanent (indefinite) use of the land plot;

c) easement (the right to use someone else’s property within certain limits, for example, the right of passage to a water source through a neighboring plot);

d) the right to manage property;

e) the right to operational management of property.

Property occupies a central place in the economic system. It determines the economic way of connecting the worker with the means of production, the purpose of the functioning and development of the economic system, the social structure of society, the nature of the incentives for work, and the method of distributing the results of labor. Property relations shape all other types of economic relations.

Property is always associated with certain objects, things, but the concept of property cannot be reduced to its material content. A thing becomes property when people enter into certain relationships with each other regarding it.

The main characteristic is not what is appropriated, but by whom and how it is appropriated.

Property is the relationship between people regarding the appropriation of the means of production and products of labor.

In the production process, material resources are used, i.e. means of production. However, the means of production by themselves, without close contact with human labor, cannot produce goods; it is man who sets them in motion. For the production process to begin, it is necessary to connect the means of production with labor power, which together form the productive forces of society.

Productive forces are the means of production and people, with their experience and knowledge, who set these means of production in motion.

Labor power is the main, decisive element of the productive forces, since:

The labor force contains all the production experience accumulated over many generations;

The means of production are created by people;

The means of production become an element of the production process only as a result of people’s labor activity.

The interaction between labor and means of production is reflected by production technology, i.e. ways of human influence on the subject of labor, therefore productive forces characterize production from the technical side. It is the development of productive forces that determines the improvement of human society, the criterion and indicator of social progress.

Productive forces express man’s relationship with nature, but by entering into active interaction with it, people simultaneously enter into relationships with each other. A person cannot live and produce isolated from society, alone.

Certain connections and relationships that people enter into during the production process are called production or economic relations.

Production relations are relationships between people regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.

Production relations represent a social form of production through which people appropriate objects of nature.

There are: organizational-economic relations and socio-economic relations.

Organizational-economic relations are relationships between people in the process of organizing production as such, regardless of its nature.

Socio-economic relations are relationships between people regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods. They are formed on the basis of relations of ownership of the means of production.

The totality of all economic processes occurring in society on the basis of property relations and organizational forms operating in it represents the economic system of society.

The main elements of the economic system are:

Socio-economic relations;

Organizational forms of economic activity;

Economic mechanism;

Specific economic ties between economic entities.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concept of property as an economic category and the legal right of ownership.

In the economic sense, property is complex economic relations between people that develop in social production.


1. Relations of property assignment. Appropriation is an economic connection between people that establishes their relationship to things as their own. The opposite of appropriation is the relationship of alienation.

2. Relations of economic use of property arise when the owner of the means of production himself is not engaged in productive activities, but gives others the right to own his property under certain conditions (lease relations).

Lease is an agreement to provide a person’s property for temporary use to another person for a certain fee.

3. Economic sale of property. It occurs when it brings income (profit, rent) to its owner.

The legal side of property is manifested in the fact that the subject has certain rights to the object, guaranteeing him the opportunity to own, dispose and use the property.

Possession is a property relationship that characterizes the ownership of an object by a certain entity from the legal side.

Disposition is a type of property relationship through which the manager has the right to deal with the object in any desired way (within the framework of the law and contract).

Use is the use of a property in accordance with its purpose.

There are two sides to property relations:

· The subject of property (owner) is the active party to the property (individual, legal entity).

· The object of property (property) is a passive party, i.e. something that is appropriated by the owner.

Property relations have come a long way of development, during which there have been repeated changes in forms of ownership and evolution of types of ownership.

The following types and forms of ownership are distinguished:

· Common property exists when people united in groups treat the means of production and other material goods as jointly owned by them. There is equality of owners in relation to the conditions of life support. The main forms of this type of property are: primitive communal and family.

· Private property is a type of property where a private person has the exclusive right to own, dispose and use the property and receive income.

Main forms: labor and non-labor private property.

Labor property develops and increases from entrepreneurial activity, running one’s own household and other forms based on the labor of a given person.

Unearned property arises as a result of receiving property by inheritance, dividends from stocks, bonds, income from funds invested in credit institutions, and other sources not related to labor activity.

· Mixed property is a type of property in which general and private appropriation are combined in different ways.

Main forms: joint stock ownership, rental ownership, cooperative ownership, ownership of business associations and partnerships, ownership of joint ventures.

· State property is the property of all people of a given country. Management and disposal of property objects here on behalf of the people is carried out by government bodies.

There is currently no state in the world where in the classical form there would be only one type of property; on the contrary, their interweaving is observed. Different types and forms of ownership form different types of management (state enterprises, joint stock companies, cooperatives, private enterprises, etc.), which, as world experience has shown, is effective in the development of productive forces and production relations in society.

Economic theory: lecture notes Dushenkina Elena Alekseevna

Lecture No. 3. Property as the basis of industrial relations

« Own“This is the axis around which all legislation revolves and with which, one way or another, the rights of citizens are mostly correlated” (G. W. F. Hegel).

Property in general is a relationship between people that determines who owns certain goods. For entrepreneurship, the main importance is the relationship of ownership of the means of production (land, structures, buildings, equipment, tools, etc.). The relationship of ownership of the means of production is the appropriation of the means of production (possession, disposal, use); use of means of production and sale of property.

The starting point is the relationship of appropriation of the means of production. Through these relations, the right of various subjects (private individuals, enterprises, the state) to be the owners of the corresponding means of production is established and secured at the legislative level, namely: to own, use and dispose of them.

Relations of economic use of means of production arise only when the owner of these means does not use them personally, but provides them for temporary use to other persons, for example, rents them out.

The relations of economic realization of property appear only when the means of production used bring income to their owner (profit, rent, etc.).

Own is the right of a person, enterprise or state, recognized by society and protected by law, to own, use and dispose of any resource or economic product.

The property has the following characteristics:

1) material form;

2) the presence of relations associated with appropriation;

3) the existence of a dependence of the income received by the owner of the property on the means of production belonging to him;

4) the presence of legal documents regulating property relations.

In this case, the property performs the following functions:

1) connects the means of production and labor;

2) organizes and manages objects belonging to the owner of the property;

3) distributes the benefit;

4) saves and accumulates wealth;

5) stimulates and encourages the property owner to use his resources more efficiently.

Types of property can be distinguished along two main lines:

1) by subject, i.e. who owns the property;

2) by objects, i.e. what the owner owns.

The first line (by subjects) is most important for the economy. Here you can see a wide variety of forms of ownership, but there are two main types.

1. Private property expresses the appropriation of the means of production and the results of production by individuals, i.e., a private individual receives the right to own, use and dispose of. Positive features of private ownership: powerful incentives to work hard; the basis of material well-being; guarantor of freedom and independence of the individual; moral satisfaction of the owner. But there is also a negative feature: individualism, selfishness and the desire for acquisitiveness develop, while disunity in society increases.

Private property has two main forms:

1) property of the citizens themselves (individual property);

2) property of legal entities (property of organizations, enterprises, firms, companies, etc.).

2. Public (public) property characterized by the joint appropriation of the means and results of production.

It can come in two forms:

1) collective, in which the rights of the owner are exercised by a group of people;

types of collective property:

a) rental - the labor collective leases the property of a state enterprise for a certain period and on the terms of paid ownership;

b) cooperative - the common property of all members of the cooperative, whose property arises as a union of shares (contributions) of participants;

c) joint stock – shares are issued in proportion to the value of the enterprise’s property; the object of property is financial capital and other property obtained as a result of economic activity;

d) the property of public associations and religious organizations is created at their own expense, through donations or transfer by the state of its property; the subjects of ownership may be the church, sports societies, trade unions, etc.;

2) state property, which can take the following forms:

a) federal property, which is the property of all citizens of the Russian Federation; it includes: land, its subsoil, state budget funds, etc.;

b) regional property, owned by residents of a certain region of the country;

c) municipal property, the right of ownership of which belongs to local authorities; it includes housing stock, trade enterprises, consumer services, transport enterprises, etc.

Public ownership is absolutely necessary in areas such as science, education, health care, social security, etc.

In different countries and at different times, the relationship between private and public property is not the same. For social and other purposes, governments of various countries carry out either nationalization or privatization of property.

Nationalization is the nationalization of property, its transfer from the private sector of the economy to the public sector. It can be of two types:

1) gratuitous, i.e. without compensation for material damage;

2) compensated, i.e. with full or partial compensation for damage.

Privatization is the transfer of state property to citizens or legal entities. More often, the transfer of property occurs through its sale at auctions, as well as leasing with subsequent purchase.

There are other processes of denationalization (enterprises are freed from direct government control), the forms of which are:

1) rent;

3) creation of associations, joint-stock companies, cooperatives, etc.

Privatization processes occur differently in each country. However, they all face the following difficulties:

1) the connection between privatization and changes in power relations in society;

2) the scale of privatization;

3) lack of a rational market-competitive environment;

4) technical difficulties;

5) the need for ideological choice;

6) lack of the necessary institutional structure at the initial stage.

Under normal conditions, nationalization and privatization cover only certain sectors of the economy.

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